The Hollow: A Brief Overview of a Mysterious Tale The Hollow, originally a novel by Agatha Christie, revolves around a perplexing murder mystery set in a country house. In this classic whodunit, Christie introduces readers to an intricate plot where suspicions are cast upon various characters, all with possible motives. The story features Hercule Poirot, the famous detective, who uncovers secrets and ultimately solves the case through his trademark blend of observation and deduction. The narrative unfolds as a group of guests gathers at The Hollow, a large countryside estate. The apparent harmony of the setting is shattered when one of the guests, Dr. John Christow, is found dead by the swimming pool, with his wife, Gerda, holding the murder weapon. What seems like an open-and-shut case quickly spirals into a web of deceit, with hidden emotions, love triangles, and long-held grudges coming to light. Christie’s genius lies in her ability to weave a complex story while keeping readers on the edge of their seats. Each character plays a critical role in maintaining the suspense, and the setting of The Hollow adds to the eerie atmosphere of isolation and secrecy. Poirot, who happens to be staying nearby, steps in to untangle the truth, revealing a solution that surprises both the characters and the readers alike. More Info Here: Agatha Christie Audio books Read By Hugh Fraser - playlist #MurderMystery #AgathaChristie #TheHollow #ClassicCrime #Whodunit
The inimitable Hugh Fraser. Irrelevant that he played the part of Hastings in the Poirot series (but he was absolutely marvellous in that) - Hugh Fraser creates an entire world one can almost touch, real characters one can almost see, with his voice and sympathetic (in the old fashioned use of the word) telling of the Christie stories.
Well read n narrated, thanks Mr Hugh Fraser.😊👍😊. Always enjoy listening into your natural pleasant n gifted voice. That gently animated presentation of the story told! Like n love it! 🙏💖🇸🇬💖🙏
Thank you for uploading this reading of 'The Hollow'. It is a pleasure to hear the full book, which is so much better than the television version (Midge is so important to the story as emotional and moral counterpoint, and yet the televised version reduced her role to nearly nothing). Hugh Fraser's reading is delightful, as always. Can anyone tell me why Henrietta wanted her sculpture of Nausicaa to have a 'blind stare'? The only Nausicaa I know, in the Odyssey, was certainly not blind.
Thanks Dale for listening, have you seen Agatha Christie Audio books Read By Hugh Fraser playlist:
thank for listening, i add the music from my collection while editing. i've since made a video with some of the music i use here:
Thanks for listening, i add the music from my collection while editing. i've since made a video with some of the music i use here:
@@alanfordyce thanks for the link. Do you have one for the particular piece alone? It'd be great ambience for winding down for sleep. Did you compose it?
Thanks for listening, I don't have any control over the volume of Advert's, If you do get them maybe clear your browser cache and cookies might help reduce the volume of ads on TH-cam you get (these follow you around the internet) just a tip! and thanks again for having a listen though
The Hollow: A Brief Overview of a Mysterious Tale
The Hollow, originally a novel by Agatha Christie, revolves around a perplexing murder mystery set in a country house. In this classic whodunit, Christie introduces readers to an intricate plot where suspicions are cast upon various characters, all with possible motives. The story features Hercule Poirot, the famous detective, who uncovers secrets and ultimately solves the case through his trademark blend of observation and deduction.
The narrative unfolds as a group of guests gathers at The Hollow, a large countryside estate. The apparent harmony of the setting is shattered when one of the guests, Dr. John Christow, is found dead by the swimming pool, with his wife, Gerda, holding the murder weapon. What seems like an open-and-shut case quickly spirals into a web of deceit, with hidden emotions, love triangles, and long-held grudges coming to light.
Christie’s genius lies in her ability to weave a complex story while keeping readers on the edge of their seats. Each character plays a critical role in maintaining the suspense, and the setting of The Hollow adds to the eerie atmosphere of isolation and secrecy. Poirot, who happens to be staying nearby, steps in to untangle the truth, revealing a solution that surprises both the characters and the readers alike.
More Info Here:
Agatha Christie Audio books Read By Hugh Fraser - playlist
#MurderMystery #AgathaChristie #TheHollow #ClassicCrime #Whodunit
Thank you. I love listening to Hugh Fraser reading Agatha Christie.
The inimitable Hugh Fraser. Irrelevant that he played the part of Hastings in the Poirot series (but he was absolutely marvellous in that) - Hugh Fraser creates an entire world one can almost touch, real characters one can almost see, with his voice and sympathetic (in the old fashioned use of the word) telling of the Christie stories.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Great story. Wonderful narration by brilliant Hugh Fraser. Thank you very much.
thanks for listening, have you seen Agatha Christie Audio books Read By Hugh Fraser:
@@alanfordyce Thank you for the link. I look forward to listening more! 😊
Well read n narrated, thanks Mr Hugh Fraser.😊👍😊. Always enjoy listening into your natural pleasant n gifted voice. That gently animated presentation of the story told! Like n love it! 🙏💖🇸🇬💖🙏
Thanks for listening
Thank you ❤❤❤
glad you enjoyed it,
These are read beautifully. I do enjoy them.
Loving this story..From Sydney Australia 🇦🇺
g'day glad your enjoying it
Thank you for uploading this reading of 'The Hollow'. It is a pleasure to hear the full book, which is so much better than the television version (Midge is so important to the story as emotional and moral counterpoint, and yet the televised version reduced her role to nearly nothing). Hugh Fraser's reading is delightful, as always.
Can anyone tell me why Henrietta wanted her sculpture of Nausicaa to have a 'blind stare'? The only Nausicaa I know, in the Odyssey, was certainly not blind.
Love listening to this story. Thank you so much!
Thanks for listening
Thank you Alan. ❤ from Australia ❤
Thanks Dale for listening, have you seen Agatha Christie Audio books Read By Hugh Fraser playlist:
A delight. And Hugh Fraser is SO good. Thank you
The music is so beautiful!!
I have to say how much I enjoy the music at the end. Lovely. Anyone have the title?
thank for listening, i add the music from my collection while editing. i've since made a video with some of the music i use here:
Sir, what is the music from the opening and closing of each of your videos?
Thanks for listening, i add the music from my collection while editing. i've since made a video with some of the music i use here:
@@alanfordyce thanks for the link. Do you have one for the particular piece alone? It'd be great ambience for winding down for sleep. Did you compose it?
Well that was thoroughly depressing 😔
Too many ads.
Thanks for listening, I don't have any control over the volume of Advert's, If you do get them maybe clear your browser cache and cookies might help reduce the volume of ads on TH-cam you get (these follow you around the internet) just a tip! and thanks again for having a listen though
No reason to read so fast
Ear of the beholder.
You can alter the speed of speech
thanks for the visit
My goodness, I could listen to Hugh Faser read the telephone book and be riveted and thoroughly entertained, let alone an offering by Agatha.