so crazy... Neymar could've acheived so much in his career. If you compare his talent to others he is second to none, but constant injuries and terrible decisions making in his career has unfortunately destroyed his career. Its so crazy how it all happend so quickly but it was truly a joy watching neymar become one of the worlds greatest. My best wishes to him and I hope he can make a great impact on Saudi.
People don't put enough respect on this man's name. Because he didn't win the world cup or balon de or everyone is saying he never reached his full potential. He is one of if not the best player of his generation who scored extraordinary goals and made insane assists. The stats speak for themselves. Good look Ney. Stay fit and let the world see your true self again
What are u waffling, he ain’t even top 3 best players of this generation, and he massively underachieved, especially if u consider the expectations, he will forever go down as the prince who never became king
Right plus his prime was when Messi and Ronaldo were also in their primes unfortunately for him, Messi best ever, but Neymar always been my fav, dreamed of the Barca return, but would've just been happy hin anywhere in Europe honestly, just to shut up the doubters
@@KrypTiKEquinox thats the annoying thing.... that shouldnt of been his peak... his peak was 24-26. The 2014 world cup he was unstoppable till the injury.
Thank you for everything. You will be missed. The reason why I got into watching soccer and cheering for Paris Saint Germain. Forever a PSG legend ❤️💙🔴🔵
Neymar optimizes what it means to be a footballer. In my opinion, he plays football in the most perfect way possible. On the eye he is so pleasing to watch. the fluidity, balance, elegance, flair, scoring, dribbling, playmaking, intelligence. You name it, he had it. And on top of all of that, he had freakish efficiency and output. Even if he did play in the messi/ronaldo era, he could've easily achieved more in his club career if had taken it more seriously (his international career wasn't that much of a disappointment imo even if he hadn't won a Copa or a Mundial. Being Brazil's all-time goal scorer is prestigious enough). A balon d'or and a ucl or 2 is very achievable with a player of his immense skill. He was the prince who never became king All in all, even if he hasn't racked up alot of individual and team accolades throughout his career, he is easily one of the best footballers to kick a ball. Eterno Neymar.
Wonderfull player, wonderfull career. He was unfortunate with injuries and I was fortunate to watch the beautifull way in which he played football. Thank you!
i think he's tired of the scrutiny and criticism especially when he had nothing left to prove at club level and already past his prime. also 1.5 mil euros a week doesnt hurt, but i doubt that's the sole reason.
@@robertlangdon494 A verdade é que a personalidade do Neymar é forte demais para ficar ligando para criticas, o cara simplesmente taca o Foda-se e se diverte jogando futebol, ele não fica o dia inteiro lendo comentários ou assistindo jornalistas criticando ele. Louvável.
@@robertlangdon494 you re absolutely right ! I'm for Paris, and every year i was like " Is he going to leave this France finally " ... When he dribble players in Ligue 1 he always get stopped with big faults and the referee always think he dive, so he get injured for half season every year, after the fans goes to his house insult him, the french media also insult him so i'm a little bit surprised that he did not leave France sooner !!
Senhores sem querer ser arrogante, mas se o Neymar quiser se aposentar com 23 anos ele se aposentar cara, foi até bom pra ele sair da Europa aonde ele apanhar igual cachorro e só vive machucado e com lesões,lá ele vai conseguir fazer uma temporada completa, ótima escolha Ney, faz o que for melhor pra você.
At 31 years old: Ronaldinho was fired from Milan Ronaldo got injured in his "good leg" and said goodbye to Europe. Kaka played his last season at Milan Rivaldo was fired from Milan.
It ended sooner and very different than how we expected. But none the less the guy entertained me a lot with his skills. Truly one of a kind. For me, he will always be a very unique player because it wasn't about goals or assists with him, it was about those skills and tricks that he performed on the pitch.
What impresses me about Neymar is that his numbers are great too. This guy had unlimited potential. If you just talk about pure talent, Neymar is unquestionably one of the most talented players of all time.
A sensação que fica é a de que ele partiu para sempre... deixou um vazio dentro de cada um amante de futebol. Podia sim ter feito mais, porém tudo que fez pelo futebol será eterno. Obrigado Neymar por deixar seus magicos lances a nós ❤
What a joy to watch! Glad he continued scoring beautiful goals after leaving Barca and the MSN attack force. For me, he will always rank amongst the best attackers to ever grace the game!
Unstoppable in 17/18 and 18/19! Those 50 games or so games he played in those seasons were very special. Just upsetting his foot injury in both of those years near the knock out stages of UCL. 19/20 he was still in his peak and was healthy during the key moments of that season. He a beautiful stretch of matches to get to Champions League: Dortmund, Atalanta, Leipzig. Then after that 20/21 was he was great in the Champions League against Man U and Bayern. Not nearly the same player in Ligue 1 at that point. But we have to remember they lost Cavani, Thiago Silva, and a few others. The squad got significantly worse and they fired Neymar’s best manager Thomas Tuchel. 21/22 and 22/23: Extremely complicated period as Messi joins and Kylian is ascending to stardom especially in the back half of the 20/21 season. He is no longer the same player who could take on everybody at any time. Kylian wanted to have more play making responsibilities and Messi had to play on the ball. Which left Ney in a strange position. And again major injuries hit him again in both years. The team collapsing against Madrid in 2022 was the end of the era to me. They had their chance. Neymar was brilliant to start the 22/23 then got hurt again. Overall, it is a sad ending which could’ve been more in Paris. His body failed him in crucial times where he was unstoppable in his first two years in Paris and couldn’t complete the season. In 19/20 he lead them to the UCL final. Are we talking about him differently if he wins against Bayern that year? Then after that, I believe squad management decisions ended any chance for PSG to make a deep champions league run and firing Tuchel.
@@hofffmanswty e pode dizer que foi a temporada mais focada dele. Treinando antes da pré temporada e tals. Por isso que eu achava que se ele focasse de verdade,ele conseguiu uma bola de ouro. Mas agora já era
118 goals for PSG and they didn't appreciate him. what a disgrace. Neymar deserved a lot better and PSG didn't deserve Neymar. one of the most talented players of the last 20 years.
The music of Interstellar in the background of Neymar's goals brought me back to my memory of my childhood watching him in live matches on a giant screen in the cafe and waiting for his touch of the ball to not react to anything even if he passed it from a steadfast position the pinnacle of football nostalgia and feelings
118 goals and 77 assists! 195 goals contribution in 173 games! In the Champions league for PSG, 41 games, 22 goals and 17 assists! The only time PSG reached a Champions League final was with Neymar, where the beloved Mbappe choked! Libertadores, Recopa Sudamericana, Brazilian League, Brazil Cup, Champions League and top goalscorer, Puskas, Fifa Club World Cup, UEFA Supercup... And win all national titles in France and Spain... Legend!
@@higor3954 Neymar é odiado no Brasil pelas suas atitudes infantis, é conhecido como "menino" por aqui, você não tem que falar nada não sabe como funciona o brasil
Je t'aime Ney même si les fans de PSG sont cruelles mais je t'avoue que tu es Une légende, Tu as fait arriver le PSG en finale pour la première fois ET personne n'a déjà fait ça même pas Ibrahimovic... Avec ton talent Tu aurait mérité un ballon d'or, dommage que Tu n'as pas eu de ta carrière
A pure artist of the beautiful game, mastered the art of control and dribbling of a football and went to be talked about most times in the same breath as the "messiah and cr7. One the absolute handfuls of player's in my lifetime ive seen done that. Vamos balla😢
Como que o Brasileiro não admira o futebol do Neymar, uns dos jogadores mais habilidosos do futebol mundial de todos os tempos! 🥅 🦉 ⚽ 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🎩 🧙♂️
2017 e 2018 Neymar tava insano... claramente tava com fome de ser o protagonista do futebol mundial, depois da lesão parece que ele se desiludiu, foi perdendo rapidamente a explosão que sempre teve chegando ao ponto de as vezes nem acelerar no 1x1 isso era impossível de acontecer com o Neymar do passado.
Special goals and elegant penalties from a very special player. Gutted he's not had the expected career high. But his style of play will always be mighty sensational. He's done to professionals, things you try out at the backyard with your friends as a child. The very last of his kind!
Solo, free-kick,long range, bicycle,chip, around the keeper, sombrero goal,weak foot,tap in, penalty,skillfull technical goals, header All type of Goals he got
The end has come, one of the greatest footballers of the last 15 years retires. Contrary to what people think, we will never see such a technical and wonderful player again I think he is the most talented player I have ever seen together with Messi a real feast for the eyes and rest assured that you paid for the ticket just to see him play. Good luck on your new and final adventure even if it wasn't the career ending I expected. I still wish you good luck Champion.
man that goal he scored for Santos and dribbled like the whole team I havent seen done since Ronaldinho and not sure we will see another brazilian like them.
The beautiful football era in Europe has ended. Football games continues but the real ART has left. NEYMAR JR, the last dying breed of purest JOGA BONITO👑🇧🇷 Saudi, among the luckiest land to witness his art. The last gem💎🥺
The new beginning ...believed me world cup 2026 is for him❤ he went to saudi to clear his mind and body from toxic europe.... He will won ballon dor... In his last instastory he mentioned " everything gonna be okay"
Espero que ele um dia ainda volte pro barcelona e seje feliz novamente e que conquiste há tao sonhada bola de ouro desejada por ele e pelos fãns dele !!!
If it weren't for the injuries he would have won the ballon d'Or in PSG, but unfortunately he's only playing 29 game a season, that's for 6 years in a row 😢😢😢
Possivelmente o 2° maior ídolo da história do PSG. Só vai ficar atrás do Mbappe nessa. Parabéns ao Neymar por fazer história na Espanha e na França, boa sorte na árabia!
I am so sad and upset, but there must have been a lot of thought and reason for his choice. No matter what his decision I respect Neymar and I love Neymar I just want him to be happy I will always be a huge fan of Neymar and will always support him.
His dribbling is so fucking good he’s gonna have fun in the saudi league,glad to see he’s not retired at least so us Neymar fans can still enjoy his football while it lasts! Vamos Ney ❤️❤️❤️ 🎩
It's all a matter of perspective, from my way of seeing things, neymar has won almost everything, champions, la liga, taça del rei, ligue un, coupe, libertadores, copa america, olympic gold medal, copa do Brasil, campeonato paulista, so in terms of trophies only things I see him missing in the world cup, not even Brazilian league brasileirão would be a big miss if he'd stop today, so that is an amazing carrer and it is still going on
118 goals in 173 matches for someone who isn't even a striker is mental. Shame to see such a good player not reach his full potential...I honestly believe Neymar would be in the GOAT debate if he fulfilled his potential
Neymar and Mbappe used to be such good friends man. It would reflect in the way they played, teeing off each other, one setting the other up, intricate 1-2s. I don’t know at which point in their careers their relationship took such a big hit. Breaks my heart.
The end... 😢
Ridiculous way to end a career💔
31 anos
Nooooo 😭😭😭
@pedrovisksgamer5440Al hilal ja rejeitou, esquece isso
He will be more stronger
so crazy... Neymar could've acheived so much in his career. If you compare his talent to others he is second to none, but constant injuries and terrible decisions making in his career has unfortunately destroyed his career. Its so crazy how it all happend so quickly but it was truly a joy watching neymar become one of the worlds greatest. My best wishes to him and I hope he can make a great impact on Saudi.
Some people are spamming that
"Neymar never fails to disappoint us"
It's true though 😐😐😐😐😐😐
So true
From a financial perspective, he was very very well advised
Gareth Bale was better
@@angelquizhpe2473 en títulos si, neymar era magia y es mucho mejor y en G/A aun mas
Uncrowned king 😢👑
People don't put enough respect on this man's name. Because he didn't win the world cup or balon de or everyone is saying he never reached his full potential. He is one of if not the best player of his generation who scored extraordinary goals and made insane assists. The stats speak for themselves. Good look Ney. Stay fit and let the world see your true self again
Could have been twice the player he is
What are u waffling, he ain’t even top 3 best players of this generation, and he massively underachieved, especially if u consider the expectations, he will forever go down as the prince who never became king
Right plus his prime was when Messi and Ronaldo were also in their primes unfortunately for him, Messi best ever, but Neymar always been my fav, dreamed of the Barca return, but would've just been happy hin anywhere in Europe honestly, just to shut up the doubters
@@saadlachhab3893 HE DEFINITELY WAS TOP 3. messi, ronaldo, neymar were the greatest of this generation. dont be an idiot.
@@KrypTiKEquinox thats the annoying thing.... that shouldnt of been his peak... his peak was 24-26. The 2014 world cup he was unstoppable till the injury.
Thank you for everything. You will be missed. The reason why I got into watching soccer and cheering for Paris Saint Germain. Forever a PSG legend ❤️💙🔴🔵
One of the greatest ever.THANK YOU NEYMAR
The brilliance of Neymar.❤
Neymar optimizes what it means to be a footballer. In my opinion, he plays football in the most perfect way possible. On the eye he is so pleasing to watch. the fluidity, balance, elegance, flair, scoring, dribbling, playmaking, intelligence. You name it, he had it. And on top of all of that, he had freakish efficiency and output.
Even if he did play in the messi/ronaldo era, he could've easily achieved more in his club career if had taken it more seriously (his international career wasn't that much of a disappointment imo even if he hadn't won a Copa or a Mundial. Being Brazil's all-time goal scorer is prestigious enough). A balon d'or and a ucl or 2 is very achievable with a player of his immense skill. He was the prince who never became king
All in all, even if he hasn't racked up alot of individual and team accolades throughout his career, he is easily one of the best footballers to kick a ball.
Eterno Neymar.
Real 🫀
I'm gonna cry...such a talent, magician on the field!
The third best player i ever saw 🇧🇷
Wonderfull player, wonderfull career. He was unfortunate with injuries and I was fortunate to watch the beautifull way in which he played football. Thank you!
What an amazing player❤.. always a pleasure to watch his highlights
It hurts to see Neymar at this age leaving Europe💔😪
i think he's tired of the scrutiny and criticism especially when he had nothing left to prove at club level and already past his prime.
also 1.5 mil euros a week doesnt hurt, but i doubt that's the sole reason.
@@robertlangdon494 A verdade é que a personalidade do Neymar é forte demais para ficar ligando para criticas, o cara simplesmente taca o Foda-se e se diverte jogando futebol, ele não fica o dia inteiro lendo comentários ou assistindo jornalistas criticando ele. Louvável.
@@robertlangdon494 you re absolutely right ! I'm for Paris, and every year i was like " Is he going to leave this France finally " ... When he dribble players in Ligue 1 he always get stopped with big faults and the referee always think he dive, so he get injured for half season every year, after the fans goes to his house insult him, the french media also insult him so i'm a little bit surprised that he did not leave France sooner !!
Senhores sem querer ser arrogante, mas se o Neymar quiser se aposentar com 23 anos ele se aposentar cara, foi até bom pra ele sair da Europa aonde ele apanhar igual cachorro e só vive machucado e com lesões,lá ele vai conseguir fazer uma temporada completa, ótima escolha Ney, faz o que for melhor pra você.
At 31 years old:
Ronaldinho was fired from Milan
Ronaldo got injured in his "good leg" and said goodbye to Europe.
Kaka played his last season at Milan
Rivaldo was fired from Milan.
It ended sooner and very different than how we expected. But none the less the guy entertained me a lot with his skills. Truly one of a kind. For me, he will always be a very unique player because it wasn't about goals or assists with him, it was about those skills and tricks that he performed on the pitch.
He still marked his name in football one of the best of our generation
What impresses me about Neymar is that his numbers are great too. This guy had unlimited potential. If you just talk about pure talent, Neymar is unquestionably one of the most talented players of all time.
@@moiseslevi7880 I agree, you are spot on there
It is always fun to watch Neymar whatever he does, wherever he goes he brings luck & joy to everyone!! He is really blessed.
Eterno Neymar
La magia de Ney es realmente otro nivel ❤ suerte a este mago en su nuevo club ❤
Obrigado Neymar 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
The real fans of Neymar will never forget him for every moment he made people happy
Quel joueur extraordinaire. Malgré ses blessures je n'oublierai jamais son passage à Paris.
A sensação que fica é a de que ele partiu para sempre... deixou um vazio dentro de cada um amante de futebol.
Podia sim ter feito mais, porém tudo que fez pelo futebol será eterno.
Obrigado Neymar por deixar seus magicos lances a nós ❤
Parou de jogar em 2019.
será que ele volta para a seleção ? , o novo camisa 10 agora é o vinicius Jr.
@@eletronicavideosom5706 Vinícius junior é a nova estrela, mas o Neymar ainda é o maestro e o líder.
Muita coisa pra acontecer ainda bicho, neymar vai destruir lá na Arábia kkkkkk
@@eletronicavideosom5706 acho que volta, Neymar ainda é melhor jogador do Brasil
What a joy to watch! Glad he continued scoring beautiful goals after leaving Barca and the MSN attack force. For me, he will always rank amongst the best attackers to ever grace the game!
Unstoppable in 17/18 and 18/19! Those 50 games or so games he played in those seasons were very special. Just upsetting his foot injury in both of those years near the knock out stages of UCL.
19/20 he was still in his peak and was healthy during the key moments of that season. He a beautiful stretch of matches to get to Champions League: Dortmund, Atalanta, Leipzig.
Then after that 20/21 was he was great in the Champions League against Man U and Bayern. Not nearly the same player in Ligue 1 at that point. But we have to remember they lost Cavani, Thiago Silva, and a few others. The squad got significantly worse and they fired Neymar’s best manager Thomas Tuchel.
21/22 and 22/23: Extremely complicated period as Messi joins and Kylian is ascending to stardom especially in the back half of the 20/21 season. He is no longer the same player who could take on everybody at any time. Kylian wanted to have more play making responsibilities and Messi had to play on the ball. Which left Ney in a strange position. And again major injuries hit him again in both years. The team collapsing against Madrid in 2022 was the end of the era to me. They had their chance. Neymar was brilliant to start the 22/23 then got hurt again.
Overall, it is a sad ending which could’ve been more in Paris. His body failed him in crucial times where he was unstoppable in his first two years in Paris and couldn’t complete the season. In 19/20 he lead them to the UCL final. Are we talking about him differently if he wins against Bayern that year? Then after that, I believe squad management decisions ended any chance for PSG to make a deep champions league run and firing Tuchel.
It’s sad to see him leaving that way and leaving Europe in only 31 yo 😢
Good luck our beloved ney ❤💫
As melhores temporadas dele pelo Psg foram a 17/18 e 19/20... ali sim ele estava jogando bem e com vontade de ser campeão.
A 20/21 foi excelente tbm
A de 2022/23 talvez seria uma das melhores pena que a lesão atrapalhou😢
é muito louco isso, temporada passada Neymar começou com os melhores números desde q chegou na Europa, e hoje está ai.
@@hofffmanswty e pode dizer que foi a temporada mais focada dele. Treinando antes da pré temporada e tals. Por isso que eu achava que se ele focasse de verdade,ele conseguiu uma bola de ouro. Mas agora já era
22/23 ele tava bem até a eliminação na copa, após isso veio as polêmicas e a lesão q deixou ele fora o resto da temporada
Quel joueur ! On peut critiquer son extra sportif mais pas son talents ! Tu vas malgré tout nous manquer le ney
118 goals for PSG and they didn't appreciate him. what a disgrace. Neymar deserved a lot better and PSG didn't deserve Neymar. one of the most talented players of the last 20 years.
He say is best moment is the Remontada, he eat macdo and play poker infront in PSG not have good fit.
The music of Interstellar in the background of Neymar's goals brought me back to my memory of my childhood watching him in live matches on a giant screen in the cafe and waiting for his touch of the ball to not react to anything even if he passed it from a steadfast position the pinnacle of football nostalgia and feelings
Do you know the name of the second instrumental @ahmedabdalbaqi8064
173 matches and 118 goals with 70 assist
A new psg's legend
It should be 346 matches and 236 goals and 140 assists. He missed half the matches
118 goals and 77 assists!
195 goals contribution in 173 games!
In the Champions league for PSG, 41 games, 22 goals and 17 assists!
The only time PSG reached a Champions League final was with Neymar, where the beloved Mbappe choked!
Libertadores, Recopa Sudamericana, Brazilian League, Brazil Cup, Champions League and top goalscorer, Puskas, Fifa Club World Cup, UEFA Supercup... And win all national titles in France and Spain...
He's a star, not a legend
@@joaogdf5207 Talking bad about Neymar won't bring your father back
@@higor3954 Neymar é odiado no Brasil pelas suas atitudes infantis, é conhecido como "menino" por aqui, você não tem que falar nada não sabe como funciona o brasil
How many goal for santos? Assist
FIFA confederation cup ✅
True gem of football history ❤❤ and when he smile melt my heart
Primeira temporada dele foi insana
Pena que a lesão atrapalhou
antes da lesão todas foram insanas. pena que acabaram todas mais cedo 😭😭😭
@@nogas1953a de 2022/23 seria muito insana pena que a lesão atrapalhou
papo reto, começo da temporada 22/23 ele tava jogando demais@@andreyjunior7323
Realmente, na 2017/18 ele era o melhor do mundo com sobras
Je t'aime Ney même si les fans de PSG sont cruelles mais je t'avoue que tu es Une légende, Tu as fait arriver le PSG en finale pour la première fois ET personne n'a déjà fait ça même pas Ibrahimovic...
Avec ton talent Tu aurait mérité un ballon d'or, dommage que Tu n'as pas eu de ta carrière
A pure artist of the beautiful game, mastered the art of control and dribbling of a football and went to be talked about most times in the same breath as the "messiah and cr7. One the absolute handfuls of player's in my lifetime ive seen done that.
Vamos balla😢
Miss you my idol, i will always support you, wherever you go ❤😢
His start at PSG was phenomenal❤❤
Como que o Brasileiro não admira o futebol do Neymar, uns dos jogadores mais habilidosos do futebol mundial de todos os tempos! 🥅 🦉 ⚽ 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🎩 🧙♂️
Gente burra e invejosa!!
Neymar Jr is my favorite goat legend.
PSG Legend ❤️💙Merci pour la magie ney.
neymar is all time legend ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
No matter what happened we will support neymar, we will respect his choice you are a great player and a great man love you Neymar Jr❤
Les larmes aux yeux.
Meilleur joueur du PSG !!💙❤️
Merci NJR !!
2017 e 2018 Neymar tava insano... claramente tava com fome de ser o protagonista do futebol mundial, depois da lesão parece que ele se desiludiu, foi perdendo rapidamente a explosão que sempre teve chegando ao ponto de as vezes nem acelerar no 1x1 isso era impossível de acontecer com o Neymar do passado.
Neymar forever👑love you idolo❤️🙏
Special goals and elegant penalties from a very special player. Gutted he's not had the expected career high. But his style of play will always be mighty sensational. He's done to professionals, things you try out at the backyard with your friends as a child. The very last of his kind!
Solo, free-kick,long range, bicycle,chip, around the keeper, sombrero goal,weak foot,tap in, penalty,skillfull technical goals, header All type of Goals he got
What a goal compilation, one of the best ever
You'll be forever in my heart Neymar ❤
He is such a Lion 😊😊
The end has come, one of the greatest footballers of the last 15 years retires. Contrary to what people think, we will never see such a technical and wonderful player again I think he is the most talented player I have ever seen together with Messi a real feast for the eyes and rest assured that you paid for the ticket just to see him play. Good luck on your new and final adventure even if it wasn't the career ending I expected. I still wish you good luck Champion.
He didn’t retire bro
@@reflex1o8he basically did
I dont know about final adventure part though
man that goal he scored for Santos and dribbled like the whole team I havent seen done since Ronaldinho and not sure we will see another brazilian like them.
@@wingsofsuspensionlifts6814 what about messi vs getafe
Je n'oublierais jamais sa première saison à Paris. Il avait un niveau fantastique.
Peut-être la saison la plus impressionnante tous joueurs de ligue 1 confondus.
Et pourtant Ibra avait placé la barre haut à son arrivée.
Neymar is one of the best football player in the world
The beautiful football era in Europe has ended. Football games continues but the real ART has left.
NEYMAR JR, the last dying breed of purest JOGA BONITO👑🇧🇷
Saudi, among the luckiest land to witness his art. The last gem💎🥺
Neymar Jr é o melhor do mundo
The new beginning ...believed me world cup 2026 is for him❤ he went to saudi to clear his mind and body from toxic europe.... He will won ballon dor... In his last instastory he mentioned " everything gonna be okay"
Greatest of all time looking for skills🎉
ohh ney ohh mine idolo best player i have been sawed ever neymar jr i love u man
Joga bonito en su máxima expresión!! 🎩🇧🇷⚽❤️🤙 Njr 10 😉
Vou sentir saudade te amo ídolo 😢😢
Neymar mendigo era muito apelão, sdds😮💨
The 🐐 that never was 💔😢
MERCI MERCI MERCI SUPER NEYMAGIC 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
The End best alone in the world love you neymar in lraq thank you neymar in Barslona and psg 😢l Iove you neymar in lraq❤
زربت بالانكليزي انت 😂😂😂
Espero que ele um dia ainda volte pro barcelona e seje feliz novamente e que conquiste há tao sonhada bola de ouro desejada por ele e pelos fãns dele !!!
magique la video tu merites un oscar bravo ney va manquer un artiste!!!!!
My Legend NJR 💯❤
Neymar est le finisseur le plus cool depuis Romario et Roberto Baggio !!
Oh!! He could have done so much more with his caliber of Talent(Money does buy happiness)
Оте керемет ойыншы Неймар талант дриблинг финт бары бар ПСЖ мен чемпиондар лигасын уталмааганы окинышты алем чемпионатында озым Реалдын жанкуйеры болсамда Барселонада керемет ойнады
I always thought neymar is better than mbappe, he is the man
Mbappe won a World Cup and scored an hat trick in the final of the other World Cup. Neymar never reached a World Cup final
@@bakigimenez7428 But Champion League
Good luck Neymar idol for many people
One of my favorite players ever. Hopefully I can see him in MLS too. San Diego ?🤞
Thank You Neymar ❤️💝
O jogador mais caro a ser comprado e o mais caro ao ser vendido! Foi bom ver vc todos esses anos ney, nunca é um adeus e sim um até logo. 😌🥺
If it weren't for the injuries he would have won the ballon d'Or in PSG, but unfortunately he's only playing 29 game a season, that's for 6 years in a row 😢😢😢
Most fouled player in Ligue 1, repeated ankle injury. Defenders realised where to hurt him and refs didn't protect him
@@locazahra He should have hit the weight room. Diego Maradona had to deal with far worse tackles but he was a tough mfer
And still scored 116 goals ….
that 3rd goal at beat drop is work of art editing.
Possivelmente o 2° maior ídolo da história do PSG. Só vai ficar atrás do Mbappe nessa. Parabéns ao Neymar por fazer história na Espanha e na França, boa sorte na árabia!
Nice edit 👍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
best baller oat, no one have is talent
His first season in PSG was one of the best players I’ve ever seen
I am so sad and upset, but there must have been a lot of thought and reason for his choice. No matter what his decision I respect Neymar and I love Neymar I just want him to be happy
I will always be a huge fan of Neymar and will always support him.
This comment right here🙌🏼
The amount of Ankles neymar has broken is uncountable 🔥💀
Just ❤magical one of a kind 😊 le joga bonito la samba just wonderful 😊
His dribbling is so fucking good he’s gonna have fun in the saudi league,glad to see he’s not retired at least so us Neymar fans can still enjoy his football while it lasts! Vamos Ney ❤️❤️❤️ 🎩
legend 👑
Jogou demais mesmo e a torcida vai sentir muito falta!
It's all a matter of perspective, from my way of seeing things, neymar has won almost everything, champions, la liga, taça del rei, ligue un, coupe, libertadores, copa america, olympic gold medal, copa do Brasil, campeonato paulista, so in terms of trophies only things I see him missing in the world cup, not even Brazilian league brasileirão would be a big miss if he'd stop today, so that is an amazing carrer and it is still going on
Pra craque brasileiro é muito pouco
Never felt so strange in 20 years watching a lot of sports. Today is like a huge funeral mood for me, idk
Unreal baller❤️ made me fall in love with the game
O príncipe que não virou Rei
Neymar is a legend
118 goals in 173 matches for someone who isn't even a striker is mental. Shame to see such a good player not reach his full potential...I honestly believe Neymar would be in the GOAT debate if he fulfilled his potential
he is already in the debate sometimes
Neymar and Mbappe used to be such good friends man. It would reflect in the way they played, teeing off each other, one setting the other up, intricate 1-2s. I don’t know at which point in their careers their relationship took such a big hit. Breaks my heart.
A prince without a crown. I guess he doesn’t care about being in the Balon D’or conversation anymore
Quel joueur comment on a pu le descendre autant quand on pense à 4 blessure 118 buts
Ensmorado de tu furbol por siempre.. gracias LEYENDA
love u man love u so much