Very interesting build, as I am looking around now that I FINALLY got my hands on a few Neyith's myself to complete my decks, I would honestly highly suggest adding in Gratuitous Violence, Fiery Emancipation, Carnage Tyrant and Apex Altisaur. To double or even triple or stack all of them with Neyith's ability with Apex, is a sure fire way for a board wipe and win.
Just to point out a really dumb synergy which is such a good protection if you have green plaly it gaes craydle or itlamog with ascetesim this combination makes your board really only affected for exil and -1-1 board wipe depending on how much creature you have remember this combo save my ass alot in every fight deck
Very interesting build, as I am looking around now that I FINALLY got my hands on a few Neyith's myself to complete my decks, I would honestly highly suggest adding in Gratuitous Violence, Fiery Emancipation, Carnage Tyrant and Apex Altisaur. To double or even triple or stack all of them with Neyith's ability with Apex, is a sure fire way for a board wipe and win.
So who's supposed to bring the soap for this fight club?
Definitely using Savage Punch and Outmuscle purely for the art
Just to point out a really dumb synergy which is such a good protection if you have green plaly it gaes craydle or itlamog with ascetesim this combination makes your board really only affected for exil and -1-1 board wipe depending on how much creature you have remember this combo save my ass alot in every fight deck
Those are some great cards/combo for sure!
My budget list you could also consider No Quarter and Invasion Plans
Dragonlord silumgar