I'm thankful Evelyn had a brother. And for the police to be there so fast. Really empressed. Detective Hastings wasn't taking this case whatsoever. Most women won't go for help the very first time. Most of the time women won't get help all do ( fear )!!!! And women that don't go get help they're scared that no person would believe them. Or their self steam and made believe they ( women ) are at fault, you're not a good wife. His mom put that into her son's mind. As I was listening to this story. I wonder if maybe his dad treated his mom this way ( beating her often ) most of the time son's become a buser to their wife /girlfriend because their dad treated their mom this way. I'm glad Justice was served and that she won. I hope women listened to this . And if they're in an abusive relationship. This will help them to go to the police station right then report it and get help. Get it documented with the police and hospitals. Take pictures. If a police officer doesn't take pictures requests they take pictures. Because that's the best way to prove your case. I'm glad Evelyn's brother kept insisting she go to the police station and goes to ER. The hospital always takes pictures and puts them in a file with their medical records. And the doctors are who calls the policemen it's their duty to report any abuse of an adult or child. Please get help and men if you're being abused by your wife or girlfriend go to get help. Don't think you are less of a man !!! You're not you saved lots of lives . Just like Evelyn saved other women from being abused and maybe even getting killed. Thank you for sharing your story. I know it wasn't easy. But important to carry it all the way through until Liam was in custody. Evelyn you have a heck of a brother. !!!!❤️ 12/30/2024 4:40 am
I'm thankful Evelyn had a brother. And for the police to be there so fast. Really empressed. Detective Hastings wasn't taking this case whatsoever. Most women won't go for help the very first time. Most of the time women won't get help all do ( fear )!!!!
And women that don't go get help they're scared that no person would believe them. Or their self steam and made believe they ( women ) are at fault, you're not a good wife. His mom put that into her son's mind. As I was listening to this story. I wonder if maybe his dad treated his mom this way ( beating her often ) most of the time son's become a buser to their wife /girlfriend because their dad treated their mom this way. I'm glad Justice was served and that she won. I hope women listened to this . And if they're in an abusive relationship. This will help them to go to the police station right then report it and get help. Get it documented with the police and hospitals. Take pictures. If a police officer doesn't take pictures requests they take pictures. Because that's the best way to prove your case. I'm glad Evelyn's brother kept insisting she go to the police station and goes to ER. The hospital always takes pictures and puts them in a file with their medical records. And the doctors are who calls the policemen it's their duty to report any abuse of an adult or child. Please get help and men if you're being abused by your wife or girlfriend go to get help. Don't think you are less of a man !!! You're not you saved lots of lives . Just like Evelyn saved other women from being abused and maybe even getting killed. Thank you for sharing your story. I know it wasn't easy. But important to carry it all the way through until Liam was in custody. Evelyn you have a heck of a brother. !!!!❤️ 12/30/2024
4:40 am