You know what’s worse than wasting a year on someone who treats you like shit? Wasting a year and a day. Stay away from him completely. No phone calls, no text. Nothing. You’ll feel completely different in 3 months time. I promise.
If you've only been together for a year and he's already cheated 3 times..... Get rid of him. He's telling these other women that you're the crazy one. When someone SHOWS you who they are.... BELIEVE THEM.
@@marywilson5192 that's exactly what habitual cheaters do!! They convince you the other women are crazy 🤪 when it reality they are lying and leading on multiple people. They make you feel crazy too! That's the game
Incredible how he's constantly trying to blame you. Gaslighting you. You should be his priority. Acceptance of this will take time, but it will happen. 💪
Jenna, you survived being a Miscavige in Scientology. You survived escaping Scientology. You are a strong, warrior-woman. No man can diminish you. You're all you need and you're gonna shine through this!
His kids warning your kids?!?! “I hope he treats your mom better than he treats our mom” is INSANE! If that ain’t a red flag the size of Texas, idk what is
@@maxssister1985 💯!!! I mean, who were those people?!? so lying, deceiving, going behind the back of your partner makes you stronger?? Are they talking about your immune system, like for colds and stuff like that?? 😅 Disgusting!!!
Great advice! Very true! Any girl defending him either is still being manipulated by his charisma, is in denial, very vulnerable and naive, a kind forgiving person giving him the benefit of doubt or hasn't known him very long
His self destructive behaviour is snowballing. Lindsey has her issues, and the fact that she continues to see him is a huge problem. There is nothing but catastrophe surrounding him, and you and your family don’t need any more trauma. Be safe xx
Ghost him. Block him. Never respond to him again. And move forward with your life and with your children. You deserve someone who loves you and treats you well.
Yep they only are important because you give them attention. He’s just baiting her too and will probably enjoy watching her in pain disgusting he’s sadistic and abusive.
You are not weak. You are not an idiot. I beg you, please, know your worth girl. And when you do, poof! The rest is HISTORY. I know your heart hurts. Trust, this will heal. No one deserves to be treated like this. You are a rock star. Stay strong. Again, know your worth.
Honey, my apologies if this sounds crude...but seriously...make an appointment with your OBGYN and get tested. This same type of thing happened to a dear friend and she ended up with an STD. I think all of our hearts are cumulatively breaking for you. You are not an idiot, honey.
Solid advice. And I agree no one should feel like an idiot because they were cheated on. We trust our partners - we are supposed to be able to. We forgive the people we love, that’s a good quality. This is not on Jenna.
Yes!!! I third and 4th and 5th this very solid advice from the original poster in this thread! I’m 55 and In 1972, when I was just 2 years old… my dad abandoned my mom and I on Christmas Eve…. He literally just walked out of the house and never came back… He never, ever came back for an entire year and a half…. In those days, it was pretty easy to just “disappear” unlike today…it’s much harder to pull that B.S today. Anyway…. A few weeks after he left us, my mom started to experience some horrible obgyn symptoms (told to me years later, obviously as I was just 2 at this time)… My mom ended up having a severe infection that would not respond to antibiotics and after an entire month of treatment and lost work…she ended up having to have a total hysterectomy …. She was only 30 years old and I was her only child…he destroyed any chance she had at having another child. She was devastated. Completely destroyed. So yes. Please get tested. Please.
Jenna as a man let me just say that if you have to alienate and put off friends and family for a man, that is not a sign of a healthy relationship. I am sorry that you are experiencing this.
Agreed. I'm a man as well and behavior like what you're talking about is a tell tale sign of abuse. When it comes to relationships don't be a cheater. Male or Female. If you think/feel the relationship is over, end it. It's the right thing to do. Cheating is incredibly disrespectful and hurtful to your partner.
Please resign from the sptv foundation. He doesnt need that excuse to contact you. Clean break. Dont let him or others guilt you into staying. I married a highschool mate at the age of 50. He was very much like Aaron. Fun loving and charismatic. I divorced an abusive yelling gaslighter at the age of 53 but i didn't lose 3 years. I gained peace and a valuable lesson. I dont regret any of it because of the life lesson. I needed it. I gained knowledge and empathy. Jenna, after the tears, you are still young, beautiful, and STRONG. You got this!!
I love your post and agree about instead of regret, gaining knowledge and empathy. I used to call past relationships as 'failures' but someone corrected me and called them 'progressions.' Lessons learned so that the next one, you'll be better equipped with the learned lessons to avoid the same mistakes. You sound like a strong and confident woman. Annette
She should absolutely resign from SPTV and start her own foundation- using HER name. She could Crush that manipulative, social climbing, creep like the bug he his…I just hope she recognizes her own potential and power. 💜
@@rachaeltucker2411 Thanks Rachael. Possums are my spirit animal. Here in Houston, TX they come around in the evening. I feed them every evening. They are indeed cute! Annette
I wondered why would the man who assets it’s wrong to have couples on the AF board be part of a couple on the SPTV board? Well this ends that scenario. Yeah it’s not ok on any board. Conflict of interest, favoritism and a lot else wrong with it.
Wow. Wow. Being screamed at on the phone and crying daily over a man is not the way to live life. I'm sorry this happened. Don't let him manipulate you anymore. You don't need him.
With all the drama that Aaron in CONSISTENTLY involved in, it’s giving credence to everything The Aftermath Foundation said about him and he’s proved that them getting rid of him was right. That man is toxic.
Agreed. And he slept with a woman the foundation was helping. That behavior is predatory, and is guaranteed to lead to lawsuits. His behavior put the foundation at serious risk.
Yeah I understand that Aaron was hurt from them kicking him out but imo they had every right, they have to protect the reputation of the organization and specially how he treats women is unacceptable imo at least.
Yeah, I stopped listening to these Scientology channels because these individuals need therapy. They have deep emotions trauma. It’s sad. Aaron has major issues. He feeds on the social media attention. I stopped following because I felt like I was enabling him. I get these videos in my feed every now and then. It’s sad.
Almost worse than the cheating is “he gave me a countdown every time I tried to talk.” Narcissistic, controlling, emotionally abusive behavior. Stay strong.
Despite what Aaron thinks, he does need therapy. This behavior is not new, and he clearly cannot be trusted in a relationship. I'm very disappointed that he refuses to acknowledge that he needs help. He was very lucky that he had you. I did see this coming, but I was hoping I was wrong. He had to deal with his demons. You are better off. My ex cheated and to this day, he will not admit it. You can move on without him, and you will be better off.
I totally agree. Unfortunately, it won't happen until the desire springs from inside of himself. I didn't see this coming. His ability to formulate logical arguments really hooked me, but then, I did state here in other posts my inability to identify men with unwavering integrity.
Think of your kids the next time you want to give him another chance. You deserve to be happy and they deserve to see their mom treated with love and respect. They are watching and learning thru this too.
“I’m “Posting this so that I never go back” made me bawl. Tears running down my face. You found out now and not later and that’s at least something. You are smart and brave and you are nobody’s f’n fool.
made me cry too. Jenna is so brave to post this. I had to unsubscribe to his channel immediately because I was obviously following a charlatan. So sad that Jenna thinks she's an idiot or stupid. That is all on him. I feel terrible for her.
I am 64 years old. Have survived more than one heartache. Believe me girl. It will only make you stronger and keener. By the time you get to my age... You won't even remember why you liked him in the first place. Take time to mourn that's okay. Be sad, be mad, be crazy if you need to. But whatever you do never never ever go back I'm glad you did this, one of the biggest acts of bravery I've ever seen on social media!❤
@HippieChick60 Thank you, I came hear to tell Jenna the exact same thing you did! Same age. It happens to a lot of us. Jenna - I'm sorry. But never go back. Clean break. Hugs. are a wonderful person: period. Any man you love is truly sick to waste such love. Today & every day celebrate your new life without abuse. I'm proud of you! 🎉
Whoever said cheating makes ur relationship stronger is insane. How do you get stronger by getting a disease 😭😭😭 ugh leave him girl. Couldn’t even be faithful for a damn year.
@@syon600 That wasn't the point of this famous quote. The whole point is that a person like that will give themselves away in so many ways, which this one has been doing on TH-cam for years now and when they do, believe them.
This! He is not worth your time. He’s manipulating you still. You’re not an idiot. This is your first major relationship. Use your instincts, they’re there. The whole cheating and getting back together is not the way. Give yourself time. All these tears and other emotions aren’t a waste. You’ll remember how this felt.
Anyone who dates a narcissist ends up feeling stupid. You get broken down little by little, and when you finally look at it and see how far you’ve departed from feeling alive and like yourself … you feel stupid. But you’re not stupid, Jenna.
Yep he didn’t start screaming at her right off the bat they manipulate you and love bomb you and they get you to trust them they will mirror you. They will use a week and apologize and go back to treating you nice for a while. Horrific. Nobody deserves to be abused and betrayed like that and it’s always the really amazing empathetic beautiful women.
@@ayamystic2 your incomplete sentence makes no sense. "They" and "yourself" together like that make no sense. Are you implying that she is a narcissist in order to fall for a narcissist? That is a complete and utterly falsity.
@@dylanchadderton1 I totally agree. He done messed up!! Yes, RIP Growing up in Scientology...absolutely. He absolutely just ruined himself. He's the idiot!! 💕💕💕💕
It should have happened years ago. He has blatantly lied and contradicted himself in his own videos. He’s a narcissistic ahole. He has his own cult and his followers won’t leave him.
@@dylanchadderton1 yep I unsubscribed. I was so angry hearing how he treated her, I had to edit my response 5 times! She deserves so much better than him.
I heard him on some podcast talking about the mission of his life was making sure your uncle's life is miserable/ruined/destroyed, and my immediate thought was RED FLAG when I found out he was dating/engaged to you. I absolutely thought he was using you as part of that life mission vendetta. No contact, Baby. That's the only way to handle this. Don't give him the chance to gaslight and manipulate you. I am so sorry you're going through this, but good riddance to bad rubbish. Everyone deserves to be really loved and cared about. That's what you've offered him and you deserve that to be reciprocated. He ain't it.
@daveluck5717 Exactly! His life's mission isn't really to take down Scientology, but to relish in making David Miscavige's life pure hell. Never date anyone who's life's mission is vendetta, revenge, and/or to destroy the life of another human being. That already shouts volumes about his narcissism and potential sociopathy of his character. But especially don't date that guy if the person he's made it his life's mission to destroy is blood related to you & you share that family name. Because that Dude's hated is all-consuming. His hatred and competitive vindictiveness toward Jenna's uncle is what he defines as giving meaning and purpose to his life and very existence. And blood libel is a thing. So, would such a man on such a competitive power trip weaponize a "romantic" relationship with Miscavige's sweet and naive niece who's only ever dated one guy her whole life? Oh ABSO-F-ING-LUTELY! He would totally use her to attack and embarrass David Miscavige as both a doll to parade around as a "goody goody haha look what I got, David" AND to abuse, humiliate, and destroy her in lieu of David Miscavige. I hope she stays FAR away from him! No contact.
You’re not an idiot. 244K of us fell for him too. Watched him and believed him for years now. No more. Unsubscribed. 😩 I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m rooting for you, Jenna! 💪 ❤
I'm so glad I unsubscribed and stopped watching his videos many months ago.. after the Aftermath Foundation dumped him, and he would take no responsibility for his actions.. THEY were the wrong ones.. yeah right!!! Definitely something a narcissist would say.. they are always the victim, anyone that opposes them are wrong, crazy, etc. I hope many more people unsubscribe as well.
9:30 “I’m posting this to make sure that I never go back to him.” Jenna this is so brave. I’m so sorry you are going though this. I hope you can lean on your best friend and the people in your life who truly care for you.
If he ever calls you again, (if you are tempted to answer), please start with, “I’m recording this phone call for safety and quality assurance.” and ACTUALLY record all communications. He loves getting people to post videos of other people’s conversations; let’s see what he says to you when he knows it could go viral. I bet he quits yelling at you real fast.
Another thing you need to keep in mind: he used you because you are intelligent, a great person, overall an extremely positive presence. You are great for his image, considering the drama that constantly surrounds him. So don't go back to him. He needs you so much more than you need him. You deserve someone who doesn't scream at you, who comes visit at the drop of a hat, who respects you and makes you FEEL loved. Block him and stay strong Jenna! From this girl who also got out X
Indeed, if she engages this narcissist, it will just get worse. There are therapists who specialize in narcissistic abuse recovery ... hope she looks into it stat.
@@sherryw1919I don't believe Aaron is a narcissist, but just presents that way due to hypermanic and probably manic episodes. I have just been through something similar with a loved one with diagnosed bipolar disorder., fear of emotional intimacy, always seeking stimuli, etc. Probably Borderline Personality Disorder, too as they are lost and seek drama and stimuli to feel alive, the world is black or white, anything but their way is intolerable, etc. These are recognisable diagnoses to me because I had many years of therapy and was assessed to have overcome my diagnoses. I had all the above, except bipolar disorder, but other members of my family have bipolar disorder, as genetically inherited from my grandmother. My grandmother had 3 children to 3 different men, none of whom she was married to at the time. Her story was a scandal in newspapers at the time. There were no medications back then. People with narcissistic personality disorder lack empathy and the capacity to love as part of their personality, not part of their mood. I believe Aaron's empathy, and love, when he can connect with them, are genuine. But emotional abuse is emotional abuse, whether intentional or not. And yes, therapy can be extremely beneficial to reaffirm one's self after a relationship like that.
I have been "team Aaron" for a long time. NOT ANYMORE!! I didnt believe all the shade other people were throwing at him. I CERTAINLY DO NOW! You are not at fault Jenna! Im so blown away...I am the idiot too! You have so many people who love you just the way you are. Dont become jaded. He is not worth it...❤❤❤❤❤
He was always a creep. Defo hone your radar a bit more - when a man doesn’t take responsibility for anything ever and seeks the adoration of hundreds of thousands of stans he is very clearly a narcissist. His stans have gone after other TH-camrs relentlessly, Aaron using them like flying monkeys as narcissists do.
I left his channel immediately after his crocodile tears on the episode when he whined about the “crazy” girl he slept with at the Jane Doe trial. How can a father of two girls do something so irresponsible? He took no responsibility for his part in it and brought an allegedly “crazy” person into his life. He is slick though, somehow he was able to fool a lot of people for a long time. So glad people finally see the light and will leave his channel. That will hit him in the ego.
I'm not surprised by this, which surprises me bc I'm always on the wrong side of things bc I believe everything, but when he did what he did to Mike rinder , Marc headly , I was on mikes side.
You are not an idiot, you are none of the things you say. You are kind and generous. The cult did not teach you how to recognize this. I have no words to offer for comfort right now. Just love. Janet
Janet is completely correct. Aaron took advantage of the negative things about your upbringing in Scientology. He knows how to manipulate those things and he did. He is a brilliant guy, but it doesn’t appear like he’s a very good guy. You are kind, creative, generous, funny, and so deserving of love from the right man. Please give yourself grace.
@ thank you Christy. And your comments are spot on. More reason to abhor this cult. It sucks the humanity right out of people. It stunts children’s emotional growth. It removes barriers to good behavior. It is a miracle that Jenna is so kind and loving.
So you let a man cheat on you at 3 times and you accept it what's the matter with you females that is why grow a pair if he's done at least 3 times what do think is going to happen in the future if and when he has more chances to do it?
Now its time for no contact. Block. Protect your peace. Safe relationships and trust. Keep those people close. You now have knowledge, new wisdom. Predators not allowed. Reclaim your power. Protect your peace. It takes awareness. Listen to gut instinct. Also block all his friends, associates. Actions above words. Keep everything precious about you! Just fiercely protect your peace. Doesn't need drama. Just insight, awareness and trueness to self. You've got this! Power is in no contact and blocking ...
Wise words. Listen to this Jenna. These are wise, kind and loving words of advise. Your community here loves you. This will only make you stronger. Don't believe ANYTHING he says about you. Trust yourself.
Jenna, thank you for your honesty. Your reason for posting this is not only 100% valid, but powerful. Take your independence back, you're doing the right thing. And your community is also here for you!
True. Very powerful. Get off that board too. No contact. Listen to Dr ramani. Get her book, it's not you. Watch her YT. You have no kids with him. He lives in another state. No contact. They do no change.
@@darlabayarea totally agree with your comment to Jenna. She has a kind heart and loved Aaron so much. It’s vile to me that a person could take a pure heart and abuse it. I’m done with AA too. My heart hurts for Jenna.
You are not stupid. You want to be loved which is a basic human need. I'm impressed of your posting of this to hold yourself accountable. Good thinking. Not stupid at all. And remember your children first when you have any thoughts of returning to that situation. Show them how to have standards for themselves by having standards for yourself. YOU GOT THIS!!! ❤
I genuinely clicked on this thinking it was clickbait. 5 seconds in I realise it's not. This sucks so much, I'm so sorry this has happened to you. You deserve so much better. I truly hope you find your person. xx
I thought so too cause sometimes they play on words, I thought she was gonna say they were playing a board game and she caught him cheating three times in a playful way uggghhhh 🙏🏼 prayers to you sweet courageous Jenna 🙏🏼❤️🩹 It Takes courage to fall in love… boundaries is an essential part of that , is the most difficult to execute and cultivate🙏🏼 So I was shocked to see it was real😮😢❤️🩹
Jenna, you are not stupid. This is not your fault. Aaron is a skilled liar and manipulator. It is evident in the way he talks about other people. Please do not blame yourself or give up on the possibility of love. Learn the lessons of this heartbreak. Listen to those who genuinely love you and have concerns. If you ever hear yourself saying “you don’t know him like I do“ you can believe that you don’t really know him. Don’t trust a narcissist. When you are fighting all the time, that’s the sign that the relationship does not work and you need to get out. Know that you are worth loving and treating well. I am so sorry this happened to you, but I know that you will come through it stronger. You survived Scientology and you will survive Aaron Smith-Levin.
Jenna....damn it! Aaron NOT ok! Unfortunately Jenna you are the only one who can fully take care of you. Abusive people learn early on how to manipulate you, make you are far from being an idiot! You wanted to believe. "Watch where the feet go" (if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a's a duck!) Take care of you. ✌️🎉💜💝 P.S. Good for you for posting this. You didn't lose a GAINED a whole life, without abuse. Love yourself. 💟
I absolutely hate that the one that carries the shame is the victim. You trusted the person you loved and he took advance of your good nature. Hold your head high, he should be the one feeling ashamed. ❤
The more situations and stories I hear about Aaron, the more red flags pop up. You are a genuinely good and kind person and you deserve to be in a relationship with an actual grown up who values you and treats you like the greatest thing that’s ever happened to them. There’s a saying in Spanish that essentially boils down to “it’s better to be alone than in bad company”. You deserve more than an overgrown man-child. You deserve someone who is willing and able to give as much of themselves as you give of yourself in a relationship. 💜
Nora has been telling everyone about his behaviour for a long time. I lost a lot of respect for hin a long time ago. He needs help BIG TIME. Please don't let him in your life anymore... He has left a trail of destruction wherever he goes.... I am very sorry you are hurt. You don't need this & deserve way better.
I know yeah Nora sometimes may seem nuts just coz of her manner of delivering information but i find her pretty honest in how she thinks and yeah based on what she was saying this kinda behaviour is consistent with the personality she says he has and she should know, they have knows each other a lot time
Please don't ever let anyone scream at you like that ever again. The next person that screams at you like that again cut off all communication completely full stop.
This! Every little bit of disrespect you allow is like a line in the sand that fades bit by bit, every time it is crossed... It becomes easier and easier to do (perpetrator)/ accept (victim). Never allow anyone to dehumanize you by yelling or name calling. Know your worth and command the respect. It won't be an issue with the right person. Love shouldn't hurt.
Unfortunately she’s on a foundation board of which he’s president. Limit all contact to only foundation related contact is wise. Frankly, his dealings with Sky Daily told me he is abusive to women and doesn’t respect their boundaries. He shouldn’t be president of a foundation that vulnerable women are encouraged to go to for help.
Jenna, you did nothing to deserve any of that! Aaron definitely needs to get some help. There’s no excuse for that kind of behavior! You’re not an idiot by any means! You are so strong and you will get thru this. There is no excuse for any kind of abuse. I’m so thankful that you have taken a stand and decided that you deserve so much better than that. ❤
Jenna I am so sorry that you are in pain right now. I urge you to resign from the foundation board and have no more dealings with him. Cut all ties completely.
@@dianab8889 oh! No one mentioned about Jenna on the board of his foundation. Jenna needs to leave the Foundation. I wonder where Mike Brown will stand on this situation. He is an integrity guy. The foundation may not make it. I would not trust my money in a non integrity non profit Foundation. Thanks for making that comment. I forgot Jenna was on the board
I agree that Jenna and all the other board members should resign en masse. Abusing a woman is never ever acceptable. It doesn't matter if the abuse is physical, emotional, or mental - it's abuse. We were all taken in by Aaron's charisma, and I was happy that you had found someone who loved you because you deserve the best. Not anymore. Jenna, you are a beautiful, strong, amazing, and intelligent woman who has overcome so much in your life. Look at this experience as a very hard lesson but one that will make you stronger. You deserve someone who loves you unconditionally. The pain in your eyes speaks volumes. Take time to heal your heart and soul by walking away and going zero contact with Aaron. Just remember, you are loved and respected by many because of who you are. We're all here for you.
I am so sorry, Jenna. If I am being honest, this was my fear when you two got together, but I knew three things about you from reading your book: You are strong, you don’t take crap from anyone and you have no problem standing up for yourself. This sucks, but you are better off, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. You deserve better. Much better. Aaron needs significant help he isn’t willing to get, but I hope he gets it before something really bad happens. Keep your head held high, you are NOT an idiot. Much love and big hugs to you. ❤
He showed you who he is, you deserve so much more. Please never think you are stupid, love is blind as they say! I hope you stay strong and don't let this hold you back. Sending you all the positivity and healing ❤
I never wanted to believe Aaron was a narcissist. I’m sorry he proved it to you . Sending hugs and good thoughts your way. Keep your head high knowing you’re out of this toxic relationship now.
I just got here so I don’t know anyone, but just chiming in to say… That’s the thing with narcissists. They can be seemingly likable and enjoyable people. It’s a full facade. It’s difficult to comprehend but the fastest way out is to remember everything they wove with you was completely fake, not real. You’ll be tempted to shame yourself for not knowing, but this is literally why the internet is filled with videos about them. Heck, even knowing what is taught on these videos may not ‘save’ one from entering into a relationship with one because they know how to manipulate.
Oh honey you are not an idiot. You are a quality human and you know your worth. Most of us have met the same kind of person. An egomaniac that will never be able to see the treasure that is right in front of them. You ARE A TREASURE. You are pure gold. No real man should ever shout at you. That's abuse.
I'm going through this as of yesterday with my ex of 20 months. I broke up after I realized he wasn't going to change, he wasn't going to integrate me into his life, etc. People like my ex and Aaron seek out very empathic and caring people, and they try to ruin us.
Yes! I was with someone one time just like this. Alienated my friends and my family, lots of ridiculous fighting, he was a jerk! I felt so stupid after it was over… like how could I! The best thing I did was never look back! I pray Jenna knows she is worth it not to go back. ❤
Never go back, he's creepy, a liar and never deserved you. I'm so sorry. You and your kids have a better life ahead of you. You are not stupid, he's a fool. Trust is hard to know about when your childhood was also filled with trauma. You are loved and will heal. Be stronger than his evil!
Just unsubscribed from him. I looked passed all the other drama but this is too much. I see me in this and how I felt after almost 10 years with my ex. Good for you for getting out this early. Take care of yourself. You deserve so much better and you will get it. The good news is that you know what you don’t want and what and you won’t put up with anything remotely like this in any future relationship. Use this to learn and grow yourself and be kind to yourself. You were abused, this is abuse. Emotional and mental abuse is real and you are and will be so much stronger as you get out of this. Hugs to you, girl. ❤
The pain in your voice was palpable, and the video was incredibly heartbreaking. I've been watching Aaron's channel for a long time and have realised that all the dramas surrounding him have been big red flags about his true persona. I wish you all the best, Jenna, and I hope you find the happiness you deserve.
I agree. I watched him for a long time and initially believed his stories of how all these situations were someone else's fault. It sounds like he is a s*x addict and serial cheater. Rip the band aid off and go cold turkey with absolutely no contact of any kind with him. He can't trick you if you don't speak with him. You'll reestablish your true friendships, you'll overcome the grief, and you will know what you deserve next time, and you won't settle for less. Hugs to you, sweet girl. You've been through so much and proven your strength. You're not an idiot - people like him live on drama, so THEY create it and then convince others that they're the problem. Yet he's always the common denominator. I will never watch his channel again. What a disgusting POS. Take time to heal - you are supported by so many here! ❤
I unsubscribed from him when he was bashing other woman survivors some time ago and it is NOT your fault that you fell for his bullshit. Your time is not wasted, it's how you learn and grow, and how you will appreciate your fabulous self in the future. I am proud of how strong you are for posting this, you are helping more people right now than you will ever know 💜 Keep shining
I have only started to dive deeply into the details around the cult you were stuck in and had been watching Aaron’s channel. Only yesterday I watched both your’s and his interviews with Julian Dorey. Your grace in recounting your time there and your strength in standing up and escaping was deeply moving. I am so sorry you have been hurt by him. As others have said, when someone shows you who they are believe them. Clearly the deep emotional wounds and psychological damage inflicted on members of this cult make forming healthy adult relationships difficult and the first job has got to be personal healing so that you don’t go on and repeat the cycles. Aaron needs to take responsibility for this and seek help. You are certainly not stupid Jenna - you are a woman of tremendous strength and tenacity to have endured what you did and emerge on this other side. I wish you the best and healing for your heart.
This guy is the common denominator in a lot of broken relationships. It’s no wonder the foundation dropped him like a hot potato. And like all skilled manipulators he did a masterful job of convincing us that he was the good guy.
Dear Jenna, all of your fans have already given you all of the advice you need. I'm not going to repeat it. I feel your pain because I too have been there and done that in a toxic relationship. You'll find your strength again and you'll become like an antenna, able to recognize toxic behavior. Love and light to you from my heart.
Jenna, I'm watching your interview with Julian Dorey. He says at one point that you have the "biggest balls in the room," and he is right. You are a determined, courageous survivor. Please hold onto that while you recover from this heartbreak. Aaron is absolutely stupid if he is not in awe of you.
Jenna I hope you wake up today feeling a weight lifted and the love of over 30,000 people who love you and are here to lift you up and give you a soft place to land ❤ You are so loved
He done messed up! I’m sorry, Jenna. I’m 70. When I look back on things I am not proud of. Instead of shame, I now look on with gratitude. A hard lesson, but a lesson none the less. Don’t beat yourself up. Grieve, of course! But you can’t change the past. Move on with more wisdom. Your happiness only depends on you, Girl.
I am 60 and I know she will look back later and take it that she learned a lesson and count her lucky stars that she knows never to go down that path again.
9:53 I would suggest never deleting this video. Never hide it. So it's there to remind you why you left and that he'll never change. At this point idk if he'll change with the help of therapy. I hope you heal from this. YOU deserve better.
Disagree, this is good for her to keep or show family & friends but for legal reasons & the sake of it NOT being a personal moment stuck on the internet forever - I'd remove it.
His ability to fool lies in his ability to explain things in a manner that make sense. Reminds me of a crooked attorney that can twist words to his advantage.
I'm so sorry, Jenna. It's all so clear to me... I used to think Aaron was just unlucky, surrounded by people who treated him poorly and took advantage of him. But I’ve realized that’s not the case-he’s a liar who manipulates situations to dodge blame and accountability. It’s like the saying: 'If everyone around you is an asshole, maybe you’re the asshole.' Aaron is the asshole.
Calling his next video here: crying with no tears, over explaining why he isn’t in the wrong, and strongly implying Jenna is crazy. Hope I’m wrong, but this seems to be his formula.
Idk. Most people are assholes at some point, some all the time, some are assholes because they think everyone else is an asshole but were all capable of being an asshole. a group of people picking on a person with autism or cerebral palsy, which there is much record of this and other bullying, is a good example of how the majority are the assholes. People with disabilities used to not get treated very well at all. So yea. People are assholes.
@ and you are? I should care what you think, why? If I was speaking to a heterosexual man or a lesbian and I said the same thing, but with the word, “woman,” I suspect you’d be cheering. In this case Jenna is a woman dating a man, so my comment, in light of her video, makes perfect sense. I think we are done here, peasant. 😂
I’m glad you are speaking up. This confirms everything Mike Rinder has said about him. He has had way too many “coincidences.” He always had a justification for every weird situation he found himself in. Sometimes people do come out stronger after an affair but that’s usually after a long term relationship not in the first year and multiple times. He’s sick. You dodged a bullet. Don’t blame yourself. He love bombed you. He’s toxic and thank goodness it was only a year. Take some time for yourself to heal and do some therapy. ❤
Honesty I believe Mike Rinder more than Aaron, Aaron has done so much crap by now that I don't trust him at all. Such a shame because he's important in the fight against Scientology.
Aaron is definitely not a good person, but just because he’s an a**hole doesn’t mean that everything Mike Runder said is true. He’s a shady person as well, as other people can confirm. The way he and the Aftermath foundation treated Ruth, Miriam, etc.was not ok. I think that people that grew up in Scientology are highly damaged people and all of them need therapy asap!
Clever girl, you will have no problem getting over this, just remember that instead of bringing light into your life, he has been bringing tension, not worth it no matter how many times he says he loves you. Good move to record your self, when in doubt, just listen to it. 💖💖💖
Replay crew. Wth Is wrong with him. So sorry, Jenna. You deserve so much better. I'm going to have to unfollow him. I enjoyed his videos, but this is too much. Sending you positive vibes and prayers. ❤
I know it’s cliche but this is a total learning experience. You’ll look back on this and know you have none of the blame. He’s just got something evil inside of him. He always acts so justified in his videos and he’s nothing but a BS artist. It’ll take time, but make amends to your friends. I think they’ll understand if they are your true friends. Good luck!! It’s actually the best way to start a new year… get rid of the garbage and toxins. ❤❤
I’ve followed him for a very long time. Always gave him the benefit of doubt. No more. Sad in that he has brought the spotlight to the evils of COS, and helped so many help former members find their voice and share their stories. Will be interesting to watch his coveted subscriber count decrease as I hope it does. But in the end I hope he gets the help in counseling that he refuses to believe he needs.
I met you in Miami, after the cruise. I finally saw through his façade after listening to some of what he had to say in the hotel library, to a small crowd of fan girls. I’m sorry it’s taken this long for you to truly see him as he is. You are NOT stupid. Many of us have been sucked in at some point by a charismatic, narcissistic person. They’re experts at manipulation. Don’t beat yourself up: you’ll know better going forward. You deserve WAY better. Be kind to yourself, set and keep boundaries, grieve the relationship you wanted and thought you had…and move on. The community is here for you, Jenna 🙋♀️❤️💐
You're such an incredible, brave and intelligent person. You don't need to listen to that cretin, you know you deserve better. It's tough right now, but you will get through this. Never diminish yourself. You got this.
Jenna, I am so sorry you’re going through this. My ex was a serial cheater our entire 23 yrs together. What I learned is that cheaters cheat and they rarely change. So glad you’re finding it out now, not later. Big hugs to you. He is CANCELED for me ❤
Stay away from him! You are not an idiot. You are not weak. He is the user. I was married to one for 25 years..this year was not have learned so much even if you don't see it now. Hugs❤
Wow…. Im so sorry. Ive followed him for years and defended him against everything. This finally made me question his integrity.😢I always asked myself if he realizes how lucky he is to have you, and apparently not. This mustve been extremely hard to film and I am really sad to be faced with this reality of my favorite creator. Youre beautiful and I dont want you to forget it.
Are you a very close personal friend of his? If not, it would be really strange to defend someone when you would have no information of their situations or any actual knowledge of who they are.
@@betsybabf748 we defended him because we trusted him. I believe people unless they give me a legitimate reason not to, and I have always loved his channel. I also believe Jenna, and I therefore am challenging my perception of him
The only thing Aaron was truly committed to was the control and benefit he gained from your relationship. He's a control freak, always seeking to manipulate situations for his own advantage. You are incredibly strong for sharing this and shining a light on his dark deeds.
Yeah, i think he just wanted to “notch his belt” with a Miscavige. I always thought the Hedley’s and Rinder were the ones jealous of Aaron’s youtube success but now i realize he’s just a piece of 💩
Narcissistic abuse is tough to get over, but congratulations on getting out of it. Any longer you would've become a shell of yourself. Right now you'll feel like you wasted a year but that year will be a valuable experience because you'll never take shit from anyone again. You're not stupid, he's an abuser. You'll be better in the long run ❤️
Hi Jenna, I just unsubscribed from him the second time I was giving him a second chance and this is it. I really know what type of person he is now and I think you need to stay as far away from him as you can. He’s only gonna use you for your last name. The only thing he cares about is streaming and the money in his pocket and himself .Once a cheater always a cheater. You definitely deserve better.❤
@@jackieg.seventeewhile i understand your sentiment, I cant support it and really hope no one else does either. If we did that our comments, regardless of any potential hurt feelings those might engender in a human being with a functioning conscience, the only impact we’d be creating in his world would be financial and it would be a positive outcome as our contribution would be feeding the algorithm precious “interactions” which his shitbag “content” (recently, his poorly masked attempts at twisting the narrative of his dispicable disloyalty to the original Aftermath folks combined with transparent social climbing since he’s been linked to Jenna- he would take her last name in marriage given the chance). Don’t let him make money off our our desire to stand up for Jenna- better to do that by just forgetting he exists, disconnecting from him fully and pouring our energy into supporting Jenna’s sweet soul as she heals and gets back her power.
I just want to say that you're a strong woman to post this video. And you can use this incident as a new beginning to start fresh to find yourself, which will be more enjoyable than being with someone who treats you the way he did. Regardless of the cheating, someone who screams at you and treats you like that doesn't value you or love you. You deserve so much better than being with a narcissist. I know you'll mourn the relationship, but you will and can do so much better. You are not stupid or an idiot. Please please don't talk down to yourself. You will be better off and healthier without him in your life. I wish you healing and a bright happy future
I did it for 17 years with my ex husband. No one is "dumb" when they're in love, just wearing rose colored glasses. I'm truly happy for her not to waste her good energy on that man going forward.
I did it for like 7 years and I wasted all that time and cried so much and have so much trauma from it. Ruined holidays, women contacting me all the time, lying, feeling shocked all the time. Insecure losers.
Truer words have not be spoken. Damn, I have scars from my toxic relationship. Took me 7 years to extract myself from that mess. Jenna was smarter than me, she did it in 1 year. Point is, what Jenna is going through most people have dealt with. She is such a smart, strong and caring women, she will find her way through her mess. I look forward to seeing her thrive.
Oh sweetheart, this is heart rending. Aaron is deeply damaged. You deserve love, loyalty and healing. You're beautiful and tender hearted. Scientology kills the tender hearts. You're *NOT* an idiot. You're trusting and trustworthy.
I have something I would like to add. Please do not feel shame for giving chances and showing compassion, understanding and kindness. They are the best part of being human and please don’t lose that. I honestly know that all of us watching are wanting to hug you. Xxx❤❤❤
You are NOT an idiot! You are NOT stupid! You are a kind person, trying to see the best in people. He is the problem. He is a monster. And now that you know there is nothing best about him, you can move on. You got this! Sending love from Northern Kentucky!
Get a full panel STI check ASAP. That's the last thing you need, so if any risk, which there 100% is, get checked so anything can be caught early, not lingering causing more serious issues.
He sounds like a real piece of work, when you recover from the shock, RUN and never look back, i know im a stranger but i listened to your story about Scientology and thought you were a really smart and brave lady, please dont for a second think your stupid. It can happen to the best of us. Much love from Australia ❤🇦🇺
“No contact” is the only remedy to handle a narcissist - Aaron has issues you can’t fix with love and care so turn that attention back to caring for you. Big hug!!!
*sigh* I am so sorry, Jenna. I am really sorry that it seems like ASL is not the person you hoped he was. Seems like he’s not the person many of us hoped it was. Hang in there, Jenna. You are a strong woman, and you deserve happiness. I hope you can find someone more worthy of your love and loyalty.
Wow. I always thought he was so empathetic, crying at the drop of a hat for others sorrow. Sociopaths can be excellent actors. So don't be too hard on yourself. ❤
You know what’s worse than wasting a year on someone who treats you like shit?
Wasting a year and a day.
Stay away from him completely. No phone calls, no text. Nothing. You’ll feel completely different in 3 months time. I promise.
So true. I wasted 7 years with an asshole. ❤
You did not "waste " anything, you sweetheart. The learning begins now. But only for people willing to. You are. Aaron is too afraid to self-reflect.
Or, you won't feel different. Everyone's journey is unique. I promise.
why would anyone cheat on such a sexy ex scientologist
Yep the no contact is hard at first but so rewarding. I'm so sorry Jenna
If you've only been together for a year and he's already cheated 3 times..... Get rid of him.
He's telling these other women that you're the crazy one.
When someone SHOWS you who they are.... BELIEVE THEM.
Also once a cheater always a cheater
...also he is still married to someone else right? He really sounds inlove with himself
@ yea his head just kept getting bigger and bigger. I got so disgusted with him.
@@marywilson5192 that's exactly what habitual cheaters do!! They convince you the other women are crazy 🤪 when it reality they are lying and leading on multiple people. They make you feel crazy too! That's the game
Incredible how he's constantly trying to blame you. Gaslighting you. You should be his priority.
Acceptance of this will take time, but it will happen. 💪
Jenna, you survived being a Miscavige in Scientology. You survived escaping Scientology. You are a strong, warrior-woman. No man can diminish you. You're all you need and you're gonna shine through this!
You put that perfectly 🩷🍭
Well Said 👏🏼👏🏼💪🏼❤️🙋🏼
Hope she's getting counseling to build her self-esteem & confidence ... & how to move on from that abusive azz.
@@zaxlittlelife he sounded like a creep
Amen 🎉
His kids warning your kids?!?! “I hope he treats your mom better than he treats our mom” is INSANE! If that ain’t a red flag the size of Texas, idk what is
That's next level wtf
That is very sad those poor kids
I thought the very same thing!
Having a group of people tell you that cheating makes a relationship stronger is some wiiiiiiiiild gaslighting. So calculated. Yikes.
@@maxssister1985 💯!!! I mean, who were those people?!? so lying, deceiving, going behind the back of your partner makes you stronger?? Are they talking about your immune system, like for colds and stuff like that?? 😅 Disgusting!!!
I was also very much shocked by that. Who in the right mind is defending cheating! And when has it EVER made a relationship stronger. Ridiculous!
Yh, that really did shock me. Like who are these friends and I hope she has dumped them
Makes a relationship stronger? That's INSANE. As a general rule once a cheater always a cheater.
@@maxssister1985 When she said that my jaw hit the floor.
If any of your female friends make excuses for him, they are not your friend.
Exactly this
So true 😢
Very true
Great advice! Very true! Any girl defending him either is still being manipulated by his charisma, is in denial, very vulnerable and naive, a kind forgiving person giving him the benefit of doubt or hasn't known him very long
His self destructive behaviour is snowballing. Lindsey has her issues, and the fact that she continues to see him is a huge problem. There is nothing but catastrophe surrounding him, and you and your family don’t need any more trauma. Be safe xx
Ghost him. Block him. Never respond to him again. And move forward with your life and with your children. You deserve someone who loves you and treats you well.
Best advice ever!
Yep they only are important because you give them attention. He’s just baiting her too and will probably enjoy watching her in pain disgusting he’s sadistic and abusive.
You are not weak. You are not an idiot.
I beg you, please, know your worth girl. And when you do, poof! The rest is HISTORY.
I know your heart hurts. Trust, this will heal.
No one deserves to be treated like this.
You are a rock star. Stay strong. Again, know your worth.
Yes she is. But as l9ng as she keeps thinking that she should not change those beliefs she has about herself nothing will change
Honey, my apologies if this sounds crude...but seriously...make an appointment with your OBGYN and get tested. This same type of thing happened to a dear friend and she ended up with an STD. I think all of our hearts are cumulatively breaking for you. You are not an idiot, honey.
Solid advice. And I agree no one should feel like an idiot because they were cheated on. We trust our partners - we are supposed to be able to. We forgive the people we love, that’s a good quality. This is not on Jenna.
Good advice.
Yes!!! I third and 4th and 5th this very solid advice from the original poster in this thread!
I’m 55 and In 1972, when I was just 2 years old… my dad abandoned my mom and I on Christmas Eve…. He literally just walked out of the house and never came back…
He never, ever came back for an entire year and a half…. In those days, it was pretty easy to just “disappear” unlike today…it’s much harder to pull that B.S today.
Anyway…. A few weeks after he left us, my mom started to experience some horrible obgyn symptoms (told to me years later, obviously as I was just 2 at this time)…
My mom ended up having a severe infection that would not respond to antibiotics and after an entire month of treatment and lost work…she ended up having to have a total hysterectomy …. She was only 30 years old and I was her only child…he destroyed any chance she had at having another child. She was devastated. Completely destroyed.
So yes. Please get tested. Please.
As women…we stand together on this. Cheater or not…always check up on our health. 💗
This is so important, especially when trust has been broken!
Jenna as a man let me just say that if you have to alienate and put off friends and family for a man, that is not a sign of a healthy relationship. I am sorry that you are experiencing this.
Yes! Well said! How refreshing to see a man who believes this! Love it!
It's so nice to see a man express empathy and give good advice
Agreed. I'm a man as well and behavior like what you're talking about is a tell tale sign of abuse. When it comes to relationships don't be a cheater. Male or Female. If you think/feel the relationship is over, end it. It's the right thing to do. Cheating is incredibly disrespectful and hurtful to your partner.
Thank you, gentlemen. Your validation is very helpful in a situation like this.
Please resign from the sptv foundation. He doesnt need that excuse to contact you. Clean break. Dont let him or others guilt you into staying. I married a highschool mate at the age of 50. He was very much like Aaron. Fun loving and charismatic. I divorced an abusive yelling gaslighter at the age of 53 but i didn't lose 3 years. I gained peace and a valuable lesson. I dont regret any of it because of the life lesson. I needed it. I gained knowledge and empathy. Jenna, after the tears, you are still young, beautiful, and STRONG. You got this!!
I love your post and agree about instead of regret, gaining knowledge and empathy. I used to call past relationships as 'failures' but someone corrected me and called them 'progressions.' Lessons learned so that the next one, you'll be better equipped with the learned lessons to avoid the same mistakes. You sound like a strong and confident woman. Annette
She should absolutely resign from SPTV and start her own foundation- using HER name. She could Crush that manipulative, social climbing, creep like the bug he his…I just hope she recognizes her own potential and power. 💜
@@PossumLover1111I love your username!!! Possums are so cute!!! You sound like a pretty wise and strong woman yourself! Cheers to the new year!!!
@@rachaeltucker2411 Thanks Rachael. Possums are my spirit animal. Here in Houston, TX they come around in the evening. I feed them every evening. They are indeed cute! Annette
I wondered why would the man who assets it’s wrong to have couples on the AF board be part of a couple on the SPTV board? Well this ends that scenario. Yeah it’s not ok on any board. Conflict of interest, favoritism and a lot else wrong with it.
Wow. Wow. Being screamed at on the phone and crying daily over a man is not the way to live life. I'm sorry this happened. Don't let him manipulate you anymore. You don't need him.
With all the drama that Aaron in CONSISTENTLY involved in, it’s giving credence to everything The Aftermath Foundation said about him and he’s proved that them getting rid of him was right. That man is toxic.
My thoughts exactly. Aaron is a very toxic person who harms all in his vacinity.
Agreed. And he slept with a woman the foundation was helping. That behavior is predatory, and is guaranteed to lead to lawsuits. His behavior put the foundation at serious risk.
Yeah I understand that Aaron was hurt from them kicking him out but imo they had every right, they have to protect the reputation of the organization and specially how he treats women is unacceptable imo at least.
Yeah, I stopped listening to these Scientology channels because these individuals need therapy. They have deep emotions trauma. It’s sad. Aaron has major issues. He feeds on the social media attention. I stopped following because I felt like I was enabling him. I get these videos in my feed every now and then. It’s sad.
Well I mean they’re worse so that’s not really relevant to his shoddy behaviour
Almost worse than the cheating is “he gave me a countdown every time I tried to talk.” Narcissistic, controlling, emotionally abusive behavior. Stay strong.
Yeah, that countdown thing definitely sounds abusive.
Yes! Narcs are so good at making us feel like we are the ones who are wrong. I hope she can be strong and be done with him.
I don’t understand what the countdown was about?
@@Canadian_Girl_ My understanding was that he was giving her a limited time to speak.
Despite what Aaron thinks, he does need therapy. This behavior is not new, and he clearly cannot be trusted in a relationship. I'm very disappointed that he refuses to acknowledge that he needs help. He was very lucky that he had you. I did see this coming, but I was hoping I was wrong. He had to deal with his demons. You are better off. My ex cheated and to this day, he will not admit it. You can move on without him, and you will be better off.
Spot on!
I would imagine he doesn't feel like he needs therapy because consequences are miniscule compared to payoffs.
I agree. This guy needs to get some mental help
I totally agree. Unfortunately, it won't happen until the desire springs from inside of himself.
I didn't see this coming. His ability to formulate logical arguments really hooked me, but then, I did state here in other posts my inability to identify men with unwavering integrity.
@@openmyeyes67you mean he thinks the consequences are minimal to the payout? Not that that is actually true, I hope.
Think of your kids the next time you want to give him another chance. You deserve to be happy and they deserve to see their mom treated with love and respect. They are watching and learning thru this too.
“Posting this so that I never go back” made me bawl. Tears running down my face. You found out now and not later and that’s at least something. You are smart and brave and you are nobody’s f’n fool.
made me cry too. Jenna is so brave to post this. I had to unsubscribe to his channel immediately because I was obviously following a charlatan. So sad that Jenna thinks she's an idiot or stupid. That is all on him. I feel terrible for her.
@ I unsubbed to him halfway through the video and I’m a member so I cancelled that too. Anyone who could treat Jenna like THIS??? bye boy.
You are not an idiot nor are you stupid your a strong brave woman
I am 64 years old. Have survived more than one heartache. Believe me girl. It will only make you stronger and keener. By the time you get to my age... You won't even remember why you liked him in the first place.
Take time to mourn that's okay. Be sad, be mad, be crazy if you need to. But whatever you do never never ever go back
I'm glad you did this, one of the biggest acts of bravery I've ever seen on social media!❤
@HippieChick60 I'm 60, and mourned over a "relationship " for two years solid. Excellent advise.
Spot on advice 64 here and I can’t even fathom why I liked the guy that broke my heart Screw him, move on.
@HippieChick60 Thank you, I came hear to tell Jenna the exact same thing you did! Same age. It happens to a lot of us. Jenna - I'm sorry. But never go back. Clean break. Hugs.
I’m in good company. 60 must be the magic number to be happy in our own skin without the need for outside affirmations.
Agreed. Im 63 yo. Life is short. It DOES get better. YOU ARE WORTHY OF BETTER. are a wonderful person: period. Any man you love is truly sick to waste such love. Today & every day celebrate your new life without abuse. I'm proud of you! 🎉
You know I fell into the ex Scientology rabbit hole thanks to you! Happy new year Tory McGoo!
Tori you are a true hero! I have watched you for years!
@@ToryMagoo44 you're such a supportive beautiful voice in the sptv land. Thank you so much
We'll said, Tory ❤
A bit of advice. Watch this video every day until you’re 100% pissed and 0% hurt!
Great advice.
And look up the cycle of grief too, while she is at it. It'll help Jenna know she's normal in her feelings.❤
Whoever said cheating makes ur relationship stronger is insane. How do you get stronger by getting a disease 😭😭😭 ugh leave him girl. Couldn’t even be faithful for a damn year.
11:30 "We hope that he treats your mom better than he treats our mom." HEARTBREAKING that even his children know who Aaron is.
That part made me gasp
That broke my heart.
Wow. That’s devastating. I’m so sorry
This was shocking n full omfg even for Aaron n me not being shocked in the least bit he cheated multiple times
What a Narcissist
"When somebody tells you who they are, believe them the first time." --Maya Angelou
Amen! When I started doing that, I met the love of my life and have been married for almost 32 years.
Unless they are a conman embellishing
@@syon600 That wasn't the point of this famous quote. The whole point is that a person like that will give themselves away in so many ways, which this one has been doing on TH-cam for years now and when they do, believe them.
This! He is not worth your time. He’s manipulating you still. You’re not an idiot. This is your first major relationship. Use your instincts, they’re there.
The whole cheating and getting back together is not the way. Give yourself time. All these tears and other emotions aren’t a waste. You’ll remember how this felt.
Yes! preach!
He's a narcissist plain and simple. You are beautiful and deserve better.
he will not receive any further support from me. thank you for this. I'm so so sorry.
Anyone who dates a narcissist ends up feeling stupid. You get broken down little by little, and when you finally look at it and see how far you’ve departed from feeling alive and like yourself … you feel stupid. But you’re not stupid, Jenna.
This. 100%
Yep he didn’t start screaming at her right off the bat they manipulate you and love bomb you and they get you to trust them they will mirror you. They will use a week and apologize and go back to treating you nice for a while. Horrific. Nobody deserves to be abused and betrayed like that and it’s always the really amazing empathetic beautiful women.
They have to be a narcissist yourself to fall for the flattery and love bombing
Ain’t this the damn truth
@@ayamystic2 your incomplete sentence makes no sense. "They" and "yourself" together like that make no sense. Are you implying that she is a narcissist in order to fall for a narcissist? That is a complete and utterly falsity.
RIP growing up in Scientology 2016-2024
@@dylanchadderton1 I totally agree. He done messed up!! Yes, RIP Growing up in Scientology...absolutely. He absolutely just ruined himself. He's the idiot!! 💕💕💕💕
I am unsubscribing from his channel. He is morally bankrupt!
It should have happened years ago. He has blatantly lied and contradicted himself in his own videos. He’s a narcissistic ahole. He has his own cult and his followers won’t leave him.
@@dylanchadderton1 yep I unsubscribed. I was so angry hearing how he treated her, I had to edit my response 5 times! She deserves so much better than him.
Unsubbed and fk him.
I heard him on some podcast talking about the mission of his life was making sure your uncle's life is miserable/ruined/destroyed, and my immediate thought was RED FLAG when I found out he was dating/engaged to you.
I absolutely thought he was using you as part of that life mission vendetta.
No contact, Baby. That's the only way to handle this. Don't give him the chance to gaslight and manipulate you.
I am so sorry you're going through this, but good riddance to bad rubbish. Everyone deserves to be really loved and cared about. That's what you've offered him and you deserve that to be reciprocated. He ain't it.
Good point ! ,,, The surname triggers his reason for podcasting and justifies a 'relationship' that seems more akin to a hostage situation.
@daveluck5717 Exactly! His life's mission isn't really to take down Scientology, but to relish in making David Miscavige's life pure hell. Never date anyone who's life's mission is vendetta, revenge, and/or to destroy the life of another human being. That already shouts volumes about his narcissism and potential sociopathy of his character.
But especially don't date that guy if the person he's made it his life's mission to destroy is blood related to you & you share that family name. Because that Dude's hated is all-consuming. His hatred and competitive vindictiveness toward Jenna's uncle is what he defines as giving meaning and purpose to his life and very existence. And blood libel is a thing.
So, would such a man on such a competitive power trip weaponize a "romantic" relationship with Miscavige's sweet and naive niece who's only ever dated one guy her whole life? Oh ABSO-F-ING-LUTELY!
He would totally use her to attack and embarrass David Miscavige as both a doll to parade around as a "goody goody haha look what I got, David" AND to abuse, humiliate, and destroy her in lieu of David Miscavige.
I hope she stays FAR away from him! No contact.
You’re not an idiot. 244K of us fell for him too. Watched him and believed him for years now. No more. Unsubscribed. 😩 I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m rooting for you, Jenna! 💪 ❤
People can unsubscribe from Aaron’s channel if they believe he is an emotional abuser.
@@ariannewdnotbe done!
I'm so glad I unsubscribed and stopped watching his videos many months ago.. after the Aftermath Foundation dumped him, and he would take no responsibility for his actions.. THEY were the wrong ones.. yeah right!!! Definitely something a narcissist would say.. they are always the victim, anyone that opposes them are wrong, crazy, etc. I hope many more people unsubscribe as well.
9:30 “I’m posting this to make sure that I never go back to him.”
Jenna this is so brave. I’m so sorry you are going though this. I hope you can lean on your best friend and the people in your life who truly care for you.
Please don’t put up with someone treating you poorly. No one deserves to be screamed at.
From day one (sadly) I had a feeling he was using you due to your surname.
Run.... Run.... NEVER look back. 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️ He's a narc!
I have to say I was subbed to his channel & had no idea that this lovely woman was his'm spee speechless 😮
If he ever calls you again, (if you are tempted to answer), please start with, “I’m recording this phone call for safety and quality assurance.” and ACTUALLY record all communications. He loves getting people to post videos of other people’s conversations; let’s see what he says to you when he knows it could go viral. I bet he quits yelling at you real fast.
Excellent suggestion.
Perfect idea. I bet his tune will change real quick
There’s no reason for them to speak anymore. I vote for not answering at all.
@@valhallamcgaughey3720 ABSOLUTELY!
Another thing you need to keep in mind: he used you because you are intelligent, a great person, overall an extremely positive presence. You are great for his image, considering the drama that constantly surrounds him. So don't go back to him. He needs you so much more than you need him. You deserve someone who doesn't scream at you, who comes visit at the drop of a hat, who respects you and makes you FEEL loved. Block him and stay strong Jenna! From this girl who also got out X
Indeed, if she engages this narcissist, it will just get worse. There are therapists who specialize in narcissistic abuse recovery ... hope she looks into it stat.
@@sherryw1919I don't believe Aaron is a narcissist, but just presents that way due to hypermanic and probably manic episodes. I have just been through something similar with a loved one with diagnosed bipolar disorder., fear of emotional intimacy, always seeking stimuli, etc. Probably Borderline Personality Disorder, too as they are lost and seek drama and stimuli to feel alive, the world is black or white, anything but their way is intolerable, etc.
These are recognisable diagnoses to me because I had many years of therapy and was assessed to have overcome my diagnoses. I had all the above, except bipolar disorder, but other members of my family have bipolar disorder, as genetically inherited from my grandmother. My grandmother had 3 children to 3 different men, none of whom she was married to at the time. Her story was a scandal in newspapers at the time. There were no medications back then.
People with narcissistic personality disorder lack empathy and the capacity to love as part of their personality, not part of their mood. I believe Aaron's empathy, and love, when he can connect with them, are genuine. But emotional abuse is emotional abuse, whether intentional or not. And yes, therapy can be extremely beneficial to reaffirm one's self after a relationship like that.
1000 times, THIS!
I have been "team Aaron" for a long time. NOT ANYMORE!! I didnt believe all the shade other people were throwing at him. I CERTAINLY DO NOW! You are not at fault Jenna! Im so blown away...I am the idiot too! You have so many people who love you just the way you are. Dont become jaded. He is not worth it...❤❤❤❤❤
I'm With ya.. Unbelievable... U deserve Much better 💗🙋🏼
Me too. I believed his side until now. No one messes with Jenna. What a sweetheart she is. That’s it. I’m done with Aaron.
He was always a creep. Defo hone your radar a bit more - when a man doesn’t take responsibility for anything ever and seeks the adoration of hundreds of thousands of stans he is very clearly a narcissist. His stans have gone after other TH-camrs relentlessly, Aaron using them like flying monkeys as narcissists do.
I left his channel immediately after his crocodile tears on the episode when he whined about the “crazy” girl he slept with at the Jane Doe trial. How can a father of two girls do something so irresponsible? He took no responsibility for his part in it and brought an allegedly “crazy” person into his life. He is slick though, somehow he was able to fool a lot of people for a long time. So glad people finally see the light and will leave his channel. That will hit him in the ego.
I'm not surprised by this, which surprises me bc I'm always on the wrong side of things bc I believe everything, but when he did what he did to Mike rinder , Marc headly , I was on mikes side.
I unsubscribed to his channel and I blocked his channel. I live this life! I’m getting out too. Run Jenna! It only becomes worse!
You are not an idiot, you are none of the things you say. You are kind and generous. The cult did not teach you how to recognize this. I have no words to offer for comfort right now. Just love. Janet
💯 % facts!!
Janet is completely correct. Aaron took advantage of the negative things about your upbringing in Scientology. He knows how to manipulate those things and he did. He is a brilliant guy, but it doesn’t appear like he’s a very good guy. You are kind, creative, generous, funny, and so deserving of love from the right man. Please give yourself grace.
@ thank you Christy. And your comments are spot on. More reason to abhor this cult. It sucks the humanity right out of people. It stunts children’s emotional growth. It removes barriers to good behavior. It is a miracle that Jenna is so kind and loving.
So you let a man cheat on you at 3 times and you accept it what's the matter with you females that is why grow a pair if he's done at least 3 times what do think is going to happen in the future if and when he has more chances to do it?
For real surviving high control group makes people prime targets for narc abuse
Now its time for no contact. Block. Protect your peace. Safe relationships and trust. Keep those people close. You now have knowledge, new wisdom. Predators not allowed. Reclaim your power. Protect your peace. It takes awareness. Listen to gut instinct. Also block all his friends, associates. Actions above words. Keep everything precious about you! Just fiercely protect your peace. Doesn't need drama. Just insight, awareness and trueness to self. You've got this! Power is in no contact and blocking ...
Wise words. Listen to this Jenna. These are wise, kind and loving words of advise. Your community here loves you. This will only make you stronger. Don't believe ANYTHING he says about you. Trust yourself.
Jenna, thank you for your honesty. Your reason for posting this is not only 100% valid, but powerful. Take your independence back, you're doing the right thing. And your community is also here for you!
Beautiful message Jenna, listen to this one!❤🤟
True. Very powerful. Get off that board too. No contact. Listen to Dr ramani. Get her book, it's not you. Watch her YT. You have no kids with him. He lives in another state. No contact. They do no change.
@@darlabayarea totally agree with your comment to Jenna. She has a kind heart and loved Aaron so much. It’s vile to me that a person could take a pure heart and abuse it. I’m done with AA too. My heart hurts for Jenna.
You are not stupid. You want to be loved which is a basic human need. I'm impressed of your posting of this to hold yourself accountable. Good thinking. Not stupid at all. And remember your children first when you have any thoughts of returning to that situation. Show them how to have standards for themselves by having standards for yourself.
I genuinely clicked on this thinking it was clickbait. 5 seconds in I realise it's not. This sucks so much, I'm so sorry this has happened to you. You deserve so much better. I truly hope you find your person. xx
I thought so too cause sometimes they play on words, I thought she was gonna say they were playing a board game and she caught him cheating three times in a playful way uggghhhh
🙏🏼 prayers to you sweet courageous Jenna 🙏🏼❤️🩹
It Takes courage to fall in love… boundaries is an essential part of that , is the most difficult to execute and cultivate🙏🏼
So I was shocked to see it was real😮😢❤️🩹
I almost didn't watch it because it read clickbaity.
Or. You can be happy if you are not in a relationship. Sometimes happier. Really.
Jenna, you are not stupid. This is not your fault. Aaron is a skilled liar and manipulator. It is evident in the way he talks about other people. Please do not blame yourself or give up on the possibility of love. Learn the lessons of this heartbreak. Listen to those who genuinely love you and have concerns. If you ever hear yourself saying “you don’t know him like I do“ you can believe that you don’t really know him. Don’t trust a narcissist. When you are fighting all the time, that’s the sign that the relationship does not work and you need to get out. Know that you are worth loving and treating well. I am so sorry this happened to you, but I know that you will come through it stronger. You survived Scientology and you will survive Aaron Smith-Levin.
Here here
Here here.
The guy is "hunting david m" on new years eve. Obsessed much?
ASL is still scientology.
Very well said. Aaron is a manipulative user. Thankfully, Jenna is done with him. Run from this jerk
Jenna....damn it! Aaron NOT ok! Unfortunately Jenna you are the only one who can fully take care of you. Abusive people learn early on how to manipulate you, make you are far from being an idiot!
You wanted to believe. "Watch where the feet go" (if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a's a duck!)
Take care of you. ✌️🎉💜💝
Good for you for posting this. You didn't lose a
GAINED a whole life, without abuse. Love yourself. 💟
Well said, Tory ❤
Very well said Tory, these are wise words. 🙌
That last sentence is such a wonderful way to help someone blinded by their current situation see things from a much better perspective. Thank you. 🥰
Omg Tory I love that, great advice! ❤❤
I absolutely hate that the one that carries the shame is the victim. You trusted the person you loved and he took advance of your good nature. Hold your head high, he should be the one feeling ashamed.
The more situations and stories I hear about Aaron, the more red flags pop up. You are a genuinely good and kind person and you deserve to be in a relationship with an actual grown up who values you and treats you like the greatest thing that’s ever happened to them. There’s a saying in Spanish that essentially boils down to “it’s better to be alone than in bad company”. You deserve more than an overgrown man-child. You deserve someone who is willing and able to give as much of themselves as you give of yourself in a relationship. 💜
Nora has been telling everyone about his behaviour for a long time. I lost a lot of respect for hin a long time ago. He needs help BIG TIME. Please don't let him in your life anymore... He has left a trail of destruction wherever he goes.... I am very sorry you are hurt. You don't need this & deserve way better.
I know yeah Nora sometimes may seem nuts just coz of her manner of delivering information but i find her pretty honest in how she thinks and yeah based on what she was saying this kinda behaviour is consistent with the personality she says he has and she should know, they have knows each other a lot time
ha ha ha kelly !!!
Kudos to Nora!!!❤
This isn’t about Nora
@IngridKB I know. It's verification. She has been bang on in her assessment.
Please don't ever let anyone scream at you like that ever again. The next person that screams at you like that again cut off all communication completely full stop.
This! Every little bit of disrespect you allow is like a line in the sand that fades bit by bit, every time it is crossed... It becomes easier and easier to do (perpetrator)/ accept (victim). Never allow anyone to dehumanize you by yelling or name calling. Know your worth and command the respect. It won't be an issue with the right person. Love shouldn't hurt.
Jenna this person is giving great advice please listen…we all care about you very much..
Unfortunately she’s on a foundation board of which he’s president. Limit all contact to only foundation related contact is wise. Frankly, his dealings with Sky Daily told me he is abusive to women and doesn’t respect their boundaries. He shouldn’t be president of a foundation that vulnerable women are encouraged to go to for help.
@@SBVixen Exactly. Beautifully written.
Jenna, you did nothing to deserve any of that! Aaron definitely needs to get some help. There’s no excuse for that kind of behavior! You’re not an idiot by any means! You are so strong and you will get thru this. There is no excuse for any kind of abuse. I’m so thankful that you have taken a stand and decided that you deserve so much better than that. ❤
Jenna I am so sorry that you are in pain right now.
I urge you to resign from the foundation board and have no more dealings with him. Cut all ties completely.
I think you should resign from the board. Stay away from him and anything to do with him.
@@dianab8889 oh! No one mentioned about Jenna on the board of his foundation. Jenna needs to leave the Foundation. I wonder where Mike Brown will stand on this situation. He is an integrity guy. The foundation may not make it. I would not trust my money in a non integrity non profit Foundation. Thanks for making that comment. I forgot Jenna was on the board
I agree that Jenna and all the other board members should resign en masse. Abusing a woman is never ever acceptable. It doesn't matter if the abuse is physical, emotional, or mental - it's abuse.
We were all taken in by Aaron's charisma, and I was happy that you had found someone who loved you because you deserve the best. Not anymore.
Jenna, you are a beautiful, strong, amazing, and intelligent woman who has overcome so much in your life. Look at this experience as a very hard lesson but one that will make you stronger. You deserve someone who loves you unconditionally.
The pain in your eyes speaks volumes. Take time to heal your heart and soul by walking away and going zero contact with Aaron. Just remember, you are loved and respected by many because of who you are. We're all here for you.
What foundation? Who are these people?
I am so sorry, Jenna. If I am being honest, this was my fear when you two got together, but I knew three things about you from reading your book: You are strong, you don’t take crap from anyone and you have no problem standing up for yourself. This sucks, but you are better off, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. You deserve better. Much better. Aaron needs significant help he isn’t willing to get, but I hope he gets it before something really bad happens. Keep your head held high, you are NOT an idiot. Much love and big hugs to you. ❤
"we hope he treats your mum better than he treats our mum". Makes my heart cry.
And he has all daughters. He's their example of what to expect from someone you're in a relationship with. Devastating.
Yes, that was absolutely heartwrenching (and telling).
It should be the sign, the wake up call for him- and I say that with love.
Such a red flag.
why would anyone enter into a relationship with someone who still lives with his ex-wife??? That alone would be the biggest red flag for me
He showed you who he is, you deserve so much more. Please never think you are stupid, love is blind as they say!
I hope you stay strong and don't let this hold you back.
Sending you all the positivity and healing ❤
Yeah. Reading all these comments....bad ass move jenna. Making the video is super strong move. Never delete it!!❤❤
Totally agree!! With all of it!!
@abovenbeyondit I love all the love she's getting here. Even over on Nora's channel too. Time tells everything. Nora told us all!!
It is forever in cyber space, even if she were to delete it.
Aaron Bushnell 💔🖤🤍💚
Seriously Badass. Jenna, you rock! Heal and take your next steps building your beautiful life. Your grace and clarity are astounding. You are loved. 💜
I never wanted to believe Aaron was a narcissist. I’m sorry he proved it to you . Sending hugs and good thoughts your way. Keep your head high knowing you’re out of this toxic relationship now.
I just got here so I don’t know anyone, but just chiming in to say…
That’s the thing with narcissists. They can be seemingly likable and enjoyable people. It’s a full facade. It’s difficult to comprehend but the fastest way out is to remember everything they wove with you was completely fake, not real. You’ll be tempted to shame yourself for not knowing, but this is literally why the internet is filled with videos about them. Heck, even knowing what is taught on these videos may not ‘save’ one from entering into a relationship with one because they know how to manipulate.
Oh honey you are not an idiot. You are a quality human and you know your worth.
Most of us have met the same kind of person. An egomaniac that will never be able to see the treasure that is right in front of them.
You ARE A TREASURE. You are pure gold.
No real man should ever shout at you. That's abuse.
I'm going through this as of yesterday with my ex of 20 months. I broke up after I realized he wasn't going to change, he wasn't going to integrate me into his life, etc. People like my ex and Aaron seek out very empathic and caring people, and they try to ruin us.
Yes! I was with someone one time just like this. Alienated my friends and my family, lots of ridiculous fighting, he was a jerk! I felt so stupid after it was over… like how could I! The best thing I did was never look back! I pray Jenna knows she is worth it not to go back. ❤
Never go back, he's creepy, a liar and never deserved you. I'm so sorry. You and your kids have a better life ahead of you. You are not stupid, he's a fool. Trust is hard to know about when your childhood was also filled with trauma. You are loved and will heal. Be stronger than his evil!
Just unsubscribed from him. I looked passed all the other drama but this is too much. I see me in this and how I felt after almost 10 years with my ex. Good for you for getting out this early. Take care of yourself. You deserve so much better and you will get it. The good news is that you know what you don’t want and what and you won’t put up with anything remotely like this in any future relationship. Use this to learn and grow yourself and be kind to yourself. You were abused, this is abuse. Emotional and mental abuse is real and you are and will be so much stronger as you get out of this. Hugs to you, girl. ❤
I unsubscribed as well. Just disgusting.
So did I’ll I’m done with listening to him!
Unsubscribed from him as well, that's a step too far. Absolutely vile
This was my breaking point too. I happily unsubscribed!
I unsubscribed to him months ago after his disgusting behavior to Nora. Also just unsubscribed to Poe.
The pain in your voice was palpable, and the video was incredibly heartbreaking. I've been watching Aaron's channel for a long time and have realised that all the dramas surrounding him have been big red flags about his true persona. I wish you all the best, Jenna, and I hope you find the happiness you deserve.
I agree. I watched him for a long time and initially believed his stories of how all these situations were someone else's fault. It sounds like he is a s*x addict and serial cheater. Rip the band aid off and go cold turkey with absolutely no contact of any kind with him. He can't trick you if you don't speak with him. You'll reestablish your true friendships, you'll overcome the grief, and you will know what you deserve next time, and you won't settle for less. Hugs to you, sweet girl. You've been through so much and proven your strength. You're not an idiot - people like him live on drama, so THEY create it and then convince others that they're the problem. Yet he's always the common denominator. I will never watch his channel again. What a disgusting POS. Take time to heal - you are supported by so many here! ❤
I unsubscribed from him when he was bashing other woman survivors some time ago and it is NOT your fault that you fell for his bullshit. Your time is not wasted, it's how you learn and grow, and how you will appreciate your fabulous self in the future. I am proud of how strong you are for posting this, you are helping more people right now than you will ever know 💜 Keep shining
Was he bashing survivors? I haven't really watched him much for a while , he had seemed so supportive of the jane does in the DM case !? Yikes 😢
I have only started to dive deeply into the details around the cult you were stuck in and had been watching Aaron’s channel. Only yesterday I watched both your’s and his interviews with Julian Dorey. Your grace in recounting your time there and your strength in standing up and escaping was deeply moving. I am so sorry you have been hurt by him. As others have said, when someone shows you who they are believe them. Clearly the deep emotional wounds and psychological damage inflicted on members of this cult make forming healthy adult relationships difficult and the first job has got to be personal healing so that you don’t go on and repeat the cycles. Aaron needs to take responsibility for this and seek help. You are certainly not stupid Jenna - you are a woman of tremendous strength and tenacity to have endured what you did and emerge on this other side. I wish you the best and healing for your heart.
This guy is the common denominator in a lot of broken relationships. It’s no wonder the foundation dropped him like a hot potato. And like all skilled manipulators he did a masterful job of convincing us that he was the good guy.
If "the foundation" refers to Scientology, then they are far, far worse than cheating.
His tears seemed fake to me.
Isn’t Aaron in an open marital relationship? Like he lives with his “wife” and kids and he dates other people?
@ He’s a weird dude for sure.
Dear Jenna, all of your fans have already given you all of the advice you need. I'm not going to repeat it. I feel your pain because I too have been there and done that in a toxic relationship. You'll find your strength again and you'll become like an antenna, able to recognize toxic behavior. Love and light to you from my heart.
If u overcome scientology, you will overcome one dude. It needs time and honesty to urself. Be objective and love yourself!
Jenna, I'm watching your interview with Julian Dorey. He says at one point that you have the "biggest balls in the room," and he is right. You are a determined, courageous survivor. Please hold onto that while you recover from this heartbreak. Aaron is absolutely stupid if he is not in awe of you.
Julian was 1000% correct, he also told Aaron something along the lines of “don’t cross her”. Aaron should have listened!
Remember when he said to Aaron. Dont xxxx with her Aaron. That aged so well!
Jenna I hope you wake up today feeling a weight lifted and the love of over 30,000 people who love you and are here to lift you up and give you a soft place to land ❤ You are so loved
@@Failedpess So true!!!
I love this comment so much and I hope Jenna sees this❤❤❤
Sweet comment 🧡
wow Jenna, throw the whole man away. you deserve better.
I didnt even know they were dating. Jena is model hot and he is, well, not at all. I know looks arent everything but the difference is just so stark.
@@rehx4 It's actually shocking. I am in aw of Aaron lol
@@rehx4 💯Jenna is a 10 and such a smart and kind woman. Aaron is a 🤡who was lucky to be with her.
He done messed up! I’m sorry, Jenna. I’m 70. When I look back on things I am not proud of. Instead of shame, I now look on with gratitude. A hard lesson, but a lesson none the less. Don’t beat yourself up. Grieve, of course! But you can’t change the past. Move on with more wisdom. Your happiness only depends on you, Girl.
Great advice
Yours is my favorite post here...beautiful and powerful❤
Same ❤❤❤
I am 60 and I know she will look back later and take it that she learned a lesson and count her lucky stars that she knows never to go down that path again.
I subscribed when he had less than 1000 people. I unsubscribed today.
9:53 I would suggest never deleting this video. Never hide it. So it's there to remind you why you left and that he'll never change. At this point idk if he'll change with the help of therapy. I hope you heal from this. YOU deserve better.
Women need to start exposing the horrific abuse men do. Get an attorney first.
Oh, Jenna will heal. Aaron's too arrogant for therapy. Him? He's always right. Can't you hear him yelling it?
Abusive!! Pure EVIL. Stay away from him Jenna.
@@krystlesun977 I agree. I think it's crucial to keep this video up at least for long.
Disagree, this is good for her to keep or show family & friends but for legal reasons & the sake of it NOT being a personal moment stuck on the internet forever - I'd remove it.
Honey, he had a lot of us fooled. You are human, not stupid! You will survive this and be stronger on the other side of this situation.
His ability to fool lies in his ability to explain things in a manner that make sense. Reminds me of a crooked attorney that can twist words to his advantage.
I'm so sorry, Jenna. It's all so clear to me... I used to think Aaron was just unlucky, surrounded by people who treated him poorly and took advantage of him. But I’ve realized that’s not the case-he’s a liar who manipulates situations to dodge blame and accountability.
It’s like the saying: 'If everyone around you is an asshole, maybe you’re the asshole.' Aaron is the asshole.
Calling his next video here: crying with no tears, over explaining why he isn’t in the wrong, and strongly implying Jenna is crazy.
Hope I’m wrong, but this seems to be his formula.
I can see this too. Poor Jenna. @@mmmcoffeetogo
Idk. Most people are assholes at some point, some all the time, some are assholes because they think everyone else is an asshole but were all capable of being an asshole. a group of people picking on a person with autism or cerebral palsy, which there is much record of this and other bullying, is a good example of how the majority are the assholes. People with disabilities used to not get treated very well at all. So yea. People are assholes.
Yh, I used to like Aaron but with the amount of drama that follows him, he’s the problem.
If he can poop on Jenna, he is not going to be faithful to friend, wife, business partners, etc al. It's him. Rinder is right.
this is the best reason to post a video like this. for accountability. I hope you have strong women around you to help you heal.
Do not doubt yourself. Do not gaslight yourself for any man, ever.
@@doublem1975x misandry is a joke stop inventing discrimination for your own comfort
@ and you are? I should care what you think, why? If I was speaking to a heterosexual man or a lesbian and I said the same thing, but with the word, “woman,” I suspect you’d be cheering. In this case Jenna is a woman dating a man, so my comment, in light of her video, makes perfect sense. I think we are done here, peasant. 😂
@@cadencejane75 he is a clown
Men earn all the misandry they receive, and then some.
I’m glad you are speaking up. This confirms everything Mike Rinder has said about him. He has had way too many “coincidences.” He always had a justification for every weird situation he found himself in.
Sometimes people do come out stronger after an affair but that’s usually after a long term relationship not in the first year and multiple times. He’s sick. You dodged a bullet.
Don’t blame yourself. He love bombed you. He’s toxic and thank goodness it was only a year. Take some time for yourself to heal and do some therapy. ❤
Beautifully said.
Honesty I believe Mike Rinder more than Aaron, Aaron has done so much crap by now that I don't trust him at all. Such a shame because he's important in the fight against Scientology.
Aaron is definitely not a good person, but just because he’s an a**hole doesn’t mean that everything Mike Runder said is true. He’s a shady person as well, as other people can confirm. The way he and the Aftermath foundation treated Ruth, Miriam, etc.was not ok. I think that people that grew up in Scientology are highly damaged people and all of them need therapy asap!
Nah Rinder is equally dodgy and abusive.
Mike Rinder is also an abuser and predator, who covered up child sexual abuse. Like recognised like.
Clever girl, you will have no problem getting over this, just remember that instead of bringing light into your life, he has been bringing tension, not worth it no matter how many times he says he loves you. Good move to record your self, when in doubt, just listen to it. 💖💖💖
I'm so sorry. My ex wife cheated on me, and it is the most horrible feeling of all time. Good on you for making it public. It's his shame, not yours.
Perfectly stated! It’s his shame and not yours.
Cheating has an extra element of pain. It registers as a major rejection of you as a person. It isn't. It's all about them, entirely.
Replay crew. Wth Is wrong with him. So sorry, Jenna. You deserve so much better. I'm going to have to unfollow him. I enjoyed his videos, but this is too much. Sending you positive vibes and prayers. ❤
I know it’s cliche but this is a total learning experience. You’ll look back on this and know you have none of the blame. He’s just got something evil inside of him. He always acts so justified in his videos and he’s nothing but a BS artist. It’ll take time, but make amends to your friends. I think they’ll understand if they are your true friends. Good luck!! It’s actually the best way to start a new year… get rid of the garbage and toxins. ❤❤
I’ve followed him for a very long time. Always gave him the benefit of doubt. No more.
Sad in that he has brought the spotlight to the evils of COS, and helped so many help former members find their voice and share their stories. Will be interesting to watch his coveted subscriber count decrease as I hope it does. But in the end I hope he gets the help in counseling that he refuses to believe he needs.
Same here
Me too. Now I’m sick to my stomach. My heart breaks for her.
Same. I’m out. He’s such trash.
@@79jensing same.
I met you in Miami, after the cruise. I finally saw through his façade after listening to some of what he had to say in the hotel library, to a small crowd of fan girls. I’m sorry it’s taken this long for you to truly see him as he is.
You are NOT stupid. Many of us have been sucked in at some point by a charismatic, narcissistic person. They’re experts at manipulation. Don’t beat yourself up: you’ll know better going forward.
You deserve WAY better. Be kind to yourself, set and keep boundaries, grieve the relationship you wanted and thought you had…and move on.
The community is here for you, Jenna 🙋♀️❤️💐
I am sorry, I don't pay attention to people, but who is this guy? Are they famous or something? I pray she is strong and is done with him.
can you share what he said in the library?
Aaron is an ex-Scientologist who has a large following on his YR Channel Growing up in Scientology.
Sweet soul, I feel your pain. If this is an ex scientologist narcissist, you never stood a chance angel. This too shall pass. ❤
Totally agree, well said!
You're such an incredible, brave and intelligent person. You don't need to listen to that cretin, you know you deserve better. It's tough right now, but you will get through this. Never diminish yourself. You got this.
Jenna, I am so sorry you’re going through this. My ex was a serial cheater our entire 23 yrs together. What I learned is that cheaters cheat and they rarely change. So glad you’re finding it out now, not later. Big hugs to you. He is CANCELED for me ❤
Stay away from him! You are not an idiot. You are not weak. He is the user. I was married to one for 25 years..this year was not have learned so much even if you don't see it now. Hugs❤
Wow…. Im so sorry. Ive followed him for years and defended him against everything. This finally made me question his integrity.😢I always asked myself if he realizes how lucky he is to have you, and apparently not. This mustve been extremely hard to film and I am really sad to be faced with this reality of my favorite creator. Youre beautiful and I dont want you to forget it.
Same feelings. This makes me so sad.
Me too, I've followed him for years and I'm shocked and saddened.
Jenna, you deserve so much better 💗
Same. I have defended him more than once. I can't on this one. I can't.
Are you a very close personal friend of his? If not, it would be really strange to defend someone when you would have no information of their situations or any actual knowledge of who they are.
@@betsybabf748 we defended him because we trusted him. I believe people unless they give me a legitimate reason not to, and I have always loved his channel. I also believe Jenna, and I therefore am challenging my perception of him
I cry every time i watch this. Dating Aaron was a calculated move by Aaron. He deserves anything that results from Jena’s honesty.
Sadly, it was a very calculated move!
The only thing Aaron was truly committed to was the control and benefit he gained from your relationship. He's a control freak, always seeking to manipulate situations for his own advantage. You are incredibly strong for sharing this and shining a light on his dark deeds.
Yeah, i think he just wanted to “notch his belt” with a Miscavige. I always thought the Hedley’s and Rinder were the ones jealous of Aaron’s youtube success but now i realize he’s just a piece of 💩
I think he had feelings for her. But he is too damaged; too full of untreated guilt and shame to be anything but a destructive partner.
Well said
@ nah, he’s a narcissist. You can take the person out of the cult but not the cult out of the person
Narcissistic abuse is tough to get over, but congratulations on getting out of it. Any longer you would've become a shell of yourself. Right now you'll feel like you wasted a year but that year will be a valuable experience because you'll never take shit from anyone again. You're not stupid, he's an abuser. You'll be better in the long run ❤️
Hi Jenna, I just unsubscribed from him the second time I was giving him a second chance and this is it. I really know what type of person he is now and I think you need to stay as far away from him as you can. He’s only gonna use you for your last name. The only thing he cares about is streaming and the money in his pocket and himself .Once a cheater always a cheater. You definitely deserve better.❤
That’s my next stop after finishing this video.
You guys should stick around for his next rant.Then unsub after commenting. It will surely be about Jenna and you can speak your minds.
Can’t see him being able to explain any of his behaviour on his channel. He needs to own up to being a liar & cheater and seek professional help!
@@jackieg.seventeewhile i understand your sentiment, I cant support it and really hope no one else does either. If we did that our comments, regardless of any potential hurt feelings those might engender in a human being with a functioning conscience, the only impact we’d be creating in his world would be financial and it would be a positive outcome as our contribution would be feeding the algorithm precious “interactions” which his shitbag “content” (recently, his poorly masked attempts at twisting the narrative of his dispicable disloyalty to the original Aftermath folks combined with transparent social climbing since he’s been linked to Jenna- he would take her last name in marriage given the chance).
Don’t let him make money off our our desire to stand up for Jenna- better to do that by just forgetting he exists, disconnecting from him fully and pouring our energy into supporting Jenna’s sweet soul as she heals and gets back her power.
I love you Jenna, and have confidence in your strength. Aaron isnt worth your sadness, you have my prayers
I just want to say that you're a strong woman to post this video. And you can use this incident as a new beginning to start fresh to find yourself, which will be more enjoyable than being with someone who treats you the way he did. Regardless of the cheating, someone who screams at you and treats you like that doesn't value you or love you. You deserve so much better than being with a narcissist. I know you'll mourn the relationship, but you will and can do so much better. You are not stupid or an idiot. Please please don't talk down to yourself. You will be better off and healthier without him in your life. I wish you healing and a bright happy future
We've all loved a loser and put up with a lot dumb crap thinking "he'll change." Some of us more than once. Don't feel stupid. We're here for you.
That’s so true.
I did it for 17 years with my ex husband. No one is "dumb" when they're in love, just wearing rose colored glasses.
I'm truly happy for her not to waste her good energy on that man going forward.
I did it for like 7 years and I wasted all that time and cried so much and have so much trauma from it. Ruined holidays, women contacting me all the time, lying, feeling shocked all the time. Insecure losers.
Truer words have not be spoken. Damn, I have scars from my toxic relationship. Took me 7 years to extract myself from that mess. Jenna was smarter than me, she did it in 1 year. Point is, what Jenna is going through most people have dealt with. She is such a smart, strong and caring women, she will find her way through her mess. I look forward to seeing her thrive.
Jenna you are so much BETTER than Aaron!! This made my stomach turn. Poor sweet girl, stay STRONG and away from him
Oh sweetheart, this is heart rending. Aaron is deeply damaged. You deserve love, loyalty and healing.
You're beautiful and tender hearted. Scientology kills the tender hearts.
You're *NOT* an idiot. You're trusting and trustworthy.
He's not worthy of you.
I found you because of Aaron, but I am staying for you! You are strong and deserve better.. wish you all the best
I have something I would like to add. Please do not feel shame for giving chances and showing compassion, understanding and kindness. They are the best part of being human and please don’t lose that. I honestly know that all of us watching are wanting to hug you. Xxx❤❤❤
Good points 💕
Right? She tried to keep them together. She did her best. I love her as a human being.
You are NOT an idiot! You are NOT stupid! You are a kind person, trying to see the best in people. He is the problem. He is a monster. And now that you know there is nothing best about him, you can move on. You got this! Sending love from Northern Kentucky!
Get a full panel STI check ASAP. That's the last thing you need, so if any risk, which there 100% is, get checked so anything can be caught early, not lingering causing more serious issues.
Tone deaf to start right out the gate with stds. She's not stupid about this. But she's in emotional pain now.
I agree. I'm a cancer survivor because a guy cheated and 4 years later still dealing with issues because of it.
He sounds like a real piece of work, when you recover from the shock, RUN and never look back, i know im a stranger but i listened to your story about Scientology and thought you were a really smart and brave lady, please dont for a second think your stupid.
It can happen to the best of us.
Much love from Australia ❤🇦🇺
“No contact” is the only remedy to handle a narcissist - Aaron has issues you can’t fix with love and care so turn that attention back to caring for you. Big hug!!!
Huge hug
*sigh* I am so sorry, Jenna. I am really sorry that it seems like ASL is not the person you hoped he was. Seems like he’s not the person many of us hoped it was. Hang in there, Jenna. You are a strong woman, and you deserve happiness. I hope you can find someone more worthy of your love and loyalty.
Wow. I always thought he was so empathetic, crying at the drop of a hat for others sorrow. Sociopaths can be excellent actors. So don't be too hard on yourself. ❤