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Yep absolutely, it's all about how you are able to reflect on your extra-curriculars and reflect on how that can demonstrate your commitment, leadership, teamwork and/or communication skills. It's not about what you've done but more about how you can reflect on it! :) - Yusuf
✅With a 99% Success Rate, The Aspiring Medics is the UK's leading tutoring company for medical school admissions. Unlock over 200+ tutorials just like this on our Online Interview Course Take 30 seconds to book a FREE call with our expert medical student tutors - courses.theaspiringmedics.co.uk/p/medicine-interview-course
please don't stop making these videos they are so helpful to see model answers x
For extra curricular can we talk only about like sporting activities and like hobbies?
Yep absolutely, it's all about how you are able to reflect on your extra-curriculars and reflect on how that can demonstrate your commitment, leadership, teamwork and/or communication skills. It's not about what you've done but more about how you can reflect on it! :) - Yusuf