oh we knew what we had, ArmA 2 was an epic game.. I remember having 500gb of mods installed for it :D And it was a pain manging all of it before A2 Mod Launchers came out:D My PC was Overheating all the time, i played on a I3 2100 + GTX 550 + 8gb of RAM.. Low settings, shadows off, resolution lowered.. But it was amazing :D
I played arma 2 dayz the other day and was surprised how good it is. the cold war feel is little creepy hard to explain but you have to play to understand it. i recommend it if it's on sale. must of been so addictive in its day.
@@BobGeanis Nah, the standalone runs great now with enfusion. But driving was definitely better in Arma 2, Arma 3 driving is even worse than Standalone.
Still to this day i can't find a game that I like as much as I did arma2 dayz. The countless hours and good times in this game, all of the great friends that don't get on anymore.. man... It's hard to believe that time goes by so fast. In my opinion no game will ever match the rush of getting into your first firefights or the immersion of arma2 dayz the game is an absolute gem
@@eddowney3316 absolutely horrendous advice tbh as someone who has put hundreds of hours into tarkov it is nothing like dayz and it is not worth buying. unless you like p2w and hackers.
@@eddowney3316 the difference is when you die in tarkov the rush is gone, there was more to lose back then in arma 2 dayz. making enemies with familiar people, base wars, Armed heli fights and car fights, stumbling across safes that zeroed was the best feeling ever. that feeling of dieing in a big fight and getting the boys together in a armed GPk or SUV and getting your stuff back and more.
The smell of caramell coffee on a cold winter morning, and me sitting in a bush at northeast airfield for 3 hours, waiting for a player to come by and get assassinated. The original soundtrack was also amazing. Simple, clunky and industrially-dystopian. Could have listened to it for hours. Really great times. I never ever had this immersion ever again in a game. Thank you so much for the video, you earned a sub FS!!
You hit the nail on the head. The immersion of the old DayZ mod, all the nature sounds.. Zombies much more fun. Helicopters and vehicles. The map is not overcrowded with towns every 5 meters and military bases every 10 meters. I guess this is what happens when you give the steering wheel to idiots.
@@gfluvr ngl DayZ Standalone was more fun back in the early alpha days. Way more interactions and the game didn't take itself super serious. Once Dean Hall left the game just went on a steady decline. Luckily for us, modded SA saved the game, otherwise Vanilla DayZ SA would have less than 1000 people playing I'm sure lol.
Didn't get into arma 3 till like 3yrs ago love it,missed out on the golden era of this mod.Looks amazing better then standalone dayz which i have many hours in.Great video man!
Nice video. just got back into this game myself and playing on M.S.G Extended Epoch [PVE] server. i was surprized the ages of players, im 66yrs old and there are players in their 70s.Cant believe this game has still got a following, plus this server has so many of the old towns and roads added across the north part of map.the way the Epoch team have kept this game going is great and may it last another 10 years
Almost 70 yrs old here, had great fun playing this back in the day(z) . . . just re-installed it all but still can't get it working *sigh* . . will try to follow up on the M.S.G stuff to find required mods etc. Just hope you can find Zimmer frames at heli crashes now LOL - - - EDIT: looks like I'm sorted, used DZlauncher and got all I needed
idk what it is but the ArmA 2 Dayz mod has a certain charm to it that the Standalone dayz wont ever have in my opinion... I remember trying to find my buddy somewhere in the world, without a map, fresh start etc.. As night fell and i made friends with another random group of ppl who i came across, one of them had a flashlight and we wandered trough woods the whole night and killed some random zombies on the way and 2-3 bandit players.. after almost 4 hours of venturing i finally found my buddy :D That was waay back i think in 2012-2013.. good ol times.
I remember playing Arma 2 dayz for the first time in 2012 on my shitty laptop, running at 10-15 fps. It sucked but I fell in love with the game. FrankieOnPC is a godfather of dayz and I’m sure most of us oldf*gs discovered it through him. Oh man I remember sinking countless of hours throughout the years, running my successful server, and just having the time of my life. Where did time go…
DayZ 2012/2013 was by far the best gaming experience, I'd like to add in DayZ Origins to that list too. I would like to see a video if it's possible where you play the 2012/2013 version of DayZ mod, not the current version. You know the versions with the green food and drink icons etc, even if it's just singleplayer
Hats off to you man, 10 years ago i was stuck just watching videos because i was broke af, now that im an adult i still dont think i can play the game with my current lifestyle 🤣
So many memories, I remember holding our base with my friend from nearly 100 days of raiding, went back onto the server in 2020 to see what was up and the base was still mostly there, having been finally raided ofcourse but man I wish I knew where those guys in my clan are now. Such good memories
Thank you for posting this. Watching this flooded back so many nostalgic childhood memories from playing this game. Really makes me miss the summer days of carefree hours-long playing with the boys, whether it was fighting at the airfield or running for hours just to get there. Or how about spending hours finding the parts to fix up a vehicle you found, only for some other group to fix it before you return. Good times lol. Met 4 solid dudes in that game, all whom I'll never forget. Sadly life happened which led to us growing apart not really playing anymore. One didn't take it so well and unfortunately passed a few years back to drugs and suicide. He not only was the leader and father of our group, but also a husband and father IRL..really gonna miss that guy. Rip Negl3g3nce, Love you buddy
If you get a chance to play it, there are a few servers up that still have players. You just have to catch them at the right time. Europa is the most popular one these days and usually fills up to full pop
I've been playing this game since 2012, and it's been pretty fun with my friend, even though I had a crappy GPU and CPU, playing at 30-50 fps. Learning how to survive and play this game has been one of the best experiences I've ever had, especially with my friend.
There's a new vanilla server called DayZ Flashback, EU based. Even with 10 people I get action all over the map. With 30+ player peaks you have to watch your back like in a full PvP server back in the day. Amazing work. It truly did revive the mod for me. Thanks for the vid man.
The only game in my library that has 3588 hours. I think I spent more time in this world than I did in the real world. I learnt cyrylic alphabet because of this game. What a time that was
oh man the sounds take me back 10 years just like that. I miss the days although I never met the guys I played with and I'm not in touch with anyone anymore I miss the days!
I never had this game growing up but I remember watching people on youtube play it as a kid. I’d always get down these rabbit holes of 3hr uploads and was so excited to watch the adventure. I never managed to get this version, but I have DayZ on console now, and it’s easily become one of my favorite games. I decided to look up some history and seeing this video brought me back to being a kid and loving to see the original experience where it all started. Thank you for taking me back in time, it all makes sense to me now why DayZ is such a special game to me
Your story is the same as mine, Will always miss it and nothing will ever be like it again. Only game that i never got tired of, Always wanted more but as time went on we got older got jobs, Servers were dying off and as many great things we had in life. It was gone before we could realize what an amazing moment in our life's we were in. Now as frankie said 11 years ago "This is dayz" and that in itself says everything to us.
Anyone else remember the OG Battle Royale that player unknown made as a mod for this before PUBG? Still gotta be the best battle royale experience to date. It wasnt fully polished out, but was a gritty, heart pumping experience. Truly felt like surviving the hunger games and was pretty epic, especially when he would live admin the servers and do cool stuff.
Unfortunately that’s because standalone is and has always been a huge step back for Bohemia. Everything they do in it is worse then arma. Arma may be clunky but everything works. Standalone is a buggy mess with missing features that were once a part of DayZ
I remember this game blowing the power supply on my IBuyPower pc my mom bought me (that ran this game at like 30fps) and it ended up getting me into PCs as a hobby ahh good memories
oh dude, Arma 2 Dayz servers still exist? i was a broke af student 10 years ago but now im a slightly less broke af adult now, im thinking of getting the ARMA collection JUST to play ARMA 2 DayZ mod
Im so sad that when i was around 12 years old i had an error that i couldnt fix and i could not play Arma 2 DayZ. But i remember that i had a lot of fun in the Arma 2 editor. Around 2 years later Arma 3 came out and it became my favorite day to this day.
Come play arma 2 dayz on my server. We have a lot of people interested so should get a nice community going. It's online and public but still tweaking things.
Theres something about flying in the mod, makes me want to download the mod again and come fly for you. Nothing has quite hit the Arma 2 mod level for me yet. When a server is set up right, it just slaps.
This brings me back to when I got my first gaming rig… Arma 3 was a few months away from release and I was introduced to the Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Dayz mod.. I remember being on a server with Heli chairs and weed fields guarded by AI.. some of the best gaming memories I’ve had in my teen/adult life
What was the big tan sniper rifle called again ??? I can’t remember but everyone knew it was the most OP.. and some mods added explosive sniper rounds to it lol
This version of DayZ mod was a home to me for a year. I remember being so proud of my first base and recruiting a team and talking in the servers TEAMSPEAK😂 I love Discord now a days but if you were into the scene back then the only option was TeamSpeak... Having a hoard of weapons, suitcases of gold bricks, a fleet of vehicles.... I agree this snippet of time was certainly an age of golden days, but to anyone seriously missing this version of DayZ there is still time to experience it! Also the good ole days are more than likely what you are experiencing right now so take a moment to live your life right now and think you will look back and miss this time of your life. "Things may never be this good again" -unknown
Yes I agree, live your life right now. We can remember the good days but we should not dwell on the past. Enjoy the present, it is called the present after all because it is a gift. New good times will come if we make them happen.
everytime i heard that bird voice i'd scared. it would feels like a hidden bullet can hit me from somewhere and also that guys who flew with helicopter in the sky they have made me shudder all the time, that heli sound was scary thing for me :D might be TWD effect
I still play on a couple of servers, Chernarus and Namalsk, not too many people playing Arma 2 dayz mod anymore. I miss coming home from school and all you had to worry about was how to protect your base in arma xD
Конечно dayz standalone это более современная и реалистичная игра, но я как старый фанат считаю что dayz origins это самый лучший мод на арму, для меня это были самые великолепные 4 года в игре, очень жаль что игра умерла.
I didn't know this, every day it passes is just more and more realization that i missed so much of the good ol days. I wish to have played this when it was at it's peak. It looks sooo gooood, DayZ standalone is just a complete shame.
I remember wanting this game so bad growing up. I was too poor to afford a PC that was capable of gaming at the time. 10 years later and I got the stand-alone game for the first time and have had a blast ever since. I wish I could have played this game in the early days
i read the description and we have the same story lol i built my first pc from one of jackfrags budget builds and remember my first time in dayz mod still
If you’re playing carpe deimz epoch server it is pretty amazing me and my dad take turns even though he’s old he loves it. He played it with his brother when he was little oh, the good old DayZ
Watching Frankie play Arma 2 Dayz is the main influence behind me wanting to get a PC and I finally got one in 2017 but at that point Arma 2 Dayz was dead 😢
This game is the only reason i ended up wanting a PC over 10 years ago, was an absolute classic for me and the lads. On another note when i try to download the mod launcher it just doesn't download for some reason? Anyone run into this?
We should all go back to Arma 2 DayZ mod and get those servers alive! I'm so tempted to play it again just for the nostalgia trip but I'm worried the servers will be quiet :(
I don't even talk to my old DayZ friends anymore, haven't in years. I'm 40 now and had to work a lot back then ugh. Sorry, I'll stop before I give my whole life story lol
Those were some of the best days in gaming for me. I still talk to a couple of the people I met on the mod but for the most part they all moved on from gaming
The windfall opportunity will probably be more likely to occur once Arma 4 is out and the Modding scene picks up on there. Safe to say we have quite a few years until that happens. Reforger is nice for what it is, but it's just a preview of what is to come
@@StrikeComGamingI guess you're right, I just believe that the best DayZ gameplay came from modding rather than a standalone version. Arma always had great gunplay for survival imo. DayZ SA's gunplay is what I don't like about the game, feels overly difficult and complicated. Besides the lack of vehicles, AI events and all that good stuff.
@@Dutch4609 trying to remember was some time ago played alot on a server called firecock, dead cell, dawn of the dead, wicked death matchwas fun, gg, and some other big ones forgot the names.
As a gamer starting in the 90s, with Steam there came new heights. And then DayZ mod was just insanity, incredible how invested we were. The greatest things were: a) entering server after 10 minutes 😂😂 b) our first chopper flight, omg we were KINGS c) the global chat, so rough, so much fun, I guess people had balls back then.
I played this on minimum recomended specs computer while still using fraps to record some gameplay with my friend. Even tho I had 20 FPS at best I still enjoyed every single moment of it. Y'all remember WarZ? That dogshit game everyone was exited about? Oh how clueless we are and to this date there is nothing like Arma 2 DayZ mod.... the standalone version just is not the same.
I came late to this game with my first gaming rig and my friends begged me to play A2 dayz. I played it and didn't really enjoy it at first then I got the bug. We all moved to dayz standalone and all they did was complain about how bad it was and eventually all stopped playing it. Now its only me playing standalone on my own most times thinking of the good old days in A2 dayz staying up late and having adventures and many laughs. 😊 Sometimes I would pass by a place on the map that we all had a base or a firefight and be sad af its just me now 😢😂😂
I started playing DayZ standalone for the time yesterday and I was still subconsciously weary of randomly breaking my legs over small objects and ladders for no reason because of this old mod/arma 2, despite not playing it since roughly 2015 😂 it’s sad to see that there’s still plenty of jank and buggy problems that have never been fixed for a decade, not to mention content missing.
sorry for the weird audio at 5:48 youtube flagged the song I had playing so I had to mess with the audio
Can i play this single player?
No but there are PVE servers @@KambingGaming531
There are mods for singleplayer @@KambingGaming531
This was peak PC gaming. We didn't know what we had boys.
Just come back and enjoy the Arma 2 Dayz mods again :)
so true
Downloading Arma 2 now@@kane2239
I knew exactly what we had that's why I played it in DayZero servers until they also died.
oh we knew what we had, ArmA 2 was an epic game.. I remember having 500gb of mods installed for it :D And it was a pain manging all of it before A2 Mod Launchers came out:D My PC was Overheating all the time, i played on a I3 2100 + GTX 550 + 8gb of RAM.. Low settings, shadows off, resolution lowered.. But it was amazing :D
Aw man the things I'd do to go back in time and play this with my friends again
those were the days
Cood always start a server I bet there be ohs that return
Life must be really bad if you want to go back.
Sadly I was too young to have discovered this masterpiece, I wish it was still a thing.
I remember asking my parents to buy Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA in June 2012. Best feeling I ever had playing this game
Good times my man glad there are people out there that share this memory
Arma 2 blew my mind back in the day, the scale was amazing. I fuckin miss it
I played arma 2 dayz the other day and was surprised how good it is. the cold war feel is little creepy hard to explain but you have to play to understand it. i recommend it if it's on sale. must of been so addictive in its day.
Gotta love how the old engine has better driving physics than standalone.
probably runs better too
sure, arma car best
@@BobGeanis Nah, the standalone runs great now with enfusion. But driving was definitely better in Arma 2, Arma 3 driving is even worse than Standalone.
at least the driving has hit its peak best in reforger, so thats kinda cool to see the future driving physics of cars and trucks.
@@andrewwillis9759 wow your name is super similar to mine lol but true point.
I think the atmosphere and the moment was just right for this mod. I really enjoyed those times, probably my best years of gaming!
Still to this day i can't find a game that I like as much as I did arma2 dayz. The countless hours and good times in this game, all of the great friends that don't get on anymore.. man... It's hard to believe that time goes by so fast. In my opinion no game will ever match the rush of getting into your first firefights or the immersion of arma2 dayz the game is an absolute gem
So true man
Try tarkov
Arma reforger dayz givin me those vibes jus watching it. Gon copp in
@@eddowney3316 absolutely horrendous advice tbh as someone who has put hundreds of hours into tarkov it is nothing like dayz and it is not worth buying. unless you like p2w and hackers.
@@eddowney3316 the difference is when you die in tarkov the rush is gone, there was more to lose back then in arma 2 dayz. making enemies with familiar people, base wars, Armed heli fights and car fights, stumbling across safes that zeroed was the best feeling ever. that feeling of dieing in a big fight and getting the boys together in a armed GPk or SUV and getting your stuff back and more.
The smell of caramell coffee on a cold winter morning, and me sitting in a bush at northeast airfield for 3 hours, waiting for a player to come by and get assassinated.
The original soundtrack was also amazing. Simple, clunky and industrially-dystopian. Could have listened to it for hours.
Really great times. I never ever had this immersion ever again in a game.
Thank you so much for the video, you earned a sub FS!!
that bird noise is my childhood
The unchallenged victor of survival games, the one that started them all and the one that surpassed them all
For real man. This game is the reason why BR games existed.
@@jemuel8889 Absolutely, no pubg, no fortnite, no free-fire if it wasnt for this mod
You hit the nail on the head.
The immersion of the old DayZ mod, all the nature sounds..
Zombies much more fun.
Helicopters and vehicles.
The map is not overcrowded with towns every 5 meters and military bases every 10 meters.
I guess this is what happens when you give the steering wheel to idiots.
@@ryanroberts714to say they added nothing since 2015 is crazy bro
@@gfluvr ngl DayZ Standalone was more fun back in the early alpha days. Way more interactions and the game didn't take itself super serious. Once Dean Hall left the game just went on a steady decline. Luckily for us, modded SA saved the game, otherwise Vanilla DayZ SA would have less than 1000 people playing I'm sure lol.
Didn't get into arma 3 till like 3yrs ago love it,missed out on the golden era of this mod.Looks amazing better then standalone dayz which i have many hours in.Great video man!
Nice video. just got back into this game myself and playing on M.S.G Extended Epoch [PVE] server. i was surprized the ages of players, im 66yrs old and there are players in their 70s.Cant believe this game has still got a following, plus this server has so many of the old towns and roads added across the north part of map.the way the Epoch team have kept this game going is great and may it last another 10 years
I'm playing on M.S.G Extended Epoch too ... What's is your nickname in game? I'm TommyITA
Almost 70 yrs old here, had great fun playing this back in the day(z) . . . just re-installed it all but still can't get it working *sigh* . . will try to follow up on the M.S.G stuff to find required mods etc. Just hope you can find Zimmer frames at heli crashes now LOL - - - EDIT: looks like I'm sorted, used DZlauncher and got all I needed
@@steve2959 What's problem did you have with the mods? Have you install with DayzLuncher?
idk what it is but the ArmA 2 Dayz mod has a certain charm to it that the Standalone dayz wont ever have in my opinion... I remember trying to find my buddy somewhere in the world, without a map, fresh start etc.. As night fell and i made friends with another random group of ppl who i came across, one of them had a flashlight and we wandered trough woods the whole night and killed some random zombies on the way and 2-3 bandit players.. after almost 4 hours of venturing i finally found my buddy :D That was waay back i think in 2012-2013.. good ol times.
I remember playing Arma 2 dayz for the first time in 2012 on my shitty laptop, running at 10-15 fps. It sucked but I fell in love with the game. FrankieOnPC is a godfather of dayz and I’m sure most of us oldf*gs discovered it through him.
Oh man I remember sinking countless of hours throughout the years, running my successful server, and just having the time of my life.
Where did time go…
DayZ 2012/2013 was by far the best gaming experience, I'd like to add in DayZ Origins to that list too.
I would like to see a video if it's possible where you play the 2012/2013 version of DayZ mod, not the current version.
You know the versions with the green food and drink icons etc, even if it's just singleplayer
yea i wanna try that or something close see if it can recreate the magic
I still play DayZ mod to this day. It never died for me...
Hats off to you man, 10 years ago i was stuck just watching videos because i was broke af, now that im an adult i still dont think i can play the game with my current lifestyle 🤣
Have many fond memories of Dayz Mod! lots of late nights in clan battles,etc, great stuff!
So many memories, I remember holding our base with my friend from nearly 100 days of raiding, went back onto the server in 2020 to see what was up and the base was still mostly there, having been finally raided ofcourse but man I wish I knew where those guys in my clan are now. Such good memories
Thank you for posting this. Watching this flooded back so many nostalgic childhood memories from playing this game. Really makes me miss the summer days of carefree hours-long playing with the boys, whether it was fighting at the airfield or running for hours just to get there. Or how about spending hours finding the parts to fix up a vehicle you found, only for some other group to fix it before you return. Good times lol.
Met 4 solid dudes in that game, all whom I'll never forget. Sadly life happened which led to us growing apart not really playing anymore. One didn't take it so well and unfortunately passed a few years back to drugs and suicide. He not only was the leader and father of our group, but also a husband and father IRL..really gonna miss that guy.
Rip Negl3g3nce, Love you buddy
This was the reason i built my first gaming pc
I‘d be down to have a kind of renaissance for this. I didn‘t get the chance to experience it in the old days and only know its value through videos
If you get a chance to play it, there are a few servers up that still have players. You just have to catch them at the right time. Europa is the most popular one these days and usually fills up to full pop
Come play on my in dev server we are slowly trying to build a good community. Plan to fix a lot of things tomorrow evening.
@@ItsAdventurerJayEuropa shut down bro
@@ItsAdventurerJayI can’t believe Europa is still around. Props to whoever the owner of that server is for keeping it going all these years.
I've been playing this game since 2012, and it's been pretty fun with my friend, even though I had a crappy GPU and CPU, playing at 30-50 fps. Learning how to survive and play this game has been one of the best experiences I've ever had, especially with my friend.
There's a new vanilla server called DayZ Flashback, EU based. Even with 10 people I get action all over the map. With 30+ player peaks you have to watch your back like in a full PvP server back in the day. Amazing work. It truly did revive the mod for me.
Thanks for the vid man.
hundreds of hrs with the boys and some friendship last until today after 11years
The only game in my library that has 3588 hours. I think I spent more time in this world than I did in the real world. I learnt cyrylic alphabet because of this game. What a time that was
Come play again.
oh man the sounds take me back 10 years just like that. I miss the days although I never met the guys I played with and I'm not in touch with anyone anymore I miss the days!
I never had this game growing up but I remember watching people on youtube play it as a kid. I’d always get down these rabbit holes of 3hr uploads and was so excited to watch the adventure. I never managed to get this version, but I have DayZ on console now, and it’s easily become one of my favorite games.
I decided to look up some history and seeing this video brought me back to being a kid and loving to see the original experience where it all started. Thank you for taking me back in time, it all makes sense to me now why DayZ is such a special game to me
This game is 100x better than DayZ SA. Just trying to bring more players in.
Your story is the same as mine, Will always miss it and nothing will ever be like it again. Only game that i never got tired of, Always wanted more but as time went on we got older got jobs, Servers were dying off and as many great things we had in life. It was gone before we could realize what an amazing moment in our life's we were in. Now as frankie said 11 years ago "This is dayz" and that in itself says everything to us.
I'm working on a steady pop server don't you worry.
Anyone else remember the OG Battle Royale that player unknown made as a mod for this before PUBG?
Still gotta be the best battle royale experience to date. It wasnt fully polished out, but was a gritty, heart pumping experience. Truly felt like surviving the hunger games and was pretty epic, especially when he would live admin the servers and do cool stuff.
“I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.”
8:56 OMG your vehicle defeated that sign! In standalone Day Z, those effing signs are car killers, if you collide.
Unfortunately that’s because standalone is and has always been a huge step back for Bohemia. Everything they do in it is worse then arma. Arma may be clunky but everything works. Standalone is a buggy mess with missing features that were once a part of DayZ
@@ItsAdventurerJayso arma 2 dayz is better than dayz?
thats one thing i miss so much about the mod
This mod was revolutionary
I remember this game blowing the power supply on my IBuyPower pc my mom bought me (that ran this game at like 30fps) and it ended up getting me into PCs as a hobby ahh good memories
Wish I could travel Back in time in Order to experience the Hype of this Mod again .... Priceless Times.
checking in to the forum multiple times every day to see if there was a new patch...
There are rumors about an update for Vanilla Dayz and there actually was an update for Epoch less than a year ago.
@@kane2239 was that the one that merged Epoch and overpoch together and added more building parts like glass floors and walls and new guns?
@@andrewwillis9759 Kind of, yes, and then they updated it a bit more a bit later to
oh dude, Arma 2 Dayz servers still exist? i was a broke af student 10 years ago but now im a slightly less broke af adult now, im thinking of getting the ARMA collection JUST to play ARMA 2 DayZ mod
Yes. Arma 2 Dayz/Epoch/Origins server still exists. Also Epoch devs are still working on updates for Epoch :)
There was just something about the mod that the standalone never captured.
So much nostalgia watching this, makes me want to install Arma 2 OA again and install the Dayz mod!
This game was insane years ago! It was so fun and I wish I could feel that rush again! 10/10 would vault a fence and break my legs again!
The DayZ mod is so nostalgic! Thanks for the video, happy to be the 1000th sub
Man i cant tell you how much I relate. Literally the reason i got a gaming pc when i was a kid.. Def hopping into this
This is part of my gaming childhood, I startted playing this when I was 12 I think,I am 24 now and still playing DayZ Standalone once a while lol
I remember finishing high school and playing this gem. I miss these days
It's finally time when our specs allow us to play this at peak perfomance.
Hell yeah I'm barely dipping below 90.
Im so sad that when i was around 12 years old i had an error that i couldnt fix and i could not play Arma 2 DayZ. But i remember that i had a lot of fun in the Arma 2 editor.
Around 2 years later Arma 3 came out and it became my favorite day to this day.
Come play arma 2 dayz on my server. We have a lot of people interested so should get a nice community going. It's online and public but still tweaking things.
Almost 500 hours on the mod and I loved every second of it. I still boot it up instead of playing Standalone
That helicopter sound....still the best.
Theres something about flying in the mod, makes me want to download the mod again and come fly for you. Nothing has quite hit the Arma 2 mod level for me yet. When a server is set up right, it just slaps.
My server is close to completion. Vanilla oriented.
omg people still play this ?! awesome :)
This brings me back to when I got my first gaming rig… Arma 3 was a few months away from release and I was introduced to the Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Dayz mod.. I remember being on a server with Heli chairs and weed fields guarded by AI.. some of the best gaming memories I’ve had in my teen/adult life
What was the big tan sniper rifle called again ??? I can’t remember but everyone knew it was the most OP.. and some mods added explosive sniper rounds to it lol
Tbh I don’t remember lol
@@ItsAdventurerJay I remembered ! It was the CheyTac :)
This version of DayZ mod was a home to me for a year. I remember being so proud of my first base and recruiting a team and talking in the servers TEAMSPEAK😂 I love Discord now a days but if you were into the scene back then the only option was TeamSpeak... Having a hoard of weapons, suitcases of gold bricks, a fleet of vehicles....
I agree this snippet of time was certainly an age of golden days, but to anyone seriously missing this version of DayZ there is still time to experience it! Also the good ole days are more than likely what you are experiencing right now so take a moment to live your life right now and think you will look back and miss this time of your life.
"Things may never be this good again" -unknown
Yes I agree, live your life right now. We can remember the good days but we should not dwell on the past. Enjoy the present, it is called the present after all because it is a gift. New good times will come if we make them happen.
everytime i heard that bird voice i'd scared. it would feels like a hidden bullet can hit me from somewhere and also that guys who flew with helicopter in the sky they have made me shudder all the time, that heli sound was scary thing for me :D might be TWD effect
I still play on a couple of servers, Chernarus and Namalsk, not too many people playing Arma 2 dayz mod anymore. I miss coming home from school and all you had to worry about was how to protect your base in arma xD
I remember my favorite server was 24/7 fallujah map, no zombies just loot and hella PVP. Great times
Конечно dayz standalone это более современная и реалистичная игра, но я как старый фанат считаю что dayz origins это самый лучший мод на арму, для меня это были самые великолепные 4 года в игре, очень жаль что игра умерла.
to think, this mod, started the entire survival genre. crazy
And it's still the only good one.
I didn't know this, every day it passes is just more and more realization that i missed so much of the good ol days. I wish to have played this when it was at it's peak. It looks sooo gooood, DayZ standalone is just a complete shame.
I remember wanting this game so bad growing up. I was too poor to afford a PC that was capable of gaming at the time. 10 years later and I got the stand-alone game for the first time and have had a blast ever since. I wish I could have played this game in the early days
The best game ive ever played. Public hive, AS50s, cars and helicopers, commmoooon
i read the description and we have the same story lol i built my first pc from one of jackfrags budget builds and remember my first time in dayz mod still
If you’re playing carpe deimz epoch server it is pretty amazing me and my dad take turns even though he’s old he loves it. He played it with his brother when he was little oh, the good old DayZ
I would give my left leg to go back
Don't be sad it ended, Be happy it happened. Arma 2 will forever shine like gold in my memories
Watching Frankie play Arma 2 Dayz is the main influence behind me wanting to get a PC and I finally got one in 2017 but at that point Arma 2 Dayz was dead 😢
This game is the only reason i ended up wanting a PC over 10 years ago, was an absolute classic for me and the lads.
On another note when i try to download the mod launcher it just doesn't download for some reason? Anyone run into this?
Was going to comment on the nostalgia right as you said it haha I need to check it out.
We should all go back to Arma 2 DayZ mod and get those servers alive! I'm so tempted to play it again just for the nostalgia trip but I'm worried the servers will be quiet :(
nova servers
Ah yes...the simple times.
I still play several times a week on a modded dayz epoch pve server, unique maps too, vostok currently.
I don't even talk to my old DayZ friends anymore, haven't in years. I'm 40 now and had to work a lot back then ugh. Sorry, I'll stop before I give my whole life story lol
Those were some of the best days in gaming for me. I still talk to a couple of the people I met on the mod but for the most part they all moved on from gaming
@@ItsAdventurerJay Damn father time!! lol
At least you two admit it’s nostalgia. Because the game ran like shit
That airfield is big nostalgia
This game still looks better than Standalone version 😢
I truly hope Arma Reforger is the key to get this kind of gameplay that DayZ Standalone just doesnt deliver
The windfall opportunity will probably be more likely to occur once Arma 4 is out and the Modding scene picks up on there. Safe to say we have quite a few years until that happens. Reforger is nice for what it is, but it's just a preview of what is to come
@@StrikeComGamingI guess you're right, I just believe that the best DayZ gameplay came from modding rather than a standalone version. Arma always had great gunplay for survival imo. DayZ SA's gunplay is what I don't like about the game, feels overly difficult and complicated. Besides the lack of vehicles, AI events and all that good stuff.
Such a perfect thumbnail for this game lmfaoo a great game forgotten in time
Had over 250 hours of Playing Arma 2 DayZ Epoch Mod.
Damn, I'm missing these times....
Damn that’s it…. I had over 2000😅😅
@@Dutch4609 me at 5k 👀
@@andrewwillis9759 legend! What servers did you frequent roam on?
@@Dutch4609 trying to remember was some time ago played alot on a server called firecock, dead cell, dawn of the dead, wicked death matchwas fun, gg, and some other big ones forgot the names.
the bird noises are actually so nostalgic its insane.
I miss this so much
As a gamer starting in the 90s, with Steam there came new heights. And then DayZ mod was just insanity, incredible how invested we were.
The greatest things were: a) entering server after 10 minutes 😂😂
b) our first chopper flight, omg we were KINGS
c) the global chat, so rough, so much fun, I guess people had balls back then.
lmao i said in my head that bird noise right there and then u said it
I played this on minimum recomended specs computer while still using fraps to record some gameplay with my friend. Even tho I had 20 FPS at best I still enjoyed every single moment of it.
Y'all remember WarZ? That dogshit game everyone was exited about? Oh how clueless we are and to this date there is nothing like Arma 2 DayZ mod.... the standalone version just is not the same.
i want the good old days back
Me too
Great years of just hoarding weapons and vehicles I miss it a lot it has a certain charm that the standalone lacks
The standalone is nowhere near as fun as this, it's basically become a cannibal's wet dream.
fuckin great video man you are a legend representing a legendary game
Imagine discussing the ambience of the bird noises then all of a sudden YOUR DEAD pops up on the screen.
I love the fact that this game and Arma 3 are the closest thing to real life combat!
How did so many things get better and worse
This Game man i feel so sorry for the standalone Players dont even know this is the og shit
Best mod ever! TY to bring here!
Love this mod!! It brought me to arma World!
This game is the GOAT
I came late to this game with my first gaming rig and my friends begged me to play A2 dayz. I played it and didn't really enjoy it at first then I got the bug. We all moved to dayz standalone and all they did was complain about how bad it was and eventually all stopped playing it. Now its only me playing standalone on my own most times thinking of the good old days in A2 dayz staying up late and having adventures and many laughs. 😊
Sometimes I would pass by a place on the map that we all had a base or a firefight and be sad af its just me now 😢😂😂
i miss playing that game
I'm gonna say it... This was when the game was actually about Zombies and had that certain Eeriness to it... Billy boys Circa 2016....
I still think this is so much better than the standalone. I just find it garbage.
I started playing DayZ standalone for the time yesterday and I was still subconsciously weary of randomly breaking my legs over small objects and ladders for no reason because of this old mod/arma 2, despite not playing it since roughly 2015 😂
it’s sad to see that there’s still plenty of jank and buggy problems that have never been fixed for a decade, not to mention content missing.
bro what content pvp was content
Got to play modded man. Vanilla DayZ SA is horrendous, and quite literally killed the entire genre. If it wasn't for modded that game would be doomed.
Keep making these maybe you will run into people getting the party going.
For my zombie itch today, I sporadically start up ArmA 3 with some quick Ravage modules... on Chernarus or Altis (got @home feelings for both)
7:00 i know that pain 😫
I love this game so much