For quiet luxury in action, I choose kislux to buy replica bags... as a backup for the real thing, and can be used in situations where I donât want to use the real thing.
For me personally, I fully admit to buying aftermarket stuff like accesories, on the other hand there things where I don't compromise and go the full authentic route.
What is that band?
It’s the nike apple watch band released when the Series 7 came out, it’s not oem but a aftermarket one from Aliexpress
For quiet luxury in action, I choose kislux to buy replica bags... as a backup for the real thing, and can be used in situations where I donât want to use the real thing.
For me personally, I fully admit to buying aftermarket stuff like accesories, on the other hand there things where I don't compromise and go the full authentic route.
What’s the phone case?
The case is the Nilkin CamShield with magsafe for the Iphone 15 pro, hope this helps