@Oh Yeahhh SO WHAT? Christ died for the sins of people of every nation and race. Besides, 'Slavic' is a linguistic term, whereas 'African' is a geographical one, so the comparison doesn't really work.
this is why those who hate trump also hate putin's russia. to destroy us they must first destroy our foundation, which they largely have in usa... the roman catholic establishment is all but a mockery of all it should stand for.
Its interesting how the church is used as a "tool of the state", yet most state propaganda machines like North Korea, Eritrea, Banana Republics, etc. seem to loath the "threat of the church" in their affairs. The enmity with Russia boils down to its stauch opposition to certain global agendas over the past two decades. This enmity is certainly racheting up of late as well. The demonization of Russia stems from potential opposition to globalism. Many folks with pull in the media loath them for this reason above all others. Yet humanitarian crisis? Not much really there in the past two decades in reality.
@@jamesberry4514 exactly! The US has worked hard to brainwash us into thinking Putin is a bad person and christianity is bad. Grateful for those us who dont buy into those lies.
@@joelvaz8115 only someone who dedicates his whole life to God should be a Tsar Putins coming is Prophecised about by our Orthodox Monks about 70 years ago that a Light haired Russian will ascend the trone in Russia and that he will restore Gods church will unite All peoples of Russia under 1 flag and Orthodoxy will prosper while JudeoCommunism will fall. And this is him . If you want links i can send them
saleem mohammad If you are muslim, as your username suggests (but one never knows), then why would you be happy about this? Christianity and islam are incompatible. Jesus Christ cannot be at once God and not God (but He IS God). Either He DID die on a Roman cross or He did not (and He DID);' either He DID rise from the dead or He did not (but He DID). TRUTH is at stake here. Religion should be discarded if it is not TRUE.
@@constantiniasmith4231 A mongoloid cannot be the successor of majestic Rome. If you want a 4rth Rome then Ravenna should be applied since it is the last capital city of Western Rome before it collapsed.
Support from a new revert to Orthodox church. I was a staunch hindu. Later I also used to think Christianity is useless (after seeing the catholic and protestant mess). But later I found this gem called Orthodox church
Russia needs to support the Hagia Sophia in its' not being used solely as a Mosque. The Hagia Sophia is the most ancient church in Christendom and deserves to be preserved as the Cathedral which it was built and meant to be.
Safuwan Fauzi That about it----------'looks nice'. But the spiritual power of JESUS CHRIST does not reside in fantastic architecture. It resides in the Word of God (the Bible) and in the work of the Holy Spirit, Who cannot be seen.
I'm Muslim from Pakistan. I Love to see orthodox Christians same like us as our brothers bcz they preserve there true faith, not into some devil things like western Christianity are deep in. Love and respect for Othrodx Christians❤❤❤
Мадао Хасегава Even if you hate us we will love you back cause we all are the children of god btw I’m a convert from Sunni Islam to orthodox Christianity
You must be seeing what the atheists here in the West are trying to do to the Church and you are partly right, too many people in the West are not serious about clean living and morality. That might be changing very soon, the virus that is killing so many people might turn the survivors back to G-d.
Muneeb Ghaffar But do you love Christianity? Do you love Christ? Do you realize that JESUS IS GOD IN HUMAN FLESH? Do you realize that HE DIED FOR OUR SINS? Do you realize that He ROSE FROM THE DEAD? Or is your love purely political? If China is allied with Pakistan, and Russia is allied with China, does that make Pakistan an ally of Russia? I guess so. But that's pure politics. The alliances could change. But TRUTH does not change.
@@jesusislordsavior6343 *I Love ISLAM & I don't Hate other Religions. I love Hazrat Esa(A.S) or Jesus (A.S) & I believe Jesus(A.S) is Prophet of Allah & Nobody is responsible for sins of others, Everyone will be rewarded in hereafter life for what they had done in this world. On the day of Judgement Allah will do justice with everyone. And, Jesus(A.S) was never crucified, Jesus(A.S) is still Alive and He'll return back to the Earth to Kill False Messiah(Dajjal) & to Rule the world from Jerusalem because he is the real Messiah. As a Muslim, We respect every Prophet(A.S) of Allah, from Prophet Adam(A.S) to Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W).* *And, my friend everyone plays their cards for their own political Interest, Pakistan was never an enemy of Russia. It was Russia who helped India & Traitors of East Pakistan to Divide Pakistan back in 1971 and Pakistan took its revenge by destroying the Soviet Union in 1991. Today, our enemies our common, our interests are common, so yeah you can say us as a Political Friend.*
@@منیب_آرائیں Surely each is responsible for his/her own sin; no one denies that. But tell me this. Do you seriously think that any man or woman on earth can enter heaven by their 'good works'? If so, what is the reason for such confidence? How can you EVER know that you have done enough 'good' to deserve God's approval? Only an extremely arrogant person would say, 'I have done enough', and that person would be living in delusion! It is a HUMAN idea that God weighs our good deeds against our sins in the balance, to see which is heaviest. It is also a HUMAN idea that God 'grades on the curve' or judges comparatively, e.g.-------------------'well, Hitler committed mass murder, but I haven't even been arrested, so I must be a pretty good guy, deserving of heaven.' There is no 'logic' or 'evidence' to support such a view. Believing in God's existence, while important, is NOT enough. (James 2:19) 'YOU BELIEVE THAT GOD IS ONE. YOU DO WELL; THE DEMONS ALSO BELIEVE, AND SHUDDER.' The Bible makes it very clear that 'ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD' (Romans 3:23). It also says in James 2:10, 'FOR WHOEVER KEEPS THE WHOLE LAW AND YET STUMBLES IN ONE POINT, HE HAS BECOME GUILTY OF ALL.' What is the conclusion? WE ARE ALL MORALLY BANKRUPT. A holy God cannot tolerate a drop of sin in His presence. IF we are to come into His presence, we need an ADVOCATE (a lawyer, more or less), a MEDIATOR (a go-between). (1st Timothy 2:5) 'FOR THERE IS ONE GOD, AND ONE MEDIATOR ALSO BETWEEN GOD AND MEN, THE MAN CHRIST JESUS.' Why did the Mediator have to be JESUS? Why could it not have been muhammad, or gautama, or some other 'religious leader'? Again, the Mediator must be PURE and HOLY to come into God's presence. He must be WITHOUT SIN. If the wages of sin is death, as it says, then the Sinless One will have an indestructible life. Jesus' righteousness was proven beyond doubt when He rose from the dead. All other 'great religious leaders' lie in their graves. Jesus ALONE among men was and is WITHOUT SIN. He ALONE was born of a virgin (as you know, I am sure). And as He said, He was NOT a created being like you or me, or his mother Mary, but FROM ETERNITY. He is eternally from God and of God. HE IS GOD THE SON, Creator of this world, come down to us from heaven--------------IMMANUEL, 'God with us' in Hebrew. Why were millions of bulls, sheep, and goats killed according to the Law of Moses? Those rituals expressed an eternal principle: 'WITHOUT SHEDDING OF BLOOD, THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS' (see Hebrews 9:22). Either the guilty one must be PUNISHED, or someone else must take punishment on his/her behalf. As it says, the blood of clean animals cannot in itself take away sins. But the Israelite rituals expressed the principle of SUBSTITUTIONARY ATONEMENT until the Messiah should come to perform the ultimate sacrifice. Therefore Jesus is called LAMB OF GOD, SLAIN BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus are the most important events in world history since Creation itself. Without them we have NO HOPE of escaping the punishment which we deserve, as a species and as individuals.
@@jesusislordsavior6343 Russian Orthodox Church is a catholic church. They fought TO KEEP THEIR FAITH AND HID IN CATACOMBS AND SURVIVED AND MANY MOVED TO THE U.S. AND TO OTHER COUNTRIES TO CARRY ON THEIR FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Those Christians had to fight to keep faith and not be killed like martyrs. They know well what it would mean to have Communism in our country. In the U.S. right now we have peel trying to tear our country DOWN and take AWAY our Christian faith and yet no one is fighting the Dems from being Socialists and that leads to Communism and then we move into the problems Russia came upon, That would be Horrid AND TO FIGHT WE MUST WATCH OUT WHO WE WANT IN OFFICE THOSE WHO PROTECT VIOLENT PROTESTORS AND PEOPLE TEARING DOWN OUR FAITH AND HISTORY AND TAKING AWAY OUR FAITH NEXT? OR DO WE WANT PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIKE OUR FREEDOM TO STAND AND OUR FAITH TO NOT BE CHANGED? Just because thy mention Russia it is not Russia it 'used' to be as China is today a 'Communist' country, BUT with PUTIN we never know? But we do know he is standing as an Eastern Orthodox believer and 'only God knows for sure! ' This is some of what is working in our faith and what the Eastern Orthodox knew and why. So they split etc. All because of terminology and how liturgy etc are performed. You can look this up too of course. Catholic with large C means Roman Catholic and the little c catholic means Universal. All churches were ONE in the beginning. All were catholic. People seem to want to migrate to their own language or ethnicity? Changing things over the years but the Eastern Orthodox do not want to change what they feel Jesus taught. I am looking at this in both ways. Not favoring one over the other, Just explaining it.
@@carolweaver3269 You are quite right, the original Church did not suffer from great interdenominational chasms as does the Church of today. 'Catholicity' does mean 'universality', and to avoid any sectarian emphasis I prefer the latter term. I have great respect for your point of view, but sorry, I am NOT American. I'm not able to take partisan sides, especially when both of them have serious faults. Why can't one be pro-life and at the same time show compassion for the poor and immigrants (see Leviticus 19:34)? I don't understand, yet that is the political reality. In Europe they used to have a sort of 'third way' called 'Christian democracy', but it is only a shell of what it used to be. Here in Canada, which is experiencing similar cultural decline, there are NO political forces which can be trusted to carry out a godly agenda. Justin Trudeau kicked pro-lifers out of his Liberal party, and the Conservatives are either too scared or too unprincipled to pick up the slack. People simply accept that 100,000 preterm infants must be slaughtered every year, and anyone who suggests otherwise is considered a retrograde fanatic, a threat to liberty by the dominant media. I used to read a lot of literature about the Soviet Union, including some of Solzhenitsyn's books, and as a matter of fact I was brought up during the Cold War period. The fall of the Berlin Wall was a great moment in history, regardless how poorly things have turned out since in many respects. I know that Orthodox as well as Protestants (those who could not escape) suffered dreadful persecution in Russia throughout MOST of the Soviet period, DESPITE the fact that the 1936 constitution guaranteed freedom of religion. Unfortunately Stalin had little regard for his own laws; he wanted to be the law himself, and that was permitted him for nearly 25 years. This is the whole problem with Putin, that he too has proved to be an autocrat; not so bloody by any means, but still ruthless. I used to respect him a little, but I noticed increasing signs of corruption in recent years. TWO things bother me very greatly about this so-called 'defender of Christianity': 1. In 2016 his government introduced new religious laws which forbade preaching of the Gospel except in 'authorized' public spaces. Western missionaries are demonized as American agents. Apparently it is illegal to hold a prayer meeting in one's home without a State permit. 2. Though Russian Orthodoxy is proclaimed as a national religion in Russia, whom has Putin chosen as political allies? CHINA, which as you rightly say is run by the godless CCP and aims for world domination. IRAN, which is run by fanatical muslim clerics. Russia is getting closer to TURKEY, which has also turned islamist since about 2000. So Putin is in bed with unbelievers. So much for the precept, 'do not be yoked together with unbelievers.' That is, IF Putin actually believes in anyone but himself. I hope that he does, for his own sake. Trump is a wannabe dictator who says nice things about this gang (except the Iranians) and 'fell in love with' the BUTCHER Kim Jong-un. For a 'conservative', Trump has a pretty high tolerance for communism, if you ask me.
Mohammed Saleh How is that possible, unless you are a convert from islam to Christianity? For everyone knows that islam and Christianity are ABSOLUTELY at loggerheads on the most important issue, which is the IDENTITY OF JESUS CHRIST. Islam denies the central HISTORICAL FACTS of the Gospel, Jesus' Crucifixion and His Resurrection. We call Jesus SON OF GOD, which HE IS. Muslims refuse to give Him that honor. Islam and Christianity can never mix. So while military conflict is a bad idea, spiritual conflict is inevitable.
I’m here only to grant respect , I am not here for issues , Palestinians are the reason why Christians and Muslims can mix , we are all human , we bleed the same , Abraham is our father , we deal with the same issues , are differences in religion , doesn’t separate in humanity . Don’t make your religious ideology to be something to separate you from interaction from other religions . Your doctor might be a Muslim to save your life, your police officer might be Jewish, your neighbor might be Buddhist , that doesn’t mean that you don’t grant respect , and happiness for others , Mohammad (Pbuh) said even a smile is a charity . If you help others allah (god will grant you a mansion in paradise ) . This CoronaVirus happening now should bring us together but I think you still aren’t getting it . There is nothing wrong with saying peace to people . A Muslim once held the keys to the church of the holy Sepulcher. The mighty Muslim Saladin treated the Christians with respect , as I am doing . Peace be with you .
@@mohammedsaleh1338 Thanks. I wish only the best for you also. It is one thing to have civil peace between communities, to treat other human individuals with respect-------------in which case we must include Jews as well, right? I have no argument against that! In my country that is considered normal. I can only hope that Palestinians would want the same thing. If you thought that I was arguing against social contact between people of different religions, you got the wrong idea. I was not 'born' a Christian. No one truly is; Jesus said that one must be 'born again' to enter His kingdom. So long as I was not a Christian, I NEEDED to come into contact with Christians and hear the message clearly before I could be converted. When I met those Christians, I could tell that they cared about my soul, though I found them a little strange. So then, 'contact' is necessary EVEN for Christians to fulfil Jesus' command to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth!! It is quite another thing to compromise over maters of fact and spiritual truth. You know very well that the BELIEFS of islam and Christianity cannot mix. I have met muslims who will agree with me 100 percent on that point, if on nothing else. Or if one does try to mix them, one ends up with something like 'chrislam', which is just another way of promoting islam. I heard of an organization in Berlin which tries to 'unite' the monotheistic religions under one roof. But each 'religion' has a different conception of God. In a certain sense they are trying to make three gods into one, whereas the ONE GOD has already revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. OF COURSE the 'religion' of a doctor (if he/she has one) has no bearing on his/her medical competence. I have met some very good doctors who happened to be muslim. It is their dedication to their work which made them good doctors. The medical profession has ethical standards of its own which are generally agreed upon. Of course there are outliers---------------doctors who will perform abortions for profit, which my Christian conscience tells me is wrong. Perhaps your conscience tells you the same thing. It wouldn't surprise me if those corrupt doctors turned out to be atheists.
@@mohammedsaleh1338 I agree brother. Peace be with you. From an Orthodox American. I pray for our Orthodox brothers in Palestine every day. We can live in peace together in the Middle East. God bless.
The USSR destroyed so many buildings of worship. It’s only right government money spent on spiritual infrastructure. It could be a boom for artists and builders. I hope once they build it they won’t tear it down under another president.
@shoaib ahamadmir mate nowhere near did any other race, religion or peoole suffer under Zionist communism then how mucj EASTERN EUROPEANS AND THE ORTHODOX RELIGION suffered.
tom gerry But Mr. Putin doesn't seem to mind the islamic republic of Iran. They are close allies. I have also heard him boast about religious pluralism in Russia. So maybe he's not onside as much as you think. Also, his government persecutes Protestant Christians, who are but a small minority.
@Wolfreign Valenford I appreciate your sentiments. Tyrannical rule is possible however under all sorts of religion, including atheist religion (for the official religion of many communist regimes was atheistic). You will probably appreciate these verses from the Bible: (James 1:26-27) 'If anyone thinks himself to be religious, yet does not bridle his own tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God is Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.' I do not see from Scripture Jesus came to 'found a new religion', but to FULFIL the promises which God had made through the patriarchs and the Hebrew prophets. Some Jews accepted Him as their Messiah but the majority did not. But if Jesus truly is Who He said He was, if the report of those who followed Him in His earthly ministry is true, then we do not need anyone else after Him. When Jesus died on the Cross, He said, 'it is finished'. And there were more than 500 witnesses who saw Him risen, before He ascended to heaven. One cannot have a Resurrection without a death first. Knowing the identity of Jesus has to be based on historical fact. This was an important issue for me, because I came to Christ from secular monotheism.
Третья часть населения России-мусульмане.Причем это не мигранты. Это люди,живущие на своих исконных территориях. И они такая же часть России как и христиане.В России много прекрасных мечетей,смотрите. А вы знаете что в период пандемии коронавируса некоторые мусульмане молились в христианских храмах?Смотрите видео
Jesus is Lord & Savior Imagínate pensar que el ecumenismo no es la cara cristiana del globalismo. Perseguir protestantes no es ni pecado ni nada por el estilo. Si no me crees, investiga cuántos de los liberales estadounidenses vienen de familias calvinistas...
@@laurentius.dominus I don't know Spanish, so I am guessing at your meaning through cognate words. I've seen evidence of 'liberal' deviations all over the map. They are present in the WCC, and they are present in Rome also. Mr. Bergoglio exemplifies that trend pretty well.
Orthodox Christian is living with the real spirit just like the Muslims way that's why i like him and make dua for him Allah help us to return Hagia Sophie to you with apology Inshallah From Pakistan
Dill Dar Jesus said: (John 4:23) 'But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.' But He also said, 'I AM THE WAY, AND THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE; NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME.' So then, God has appointed JESUS as the ONLY WAY by which we may worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH. There is no other 'way'. Islam does not work, nor buddhism, nor hinduism, etc.
@@dilldar9074 Jesus loves you and me. That is why He sacrificed Himself for us. God bless you. (Romans 5:8) 'For God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.'
It is a pity that we lost the chances of returning the true Orthodox Vatican - Constantinople back in 1919-1925: С One of Lenin's biggest mistakes is to support Turkey. Because then Turkey betrayed Russia and "forgot" about the supply of weapons to it during the Turkish War of Independence, and happily joined NATO. It would be much better to give Turkey to the Entente's court, and at the same time using the chance to expand the territory of the Armenian SSR and return the remnants of the Western Armenians home And save the Pontic Greeks from total genocide.
muadh ibrahim Russian Orthodox have Moons on Cross and Muslim Interior in Church. They are fake Christians. Hope they will be in heaven though the sins they make...
Church of abhakazia Athos on the hill should also be repaired. But that's good news .it should actually be bigger than Vatican the Russian othodox church .in my opinion it should also baptise China, India, Japan and North Korea. Something should be done to turn those countries into Christianity.
Kyobe Oscar Good thinking! But I don't think that the Russian Orthodox church is very interested. Mr. Putin doesn't care about evangelism, otherwise he should not have shut down evangelism in Russia. If one is only allowed to speak about Christ in church, how is one going to attract millions of unbelievers to Him? It makes NO SENSE. The Lord Himself and His apostles often taught in open air, but this cannot be done, according to Russian law since 2016. This is the information which I have read.
The ROC, having an administrative headquarters separate from Moscow and Petersburg is probably a good idea. Before the fall of Constantinople the area around Hagia Sophia was similar to the Vatican in that the Church's administrative headquarters was located there. If that is what the Russian government and the majority of the Russian people want, that is their business and I wish them well in their endeavor. God bless them! :)
The ROC does not have long to exist so they are trying to expand into the West. Their big problem is that the Soviet Union doomed the population to demographic extiniction and still many young people leave Russia for the West. Unless Putin loosens the tight controls of the Russian economy and ends corruption once and for all, Russia will not be around in 2030, it'll be a big, empty spot on the map being resettled by Red China.
Why not ask the Orthodox Church to fund it's own renovations and expansions? The State should worry about defense and infrastructure. "Never feed a baby chocolate when he or she needs good food, like meat and vegetables" would be the qoute to use here.
If you Honor God first he will return the blessing for the roads and the needy. If you honor yourself first even what little you have will be taken from you.
Caution: While this sounds good on the surface...the faithful should always remember history. Beginning with Constantine, whenever a country's leader does so much to help the Church grow...that same leader can also take it back. The leader can also make demands on the Church (the faithful) that may not welcomed and unable to do anything to prevent. Nothing against Pres. Putin but history alway repeats itself.
If He didn't No body could get Eternal Life. So your rejection solidifies you will not either since you have Rejected Jesus Holy teachings and believe humans.
TRT - please examine the restoration of Hagia Sophia as the Church it was built to be before Ottoman desecration as a mosque. Any plans for a news clip on that? No, I thought not.
Couldn't have a more lucid picture of how to be and how not to be with those first two women. One is smiling and rightfully praising God, one is lamenting no longer having a free apartment.
@@rev.jon2277 this channel is a turkish news channel. They are spreading propaganda coz they are afraid of someday Christian will take back Hagia Sofia.
There's another Orthodox Vatican with the New Holy Roman Empire of Putin🤣 the Third Rome. The Fourth Rome would be the USA, And the 5th Rome will be Philippines
If much of the money used by the Russian Orthodox Church comes from the government, then it goes without saying that the government holds a strong influence over the Russian Church, which is not a good thing. Also, not all Russians belong to the Russian Orthodox Church. But if public money is being used for the church's expenditures, then it is not fair to those taxpayers who are not Russian Orthodox.
‘Under Soviet rule religion was eliminated’ ?? Couldn’t be more wrong! Also, there has never been an Orthodox vatican, there is no Orthodox vatican, there never will be an Orthodox vatican. ☦️☦️☦️
God sees the one who serves not the one being served...!!So, serve n help as many as you can to praise God. May God shower his blessings on all the pastors, ministers, volunteers, praise n worshippers n everyone involved in service.. ..!! Hallelujah!! Praise Lord!! Amen!!...!!
Anyone with half a brain knows that Christianity teaches the virtues as a way of life in the Kingdom of God irrespective of the state. Even when the state is evil or hostile, such as in the Soviet Union and the West, the Church preaches love and humility. The Soviet Union murdered tens of thousands of clergy and destroyed tens of thousands of churches, which number has yet to be reached even at a rate of 3 churches a day for the last 30 years. Reparations are only fair for the extent of the destruction to life and property. It is interesting that the vast majority of the comments seem positive towards the Church, even as the media are hostile.
@@dewd9327 yes it is. Christianity wouldn’t exist anywhere in the world if it wasn’t for European colonization. On top of that Jesus built his church in Rome which is in Europe. Silly child
@@N0n0b0dy Jesus did no such thing he founded his Church in Jerusalem, not once did Christ set foot in Rome. The church of Jerusalem is the mother church the Catholics have tampered enough with the Church that Christ founded, silly child. The Western Church is spiritually dead. The reason Christianity exists is because the Apostles spread it not because of European colonialism. Christianity reached India and Ethiopia before Europeans did. Also the first Christians were from the middle east, not Europe. Christianity was born in the levant and spread to Europe not the other way around smart one.
@@dewd9327 Palestine was part of the Roman Empire which was a European civilization. Also Mathew 16:18 , Jesus told Peter to build his church on the rock and Peter was the first pope. Rome is the church and traditional Catholicism is the only Christianity. And You’re definitely a Protestant (not a real Christian) but keep thinking india and africa have had more impact on Christianity than Europe with all its Christian kingdoms, Popes , the creation of the church, theology, cathedrals , monarchs and everything else.
@@N0n0b0dy Orthodoxy is the real church, Rome broke away when it sought a monarchy that does not belong to it, I am not a Protestant heretic wise one, I am an Orthodox Christian like the Russians who you’ve just been praising, and when did I say India and aethiopia had more influence on Christianity than Europe? I said Christianity reached those places before Europeans did, but keep beating up your straw man.
Maybe the Vatican of Rome will go back to all being Bishops and the Roman Bishop to be as before known as well esteemed and yet not the pope or overseer, but a Bishop, but with some reverence . " First Among Equals" as before? Perhaps in that way, it could be a step in joining forces against evil? Prayer is prayer and we must pray to stop this evil and unite to end evil in this world. It is getting worse and worse and the only god can end it all. We must ALL get down on our knees and get rid of being so ego-centered. Being autocephalous would allow the churches to remain a certain amount of Freedom to continue on but to at least unite in important ways ?
@Niko Bellic No all Eastern Orthodox held this belief and that was the main reason why in 1054 there was the split. All Bishops were not above at all. But the one of Rome was " First among Equals" That is where that saying came from. Andrew was the first disciple Jesus called to follow Him. The problem stated above is still holding up many of the Eastern Orthodox from merging back together as one. As Pole John Paul the 2nd did say " They are each one part of the lung" They should be together but as a family often does they do have disputes that need to be listened to and understood and looked at totally. They used to be able to discuss all of the councils held. They discussed and decided among them what should be done. They do have autocephalous in how they give communion, or how they handle the confessions, ( Some have it every week and some even once a year depending which kind of church you follow" But overall they do all believe in the 'Trinity' and are living the way Jesus called them. But like when the disciples were alive, even Peter was reprimanded if wrong and the other disciples were treated the same. The divided up to preach and teach and work miracles from the gifts God gave them. They did not need to go to St Peter all the time to ask him to give the laws even after Jesus was risen and sent the Holy Spirit. So they want the Bishops to realize that Peter was yes "First among equals" We must take what this says for face value as it stood so many years ago. From the beginning, if we would like to see any unity exist. It does not mean they would not give Rome a look as "first among equals" as they did for Constantinople. They do not seem to understand each other as the translation of words and how they sentenced them or something has been lost in their understanding of what people understood so long ago? All in the wording and meanings of at least a couple matters, was the cause of this big split so long ago.
People are responsible to take care of their own houses and the infrastructure should be a concern of the local government, while the role of national government is to take care of the national matters, like institution of the Church, which play a major role in the revival of Russian culture after decades of degradation by the communist regime and it's the best provision that such tragedy will not happen again.
Iwans 95 Where in Scripture does one find this the notion that it is the role of the 'national' government to 'take care' of the Church? I don't suppose that you are looking to an idealized version of the Israelite monarchy. That system was not a genuine theocracy, it was hopelessly unstable for much of its history, moreover Israel was not the Church, being under the old covenant. God ordained Church and State as entirely separate institutions. The Church is a spiritual body of believers, which crosses territorial and even temporal boundaries. Membership in the Church is by 'new birth' in the Holy Spirit, and lasts into eternity. However the State is purely temporal and provisional, subject to alteration or termination according to God's Sovereign will. Its principal job is the maintenance of order and basic standards of public justice. See Romans chapter 13:1-6. It has powers of taxation so that it may carry out its duties. You must know Jesus' saying, roughly 'give unto Caesar what belongs to him, and to God what belongs to Him.' But I know nothing to suggest that the State cannot be involved in the creation of physical infrastructure or (short of stealing property) large-scale direction of the economy. Ancient empires such as the Roman (which prevailed in apostolic times) did such things routinely; this has NOTHING inherently to do with 'socialism'. Was Joseph a 'socialist' because he bought up agricultural land on Pharaoh's behalf during years of famine (Genesis 47:20)? Nearer to our own time, was Winston Churchill a 'socialist' because his government engaged in economic planning and demanded that farmers grow particular crops to suit wartime requirements? I don't think so. Don't get me wrong; I share your high view of local governance, and I share 100 percent your hope that the scourge of atheism may never return to Russia as before.
@@jesusislordsavior6343 I'm not even talking about the Jewish scriptures, or Jewish tradition, because a Christian state is nothing else than a right hand of the Church, so it supposed to be purely practical, namely responsible for things like judical/executive system with platform for political negotiation, security-mechanism that protects a society from the inside/outside threats and maintenance of the Church itself, while infrastructure is just another local matter, which have nothing to do with the national government.
@@ivanos_95 You explain your own point of view very clearly. I am just wondering-----------------where in Scripture does it speak of a Christian State? Paul gives precepts about the proper relation of believers to the State (e.g. in the first part of Romans ch. 13), but the State in apostolic times was not supportive of the Church. At times it was extremely antagonistic toward the Church. Since Jesus' kingdom is 'not of this world', there is something inherently subversive about the Gospel, though Jesus taught the way of non-violence to His disciples (which makes 'revolutionary' action extremely problematic for the Christian). I will admit to a certain tension between this view and what appear to be the practical exigencies of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). There is no question that missionary activity has often been stimulated or enabled by imperial conquest. And most Christians (including myself) take more pleasure in civil laws which reflect the ethics of the Gospel than in laws which mock at those ethics. 'Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord'-------------surely that blessing extends beyond ancient Israel, during its limited periods of relative compliance with God's Law. But in general, 'Christian States' have behaved more or less as other States did, in their conduct of war, in their tolerance of oppressive class structures. The empire of the tsars is quite a picturesque example, but it would be wrong to single it out for criticism!
@@jesusislordsavior6343 If you're an anarchist, who threat the Holy Scriptures in a non-political manner, then you would be against both an organised Church, or any kind of state, but if you're engaged in the political life, you should support some kind of Church and an organised state. As an Orthodox-Christian, I'm against the separation of Church and state, because I'm against a secular state in general, while the only right of a state to exist is when a state serves the Church, or provides a ground for people to organise themselves politically with approval of the Church.
@@ivanos_95 I am NOT an anarchist. Did I say that I was? Read Romans chapter 13, and you will find a very good justification for the existence of organized states. Of course the Church is an organized body. Why else did Paul discuss requirements for elders and deacons? Why are pastors, evangelists, and teachers mentioned? Why gifts of administration for example? I am NOT engaged in politics in any conventional sense of the word. I have never belonged to any partisan organization, and I have not voted in about 15 years. What kind of State was Paul talking about in Romans 13? Surely not a theocracy. Nor when he said, 'honor the king', was he necessarily referring to Christian rulers. At the time, Christians lived under the domination of pagan Roman emperors. Yet they were to have a cooperative attitude toward the authorities, with one exception-----------------they were not to blaspheme by giving honor to an earthly ruler, which belonged to God alone. It was better to accept death than to do that, and as a result many early Christians did suffer as martyrs. I am aware however that a different understanding of Church-State relations exists among certain believers, including some Eastern Orthodox. It used to be so among Lutherans. There has been a more recent movement within Protestantism called 'Dominionism', which favors capture of the State by Christian political forces. I do not consider that a realistic hope, and it smacks too much of post-millenialism. On the other hand I don't mind terribly the notion of 'confessional' political parties competing in elections. But there again, chances of success are very limited, and there is always a danger of falling into collusion with worldly-minded people. In my country, the public and media are very hostile to what they perceive as 'invasion' of secular politics by men and women of Christian conscience. They like to consider themselves as 'open-minded' and 'fair' people, but in reality they are not. The culturally dominant elite would accept almost any 'other religion' before they would accept Christianity.
There's only one Vatican city one church on the Rock and that's in Rome (Matthew 16:18) not this Eastern Schismatic rip-off Submit to Rome already y'all✝️🇻🇦
I wonder which of the Apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ were buried in their orthodox 'Vatican' At the same time the Hagia Sophia which is the ancient center of Orthodox is helpless
People think to pray for conversion of Russia. How about to pray for the conversion of Rome maybe? I don't think so that the Fatima is from God. Too much controversy. First is old traditional Mass, then is old traditional Mass no good. Can he make up all their minds?
i am Ethiopian ,i am ORTHODOX ,God bless you
kindeya hailu
I am Christian and a formal member of no denomination. God bless you also.
@Oh Yeahhh
SO WHAT? Christ died for the sins of people of every nation and race. Besides, 'Slavic' is a linguistic term, whereas 'African' is a geographical one, so the comparison doesn't really work.
@Oh Yeahhh
I'm not American! But you need to work out your prejudices anyway. Jesus will help you if you let Him.
Oh Yeahhh it doesn’t matter. All are welcome to the Church!
Oh Yeahhh shut up. I’m on your side. You just don’t know it.
God bless all our Orthodox brothers and sisters in the struggle.
Slava Bogu!
Also the faithful people in Ukrain ??????
God bless Russia, respect from the USA
this is why those who hate trump also hate putin's russia. to destroy us they must first destroy our foundation, which they largely have in usa... the roman catholic establishment is all but a mockery of all it should stand for.
Its interesting how the church is used as a "tool of the state", yet most state propaganda machines like North Korea, Eritrea, Banana Republics, etc. seem to loath the "threat of the church" in their affairs. The enmity with Russia boils down to its stauch opposition to certain global agendas over the past two decades. This enmity is certainly racheting up of late as well. The demonization of Russia stems from potential opposition to globalism. Many folks with pull in the media loath them for this reason above all others. Yet humanitarian crisis? Not much really there in the past two decades in reality.
Yes! Praise God. A leader who cares about faith unlike the demons who run The USA. It's horrible here. It's already difficult being a Christian here.
@@jamesberry4514 exactly! The US has worked hard to brainwash us into thinking Putin is a bad person and christianity is bad. Grateful for those us who dont buy into those lies.
@@jamesberry4514 well said by the way
Jew Bolshevik judeo communists wanted to Finish off the Orthodox Church but Gods 1 true and Only church rose high from the ashes as always thank God
@shoaib ahamadmir true
@@slavdefendov1499 Do you believe that Russia needs a tzar do you think putin shoulld be one?
@@joelvaz8115 only someone who dedicates his whole life to God should be a Tsar Putins coming is Prophecised about by our Orthodox Monks about 70 years ago that a Light haired Russian will ascend the trone in Russia and that he will restore Gods church will unite All peoples of Russia under 1 flag and Orthodoxy will prosper while JudeoCommunism will fall. And this is him . If you want links i can send them
@@slavdefendov1499 Are'nt a lot of old people light haired, especially when your are 66. Most Russians i have met also have light hair
And how would you know if someone has dedicated their whole life to God, what if their lying?
I happy for Russia and Putin because Russia returning to orthodox Christianity
only a dumb idiot would support devils like putin
@Baz L-Malabari wahhabi scumbag
@Baz L-Malabari wahabbi Svim
@Baz L-Malabari go to pakistan
saleem mohammad
If you are muslim, as your username suggests (but one never knows), then why would you be happy about this? Christianity and islam are incompatible. Jesus Christ cannot be at once God and not God (but He IS God). Either He DID die on a Roman cross or He did not (and He DID);' either He DID rise from the dead or He did not (but He DID). TRUTH is at stake here.
Religion should be discarded if it is not TRUE.
Am from Ethiopia and am Orthodox God bless Mother Russia
3 church’s a day, thats amazing! ☦️✝️
The return of the Byzantine empire indeed! God bless u all!
We need Constantinople and Anatolia.
Orthodoxy is the way... Russia is the third Rome and there is no fourth...
Ottoman's istanbul is the fourth
Ivan the Terrible and first Russian Tsar said the same words of Moscow as the Third Rome.
@@constantiniasmith4231 A mongoloid cannot be the successor of majestic Rome.
If you want a 4rth Rome then Ravenna should be applied since it is the last capital city of Western Rome before it collapsed.
@@dustingriffith7399 Moscow is indeed the 3rd Rome. Constantinople is dead. 2nd Rome is dead. Istanbul has been Arabised, Persianised, and Turkified.
Mind is delighted to see the growing of Eastern Christianity.
May God Bless Russia & its leader Putin..
Support from Indian Orthodox Church✝️⛪️
Support from a new revert to Orthodox church. I was a staunch hindu. Later I also used to think Christianity is useless (after seeing the catholic and protestant mess).
But later I found this gem called Orthodox church
@@Ashish447 praise the lord ....may he lead u to heaven
@@ernestthomas358 thanks brother. Same to you
@@Ashish447 what exact mess did you find in catholicism that is not affecting indian syriac orthodoxy?
God of country Russia 🇷🇺 ✝️from India 🇮🇳
God bless Russian and the renewal of the Orthodox Church in this country.
Russia needs to support the Hagia Sophia in its' not being used solely as a Mosque. The Hagia Sophia is the most ancient church in Christendom and deserves to be preserved as the Cathedral which it was built and meant to be.
Nice architecture, it russian style. nice wall, tower and gates. like mini medieval city
Safuwan Fauzi
That about it----------'looks nice'. But the spiritual power of JESUS CHRIST does not reside in fantastic architecture. It resides in the Word of God (the Bible) and in the work of the Holy Spirit, Who cannot be seen.
Follow your own advice. You will fail. You have failed already. There is no escape from your failure unless you repent and receive Jesus.
I'm Muslim from Pakistan. I Love to see orthodox Christians same like us as our brothers bcz they preserve there true faith, not into some devil things like western Christianity are deep in. Love and respect for Othrodx Christians❤❤❤
@@user-hurasaddeen im Serbian married to Cherkessian .
So how am i muslim Killer?
Mohammad hussian Christ is for whole humanity
Don’t separate brother Jesus is the way truth and life
Be unite in Christ
@@alicealwin1435 you believe in false God. You infidels. Your friend is Satan. I hate christians very much.
Мадао Хасегава Even if you hate us we will love you back cause we all are the children of god btw I’m a convert from Sunni Islam to orthodox Christianity
You must be seeing what the atheists here in the West are trying to do to the Church and you are partly right, too many people in the West are not serious about clean living and morality. That might be changing very soon, the virus that is killing so many people might turn the survivors back to G-d.
God bless to my brothers and sisters in the russian orthodox church. From your brother in roman catholic church.
*Love Russia from Pakistan...*
Muneeb Ghaffar
But do you love Christianity? Do you love Christ? Do you realize that JESUS IS GOD IN HUMAN FLESH? Do you realize that HE DIED FOR OUR SINS? Do you realize that He ROSE FROM THE DEAD?
Or is your love purely political? If China is allied with Pakistan, and Russia is allied with China, does that make Pakistan an ally of Russia? I guess so. But that's pure politics. The alliances could change. But TRUTH does not change.
*I Love ISLAM & I don't Hate other Religions. I love Hazrat Esa(A.S) or Jesus (A.S) & I believe Jesus(A.S) is Prophet of Allah & Nobody is responsible for sins of others, Everyone will be rewarded in hereafter life for what they had done in this world. On the day of Judgement Allah will do justice with everyone. And, Jesus(A.S) was never crucified, Jesus(A.S) is still Alive and He'll return back to the Earth to Kill False Messiah(Dajjal) & to Rule the world from Jerusalem because he is the real Messiah. As a Muslim, We respect every Prophet(A.S) of Allah, from Prophet Adam(A.S) to Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W).*
*And, my friend everyone plays their cards for their own political Interest, Pakistan was never an enemy of Russia. It was Russia who helped India & Traitors of East Pakistan to Divide Pakistan back in 1971 and Pakistan took its revenge by destroying the Soviet Union in 1991. Today, our enemies our common, our interests are common, so yeah you can say us as a Political Friend.*
Surely each is responsible for his/her own sin; no one denies that. But tell me this. Do you seriously think that any man or woman on earth can enter heaven by their 'good works'? If so, what is the reason for such confidence? How can you EVER know that you have done enough 'good' to deserve God's approval? Only an extremely arrogant person would say, 'I have done enough', and that person would be living in delusion!
It is a HUMAN idea that God weighs our good deeds against our sins in the balance, to see which is heaviest. It is also a HUMAN idea that God 'grades on the curve' or judges comparatively, e.g.-------------------'well, Hitler committed mass murder, but I haven't even been arrested, so I must be a pretty good guy, deserving of heaven.' There is no 'logic' or 'evidence' to support such a view.
Believing in God's existence, while important, is NOT enough. (James 2:19)
The Bible makes it very clear that 'ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD' (Romans 3:23). It also says in James 2:10,
What is the conclusion? WE ARE ALL MORALLY BANKRUPT. A holy God cannot tolerate a drop of sin in His presence. IF we are to come into His presence, we need an ADVOCATE (a lawyer, more or less), a MEDIATOR (a go-between).
Why did the Mediator have to be JESUS? Why could it not have been muhammad, or gautama, or some other 'religious leader'? Again, the Mediator must be PURE and HOLY to come into God's presence. He must be WITHOUT SIN. If the wages of sin is death, as it says, then the Sinless One will have an indestructible life. Jesus' righteousness was proven beyond doubt when He rose from the dead. All other 'great religious leaders' lie in their graves.
Jesus ALONE among men was and is WITHOUT SIN. He ALONE was born of a virgin (as you know, I am sure). And as He said, He was NOT a created being like you or me, or his mother Mary, but FROM ETERNITY. He is eternally from God and of God. HE IS GOD THE SON, Creator of this world, come down to us from heaven--------------IMMANUEL, 'God with us' in Hebrew.
Why were millions of bulls, sheep, and goats killed according to the Law of Moses? Those rituals expressed an eternal principle: 'WITHOUT SHEDDING OF BLOOD, THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS' (see Hebrews 9:22). Either the guilty one must be PUNISHED, or someone else must take punishment on his/her behalf.
As it says, the blood of clean animals cannot in itself take away sins. But the Israelite rituals expressed the principle of SUBSTITUTIONARY ATONEMENT until the Messiah should come to perform the ultimate sacrifice. Therefore Jesus is called LAMB OF GOD, SLAIN BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.
The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus are the most important events in world history since Creation itself.
Without them we have NO HOPE of escaping the punishment which we deserve, as a species and as individuals.
@@jesusislordsavior6343 Russian Orthodox Church is a catholic church. They fought TO KEEP THEIR FAITH AND HID IN CATACOMBS AND SURVIVED AND MANY MOVED TO THE U.S. AND TO OTHER COUNTRIES TO CARRY ON THEIR FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Those Christians had to fight to keep faith and not be killed like martyrs. They know well what it would mean to have Communism in our country. In the U.S. right now we have peel trying to tear our country DOWN and take AWAY our Christian faith and yet no one is fighting the Dems from being Socialists and that leads to Communism and then we move into the problems Russia came upon, That would be Horrid AND TO FIGHT WE MUST WATCH OUT WHO WE WANT IN OFFICE THOSE WHO PROTECT VIOLENT PROTESTORS AND PEOPLE TEARING DOWN OUR FAITH AND HISTORY AND TAKING AWAY OUR FAITH NEXT? OR DO WE WANT PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIKE OUR FREEDOM TO STAND AND OUR FAITH TO NOT BE CHANGED? Just because thy mention Russia it is not Russia it 'used' to be as China is today a 'Communist' country, BUT with PUTIN we never know? But we do know he is standing as an Eastern Orthodox believer and 'only God knows for sure! ' This is some of what is working in our faith and what the Eastern Orthodox knew and why. So they split etc. All because of terminology and how liturgy etc are performed. You can look this up too of course. Catholic with large C means Roman Catholic and the little c catholic means Universal. All churches were ONE in the beginning. All were catholic. People seem to want to migrate to their own language or ethnicity? Changing things over the years but the Eastern Orthodox do not want to change what they feel Jesus taught. I am looking at this in both ways. Not favoring one over the other, Just explaining it.
You are quite right, the original Church did not suffer from great interdenominational chasms as does the Church of today. 'Catholicity' does mean 'universality', and to avoid any sectarian emphasis I prefer the latter term.
I have great respect for your point of view, but sorry, I am NOT American. I'm not able to take partisan sides, especially when both of them have serious faults. Why can't one be pro-life and at the same time show compassion for the poor and immigrants (see Leviticus 19:34)? I don't understand, yet that is the political reality.
In Europe they used to have a sort of 'third way' called 'Christian democracy', but it is only a shell of what it used to be.
Here in Canada, which is experiencing
similar cultural decline, there are NO political forces which can be trusted to carry out a godly agenda. Justin Trudeau kicked pro-lifers out of his Liberal party, and the Conservatives are either too scared or too unprincipled to pick up the slack. People simply accept that 100,000 preterm infants must be slaughtered every year, and anyone who suggests otherwise is considered a retrograde fanatic, a threat to liberty by the dominant media.
I used to read a lot of literature about the Soviet Union, including some of Solzhenitsyn's books, and as a matter of fact I was brought up during the Cold War period. The fall of the Berlin Wall was a great moment in history, regardless how poorly things have turned out since in many respects. I know that Orthodox as well as Protestants (those who could not escape)
suffered dreadful persecution in Russia throughout MOST of the Soviet period, DESPITE the fact that the 1936 constitution guaranteed freedom of religion. Unfortunately Stalin had little regard for his own laws; he wanted to be the law himself, and that was permitted him for nearly 25 years.
This is the whole problem with Putin, that he too has proved to be an autocrat; not so bloody by any means, but still ruthless. I used to respect him a little, but I noticed increasing signs of corruption in recent years. TWO things bother me very greatly about this so-called 'defender of Christianity':
1. In 2016 his government introduced new religious laws which forbade preaching of the Gospel except in 'authorized' public spaces. Western missionaries are demonized as American agents. Apparently it is illegal to hold a prayer meeting in one's home without a State permit.
2. Though Russian Orthodoxy is proclaimed as a national religion in Russia, whom has Putin chosen as political allies? CHINA, which as you rightly say is run by the godless CCP and aims for world domination. IRAN, which is run by fanatical muslim clerics. Russia is getting closer to TURKEY, which has also turned islamist since about 2000.
So Putin is in bed with unbelievers.
So much for the precept, 'do not be yoked together with unbelievers.' That is, IF Putin actually believes in anyone but himself.
I hope that he does, for his own sake.
Trump is a wannabe dictator who says nice things about this gang (except the Iranians) and 'fell in love with' the BUTCHER Kim Jong-un. For a 'conservative', Trump has a pretty high tolerance for communism, if you ask me.
Peace from your Palestinian brothers 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Mohammed Saleh
How is that possible, unless you are a convert from islam to Christianity? For everyone knows that islam and Christianity are ABSOLUTELY at loggerheads on the most important issue, which is the IDENTITY OF JESUS CHRIST. Islam denies the central HISTORICAL FACTS of the Gospel, Jesus' Crucifixion and His Resurrection. We call Jesus SON OF GOD, which HE IS. Muslims refuse to give Him that honor. Islam and Christianity can never mix. So while military conflict is a bad idea, spiritual conflict is inevitable.
I’m here only to grant respect , I am not here for issues , Palestinians are the reason why Christians and Muslims can mix , we are all human , we bleed the same , Abraham is our father , we deal with the same issues , are differences in religion , doesn’t separate in humanity . Don’t make your religious ideology to be something to separate you from interaction from other religions . Your doctor might be a Muslim to save your life, your police officer might be Jewish, your neighbor might be Buddhist , that doesn’t mean that you don’t grant respect , and happiness for others , Mohammad (Pbuh) said even a smile is a charity . If you help others allah (god will grant you a mansion in paradise ) . This CoronaVirus happening now should bring us together but I think you still aren’t getting it . There is nothing wrong with saying peace to people . A Muslim once held the keys to the church of the holy Sepulcher. The mighty Muslim Saladin treated the Christians with respect , as I am doing . Peace be with you .
Thanks. I wish only the best for you also.
It is one thing to have civil peace between communities, to treat other human individuals with respect-------------in which case we must include Jews as well, right?
I have no argument against that! In my country that is considered normal. I can only hope that Palestinians would want the same thing.
If you thought that I was arguing against social contact between people of different religions, you got the wrong idea. I was not 'born' a Christian. No one truly is; Jesus said that one must be 'born again' to enter His kingdom. So long as I was not a Christian, I NEEDED to come into contact with Christians and hear the message clearly before I could be converted. When I met those Christians, I could tell that they cared about my soul, though I found them a little strange.
So then, 'contact' is necessary EVEN for Christians to fulfil Jesus' command to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth!! It is quite another thing to compromise over maters of fact and spiritual truth. You know very well that the BELIEFS of islam and Christianity cannot mix. I have met muslims who will agree with me 100 percent on that point, if on nothing else. Or if one does try to mix them, one ends up with something like 'chrislam', which is just another way of promoting islam.
I heard of an organization in Berlin which tries to 'unite' the monotheistic religions under one roof. But each 'religion' has a different conception of God. In a certain sense they are trying to make three gods into one, whereas the ONE GOD has already revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
OF COURSE the 'religion' of a doctor (if he/she has one) has no bearing on his/her medical competence. I have met some very good doctors who happened to be muslim. It is their dedication to their work which made them good doctors. The medical profession has ethical standards of its own which are generally agreed upon. Of course there are outliers---------------doctors who will perform abortions for profit, which my Christian conscience tells me is wrong. Perhaps your conscience tells you the same thing. It wouldn't surprise me if those corrupt doctors turned out to be atheists.
@@mohammedsaleh1338 I agree brother. Peace be with you. From an Orthodox American. I pray for our Orthodox brothers in Palestine every day. We can live in peace together in the Middle East. God bless.
West has realized that we should not worship imaginary God Jesus-2 , which came out of hole(v) and when grew up played with hole (v)
The USSR destroyed so many buildings of worship. It’s only right government money spent on spiritual infrastructure. It could be a boom for artists and builders. I hope once they build it they won’t tear it down under another president.
God bless Russia and the people of this great nation on earth hooooraaaaaaa hoooraaaaaa hoooraaaaaas
USSR heads of State 87% Jews who killed 60.000.000 Chriatian Russians from 1917-1977.
But God rose above and his church is restored
@shoaib ahamadmir mate nowhere near did any other race, religion or peoole suffer under Zionist communism then how mucj EASTERN EUROPEANS AND THE ORTHODOX RELIGION suffered.
That's great Russia. Amen.
Good idea to prevent islamist in Russia❤️❤️❤️
tom gerry
But Mr. Putin doesn't seem to mind the islamic republic of Iran. They are close allies. I have also heard him boast about religious pluralism in Russia. So maybe he's not onside as much as you think. Also, his government persecutes Protestant Christians, who are but a small minority.
@Wolfreign Valenford
I appreciate your sentiments. Tyrannical rule is possible however under all sorts of religion, including atheist religion (for the official religion of many communist regimes was atheistic).
You will probably appreciate these verses from the Bible:
(James 1:26-27) 'If anyone thinks himself to be religious, yet does not bridle his own tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God is Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.'
I do not see from Scripture Jesus came to 'found a new religion', but to FULFIL the promises which God had made through the patriarchs and the Hebrew prophets. Some Jews accepted Him as their Messiah but the majority did not. But if Jesus truly is Who He said He was, if the report of those who followed Him in His earthly ministry is true, then we do not need anyone else after Him.
When Jesus died on the Cross, He said, 'it is finished'. And there were more than 500 witnesses who saw Him risen, before He ascended to heaven. One cannot have a Resurrection without a death first.
Knowing the identity of Jesus has to be based on historical fact. This was an important issue for me, because I came to Christ from secular monotheism.
Третья часть населения России-мусульмане.Причем это не мигранты. Это люди,живущие на своих исконных территориях. И они такая же часть России как и христиане.В России много прекрасных мечетей,смотрите. А вы знаете что в период пандемии коронавируса некоторые мусульмане молились в христианских храмах?Смотрите видео
Jesus is Lord & Savior Imagínate pensar que el ecumenismo no es la cara cristiana del globalismo. Perseguir protestantes no es ni pecado ni nada por el estilo. Si no me crees, investiga cuántos de los liberales estadounidenses vienen de familias calvinistas...
I don't know Spanish, so I am guessing at your meaning through cognate words. I've seen evidence of 'liberal' deviations all over the map. They are present in the WCC, and they are present in Rome also. Mr. Bergoglio exemplifies that trend pretty well.
and Vatican is enormous city! :) Vatican is 20-30 times smaller then Sergiev Posad. :)
Jesus will bless Russia and the Russian Christians.
Orthodox Christian is living with the real spirit just like the Muslims way that's why i like him and make dua for him Allah help us to return Hagia Sophie to you with apology Inshallah
From Pakistan
Thank you, my brother. That is a very generous and humble sentiment from a Muslim. I pray God will grant peace between Muslims and Christians 🙏♥️
The Hagia Sophia will never be yours, Orthodox Christianity will win in the end.
Dill Dar
Jesus said:
(John 4:23) 'But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.'
So then, God has appointed JESUS as the ONLY WAY by which we may worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH. There is no other 'way'. Islam does not work, nor buddhism, nor hinduism, etc.
Quraan. Sura.e.Kaffroon.
La kum dino kum wal yadeen.
Your faith is for you & my faith is for Me. Thanks
Jesus loves you and me. That is why He sacrificed Himself for us. God bless you.
(Romans 5:8) 'For God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.'
beautiful country nice weather
It is a pity that we lost the chances of returning the true Orthodox Vatican - Constantinople back in 1919-1925: С
One of Lenin's biggest mistakes is to support Turkey. Because then Turkey betrayed Russia and "forgot" about the supply of weapons to it during the Turkish War of Independence, and happily joined NATO.
It would be much better to give Turkey to the Entente's court, and at the same time using the chance to expand the territory of the Armenian SSR and return the remnants of the Western Armenians home And save the Pontic Greeks from total genocide.
The White Russians would have gone for it, instead of Poland like the Bolshevist did.
God bless Russia 🇷🇺
Rusisa is the third Rome!
Rome was kinda lame. Russia is better
Alhamdu li llah....
from a communist atheist state to a theocratic one....
bold move.
muadh ibrahim Russian Orthodox is FAKE Church. Bulgarian Greek and other are TRUE
muadh ibrahim Russian Orthodox is Muslim, not Christian
Ilya Vostok .. thanks my knowledge was governed by western history books... thanks for the clarification.
Ivan Tanushev ... not an authority on the subject but the nationalistic outlook and the strong bond between the two is an envy of many.
muadh ibrahim Russian Orthodox have Moons on Cross and Muslim Interior in Church. They are fake Christians. Hope they will be in heaven though the sins they make...
lam etophian ordox vist this vido lam very very hapy
God bless the people who believe 🙏❤️❤️❤️
this are true christians who worship true GOD LIKE muslims
Verry good 👏👏👏 We ortodox need one🇷🇺🇷🇸🇧🇾🇦🇩
My prayer for Holy Russian,Orthodoxies success in this venture...Слава Православност, Слава Русији Љубав💓💓💓❤️❤️...😄☦️🇷🇸🇷🇺
Church of abhakazia Athos on the hill should also be repaired. But that's good news .it should actually be bigger than Vatican the Russian othodox church .in my opinion it should also baptise China, India, Japan and North Korea. Something should be done to turn those countries into Christianity.
Kyobe Oscar
Good thinking! But I don't think that the Russian Orthodox church is very interested. Mr. Putin doesn't care about evangelism, otherwise he should not have shut down evangelism in Russia. If one is only allowed to speak about Christ in church, how is one going to attract millions of unbelievers to Him? It makes NO SENSE. The Lord Himself and His apostles often taught in open air, but this cannot be done, according to Russian law since 2016. This is the information which I have read.
The ROC, having an administrative headquarters separate from Moscow
and Petersburg is probably a good idea. Before the fall of Constantinople
the area around Hagia Sophia was similar to the Vatican in that the
Church's administrative headquarters was located there.
If that is what the Russian government and the majority of the Russian
people want, that is their business and I wish them well in their endeavor.
God bless them! :)
The ROC does not have long to exist so they are trying to expand into the West. Their big problem is that the Soviet Union doomed the population to demographic extiniction and still many young people leave Russia for the West. Unless Putin loosens the tight controls of the Russian economy and ends corruption once and for all, Russia will not be around in 2030, it'll be a big, empty spot on the map being resettled by Red China.
@@christianfreedom-seeker2025putin or his successor will probably promote and incentivise childbirth for that problem
I am from pakistan,God bless russia I am very glad about russia that how fast christianity is dessiminating in russia.
Why not ask the Orthodox Church to fund it's own renovations and expansions? The State should worry about defense and infrastructure. "Never feed a baby chocolate when he or she needs good food, like meat and vegetables" would be the qoute to use here.
Whoever wrote this article clearly dosen't know how a monastary operates.
Yes, they could also fixed those buildings. It is also Christian thing to do.
This complex is magnificent.
I wish I could see this place
Imagine if they got Constantinople, how they would transform the Hagia Sophia back into a Roman orthodox church. Constantine IX would have been proud.
If you Honor God first he will return the blessing for the roads and the needy. If you honor yourself first even what little you have will be taken from you.
Caution: While this sounds good on the surface...the faithful should always remember history. Beginning with Constantine, whenever a country's leader does so much to help the Church grow...that same leader can also take it back. The leader can also make demands on the Church (the faithful) that may not welcomed and unable to do anything to prevent. Nothing against Pres. Putin but history alway repeats itself.
Dr ZAKIR NAIK beautifully explains that Prophet Jesus PBUH did not die for your sins
If He didn't No body could get Eternal Life. So your rejection solidifies you will not either since you have Rejected Jesus Holy teachings and believe humans.
TRT - please examine the restoration of Hagia Sophia as the Church it was built to be before Ottoman desecration as a mosque. Any plans for a news clip on that? No, I thought not.
What a good joyful news 🙏🙏
Why people like religious cities ?
We already have too many.
People need civil rights, secular needs and inferstructure.
Who's going to give them that
@fadil herdityawan true my brother.
The atheists like the guy on top.comment will never understand importance of.God
That narrative has become old and people aren't dumb, we won't be tricked by these ideas anymore
Without good values and good foundations you can’t have a great society
There is no relation between values and religious cities.
Your statement is irrational and illogical.
Dont compare it to the vatican its an oxymoron
The dome one of it kind in its shape.....worth to be visited....reflect a christitan and muslime architecture.
Couldn't have a more lucid picture of how to be and how not to be with those first two women. One is smiling and rightfully praising God, one is lamenting no longer having a free apartment.
Orthodox Vatican is constantinople. And it is always be constantinople.. No one can replace that.
Im sorry.
@@rev.jon2277 this channel is a turkish news channel. They are spreading propaganda coz they are afraid of someday Christian will take back Hagia Sofia.
There's another Orthodox Vatican with the New Holy Roman Empire of Putin🤣 the Third Rome.
The Fourth Rome would be the USA,
And the 5th Rome will be Philippines
God bless Russia and save the planet from Sodoma (USA) and Gomorra (Europe)
God bless Russia 🇷🇺 Orthodox ❤
If much of the money used by the Russian Orthodox Church comes from the government, then it goes without saying that the government holds a strong influence over the Russian Church, which is not a good thing. Also, not all Russians belong to the Russian Orthodox Church. But if public money is being used for the church's expenditures, then it is not fair to those taxpayers who are not Russian Orthodox.
Long Live Putin Russia
Long Live India
Long Live Tamil
Long Live Positive People
Future Is Ours
Iam Happy And Strong
‘Under Soviet rule religion was eliminated’ ?? Couldn’t be more wrong!
Also, there has never been an Orthodox vatican, there is no Orthodox vatican, there never will be an Orthodox vatican. ☦️☦️☦️
God sees the one who serves not the one being served...!!So, serve n help as many as you can to praise God. May God shower his blessings on all the pastors, ministers, volunteers, praise n worshippers n everyone involved in service.. ..!! Hallelujah!! Praise Lord!! Amen!!...!!
We don't have anything resembling a Vatican, but thanks for this fair report.
Putin is a man of real wisdom, champion of social conservatism, a visionary and is a cultured man that is praiseworthy and respect.
Jesus PBUH never celebrated Christmas at all
We (Orthodox) celebrate the Birth of Jesus...
Akbar you make no sense.
Why would Jesus celebrate his own birth the way he and the Church fathers have left it for us to celebrate??
You fool
@@slavdefendov1499 It sounds like my birthday. I don't think anyone would celebrate it even after I died
@@kamilazman2943 becouse your only a human and didnt come to send a message from God . Whilst Jesus did
@@slavdefendov1499 So, Jesus is not a human?
I still don't find the argument that the money should go to poor people instead of building a team
I'm surprised this channel called Putin's regime lol
Anyone with half a brain knows that Christianity teaches the virtues as a way of life in the Kingdom of God irrespective of the state. Even when the state is evil or hostile, such as in the Soviet Union and the West, the Church preaches love and humility.
The Soviet Union murdered tens of thousands of clergy and destroyed tens of thousands of churches, which number has yet to be reached even at a rate of 3 churches a day for the last 30 years.
Reparations are only fair for the extent of the destruction to life and property.
It is interesting that the vast majority of the comments seem positive towards the Church, even as the media are hostile.
2:20 :)))) The Russian Orthodox church commands Putin . That' new . :O
I'm Ethiopian l like & appreciate Russian Orthodox church God bless &God bless Russian people.
Russian respect muslim and christisn .....it practical example
white christians around the world love you russia. lovee from the states, love you putin for saving russia
not just white Christians, all Christians. Christianity is not a European religon
@@dewd9327 yes it is. Christianity wouldn’t exist anywhere in the world if it wasn’t for European colonization. On top of that Jesus built his church in Rome which is in Europe. Silly child
@@N0n0b0dy Jesus did no such thing he founded his Church in Jerusalem, not once did Christ set foot in Rome. The church of Jerusalem is the mother church the Catholics have tampered enough with the Church that Christ founded, silly child. The Western Church is spiritually dead. The reason Christianity exists is because the Apostles spread it not because of European colonialism. Christianity reached India and Ethiopia before Europeans did. Also the first Christians were from the middle east, not Europe. Christianity was born in the levant and spread to Europe not the other way around smart one.
@@dewd9327 Palestine was part of the Roman Empire which was a European civilization. Also Mathew 16:18 , Jesus told Peter to build his church on the rock and Peter was the first pope. Rome is the church and traditional Catholicism is the only Christianity. And You’re definitely a Protestant (not a real Christian) but keep thinking india and africa have had more impact on Christianity than Europe with all its Christian kingdoms, Popes , the creation of the church, theology, cathedrals , monarchs and everything else.
@@N0n0b0dy Orthodoxy is the real church, Rome broke away when it sought a monarchy that does not belong to it, I am not a Protestant heretic wise one, I am an Orthodox Christian like the Russians who you’ve just been praising, and when did I say India and aethiopia had more influence on Christianity than Europe? I said Christianity reached those places before Europeans did, but keep beating up your straw man.
2:05 James Bond from lidl
God bless Russia, love from India. Hallelujah 🙏🙌
The pinnacle of politicized churchianity.
Desert Fox
Brilliant summary.
@ I hope for Russian Orthodox Amen(1)🙏🙏🙏🇪🇷
Maybe the Vatican of Rome will go back to all being Bishops and the Roman Bishop to be as before known as well esteemed and yet not the pope or overseer, but a Bishop, but with some reverence . " First Among Equals" as before? Perhaps in that way, it could be a step in joining forces against evil? Prayer is prayer and we must pray to stop this evil and unite to end evil in this world. It is getting worse and worse and the only god can end it all. We must ALL get down on our knees and get rid of being so ego-centered. Being autocephalous would allow the churches to remain a certain amount of Freedom to continue on but to at least unite in important ways ?
@Niko Bellic No all Eastern Orthodox held this belief and that was the main reason why in 1054 there was the split. All Bishops were not above at all. But the one of Rome was " First among Equals" That is where that saying came from. Andrew was the first disciple Jesus called to follow Him. The problem stated above is still holding up many of the Eastern Orthodox from merging back together as one. As Pole John Paul the 2nd did say " They are each one part of the lung" They should be together but as a family often does they do have disputes that need to be listened to and understood and looked at totally. They used to be able to discuss all of the councils held. They discussed and decided among them what should be done. They do have autocephalous in how they give communion, or how they handle the confessions, ( Some have it every week and some even once a year depending which kind of church you follow" But overall they do all believe in the 'Trinity' and are living the way Jesus called them. But like when the disciples were alive, even Peter was reprimanded if wrong and the other disciples were treated the same. The divided up to preach and teach and work miracles from the gifts God gave them. They did not need to go to St Peter all the time to ask him to give the laws even after Jesus was risen and sent the Holy Spirit. So they want the Bishops to realize that Peter was yes "First among equals" We must take what this says for face value as it stood so many years ago. From the beginning, if we would like to see any unity exist. It does not mean they would not give Rome a look as "first among equals" as they did for Constantinople. They do not seem to understand each other as the translation of words and how they sentenced them or something has been lost in their understanding of what people understood so long ago? All in the wording and meanings of at least a couple matters, was the cause of this big split so long ago.
Was not King David and Solomon principle in building the temple. All areas of life serve God. We are not protestant minimalist.
Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick beautifully explains the pagan origin of Christianity and Christmas
Dr ZAKIR NAIK beautifully explains that Prophet Jesus PBUH did not die for your sins
ALLAHU AKBAR MEANS GOD IS THE GREATEST Russian Orthodox is FAKE! Their Churches were made by mosques. Bulgarian Orthodox, Greek and ETC are TRUE!
LineOfCars Haha, WTF I’m not even 1% Ukrainian
Says a follower of Mohammad who started a religion by saying the story that he was visited by an invisible angel and
@@AllaahuAkbarr ok jihadi
The real Vatican.
anon 1 nope
anon 1 the real “Vatican”?????
Well the one in italy is currently controlled by peadophiles and directly work for the devil.believe it or not it's the truth.They worship the devil.
God bless Putin
Constantinople not Vatican
People are responsible to take care of their own houses and the infrastructure should be a concern of the local government, while the role of national government is to take care of the national matters, like institution of the Church, which play a major role in the revival of Russian culture after decades of degradation by the communist regime and it's the best provision that such tragedy will not happen again.
Iwans 95
Where in Scripture does one find this the notion that it is the role of the 'national' government to 'take care' of the Church? I don't suppose that you are looking to an idealized version of the Israelite monarchy. That system was not a genuine theocracy, it was hopelessly unstable for much of its history, moreover Israel was not the Church, being under the old covenant.
God ordained Church and State as entirely separate institutions. The Church is a spiritual body of believers, which crosses territorial and even temporal boundaries. Membership in the Church is by 'new birth' in the Holy Spirit, and lasts into eternity. However the State is purely temporal and provisional, subject to alteration or termination according to God's Sovereign will. Its principal job is the maintenance of order and basic standards of public justice. See Romans chapter 13:1-6. It has powers of taxation so that it may carry out its duties. You must know Jesus' saying, roughly 'give unto Caesar what belongs to him, and to God what belongs to Him.'
But I know nothing to suggest that the State cannot be involved in the creation of physical infrastructure or (short of stealing property) large-scale direction of the economy. Ancient empires such as the Roman (which prevailed in apostolic times) did such things routinely; this has NOTHING inherently to do with 'socialism'. Was Joseph a 'socialist' because he bought up agricultural land on Pharaoh's behalf during years of famine (Genesis 47:20)? Nearer to our own time, was Winston Churchill a 'socialist' because his government engaged in economic planning and demanded that farmers grow particular crops to suit wartime requirements? I don't think so.
Don't get me wrong; I share your high view of local governance, and I share 100 percent your hope that the scourge of atheism may never return to Russia as before.
@@jesusislordsavior6343 I'm not even talking about the Jewish scriptures, or Jewish tradition, because a Christian state is nothing else than a right hand of the Church, so it supposed to be purely practical, namely responsible for things like judical/executive system with platform for political negotiation, security-mechanism that protects a society from the inside/outside threats and maintenance of the Church itself, while infrastructure is just another local matter, which have nothing to do with the national government.
You explain your own point of view very clearly. I am just wondering-----------------where in Scripture does it speak of a Christian State? Paul gives precepts about the proper relation of believers to the State (e.g. in the first part of Romans ch. 13), but the State in apostolic times was not supportive of the Church. At times it was extremely antagonistic toward the Church. Since Jesus' kingdom is 'not of this world', there is something inherently subversive about the Gospel, though Jesus taught the way of non-violence to His disciples (which makes 'revolutionary' action extremely problematic for the Christian).
I will admit to a certain tension between this view and what appear to be the practical exigencies of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). There is no question that missionary activity has often been stimulated or enabled by imperial conquest. And most Christians (including myself) take more pleasure in civil laws which reflect the ethics of the Gospel than in laws which mock at those ethics. 'Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord'-------------surely that blessing extends beyond ancient Israel, during its limited periods of relative compliance with God's Law.
But in general, 'Christian States' have behaved more or less as other States did, in their conduct of war, in their tolerance of oppressive class structures. The empire of the tsars is quite a picturesque example, but it would be wrong to single it out for criticism!
@@jesusislordsavior6343 If you're an anarchist, who threat the Holy Scriptures in a non-political manner, then you would be against both an organised Church, or any kind of state, but if you're engaged in the political life, you should support some kind of Church and an organised state. As an Orthodox-Christian, I'm against the separation of Church and state, because I'm against a secular state in general, while the only right of a state to exist is when a state serves the Church, or provides a ground for people to organise themselves politically with approval of the Church.
I am NOT an anarchist. Did I say that I was? Read Romans chapter 13, and you will find a very good justification for the existence of organized states.
Of course the Church is an organized body. Why else did Paul discuss requirements for elders and deacons? Why are pastors, evangelists, and teachers mentioned? Why gifts of administration for example?
I am NOT engaged in politics in any conventional sense of the word. I have never belonged to any partisan organization, and I have not voted in about 15 years.
What kind of State was Paul talking about in Romans 13? Surely not a theocracy. Nor when he said, 'honor the king', was he necessarily referring to Christian rulers. At the time, Christians lived under the domination of pagan Roman emperors. Yet they were to have a cooperative attitude toward the authorities, with one exception-----------------they were not to blaspheme by giving honor to an earthly ruler, which belonged to God alone. It was better to accept death than to do that, and as a result many early Christians did suffer as martyrs.
I am aware however that a different understanding of Church-State relations exists among certain believers, including some Eastern Orthodox. It used to be so among Lutherans. There has been a more recent movement within Protestantism called 'Dominionism', which favors capture of the State by Christian political forces. I do not consider that a realistic hope, and it smacks too much of post-millenialism. On the other hand I don't mind terribly the notion of 'confessional' political parties competing in elections. But there again, chances of success are very limited, and there is always a danger of falling into collusion with worldly-minded people.
In my country, the public and media are very hostile to what they perceive as 'invasion' of secular politics by men and women of Christian conscience. They like to consider themselves as 'open-minded' and 'fair' people, but in reality they are not. The culturally dominant elite would accept almost any 'other religion' before they would accept Christianity.
God bless Othodox Russia from orthodox tewahido Eritrea 🇪🇷
Attention: Turkish propaganda!!!
There's only one Vatican city one church on the Rock and that's in Rome (Matthew 16:18) not this Eastern Schismatic rip-off Submit to Rome already y'all✝️🇻🇦
I wonder which of the Apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ were buried in their orthodox 'Vatican'
At the same time the Hagia Sophia which is the ancient center of Orthodox is helpless
Putin is the 13th Apostol
Bad report, didn't even say where this is? The most important fact was not there, really?
@ Sergiyev Posad in Moscow
Sergiyev Posad is 60 km north-east of Moscow, it's the heart of the Russian Orthodoxy, the site of Trinity-St.Sergius Lavra.
Their orthodox city is the Constantinople with Hagia Sophia is the holy church.
It was
Keep your mouth shut
Constantinople belongs to the orthodoxy
İstanbuL not Constentintanopulopulos 1453 :) from Macedonia
@@EV-EV-EV calm down everyone, it belongs to whoever holds it.
If you want it, come and take it.
People think to pray for conversion of Russia. How about to pray for the conversion of Rome maybe? I don't think so that the Fatima is from God. Too much controversy. First is old traditional Mass, then is old traditional Mass no good. Can he make up all their minds?
Compliments from syriac orthdox india
Power to the muslims and the orthodox. Amen
Did Putin go for permission in Italy
Eh why should he the Russian Orthodox Church is seperate from the church in Rome
MSNPC ...he is NO TrumpET to be armtwisted ....
Asked a blogger .......
Yall dont care about the poor you just dont want the orthodox church to expand
Wish it is better than rome
I am India Christian man
TRT always critises Christianity and promotes Islam....