xP we can make toadally using the Zoo combos, special summon start search mother grizzly by tenki or bull or a tiger king & fusion substitute or instant fusion out norden into bahamut shark
You know something is broken when midway through the combos, you start thinking to yourself: "Well, Spellbook of Judgment was a pretty fair card in retrospective".
lvl5Vaporeon me and my friend were play testing today with the new list for Tulsa regional this Saturday and I pulled off this combo and drew into maxx c. Set 2 strikes, d-barrier, artifact sanctum and twin twister, had ogre, maxx c, barrage in hand that I can remember. I pass turn, my friend tries to go off with this combo, I activate maxx c and the look on his face was priceless. Ultimately he chose not to further the combo and I otk next turn.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! (first of all, great video and really well explained as always, you're awesome!) It's like taking away the 3rd Ratpier just made people think "hhmm, how can I abuse this deck even more?"
And that is why the ban-list in all honesty barely did anything to Zoo. If Konami was smart, they would at the very least, limited D-barrier and Strike. Because, I agree with Glassgow; if we compare Zoo to say a firearm, the engine itself is the gun, BUT what it does is it helps shoot out the bullets which is the external support. This being Strike, D-barrier Emeral etc. Limiting those options would hit the quality of pluses associated with the engine, rather than its ability to create pluses. This being you reduce the amount of "bullets"(options) that the deck has.
Great video Cimoooooooo! I love these kinds of videos and you should definitively do more of these. Also, I love how you actually asked the creator of the combo for permission.
Alright sorry to be that guy, but you apparently don't get the difference between you can use this effect once per turn and you can use the effect of "Enter card's name" once per turn. Here is nordins effect: When this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 Level 4 or lower monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it, but its effects are negated, also banish it when this card leaves the field. Note how it says when this card is special summoned, the effect triggers? Even if you call of the haunted it, leviar it, or some other thing, the effect will trigger again in that same turn. Cause I'm a madolche player, let's take a look at Madolche Hootcake's effect: "...this card into the Deck. You can target 1 monster in your Graveyard; banish it, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Madolche" monster from your Deck, except "Madolche Hootcake". You can only use this effect of "Madolche Hootcake" once per turn." Now this is what I mean by "You can only use the effect of Nordin once per turn, you can still use his effect since the Card text states when this card is special summoned: you can use the effect. As for Madolche hootcake, since it states the monstere's name and says once per turn, it doesn't matter if I double summon into another hootcake, I can't get the second hootcake's effect because the card text says I can only use the effect of "Madolche hootcake" meaning I can only use a card with that name once per turn. Don't believe me. Here's another example during the time when Plants where big. Lone fire: "Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 face-up Plant-Type monster; Special Summon 1 Plant-Type monster from your Deck." since it states "once per turn" and not "you can only use the effect of 'Lone fire Blossom' Once per turn," you can Lone fire into lone fire into lone fire into another plant type monster card., there by thinning your deck by playing three copies of a card that can summon itself and get the same effect over and over again. While Nordin doesn't have that effect saying once per turn, when it's special summoned, the effect would trigger, and because you can only use insta fusion once, the effect will trigger once, but if you diamond emerald detaching Nordin then call of the haunted Nordin, his effect would trigger since its a not hard once per turn. I hope this clears up any misinformation that you have have, and have a good rest of your evening and happy dueling :)
k ur applying madolche oj that loop can happen multipile times i eas saying for meta decks lmao only reason hr brought back into that light ur saying is zoodiac not many players rlly play madolche yet i allrdy know madolches are rlly good is also reason y i hype the deck to aloy of ppl but norden hime self is still not as bad u wana see bad in ocg soon to be realsed is a trap version of minster reborn lmao if soon to be released to tcg lol ur madolche argument isnt as good cuase to contend i feel they needed to support but zoodiac didnt they dont need leviair they just loop emeral instead but not nordens fault lies with zoos 1 card combo to loop over and ovèr again
If you drew a whiptail you can extend this further and improve, at the tigermorta instead of going straight to drident, go hammerkong then chakanine, detach Kong to summon Kong (boarbow is in grave so this is legal) then overlay drident onto chakanine and put whip underneath the kong, for added protection
cimo, the new predaplant stuff is coming out that will net a an invoker and search a fusion or polymerization spell for eccentially 6 copies of 1 card ( 3 scorpio and 3 lonefire) and any monster, which could be thoroughblade
Thanks Cimooooooo as always for such amazing "How To/Introduction" videos, I'm definitely glad I watch and subscribe even if I refuse to ever use this deck. Keep it up! That being said, jebus, that Rat and Norden seriously need to go @_@
why do i have a sneaky feeling Glasgow ygo will use this video to show capG that cimoooo didn't pirate the guys video who first came up with the 5+ combo
"Zoo is dead!" they said. "You can't do the combo anymore!" they said. Just goes to show that when Konami tries to nerf something, unless they absolutely butcher it, players will find a way to make it broken again.
lvl5Vaporeon Cause Konami is dumb. I'm not sure, but I don't think Norden has seen play is Zoo or any Meta decks for a while. Also that banlist was just a product-seller list.
the only reason I can think of is they're planning to release more elder entities soon as a deck, it doesn't make sense otherwise xP that or they decided to just hit rat since that's a hard hit to the core of Zoo & leave the rest of the deck alone
1:20 how do we have 6 ways to get rat with 2 rats + 3 tenki? Cimooooooooo pls... also this combo obviously works with thouroughblade + barrage + instant as well
fosho565 They can consistently end the board with a quick play destruction, several spells and traps set, and cards in hand in case they need to make a comeback. By being able to consistently do these things, turn 1, almost guaranteed every game, they have a strong field presence and can the "engine" (use to be 3 rats and tons of search) is so splashable it's ridiculous. So, by controlling the field and preventing plays for turn 2, they then usually set up for an OTK turn 3, or otherwise continue to build up resources and chip away at the opponent's LP
The funny thing isn't that Norden is still at 1 but the fact that people wanted Maxx C hit/banned. Well hopefully you draw that 1 copy before your opponent goes ham with this combo lol
this gets more ridiculous with next set because we have the predaplants that can search out instant fusion then make invoker(also lyca letting us do the regular zoo combo off just a rat)
not bad, but looks like no1 found this 2 cards combo yet: barrage/tenki/terrortop/throughblade and hidden armory/stoic challenge. So here's the steps: 1) Summon throughblade, xyz boarbow, xyz broadbull( detach boar and search for whiptail), xyz lyca, xyz hammerkong, xyz tigress and then xyz drident + attach whiptail as material (for a total of 6 materials attached on drident) 2) equip stoic challenge on drident (searchable via hidden armory), so drident's ATK will reach over 6400~7000atk and double the battle damage dealt + piercing DMG. Just an original otk combo I found on my own and I think its good to share with the world.
I honestly just don't understand how zoo is so fucking good lol they tend to be weak but then again it's so complicated I'm prolly missing out on something here.
What if you dumped Whiptail/Ramram instead of Thoroghblade then before going into Drident you overlayed Tigermortar into Chakanine to bring one of those 2 guys back? That way you could have either a reactive play with Whiptail or a protection against boardwipe with Ramram.
I know, right? Jeez, Konami should have just emergency errata'd emeral or Norden to have that hard once per turn, because jeez the way the deck just abuses those cards; I can see why it is annoying. Zoodiacs, cool engine, but even so the periphery support it has makes it disgusting.
IMO for daigusto emeral maybe, but not for norden, because errata only happen when Konami OCG did it, and norden is banned now in OCG, there's no need for them (Konami OCG) to errata norden. That's why Konami TCG couldn't errata norden cmiiw
you can actually make hammerkong instead of tigermortar and then make chakanine with the hammerkong, detach it to summon it back then make tigermortar over chakanine and put a material under the hammerkong and then make drident over tigermortar so that you end up with hammerkong and drident and emeral
Jorge Avila I like explaining it because you need to overlay certain monsters and return certain monsters with Emeral. I know you can see that, but I like explaining why.
Cimoooooooo I know that Cimo. I appreciate that you give credit to the respective person and that you take the time to show and explain the combo yourself :)
Cimoooooooo he forgot to add the /s at the end. BTW, amazing content Cimoooooooo, as a returning player, I have more knowledge from the meta (not for playing, but to know what to do against). thanks dude!
It's almost like Zoodiac is an archetype built entirely around card advantage, which is the concept that helps people win card games. I honestly don't know how the idea of "you Xyz summon a monster onto one monster and then Xyz summon more monsters on those monsters" got okayed. I'm gonna make an uneducated opinion and say the actual offender is Instant Fusion. I have literally never seen Norden in a deck without Instant, and until I stumbled across other cards I didn't even realize he was part of an archetype! If Instant Fusion wasn't a spell that said "summon a level 4 and a level 4 from your graveyard" I don't think any of the insane combos like this would happen, and really, who is using Instant Fusion "honestly" to get a level 5 Fusion out for one turn? There's no reason to play Instant Fusion unless you're trying to do a ten minute long combo. And thats why I think if you had to ban anything it should be Insta Combo.
Instant fusion is used in many low level Xyz based decks, for Norden, as well as things like Panzer Dragon for cyber dragons. The offender by far is not Norden. While he could be put on the ban list and I wouldn't have any complaints, the problem are the loops Zoodiac can do: They can repeatedly bring out Daigusto Emeral, which will recycle itself and Rat, meaning you can keep doing it over and over again, effectively meaning the only resources they'll run out of are spells and traps.
maybe i should side "skull invitation" in chain burn to punish all that degeneracy. would work fine with infernoids too if im not mistaken... I see why everyone was screaming for a banlist now, really levels the playing field. *wink*
something wrong here cimo... zoodiac thoroughblade would be banned when you make the second broadbull with norden and rat, because thoroughblade is under norden's eff. but i guess the combo would still result if you overlay thoroughblade with one of the others two. or not, just confused with the order in things should happen. but maybe you won't be able to recycle norden or use the two effects of broadbull
João Ribeiro hey I'm that guy No overlaying doesn't count as leave the field It's in the standard rulebook Read the part where they explain "leave the field"
cimo is kataroost at all a viable replacement for the third rat and could you pop it with drident or barrage to help recycle cards? or is it useless like bunny and ram?
I'm still better
Substitoad toadally better
Substitoad my frog deck and myself miss you 🐸 #FreeMyBoySubstitold
We have a toadally better replacement.
xP we can make toadally using the Zoo combos, special summon start search mother grizzly by tenki or bull or a tiger king & fusion substitute or instant fusion out norden into bahamut shark
You know something is broken when midway through the combos, you start thinking to yourself: "Well, Spellbook of Judgment was a pretty fair card in retrospective".
won die roll searched maxx C off of Sangan
Marcusjnmc Good God
lvl5Vaporeon me and my friend were play testing today with the new list for Tulsa regional this Saturday and I pulled off this combo and drew into maxx c. Set 2 strikes, d-barrier, artifact sanctum and twin twister, had ogre, maxx c, barrage in hand that I can remember. I pass turn, my friend tries to go off with this combo, I activate maxx c and the look on his face was priceless. Ultimately he chose not to further the combo and I otk next turn.
All the yugituber drama and we can count on Cimoooooooo to deliver cuz he dgaf👍🏻
Chase Wiedow cough* azneyes cough*
I haven't been keeping up with the Yugituber scene much lately. What happened?
Well.. at least we have 1 Maxx "C" to help deal with this. 🙃
Yea and we also have Vanity's Emptiness to.... oh wait, never mind! :3
we have 3 d barrier & we have droll & lock
I play gk demise with 3 fossil dyna lmao.
1 maxx, 3 ghostogre, 3 dd crow (also good against other decks).. This Combo is very fragile
my body as shield....
zoodiac player: *adds black sheep to hand*
me: chain *discards droll and lock bird*
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! (first of all, great video and really well explained as always, you're awesome!) It's like taking away the 3rd Ratpier just made people think "hhmm, how can I abuse this deck even more?"
Haha, right? It's almost like we (as the community) took the challenge. Two rats? No problem!
And that is why the ban-list in all honesty barely did anything to Zoo. If Konami was smart, they would at the very least, limited D-barrier and Strike. Because, I agree with Glassgow; if we compare Zoo to say a firearm, the engine itself is the gun, BUT what it does is it helps shoot out the bullets which is the external support. This being Strike, D-barrier Emeral etc.
Limiting those options would hit the quality of pluses associated with the engine, rather than its ability to create pluses. This being you reduce the amount of "bullets"(options) that the deck has.
Nice metaphor
Yuki Takahashi
Good luck drawing your 1 Maxx "C" xD goings 2nd just died.
Konami: "lets make zoodiac need 2 in hand to be busted. 1 was too much."
This deck is stewpid
Great video Cimoooooooo! I love these kinds of videos and you should definitively do more of these. Also, I love how you actually asked the creator of the combo for permission.
They should erata Nordin to say "you can only use the effect of Nordin once per turn."
hokio W nordens eff is once perturn cuase of instant fusion and his eff sating once per turn lmao
Konami should hire you to design and balance their card effects...
but once you get too good, they will fire you like Kojima.
Alright sorry to be that guy, but you apparently don't get the difference between you can use this effect once per turn and you can use the effect of "Enter card's name" once per turn.
Here is nordins effect: When this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 Level 4 or lower monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it, but its effects are negated, also banish it when this card leaves the field.
Note how it says when this card is special summoned, the effect triggers? Even if you call of the haunted it, leviar it, or some other thing, the effect will trigger again in that same turn.
Cause I'm a madolche player, let's take a look at Madolche Hootcake's effect: "...this card into the Deck. You can target 1 monster in your Graveyard; banish it, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Madolche" monster from your Deck, except "Madolche Hootcake". You can only use this effect of "Madolche Hootcake" once per turn."
Now this is what I mean by "You can only use the effect of Nordin once per turn, you can still use his effect since the Card text states when this card is special summoned: you can use the effect. As for Madolche hootcake, since it states the monstere's name and says once per turn, it doesn't matter if I double summon into another hootcake, I can't get the second hootcake's effect because the card text says I can only use the effect of "Madolche hootcake" meaning I can only use a card with that name once per turn. Don't believe me. Here's another example during the time when Plants where big.
Lone fire: "Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 face-up Plant-Type monster; Special Summon 1 Plant-Type monster from your Deck." since it states "once per turn" and not "you can only use the effect of 'Lone fire Blossom' Once per turn," you can Lone fire into lone fire into lone fire into another plant type monster card., there by thinning your deck by playing three copies of a card that can summon itself and get the same effect over and over again. While Nordin doesn't have that effect saying once per turn, when it's special summoned, the effect would trigger, and because you can only use insta fusion once, the effect will trigger once, but if you diamond emerald detaching Nordin then call of the haunted Nordin, his effect would trigger since its a not hard once per turn. I hope this clears up any misinformation that you have have, and have a good rest of your evening and happy dueling :)
k ur applying madolche oj that loop can happen multipile times i eas saying for meta decks lmao only reason hr brought back into that light ur saying is zoodiac not many players rlly play madolche yet i allrdy know madolches are rlly good is also reason y i hype the deck to aloy of ppl but norden hime self is still not as bad u wana see bad in ocg soon to be realsed is a trap version of minster reborn lmao if soon to be released to tcg lol ur madolche argument isnt as good cuase to contend i feel they needed to support but zoodiac didnt they dont need leviair they just loop emeral instead but not nordens fault lies with zoos 1 card combo to loop over and ovèr again
again mistype sry digital keyboard
The sad thing is that zoodiac actually looks so much fun to play and you can do a lot of different stuff depending on how you build it
Post banlist is always my favorite time cause I love seeing "dead" decks still do super real plays
nichalas fink agreed
Remind me of the blue blooded oni loop from all the times you make norden and emeral using each other
Imagine being under maxx c during this whole combo
Victor Osegueda *gasp* what if konami knew about this and that's why they put it to 1
see Cimooooooo, instant fusion
Cannot believe Drident +5 pass w/ a two card combo is considered too much for Konami when they just dropped Purrely draw 6 😭😭😭
WELCOME TO YU-GI-OH DUDE, a fun, skillful and interactive game.
well, what pushed it ovcer the edge was how little commitment this took, and how consistent this was
I just ran across this online. Disgusting.
Predator_Magnus Utterly...
At least now they are dependant on Instant Fusion to do something relevant. Guess it's back to siding Veiler for that first Norden..
2 cimo videos in one day? Apocalypse confirmed
Everyone hates Norden and I'm just here like "Daigusto Emeral is literally the problem."
Cory in the House emeral to 1 now
Emeral is fine, he's only that good in decks that are able to spam Rank 4s for free. I'd rather hit these decks directly.
Cory in the House
Doesn't help that rat can keep using the effect or norden likes to poop out a free level 4.
thats a lot of decks, if your deck can make emeral you kinda just do but most decks that ABUSE emeral need more than 1.
lvl5Vaporeon Can't net you stupid amounts of draws without Emeral, though.
norden is gona have the share the same destiny of Cyber Stain, emergency ban
weak. Crystal abundance and Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth would end this mess
amen to that
This is hype as fuck. I rewatch this.combo every few weeks, I adore this combo.
Hey guys, aren't you glad that Ratpier is still at 2 and not 1?
And that is why I play effect veiler. One veiler on norden kills entire combo
If you drew a whiptail you can extend this further and improve, at the tigermorta instead of going straight to drident, go hammerkong then chakanine, detach Kong to summon Kong (boarbow is in grave so this is legal) then overlay drident onto chakanine and put whip underneath the kong, for added protection
I'm just here taking coverage from the drama. Thanks Cimo for actually talking yugioh!
Zoodiac strikes again smdh. And to think....Konami really had the nerve to put Maxx C at 1. Jesus fucking Christ.
FalconsZone6 Maxx C to one... those bastards, leaving this shit running around
And now you can do it with just a single jet synchron... NORDEN WASN'T THE PROBLEM CARD!
My Secret Barrels are happy with this...
This is too nutty to even wrap my head around. Take Rat to 2, someone fights back with a 2 card +5 combo. #LongLiveZoo
Trevor Reid that was my intent!
Zoo forever! (Until Link Lol)
Ban Norden? Looks like Daigusto Emeral is the problem there 😂😂
cimo, the new predaplant stuff is coming out that will net a an invoker and search a fusion or polymerization spell for eccentially 6 copies of 1 card ( 3 scorpio and 3 lonefire) and any monster, which could be thoroughblade
Thanks Cimooooooo as always for such amazing "How To/Introduction" videos, I'm definitely glad I watch and subscribe even if I refuse to ever use this deck. Keep it up!
That being said, jebus, that Rat and Norden seriously need to go @_@
Joel Sissman Thanks!
More I need more of these videos cimoooooo
And all of this just because Rat isn't once per turn. -_- And Norden being broken.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they banned Norden in the next list, whenever that may be, and limited Emeral.
why do i have a sneaky feeling Glasgow ygo will use this video to show capG that cimoooo didn't pirate the guys video who first came up with the 5+ combo
Jaime jesse yeah he asked me first
Cap g will probably just take the combo from me and make a vid about it
+1 like for not posting his video for monetary reasons. you da man cimoooooooo
It’s 2020 I still find this video hilarious asf
Well, time to main deck a bunch of hand traps. Maxx C, Ghost Ogre, Effect Veiler, Flying C, D.D. Crow.
That's what the OCG did. Look at some of those deck lists with 9 hand traps.
"Zoo is dead!" they said. "You can't do the combo anymore!" they said. Just goes to show that when Konami tries to nerf something, unless they absolutely butcher it, players will find a way to make it broken again.
This is still not even half a PePe
"summon the Norden. He's going to trigger"
Oh i'm triggered alright.
Fresh innovation
Why was Norden not banned?
lvl5Vaporeon thanks 👍🏼
lvl5Vaporeon Cause Konami is dumb. I'm not sure, but I don't think Norden has seen play is Zoo or any Meta decks for a while. Also that banlist was just a product-seller list.
Drpepperkingkong: You used Norden to do the Lunalight combo you use fusion sub to summon Norden so it been in the zoo deck for a while.
the only reason I can think of is they're planning to release more elder entities soon as a deck, it doesn't make sense otherwise xP that or they decided to just hit rat since that's a hard hit to the core of Zoo & leave the rest of the deck alone
Marcusjnmc I think we only missing one of them Elder Entity N'tss is not out in the TCG yet
This combo mixed with Metalfoes can easily make a turn 1 +10 board.
Im watching this again in November and believe me it still feels cancer.
Dinos Mercy you are welcome
"zoodiac got hit hard" Kappa
1:20 how do we have 6 ways to get rat with 2 rats + 3 tenki? Cimooooooooo pls...
also this combo obviously works with thouroughblade + barrage + instant as well
Sooo what makes zoodiac a strong deck? All I see are combos, but how do they win the game? New player here
fosho565 They can consistently end the board with a quick play destruction, several spells and traps set, and cards in hand in case they need to make a comeback. By being able to consistently do these things, turn 1, almost guaranteed every game, they have a strong field presence and can the "engine" (use to be 3 rats and tons of search) is so splashable it's ridiculous.
So, by controlling the field and preventing plays for turn 2, they then usually set up for an OTK turn 3, or otherwise continue to build up resources and chip away at the opponent's LP
The funny thing isn't that Norden is still at 1 but the fact that people wanted Maxx C hit/banned. Well hopefully you draw that 1 copy before your opponent goes ham with this combo lol
this gets more ridiculous with next set because we have the predaplants that can search out instant fusion then make invoker(also lyca letting us do the regular zoo combo off just a rat)
Why.. Just why. I knew the deck wasn't dead but damn thats insane.
Why did no one think that zoo needed a little bit more of a nerf.
Anikami because Maximum Crisis drops in May and Komoney wants to sell more Raging Tempest because of Zoo.
congrats on 25k subs
not bad, but looks like no1 found this 2 cards combo yet: barrage/tenki/terrortop/throughblade and hidden armory/stoic challenge.
So here's the steps:
1) Summon throughblade, xyz boarbow, xyz broadbull( detach boar and search for whiptail), xyz lyca, xyz hammerkong, xyz tigress and then xyz drident + attach whiptail as material (for a total of 6 materials attached on drident)
2) equip stoic challenge on drident (searchable via hidden armory), so drident's ATK will reach over 6400~7000atk and double the battle damage dealt + piercing DMG.
Just an original otk combo I found on my own and I think its good to share with the world.
Now to put this in my metalfoe zoos
I honestly just don't understand how zoo is so fucking good lol they tend to be weak but then again it's so complicated I'm prolly missing out on something here.
What if you dumped Whiptail/Ramram instead of Thoroghblade then before going into Drident you overlayed Tigermortar into Chakanine to bring one of those 2 guys back?
That way you could have either a reactive play with Whiptail or a protection against boardwipe with Ramram.
but wouldn't the throughoblade be banished because of Norden effect
jack slayer Being used as overlay material puts the card into limbo, such as during the summon negation window, so no.
+Kawaii Mercenary that's actually really cool thanks man
How many times can Zoo Special Summon max? + Zombie World + Soul_Absorbing Bone Tower = LOL!?
this makes me feel sick
ihatethecowboys92 hey you could just dd crow norden..
@Chase Wiedow
Spy "C" techs, delicious.
droll & lock in the side deck for Zoos xP
Is a simple hard once per turn clause too much to ask for?
I know, right? Jeez, Konami should have just emergency errata'd emeral or Norden to have that hard once per turn, because jeez the way the deck just abuses those cards; I can see why it is annoying. Zoodiacs, cool engine, but even so the periphery support it has makes it disgusting.
IMO for daigusto emeral maybe, but not for norden, because errata only happen when Konami OCG did it, and norden is banned now in OCG, there's no need for them (Konami OCG) to errata norden. That's why Konami TCG couldn't errata norden
you can actually make hammerkong instead of tigermortar and then make chakanine with the hammerkong, detach it to summon it back then make tigermortar over chakanine and put a material under the hammerkong and then make drident over tigermortar so that you end up with hammerkong and drident and emeral
Why didn't you just reupload the original video instead? That's what the pro yugitubers do (CapG).
Jorge Avila I like explaining it because you need to overlay certain monsters and return certain monsters with Emeral. I know you can see that, but I like explaining why.
Cimoooooooo I know that Cimo. I appreciate that you give credit to the respective person and that you take the time to show and explain the combo yourself :)
Because my original video is rlly at low quality
So i told him to reproduce the combo 👍🏼
Cimoooooooo he forgot to add the /s at the end.
BTW, amazing content Cimoooooooo, as a returning player, I have more knowledge from the meta (not for playing, but to know what to do against). thanks dude!
Eduardo Scargglioni he edited the (cap g) haha now I understand
I want to know what sleeves are those on the extra deck ????
lionel bravo KMC character border sleeves- cost about £3.50/$5.00
reminds me wind-up loops !
Updated Zoodiac deck profile?
i love your burning abyss mat!
so how much will i plus if i maxx c this
17 draws if you activate on Ratpier's normal summon
But then you have to play through them setting barrier, strike, and my body as a shield. Much more likely with all those draws.
Doesn't matter if you're playing Metalfoes. c:
Pfff what's with that zoodiac love?I'll send you to the shadow room!
It's almost like Zoodiac is an archetype built entirely around card advantage, which is the concept that helps people win card games. I honestly don't know how the idea of "you Xyz summon a monster onto one monster and then Xyz summon more monsters on those monsters" got okayed.
I'm gonna make an uneducated opinion and say the actual offender is Instant Fusion. I have literally never seen Norden in a deck without Instant, and until I stumbled across other cards I didn't even realize he was part of an archetype! If Instant Fusion wasn't a spell that said "summon a level 4 and a level 4 from your graveyard" I don't think any of the insane combos like this would happen, and really, who is using Instant Fusion "honestly" to get a level 5 Fusion out for one turn? There's no reason to play Instant Fusion unless you're trying to do a ten minute long combo. And thats why I think if you had to ban anything it should be Insta Combo.
Instant fusion is used in many low level Xyz based decks, for Norden, as well as things like Panzer Dragon for cyber dragons.
The offender by far is not Norden. While he could be put on the ban list and I wouldn't have any complaints, the problem are the loops Zoodiac can do: They can repeatedly bring out Daigusto Emeral, which will recycle itself and Rat, meaning you can keep doing it over and over again, effectively meaning the only resources they'll run out of are spells and traps.
Not enough drama. 4/10
Mr. Crowley no drama at all 10/0
well, I guess I should sub.
Welcome to the family!
Why tf did Norden and d barrier but get hit
cmooooo your the best yugi tuber for sure
Predaplants are gonna make Zoo have to go OCG
Xatu Nightcore why?
Xatu Nightcore because you can go into invoker while searching instant fusion 😂
hold on, my english is not that good Dx Predatorplant invoker?
Don't worry, everyone. Link summoning will nerf this combo.
Hey Cimoo, great video. What sleeves are you using?
This is fine.
All you normies are twisting my pure and graceful Lunalights
Welp, I'm out $1000.
SingleSlashYGO wut
*UsesMaxx C* - oh wait, that got limited to one
yo, fuck this deck XD. love you cimo
Is this combo be able to do In another decks or just pure zoo?
3 norden summons. plus 5. BUSTED!!!!
maybe i should side "skull invitation" in chain burn to punish all that degeneracy. would work fine with infernoids too if im not mistaken... I see why everyone was screaming for a banlist now, really levels the playing field. *wink*
what are those extra deck card sleeves? They look so awesome
something wrong here cimo... zoodiac thoroughblade would be banned when you make the second broadbull with norden and rat, because thoroughblade is under norden's eff. but i guess the combo would still result if you overlay thoroughblade with one of the others two. or not, just confused with the order in things should happen. but maybe you won't be able to recycle norden or use the two effects of broadbull
João Ribeiro hey I'm that guy
No overlaying doesn't count as leave the field
It's in the standard rulebook
Read the part where they explain "leave the field"
João Ribeiro like Paleo traps don't get banished, if they are used for Xyz monsters
Ok, my mistake!! thanks for the help!! thought it would count as it leaves the field. thanks man!! :)
Those extra deck sleeves are gorgeous. what are they?? :)
Leav norden alone
Should never have made an archetype that only needed one monster to xyz and then could xyz on those xyzs
Broadbulls effect is only once per turn though, how can you get the lunalight black sheep again
Cimo, what are those gorgeous extra deck sleeves and where can I get those?
I play D.D. Crow to stop that... banishing the 1 Rat and GG
what extra deck sleeves are those
cimo is kataroost at all a viable replacement for the third rat and could you pop it with drident or barrage to help recycle cards? or is it useless like bunny and ram?
Wouldn't the thorough blade get banished when making the first emeral ?
What are those sleeves with the designs on them over your extra deck if you dont mind me asking.