Mobilizing Capital to Accelerate Climate Action: Robust ESG Analytics for Sharp Investment Decisions

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 มี.ค. 2024
  • To overcome the climate crisis threatening the survival of humanity, urgent and collective action that goes beyond borders, sectors, and professions is needed. Policymakers, business leaders, investors, financiers, media and analysts have the power to lead change and accelerate action.
    The Sustainability Connect Symposium “Mobilizing Capital to Accelerate Climate Action - Robust ESG Analytics for Sharp Investment Decisions” saw a full house at the Singapore Sustainability Academy, and zoomed in on the role of ESG in driving sustainable finance to advance climate action.
    The session opened with special remarks by Dr Jesús López Zaballos, Chairperson, EFFAS Board, which was followed by the plenary session featuring Mr Tan Chee Wee, IMC Pan Asia Alliance’s Head of Sustainability; Ms Regula Schegg, Circulate Capital’s Founding Partner; Mr Fritz Mostböck, Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA), Erste Group Bank AG’s Head of Group Research and EFFAS’ Deputy Chairperson; Mr Anthony Cheung, CESGA, World Benchmarking Alliance’s Supervisory Board Member, and moderator Ms Esther An, CDL’s Chief Sustainability Officer. The event closed with a sharing on ESG integration in valuationby Prof Dr Alexander Bassen, EFFAS CESGA Academic Director and Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s inaugural Chair of the Independent Standards Board.
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