41:00 I don't know if you know it but, one end of those bumble bee cap's is actually a tube that will let you unsolder the lead at the capacitor without having to disturb the connection to the lug. If you look closely where the wire enters the capacitor, one side has a larger look to it and you can heat the wire there and pull it out of the cap. It will then leave you a small connecting point to test the cap without disturbing all sorts of other crap. You will probably find they are all junk anyways, and need replacing, lol
Oh yeah, I'm aware of it, some have them some don't. these do not. The ones with the tubes are actually oil filled caps while the ones with the tubes are plain old paper caps. both are crappy and extreme prejudice should be exercised.
41:00 I don't know if you know it but, one end of those bumble bee cap's is actually a tube that will let you unsolder the lead at the capacitor without having to disturb the connection to the lug. If you look closely where the wire enters the capacitor, one side has a larger look to it and you can heat the wire there and pull it out of the cap. It will then leave you a small connecting point to test the cap without disturbing all sorts of other crap. You will probably find they are all junk anyways, and need replacing, lol
Oh yeah, I'm aware of it, some have them some don't. these do not. The ones with the tubes are actually oil filled caps while the ones with the tubes are plain old paper caps. both are crappy and extreme prejudice should be exercised.