This helped me so much was struggling with getting code to work and have tried heaps of other sources and styles and this was the most effective and easy to understand!!! I can't express how grateful I am and how amazing this was!!! Used for a lab assignment!!
Hi I'm using Sentinel 2 and trying to use a composite to graph NDVI over time, because using each observation was introducing a lot of noise in my data. I was planning on generating a series of 15 day composites, then plotting the NDVI scores of these composites. Is there something else you would recommend?
@@ramiqcom hi thanks for your feedback. I ended up using Modis composites to get idea of the Ndvj time series. Then I made a 2 month composite for my analysis using Sentinel 2
Hi, I've been trying to export the resulting cloudless image but literally thousands of 25 MB images are downloaded! My area isn't very big, just 14.200 ha more or less. It has been a pain to download all of them from Google Drive and I'm not sure if I'm only downloading the resulting image! Can you help, please? This is the modified script I am using
@@ramiqcom Sorry, I mistyped SLEMAN as SELMAN. However, I want to create a stack of sentinel 2 (Ndvi, Ndwi), ALOS PALSAR(HV,HH,HHHV), SRTM to be used for LULC classification using random forest. how do I go about it? can you share your email pls?
This helped me so much was struggling with getting code to work and have tried heaps of other sources and styles and this was the most effective and easy to understand!!! I can't express how grateful I am and how amazing this was!!! Used for a lab assignment!!
Glad it helped!
Mantap kali bang, jujur kagum bisa ada orang murah ilmu kayak gini
thanks for code, its simple flow but effective to reduce cloud. I need it to my next research.
Thank you, Mas!
helpful video :D
Glad it was helpful!
Terimakasih banyak mas, sangat membantu dalam masalah menghilangkan awan.
Helpful thanks!
Terimakasih kakkk
Hi I'm using Sentinel 2 and trying to use a composite to graph NDVI over time, because using each observation was introducing a lot of noise in my data. I was planning on generating a series of 15 day composites, then plotting the NDVI scores of these composites. Is there something else you would recommend?
15 days is still quite short, Sentinel-2 image is acquired per 5 days, so just 3 image then?
@@ramiqcom hi thanks for your feedback. I ended up using Modis composites to get idea of the Ndvj time series. Then I made a 2 month composite for my analysis using Sentinel 2
Hi, I've been trying to export the resulting cloudless image but literally thousands of 25 MB images are downloaded! My area isn't very big, just 14.200 ha more or less. It has been a pain to download all of them from Google Drive and I'm not sure if I'm only downloading the resulting image! Can you help, please? This is the modified script I am using
Hmm how do you export it?
Thank you so much!
Thank you Selman.
Who is Selman?
@@ramiqcom Sorry, I mistyped SLEMAN as SELMAN. However, I want to create a stack of sentinel 2 (Ndvi, Ndwi), ALOS PALSAR(HV,HH,HHHV), SRTM to be used for LULC classification using random forest. how do I go about it? can you share your email pls?
@@ozonzechibudike4293 Ah its almost the same actually, just add those data as bands.
mas mau tanya jika komposit bandnya dijadikan true colour ko warnanya jadi gelap ya mas ? itu kenapa ya mas ?
Ganti min maxnya
terima kasih, ternyata metodenya cukup efektif menyeleksi awan dibanding menggunakan metode cloudBitmask
kalau untuk landsat sih masih pake cloudbitmask. sentinel aja ad band scl
hi ramadhan, when i try to export there's an error that says "QA_PIXEL Didnt match with any bands" why?
Hmm didnyou change something on the script?
i changed the aoi to my own aoi and the sentinel's period,what can i do?
the error was Error: Pattern 'SCL' did not match any bands. (Error code: 3) @@ramiqcom
Makasih banyak :)
❤Mr Ramsan🙏 what software can I study related to gee for Apply phd ?❤❤❤
Thank you kk
Could you provide me your script?
terima kasih, lalu script untuk mendownloadnya bgimana ya?
Halo, nanti saya buat video untuk script untuk exportnya ya
Mas gimana caranya supaya bisa di download ke gdrive?
Tolong sampe skrng belum bisa di export ke gdrive
Check this
@@ramiqcom terimakasih kak 👍🏻
Videonya bagus mas. Izin tanya mas, untuk script exportnya adakah?
Pake script export kek biasa
@@ramiqcom Sip mas, udah bisaa. Matur nuwun
terima kasih
Terima kasih kembali
how to fuse sentinel 1 and 2 in gee
What do you mean by fuse?