The Assumption of Mary & St Thomas the Apostle (15 August)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 106

  • @35TheDarkknight
    @35TheDarkknight 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    This is so beautiful, true catholic faith is so beautiful. The world doesn't know what they are missing

  • @archuarchu8249
    @archuarchu8249 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Honoured that the apostle st.thomas's feet touched my land.I visisted st.thomas mount and tomb multiple times.

    • @amdg672
      @amdg672 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Glad to see someone from Chennai/TN listening to SF. Share this with friends and family and I hope and pray there are more TLM parishes in India.

    • @XramBrain
      @XramBrain 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are blessed, Sister. How I wish there was also an Apostle who set foot on our land. I'm from Southeast Asia.

  • @paulbany6603
    @paulbany6603 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Our Lady of Assumption, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen!

  • @stephenpaulwilson6496
    @stephenpaulwilson6496 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    God Bless love with 3 Hail Marys from Liverpool England xx

  • @almeggs3247
    @almeggs3247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Love this.! God bless The Holy Catholic Church The True the Faith that God Himself left US!

  • @ShoJ369
    @ShoJ369 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I was never aware of this, despite 13years of Catholic education, Thank you so much for posting this, and for all your teachings. God bless you greatly.

  • @mrsandmom5947
    @mrsandmom5947 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I did not know the story. Thank you !

  • @xavierdes1
    @xavierdes1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Pray for peace, pray from the heart, sacred heart of Jesus,thank you and save us all Amen Sacred heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. 💝🌎✝🏡😍💐 Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia.

  • @mattsharkey8437
    @mattsharkey8437 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    God bless the Greatest story of them all!!!

  • @joehaaf1913
    @joehaaf1913 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    And Mary said,"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for He has looked with favor on the lowliness of His servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and Holy is His name. His mercy is for those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their throne, and lifted up the lowely; He has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty. He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, according to the promise He made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to His descendants forever." Luke 1:46-55

    • @jongricafort4
      @jongricafort4 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Joe Haaf
      Have you noticed, that Mary is the Greatest Theologian in the wisdom expressed in Her Magnificat..the Old Testament did not distinguished the difference between the soul & spirit but Mary teaches us the difference. how?
      Our soul bears the "image of God", but our soul cannot praise God. The human soul is a dead soul without the Spirit of God, that's why God breathe to Adam the "spirit" for him to become a "living soul". The mystery is, what is the "spirit" that God breathe on Adam?
      Let's discover this mystery;
      Mary became the Mother of All Creation including Adam & Eve because the Church called Her the Mother of All Creatures in the order of grace.
      Grace is higher than nature..grace existed before time begins..grace is eternal.
      When God breathe to Adam the "spirit", the Abba Father breathe in "the Spirit of Wisdom" according to the measure of "anointing" to fulfill Adam's God given mission. "Wisdom is the breathe of God", therefore the Spirit of Wisdom is the one who gave life to Adam.
      And now, the deeper mystery is the Wisdom was identified as Lady Wisdom whose role is both a Mother and a Teacher.
      Why Mary became the Mother of all Creature in the order of grace? Because She was "possessed", meaning the "anointing" that Mary received in the Upper Room is the fullness of "Spirit of Created Wisdom" being as a Divine person(The Divine Immaculate Conception). Why would God bestowed upon the Fullness of Wisdom to Mary? Because of Her new role being the Mother of all the Redeemed, Mama Mary will need all the power & attributes of the Spirit of Wisdom,. Wisdom knows everything because She is a witness to God's creation before time begun and Wisdom penetrates even the deepest secrets of God and Wisdom hears all and encompasses the whole Heaven & Earth.
      But the most important mystery is Lucifer saw the "Spirit of Created Wisdom" sitting on the Throne of God. Lucifer was "anointed" with majestic beauty described in Exekiel28:14 to guard the Holy Mountain of God, but Lucifer lacks the "anointing of Wisdom", that's why Lucifer has trouble understanding the Mystery of Incarnation, he rejected the Divine Plan for the Logos because he cannot fathom it for lack of Wisdom. And the irony is, when Lucifer became Satan he deceived Eve by offering "Wisdom", which in the first he lacks too.
      So, the root of Lucifer's rebellion was, he thought God will also anoint him again with the Spirit of Wisdom that sits on God's Throne..But sorry, Lucifer, why? God created or qanah the Spirit of Wisdom in Proverbs8:22 not for the angels but for all the Children of God's for their "anointing". Solomon fervent prayer brings fruits as God "anointed" him with Wisdom to govern as King.
      In the OT "Wisdom is the key to salvation". In the New Testament, "Jesus became the Wisdom of God for our salvation". and when Jesus left where does the "Spirit of Wisdom" go?
      The scriptures said " the one who created me rest in me"..Mary said, the one who created Her, rest in her...where does Wisdom rest?
      The Spirit of Created Wisdom in Proverbs8:22 rest in the Immaculate Heart of Mary because it was "hewn" by embracing the Seven Sorrows, the Seven Swords became the Seven Pillars to house the Sevenfold Gifts of the Holy Spirit. (Proverbs9:1).
      Mary is the Seat of Wisdom, because Her Immaculate Heart was hewn by the seven sword of sorrows, the seven pillar of the Holy Spirit.
      Let us all love and seek the Spirit of Created Wisdom that was "qanah" in the beginning by the Love of the Abba Father to the chosen Woman , also by the Love of the Begotten Son to the Theotokos, and the Love of the Holy Spirit to Her beloved Spouse. Jesus is the Sun and Wisdom is the Moon, it is only a reflection of the Light of God. That's why Jesus & the Lady Wisdom is almost identical because they are the same substance, they are both Divine. Jesus was begotten (Uncreated) while the Wisdom is "qanah or created".
      St.Faustina explains this mystery beautifully. "The flower of love is mercy(Rosary/Rose garden), in love it was conceived(Logos incarnated) and in deeds it was revealed"(At the Foot of the Cross).
      Mary is the Mother of Mercy, because the Mercy of God is the salvation of all souls, no one can enter God's Kingdom without the Mercy of God, therefore rejecting Mama Mary the Mother of Mercy is to cut-off from the Divine Life the Breathe of God that connect us to Mama Mary our Spiritual Mother.
      "Sweet heart of Mama Mary be my salvation." My Jesus mercy. S&IHMMP4us.Amen

    • @donaldcooley897
      @donaldcooley897 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jong , Keep telling all those unscriptural lies to the catholic sheep because true born again Christians who know the scriptures know it is all s lie

    • @bornagainsaint1
      @bornagainsaint1 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @ApostoladoPetrino
    @ApostoladoPetrino 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ave Maria

  • @maximus5lp000oppp
    @maximus5lp000oppp 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Mater Dei, ora pro nobis ..

  • @daniellevy4104
    @daniellevy4104 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    This is for all those lost sheep who say where is this in the Bible. Repeated from a good Catholic.
    Genesis 1 in the beginning....
    John 1 in the beginning....
    Genesis .. God saw that the light was good , and God separated the light from the darkness.
    John.. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.
    Genesis , The spirit of God hovers over the waters
    John... The spirit of God hovers over the waters at the baptism of our Lord
    Genesis , seven days after the spirit hovers over the waters , there is a wedding of Adam and Eve .
    John... Seven days after the spirit hovers over the waters there is a wedding in cana.
    Genesis Eve tempts Adam to his first sin.
    John, Mary leads Christ to his first act of glory.
    Genesis ... Adam addresses Eve as woman.
    The gospels..Christ addresses Mary as woman
    Genesis , Eve listens to the evil angel .
    Luke , Mary listens to the good angel.
    Genesis , Eve is cursed for disbelief...
    Luke , and blessed is she who believed...
    Genesis..Eve is born of Adams bone and flesh of Adams flesh
    The gospels , Mary is borne of Christ's born and flesh of Christ's flesh.
    Genesis , enmity between Eve her offspring , and the serpent
    Revelations .. the dragon makes war against the woman who has given birth to Christ and her children.
    Genesis ... Now the man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all the living.
    Jesus , here is your mother .

    • @ahura746
      @ahura746 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      In the book of thomas the contender jesus told thomas, you are my brother. In Enoch the sun is called by 2 names, Orjaries & TOMAS. Thomas & Didymus mean twin . Thomas's remains, & therefore dna are in 3 separate located churches. Why? Maybe Thomas is the anti-christ/Cain, the twin of Abel whose blood the favoured 1 of God, still cries out from the ground. There's no coincidences in this life, all mean something in Christ.

  • @Melons-vg8dq
    @Melons-vg8dq 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Our brothers and sisters were martyred in England for believing. Protestant cemetaries are haunted with souls denied entrance into Paradise.

  • @jayadsilva67
    @jayadsilva67 ปีที่แล้ว

    What does he say about the golfers could have taken the body away? Golf only came about several hundred years later.

  • @archuarchu8249
    @archuarchu8249 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    st.thomas is not weak,Infact he is more strong

  • @jayadsilva67
    @jayadsilva67 ปีที่แล้ว

    All big words, but I still don't see any proof of the assumption.

  • @bornagainsaint1
    @bornagainsaint1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    So much emphasis and attention on the assumption of Mary, but not one scripture to prove it.
    All those pictures showing Mary as the center figure with every one bowing to her and praying to her, and yet not one scripture to prove it.
    John,who wrote Revelations, never saw Mary sitting on a throne in heaven next to Jesus interceding for those who are still alive.
    John, who wrote Rev 12, never once referred to the “woman” by a specific female name, because he just referred to this vision as “a woman”, just “a woman”.
    John was still alive taking care of Mary but he never wrote in the Bible that he actually witnessed her being assumed into heaven with all the angels praising her and the Father and His Son crowning her.
    John never saw that !!
    If John actually knew that the “woman” vision in Rev 12 was Mary then why didn’t he say the name of Mary?!
    But instead he just said “a woman”.
    Now doesn’t that sound strange if he knew for an actual fact that the vision was truly and actually Mary?

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You: So much emphasis and attention on the assumption of Mary, but not one scripture to prove it.
      Me: You presume that a Scripture is needed. Why? Scripture makes no such requirement.
      You: John, who wrote Rev 12, never once referred to the “woman” by a specific female name, because he just referred to this vision as “a woman”, just “a woman”.
      Me: Right! But he mentions this "woman" right after he mentions that he saw the Ark of the Covenant in Heaven. And the many parallels between the ark of the covenant in 2 Samuel and Mary in Luke 1 shows that the early church considered Mary the NT Ark of the Covenant. And this "just a woman" follows the "just a woman" mentioned in Gen 3:15 where the savior is promised coming from an unnamed woman. And Jesus often refers to her just as "woman". This is not "just a woman" This is the woman who gave her "yes" to the angel which then resulted in her being pregnant with the Messiah. Where would we be if she had said "no" as Eve had????
      You: John was still alive taking care of Mary but he never wrote in the Bible that he actually witnessed her being assumed into heaven
      Me: Maybe he didn't witness that. But he did mention in Revelation that she was in Heaven. Good enough for us.
      You: then why didn’t he say the name of Mary?! But instead he just said “a woman”.
      Me: No real believer would be confused at all at who he was referring to.

    • @bornagainsaint1
      @bornagainsaint1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      to Bridgefin: Since John didn't actually witness Mary being assumed into heaven, then it only makes sense for John to refer to Rev 12 as "a woman". Because this woman is a symbol for the nation of Israel and the 12 stars are the 12 sons or tribes of Israel. The sun is a symbol of Jesus being the light of the world and the moon represents believers who reflect the light of Jesus as a witness to the world. The pains this woman endures is the suffering Israel went thru while patiently waiting for the arrival of the Messiah. The phrase or picture of a woman is symbolic throughout the bible in many scriptural passages. The way the RCC carries on about the assumption of Mary, then yes it must be in the bible.

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You: Since John didn't actually witness Mary being assumed into heaven
      Me: I never said that.
      You: Because this woman is a symbol for the nation of Israel and the 12 stars are the 12 sons or tribes of Israel.
      Me: Israel is not the ark of the covenant. But even if it were, no problem with one vision standing for two things.
      You: The way the RCC carries on about the assumption of Mary, then yes it must be in the bible.
      Me: Good. Then show me where the bible says that all doctrine and practice MUST come from the bible. That is absurd since so many doctrines of Christianity were in concrete BEFORE there was a New Testament canon. But give it a try.

    • @bornagainsaint1
      @bornagainsaint1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      to Bridgefin: That's right I said it. Israel is not the ark of the covenant and neither is Mary. First you agree that the assumption of Mary must be in the bible, and then you disagree. Your church is very confusing and frustrating, leaving its members confused. The ark was used to offer blood sacrifices upon it, Mary is not a sacrificial altar.

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You: First you agree that the assumption of Mary must be in the bible, and then you disagree.
      Me: I NEVER said that it must be in the bible. I just recognized that it was.
      You: Your church is very confusing and frustrating, leaving its members confused.
      Me: No, unbelievers are confused. It's why Jesus spoke in parables, so his enemies would be left in the dark. Belief precedes understanding when it comes to God. Catholics have no problem with this but it is maddening to Protestants.
      You: The ark was used to offer blood sacrifices upon it, Mary is not a sacrificial altar.
      Me: The purpose of the ark was to preserve those holy items touched by God. That's what made the ark holy and that was why you died if you touched it without authority. Mary carries not things touched by God but GOD HIMSELF. If that ark was holy by virtue of its contents how much holier is Mary?
      But the key point is that John would have held to this, and his mentioning that he saw the ark of the covenant in Heaven means that he either saw an old wooden box or he saw Mary.

  • @TyranyFighterPatriot
    @TyranyFighterPatriot 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sensus Fidelium watch yourself YT is taking everyone down and Myspaceing themselves. Go to bitchute

  • @jnunya1805
    @jnunya1805 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Where is this written?

    • @daniellevy4104
      @daniellevy4104 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Everywhere. In both old and new testaments .

    • @daniellevy4104
      @daniellevy4104 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @tony Genesis 1 in the beginning....
      John 1 in the beginning....
      Genesis .. God saw that the light was good , and God separated the light from the darkness.
      John.. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.
      Genesis , The spirit of God hovers over the waters
      John... The spirit of God hovers over the waters at the baptism of our Lord
      Genesis , seven days after the spirit hovers over the waters , there is a wedding of Adam and Eve .
      John... Seven days after the spirit hovers over the waters there is a wedding in cana.
      Genesis Eve tempts Adam to his first sin.
      John, Mary leads Christ to his first act of glory.
      Genesis ... Adam addresses Eve as woman.
      The gospels..Christ addresses Mary as woman
      Genesis , Eve listens to the evil angel .
      Luke , Mary listens to the good angel.
      Genesis , Eve is cursed for disbelief...
      Luke , and blessed is she who believed...
      Genesis..Eve is born of Adams bone and flesh of Adams flesh
      The gospels , Mary is borne of Christ's born and flesh of Christ's flesh.
      Genesis , enmity between Eve her offspring , and the serpent
      Revelations .. the dragon makes war against the woman who has given birth to Christ and her children.
      Genesis ... Now the man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all the living.
      Jesus , here is your mother .

    • @daniellevy4104
      @daniellevy4104 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @tony do you think Jesus loves hate or loves peace and brotherhood? I say unto you my friend anyone who has hate for his brother in his heart shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Love you brother, now accept your mother who is also the mother of god and the arc of the covenant who brought fourth all the good words from her womb.

    • @daniellevy4104
      @daniellevy4104 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tony The arc of the covenant held the Torah which is known as the old testament, The Torah, all the good words given by Moses from From god, god also gave instructions on how to build a perfect vessel to store all the good words, the Arc of the covenant, Mary is the new arc of the covenant, Gave birth to all the good words and brought them fourth from her womb, she was a perfect vessel and the only immaculate conception. She is the queen of heaven and even Saint Thomas the apostle saw this with his eyes, fore he was the weakest and had to see to believe, blessed is he who believes without seeing.i

    • @daniellevy4104
      @daniellevy4104 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tonynow it was Thomas who have physical evidence that Mary, too, was alive for ever more, revelations 1:18. Return to the church don't let false prophets steal your rewards.

  • @ahura746
    @ahura746 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mathias witnessed & recorded, in the book of thomas the contender Jesus saying, You are my brother. The Catholc church supposedly has Thomas's remains in 3 separate located churches so has a dna test been done on these remains so we can prove or not, 1.all 3 remains are the same & 2.the person & descendants of Thomas's in the world today? Thomas means twin in hebrew & didymis does in Greek. If Mary is mother of both, half Thomas's dna will be Mary's, his mothers dna. This may lead to Mary's & Thomas's resurrection/whereabouts on earth.

  • @PiperMcPhersonTheWren
    @PiperMcPhersonTheWren 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Salve Regina. I never liked the name Thomas. Not a good name to give a child, it's the name of an incompetent disciple. But I would say Saint Peter was the weakest, he denied Christ 3 times.

  • @alchemistkingdickinson2256
    @alchemistkingdickinson2256 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Christ was born 66~~~Christ Mom has thus far only called her Son a LIAR for 33+ yrs~~Scripture reads the woman will be unclean 33 years AFTER Christ returns. Good news for those who seek and find; believe//// Bad News for those who do not believe and will not find Savior. 1 John 2;22

    • @jongricafort4
      @jongricafort4 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      alchemistking dickinson
      Simply refuted by God's Holy Decree in Genesis3:`15, why?
      God is the one who declares War a perennial enmity between Woman and Satan. Don't be confused the WAR is betweet the Woman and Her offspring vs. Satan and his offspring/cohorts.
      It is not Jesus vs. Satan, why? Satan will cry out loud "ITS UNFAIR"...WHY?
      Jesus vs. Satan would mean Creator vs. creature..Almighty God vs. a fallen angel, Infinite vs. finite...
      So, stop embracing the Lies & Deceptions of Satan human cohorts.
      God only gave us TWO CHOICES, either we belong to the Woman which Jesus became Her offspring first or we belong to Satan the old serpent.
      Who do you belong. Woman or serpent?

    • @donaldcooley897
      @donaldcooley897 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jong The woman in Genesis 3 : 15 is Eve . God is talking to the devil . God is not putting enmity between the woman and satan but between the seed of the woman and the seed of satan . Read the scriptures . verse 15 is not talking about the woman being at war with satan it is her seed Jesus who is fighting the devil and did from the time he was born Eve is the mother of all living and we are related to Adam because his blood runs in our veins and our flesh is corrupt and is enmity toward God but though faith in Christ we become a new Creation and our flesh he has quicken though the spirit and the woman has nothing to do with the New Birth

    • @jongricafort4
      @jongricafort4 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Eve had fallen to Satan, she is now satan slaves, how can she fight?
      Read the verse carefully and ponder.
      Who is the seed of the Woman? Jesus right?
      Satan will cry out loud and complain with your interpretation,why?
      Jesus vs.satan is a mismatch. Creator vs.creature..Almighty God vs. fallen.angel..
      Satan will say to you its unfair, why?
      At the mere mention of Jesus Holy Name, satan and his demons tremble in fear and have to bow down.
      So, what is the war that God declares?
      it is between Woman vs. satan or creature vs. creature..humility vs PRIDE and obedience vs. disobedience.
      Satan said, ok that's fair enough.
      But ofcourse satan forces of darkness cannot win.

    • @donaldcooley897
      @donaldcooley897 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jong , Didn`t you read what I said 14 hours ago . the war is between the seed of the woman , which is Christ and Satan

    • @jongricafort4
      @jongricafort4 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wrong, absolutely wrong!
      Even satan wont agree with you.why?
      its a mismatch..
      Almighty God vs. fallen angel?
      Thats the problem when man corrupted the translation of the bible.
      Read Douay Rheims version it was translated by a Saint, meaning guided by the Holy Spirit and authorize by the Church founded by Jesus Christ. I dont trust bible translation approved by man made church they are full of error and they are corrupted.

  • @danielanthony256
    @danielanthony256 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Ave Maria