In Brasil we also have a “Navalha” tradition. Here the word means a variety of pocket knifes. Most commonly folding ones. And, even more specifically and commonly, Razor blades. It was common to see capoeira fighters using it to fight. They would hold it in their hands, between their toes to kick with it or even tie it to a cord to throw it. This throwing technique is known as Navalha voadora (flying navalha). You can still see this kind of capoeira being played by experienced fighters, in a mock up way, of course. Nonetheless, I find it amusing to know that in Roberto Drummond’s “Hilda Furacão”, a novelization of Hilda’s life as a socialite turn prostitute of her own volition, set in 60’s Belo Horizonte, we read that Cintura Fina (small waist), a transvestite who ran a brothel in the most famous bohemian street in the capital, was a master in the arts of the throwing knife. It really sets this kind of fighting closer to our time than one might at first imagine.
Que orgulho tenho de mestre Kaká. Parabéns mestre
gostei de mais dês de pequeno escuto historias de meu avô sobre o jogo com navalha muito importante para a cultura sou de Salvador Bahia
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In Brasil we also have a “Navalha” tradition. Here the word means a variety of pocket knifes. Most commonly folding ones. And, even more specifically and commonly, Razor blades. It was common to see capoeira fighters using it to fight. They would hold it in their hands, between their toes to kick with it or even tie it to a cord to throw it. This throwing technique is known as Navalha voadora (flying navalha). You can still see this kind of capoeira being played by experienced fighters, in a mock up way, of course. Nonetheless, I find it amusing to know that in Roberto Drummond’s “Hilda Furacão”, a novelization of Hilda’s life as a socialite turn prostitute of her own volition, set in 60’s Belo Horizonte, we read that Cintura Fina (small waist), a transvestite who ran a brothel in the most famous bohemian street in the capital, was a master in the arts of the throwing knife. It really sets this kind of fighting closer to our time than one might at first imagine.
Muito bom!!!
Gostei muito e irei compartilhar com meus filhos e estudantes
se eles n gostam de capoeira, n faz sentido, voes mi ce compartilhar
Gostaria de saber a marca e modelo do "revólver" com '10 tiros"
Pergunta para idiotas ,tolerância zero.
Revólver Taurus RT 096 Calibre .22 LR