The "NICHT" topic gets pushed around just like the "NICHT" itself. I don't remember any of my teachers paying special attention to it, even though one obviously needs it in everyday conversations all the time. And yet, we are busy learning all types of Nebensätze and Nominalstil . . . "Damit macht ihr *nicht* so viele Fehler" said my teacher last time when I asked for details. I know the basic rules but I was hoping to find more information in this video and more examples with komplizierteren Satzstrukturen. Other than that, I really enjoyed your way of speaking and explaining and the order in which you chose to do so. I believe you would do an excellent job no matter the topic. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie tiefer in das Thema einsteigen könnten. Machen Sie weiter so! Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen!
if there would be Olympics in teaching, this would be my candidate. clear, articulate, spot on, straight to the point, powerful yet elegant and of course sehr sympathisch
That‘s the clearest explanation of nicht placement I‘ve come across. Thanks!
Ich danke dir! :)
The "NICHT" topic gets pushed around just like the "NICHT" itself. I don't remember any of my teachers paying special attention to it, even though one obviously needs it in everyday conversations all the time. And yet, we are busy learning all types of Nebensätze and Nominalstil . . . "Damit macht ihr *nicht* so viele Fehler" said my teacher last time when I asked for details. I know the basic rules but I was hoping to find more information in this video and more examples with komplizierteren Satzstrukturen. Other than that, I really enjoyed your way of speaking and explaining and the order in which you chose to do so. I believe you would do an excellent job no matter the topic. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie tiefer in das Thema einsteigen könnten. Machen Sie weiter so! Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen!
a complicated subject but clearly explained
if there would be Olympics in teaching, this would be my candidate. clear, articulate, spot on, straight to the point, powerful yet elegant
and of course sehr sympathisch
Wow, herzlichen Dank!!
Wie gehts dir Esther? Ich heiße Paulo aus Macaé Brasilien. Kommst du aus Deutschland? Du bist eine sehr gute Deutschlehrerin.
Ja, ich komme aus Deutschland und es geht mir gut. Dankeschön! :)