China Mieville on H.P. Lovecraft

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • China Mieville chooses a favorite New York story, if by "favorite" you mean a virulent racist screed: H.P. Lovecraft's "The Horror at Red Hook." Mieville, whose new book is The City and The City, spoke at BookExpo America in New York City on May 29, 2009.

ความคิดเห็น • 53

  • @Simma7
    @Simma7 11 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    If you were listening then you would see that he was actually praising the story for it's brilliant asceticism despite his personal views on Lovecraft's politics. He described it as one of his favorites but he simply pointed out that despite the stories bigotry it is still a splendid piece of literature.

  • @dillon1037
    @dillon1037 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    This comment on years late but check out The Ballad of Black Tom for a solid retelling of The Horror at Red Hook. Touches on some of Mieville's feelings on the story.

    • @mashedmatt
      @mashedmatt 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Great call, it's a fantastic story

    • @jaime_1660
      @jaime_1660 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "I'll take Cthulhu over you devils any day."

  • @vaudevillian7
    @vaudevillian7 11 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    He also consistently acknowledges the influence of Lovecraft and his love for his work....

  • @ThatsMrMoronToYou
    @ThatsMrMoronToYou 14 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    It's one of my favorite Lovecraft stories. It scares the bejesus out of me every time I read it. It's very descriptive, especially the ending where the detectives are discovering the "persons" residing in niches along the walls.

  • @davidtatro7457
    @davidtatro7457 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The man, the myth, the legend, saying more in one minute than most people could in a lifetime.

  • @Simma7
    @Simma7 11 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Well from what I have read about Meiville he does harbor a deep admoration for Lovecraft as a writer, as do I. If you were to ask me who were my top 5 writers Lovecraft would surly make the cut. And you are write, a writers political beliefs have nothing to do with there artistic merit, but it doesn't strike any points against the artist for acknowledging that you disagree with their politics. Lovecraft was a brilliant writer but without a doubt a bigot.

  • @vaudevillian7
    @vaudevillian7 11 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I'm not a huge fan of Mieville, but am a huge fan of Lovecraft. However, at no point in this interview or elsewhere does it seem that he is trying to portray himself as you described. Not in the slightest. It's not a particularly radical to describe Red Hook as racist. It is. Commonly accepted to be. Mieville does not say that it is badly written or a bad story, but rather the opposite. I'm not sure where you are coming from I'm afraid.

  • @boztone
    @boztone 15 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I totally get what China is saying here. He's one of the best writers in Fantasy today.

  • @tomardans4258
    @tomardans4258 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I forgive him only because the stories are good. Much as I forgive Brian Lumley for being insanely homophobic, and Mr. Mieville for often being unreadable.

  • @curebdc
    @curebdc 14 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    @Gravelandart Again, "we may look different and call it race, but how we decide to think of that race is decided by society". thats what people mean by race is a social construct. the idea of race is what the constuct is. Everyone is slightly genetically different, why do we put so much emphasis on race? alright after this im done, arguing over this medium is pointless.

  • @vaudevillian7
    @vaudevillian7 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    He has a particualrly clear voice. How odd.

  • @FromTheRoomOfLittleEase
    @FromTheRoomOfLittleEase หลายเดือนก่อน

    Given his history, I guarantee this was unchecked nuerodivergence, trauma, and multiple disorders that developed from that. The guy was walking around in a kind of a trance. If he would have lived longer, I guarantee he would have come out of it. Not understanding the psychology he would make a rationalization for what has happened to him. Probably some type of conversion or something. You have to remember, while PC knife twisters constantly remind you how it was racist "even for his time" he was also specifically unusual in all his mannerisms for his time and his friends, who were pretty much the oppo of him in everyday, all noticed this strongly. The guy couldn't "get real with you" for one second. That's trauma behavior. It's like being in a fugue state for decades. You wouldn't even know if this was happening to you right now unless your behavior was noticably erratic.

  • @curebdc
    @curebdc 14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    @Gravelandart he's just saying that this particular story is racist, not all lovecraft stories. Also race is a social construct. We may look different and call it race, but how we decide to think of that race is decided by society.

  • @GeneHarrogate
    @GeneHarrogate 13 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    @egdeltur666 Saying Yog-sothothery didn't start with HPL is like saying Mormonism didn't start with Joe Smith

  • @DoctorKazefa
    @DoctorKazefa 14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    @Chipchik I think someone has a crush!

  • @curebdc
    @curebdc 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @Gravelandart not saying that race doesnt exist.yes there may be genetic differences, but what im saying is that how we choose to use that information is decided by society. Those genetic differences dont have anything to do with behavior. Anyone that is a part of any race is equally capable. There is more genetic difference within races than between. I learned this in college, not in the media. So you can say that someone is black but you cant explain their behavior on the basis of race.

  • @t260y
    @t260y 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Barely understood what he said. But what I did, I liked

  • @slayer1888
    @slayer1888 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    was just gonna say that myself...Not

  • @curebdc
    @curebdc 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @Gravelandart How did Venter debunk genetic differences within races? From what I remember he thought individual differences were important. All im saying is that there is no scientific backing (that i've ever seen) for explaining a persons behavior through race. And in the lovecraft story, he tries to blame new yorks problems at the time on a certain race. Since there is no reason to believe that someones behavior is caused by their race, lovecraft is racist. btw I love lovecraft and mieville!

  • @angilex
    @angilex 14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    @mattrichanderson, actually I quite understand what writers mean. Liken it to admiring DR. Martin Luther King as a minister and for what he did for the civil rights movement, but hating the fact that he was a womanizer.

  • @care4ajellybaby403
    @care4ajellybaby403 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jog on Chyna, Moorcock beat you to it

  • @venusboys3
    @venusboys3 13 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I wouldn't deny Lovecraft had racist tendencies... but he wasn't writing in a time/place otherwise known for racial tolerance. He wasn't exceptionally racist for the time.
    On the other hand, there is a trend... from his early stories to his later ones... where he begins to lose some of that 'fear of the other'.
    We all have prejudices and blind spots... the best of us try to find them and work them out.

    • @VexWerewolf
      @VexWerewolf 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      ""but he wasn't writing in a time/place otherwise known for racial tolerance"
      Firstly, that's not an excuse. Racism has always been wrong and just because it was the done thing in its day does not make it acceptable or forgiveable.
      Secondly, while it's correct that the time in which Lovecraft was writing wasn't known for racial tolerance, Lovecraft was well-known to be exceptionally bigoted and racist EVEN BY THE STANDARDS OF HIS DAY. That's right, he was so goddamn racist that he made people in the 1920s and 1930s uncomfortable.

    • @ForeverMasterless
      @ForeverMasterless 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      He was, actually, even more racist than was typical of his time. It wasn't some casual thing caused by lack of empathy and education. Lovecraft had debilitating xenophobia fueled by intense, naked fear of any culture different from his own. Dude dialed it up to 11. It was almost certainly the fuel for a lot of his work.

    • @venusboys3
      @venusboys3 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Dhryke Considering people in his time were lynching folks and getting ready to eradicate entire populations in gas chambers, I wouldn't say he was the worst of the worst, nope. Not that it matters much... I'd worry more about the racists we have around us in the here and now.

    • @onurbole7921
      @onurbole7921 ปีที่แล้ว

      Such an old comment, but it's interesting that I just read an academic paper defending Lovecraft's racism on the same basis. In fact, the paper compares him to ancient Greek thinkers who had no problem calling other cultures barbaric. I do think it is a stretch though. We're not talking about antiquity. It's the 20th century. Yeah, racism was prevalent, fascism was on the rise. However, there had been plenty of intellectuals against racism for the past 70 years, there were anti-fascists, socialists, and even precursors of postcolonial thought in the 1920s and 1930s. Science was divided on the issue, just like materialist proponents of racism, there were opponents who criticized that trend on scientific basis. It's not like people were in the dark and had not heard of any alternative to their version of reality. I love Lovecraft's imagination and creativity, I would even call him a revolutionary from stylistic standpoint just like T.S. Eliot. His work indeed opens up possibilities for revolutionary artists and thinkers. But his intention seems to be quite the opposite. Like the Nazi's horrifying V-2 rockets turned out to be a huge scientific contribution applied in the Apollo program. That's how cultural progress works I guess.

    • @venusboys3
      @venusboys3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@onurbole7921 Just to be clear. I was NOT defending his racism. He WAS racist and that's that. It's a bad thing.
      My gripe is with people who want to single him out to a greater degree than I think he deserves. Sure, there were intelligent people of his era that realized such things were cruel nonsense, even among Lovecraft's friends some chastised him for it... and maybe they had some effect, I don't know.
      I'm just tired of being preached to by people who on one hand despise the man, and on the other still seek to profit from his creations.

  • @MrGreyfox75
    @MrGreyfox75 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    He has a very complex mind ….

  • @mikisaikano
    @mikisaikano 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    cthulhu forever¡

  • @avisanguine
    @avisanguine 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ha ok

  • @shadow6543
    @shadow6543 14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    whats your point racial discrimination in the US continued through out lovecraft's time hell it wasnt until the late 50's that blacks got real rights, so to fault him in that regard is unfair, and honestly why should anyone care its so not worth getting upset over by even caring about it you give your so called N word power let it go race/racist shouldnt even be a topic of concern in this day and age its such an archaic way if thinking and its pointless to limit yourself like that

  • @Llewellyn2844
    @Llewellyn2844 10 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    China Mieville is not fit to lick the dust off Lovecraft's shoes. HPL was a brilliant writer and an old-fashioned gentleman. In spite of his private opinions, there is NO evidence that he ever said or did anything to harm or inconvenience a black or a foreigner. By all accounts, he was kindly, generous with his time, and always willing to offer free advice to younger writers. Lovecraft will be read and remembered long after Mieville is dead and forgotten.

    • @Brian-qt6su
      @Brian-qt6su 10 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      I don't think Mieville thinks H.P. Lovecraft is a bad writer. he acknowledges Lovecraft's talent and his role in furthering the horror genre. But don't live in a fairy tale world, Lovecraft was an ardent racist and many of his views were reactionary to the extreme. So extreme that a lot of his writer friends and his wife, some of which were also racist, told him to tone it down in letters. Just because he was too meek to physically hurt someone, it doesn't make him a good person.

    • @nothri
      @nothri 8 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      "HPL was a brilliant writer and an old-fashioned gentleman."
      Lovecraft was a hack who weighed down his stories with archaic dialogue and strung together long sentences filled with various synonyms for "weird", "horrible" and "ugly". His early work was at best derivative of older, better authors...and at worst practically verbatim stolen from them. His later works were practically paint by numbers- a bland learned protagonist (who only has a token quirk or two to set him apart from every other bland learned lovecraftian protagonist) stumbles upon some rumor or weirdness that leads to some very old and/or alien ruins or creature that then drives said bland protagonist mad or paranoid. Other than a few twists, that basically describes every Cthulhu story ever. If it wasn't for the sense of continuity- how one off hand epitaph or nonsense phrase in one of his stories would be explained and expanded upon in another story- Lovecraft with would be entirely forgettable.
      "In spite of his private opinions,"
      What private opinions? He made no secret of how little he thought of other races and cultures. He put many of his opinions right into his stories. He had a cat named after a racial slur, for god's sake.
      "there is NO evidence that he ever said or did anything to harm or inconvenience a black or a foreigner."
      Okay. This might just be me speaking as a middle class white guy with a reasonable stable living situation and income, but this sounds less like something worthy of praise and more like the barest of bare minimums one should abide by to be considered a decent human being. I mean, not contributing directly to the misery or inflicting violence upon our fellow man? This is a thing all of us are expected to do and I dare say most of us succeed at doing every day of our lives.
      "By all accounts, he was kindly, generous with his time, and always willing to offer free advice to younger writers."
      Indeed. He seems to have been very at home with people who shared his lifestyle and interests. He also seems to have been very much not at home with all those outside that tiny bubble. Indeed, you can find a strong streak of xenophobia running through his whole body of literature. After all, how many of his stories are about how our modern civilization (which is disproportionately depicted through the eyes of white male new englanders of routinely scholarly mindset- all traits in common with H.P. himself) under an unseen and insidious threat from disgusting alien things beyond our comprehension who want to topple all we know and love and take control for themselves. Sometimes, these alien forces seek to do so by BREEDING with us!...and in doing so we BECOME them, our own wills somehow usurped and twisted into their loathsome mindsets! Lovecraft's terrors are the same as a modern bigot, except Lovecraft had the pseudo-decency to dress them up as cosmic horrors rather than "Islam!" or "The Jews!".
      "Lovecraft will be read and remembered long after Mieville is dead and forgotten."
      Probably. And if he's very lucky, he'll be remembered for his writing alone and not as a huge racist.

    • @sampagano205
      @sampagano205 8 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      China Mieville exceeded Lovecraft a decade ago. And this is a terrible defense of Lovecraft. Because he actually did do a lot to hurt black people. He published racist nonsense about them and worked to perpetuate every negative perception of blacks in the world, and the notion that racial mixing is the end of society.

    • @sampagano205
      @sampagano205 8 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      He's also giving a positive account of Lovecraft as a writer. He's just also saying the Horror At Red Hook was an incredibly interesting racist story.

    • @The420Gunslinger
      @The420Gunslinger 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      He did support Socialism which was the leading cause of unnatural death in the 20th century

  • @madsli
    @madsli 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Interesting toughts, i hanen't read "the horror at the red hook" but it seams fascinating. I have to say, though that the camera handling in this shot is really bad, it cuts the top of Mieville's head and it's quite shaky.

  • @ejphilosophy6407
    @ejphilosophy6407 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I dont think Mieville needed to smile while trying his best to describe H.P. Lovecraft Racist Work.

  • @mittROMNEY666
    @mittROMNEY666 11 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I really enjoyed the racism in red hook. Lovecraft captures the evil of dirty foreigners. Maybe in a more enlightened future his racism will be celebrated for its honesty instead of criticized.

    • @acidbebop3593
      @acidbebop3593 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      What the fuck

    • @contraband100
      @contraband100 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      What the fuck indeed.

    • @OluapOirevlis
      @OluapOirevlis 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      In the future racists are going to jail. Racism is a piece of shit. Theres nothing alike (in good terms) for that bullshit.