Prova su strada: Renault Kangoo

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
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    La nostra prova su strada di questa settimana ha come assoluta protagonista la Renault Kangoo Live 1.5. Diego Tamone l'ha testata per noi. Scopriamola insieme.
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ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @3TSPS
    @3TSPS 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I bought a brand new Renault Kangoo (0kms) that I acquired a month and a half ago, noticed that it had the front wheel bar with rust, I went to check it out and had the two rods of the wheels completely rusted with rough rust to loosen, when I passed the finger came completely brown with rust faults.
    I thought if you're like this for a month and a half without getting water like you're two years from now. I went to the stand where I bought it (Gilauto) present the case, disregarded the subject saying that many people left that way (they even showed me a megane that was the same). And that probably still lasted 20 years until it was completely demented.
    Moral of the story I buy a brand new car, I make ready payment, and I am forced to stay with two completely rusty bars that have already been applied so in the line of assembly! Where is the ASAE in these cases.
    Of course if the bars are massive they still last a lot, but are the bellows that protect the labels and are stuck in the rust not going to detize fast?

  • @3TSPS
    @3TSPS 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Comprei uma Renault Kangoo novinha em folha (0kms) que adquiri há um mês e meio, reparei que tinha a barra da roda dianteira com ferrugem, fui verificar melhor e tinha as duas barras das rodas completamentes enferrujadas com ferrugem áspera a soltar-se, quando passei o dedo veio completamente castanho com falhas de ferrugem.
    Pensei se está assim com um mês e meio sem apanhar água como estará daqui a 2 anos. Fui ao Stand onde a comprei (Gilauto) apresentar o caso, desconsideraram o assunto dizendo que sairam muitos assim (até me mostraram uma megane que estava igual). E que provavelmente ainda durava 20 anos até se detiurar por completo.
    Moral da história compro um carro novinho em folha, faço pronto pagamento, e sou obrigado a ficar com duas barras completamente eferrujado que já foram aplicadas assim na linha de montegem! Onde está a ASAE nestes casos.
    Claro que se as barras são macisas ainda duram muito, mas e os foles que protejem as rotulas e estão presos nas ferrugem não se vão detiurar rápido?

  • @covepac
    @covepac 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    prova su strada renault kangoo castel

  • @mehmetcan3357
    @mehmetcan3357 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    amk bi testini Türkiye de çekmemişler ki doğru düzgün touch süperrr:))