It still is. It's one of very few games that still look cool. I recently started playing it on my new high PPI monitor. It looks better than most modern games
yep, it also had a very advanced driving model (for the time) and even force feedback, so if you play with a wheel, it simulates all the forces to the wheel when you turn, go over kerbs, grass, country roads etc :)
Even San Andreas lacked a lot of features and looked worse compared to Mafia 1 even though it came out several years later. Mafia 1 was ahead of its time. Attention to detail is still impressive.
I loved that cigarette smoke. When Salieri was giving you instructions and all you could look at was the undulating chain of white rings emanating from his cigar ... mesmerizing ...
Games can't be both fun and 100% accurate.Now you don't really want shells or glass on ground if story will hurt by those details.Mafia I in my opinion had good story bit gameplay wasn't as fun as in Mafia III
A little reminder: Hotline Miami Mother Russia Bleeds Darkest Dungeons Ori And The Blind Forest Hyper Light Drifter Minecraft Nuclear Throne/Enter The Gungeon Stardew Valley Undertale Ronin Spelunky The Binding Of Isaac Superhot Inside/Limbo
@GoldenDarkGames: Don't take things to extreme. There is Mid Tier market too and it's way better than AAA Gaming these days. Stuff like Dvinity: Original Sin, System Shock, Grim Dawn, Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak etc.
That's why they end up creating this shit game that is mafia 3. The first Mafia the city of Lost Haven have so much details that it even astounding today.
What??? That&those bastards never played Mafia 1 and did create then Mafia 3? How can someone be that unprofessional with something like this? I wish they did a REmaster of Mafia 1, but the graphic ist still cool also today - most of ALL the REALISM beats other "modern" games.
It was way ahead of its time, I always wanted a 'gas station' mechanic on GTA, I used to install all sorts of mods in GTA SA that made me use the gas stations and this game already had in it, it was so good.
Not really (unless you've only played poor Console port). Mafia was not GTA 3 clone. Mafia 3 is GTA clone. GTA was always a mainstream franchise. It had a lot of goofy elements. For example; Cars explode when upside down, street tier gangster can fly jet fighters, gunplay was total shit (until GTA 4), cars felt like cardboard boxes with no weight (again until GTA 4), had jetpacks and so on. Mafia on other hand was a lot more grounded and mature experience. It wasn't even open world game like GTA. It was a linear story driven game set in sandbox environment to make missions more interesting (like chasing someone or driving while listening to your allies etc... you know stuff that isn't possible in small environments). Gunplay was miles better than GTA games as well.
It doesn't have more features. It's just a video showing everything Mafia 1 can do and Mafia 3 can't. However there are alot more things Mafia 3 can do, that Mafia 1 can't. And most of these features that are showed in this video, are just useless shitty things that doesn't make the game better
The ticket system made the game better, I loved refueling and actually pulling over for the cops. I don't know about you, but getting killed and losing 50% of your money for a car accident is bullshit.
Keep in mind that majority of that 40GB are assets and textures - I mean the graphic difference is pretty clear. There's no point in comparing games by size.
mafia I was one of the best games I've ever played. ending was so god damn sad. game is a masterpiece. menu theme hits me everytime Mafia III looks like a joke of bad taste, I saw it coming months ago.
Mafia 1 was made in a time where games really had to be impressive and unique. Now.... well you can see it for yourself, season passes, mediocre game play, repetition out the ass etc etc etc
amen to that. i mean, just look at the first Mafia's ending: perfect closure, all loose ends tied together. no shitty cliffhanger, no sequel bait, no nothing. and no way anything like that would be pulled off nowadays
its true that game quality is lowering ... i would love to see remastered mafia 1 - even the same story and game just better graphics .... and its so Unique - in what other games you find so mutch dabings ? ive seen mafia 1 with czech dabing with english dabing and now with russian dabing .... Mafia 2 was like mafia 1 made in 2k czech - but mafia 3 was made in US by someone who never played 1st or 2nd piece .... wtf how can you start to developing 3rd piece of game when you dont know how 1 or 2nd looks ?
What?? No car bodywork deformations in 3? Fuck.. That was like my favorite part of the first one. Not kidding. I'd just park some shitty auto in a quiet area and go at it with a baseball bat for a good 10 minutes just to see how many parts would fall off in the end.
Back in the day devs used to make games whit their heart and soul, today its just for the easy money they make selling shitty games to casuals, cause "its cool to be a gamer" its so freaking sad.
It's a way of seeing it I guess. I've been playing games for more than 15 years, and maybe that's why I'm not so easily impressed or entertained anymore. But yeah, it's true that story-lines on games used to be better
I've finished Mafia 1 about 5 times now and I never felt any part of it repetitive, the missions were amazing. I still feel angry when Sarah gets attacked in the alleyway, I still have a laugh when I'm chasing the guy in underwear and I still feel sad at the end of the game which btw is one of the saddest endings in videogame history imo, remember the boat mission where you had to disguise yourself and assassinate that politician, remember the docks, you had so much variation and it all made you feel like a true mobster and on top of it all you had Free Roam, hell I played that thing for over 1 year when the game came out (used to make scenarios in my head and played them, funny how games in that time period encouraged the use of imagination) whereas now it's like go there kill everyone come back repeat. I just feel like a mass murdering maniac. Mafia 3 is so damn repetitive so boring. It saddens me to see my favorite franchise devolve into this.
well said. Mafia 1 is a masterpiece. I will just add to your comment that in mafia 1 you felt like an actual mafia, there was athmosphere and class, while in mafia 3 you are just a gta wannabe murdering maniac and thats all there is to it pretty much
That's what happens when an american studio replace the old awesome delevopers and make an overhyped game in the name of marketing. I loved this IP for all the little details and the realism :'(
Kegan Terry I'm not saying this but American studios are really great at marketing and they often end up spending more money and effort in this than in the actual developing of the game. And it's not even their fault, they are a company, their goal is to make money and they know that they will earn more investing in the marketing than in the game, in my opinion the problem are all the people preordering and buying games purely based on the hype.
I agree, but the original developer of Mafia 1 had a terrible track-record too; after original PC launch the game was unplayable for a significant part of the customers (including myself) and it took over 6 months to release patches that fixed the save-games not working (yes, original CDs) and the game simply not starting (with higher than recommended specs). The even denied/ignored all the complaints, stating they were false (not that much online experience as a company I guess) for the first couple of weeks ... And Mafia II over-promised and under-delivered .... Still, I love the first game, so much details and love put into every aspect of it (which was clearly missing from part 2 already) and for all the reasons you explained I fear part 3 as well, even the released gameplay footage sucks ... This is going to be another Watch Dogs PC disaster rats-ass game ...
thank you, its sad to watch this shit, its a disgrace and rape of a Mafia brand, I smelled the BS months before release and sadly I was right :( Those ppl who created this M3 should burn in hell for eternity after loosing all their money
ReyZie93, Не совсем согласен. У второй часть игры - всё-таки хороша. Но под конец - действительно трэш бредовый какой-то с массовыми замесами этими. Хотя финалочка всё-таки ком к горлу подкатывает. Ну про длс-ки - молчу, не буду материться - тут да, чистая коммерция.
Eccy K.+ FOR MONEEEIZZ!!!!!..........The developers wanted to cash in and ride off the back of the original and rape it it to hell and back so they can please today's brain dead audience with EXPLOJIONZ! and ekwalatieez...... and as for all their shit DLC's none of them have anything to do with the Mafia. It's either Saving the Worldz , ekwalatieez (again) and the best one yet supernatural. Mafia 2 was forgivable but I would not screen 3 in front of an open flame.
Ну я бы не отказался от ремейка точно, например как сделали с Resident Evil 1(тот что в особняке, и да я в курсе что это порт с Gamecube), но там проделана действительно огромная работа а не халтура
Vítek Přibyla Late reply. Mafia 1 -Created by foreign developer that wanted to make an ambitious idea of open world game. Mafia 3 -Created by people who just wants their paycheck or a short deadline and forced to release the unfinished game.
mafia 2 is a gta wannabe ? yeah mafia 3 is a half of the walking dead and other half is gta but how can you be this dumb to say mafia 2 is a gta wannabe ? atleast it's about mafia
Yeah it looks amazing. The only thing that's awful about it is the love scene. ( also drinking scenes are bad but I honestly cant think of a game where drinking isnt bad becuese the npcs all seem to drink without getting the liquid in their mouth's)
@@marcowulliampopirers2216 I mean, what came out in 2001? Devil May Cry, Max Payne.. Burnout? Or you'd like to argue that GTA 3 had better graphics? xd
дело не в ностольгии, раньше делали интерес и привязку к играм, а щас просто по новее графу лепят и срать все хотели на геймплей и физику, тупой конвейер одна игра не чем не отлечается от сотни других, разве что названиями
*+ИВАН ПУЛЯ* В эксклюзивах (например ps4) стараются сделать качественно. The Last Of Us, Uncharted и т.д. Видно, что в них вкладывали душу, чтобы игра была хороша. А мафия для меня закончилась на 2 части. Ну серьезно -- это не мафия уже была. Мало того, что из 15 миссий больше половины вообще никак не относятся, все это покрывается соусом "открытая концовка"
эксклюзивы это да, много хороших, а в остальных в большинстве случаев слезы охото лить, делают новые части игр и они хуже чем старые, много фишек вырезают, зачем то аркадность лепят некчемную
просто слепить самое простое, чтоб как можно быстрее, главное - можно в трейлере показать и получить максимум продаж за счёт хорошо раскрученного бренда. ничего личного, просто бизнес.
Well, Mafia 1 was a pure PC game that utilized all available PC power to its advantage, therefore following PS2 version was one of the worst PS2 releases. And M2/M3 were developed as multi-platform games, so they are "kinda okay" or "average" in every department.
Santa Pro1 Да и не только питьевые фонтанчики. Расовая дискриминация была тогда совсем жесткой. Туда зайти нельзя, тут работать тоже. В полиции 99% персонала были белые. Только сейчас мне кажется им всё больше прав дают, чем белым)
Комментарий дня. Я аж прослезился. И смех и грех. И ведь не поспоришь. Раньше игры делали с душой, стараясь внести изюминку. А сейчас?? Сплошной конвеер однотипного никому не нужного гавна.
Yeah, it's surprisingly realistic, considering the age of this game. The headlight flying off with that satisfying *tinggg* as it hits the ground is gold. Hell, I could see myself wasting a great deal of time just shaping cars with "speed dents" to make it more aerodynamic looking and what not
It makes me wonder why they couldn't just include some of these features in M3 if the first already had them. I doubt it would've been very difficult, did they just think people wouldn't care?
Mafia I - Mostly Czech, not much American. Mafia II - 50/50 we could say. Mafia III - American. And horrible. Not Mafia anymore... it's GTA V + Saints Row put together in 70's.
Giorgi Tsurtsumia lol gamers nowadays ... mafia 3 has good graphics and story. what next ? legion is good wow expansion. figures...gamers nowadays gonna eat shit for their money cause there are so little good games coming out . gaming industry became another money sucking business like everything else. good days when game developers actually created games with their soul long gone.
Andrewf5251 I didn't say anything about the graphics of Mafia 3, while I do agree that it doesn't beenfit from the same level of plish as mafia 2, it's still acceptable and has it's moments. Regarding the story, I think it has a compelling narrative with interesting characters. And while yes I do agree that the video game industry is in a bit of a slump due to AAA developers managing inflated budgets, on the other hand I feel like consumers are getting more value for their money than in previous generatoins. What I'm trying to say is I wouldn't want to drop full price 60 dollars for a game like golden axe in 2016.
mafia 1 was directed and made by a czech studio, mafia 3 was directed by some asshole and made by useless team... but Dan Vávra (father of mafia 1 and director of it) has his own studio now called warhorse studio and they are making a new quality game calle Kingdome come deliverance
*♛ MAFIA: The City of Lost Heaven ➡ это просто ШЕДЕВР.* Какие невероятные эмоции вызывала эта игра... *Сейчас есть новые игры, которые лучше, чем первая MAFIA по качеству и сюжету ???* Просто давно не играю в игры, и мне тяжело судить, но глядя это видео, почему-то кажется, что по всем параметрам, кроме графики, первая МАФИЯ легко обходит почти все современные, "пластмассовые" игры. Это так?
От *Silent Hill 2,* помню неплохо так башню снесло. Очень впечатлила игра. До сих пор иногда саундтреки слушаю, даже использовал нарезку OST из Silent Hill 1 и 2 в одном из видео у себя на канале, когда надо было передать жуткую атмосферу, перед ночевкой в горах возле заброшенного дома. *Silent Hill 1 и ORIGINS* проходил на PSP. При всей своей квадратной графике до чего же страшная первая часть...
Из Silent Hill 3, могу только парк развлечений вспомнить... и еще буквально несколько атмосферных моментов. А так к сожалению забыл :(, что и как там было...
Надеюсь, тебя кто-нибудь закроет из-за такого высера, как этот комментарий. Поскольку я не злой, достаточно будет закрыть в комнате с мягкими стенами ;)
Actually, Mafia III development was started in Czech Republic in early 2011, but fucking greedy 2K decided in 2014 that it is taking too long so they took it, scraped it and gave it to newly estabilished studio Hangar 13 who made this pure cancer.
Please never stop making videos. You have a truly simple and authenthically ironic way of seeing things. Because a contect creator, youtube needs more of this xD
That is a stupid reason to believe why one game is better than another. Why don't you just say the Mafia 1 developers had more passion for the small things and created a better game than the Mafia 3 devs?
Jesus Christ, this czech overpride is in absolutly every video that is somehow connected with the Czech republic. Stop that! I´m being czech myself and everytime I see a comment like this from someone from my country, I facepalm myself.
lol who tf cares about czech it's the most retarded country, i don't even know where it is on the map. only czech people are so stupid to think they are important or even relevant on this planet
У меня не было злого умысла, (как многие тут выражаются, поливать игру отходами организма), изначально цель была в указании ошибок и недоработок. Надеюсь что издатель и разработчик выпустят следующую часть более качественным и проработанным проектом. Спасибо за внимание!
Современные игры делают для нового поколения лентяев и тугодумов с максимальным упрощением. Современному поколению сложно думать или видеть мелочи, да они и не хотят, жир в мозгах. Вот для них и стараются упростить всё в игре и сделать её легкой и простой в мелочах. Это не индустрия катиться в низ, это люди сами хавают.
В аспекте мафии 3 как бы 18+ возрастной ценз. по сути эти же лентяи и в Мафию 1 играли. Тут как бы мне кажется нужно было быстрее выпустить, ибо долго релизить дорого, а пипл и так схавает.
I just now realized that the majority of unfinished buggy games released (I won't list any examples because there are too many to count) come from either the US or Canada. I'm not a fanboy, but when was the last time Nintendo released a unplayable buggy game?
It's because the AAA games from murica are mostly made in a hurry to be released before the christmas sales start (like COD BF or AC) "small" devs like cd projekt red have time to feature all their ideas in their games. Calling the elder scrolls a buggy mess is just ignorant on the other hand
***** If we're talking just about games, not suddenly about war issues the others triggered... yeah, we have poor quality games. Like Operation Flashpoint, or yeah, the upcoming Kingdom Come. I don't say we're not small country in comparison with Germany (and it's world language). But still, I'd think before saying something like „poor quality“ out of the blue. Still, I'm not going to argue over other things, cause I'm not interested in history at all.
блин, помню как первый раз проходил эту миссию, у меня было 5 патрон, было тяжко. надо было завалить сначала одного и сразу брать его пушку, в которой было еще меньше патрон
Ну а чего ты хотел? В 2002 чтобы срубить деньги с игры нужно было действительно постараться над ней. Сейчас же,достаточно рекламной компании и игра окупится 100% школьниками,которым подавай всё новое.
Amit Kalderon I don't agree with you, they gave Mafia Three A Great Story, I do agree the previous installments are better, but if they didn't care, the story would've been shit too, it's because the previous installments were so well crafted than anything below excellent is deemed "shit" by most fans, I don't see Mafia Three In that light, despite the glaring flaws, they just forgot one golden Rule, and that is that the smaller elements indeed matter. And yet I love all of them. Just Mafia Three Less
Kevin Porth I think hangar 13 didn't care too much, and not as 2k czech would care. Story must be good in a Mafia game. but GOD, the repetitive missions, the empty world, the BUGS. it's really sad because the game looked amazing.
+Alexey Belov , не путайте ремейк и переиздание. Ремейк меняет движок и / или графику с музыкой и озвучкой, а иногда и сюжет. Переиздание ничего особенного не меняет, кроме высоких разрешений и поддержек Xbox-геймпадов помимо классических PS-геймпадов.
If computers from 15 years ago can handle glass on the ground and bloody footprints, I think consoles can too. Also, people who optimize games for consoles are not the same people who model, texture, or make gameplay.
Consoles and PCs have different development philosophy. Consoles have frozen limited hardware, so the devs wanting the biggest bang for the buck often compromise small immersive details. PCs have fluid hardware, it's easy to increase the RAM or GPU power on a PC. Back in the time of the first Mafia, the CPU clock rate was still growing exponentially, so it was fairly easy to double the CPU power of your PC as well. That's why the games of the times often had a lot of little, easy to make immersive details.
It's clear to me now... Mafia 1/2 VS. 3 is just as bad as when different people made Halo 3 vs Halo 4... the entire heart and soul of the game and key features are now gone.
So you consider being able to open different doors on a car, or bloody footprints key features? They're just window dressing, they don't make the game better or worse.
Vojta Šatka Daniel Vávra bože bože berete ho jako boha on v Mafia 1 v tvoření nehrál hlavní roly a když si založil své studio tak to dopadlo špatně Kingdom Come vypadá jako horší SKYRIM takže...
I actually brought Mafia 3 thinking it was the next great game. Shit I was wrong. I fucking sold that shit the first two days after playing it, I got all my money back. I had a 3 day approval on it so if it was bullshit like it was then I could return it.
Why isn't the opening of the game Lincoln Clay in Viet fuckin NAM killing a bunch of fuckers in a sort of flashback sequence? I mean cmon man. Just cmon.
It is very good, the attention for detail was breathtaking when it was released (remember, it was released at the same year as GTA 3) and it still looks good today. And the story and atmosphere are one of the best in the history of gaming :)
It was great on PC. The console version was atrocious, they changed a lot in it. PC version got 9.3 on Gamespot, console version got 7.1. When people say the first game was bad they usually played the console version.
yeah of course it's not because the protagonist is black it's because there is nothing talking about mafia 2 ending it doesn't even talk about what happened to joe new games always su**s gta sa was the best rockstar game and mafia 1 2 was best mafia games
Не играл, если честно... но какое-то холодное оружие должно же быть) А так - обидно, что игра 2002 года ПРОГРЕССИВНЕЕ во многих технических деталях, чем её продолжение спустя 14 лет.
Ну почему же... Игры создавали разные люди, разные компании, а значит и итоговые цели у всех были разные. Когда первую мафию хотели насытить мелочами и сделать атмосферный мир мафии, тогда как в третьей мафии решили последовать моде и сделать шутер схожий с gta 5, а жаль...
Ага, а что самое интересно что её сделать как два пальца обоссать, у меня таких скриптов написано 5 вариаций, а конторы в которых тысячи человек не могу этого припилить... Я не понимаю честно.......
Better for its time, perhaps? I wouldn't know since I haven't touched the 3rd. But what I'll say is that the 1st was a proper Mafia story. Cliched to hell, but fun nonetheless. 2nd was alright but not really as fun.
В первой мафии реалистичная перезарядка, если в магазине оставались патроны, то они выбрасывались при перезарядке, другую такую игру даже вспомнить не могу
Absolutely! A lot of people like mafia 2 but i have no idea why. I remember i was SO f*cking dissapointed when i played Mafia 2 after waiting years and years and years.
Agree. in Mafia 1, i used to have fun hiding in the tram/train when the police were after me. Greatly disappointed with Mafia 3 when i found out that the tram/train is no longer availabe.
Mafia 2 is a really good game too, buddy. you just don't know how to see that. great graphics, story, characters, realism. the thing is that, it was rushed. the game would've been better than what it is if the creators had more time to complete it. it was originally scripted to last until 1957 with 30 missions, not 1951 with 15. It also had a lot more features and three more endings. But it still is an excellent game, I think you should finish it to see what I mean.
Aleksey Tsiva Действительно реализм, особенно, когда ты давишь прохожих и каким то чудным образом по твоей логики они узнают что задавил чёрный и давай стрелять Хватит претыкаться расистским нытьем "СТЕКЛА И ГИЛЬЗЫ ПРОПАДАЮТ ПОТОМУ ЧТО ГГ ЧЕРНОКОЖИЙ!" "Машины не деформируются потому что ГГ чёрный." Я сейчас не наехал, а сказал тебе как есть. Разводить тут срачь не надо
also due to the limitation of consoles they traded better graphics for worse endorphin physics. (endorphin is the engine in gta and was also used in red dead redemption)
You mean euphoria, not endorphin. And euphoria is still used in GTA V, they just went for a different approach, this has nothing to do with performance. @neirubo: physix is a nvidia library which was never used in GTA IV, I know you meant physics , but wanted to clear that up.
@@hasoonnine That's the problem. They would probably change the game because it's not for everyone and takes some time to enjoy. It would lose its charm, I think, and I don't want that to happen.
It's insane how a Czech company did American culture better than an American company. Please give us 2k Czech back.
Usually our country is not the best.. but they did Mafia I really well
rockstar is british , they make american crime and action better with street gangs and old west of american movies !
This has nothing to do with culture. This video is about game mechanics
@ správně chlape.😀😀😀
Not only mafia, operation flaspoint too!
Mafia 1 =made with love, Mafia 3=made with money..
*Mafia 3 = made for money
Hit the nail on the head
With money on the mind
If that was the case the story and characters would be rushed and bland and the game would be full of bugs and glitches.
What about mafia 2? I love mafia 2
You forgot to also mention that the protagonist from Mafia I doesn't look like a fucking degenerate.
Gavrilo he seems so out of proportion
lol exactly
Baffled by what makes you think Lincoln looks like a degenerate lol. He just looks like a run of the mill post war Vietnam Vet
How does he look like a degenerate.
Lol what? Lincoln does not look like a degenerate? How in the actual fuck did this get so many thumbs up?
Mafia 1 was soooooooooooo good for it's time.
Sad to learn that nowadays games got better graphics capabilities, but got worse in game details and stories development. add me
It still is. It's one of very few games that still look cool. I recently started playing it on my new high PPI monitor. It looks better than most modern games
It still holds up well
It still is. ;)
The trains will be on the next DLC...$30... ha-ha!
You just kidding, but they dont...
trains for 30$..... WTF!?
sad but true
is 20$ good?
yeah.....old joke m8
wow mafia 1 had actual car deformation what the hell??
yep, it also had a very advanced driving model (for the time) and even force feedback, so if you play with a wheel, it simulates all the forces to the wheel when you turn, go over kerbs, grass, country roads etc :)
Even San Andreas lacked a lot of features and looked worse compared to Mafia 1 even though it came out several years later. Mafia 1 was ahead of its time. Attention to detail is still impressive.
man it's pretty impressive for the time. If you shot the wheel hub enough, the wheel would fall off!
and if you crashed with too much speed your would die, if you rolled over in cabrio you would di. Mafia 1 was ahead of its time by all means.
Rather then trying to copy GTA, the dev team tried to go more of a "simulation" route.
When Mafia 1 is more realistic than GTA V.
+Pumpkin Smasher79 Nice Joke. I almost thought you were serious. Haha
he is
In some ways.
it honestly is
but people will still eat shit up like mafia 3 lol
Remember Mafia 1? remember the cigarette smoke?
I loved that cigarette smoke. When Salieri was giving you instructions and all you could look at was the undulating chain of white rings emanating from his cigar ... mesmerizing ...
Oy bliat, the good old times
woah how do you do that. beat this game a lot of times and never did that
KanadianSpaceProgram member berries!
YEaaaah, loooong scene when Tom smoked on gas station )) You now Mafia 1 can touch gamers...
2000-2006 was a pretty amazing time for games when you look back. Ah, the PS2 years.
We would have even better times if those consoles haven't been created at all.
Stop smoking wt u smoking
HAHAHA so yeah, if consoles like SNES, MEGADRIVE,ATARI never existed, we would never have games like today you human waste.
Thanks for the consoles, i will playFFXV next month
Swint I am guessing that was directed at Mikhail S? TH-cam broke their comments section (again).
It's still amazing and sad at the same time that Mafia 1 has more details than 90% of games nowadays...
cause graphics > detail
you can make the most realistic shit to ever exist on vitual space. but a shit is a shit.
Well, problem with M3 is that game is ugly as fuck and still has almost no details :D
Games can't be both fun and 100% accurate.Now you don't really want shells or glass on ground if story will hurt by those details.Mafia I in my opinion had good story bit gameplay wasn't as fun as in Mafia III
+Jaqen H
You can make the most beautiful shit "to ever exist on vitual space". But a shit is a shit.
Indie games are still good.
A little reminder:
Hotline Miami
Mother Russia Bleeds
Darkest Dungeons
Ori And The Blind Forest
Hyper Light Drifter
Nuclear Throne/Enter The Gungeon
Stardew Valley
The Binding Of Isaac
@GoldenDarkGames: Don't take things to extreme. There is Mid Tier market too and it's way better than AAA Gaming these days. Stuff like Dvinity: Original Sin, System Shock, Grim Dawn, Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak etc.
There are as many bad indie games as there are AAA Games.
Perhaps the creators of Mafia 3 didn't play Mafia 1...
Yes, The main creator of Mafia 3 said he did not play Mafia 1, 2. You can find an interview on youtube.
That's why they end up creating this shit game that is mafia 3. The first Mafia the city of Lost Haven have so much details that it even astounding today.
What??? That&those bastards never played Mafia 1 and did create then Mafia 3?
How can someone be that unprofessional with something like this?
I wish they did a REmaster of Mafia 1, but the graphic ist still cool also today - most of ALL the REALISM beats other "modern" games.
@@FordzyS link?
they said that hangar 13 is under the 2k czech
Mafia 1 = Masterpiece. A timeless classic.
not only this, but game was few years ahead of its time.
Yes that's true.
Guaranteed replies
It was way ahead of its time, I always wanted a 'gas station' mechanic on GTA, I used to install all sorts of mods in GTA SA that made me use the gas stations and this game already had in it, it was so good.
Not really (unless you've only played poor Console port). Mafia was not GTA 3 clone. Mafia 3 is GTA clone. GTA was always a mainstream franchise. It had a lot of goofy elements. For example; Cars explode when upside down, street tier gangster can fly jet fighters, gunplay was total shit (until GTA 4), cars felt like cardboard boxes with no weight (again until GTA 4), had jetpacks and so on.
Mafia on other hand was a lot more grounded and mature experience. It wasn't even open world game like GTA. It was a linear story driven game set in sandbox environment to make missions more interesting (like chasing someone or driving while listening to your allies etc... you know stuff that isn't possible in small environments). Gunplay was miles better than GTA games as well.
Mafia 3 is not a Mafia game
its another dumb GTA
MAFIA 1.....100%MAFIA
MAFIA 2.....100%MAFIA
MAFIA 3.....100%GTA
*dumb down GTA
it's about gangs
that video made me want to play mafia 1.
It's a shame that a game with only 2 GB has more features than a game with more than 40GB.
It doesn't have more features. It's just a video showing everything Mafia 1 can do and Mafia 3 can't. However there are alot more things Mafia 3 can do, that Mafia 1 can't. And most of these features that are showed in this video, are just useless shitty things that doesn't make the game better
you wrong. all that small things make a game. btw I didnt played Mafia 3 yet, so can't say ab Mafia series. But i saw other.
If you think that these small things are the things that decides wether a game is good or not, I can't see any point in this argument
The ticket system made the game better, I loved refueling and actually pulling over for the cops. I don't know about you, but getting killed and losing 50% of your money for a car accident is bullshit.
Keep in mind that majority of that 40GB are assets and textures - I mean the graphic difference is pretty clear. There's no point in comparing games by size.
mafia I was one of the best games I've ever played. ending was so god
damn sad. game is a masterpiece. menu theme hits me everytime
Mafia III looks like a joke of bad taste, I saw it coming months ago.
agree mafia 1 is the best ever
No nothing beats mafia 2
Kevin Cubias I know that's what I'm saying
mafia 1 looks so unrealistic
flaming0 yes it does
now i want a remaster of mafia 1
i want Mafia 2 remasted
I want mafia one and two to be remastered
That would be a dream come true. I loved that game even more than GTA
Beefy Boy if you want remaster write to 2k czech oh wait America buy it from us 😀😁😂😭😭
Romča Roubal i dont care what developer does it as long as they make it happen
Mafia 1 was made in a time where games really had to be impressive and unique. Now.... well you can see it for yourself, season passes, mediocre game play, repetition out the ass etc etc etc
DLCS DLCS DLCS!!! money money money !!
amen to that. i mean, just look at the first Mafia's ending: perfect closure, all loose ends tied together. no shitty cliffhanger, no sequel bait, no nothing. and no way anything like that would be pulled off nowadays
Pre alphas))
Miamari and it is because money and innovations that maded in the past that makes it so hard to make a big innovation
its true that game quality is lowering ... i would love to see remastered mafia 1 - even the same story and game just better graphics .... and its so Unique - in what other games you find so mutch dabings ? ive seen mafia 1 with czech dabing with english dabing and now with russian dabing .... Mafia 2 was like mafia 1 made in 2k czech -
but mafia 3 was made in US by someone who never played 1st or 2nd piece .... wtf how can you start to developing 3rd piece of game when you dont know how 1 or 2nd looks ?
What?? No car bodywork deformations in 3? Fuck.. That was like my favorite part of the first one. Not kidding. I'd just park some shitty auto in a quiet area and go at it with a baseball bat for a good 10 minutes just to see how many parts would fall off in the end.
I did the same... several times xDDD
good old times :/
I just hated that san andreas wont let me break all the windows on the car
Back in the day devs used to make games whit their heart and soul, today its just for the easy money they make selling shitty games to casuals, cause "its cool to be a gamer" its so freaking sad.
Yes :/ unfortunite..
Agoodboy325689 When I read your comment I was thinking about old Bungie and 343 Industries.
Also old Bioware. Those were the days.
Oh please you just think the game is better because of nostalgia at least Gta San Andreas is actually the best Gta gamw
It's a way of seeing it I guess. I've been playing games for more than 15 years, and maybe that's why I'm not so easily impressed or entertained anymore.
But yeah, it's true that story-lines on games used to be better
I've finished Mafia 1 about 5 times now and I never felt any part of it repetitive, the missions were amazing. I still feel angry when Sarah gets attacked in the alleyway, I still have a laugh when I'm chasing the guy in underwear and I still feel sad at the end of the game which btw is one of the saddest endings in videogame history imo, remember the boat mission where you had to disguise yourself and assassinate that politician, remember the docks, you had so much variation and it all made you feel like a true mobster and on top of it all you had Free Roam, hell I played that thing for over 1 year when the game came out (used to make scenarios in my head and played them, funny how games in that time period encouraged the use of imagination) whereas now it's like go there kill everyone come back repeat. I just feel like a mass murdering maniac. Mafia 3 is so damn repetitive so boring. It saddens me to see my favorite franchise devolve into this.
Fucking Agreed!
well said. Mafia 1 is a masterpiece. I will just add to your comment that in mafia 1 you felt like an actual mafia, there was athmosphere and class, while in mafia 3 you are just a gta wannabe murdering maniac and thats all there is to it pretty much
I couldn't say better!
That's what happens when an american studio replace the old awesome delevopers and make an overhyped game in the name of marketing. I loved this IP for all the little details and the realism :'(
too bad they decided to copy gta
Giorgio Fabietti Yeah. No shitty games and remakes coming from anywhere else....
Kegan Terry I'm not saying this but American studios are really great at marketing and they often end up spending more money and effort in this than in the actual developing of the game. And it's not even their fault, they are a company, their goal is to make money and they know that they will earn more investing in the marketing than in the game, in my opinion the problem are all the people preordering and buying games purely based on the hype.
I agree, but the original developer of Mafia 1 had a terrible track-record too; after original PC launch the game was unplayable for a significant part of the customers (including myself) and it took over 6 months to release patches that fixed the save-games not working (yes, original CDs) and the game simply not starting (with higher than recommended specs). The even denied/ignored all the complaints, stating they were false (not that much online experience as a company I guess) for the first couple of weeks ... And Mafia II over-promised and under-delivered .... Still, I love the first game, so much details and love put into every aspect of it (which was clearly missing from part 2 already) and for all the reasons you explained I fear part 3 as well, even the released gameplay footage sucks ... This is going to be another Watch Dogs PC disaster rats-ass game ...
Giorgio Fabietti
Reasonal statement. And I completely agree with that. (no sarcasm)
Вот что значит - прямые руки у разработчика Mafia 1. Представляю, какая сейчас боль у создателей Mafia, так испоганить серию
Я помню эту проклятую гонку... P.S. я эту гонку в 7 лет проходил, ЭТО БЫЛО В ДВОЙНЕ СЛОЖНО ДЛЯ МЕНЯ!
Мафию 1 вроде не ангар 13 делали.
***** великая гонка! От неё болит по сей день)))
А в лицензионной дисковой версии от 1с гонку уже поправили? Я помню, что с первого раза ее прошел тогда.
там можно был уровень сложности, который можно было убавить.
mafia 1 is like another world. great storyline. characters , car simulation and fun freeride stuff. more than a junky 2017 game will ever be.
I don't think any game will come close to Mafia, sadly.
Atleast gtav is better than mafia 3
When a game becomes popular, developers make the gameplay more casual to look more appealing.
Mafia 3 wasn't made by the Mafia 1&2 devs.
Я не думаю, что то, что я здесь увидел, выглядит слишком привлекательно.
exactly!!!^^^^ people dont think about that. and these are very bias opinions
im talking to donrobo fyi
И только, в Первой части Мафии - у врагов кончаются патроны!
Это чуть ли не единственная игра
Есть ещё Silent Storm. Там у врагов тоже патроны кончаются. Если кончаться то они с радостным улюлюканьем бегут к игроку с ножом или кулаками
я все жду порт мафия1 на андроид, надежда умирает последней
Кстати таки да. И враги вовсе не брезгуют после этого кинутся на игрока с ножом или вообще просто кулаками.
Я нашёл в 3-й Мафии 1 очень весомый плюс... Она стимулирует удалить себя и перепройти 1-ю часть
Я уже 2 дня 1-ую прохожу) в своё время не полностью прошёл, сейчас исправляю)
Сейчас удалю себя. прощайте
ты все равно игры не покупаешь. скажи спасибо что они вообще выходят
+Роман Князьков LOL
Mafia 1 number one! Czechs r very good!
Ty bro :)
thank you, its sad to watch this shit, its a disgrace and rape of a Mafia brand, I smelled the BS months before release and sadly I was right :( Those ppl who created this M3 should burn in hell for eternity after loosing all their money
I was hesitant on getting it, but I wasn't going to knock it until I try it. When I got it I realized what did I waste my money on...
Caleb Evans
my condolences
Daniel Vavra and others are good !
Прости нас Томас Анджело мы все проебали (((
Старик Томми перевернулся б в гробу :)
мафию пилили фанатики, мафию 3 пилили коммерсанты.
Золотые слова, Александр!
Как и 2-ю.
ReyZie93, Не совсем согласен. У второй часть игры - всё-таки хороша. Но под конец - действительно трэш бредовый какой-то с массовыми замесами этими. Хотя финалочка всё-таки ком к горлу подкатывает. Ну про длс-ки - молчу, не буду материться - тут да, чистая коммерция.
What really fuckin' bugs me, is that Mafia 3 isn't even about the mafia at all. Then why the FUCK IS IT STILL CALLED A MAFIA GAME!
you were playing aginst the mafia, sal marcano is part of the mafia
If the game is called Mafia, then I wanna play as the Mafia.
Eccy K. same i hope they bring back the guys that worked on mafia 2 for mafia 4
Eccy K.+ FOR MONEEEIZZ!!!!!..........The developers wanted to cash in and ride off the back of the original and rape it it to hell and back so they can please today's brain dead audience with EXPLOJIONZ! and ekwalatieez...... and as for all their shit DLC's none of them have anything to do with the Mafia. It's either Saving the Worldz , ekwalatieez (again) and the best one yet supernatural. Mafia 2 was forgivable but I would not screen 3 in front of an open flame.
new games su**s
gta sa best, mafia 1 2 best, resident evil 4 best
Наглядная демонстрация того, что надо было выпускать не Мафия 3 а Мафия 1 HD
о я бы купил
и что? было бы то же самое, что и 3 сейчас, как будто из-за этого они стали бы делать все возможности первой мафии
Ну я бы не отказался от ремейка точно, например как сделали с Resident Evil 1(тот что в особняке, и да я в курсе что это порт с Gamecube), но там проделана действительно огромная работа а не халтура
Согласен на все 100%
Czech Studio = 2 amazing, memorable games
American Studio = a shitty game that nobody will give a crap about 2 years from now
mafia 3 is about goodness mafia 1,2 are about mafia
why is it called mafia 3 it should be called minecraft 3
Mafia 3 is better anyday
@@shakerr7933 shut up you damn american developer
Claudiu Popa It’s been two years... No one gives a shit about Mafia 3
@@MSMediaoff Mafia 3 was pretty much dead on arrival. It doesn't even play like a mafia game. It's like a wannabe GTA.
I only ever played mafia 2. I haven't played 1 or 3.
This video makes me really want to play mafia 1.
Highly recommended. Awesome story, great attention to details, etc.
go for it. Mafia 1 is the best Mafia so far.
I only played Mafia 1. I haven't played 2 or 3. I still wanna play them all!
Mafia 1 was incredible.
ow man. u must play it! it's better than 2 and 3 mafia all together
Артур Пряников The soundtrack of the first Mafia was unbelievable. I couldn't stop tapping my feet to Django's tunes.
Mafia 1 is one of the best games I have ever played and no game has even come close to it
mafia 1 is a masterpiece
mafia 1 and Red Dead Redemption are the two best games I've played. add me
Yes mafia 1 is the best game ever made with its good moral shown at the end.... Its better than a masterpiece.... Words can't explain
Red dead redemption 2 is better than the whole franchise
why is mafia 1 better ?
mafia 1 is czech
mafia 3 is american
Vítek Přibyla
Late reply.
Mafia 1
-Created by foreign developer that wanted to make an ambitious idea of open world game.
Mafia 3
-Created by people who just wants their paycheck or a short deadline and forced to release the unfinished game.
Chill T
Oh did I just triggered you??
Well,not my problem.
DareMan172?!?! Yes you did "said" that its right there in your comment
muffy muffington
The fuck are you talking about???
mafia 2 is a gta wannabe ? yeah mafia 3 is a half of the walking dead and other half is gta
but how can you be this dumb to say mafia 2 is a gta wannabe ? atleast it's about mafia
The Mafia 1 graphics hold up surprisingly well.
Yeah it looks amazing. The only thing that's awful about it is the love scene. ( also drinking scenes are bad but I honestly cant think of a game where drinking isnt bad becuese the npcs all seem to drink without getting the liquid in their mouth's)
U mean they hold up to modern standards? They definetly dont
@@marcowulliampopirers2216 I think held up for the time, despite the large interactivity shown.
@@Dashyrre if u really think that you must have lived under a rock for the past 15 years or you are just blinded by nostalgia
@@marcowulliampopirers2216 I mean, what came out in 2001? Devil May Cry, Max Payne.. Burnout? Or you'd like to argue that GTA 3 had better graphics? xd
От Мафии тут только одно название.
И Вито с Галанте)
Вито Страпоне.
И Джо в конце игры
Это не Джо а Пепе...
это Джо, Пепе на две головы выше Лео. Ты серьёзно думаешь, что разрабы хотели показать Пепе? и что он случайно посмотрел в камеру?
Видео пример того, что раньше делали игры с душой
Делали так же как сейчас. Не надо свою ностальгию приравнивать к действительности.
дело не в ностольгии, раньше делали интерес и привязку к играм, а щас просто по новее графу лепят и срать все хотели на геймплей и физику, тупой конвейер одна игра не чем не отлечается от сотни других, разве что названиями
*+ИВАН ПУЛЯ* В эксклюзивах (например ps4) стараются сделать качественно. The Last Of Us, Uncharted и т.д. Видно, что в них вкладывали душу, чтобы игра была хороша. А мафия для меня закончилась на 2 части. Ну серьезно -- это не мафия уже была. Мало того, что из 15 миссий больше половины вообще никак не относятся, все это покрывается соусом "открытая концовка"
эксклюзивы это да, много хороших, а в остальных в большинстве случаев слезы охото лить, делают новые части игр и они хуже чем старые, много фишек вырезают, зачем то аркадность лепят некчемную
просто слепить самое простое, чтоб как можно быстрее, главное - можно в трейлере показать и получить максимум продаж за счёт хорошо раскрученного бренда. ничего личного, просто бизнес.
Yes, because Czechs know how to do a good game... Not as cheap Americans... sorry to say it but that's true
Ale dabing mohol byť lepší :D
(v mafia 1)
Ne nemohl, mistrovské dílo
Na rok 2002 byl dabing docela v pohodě :) :D
Ale mali nahovno mikrofony. A emocie mohli byť lepšie vyjadrené.
Who's here after the first mafia game got announced for a remake
Whoa they going to remake it, that's awesome
yes and it's made in the Mafia 3 engine.
@@blakegman4479 no
mafia 1 was ahead of its time
Raffica It really was, compare this to Vice City.
Well, Mafia 1 was a pure PC game that utilized all available PC power to its advantage, therefore following PS2 version was one of the worst PS2 releases.
And M2/M3 were developed as multi-platform games, so they are "kinda okay" or "average" in every department.
No. The rest of the industry is behind.
Whole industry just did go backwards in gameplay and forwards in graphics sad but true
Виктор Быкадоров i wanna cry when i read this why did we stop in time we could have so good games ;(
открывает огонь потому что он черный
Типичное отношение к афро-американцам в те года, ты погугли чтоль про лютера кинга, про раздельные питьевые фонтанчики...
Santa Pro1 Да и не только питьевые фонтанчики. Расовая дискриминация была тогда совсем жесткой. Туда зайти нельзя, тут работать тоже. В полиции 99% персонала были белые. Только сейчас мне кажется им всё больше прав дают, чем белым)
Это да. Из одной крайности в другую)))
ТИПИЧНОЕ, не значит в 100 из 100 случаев, даже 90 нет.
Идиот, там и не в каждом заведении владелец выёбывается.
Утерянные технологии предков.
Ждём ДЛЦ с летающими пирамидами.
))) как с пирамидами, есть мнение что Мафию 1 сделали инопланетяне
ТЫ сделал мой день)))
+DagonDsRus ахахахахахах,четко сказал)
Комментарий дня. Я аж прослезился. И смех и грех. И ведь не поспоришь. Раньше игры делали с душой, стараясь внести изюминку. А сейчас?? Сплошной конвеер однотипного никому не нужного гавна.
Mafia 1 was challenging, cars were harder to drive and you can't go trigger happy.
Mafia 1 > Mafia 2 > Mafia 3
my shit > mafia 3
mafia 2 and 3 have absolutelly nothing common with mafia 1, only share same name and fucked up legacy
gta 4>mafia 1 >mafia 2> crap>mafia 3
You literally kill the protagonist of the first game in Mafia 2...
+Aron Drake nope
I love that you can actually deform the car model in the first mafia..
it's even ahead of this time damn it -__-
games and movies are dead
we need a new plague
Yeah, it's surprisingly realistic, considering the age of this game. The headlight flying off with that satisfying *tinggg* as it hits the ground is gold.
Hell, I could see myself wasting a great deal of time just shaping cars with "speed dents" to make it more aerodynamic looking and what not
It makes me wonder why they couldn't just include some of these features in M3 if the first already had them. I doubt it would've been very difficult, did they just think people wouldn't care?
No why now there isn't anymore Czech2k to do the mafia games but hangar13..
Ah that explains it. What happened to Czech2k?
Mafia I - Mostly Czech, not much American. Mafia II - 50/50 we could say. Mafia III - American. And horrible. Not Mafia anymore... it's GTA V + Saints Row put together in 70's.
Saba Öztürk Yes, I am. And it was just a random number, I AM TOO LAZY FOR RESEARCH, OKAY? leave me alone.
Sean Sweet Johnson Then you shouldn't comment on shit you dont know.
I am calm, but you were giving false information.
Saba Öztürk IN. ONE. THING.
Saba Öztürk How about you correct me instead of saying I am wrong?
I'm from the Czech Republic and I have to say that when I look at Mafia 3, I'm sad that the best games of my childhood have been destroyed ... :(
How does this happen guys. How do companies get away with trading engaging, and immersive gameplay/story for better graphics?
because there are still people that buy their games
Mafia 3 still has a pretty compelling story
Giorgi Tsurtsumia lol gamers nowadays ... mafia 3 has good graphics and story. what next ? legion is good wow expansion. figures...gamers nowadays gonna eat shit for their money cause there are so little good games coming out . gaming industry became another money sucking business like everything else. good days when game developers actually created games with their soul long gone.
Andrewf5251 I didn't say anything about the graphics of Mafia 3, while I do agree that it doesn't beenfit from the same level of plish as mafia 2, it's still acceptable and has it's moments. Regarding the story, I think it has a compelling narrative with interesting characters.
And while yes I do agree that the video game industry is in a bit of a slump due to AAA developers managing inflated budgets, on the other hand I feel like consumers are getting more value for their money than in previous generatoins. What I'm trying to say is I wouldn't want to drop full price 60 dollars for a game like golden axe in 2016.
mafia 1 was directed and made by a czech studio, mafia 3 was directed by some asshole and made by useless team... but Dan Vávra (father of mafia 1 and director of it) has his own studio now called warhorse studio and they are making a new quality game calle Kingdome come deliverance
I miss the days when Mafia was made by a Czech company. Now it is made by Americans and they fucked up Mafia 3.
Kampfhund because Americans make every game bad...
Stay Right Their that’s false
Dexter Light
Dead By Rising - Made in Japan. Masterpiece.
Dead Rising 4 - Made by Americans. Disaster
Dexter Light I know I was being scarstic. Alot of American games are great. Just look at rock star. the detail into there games.
Stay Right Their GTA ?
*♛ MAFIA: The City of Lost Heaven ➡ это просто ШЕДЕВР.* Какие невероятные эмоции вызывала эта игра... *Сейчас есть новые игры, которые лучше, чем первая MAFIA по качеству и сюжету ???*
Просто давно не играю в игры, и мне тяжело судить, но глядя это видео, почему-то кажется, что по всем параметрам, кроме графики, первая МАФИЯ легко обходит почти все современные, "пластмассовые" игры. Это так?
От *Silent Hill 2,* помню неплохо так башню снесло. Очень впечатлила игра. До сих пор иногда саундтреки слушаю, даже использовал нарезку OST из Silent Hill 1 и 2 в одном из видео у себя на канале, когда надо было передать жуткую атмосферу, перед ночевкой в горах возле заброшенного дома. *Silent Hill 1 и ORIGINS* проходил на PSP. При всей своей квадратной графике до чего же страшная первая часть...
Не надо тут на третью гнать, она тоже была годной. Не хуже 1й.
А от лицевой анимации этого олд скула можно и сейчас прифегеть.
Из Silent Hill 3, могу только парк развлечений вспомнить... и еще буквально несколько атмосферных моментов. А так к сожалению забыл :(, что и как там было...
нет таких игр и наверное никогда не будет
Возможно ты прав... Хорошо, что успел в свое время пошпилить в игры, которые делали с любовью, а не только с жаждой наживы.
This game shouldn't be called MAFIA ,but NIGGIA or GANGSTA.
or 'Rambo in New Orleans ' lol
nice comment dude
I say just the truth :) XD
testplmnb Mafia is another word for Gangsta dumbo cringe
Mafia 1 wins
За что полюбили мафию? За реалистичность и огромное внимание к мелочам.
Как сделать сиквел? Забить на мелочи и сделать кучу багов.
+WhiteL MMV ооо, драсте
Сиквел то норм вышел. Это триквел хреновый...
надеюсь студию Hangar 13 закроют из за такого высера как Mafia 3
Надеюсь какая-нить мафия за них возьмётся, за такой непорядочный высер
Надеюсь, тебя кто-нибудь закроет из-за такого высера, как этот комментарий. Поскольку я не злой, достаточно будет закрыть в комнате с мягкими стенами ;)
ты видимо говно жрать любишь раз такое дерьмо тебе по нраву
не закроют, а даже наоборот, будут штопать дерьмо, как и разрабы асасина и COD, а школота так и будет платить по 20-30 баксов по скидкам
"Mafia 1 better than Mafia 3 Right Steve?"
"Sure Derek"
A Shame for Mafia 3 /2K....6 Jearls old Game and better.....without Words.....Thx for Video and Greetings from Germany
Difference in ~15 years, Mafia 1 was released in 2002 and was in development since the end of 1998
6 Jahre haha du hattest wohl ne 1 in mathe du meins wohl Mafia 2
Actually, Mafia III development was started in Czech Republic in early 2011, but fucking greedy 2K decided in 2014 that it is taking too long so they took it, scraped it and gave it to newly estabilished studio Hangar 13 who made this pure cancer.
google translator checks out
Please never stop making videos. You have a truly simple and authenthically ironic way of seeing things. Because a contect creator, youtube needs more of this xD
Mafia 1 is made in Czech republic, this is why is better then mafia 3 :)
That is a stupid reason to believe why one game is better than another. Why don't you just say the Mafia 1 developers had more passion for the small things and created a better game than the Mafia 3 devs?
Cuz they Dont have sponsors-no money then they sell that Mafia Game
maybe you both are righte :)
Jesus Christ, this czech overpride is in absolutly every video that is somehow connected with the Czech republic. Stop that! I´m being czech myself and everytime I see a comment like this from someone from my country, I facepalm myself.
lol who tf cares about czech it's the most retarded country, i don't even know where it is on the map.
only czech people are so stupid to think they are important or even relevant on this planet
У меня не было злого умысла, (как многие тут выражаются, поливать игру отходами организма), изначально цель была в указании ошибок и недоработок. Надеюсь что издатель и разработчик выпустят следующую часть более качественным и проработанным проектом.
Спасибо за внимание!
Хотелось бы в это верить
хорошо подметил! респект!
где ты мафию 1 нашел ?
Пиратку качнул, госпади, чё за вопросы?:)
Помоему это финал франшизы. После такого провала, цель которого была явно просто срубить бабла, ставят под сомнение дальнейшее существования проекта.
Современные игры делают для нового поколения лентяев и тугодумов с максимальным упрощением. Современному поколению сложно думать или видеть мелочи, да они и не хотят, жир в мозгах. Вот для них и стараются упростить всё в игре и сделать её легкой и простой в мелочах. Это не индустрия катиться в низ, это люди сами хавают.
В аспекте мафии 3 как бы 18+ возрастной ценз. по сути эти же лентяи и в Мафию 1 играли. Тут как бы мне кажется нужно было быстрее выпустить, ибо долго релизить дорого, а пипл и так схавает.
Отсутствие поездов упрощает геймплей?
но из-за таких людей, что ты сказал и индустрия будет катится вниз.
пока летят бабки, индустрия живёт
меньше функций и возможностей = проще
my favorite game ever :')
cant wait to play it again, thanks for the amazing video dude!!!
clumsy american hands VS Precise Czech hands
I don't like americans but didn't they create gta, elder scrolls etc.?
The GTA series was made in Scotland (believe it or not).
+lecker kese gta is made in scotland and aint that bad, elder scrolls is an american buggy mess.
I just now realized that the majority of unfinished buggy games released (I won't list any examples because there are too many to count) come from either the US or Canada. I'm not a fanboy, but when was the last time Nintendo released a unplayable buggy game?
It's because the AAA games from murica are mostly made in a hurry to be released before the christmas sales start (like COD BF or AC) "small" devs like cd projekt red have time to feature all their ideas in their games. Calling the elder scrolls a buggy mess is just ignorant on the other hand
Mafia 1 is better
Mafia 3 isn't even a Mafia game.
Czech quality boyz
Well, that's my country!
Czech people killed your friend Heydrich. :-)
***** If we're talking just about games, not suddenly about war issues the others triggered... yeah, we have poor quality games. Like Operation Flashpoint, or yeah, the upcoming Kingdom Come. I don't say we're not small country in comparison with Germany (and it's world language). But still, I'd think before saying something like „poor quality“ out of the blue. Still, I'm not going to argue over other things, cause I'm not interested in history at all.
Řekni to fanouškům Flashpointu že je to "poor quality game" :-D
Ondřej Matějka Tak teď nevím, zda jen nebyl pochopen můj sarkasmus, či byl, ale nechápu reakci. Flashpoint bych rozhodně nekvalitou nikdy nenazval. :D
сейчас бы гильзы пропадали в 2076м
пиздец за 14 лет неисправили одну херню когда стекло розбиваешь оно под машину падает
В мафии 2 не проваливалось
Все комментарии под этимс комментом залайканы. Залайкайте и меня, тогда, хули
Mafia 1 best.
it might have bugs but the game is so freakin old
prawda prawda
I rather play mafia 1 than mafia 3
Аххх ностальгия 1 мафия,прям детством пахнет.Помню как друзьями собирались дома и играли по очереди.Эх времена то были
Детством? 8) Ах ну да... Уже ж 15 лет прошло... Я в тот момент уже очередную видяху обновлял на кровно заработанные.
Всей толпой, по очереди пытались пройти 3-ю миссию с гонками)
вообще то 6 миссия и встать там есть лазейка
I like fucking mafia 3 fuck yeah
Да уж сейчас игры уже так не делают, чего стоит гонка или же миссия в порту, а чего стоит последний босс который проходился с раза эдак 15
Босс? Ты про Сэма что ли?
Да он самый, вокруг балконов нужно было еще бегать а он зараза стреляет метко да и перед этим нужно было положить целую армию врагов
А какой Сэм? И какая сложность?
во всех играх, а уж тем более старых можно найти лазейку, по которой можно пройти легко даже самую тяжелую миссию. В этом и сложность ее найти
блин, помню как первый раз проходил эту миссию, у меня было 5 патрон, было тяжко. надо было завалить сначала одного и сразу брать его пушку, в которой было еще меньше патрон
Лучше бы перерисовали первую часть. Я бы сыграл.
Меня больше всего ещё рессмешил красно - синий круг розыска, они бы ещё в Liberty City игру сделали ахахахахах
точно подметил я обожаю первую мафию сюжет шикарен.
графика один в один как в гта 5, но требования выше
и еще блок в 30 фпс...
Согласен! Mafia the lost haven Remastered (надеюсь не ошибся давно играл)
SCIRED я играл в 2015 и в 2016 я там как полецейский (простите за грамотность)
Ну а чего ты хотел? В 2002 чтобы срубить деньги с игры нужно было действительно постараться над ней. Сейчас же,достаточно рекламной компании и игра окупится 100% школьниками,которым подавай всё новое.
Третью часть обосрали все кому не лень , в том числе школьники.
И DLC еще, куда ж без них...
Я просто в ахуе какие игры года до 2007-2008 были, одни шедевры, а потом пошёл конвейер..
Ну я тип школьник
И мне на графику посрать...
Главное чтобы багов не было
И сюжет нормальный был! :0
this is so sad...
i was so hyped but they didnt care about this game at all.
americans do mafia 3.. "mafia". mafia 1 was made by czech developers. its our game and we care..
vozejk kolečkovej i know.
2k czech are much better than Hangar 13.
why 2k czech didn't make the sequel :(
Amit Kalderon I don't agree with you, they gave Mafia Three A Great Story, I do agree the previous installments are better, but if they didn't care, the story would've been shit too, it's because the previous installments were so well crafted than anything below excellent is deemed "shit" by most fans, I don't see Mafia Three In that light, despite the glaring flaws, they just forgot one golden Rule, and that is that the smaller elements indeed matter. And yet I love all of them. Just Mafia Three Less
Kevin Porth I think hangar 13 didn't care too much, and not as 2k czech would care.
Story must be good in a Mafia game.
but GOD, the repetitive missions, the empty world, the BUGS.
it's really sad because the game looked amazing.
Лучше бы ремастеред 1 части сделали
Таким? Нет, спасибо, в графике 1 части есть своя ламповость. Тот, кому нужен сюжет, оценит.
Низкополигональная ламповость? А может просто глупая ностальгия?
+Alexey Belov , не путайте ремейк и переиздание. Ремейк меняет движок и / или графику с музыкой и озвучкой, а иногда и сюжет. Переиздание ничего особенного не меняет, кроме высоких разрешений и поддержек Xbox-геймпадов помимо классических PS-геймпадов.
хватит уже ремиксов
Золотые слова.
То же самое что и с гта 4 и гта 5, в четвертой части на порядок лучше физика нежели в пятой
Интеллект npc в gta 4 выше чем в 5 ой
Только в Гта 5 есть интересный сюжет. Это один из самых важный, если не самый, аспект в подобных играх. В 4 он напрочь отсутствует
в 4 он даже поинтересней будет, чем в 5-ой
ару получше чем в 5ой?чел ты от куда?
Не видел смысла сюжета в серии игр ГТА не для этого играл в них.
Mafia1 is classic. I've played it at least 10 times. One of the best game i've ever played.
Mafia 1 wasnt hindered by consoles...
SeaportKnifuu it was out for the ps2 so it kinda was
Yeah, but PC version was first
If computers from 15 years ago can handle glass on the ground and bloody footprints, I think consoles can too. Also, people who optimize games for consoles are not the same people who model, texture, or make gameplay.
Yeah but nowadays it's not "People who optimize games for consoles"... It's people who make shit on consoles and then "optimize" it for PC...
Consoles and PCs have different development philosophy. Consoles have frozen limited hardware, so the devs wanting the biggest bang for the buck often compromise small immersive details. PCs have fluid hardware, it's easy to increase the RAM or GPU power on a PC. Back in the time of the first Mafia, the CPU clock rate was still growing exponentially, so it was fairly easy to double the CPU power of your PC as well. That's why the games of the times often had a lot of little, easy to make immersive details.
It's clear to me now... Mafia 1/2 VS. 3 is just as bad as when different people made Halo 3 vs Halo 4... the entire heart and soul of the game and key features are now gone.
But Halo always were shitty.
In my opinion*
what key features? Empty shells, trains or ability to drop weapon? x) The main key feature of the series was always a narrative. And Mafia III got it.
did u even play mafia 3?
So you consider being able to open different doors on a car, or bloody footprints key features? They're just window dressing, they don't make the game better or worse.
Бляяяя... Разница в 14 лет!
Бля где поезд где заправка где оружие которое можно кидать где кровь на следах ? Где настоящие полицаи?
Вот именно, бля 14 лет и хуже только стало. Пиздец, ты так не думаешь?
Так ты и не понял.
ну и играй в свою 1 мафию , чо разнылся тут
Камская Легенда. и откуда только вы беретесь такие , кто не отличает разумную критику от нытья
Vážně jsme udělali lepší prostředí Ameriky, než sami Amíci? :D
MultiDisc čest Danu Vávrovi :D :)
Vojta Šatka Daniel Vávra bože bože berete ho jako boha on v Mafia 1 v tvoření nehrál hlavní roly a když si založil své studio tak to dopadlo špatně Kingdom Come vypadá jako horší SKYRIM takže...
I actually brought Mafia 3 thinking it was the next great game. Shit I was wrong. I fucking sold that shit the first two days after playing it, I got all my money back. I had a 3 day approval on it so if it was bullshit like it was then I could return it.
Did you even beat it?
seriously the story is fucking great
+brudin Tru
Why isn't the opening of the game Lincoln Clay in Viet fuckin NAM killing a bunch of fuckers in a sort of flashback sequence? I mean cmon man. Just cmon.
Apparently it's going to happen in a DLC/Expansion.
All i want it's a proper fix on the perfomance, what a disappointmen.
what the fuck i didnt know the first game was that good
Man first game is the best, made by more czech developers, Mafia 3 is american bullshit. You should play Mafia 1 if you havent yet, amazing story etc.
i feel that mafia 2 was the best than mafia 1
rfh srzh Only if you played first Mafia 2 and then Mafia 1 but otherwise Mafia 1 is better dude, it is from 2002.
It is very good, the attention for detail was breathtaking when it was released (remember, it was released at the same year as GTA 3) and it still looks good today. And the story and atmosphere are one of the best in the history of gaming :)
It was great on PC. The console version was atrocious, they changed a lot in it.
PC version got 9.3 on Gamespot, console version got 7.1.
When people say the first game was bad they usually played the console version.
I think Mafia 1 is better :I
Mafia 1 is legend =)
mafia 3 is not shit because the protagonist is black, is because the story and bugs, it make the game looks bad
yeah of course it's not because the protagonist is black it's because there is nothing talking about mafia 2 ending it doesn't even talk about what happened to joe
new games always su**s gta sa was the best rockstar game and mafia 1 2 was best mafia games
Haxior You think very good.
Daniel Vávra just knows how to make games.
Насчёт деформации машины в третьей "Мафии"...
...её нет от слова "совсем", что ли?
И немного убедительнее бы было в третьей части биту взять)
+Олег Шишов а там есть бита?
Не играл, если честно... но какое-то холодное оружие должно же быть)
А так - обидно, что игра 2002 года ПРОГРЕССИВНЕЕ во многих технических деталях, чем её продолжение спустя 14 лет.
Ну почему же... Игры создавали разные люди, разные компании, а значит и итоговые цели у всех были разные. Когда первую мафию хотели насытить мелочами и сделать атмосферный мир мафии, тогда как в третьей мафии решили последовать моде и сделать шутер схожий с gta 5, а жаль...
Учитывая что за такие детали мафию 1 и любили...
Ага, а что самое интересно что её сделать как два пальца обоссать, у меня таких скриптов написано 5 вариаций, а конторы в которых тысячи человек не могу этого припилить... Я не понимаю честно.......
I played mafia 1 a lot since a kid. When I played gta 5, I felt like it was a huge downgrade
that´s what the Mafia Series does best!
Haha lol
God thanks! Great job! Mafia 1 forever!
Everything was better when we were young, heh?
Better for its time, perhaps? I wouldn't know since I haven't touched the 3rd. But what I'll say is that the 1st was a proper Mafia story. Cliched to hell, but fun nonetheless. 2nd was alright but not really as fun.
You didn't see the arguments put forward?
is it really this ?
KastaRules As a 14 I can approve that everything was better before.
Mafia 1: badass stylish mafiosi
Mafia 3: dumb thug
watching this just makes me sad and not want to buy it :'(
Well that's pathetic of you.
you know what's also pathetic? The fact that the people that like 3 more than 1 weren't even alive when 1 came out.
***** oh I'm sorry did my opinion hurt you? ;(
josef733 how is that sad?
take this shit on torrents - free.
out of all the three games I like mafia 2 more
Mafia 2 is definitely more approachable. Doesn't feel nearly as dated, both awesome games though.
Mafia 1 was better for me. More features and freedom.
Mafia 2 felt way more linear than Mafia 1.. The first game was a masterpiece especially for its time..
Marauder Shields Indeed. Mafia 1 had a huge competition with GTA. They wanted to go fair and they did it with the story and some features.
В первой Мафии даже если в горку на нейтральной передаче оставишь, то машина покатится, на первой будет держать.
В первой мафии реалистичная перезарядка, если в магазине оставались патроны, то они выбрасывались при перезарядке, другую такую игру даже вспомнить не могу
Battlefield 2
Mafia 1 was so much better then mafia 2 or 3
Absolutely! A lot of people like mafia 2 but i have no idea why. I remember i was SO f*cking dissapointed when i played Mafia 2 after waiting years and years and years.
did you even completed mafia 2 ? it has cool story
Mafia 2 is also good, but just not as epic as Mafia 1.
IMHO Mafia 2 is still The Mafia game ...what can not be said about the third part.
Agree. in Mafia 1, i used to have fun hiding in the tram/train when the police were after me. Greatly disappointed with Mafia 3 when i found out that the tram/train is no longer availabe.
Mafia 2 is a really good game too, buddy. you just don't know how to see that. great graphics, story, characters, realism. the thing is that, it was rushed. the game would've been better than what it is if the creators had more time to complete it. it was originally scripted to last until 1957 with 30 missions, not 1951 with 15. It also had a lot more features and three more endings.
But it still is an excellent game, I think you should finish it to see what I mean.
Man this just reminds me of how mafia 1 was super good.
We should Kickstart Mafia the city of lost heaven remake. Get the original devs to work on it.
your prayers have been heard lol
Со стрельбой полицией по любому поводу в мафии 3 все нормально, там черный чувак, а в мафии 1 белый... реализм
Aleksey Tsiva Действительно реализм, особенно, когда ты давишь прохожих и каким то чудным образом по твоей логики они узнают что задавил чёрный и давай стрелять
Хватит претыкаться расистским нытьем
"Машины не деформируются потому что ГГ чёрный."
Я сейчас не наехал, а сказал тебе как есть. Разводить тут срачь не надо
там это обьясняется тем, что полиция подкупная и ей похер на закон
оправданная халтура крч :D
как неумение плавать Альтаира из за багов анимуса xD
подпишися на мой канал плиз ,сорян за рекламу
подпишися на мой канал плиз ,сорян за рекламу
подпишися на мой канал плиз ,сорян за рекламу
Mafia 1 is very good
Mafia 2 is a master piece
Mafia 3 is .... wtf
it was alright not the best
Best comment for the mafia franchise.
Let me fix it for you. 1 Master piece. 2 is ok 3 for fuck sake
Lol. When Mafia 2 came out, everyone was like:
Mafia 1 is masterpiece
Mafia 2 is... wtf
Mafia 1 will always be the best.
I hate when the people only buy the game, for the graphics, we need PhysX too, like GTA4 vs GTA5 GTA4 has awesoma PhysX what GTAV dont have.
I would ignore the graphics if the gameplay would be great. But the gameplay is as bad as the graphics. It makes me feel playing a game back in 2005.
Axerocker85, google -> roguelike
also due to the limitation of consoles they traded better graphics for worse endorphin physics. (endorphin is the engine in gta and was also used in red dead redemption)
i Hope you Mean physics and not physx
You mean euphoria, not endorphin. And euphoria is still used in GTA V, they just went for a different approach, this has nothing to do with performance.
@neirubo: physix is a nvidia library which was never used in GTA IV, I know you meant physics , but wanted to clear that up.
Imagine a mafia 1 remaster oh my days that would be so good
I don't think they would do it justice, sadly. Some things are better left to your imagination.
@@artey6671 atleast just an update to the newer console no need to change up the game itself
@@hasoonnine That's the problem. They would probably change the game because it's not for everyone and takes some time to enjoy. It would lose its charm, I think, and I don't want that to happen.
@@artey6671 fair enough
@@hasoonnine Look at that. A remake was anounced.