SBC24 9Marks at 9: The State of the SBC | Cooperation & Complementarianism

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Join Mark Dever, Al Mohler, Danny Akin, Bart Barber, and Clint Pressley as they discuss the state of the SBC, specifically considering cooperation with the convention and complementarianism.
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ความคิดเห็น • 20

  • @tjkhan4541
    @tjkhan4541 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    God bless Dr. Mohler ❤️

  • @horiconbaptistchurch
    @horiconbaptistchurch 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Praise the Lord for these faithful men

  • @Mulerider4Life
    @Mulerider4Life 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great discussion.

  • @2wheelz3504
    @2wheelz3504 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Clint hit on it. It's the passive nature of many men in the church. Bart said his church has no issue with it. I challenge him to talk to his teens and college age students. They aren't telling their pastors and parents everything. Trust me. The same holds true for sexuality issues.

  • @philipbenjamin4720
    @philipbenjamin4720 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The passage of scripture that convinced me that complementarianism is primary doctrine - not an area of doctrine where one is free to disagree - is 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - which by showing indirectly that every single person who comes to believe INSTANTLY KNOWS (without being taught) that they must honor sex differences (by not engaging in practicing homosexuality) - proves that sex differences must be at the very heart of the gospel. (I don't think it's as convincing to make that argument using Ephesians 5 - I hope that the SBC President elect - who used Ephesians 5 in the discussion - will end up reading this - and concluding the same):
    Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
    While showing sex differences are at the heart of the gospel is very important - there is another theological area which is just as important. If we don’t have any idea of what a man is THEOLOGICALLY - and what a woman is THEOLOGICALLY - when we approach a passage relating to men and women - such as for example 1 Timothy 2 - we are in fact seeking to determine why God has chosen for human beings that have penises to teach human beings who have vaginas - and not the other way round. Sounds ridiculous, yes? But that’s what we have been doing for a few decades - we have been trying to interpret passages that relate to what men and women are supposed to do without first seeking to work out from scripture what a man IS - and what a woman IS (when if we had done differently our conclusions would have helped to narrow down the possible meaning of contended man and woman passages). Because we haven’t approached the issue in the correct order we have no idea what the HEART behind the bible’s various man and woman passages is.
    Imagine that you have a friend who likes U2’s music. So you send them some music (everything I am saying is out of date!). Then imagine that you find out that the reason your friend likes U2 is not because he or she likes their music - but because when U2’s music is on - their dog stops barking. That’s pretty important information, yes? It means that next time you might send your friend dog biscuits. ALL of the bible is like that - if we don't relate the principle or teaching we are considering to the character of God - and therefore the glory of God - we have no hope of understanding the spirit - or possibly even the letter - of what God is telling us.
    To provide my answer to what a man is I need to lay some very brief foundations about the character of God. While the four principal irreducible character attributes of God are his holiness, justice, mercy, and grace the first and last of these four attributes (holiness, grace) are not like the others (justice. mercy). They are different because instead of being 'simple' attributes like justice and mercy these attributes are about the way in which God relates to his own character. Starting with holiness - if God was not holy he would be content with the fact that HE behaves justly, and mercifully. God's holiness is his insistence that justice and mercy be present everywhere. And God's grace is his justice and mercy outworked with perfect self-giving intention (grace is justice and mercy accompanied by the fruit of the Spirit)**. When we behave with grace toward people we show that whatever our motives are we are behaving in a completely self-giving manner.
    So in fact the four principal character attributes can be whittled down to justice and mercy. (This is why Jesus summarises the law in Matthew 23 with three words - justice, mercy - and faithfulness (the last word being persistence in the first two words).
    So now to my definition of manhood and womanhood. My journey in reaching a conclusion about what a man is theologically - and what a woman is theologically - started with a small part of 1 Timothy 2. I saw potential in verse 14 - how - if Adam and Eve are made absolutely perfect - has Paul come to the conclusion that Eve - (and all women) are prone to spiritual deception more than men. This verse is a gift - since there are absolutely no possibilities other than orientation. Keeping in mind that male and female differences MUST lie at the very heart of the gospel - at the heart of God's character - which I have just shown is justice and mercy - I concluded (with the help of other bible passage) that to be man is to have a God given responsibility to outwork justice and mercy with an ORIENTATION towards justice. And to be a woman is to have a God given responsibility to outwork justice and mercy but with an ORIENTATION towards mercy. Said with non-theological words - men are called by God to protect principle and the welfare of people by being oriented towards principle - and women to protect both principle and people by being oriented towards the welfare of people.
    I hope that the SBC will approach the future with a rock solid understanding of these two areas (reaching common CONCLUSIONS is NOT the same thing as agreeing theologically - as I suspect time is going to reveal to your group):
    1. WHY complementarianism must be an area of primary doctrine
    2. What a man IS - and what a woman IS - theologically speaking.

  • @TurtleTrackin
    @TurtleTrackin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When I was in the PCUSA, I was bothered by the fact a female minister's explanation of her "calling" was NOT perhaps an interpretation of a particular Scripture as being more "custom" than "principle." At least that would have had a high (though mistaken) view of scripture. Instead, she said clearly that the Bible said one thing, and the "Holy Spirit" told her another.
    Many of the female "elders" in the church had husbands who did not attend. And there were lots of other issues. Finally, I just had to leave. The PCUSA today is completely run by an antichrist.

  • @2wheelz3504
    @2wheelz3504 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Danny is right about the cultural impact on our students. Al Mohler always sounds good in public, but he tolerates WOKE faculty members and a provost who waffles on cultural issues. I know he has fired some faculty who are orthodox. He mentioned consistency but he needs to lead with consistency.

  • @ClayOfTheMaster
    @ClayOfTheMaster 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Intellectualism is destroying the church. Not a single verse quoted in this 45 minutes of discussion. That is a problem.

    • @loispayne4897
      @loispayne4897 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @RNLWW
      @RNLWW 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      All the churches are looking exactly the same. Losing their denominational and doctrinal distinctives. I was 3rd gen So Bapt. I don’t even recognize it anymore. They look just like Presbyterianism. They’ve taken on so many of the Roman Catholic doctrines and ideas, we had to leave. Heartbreaking to watch.

  • @JT-yo
    @JT-yo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Excellent discussion.

  • @jackcarr7060
    @jackcarr7060 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you

  • @tjkhan4541
    @tjkhan4541 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is Dr. Akin saying at 6:00 that he voted against the Law Amendment?

    • @isaiahardoin9574
      @isaiahardoin9574 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I think he said that he voted against it originally but in this years convention he was for it.

    • @tjkhan4541
      @tjkhan4541 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@isaiahardoin9574thank you

  • @MikeMatthewsII
    @MikeMatthewsII 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    it is sad to hear so much support for "complementarianism" from this crowd. Egalitarianism is derived from Feminism, and Feminism gets its roots from godless communism in an effort to drive a wedge between God's vision of unity between men and women. Complementarianism is a compromise with Egalitarianism in that it continues the rejection of God's design for headship. When you preach for Complementarianism, you might as well preach for women soldiers and women in the draft. However, if there is a difference in the sexes and if God's design is for His Kingdom is one with Order, then we must yield to teaching what God has regarding headship. In God's design, a woman's high calling comes through her godly submission to the headship in her life; and in return, that headship is expected to go and provide for her by the blood and sweat of his own body.
    9Marks rejects the Bible on so many topics for the sake of peddling the "gospel" for profit. It is sad to hear them be so arrogant while rejecting the clear teaching of the Word. At 25 minutes, listen to the satanic question asking if we should subvert the Gospel of Christ for the sake of including syncretism based on race.