A tide bit of kit there Andy - versatile! I was happy listening to its outdoor capabilities then the news it wasn't waterproof or shockproof. That's a downer for me because life is kind of rugged out there. I trust you're well. Andy. All the best. Mark
Thanks Mark, yer, it's good. The waterproof thing is a bit of a downer, but I suppose it could be bagged up until the tent and sleeping bag is out. It's got a good volume on it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the video Mark all the best and take care👍
A tide bit of kit there Andy - versatile! I was happy listening to its outdoor capabilities then the news it wasn't waterproof or shockproof. That's a downer for me because life is kind of rugged out there. I trust you're well. Andy. All the best. Mark
Thanks Mark, yer, it's good. The waterproof thing is a bit of a downer, but I suppose it could be bagged up until the tent and sleeping bag is out. It's got a good volume on it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the video Mark all the best and take care👍
@@Andy-walkaboutnutty A pleasure Andy. Yeah, there are workarounds. I was struck by your knowledge already.