I was reading homestuck in the same room and my parents where, then this came up and i was pissing myself laughing and my parents thought i was having a seizure.... then i showed them what i was laughing at and they disabled my internet for the day ._.
This is my second favourite HS moment... beaten only by Karkat first seeing and talking to John, and closely followed by Vriska falling in love with Nick Cage :D
awwww not as funny the second time :( but still funny :D and i remember how hilarious it was so faved lol (also i still dont understand terezis screen smell thing its like how can u b walking by and be like "OH theres john being an ass" wen ur blind)
Oh my gosh it gets funnier every single time.
When I first watched this part Karkat's face had me doubled over laughing xD
John with long hair spooks me
Ever since I saw this bit in Homestuck, I've come back now and again just to watch John shove rabbits at paradox babies with unmatched awesomeness.
Karkat is 100% done with John in this...and most of the time..but mostly now.
I started singing this softly to myself as I watched act 7
I'm so glad I at least watched part of Con Air, so I still understood most of the references.
I was reading homestuck in the same room and my parents where, then this came up and i was pissing myself laughing and my parents thought i was having a seizure.... then i showed them what i was laughing at and they disabled my internet for the day ._.
I wonder why!
the world may never know
That's amazing
NEVER read Homestuck around normal people. NEVER.
Wait... John and Roxy... OH MY GOD. Everything was planned from the beggining!
my dad watched this, laughed and got out Con Air for us to watch ...
I now understand it :D
I wonder if Karkat can hear the music that's playing...
The best [S]
One of the few times Roxy wasn't drunk
I'm seeing this movie because of Homestuck!!
Gog I love this
I also saw it because of Homestuck. It's now my favorite movie.
I'm supposed to be asleep but I'm watching this
Это так трогательно Т•Т
i just got past act 4 a few hours ago and this freaked me out
la reaccion de karkat es la misma que yo
This is my second favourite HS moment... beaten only by Karkat first seeing and talking to John, and closely followed by Vriska falling in love with Nick Cage :D
Play that shit Nick Smalley.
In my heart.
karkat Lmao
Karkat is like, 1:26
Con Air? No, Con Heir
i want a bunny from John!
i cried :(
this is funny but cool
I want a bunny specibus.
superfun606: Resist to burst out laughing
You fail to resist XD
Whimsy Fail miserably
Given the recent update, this is a bit...ironic.
Con Air's amazing >:3
this is why I lost repet for john.
Ok good I'm not the only one
how is the song called?
0:36 roxy sweet air
1:51 me threating to kill bunny
Put the bunny back in the box
oh well X3
I don't know what I saw
you saw art
so....is this supposed to be John singing?
awwww not as funny the second time :( but still funny :D and i remember how hilarious it was so faved lol (also i still dont understand terezis screen smell thing its like how can u b walking by and be like "OH theres john being an ass" wen ur blind)
hmm well its tz so anythings possible really
I love and hate Hussie. Don't you guy's all agree?