영어 표현력 업그레이드 🔥 do the trick / pull it off / get away with it
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Have you tried turning it off and on? Sometimes that does the trick.
I tried that earlier but it didn't work.
We (finally) did it !
We made it !
We made it there safely.
I can't believe we made it this far.
The team eventually made it to the top of the league.
I always knew she would make it.
If we can pull this off, we won't have to worry about it for a while.
Do you think you can (really) pull that off?
You're never going to get away with this(that) !
Tell your boss you had a family emergency. Maybe you can get away with it. (Maybe he'll let you get away with it.)
🤝 채널을 후원하고 추가영상도 보세요!
/ @lvacdmy
☕️라이브아카데미 네이버 카페
🔥 정리/복습 채널 :
/ @la-clips
#라이브아카데미 #영어회화 #영어표현
오늘도 좋은수업 정말 감사합니다.
저희는 스터디그룹 만들어서
연습가이드를 공부해나가요
일주일에 3번인증인데
세번째는 모아서 녹음복습
1. 동영상시청
3.한글스크립트만보고 녹음
4.자기스토리로 영작
이렇게해서 공부해나가고있어요
연습가이드 70번쯤갈때는
모든문장을 70번이상 녹음한거니까
연습까지하면 엄청많은 연습이겠죠.
같이하니까 이렇게 열심히 해지드라구요
선생님이 이사실 아시면
우리모든 빨모샘수업에
I am really jealous of you guys.
저두 님이 너무 부럽습니다. 제 주변에도 영어에 열정적인 사람들이 있음 너무 좋겠는데..그럼 실력이 무지하게 늘 것 같습니다
와우 진짜 좋은 방법인거 같아요
뿜뿜 하는데요ㅎㅎ
@@초코라떼-q1w 제주변엔 영어잘하기는커녕 관심1도도 없는사람들뿐이예요.
저희는 영어공부까페에서
쪽지로 만나게됐고
얼굴도 몰라요
저빼고 3명은 아마 1년반이상씩 까페에서 공부해 좀낮익었죠.
밴드와 카톡에서 인증하고있어요
노트정리하고 완전히 외워서 올리지만
제게 제일 큰도움은 샘구문을 이용해서 문장을 만들어보는거였어요
확실히 남게되었어요
저희아줌마 넷인데
서울 경기도 대구 부산이고
나이는 57 50 49 40 이래요
즉 친구가 아니라
영어공부하고싶은맘이 간절한
사람들이 까페에서 쪽지로 만나게
regular basis로일주일 3번씩
늘 적당한 긴장감으로
꾸준히 할수있어
빨모샘 수업기가막히잖아요
시제수업이 큰도움이됐어요.
제가 장황하게 쓰는 이유는
같이 하니까 해지지
혼자는 정말 외운다든지 영작은
엄두도 못냈을거같아요
제글이 동기부여가 됐으면 정말좋겠습니다
@@마리네-t4p 저도 53살입니다. 전 조기퇴직하구 오랜 영어의 꿈을 이루려고 나이를 잊고 열공하고 있어요. 회사 다닐 때보다 100배 행복합니다. 우리 다같이 홧팅!!해요^^
한달전 지나가다 쌤 영상보고 이거다!!하며바로 구독하고 지금까지 항상 고맙게 잘 보고 있습니다.
매일 영어공부 습관이 잡히고 있어요 ~감사해요
좋은하루 되세요~🎀
Thank you again! You've changed my life! Okay, It's time to practice! Let's do it!
Recently, my phone has gotten run out of battery easily.
I charge my phone before going to bed. I think It might've been one of that reasons.
Because from what I heard, too much charging can make phone batteries weak or something.
Some day, I was watching youtube videos with my phone while walking. All of a sudden, my phone battery got dead.
Even it had still a 20 percent of battery. I tried to turn it on but it didn't work. At the moment, I tried to charge my phone with my extra charger.
As soon as I plugged the charger into my phone, it turned on right away. And then it was working without a charger. So, when It happens, I just plug and unplug. It does the trick.
When I get some problem with my laptop and when I don't know how to fix it. I just turn it off and on. Amazingly, it does the trick in most cases.
Many Koreans like to drink. but some people drink too much. We have a kind of culture about that. They think drinking is the best way to make friends.
In fact, they don't get along with friends without drinking. There's a trick I've used many times these days. If you don't want to go for a drink with your friends.
Just tell them you have a family emergency. And then, there would be no saying like 'You're not my friend.',' Why don't you drink with me?', 'Let's just have a couple of beers'.
If you don't drink or you're the type of person who says directly what you want and is able to reject easily. it might sound pretty weird though.
There's no time as my work got busy. When I get back home, I'm really tired and there are just one or two hours until going to bed.
Of course, I study English during that time. For an hour, maybe. When I meet my friends after work, I don't study at all.
So, I had a conversation to solve it with my girlfriend. She suggested studying English in the morning. That makes sense.
My company has a flexible time so we can go to the company from 8 to 11. But since I got so busy with my work, I have to work late with my coworkers.
But interestingly, even if I went to my company earlier, I still left my work as late as I went to work late. So, I decided to get up earlier and study English in the morning for an hour.
It's been four days. Although it's really hard to get up from my bed and turn on my laptop and study, It feels like 'Okay, I made it! I'm going toward my goal! I pulled it off!'.
I strongly recommend it to you if you don't feel like you don't have time to study. Just try to get up earlier and pick a note, you might be able to make the time anyways. Let's do it!
You eventually made it to the top of English teacher. I always knew you would make it.🥰
Even though I've studied English for more than 20 years, I still feel some difficulties when speaking it.
When I attended a meeting for overseas project, I got away with the situation by attending it with someone who could speak English better than me.
I really want to enhance my speaking skills, but have no idea what things I should study further to pull this off.
According to your recommendation, I am going to try to use English phrases for daily conversation.
I hope that really does the trick.
좋은 강의 잘 듣고 있습니다. 감사합니다.
주말 공부하고 갑니다.
Good morning!! 선생님! 매일 공부하는 좋은 습관이 생기는것 같아서 선생님께 항상 감사드립니다. 늘 새로운 표현들을 알려주셔서 공부하는 재미도 있어요. 좋은 하루 되세요.
호주에 사는 40대 중반 주부입니다. 매일 도움 받고 있어요.~ 감사합니다.
감사합니다 나의 영어 선생님~
부지런한 우리쌤💕 덕분에 저도 덩달아 성실해집니다. 이 "덩달아"는 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요 ㅋ
아침 일찍부터 좋은 수업 잘 듣고 열심히 연습할께요. 감사합니다~^^
언제나 감사합니다.
세상에서 해야 할 일들이
있다면 배움에 전념하는일....
선생님 과 우리모두
기쁘고 행복한 하루 만들어요!
Definitely awesome as usual ~~!!
Have you tried turning it off and on?/Have you tried restarting it?
껐다 켜봤어?
Sometimes that does the trick '기대하던 결과를 만들다, 해결되다'
I can't believe we made it this far!
The team eventually made it to the top of the league.
Pull off 어려운 일을 해내다
I pulled it off
Do you think you can pull that off?
Get away with something 걍 넘어가다
Do you think you can get away with that?! 너 그러고도 무사할 줄 알아?
He might let you get away with that 그냥 넘어가줄수도 있어
빨간 모자쌤~👋 2월이네요 ㅎㅎ 건강하고 외롭지 않은 2월 보내세용💕💕항상 응원합니다💪 142번째 꾸욱 ~ 저도 한번은 일등으로 눌러 보고 싶은데 쉽지 않네요 ㅎ
자다가 깨서 알람 늦추고 잤는데 그때 쌤 알람도 같이 끈 기억이...ㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ다시왓습니다😂😂
출근길 기다렸습니다. 고맙습니다^^
쉬운 표현인데 어떤 상황에서 쓰이는지 생각해본적 없었는데..명확하고 자세한 설명 너무 좋아요~:)
오늘 아침도 좋은 구동사 배웁니다~♡
항상 좋은 강좌 올려 주셔서 감사합니다. 잘 보겠습니다.
Getting away with it "모면"이라는 단어와 맞게 쓸 수 있는것 같아요.
감사합니다. 🤗
Your lecture has been nothing short
Of great help for even I, a English
Teacher. Thanks a lot !
정말 많이쓰는말이고 알고싶엇던 표현이엇는데 정말 늘 감사합니다
오늘따라 표현들이 다가오네요 감사합니다
너무 유인한 영상 감사합니다.
좋아요를 50번쯤 누르고 싶네요^^
i wroked really hard to get into the harvard and i pulled it off.
and i get some new friends who is so passinate about sience. so i asked to them to create a new sience team and they expted what i offerd. 3 years later, we studied about new plant and we made it.
but a bad sientist who were trying to steal our outcome, penetrated into our lab. so we called a police and he was arrested on the way to getting away with our plant. after that incident, we've kept studied for 5 years and we finally made the conjunction between plant and metal. now the plant is the most dellicate and productive plant in the entire world. the food resourcese were increased for about 76 percent and on top of all that it can be recycled over and over again.
but there are still many problems left. and ultimately, it's imposible to do the trick all the time. so im just hopping that this will make the most of integration of this ganeration.
좋은 강의 감사 드려요~
영상들을 시리즈로 모아서 끊김없이 연속으로 볼수 있으면 좋겠어요 운전하거나 집안일 하면서도 보는데 영상 하나 하나 클릭해서 보는게 쉽지않네요
10:59에 "그냥 집에 근한->급한" 오타용 ㅎㅎ 항상 유익한 정보 감사드립니다 😁👍
와 너무 좋다
쌤 책 지필 안하시나요
내시면 바로 베스트 셀러 갈텐데
저는 외국티비영상 자주 보는 편인데, 어떤 팝스타가 소화하기 어려운 옷을 찰떡같이 소화하자 엠씨가 You pulled it off !라고 하도 외쳐서 그때 이 표현을 처음 배웠내요 ㅋㅋ
뇌리에박히네요 안잊혀질듯
좋은 표현 잘봤어요~
오늘도 잘 배웠습니다. 감사합니다.
영화 인턴에서 주인공 벤이 죽은 와이프에 대해서 설명할때 pull off 를 썼었어요! 그때 처음 알게 된 표현이었는데.. 대사도 인상적이어서 노트에 적어놨었어요.
What was amazing is she never really changed. That’s a hard thing to pull off. She handled life like it was easy. Always. Even when it wasn’t.
매일매일 쌤 영상보면서 공부 하고 있어요. 정말 미드나 영화볼때마다 쌤한테 배운 표현들 쏟아져서 와.. 감동합니다ㅜㅜ 평소라면 (몰라서) 못 듣고 넘어갔을 표현들이 이제는 들려요.! 어떤 어감으로 말하는지도 감이 잡혀서 너무너무 감사히 잘 보고 있어요..! 정말 감사합니다💕
잘 듣고 공부하고 있어요ㅎㅎ감사합니다!
감사합니다 빨모샘
매번 좋은 강의 감사합니다 :) 오늘도 잘 배웠어요~
좋은강의 감사합니다
Have you switched off and turned it on again? Sometimes that does the trick. Last time I tried it didn't work though haha
Yeah I did finally did it! I still can't believe I made it this far by myself.
Without any help I pulled this off within a week.
He could've let you get away with it but he didn't
A: Guess what? I have a business trip scheduled for late February in Korea.
B: Very nice. Will you be able to take some time off to see your family and friends? Or is it going to be all work?
A: The business portion is for two weeks. But after that, I am planning to tell my boss that I will need to stay an extra week because my father's health is failing.
B: Okay, you might be able to get away with that.
A: Then on the way back to the U.S. I am planning to stopover in Hawaii and take a week's vacation.
B: Hmmm, that's going a little too far. Are you sure you can pull that off?
항상 좋은 대화문 감사드립니다. 너무 도움돼요👍🏻
@@youuuyeon Thank you. That's good to hear. 감사합니다.
we have sold holiday gift set that is marinated beef and pork meet since 10 days ago.
i was worried that it wouldn't sell
but that is sold a lot and we eventually pull off!
I had to get a car license and I did not think that I could pull off.
When I went to the first class, my teacher was not kind so I was confused. Thus, I watched many TH-cam videos, which did the trick. I was able to understand how I had to drive. I felt like teachers in the institute of learning car didn't concentrate on me because some teachers used a cell phone during my class. They already have many students so they always tend to get away with dissatisfaction.
nailed it
영화에서 해냈다는 의미로 You nailed it ! 이라는 표현을 자주쓰는걸 들었는데, 위 make it 이나, pull it off와 다른 차이가 있나요???
1. A: I can't open the lid. It's too tight! What should I do?
B: Have you tried to make it warm with lukewarm water? Sometimes that does the trick.
A: I tried it earlier but it didn't work.
2. A: Mom . Can you help me? I can't open the lid.
B: Honey . I think you can do it by yourself. Try one more.
(He opened it. ) See! You did it! -> 표면적으로 뭐가 해낼을때.
3. There was a lot of traffic so I thought I couldn't make it on time. But I made it!
I can't believe he made it this far! 이정도까지 해내다니 믿겨지지않아. ->성공의 어느지점에 도달!
She won first place in a dance competition. I always knew she would make it. 해낼지 알앗엇어!
4. 성공가능성이 높지않은 (해결되지 못한채 있던,까다로운것을 ) 해내다. pull off
-Who can pull it off? I don't think anyone can pull it off.
- There was a dragon that lives on the top of the mountain. One day, the dragon attacked the palace and took the princess. The king announced that anyone who can rescue her could marry with her.
But who can pull it off?
5. get away with something 무언가를 가지고 멀리 가다. 무사하다.
-You're never going to get away with that. 무사하지 못할거다.
- Just tell him that you had a family emergency. You might get away with it. (He might let you get away with it)
- If I told her the truth, can I get away with that?
I think yes! And next time, stay out of trouble.
- He caused the trouble. He thought he would be safe. But I bet he's not going to get away with that. He would pay for that.
I can't believe I made it this far because of you.
Thank you so much 💓
혹시 마지막에 나오는 노래 제목 알 수 있을까효ㅠㅠ 넘 좋은데.. does anybody can tell what’s the title of the song he played at the end of the video plz??
👍 👍 👍
요세 저는 쌤수업 + chrome을 사용해 문장을 연습하고있어요. 오늘은 how much longer can I keep holding my membership due to covid ? 요걸 쳤더니 검색결과 How long can I put my membership on hold due to COVID-19?... 혼자 영작하는데 도움이는되는거 같아 공유해볼까합니다
sometimes that does the trick
영어계의 스티브잡스
I thought l can't land a job but l made it.
I 'm going to work in this coming Monday.
선생님 get away with 를 그럴 수도 있는 상황을 모면할 때 쓰면 될까요?
A : I finally passed the exam. I pulled it off.
B: I’M SO GLAD you made it.
A: but my back really hurts cause I had to sat and study for a long time.
B: Use this medical patch. It does the trick.
Correction~ had to sit
마무리 노래 혹시 뭔지아시는 분?? 죄송합니다 뜬금없어서 .. 이런거 재미로 모아서 특집으로 해주심 안되나요?? ㅠ ㅠ 노래선정이 좋아서
마지막 노래가 좋아요 ㅎㅎ 제목 아시는 분 있으신가요 ?
(to the medical team) We got a tricky case, but If we pull this treatment off then he'll okay
Do you think you really get away with this ?
Why all you doing is only thinking about getting away from this?
Just tell him please get away with this only one time
I didn’t think we could make it. But we made it.
If you can solve this problem and pull it off, you will be able to work full time as a professor.
1. 연습
- Have you been more careful about that at that moment? It sometimes does the trick.
- they eventually succeeded that function.
- We made it of reservation.
- I think I would finally pulled it off.
- If you told him the truth, you would get away with it.
2. 개인정리
- lately : recently
- sometimes that does the trick
- 아까 : earlier
- 성공하다1 : succeed
- 성공하다2 : we did it, we made it
- 성공하다3 : pull it off(어려운 일을 성공하다)
- get away with this : 무사히 this를 하다
- family emergency
오늘도 감사합니다~
Hey dude. Did you try pusing this button at that emergency situation?
Sure. But it didn't work. That was the trick.
Right. We found that the button doesn't work last week and we made plan to fix it by tommorrow.
How is it going now?
Actually, there is one issue left that it needs the button to be connected to main controller.
Wow, you almost did it. :)
Yeah. I don't wanna praize me by myself but we pull that off.
Did you told me that you did a big mistake one month ago? Lets talk to your boss about this success story, so you could get away with this.
혹시 이 표현들 비즈니스 상황에 써도 상관없을까요?
넘어가줄수도 있어 이 표현을 he might let it go 도 같은 의미인가요?
쌤!! Pull off 는 어떤 일의 고비를 넘기다라는 뜻으로 볼 수 있을거 같아요
pull ‥ off/pull off ‥
단어장 저장
(구어) …을 (곤란을 무릅쓰고) 잘 해내다, [남이 놀랄 일을] 하다
…을 벗기다, [옷·신발 등을] (힘을 들여) 벗다; (묶은 것을) 풀다.
[경기에] 이기다, [상을] 받다.
[차를] 간선 도로의 대피소에 대다; [사람·차가] [길을] 벗어나 샛길로 들어서다.
Since we are very busy with work lately, you should've told me you had a family emergency or something then i would've let you get away with it. But, you didn't. I will never let you get away with anything no matter what excuse is.
I can’t believe that I pulled it off! 프로젝트 빨리 끝내고 이 말 꼭 하고 싶네요 :-)
It feels like my phone has gotten really slow lately.
We finally did it!(표면적으로 해냈다! 느낌)
We made it! (장소나 제시간에 도착했다) It took some time but we made it there safely. I can't believe we made it this far. (성공으로가는 지점에서 어느지점까지 이르름)
The team eventually made it to the top of the league. I always knew she would make it.
-pull off (성공하기 까다로운 일은 해내다)
I pulled it off. I can't believe I pulled it off.
Do you think you can really pull that off? (어렵고까다로운 일인데 해낼수있겠니?)
-get away with ~
You're never going to get away with this!
Just tell him that you had a family emergency. (*급한일 요부분 오타요ㅎ)You might get away with it.
my team finally made it to the top of the league
it is vey hard so i couldn't believe when i heard that
I remembered that i said "if they pull it off i'm going to buy beer for everyone!"
i spent my mom money a lot so i'm really worried
how can i say to her
just tell your mom that you had a friend emergency maybe you can get away with it. it does the trick!
10:43 자막 오류 근한 일 ->급한 일
빨모쌤 항상 감사합니다♥
Well believe it or not, Sometimes that does the trick! 가끔은 통하던데!
I still csnt believe i made it so far(=i still cant believe some remainders are still bringjng it on myself, although I already pulled that job off
i don't know that how long scaner didn't work. so i have tried turning it off and on
but that didn't
When I tried to paly a song only for guitar soloing. It felt like so difficult and frustated..but when I did it perfectly..I can't believe I pulled it off..
come off랑 pull off의 차이는 뭔가용?
I thought it was impossible to pull off a 100-page reading assignment for three hours. After trying to finish it within the given time, I’ve eventually made it. I think I can have some spare time this weekend without worries about class assignments.
1. The trick is to put this sugar.
2. I've never thought I'd pull it off.
3. I want to get away with this situation.
Thank you for letting me know what I didn't know ~♤
그런데 혹시 쌤 가지고계신폰이 아이폰 3GS 인가요?
선생님 수업 잘들었습니다~~ 저 궁금한게 생겨서 질문 하나 남기구 가요!! 넘넘 궁금해서 꼭 답변해주시면 좋겠어용
‘bare with me’ 뜻이 무엇인가요?
검색해보니 일상생활에서 bear with me (=wait patiently) 의 발음을 잘못 듣고 쓴 거라는 의견이 압도적이었어요.
그럼 만약 글쓰기에서 쓴다면 bare with me 는 어떤 뜻을 가지나요? 맨몸, 맨손, 그런 류의 뜻으로 해석 가능할까요??
bear 와 bare 는 spelling 은 틀리지만 발음은 동일합니다 [ber]
"bare with me" 라는 문구는 없습니다. 같이 맨몸으로 하자...라고 번역이 안됩니다.
"bear with me" 는 wait patiently 맞고요.
@@danyoo22 오오 설명 감사합니다!! 👍👍☺️
기다려주세요 라는 뜻입니다
It feels like my phone has gotten really slow lately
Have you tried turning it off and on? Sometimes that does the trick
Yeah, I tried that earlier...
유튜브의 고속충전기
My phone keeps losing connection for some reason. It's gotten worse lately. Have you tried restarting it? You mean turning it off and on?
Yes, of course. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Well, it's time for you to get a new phone.
If he had heartfelt apology to me , I might let him get away with that.
I read the entire Bible in English in two months. I can't believe I pulled it off.
일단 좋아요부터 꾹 누르기!
A: my car isn't starting, I have no idea where it's coming from. what do you think I should do, dad?
B: Hmm. is the battery dead? it's likely you've got an issue with the battery.
A: No, absolutely not, I recently replaced with a new one.
B: then, have you tried using a jump cable? sometimes that does the trick.
A: Yeah. I tried that earlier, but it didn't work.
B: Hmm, my guess is you should check the alternator.
A: The alternator? oh, that could be.
B: Just call the insurance company and have your car towed to a mechanic, and check it out.
A: Thanks, Dad!
Get away with 문장이 다소 어려움이 있네요.. 혹시나 영작 하신분들 댓글로 공유한번 해보아요!! I am a job seeker. It’s not easy to get job even just part-time because of pandemic. You know what i have been unemployed for over 7years. I really want to get away with this situation
It’s not easy to get job even just part-time because of pandemic.
It's not easy to get a job, even a part-time one, because of the pandemic. (better)
You know what i have been unemployed for over 7years.
(You know) I have been unemployed for over 7 years. (better)
I really want to get away with this situation.
I really want to get away from this situation. (better)
지금 "이상태에서 벗어나고 싶다" 는 get away this situation 이라고 해야합니다.
get away something 하면 "무슨일을 벌리고 나서 처벌을 안받고 넘어간다" 라는 뜻으로 쓰입니다.
오늘도 꼭 필요한 표현, 찰떡 예문 감사드려요~ 연습 영상 올려 봅니다 ^^
할 수 있겠어? vs 해낼 수 있겠어?
Just do it then your boss might let you get away with that
A:I guess,I did something wrong. What can I do?
They must be entirely disappointed in me.
B:Well,just tell them the truth and maybe they might get away with that.
You know,we all make mistakes,don't we?
A: Does that the trick?
I really want to pull it off. I believe I can make it.
Just tell your mom that had a friend emergency. Sometimes that does the trick.
A friend emergency는 사용하지 않는 말일 것 같지만 약간 농담 같은 느낌으로 만들어 봤어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
오늘도 감사합니다 선생님~~!!
친구 찬스... 이 뉘앙스를 영어로 어떻게 말할 수 있는지 저도 궁금하네요 :)
I can't believe i made it. I finally pulled it off!
I'm gonna tell my mom that i had a class today then I might get away with it.
A: Oh, I can't solve this math problem. It's too difficult.
B: Have you tried using this formula? It looks like it does the trick.
A: Let me see.... Oh I made it! Thank you. Can I pull off the math test today? If I can't pass the exam, my parents would probably scold me.
B: Don't worry. You can do it! If you don't pass it, just tell your parents that you did your best. They might let you get away with it.
Well, sometimes your plain-speaking does the trick.
She seems to always look for something to pull off.
I'm worn out and sick of everything.
Now, I just hope she can let me get away with it.
이 어려운걸 해내다니 믿을수가 없는걸!
I can't believe you pulled this off!
그들이 너에게 와서 무슨일로 화를낸다면, 그냥 영어를 못하는척해. 그럼 걔네들이 소리지르는걸 멈추고 그냥 넘어갈 수도 있어
If they comes to you and blame you for something, just pretend not to speak English. They might stop yelling and you can get away with that
A: 이런, 문제가 생겼어! Kim이 나한테 9시까지 email을 보내라고 이야기했는데 노트북이 작동하질 않네.
B: 배터리 충전시키면서 전원켜봤어? 그러면 해결될 때도 있던데
A: 응. 아까 해봤는데 안됐어.
B: 그냥 Kim에게 전화해서 제시간에 이메일 못보내겠다고 이야기해. 너 오늘 할 일도 많았잖아. 아마 넘어가줄거야.
A: Oh.. I've got a problem. Kim told me to send email until 9pm, but the laptop doesn't work.
B: Have you tried to turning on with charging it?
A: Yeah. I tried that earlier...
B: Just call and tell him that you can't send email on time. You had a lot of things to do today. Maybe he let you get away with that.