@@subscriberswithnoVideos-yx3jf They were FUCKING CHILDREN. How the hell does killing children help anyone? Maybe they would grow up to be your political opponents, but so fucking what? That's how democracy works, and if you don't like it then you can drag your sad ass to a country with dictatorship.
Marius Thats exactly the reason why he killed these poor children. Because they were the future of the norwegian politicals in his opinion. And the summer camp of Utøya is a part of AUF. According to Breivik the AUF is one of the reasons norway are falling. And those childrens went to the summer camp on Utøya. Thats why he thought those children were a part of the AUF.
En venn av moren min hadde fått en telefon fra datteren sin på denne dagen på utøya. Hun spurte hva hun skulle gjøre, og han svarte «gjem deg til politiet kommer, når de kommer så må du løpe til dem» … han skyldte på seg selv for hennes død i flere år.
I think the worse punishment for him is that one day he realizes what he has done. And sure that he will end his live. But that will never happen. Because his hate has blinded his mind. He is fulfilled with hate as there was an empty gap with loneliness that needed to fills up. Thinking he is useful and a hero is totally deluded. He lacks a lot of self insight and I'm sure, if it was not this racist thing, it was something else. People with hate are those who grew up without love. I share Anders view that lots of people should not have been born and obliging a sterilization. It is extreme but lots of parents should never have had kids. Too many of them are missing parenting skills and they are not able to give love and a descent education. They create monsters like Anders. We should set up a limit. Too many lives are waisted because of our urge to have children.
@D 1 ᛉ I think your comment on my message is misplaced because you think you provoque by saying that Anders his actions will show that he is 'proven right' because you see him as a hero so you feel sympathy for him. I see him as a victim so I feel sympathy for him as well. So you don't need to provoque as we are - paradoxically- on the same side (sympathy for Anders). But explain me better how and what will be proven right by killing a bunch of innocent teenagers. What is the common sense of be proven right with what you called that when Europe will decay?
@D 1 ᛉ I understand your point of view and I even do share your thoughts about multiculturalism and the increased violence who came with. And yes, those leftists will become adults one day and continuing making damage. I know what you feel. I see what multiculturalism does in the Netherlands goes I grew up there and I think most people regret how everything changes. Even the immigrants are not happy so it's a situation which both parties loose. I agree with you. But I strongly disagree taking lives no matter what the reason is. That is something I feel naturally inside me, as a human being. Even innocent children who were never exposed to violence feel it. They cry already when an animal will be killed. Those kind of feelings will go away when we grow up in violence ourselves. Some of them loose humanity inside them. And I truly believe that is the worst punishment you can encounter as a human being as we are naturally social beings. Lots of traumas are happen in youth like by Anders. And that's why I see him as a victim too. He will have the conviction that he did the right thing, but I'm sure he never will react the highest level of being a human being: feeling true happiness and peace....
@@Artomotive Maybe. I am not a psychologist and don't know how they could describe him officially but I think you are right indeed. To put yourself above the law, writing complicated texts (he think he is very intelligent himself) and to take lives and justifying his acts he must be a narcissist.
Terrorist er terrorist uavhenging av farge eller legning. Om det hadde vært deg hadde du heller ikke blitt skutt da vi faktisk ikke tar liv unødvendig og vi vil gjerne tanken bak for å lære av det. Vet ikke hvordan dere hadde gjort d,ville vært interesant vite hva dere hadde gjort om d samme skjedde hos dere? Ingen er flinkiser eller dårlige,bare lurer
Uansett hvor mye jeg hater han, var han ikke så dum. Han visste at hvis han sprengte en bombe i Oslo, ville alle sette fokus på det. Dermed gi han masse tid til å komme seg til Utøya og utføre det han gjorde.
De vil ikke drepe han fordi det er det han vil. De lar han sitte i fengsel og tenke på hva han har gjort. They dont want to kill him because thats what He want. They want him to be in jail and think og what He did.
@UCxzx5YdcopzQ9QbdlbY53lg fuck you🤢🤮😡 I dont support the politics of the kids on that island but killing them in cold blood like that is just pure evil!!!!!🤬🤬🤬
@@twiinpk3r And what makes you think a whole nation is proud of this terrible act? What source do you have that says norwegians want to kill innocent lives? That's like saying "Oh! USA wanna kill all of their children because of all the school shootings! They are so proud to see the future of their nation die!" You just assumes the worst about people and countries.
A disgrace for my country
@@subscriberswithnoVideos-yx3jf They were FUCKING CHILDREN. How the hell does killing children help anyone? Maybe they would grow up to be your political opponents, but so fucking what? That's how democracy works, and if you don't like it then you can drag your sad ass to a country with dictatorship.
Marius Thats exactly the reason why he killed these poor children. Because they were the future of the norwegian politicals in his opinion. And the summer camp of Utøya is a part of AUF. According to Breivik the AUF is one of the reasons norway are falling. And those childrens went to the summer camp on Utøya. Thats why he thought those children were a part of the AUF.
Comes to show how ignorant you are when you don't know that socialism and anarchism are two political ideas that are polar opposite of each other
You must be a troll
Herman Engebretsen you must be far left extremist !
En venn av moren min hadde fått en telefon fra datteren sin på denne dagen på utøya. Hun spurte hva hun skulle gjøre, og han svarte «gjem deg til politiet kommer, når de kommer så må du løpe til dem» … han skyldte på seg selv for hennes død i flere år.
@El Diamante 💎 ?
så hun løp til det hun trodde var politiet?:((
@@strafeee1335 ja dessverre :(
Og det med god grunn. Det er jo hans egen feil. Snakk om tabbe, haha.
@sarcastaball Hva faen er problemet ditt? Ler du av dette? Er du faen meg syk? Trur du at du er spesiell fordi du ler? Du er patetisk
I think the worse punishment for him is that one day he realizes what he has done. And sure that he will end his live. But that will never happen. Because his hate has blinded his mind. He is fulfilled with hate as there was an empty gap with loneliness that needed to fills up. Thinking he is useful and a hero is totally deluded. He lacks a lot of self insight and I'm sure, if it was not this racist thing, it was something else. People with hate are those who grew up without love. I share Anders view that lots of people should not have been born and obliging a sterilization. It is extreme but lots of parents should never have had kids. Too many of them are missing parenting skills and they are not able to give love and a descent education. They create monsters like Anders. We should set up a limit. Too many lives are waisted because of our urge to have children.
@D 1 ᛉ I think your comment on my message is misplaced because you think you provoque by saying that Anders his actions will show that he is 'proven right' because you see him as a hero so you feel sympathy for him. I see him as a victim so I feel sympathy for him as well. So you don't need to provoque as we are - paradoxically- on the same side (sympathy for Anders).
But explain me better how and what will be proven right by killing a bunch of innocent teenagers. What is the common sense of be proven right with what you called that when Europe will decay?
@D 1 ᛉ I understand your point of view and I even do share your thoughts about multiculturalism and the increased violence who came with. And yes, those leftists will become adults one day and continuing making damage. I know what you feel. I see what multiculturalism does in the Netherlands goes I grew up there and I think most people regret how everything changes. Even the immigrants are not happy so it's a situation which both parties loose. I agree with you. But I strongly disagree taking lives no matter what the reason is. That is something I feel naturally inside me, as a human being. Even innocent children who were never exposed to violence feel it. They cry already when an animal will be killed. Those kind of feelings will go away when we grow up in violence ourselves. Some of them loose humanity inside them. And I truly believe that is the worst punishment you can encounter as a human being as we are naturally social beings. Lots of traumas are happen in youth like by Anders. And that's why I see him as a victim too. He will have the conviction that he did the right thing, but I'm sure he never will react the highest level of being a human being: feeling true happiness and peace....
I also heard that he is a narcissist
@@Artomotive Maybe. I am not a psychologist and don't know how they could describe him officially but I think you are right indeed. To put yourself above the law, writing complicated texts (he think he is very intelligent himself) and to take lives and justifying his acts he must be a narcissist.
I don't believe this guy ever gets to understand how wrong he was and is... He's ill, he'll always think he's right and the rest of the world not
flaks at han ikke er i balkan ... han hadde sovnet for lenge siden , mens nå med playstation og gådteri tuller han med hele Norge
Er ikke nesten hele befolkningen i Balkan som Fjotolf Hansen? Bare spør.
Balkan gang 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬
Helt riktig.
Terrorist er terrorist uavhenging av farge eller legning. Om det hadde vært deg hadde du heller ikke blitt skutt da vi faktisk ikke tar liv unødvendig og vi vil gjerne tanken bak for å lære av det. Vet ikke hvordan dere hadde gjort d,ville vært interesant vite hva dere hadde gjort om d samme skjedde hos dere? Ingen er flinkiser eller dårlige,bare lurer
@@storepakistanskeleksikon8052 Sånne kommentarer gjør vel ikke verden til et bedre sted. Vær en god person og hev deg over om du blir provosert. PEACE
Hvordan kunne bare han gjøre alt dette? Burde det ikke være noen flere?
Yasmin Abuhatzera han hadde godt med tid. Og masse våpen. Dessverre.
@@Jazibazi åja) :
Uansett hvor mye jeg hater han, var han ikke så dum. Han visste at hvis han sprengte en bombe i Oslo, ville alle sette fokus på det. Dermed gi han masse tid til å komme seg til Utøya og utføre det han gjorde.
De vil ikke drepe han fordi det er det han vil. De lar han sitte i fengsel og tenke på hva han har gjort. They dont want to kill him because thats what He want. They want him to be in jail and think og what He did.
skulle skutt han på stede, sløser penger på å ta vare på driten, skulle også lagt liket i en utedo, faens stygge breivik
Hvor gamle er dere?
Kan love deg at han koser seg når han tenker over det han har gjort. Skulle drept han der og da.
Media tjente mye på saken siden han ikke døde
Stian Trygg Også fordi det er ulovlig i norge med dødsstraff...
Dude jeg kjenner en som døde på Utøya 22 juli og jeg ønsker å se henne igjen men jeg kan ikke🥺
En dag møter du henne igjen❤️ jeg vil også hilse på henne❤️
@@benjamin2225 ??
@@benjamin2225 bruh
@@benjamin2225 er du skada?
i am norwegian and this is so sad
Buuuuu. Cry..
Free Brevik.
@UCxzx5YdcopzQ9QbdlbY53lg fuck you🤢🤮😡 I dont support the politics of the kids on that island but killing them in cold blood like that is just pure evil!!!!!🤬🤬🤬
shut up@@johnnyhansen1037
@@johnnyhansen1037Nah you Are not funny you clearily do not now how of a monster Breivik was.
Ene kompisen min som heter Benjamin Eriksen ble skutt flere ganger på utøya, han overlevde! :)
vet du hvor han gjemte seg?
@@Helenebnilsen07 trur han gjemte seg bak fjellveggen men husker ikke. Tar aldri opp emnet da det er veldig traumatiserende for han
@vBulletinzz where do you get this BS information?
this man should be exetuted long time, they treat him like a VIP
Nah, he is in isolation and will never get out of prison.
@@Danielfiks Year and he planted a Bomb thatexploded in whole Oslo city
@@Danielfiks They gave him a literal ps2 with games.
@@Mionqq children games*
@@ziggy481 oh yeah forgot
Noe føles ikke riktig her 🤔
Hva da+
@@blackpanda9937 at folk som har mistet familie/venner på øyen er noen hundre meter unna terroristen som drepte de.
@@arontb919 ja er sjukt rart, tenk deg hvis de har sett han
Noe føles fei lm med din kommentar og.
He Will rot in hell
Han er en drittsekk
Welcome to norway, where the police takes out terrorists to redo their actions💀
That's standard procedure in America too, killers get taken to the scene of the crime to explain every step.
det var siste gang han var på utøya
@GuustaavS hey man as you see hes happy what he did, hope Norway will judge him with execution, that;s not enough for that beast, im out
There is no execution in Norway
we ARE NOT USA ore other countries who kills people as a revenge.
Monster 1e class.
@azadiiran1 ah just saying, i dont fuckin care i just felt bad for the people that lost their life
lol the leach was sooo unneccesary
He killed 72 people in less than an hour, would u feel safe walking around with him on an deserted island? No, I think not.
Fucking hell do not say lol
LOL? whats funny??
actually his country are proud of him what he did to non guilty people
Fucking idiot🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕👉🏿👌🏻
Mentor Aliu if you think that this country is proud of he’s actions you must be a fucking moron
You clearly don't know anything about anything. Fuck you
@@twiinpk3r And what makes you think a whole nation is proud of this terrible act? What source do you have that says norwegians want to kill innocent lives? That's like saying "Oh! USA wanna kill all of their children because of all the school shootings! They are so proud to see the future of their nation die!" You just assumes the worst about people and countries.
Mentor Aliu Are you stupid?! We are not happy for what he did
Missing you.
Buuuuu. Cry... Free Brevik.
Are you trolling?
Explain why...
@@piecerich7628 Grey subject, not worth getting into, best thing is just to ignore politics because it can get really existencial...