Use These 3 SIMPLE Custom Excel Functions to Get File Data From Multiple Folders!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ต.ค. 2024

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    Note that I cannot paste my 3 functions into the description box as they are too big, so I will just paste them here as a temporary measure. You can copy and paste the 3 functions below into your Excel add-in file and enable the add-in file to be used in any Excel Workbooks. The formatting (indentations) might look a bit messed up when copying and pasting here, so apologies in advanced!:
    'This UDF will retrieve a list of file name from one or more folder paths
    Function get_file_names(ParamArray folder_paths() As Variant) As Variant

    'Variables used to create FileSystemObject, everything associated with it, and keep track of files looped
    Dim fso As Object
    Dim fol_path As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Dim folder_paths_index As Long
    Dim file_names() As String
    Dim file_count As Long

    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

    'Turn on error handling
    'If an error occurs, go to label "error_handler"
    On Error GoTo error_handler

    file_count = 0

    'Loop through each folder path provided by the user
    For folder_paths_index = LBound(folder_paths) To UBound(folder_paths)

    'Check to see if the folder path exists
    If (fso.FolderExists(folder_paths(folder_paths_index))) Then

    'Set fol_path to current folder being looped
    Set fol_path = fso.GetFolder(CStr(folder_paths(folder_paths_index)))

    'Loop through each file in the current folder
    For Each file In fol_path.Files

    'Store the file name in the file_names array and adjust the size of the array for each file stored
    ReDim Preserve file_names(file_count)

    file_names(file_count) = file.Name

    file_count = file_count + 1

    Next file

    End If


    'If there are items in file_names, then transpose the array so output shows vertical array instead of horizontal
    'Otherwise, output "No file(s) found."
    If (file_count > 0) Then

    get_file_names = Application.Transpose(file_names)


    get_file_names = Array("No file(s) found.")

    End If

    'Reset object variables to nothing
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set fol_path = Nothing
    Set file = Nothing

    'Assuming no errors, exit the function
    Exit Function

    'Handle errors and provide error descriptions
    'Reset object variables to nothing
    get_file_names = Array("Error: " & Err.Description)

    Set fso = Nothing
    Set fol_path = Nothing
    Set file = Nothing

    End Function
    'The UDF will show the file type in one column and the count for each file type in the next column from one or more folder paths
    Function count_files_by_type(ParamArray folder_paths() As Variant) As Variant

    'Variables used to create FileSystemObject, everything associated with it, and keep track of files looped
    Dim fso As Object
    Dim fol_path As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Dim file_extension As String
    Dim file_count_dict As Object
    Dim key As Variant
    Dim result() As Variant
    Dim folder_paths_index As Long
    Dim i As Long
    'Turn on error handling
    'If an error occurs, go to label "error_handler"
    On Error GoTo error_handler
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set file_count_dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    'Loop through each folder path provided by the user
    For folder_paths_index = LBound(folder_paths) To UBound(folder_paths)
    'Check to see if the folder path exists.
    If (fso.FolderExists(folder_paths(folder_paths_index))) Then

    'Set fol_path to current folder being looped
    Set fol_path = fso.GetFolder(CStr(folder_paths(folder_paths_index)))

    'Loop through each file in the current folder
    For Each file In fol_path.Files

    'Get the file extension name and store the name in a dictionary if it does not exist already
    'Store the number of times each file extension name appears
    file_extension = fso.GetExtensionName(file.Path)

    If (file_count_dict.exists(file_extension)) Then

    file_count_dict(file_extension) = file_count_dict(file_extension) + 1


    file_count_dict.Add file_extension, 1

    End If

    Next file

    End If


    'Populate the 2D result array with the dictionary values that will be used for count_files_by_type
    ReDim result(1 To file_count_dict.Count, 1 To 2)

    i = 1

    For Each key In file_count_dict.Keys

    result(i, 1) = key

    result(i, 2) = file_count_dict(key)

    i = i + 1

    Next key
    'Return the result array
    count_files_by_type = result
    'Reset object variables to nothing
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set fol_path = Nothing
    Set file = Nothing
    Set file_count_dict = Nothing

    'Assuming no errors, exit the function
    Exit Function
    'Handle errors and provide error descriptions
    'Reset object variables to nothing
    count_files_by_type = Array("Error: " & Err.Description)
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set fol_path = Nothing
    Set file = Nothing
    Set file_count_dict = Nothing
    End Function
    'This UDF will check to see if the specific file name exists in one or more folder paths
    Function file_exists_in_folders(file_name As String, ParamArray folder_paths() As Variant) As Boolean
    'Variables used to create FileSystemObject, everything associated with it, and keep track of files looped
    Dim fso As Object
    Dim fol_path As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Dim folder_paths_index As Long

    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

    'Loop through each folder path provided by the user
    For folder_paths_index = LBound(folder_paths) To UBound(folder_paths)

    'Check to see if the folder path exists
    If (fso.FolderExists(folder_paths(folder_paths_index))) Then

    'Set fol_path to current folder being looped
    Set fol_path = fso.GetFolder(CStr(folder_paths(folder_paths_index)))

    'Loop through each file in the current folder
    For Each file In fol_path.Files

    'If file exists in any of the folders, return function output as TRUE, reset object variables,
    'and exit the function
    If (fso.fileexists(fol_path & "\" & file_name)) Then

    file_exists_in_folders = True

    Set fso = Nothing
    Set fol_path = Nothing
    Set file = Nothing

    Exit Function

    End If

    Next file
    End If


    'If there were no files found in each folder path, then output FALSE
    file_exists_in_folders = False

    'Reset object variables to nothing
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set fol_path = Nothing
    Set file = Nothing

    End Function