Tyranny starts at home, I think it started in England and then wider "Britain", with Welsh and Scottish working class people treated even worse than English ones, and then Irish treated even worse again, and then the further away you go the worse. And then nowadays the English working class somehow identify with the monsters who were intentionally letting their own ancestors starve and working them to death, not to mind ours, and somehow think that all that was done for them, rather than the rich, because they get to look at nice buildings that some of their ancestors died building.
This is made possible by the blatant ignorance of the US citizenry who think US aid is "aid" when it is mostly to prop up compliant governments with the means to subdue their own people while our corporations steal their resources.
@@zzulm Even today presidents refuse to open up the files on the assassinations of great leaders like JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X. That is because the same groups that had them killed are still in power today. The failure to open up about the assassinations and False Flags including 9/11 here as well as abroad is why the US has become incorrigible. TheTrumpster, for example, got away with slaughtering Iran's Quds Force top commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a U.S. airstrike at Baghdad airport, Iraq, February 13, 2020.Jun 10, 2020 with barely a protest despite the fact it violates international law. The people don't care. They've virtually no principles left. Now The Trumpster is taking credit for ending our creation, ISIS, when it was largely Soleimani who did it.
I have no words to describe my immense respect for Mr. Hedges, the topics he covers, and his heroic guests. This show is his best format ever-which is paradoxical given his blacklisting by the corpostate. I have read Hedges for 30 years and he only gets better with and better. Love and peace to you all.
Well, they figured the Eyeranians were pre-modern (feudal) folks at that time, so Democracy would be too much for them. Similar to how Ukrainian soldiers are given 2nd hand, obsolette military equipment from NATO. You don't want to give your *best stuff* to medieval peasants.
Guatemala had fruit and in 1983, Eliot Abrams arranged a Mayan Genocide as charged by The Hague. Ike was forced by the Dulles brothers to do the same in 1956.
@@dthomas9230 Muslims have always welcomed Jews, the Ottomans gave them safe haven way back during the Spanish Inquisition. Zionism has forced a wedge between them I'm afraid. Nothing to do with religion.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
No, he was not elected, in fact since the constitution was created in 1906 there has never been an election to select a Prime Minister. As I mentioned in my comments in this video, it is the King's sole responsibility to appoint a Prime Minister. The King can also demote or select another Prime Minister. @@martinoneill5804
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.@@martinoneill5804
Iran, Ireland, Ukraine, Pakistan and many African countries and many other countries have suffered a lot because of the bullies of the British Royal family ... and the US government has cooperated with the British, most of the times
Thank you Chris. I am ashamed of what my country has done during my lifetime. It doesn’t have the honesty and integrity to admit the wrongs it has committed even when those wrongs have been publicly revealed, as in Coup 53.
@tegusentertainment8021 It really hard ( at least for me) to wrap my head around just incredibly corrupt/dishonest/power driven etc that my country's government truly is🥺 I almost wish I never went down the rabbit hole...almost😉
I was a Teacher and UK schoolchildren to this day are not taught about their history - who wiped out the native populations of north America and Australasia, killed millions in Africa and scores of millions in British India. To be fair the trans Atlantic slave trade is touched upon but more with a view to praising themselves when the British empire "technically " abolished slavery. There is plenty taught about the Holocaust - never miss a chance to bash the Germans. The overthrow of Mossadeq is a tiny footnote in the litany of crimes committed by the British sadly.
Know more about it than us do you?Listen to Dr Zareer Masani about the British in India and the British only massacred the Pequots they traded with the other tribes and let them rule themselves and only ruled white colonists.
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company became British Petroleum. Everytime I pass a BP service station (they bought Standard Oil of Ohio) I think of the coup. What a catastrophe. We profoundly alienated a great nation with a millenia-long civilization. Ironically what did the Shah in was his ambition to drag Iran into the 20th century the way Ataturk did with Turkey, alienating the religious establishment. The ramifications of the coup are still rippling in the world today.
The Shah was no Ataturk... Ataturk was a true, independent leader who wanted to help and promote the literacy and well-being of his people. The Shah was a self-obsessed egomaniac put in power and held in power by his imperalist owners.
Turkey is anything but a successful country. It only appears functional because it's a NATO member and America's 3rd favorite lapdog in MENA next to Saudi and Israel. While Iran now is a true independent nation with it's own industries and no US backing.
Atatürk, à la tète de la Turquie, héritier de l'empire ottomane, un pays pauvre en minerai et jusqu' aujourd'hui, mène une politique de parallélisme négatif, prendre à tout le monde et rien donner à personne, alors que le Shah, il en offrait à l'Est ainsi qu'à l'Ouest. Une sorte du parallélisme positif. Le Shah, en évitant de grandes industries, pour ne pas créer des syndicats, a contribué à la création des religieux et de la bourgeoisie de bazar, le support financier des mollahs.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
The vast majority of people will never be aware or care about the truth as this is not mainstream, Your conclusion from the evidence, from the truth presented makes you part of the problem not part of the answer. You believe in a system that manipulates and controls the democratic system and makes a farce of it. They want us to vote as long as we don't understand what we are voting for.
How come it said 1 comment. Then the comment is invisible? I have a shadow ban on my comments also, so whoever's been commenting has been telling the truth. That's the usual reason. Good luck everyone.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Thank you, Chris Hedges, for having Taghi Amirani on about his new documentary 'Coup 53'. With the deepest appreciation and respect for all those who tell truth to power. Cornel West for president 2024. 🙏❤️🌏🕊🎵🎶📚
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
@@rostamr4096 We in Australia had an overthrow of the Gough Whitlam government in the early 70's. We had a broadly similar constitutional crisis engineered by local political forces and there is some evidence of CIA and British involvement. Our Prime Minister was sacked by the Governor General representing the Queen of England in very fishy circumstances too complicated to go into here. This was because our government was going to join the Unaligned Movement, seeking finance in the 3rd world rather than the US/UK (and of course we were told we were going communist by the conservative opposition). It's strange however that Malcolm Fraser (the conservative successor to Gough) kept much of the left wing policy though somewhat watered down. Recently as an elder statesman he went to speak on Russia Today against the expansion of NATO and on Ukraine. He was also very concerned about the sovereignty of Australia in relation to the current "rules based order". He died before the outbreak of war in Ukraine, which is a shame. It would have been interesting to hear what he had to say. More recently we had another Prime Minister deposed with (some have suggested) more foreign meddling - Kevin Rudd. In that case it seems to have been mostly about his positions on China and Israel.
John Pilger did a piece on the Indian Ocean island that US/Britain took over killed all the locals' dogs who used to fish for the locals. Killed their fishing dogs and kicked them off their island to put resorts for NATO families.
I beg to disagree. We should point the finger at both. The US and UK are long time partners in overrunning and ruining militarily weaker cultures by threats, sanctions, coups, killing millions of their peoples, and occupying with their stronger military power. The two evil bullies of the world. All to bring greater superwealth to the elite of the US and UK. The 95% common people of both countries were then allowed to donate their taxes and their sons and daughters lives or health to pay for the never ending rich mans wars.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
@ghostcat5303 Consider Dr. Gideon Polya's evaluation in Crosscurrents, that the British in India killed 1.8 billion (with a "b") from 1757 through 1947 while looting so much wealth India's share of Global GDP collapsed from 24% to 4%.
So true in all my reading, listening and studying for 8 years now, the roads always lead back to the Brits. They had plans for US laid out over 400 years ago.
@@freddibnah1830 All the others you mention maintained the concept of enough and either backed off or overextended their reach to a point of failure. The US inherits all of our worst traits directly from our English roots, and prior to our submission to consumerism, most post-revolution Americans expressed open contempt for the English. Only the English Lords were so determinedly craven that they pushed their own subjects to failure over and over in their eternal quest for more. Ask the Irish how far English rulers would go to keep their own gravy train going. The examples are endless and continue to this day.
With all due respect, please forget about the foreign powers abusing the Iranian people 70rs ago and focus on the present brutal mullah regime of Iran holding 80 million people hostage, murdering, torturing and rubbing them😢
There is no doubt that British, Labor or Conservative governments have committed many atrocities to the government and people of Iran, but in telling history, one should not falsify facts because of enmity with other countries and governments. Dr. Mossadegh was not an elected prime minister. In Iran, according to the constitution governments were appointed. The Majlis expressed its desire to them and they were appointed by the Shah. No government was directly elected by the people's vote. The prime minister and the members of the cabinet were not members of the parliament either. Therefore using the term as "democratically elected" is not correct. Period.
The Shah was not perfect. He did however try to do things to improve Iran. He had programs attempting to modernize Iran. By the end of his reign he was a threat to the USA. So, the Carter administration overthrew the Shah.
What do you think about the string of police arrests and indictments of police officers across the US over the last few months? Especially the ones out of Mississippi, the first cops to ever be found guilty for civil rights violations there? But also the east Cincinnati, Philly, and California arrests?
But , But were the good guys ! Chile was a disgrace too , Libya a long reaching criminal disgrace ,Iraq Afghanistan there are no words , then all the little regime changes in Africa and Malay region . Disgraceful .
Mr. Chris Hedges, your commitment to truth-telling is commendable. Despite my familiarity with the events of 1953 in Iran, I greatly appreciate your elucidation of the historical context in which a nation's pursuit of democracy was unjustly thwarted. I extend my gratitude to Mr. Taghi Amirani for his contributions in this regard. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to view "Coup 53." 🙏❤️🙏
Lacking support in the Majles, PM Mossadegh illegally sought to dissolve the parliament, a power that the constitution reserved to the Shah. His action caused him to lose nearly all political support except the communist Tudeh party, and with even his pro-oil nationalization supporters split, Mossadegh found himself with a reduced base composed of radical supporters and an increasingly united front opposing him: the clergy, the military, and the bazaar, with the U.S. and Britain now both solidly behind the monarch
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
The C.I.A have a long history of incompetence, lies and extreme evil. Personally, I knew next to nothing about this and still don't to be honest but recently I was cycling through London's Hyde park, and came across something harrowing in Marble Arch. There was a remembrance of victims in Iran. Photographs of victims and a brief description of their age were displayed in the square below the arch. The whole ambience was solemn and dignified. A cross between a demonstration protest and remembrance. I found the experience more educational and spoke to a few of those involved. One of the people involved was imprisoned in Iran for 4years. The dignity and grace was only matched by compassion and surpassed with intelligence and honesty. That was a middle aged woman named Monir. God bless you and yours.
Kermit Roosevelt, and his sons, were my father's and my friends. All of them were kind people and not responsible for the brutality of Savak which was the Shah's responsibility. Another branch of CIA was only partially complicit with Savak which did not follow US advice. Yes, the primary players were the Brits. The US always ends up admitting its role in foreign dirty tricks, not so the British. The Shah was a big fish in a small pond; CIA turned on him as it had enough of the arrogance and brutality which would be blamed on it.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Please do not revise history. PM Mossadegh was not democratically elected but appointed by the Shah. Under the Iranian constitution that was the sole prerogative of the monarch
Where Cia & mi6 & mossad put the hands, god retires the virtue. Iran 53, vietnam, korea, south america, middle east, afghanistan, syria, balkans, irak, lybia, you name it. What world is this?
Strangest of all, why were the Khomeini revolutionaries housed in Paris ? Even though in 1971 the French organised the ridiculous expensive party when the Sjah celebrated the 2500th anniversary of the founding of the Persian Empire. France wasn't part of Nato at that time so it was only natural she went her own way in colonialist politics.
Many of the techniques mentioned in the interview used by cia/mi6 are still being used today. Particularly recently on Jeremy Corbyn who could have been the next leader of uk government.
As an Iranian just by reading the title I knew that the person behind this should be a democrat, Just like Jimmy Carter who brought this misery to my country. We Iranian will get our country back and I am afraid to tell you that we wont be fooled again. You might fool foreigners by a video and show them a distorted Image of reality, but young generation of Iranian will take their country back and make it a proud nation again. LONG LIVE SHAH. Javid Iran.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
It is about time that the British were called to account for the vile crimes committed in the spirit of racism and moral hypocrisy. That sick morality that enables men to commit murder from the protection of a uniform in the name of 'king (or queen) and country.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Ok.... one thing I don't get. The Shah was kicked out in 1979. Then with all these years, Iran should be a really nice place country. They had do many years of getting it right without the eil western influence. What am I not getting?
Iran is pretty nice. They've tried to spread educstion, healthcare, and animal husbandry into remote areas. Also you may have gotgotten all the sanctions on irsn, that has kept them back signigicsnyly, but theyre overcoming that now. Plus, at the beginning of the revolution things were very bad politically. Khomeni was strict shariah and they doubled down to engorce their power. But things have changed substantially over time and a new generation.
For of Chris always has such brilliant conversations with people who no the TRUTH for of great food for the mind as we have lost great minds in the battle for PEACE ty my beautiful spirit family of Chris ty of spirit brother 🌱🌳❤3love TRUTH offers PEACE
Believe it or not, the so called Islamic Revolution in 1979 was another coup. But this time the coup was against the Shah. A few months after August 53 coup, a 25 year oil contract was signed between Iran & the newly formed oil consortium which ended in early 1979. Shah had refused to renew it and was forced to leave Iran in January of 1979, coincidence?
Daniel Boorstin's "Hidden History" is good. Ike did Guatemala in '58. Reagan authorized Mayan genocide in '83 in the same country as charged by The Hague. Ronnie felt guilty and offered asylum to survivors. Trump killed 5 Mayan kids in the El Paso border camp to let GOP donors know the eugenics of indigenous peoples is always a plank in the GOP platform.
Western liberal dialogues concerned with the recent politics in Iran, especially around women's liberation, that don't take into account this coup and America's involvement, are impoverished.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution. 1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi. 2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament. 3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed). 4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh. 5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country. 6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence. 7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out. 8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him. 9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran. 10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
What abt Guadalupe conference, when 5 super powers, England, US, France, Russia, n Japan decided on complete destruction of Iran, weakening of Pakistan, n India? Which led to the changes in 1979 in iran?
Stupid narrative which wrongfully presents a popular uprising to have the king of Iran return to the country as coup plot against a prime mister which in the first place contrary to popular believe was moving to initiate an illegal act in dissolving the parliament single handedly to presumably promot new elections in his owen favour. I am referring to "Mossadeg" who is portrayed as the supposed Martyre prime minister which the alleged purported coup was preformed against...! This video is baised and a wrong account of an event posed as a overthrow of representative government body...
Lest we forget that the Shah's father was deposed by an Anglo-Soviet invasion in 1941. The government that existed from 1941-1953 was always an illegitimate state, and the 1953 coup was the western allies' attempt to restore the status quo and right the wrong they had committed in 1941 when they collaborated with the Soviets.
Lest we forget your forgetting to take your medication! For the Soviet part (unlike the british) was to prevent the nazis access to the oil fields; and then left. Now keep listening pertaining to anglo's and the Persian oil fields.
I watched a documentary on the Australian government owned abc Australian broadcasting corporation. It explained how the British couldn’t overthrow Mosaddegh so they involved the Americans. The deal was if the cia could orchestrate the coup Britain would go 50/50 with America on irans oil. They even involved the Queen. They got her to write a letter to the shar asking him not to flee Iran and he stayed. Coup was orchestrated and the shar was put back in. I wouldn’t imagine this level of detail would have been on the abc if the UK hadn’t admitted.
The British never admit to their evil crimes which all started here in Ireland.
Joyce's "Ulysses" turned 101 this year.
True...Irish people has suffered a lot because of the bullies of the British Royal family too
@@Pace18692 get over it over 100 years ago
Tyranny starts at home, I think it started in England and then wider "Britain", with Welsh and Scottish working class people treated even worse than English ones, and then Irish treated even worse again, and then the further away you go the worse.
And then nowadays the English working class somehow identify with the monsters who were intentionally letting their own ancestors starve and working them to death, not to mind ours, and somehow think that all that was done for them, rather than the rich, because they get to look at nice buildings that some of their ancestors died building.
@@JOHNSMITH-if9jr Yeah, but the English remained the same murderous thieves; the coup in Iran and the Iraq wars have proven it.
And what is killing me the most is most of Americans believes that their country doing us a huge favor and we should thank them every day of our life
The US propaganda machine
This is made possible by the blatant ignorance of the US citizenry who think US aid is "aid" when it is mostly to prop up compliant governments with the means to subdue their own people while our corporations steal their resources.
@@zzulm Even today presidents refuse to open up the files on the assassinations of great leaders like JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X. That is because the same groups that had them killed are still in power today.
The failure to open up about the assassinations and False Flags including 9/11 here as well as abroad is why the US has become incorrigible. TheTrumpster, for example, got away with slaughtering Iran's Quds Force top commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a U.S. airstrike at Baghdad airport, Iraq, February 13, 2020.Jun 10, 2020 with barely a protest despite the fact it violates international law. The people don't care. They've virtually no principles left. Now The Trumpster is taking credit for ending our creation, ISIS, when it was largely Soleimani who did it.
Not me.
@@william6223 You can't fool all of the people all of the time.
I have no words to describe my immense respect for Mr. Hedges, the topics he covers, and his heroic guests. This show is his best format ever-which is paradoxical given his blacklisting by the corpostate. I have read Hedges for 30 years and he only gets better with and better. Love and peace to you all.
WOW!!! Phenomenal story.
Thank you Mr. Taghi Amirani and Chris.
We want your oil (for next to nothing) more than we want you to have democracy.
Well, they figured the Eyeranians were pre-modern (feudal) folks at that time, so Democracy would be too much for them.
Similar to how Ukrainian soldiers are given 2nd hand, obsolette military equipment from NATO. You don't want to give your *best stuff* to medieval peasants.
No one want their DemoNcracy. Every country have their own culture, stop getting involved 🙄 people children are dying cos of this hell on Earth...
Guatemala had fruit and in 1983, Eliot Abrams arranged a Mayan Genocide as charged by The Hague. Ike was forced by the Dulles brothers to do the same in 1956.
I've yet to meet an Iranian that hasn't become a good friend. Wonderful, giving people that have been demonized for over 70 years.
Every visitor report says exact same .
I have Iranian neighbors and met an Iranian Jew in NY. He said there was a huge Iranian Jewish community before Khomeini.
@@dthomas9230 Muslims have always welcomed Jews, the Ottomans gave them safe haven way back during the Spanish Inquisition. Zionism has forced a wedge between them I'm afraid. Nothing to do with religion.
@@dthomas9230outside of Israel Iran has biggest Jewish community in mid east fyi
@@mra682 Thanks! Adam Curtis and John Pilger offer unfiltered demographics in their historical narratives, too.
Thank you for reviewing this historical event in the Iranian history that is still involving Iranians. This story is not ended yet.
Full of bias venomous lies. Talk to lranians not the leftist media.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
@@rostamr4096 Was Mosadeh democratic elected to power ?
No, he was not elected, in fact since the constitution was created in 1906 there has never been an election to select a Prime Minister. As I mentioned in my comments in this video, it is the King's sole responsibility to appoint a Prime Minister. The King can also demote or select another Prime Minister.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.@@martinoneill5804
Another excellent piece. Important history, for the most part completely ignored. Thank you.
I dont know who said it but it kind of went like this: "if you see two Iraqis fighting each other look for the british hiding in a corner"
The U.S. just did the same thing to Imran Khan in Pakistan .
And Ukraine.
...and in hundreds of other countries at time periods
Allende in Chile.
Columbia wanted 50% of the canal cutting through their country before there was a Panama. You get your own country if you give 90% to America.
Iran, Ireland, Ukraine, Pakistan and many African countries and many other countries have suffered a lot because of the bullies of the British Royal family ... and the US government has cooperated with the British, most of the times
Thank you. Please put this film online so everyone can see this historical work you have done. Thanks Tagi for your brilliant work and all the writes.
Thank you Chris. I am ashamed of what my country has done during my lifetime. It doesn’t have the honesty and integrity to admit the wrongs it has committed even when those wrongs have been publicly revealed, as in Coup 53.
Me too...but it appears to be getting worse😢
@@colleenlally-ross7105 yes the Covid period took the psychosis to a new level.
Orwell's prediction was correct.
I'm guessing they were even less honest prior.
@tegusentertainment8021 It really hard ( at least for me) to wrap my head around just incredibly corrupt/dishonest/power driven etc that my country's government truly is🥺 I almost wish I never went down the rabbit hole...almost😉
Outstanding and very important journalism, thank you.
You are very misinformed.
Great discussion. History should not have been forgotten!
I was a Teacher and UK schoolchildren to this day are not taught about their history - who wiped out the native populations of north America and Australasia, killed millions in Africa and scores of millions in British India. To be fair the trans Atlantic slave trade is touched upon but more with a view to praising themselves when the British empire "technically " abolished slavery. There is plenty taught about the Holocaust - never miss a chance to bash the Germans. The overthrow of Mossadeq is a tiny footnote in the litany of crimes committed by the British sadly.
So what will it take?
There's no education like self-education. What's taught in schools is indocrination.
Know more about it than us do you?Listen to Dr Zareer Masani about the British in India and the British only massacred the Pequots they traded with the other tribes and let them rule themselves and only ruled white colonists.
History is written by the Victor's of war
Why would British children be taught sensationalised and exaggerated “history” like what you’ve claimed? It’s not accurate.
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company became British Petroleum. Everytime I pass a BP service station (they bought Standard Oil of Ohio) I think of the coup. What a catastrophe. We profoundly alienated a great nation with a millenia-long civilization. Ironically what did the Shah in was his ambition to drag Iran into the 20th century the way Ataturk did with Turkey, alienating the religious establishment. The ramifications of the coup are still rippling in the world today.
The Shah was no Ataturk... Ataturk was a true, independent leader who wanted to help and promote the literacy and well-being of his people. The Shah was a self-obsessed egomaniac put in power and held in power by his imperalist owners.
Turkey is anything but a successful country. It only appears functional because it's a NATO member and America's 3rd favorite lapdog in MENA next to Saudi and Israel. While Iran now is a true independent nation with it's own industries and no US backing.
Atatürk, à la tète de la Turquie, héritier de l'empire ottomane, un pays pauvre en minerai et jusqu' aujourd'hui, mène une politique de parallélisme négatif, prendre à tout le monde et rien donner à personne, alors que le Shah, il en offrait à l'Est ainsi qu'à l'Ouest. Une sorte du parallélisme positif. Le Shah, en évitant de grandes industries, pour ne pas créer des syndicats, a contribué à la création des religieux et de la bourgeoisie de bazar, le support financier des mollahs.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
@@rostamr4096 and I guess you're a nafo fan boy
Very moving. Excellent work from you both. Mental illness in the search of wealth and power remains rampant.
And will remain for rest of eternity iam afraid…
richardlandini. If you consider inhumanity a MENTAL illness.
You are very misinformed.
You know nothing about history of Iran. This guy too! 😅😅😅
@@ahmadkeshvari5194 Anglo Iranian oil was East India in the 20th century
Outstanding program , excellent interviews, as an Iranian American, I am proud of this transparency and reveling the truth . Long live democracy.
The vast majority of people will never be aware or care about the truth as this is not mainstream, Your conclusion from the evidence, from the truth presented makes you part of the problem not part of the answer. You believe in a system that manipulates and controls the democratic system and makes a farce of it. They want us to vote as long as we don't understand what we are voting for.
How come it said 1 comment. Then the comment is invisible? I have a shadow ban on my comments also, so whoever's been commenting has been telling the truth. That's the usual reason. Good luck everyone.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
@@rostamr4096 giggles
What a fascinating story ,but it is just a story . Fact is shah and his collaborators destroyed the democratic movement in Iran .
Thank you, Chris Hedges, for having Taghi Amirani on about his new documentary 'Coup 53'.
With the deepest appreciation and respect for all those who tell truth to power.
Cornel West for president 2024. 🙏❤️🌏🕊🎵🎶📚
Thank you!!!
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
@@rostamr4096 We in Australia had an overthrow of the Gough Whitlam government in the early 70's. We had a broadly similar constitutional crisis engineered by local political forces and there is some evidence of CIA and British involvement. Our Prime Minister was sacked by the Governor General representing the Queen of England in very fishy circumstances too complicated to go into here. This was because our government was going to join the Unaligned Movement, seeking finance in the 3rd world rather than the US/UK (and of course we were told we were going communist by the conservative opposition). It's strange however that Malcolm Fraser (the conservative successor to Gough) kept much of the left wing policy though somewhat watered down. Recently as an elder statesman he went to speak on Russia Today against the expansion of NATO and on Ukraine. He was also very concerned about the sovereignty of Australia in relation to the current "rules based order". He died before the outbreak of war in Ukraine, which is a shame. It would have been interesting to hear what he had to say. More recently we had another Prime Minister deposed with (some have suggested) more foreign meddling - Kevin Rudd. In that case it seems to have been mostly about his positions on China and Israel.
" If I set silently , I have sinned." Mohammad Mossadegh
Thank You, Chris ( TRUTHER)
Thanks to Real News for these interviews.
We should not point the finger at the British, because we Americans were just as deeply implicated in that mess.
John Pilger did a piece on the Indian Ocean island that US/Britain took over killed all the locals' dogs who used to fish for the locals. Killed their fishing dogs and kicked them off their island to put resorts for NATO families.
@@dthomas9230 Diego Garcia. RIP.
All your proxy war's, made hell on Earth...
BP were the provocative force, well known in the oil field engineers arena
I beg to disagree.
We should point the finger at both.
The US and UK are long time partners in overrunning and ruining militarily weaker cultures by threats, sanctions, coups, killing millions of their peoples, and occupying with their stronger military power.
The two evil bullies of the world.
All to bring greater superwealth to the elite of the US and UK.
The 95% common people of both countries were then allowed to donate their taxes and their sons and daughters lives or health to pay
for the never ending rich mans wars.
The UK’s silence speaks volumes.
Thanks for revealing the truth .God bless people like you.
We appreciate your support!!
Informing us before the start of the next USA imperialist war. Thank both of you.
It's already here in Ukrain. Nuland McCain Graham Biden ect ect started a new coup in 2013-2014 during Maidan, murdering 14 000 Russians in Donbass...
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Well said - pride and victory ally of the axis of resistance and their allies and humiliation and shame of the axis of evil and their allies
Thank you!
For nearly every modern geopolitical problem, one can trace a route back through history to something the British ruling class did
or Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and now USA
@ghostcat5303 Consider Dr. Gideon Polya's evaluation in Crosscurrents, that the British in India killed 1.8 billion (with a "b") from 1757 through 1947 while looting so much wealth India's share of Global GDP collapsed from 24% to 4%.
So true in all my reading, listening and studying for 8 years now, the roads always lead back to the Brits. They had plans for US laid out over 400 years ago.
@@freddibnah1830 All the others you mention maintained the concept of enough and either backed off or overextended their reach to a point of failure. The US inherits all of our worst traits directly from our English roots, and prior to our submission to consumerism, most post-revolution Americans expressed open contempt for the English.
Only the English Lords were so determinedly craven that they pushed their own subjects to failure over and over in their eternal quest for more. Ask the Irish how far English rulers would go to keep their own gravy train going. The examples are endless and continue to this day.
@@freddibnah1830 try again, mf angol, lol
This was exactly what the CIA/MI6 did in Ukraine in 2013/2014. Almost an exact playbook of Iran in 1953.
With all due respect, please forget about the foreign powers abusing the Iranian people 70rs ago and focus on the present brutal mullah regime of Iran holding 80 million people hostage, murdering, torturing and rubbing them😢
They need a taste of their own medicine
Fair enough. That's the puppet masters and their compromised underlings. The rest of us are just slaves they rob to fund their atrocities.
There is no doubt that British, Labor or Conservative governments have committed many atrocities to the government and people of Iran, but in telling history, one should not falsify facts because of enmity with other countries and governments.
Dr. Mossadegh was not an elected prime minister. In Iran, according to the constitution governments were appointed. The Majlis expressed its desire to them and they were appointed by the Shah. No government was directly elected by the people's vote. The prime minister and the members of the cabinet were not members of the parliament either. Therefore using the term as "democratically elected" is not correct. Period.
A great book on the history of U S intervention in other countries is Overthrow by Stephen Kinzer. Another great book by him is True Flag.
Yes! I read Kinzer's book many years ago. It proves that Washington is a sham. They have no interest in promoting democracy around the world.
Another of his books, All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror, is also worth reading.
The Shah was not perfect. He did however try to do things to improve Iran. He had programs attempting to modernize Iran. By the end of his reign he was a threat to the USA. So, the Carter administration overthrew the Shah.
What do you think about the string of police arrests and indictments of police officers across the US over the last few months? Especially the ones out of Mississippi, the first cops to ever be found guilty for civil rights violations there? But also the east Cincinnati, Philly, and California arrests?
I have been seeing it a lot as well. Very disturbing.
@WildPurplePanda It's about time.
But , But were the good guys ! Chile was a disgrace too , Libya a long reaching criminal disgrace ,Iraq Afghanistan there are no words , then all the little regime changes in Africa and Malay region . Disgraceful .
100% Agree.
Great Interview -- thank you both!
Did Germany apologise for sending chemical weapons to Iraq and doing tests on Iranian people ?
Did Americans apologize for Japan Vietnam Afghanistan Africa Iraq Syria Lebanon Lybia Yugoslavia Ukraine ect ect...
UaaS broght hell on Earth 🌎.
@@monaliza3334 of course
USA, UK think they are gods and they can do whatever they want
Thank you so much for your support!
Mr. Chris Hedges, your commitment to truth-telling is commendable. Despite my familiarity with the events of 1953 in Iran, I greatly appreciate your elucidation of the historical context in which a nation's pursuit of democracy was unjustly thwarted. I extend my gratitude to Mr. Taghi Amirani for his contributions in this regard. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to view "Coup 53."
We won't Forget.
Lacking support in the Majles, PM Mossadegh illegally sought to dissolve the parliament, a power that the constitution reserved to the Shah. His action caused him to lose nearly all political support except the communist Tudeh party, and with even his pro-oil nationalization supporters split, Mossadegh found himself with a reduced base composed of radical supporters and an increasingly united front opposing him: the clergy, the military, and the bazaar, with the U.S. and Britain now both solidly behind the monarch
no we know the british gave ayatollah kashani money directly as well- so depressing (came out last week)
Please where I can find this?
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
The C.I.A have a long history of incompetence, lies and extreme evil.
Personally, I knew next to nothing about this and still don't to be honest but recently I was cycling through London's Hyde park, and came across something harrowing in Marble Arch. There was a remembrance of victims in Iran. Photographs of victims and a brief description of their age were displayed in the square below the arch. The whole ambience was solemn and dignified. A cross between a demonstration protest and remembrance. I found the experience more educational and spoke to a few of those involved.
One of the people involved was imprisoned in Iran for 4years. The dignity and grace was only matched by compassion and surpassed with intelligence and honesty. That was a middle aged woman named Monir.
God bless you and yours.
well done Chris
Kermit Roosevelt, and his sons, were my father's and my friends. All of them were kind people and not responsible for the brutality of Savak which was the Shah's responsibility. Another branch of CIA was only partially complicit with Savak which did not follow US advice. Yes, the primary players were the Brits. The US always ends up admitting its role in foreign dirty tricks, not so the British. The Shah was a big fish in a small pond; CIA turned on him as it had enough of the arrogance and brutality which would be blamed on it.
Well said!
We helped the British do this. I believe Eisenhower was president at the time. I consider this act as the cause of the later Ayatollah regime.
' History of US Intervention In Iran - 1953 until Present ' TH-cam .
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Please do not revise history. PM Mossadegh was not democratically elected but appointed by the Shah. Under the Iranian constitution that was the sole prerogative of the monarch
Thanks for the excellent information ❤
On cooking the books, it sounds exactly how Scotland has its oil plundered right up to this day by a westmonster parliament
Where Cia & mi6 & mossad put the hands, god retires the virtue. Iran 53, vietnam, korea, south america, middle east, afghanistan, syria, balkans, irak, lybia, you name it. What world is this?
The true axis of evil-george bus is Mosad;cia;Mi6😮😅
100% Agree..
Utterly appalling.......why do all great Leaders get removed? Why ? Words fail me. The Iranian peoples' lives were ruined.
Thank you Taghi. Thank you for this great piece of work.
Strangest of all, why were the Khomeini revolutionaries housed in Paris ? Even though in 1971 the French organised the ridiculous expensive party when the Sjah celebrated the 2500th anniversary of the founding of the Persian Empire. France wasn't part of Nato at that time so it was only natural she went her own way in colonialist politics.
Flood the zone like and share this broadcast
Chris excellent segment 31:42
Many of the techniques mentioned in the interview used by cia/mi6 are still being used today. Particularly recently on Jeremy Corbyn who could have been the next leader of uk government.
As an Iranian just by reading the title I knew that the person behind this should be a democrat, Just like Jimmy Carter who brought this misery to my country. We Iranian will get our country back and I am afraid to tell you that we wont be fooled again. You might fool foreigners by a video and show them a distorted Image of reality, but young generation of Iranian will take their country back and make it a proud nation again. LONG LIVE SHAH. Javid Iran.
Thanks a lot Chris
NEVER admit guilt.
Interesting, I'm definitely going to watch the documentary!
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Great analysis, 🙏
As always amazing interview , much appreciated
It is about time that the British were called to account for the vile crimes committed in the spirit of racism and moral hypocrisy. That sick morality that enables men to commit murder from the protection of a uniform in the name of 'king (or queen) and country.
Good for Hedges, calling out the most imperialistic country/people in the world.
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Very well said 👏 👍 👌 🙌
They just talking nonsense
I will complete the other points...I was too busy with work..@@farraf4009
He said the Savak was set up bècause the Shah was "a weak man". Why was the Shah "a weak man"?
Brilliant interview.
Sounds like USA and UK as well as EU and Nato
Free Julian Assange, free Palestine. Barb
Thank you Chris
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Thanks for the report& facts. BP does not reveal the information on the time of being in Iran /South of Iran.
Always thoughtful insightful well spent time. Chris. Thank you.
Ok.... one thing I don't get. The Shah was kicked out in 1979. Then with all these years, Iran should be a really nice place country. They had do many years of getting it right without the eil western influence. What am I not getting?
Iran is pretty nice. They've tried to spread educstion, healthcare, and animal husbandry into remote areas. Also you may have gotgotten all the sanctions on irsn, that has kept them back signigicsnyly, but theyre overcoming that now. Plus, at the beginning of the revolution things were very bad politically. Khomeni was strict shariah and they doubled down to engorce their power. But things have changed substantially over time and a new generation.
For of Chris always has such brilliant conversations with people who no the TRUTH for of great food for the mind as we have lost great minds in the battle for PEACE ty my beautiful spirit family of Chris ty of spirit brother 🌱🌳❤3love TRUTH offers PEACE
Believe it or not, the so called Islamic Revolution in 1979 was another coup. But this time the coup was against the Shah. A few months after August 53 coup, a 25 year oil contract was signed between Iran & the newly formed oil consortium which ended in early 1979. Shah had refused to renew it and was forced to leave Iran in January of 1979, coincidence?
Is there a DVD/Blu-Ray of this documentary???? I would love to own a copy!
Thanks, Chris! I read about the coups in Iran and in many other countries in Stephen Kinzer's book, Overthrow.
Daniel Boorstin's "Hidden History" is good. Ike did Guatemala in '58. Reagan authorized Mayan genocide in '83 in the same country as charged by The Hague. Ronnie felt guilty and offered asylum to survivors. Trump killed 5 Mayan kids in the El Paso border camp to let GOP donors know the eugenics of indigenous peoples is always a plank in the GOP platform.
Ukraine? US/UK coup? Yes.
Thank you.
May he bless your Liberty ....
Western liberal dialogues concerned with the recent politics in Iran, especially around women's liberation, that don't take into account this coup and America's involvement, are impoverished.
They were scared... otherwise they would have published everything...
Now you know why the chickens came home to roost. Read All The Shah's Men!
Within the first few seconds, Chris showed how much he did not know about Iran and the Iranian constitution.
1. Per the Iranian constitution, prime ministers are NOT elected by the PEOPLE. They are Appointed by the King. This is clearly indicated in the constitution of Iran, Called Mashroteh going back to before Pahlavi.
2. Shah had the right, power, and the right by the constitution to remove the Prime minister who had decided to resolve the parliament.
3. Mosadeh tried to run a populist campaign with the Tudeh party's help( a Soviet-backed, trained, and financed).
4. The Soviets ordered the Tudeh party(hell-bent on handing over Iran to the Soviets) to start supporting Mosadegh.
5. The Tudeh party saw Mosadegh as a weak and naive person who could later replace him to take over the country.
6. The Tudeh party had infiltrated the Iranian armed forces set up checkpoints and provided security detail for Mosadegh and his residence.
7. Since Mosadeh was refusing to leave and was backed by the communist-infiltrated army, there was no choice but to force him out.
8. The loyal army to the Shahj with the help of people on the streets were able to remove and arrest him.
9. Mosadeh was put on trial and was treated fairly by the judicial system in Iran.
10. Let's assume that foreign countries such as Britain and America helped the Shah, but that is not proven. Assume they did, the Shah was able to bring prosperity, modernity, women's rights, build infrastructure, and improve everyone's life, something that could not have happened if Mosadegh had remained in power or worse, communists led by the Tudeh party had taken the country over and handed over the Soviet.
Thank you for this report. I always share them on Facebook.
Well, today, Iran is stronger than ever.
When God's an Englishmen no need to apologize for anything.
What abt Guadalupe conference, when 5 super powers, England, US, France, Russia, n Japan decided on complete destruction of Iran, weakening of Pakistan, n India? Which led to the changes in 1979 in iran?
Thank you sir for your information to those Iranian who don't understand thanks again
Stupid narrative which wrongfully presents a popular uprising to have the king of Iran return to the country as coup plot against a prime mister which in the first place contrary to popular believe was moving to initiate an illegal act in dissolving the parliament single handedly to presumably promot new elections in his owen favour. I am referring to "Mossadeg" who is portrayed as the supposed Martyre prime minister which the alleged purported coup was preformed against...! This video is baised and a wrong account of an event posed as a overthrow of representative government body...
Dear Chris, when you say among other things CIA intervenion in Ethiopia, are you talking about the installation of PM Abiy? Thanks
The empire rages on right over the people & we allow it. Maui was destroyed by empire.
indeed maui was destroyed by the empire...CIA NEOCOMS MI6 😠
Lest we forget that the Shah's father was deposed by an Anglo-Soviet invasion in 1941. The government that existed from 1941-1953 was always an illegitimate state, and the 1953 coup was the western allies' attempt to restore the status quo and right the wrong they had committed in 1941 when they collaborated with the Soviets.
Lest we forget your forgetting to take your medication! For the Soviet part (unlike the british) was to prevent the nazis access to the oil fields; and then left. Now keep listening pertaining to anglo's and the Persian oil fields.
جاوید شاه 👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑👑👑👑👑👑
I watched a documentary on the Australian government owned abc Australian broadcasting corporation. It explained how the British couldn’t overthrow Mosaddegh so they involved the Americans. The deal was if the cia could orchestrate the coup Britain would go 50/50 with America on irans oil. They even involved the Queen. They got her to write a letter to the shar asking him not to flee Iran and he stayed. Coup was orchestrated and the shar was put back in. I wouldn’t imagine this level of detail would have been on the abc if the UK hadn’t admitted.
Iran now has the power to stand with BRICS to redress the wrongs of the US & UK - Go Iran