In my experiences working in this field cross-culturally, the Jewish patients (across the religious spectrum) had the healthiest relationships, from both an emotional and intimacy standpoint. I'll never forget interviewing an 82-year-old Jewish man who described (in enthusiastic detail) his very satisfying intimate relationship with his wife of 60 years. Take heart, my precious brothers and sisters, we don't just excel in business and medicine, but in the bedroom as well!
In my experiences working in this field cross-culturally, the Jewish patients (across the religious spectrum) had the healthiest relationships, from both an emotional and intimacy standpoint. I'll never forget interviewing an 82-year-old Jewish man who described (in enthusiastic detail) his very satisfying intimate relationship with his wife of 60 years. Take heart, my precious brothers and sisters, we don't just excel in business and medicine, but in the bedroom as well!
Peggy is awesome. Extremely professional in her conduct; knowledgeable, empathic, wise -- doing the L-rd's work!
Wooow thank you, your way to kind
Power to her as long as she doesn't encourage anything against halacha
2:20 lol
had to use some humor
Why didn’t you call out the lie of 2-3 year olds going to mikvah?
because her point was that males get use to being naked at a very young age. her pointing out the age was not the point
Saying the truth would’ve brought out her point. With saying 2-3 she loses credibility.
These exaggerations just shows that she has an axe to grind.
I didn't feel that from her
I took it that boys start young because of the mikva
that's just how I took it
ur alone on that boat sir
I didn't feel that at all
but hey
Dare I say that I coined that word :)
the wife will tell them were to put it in 8:50 😂🤣🤣