Crime Matteotti - The business track

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Matteotti: the business track
    Davide Conti, Tano D'Amico
    The historical revisionism of the last decades has given us back the image of a Mussolini dictator, but essentially a man with clean hands, a champion to be opposed to the characters of the so-called First and Second Republic.
    Instead Mussolini is a corrupt and, together with the Savoy, is entangled in the first case of bribes in Italy, paid by the American company Sinclair to obtain the exclusive concession of the search for oil fields in Italy.
    Matteotti explicitly affirmed this in an article that appeared posthumously, in July 1924, in the journal English Life, in which he allowed himself to go to a statement full of meanings: "We are already aware - he wrote - of many serious irregularities concerning this concession. Senior officials can be accused of ignoble corruption and the most shameful embezzlement. "
    After denouncing the electoral frauds and acts of unprecedented violence that had brought fascism to power, Matteotti is under close scrutiny by the nascent regime, because they fear another of his speeches at Montecitorio and the presentation of the dossier on the bribes of the Sinclair company.
    Davide Conti is a historian, consultant of the Historical Archive of the Senate of the Republic. He collaborated with the Public Prosecutor of Brescia for the massacre in Piazza della Loggia. Among his publications, The Italian Occupation of the Balkans. War crimes and myth of the "good people" 1940-1943 (Odradek, 2008), Italian war criminals. Accusations, trials and impunity after World War II (Odradek, 2011), The Black Soul of the Republic. History of the Msi (Laterza, 2013), The Resistance of Mario Fiorentini and Lucia Ottobrini from the Gap to the Allied Missions (Senato della Repubblica, 2016) and Guerriglia partigiana in Rome (Odradek, 2016). In 2017 he published the men of Mussolini for Einaudi.
    Tano D'Amico is a professional journalist and photojournalist, filicudaro by birth and Roman by adoption. In 1967, in the climate of the protest, a long collaboration began with Lotta Continua and with Potere Operaio. The first reports are dedicated to the south, in Sicily and in Sardinia. Collaborate with the manifesto and the Republic. It is close to the workers, the miners, the feminists. He has produced reports on prisons, mental hospitals, Roma, barracks, and has documented the street demonstrations since the sixties. He also works with the gypsies who tells, out of stereotypes, with images of joy. Among his publications, With the heart in his eyes. Photographs of daily Italy (Edizioni Kappa, 1982), Palestine (Nuovi Equilibri, 1990), The rebel years. 1968 -1980 (Editori Riuniti, 1998), Randagi (Odradek, 2000), The Black Jubilee of the Gypsies (Editori Riuniti, 2000), Espulsi.Voci and images from Palestine under siege (Odradek, 2002), It is the 77 (manifestolibri, 2007), What memories are made of.Photo and light of a street photographer (Postcart Editions, 2011). In December 2018 he held a lectio magistralis in Rome, at Macro Asilo, new center of Contemporary and Future of the Museum of Contemporary Art Macro.
    Paolo Grassini, director, screenwriter, producer. After his debut with Doppio Movimento (1978), in 1981 he moved first to Paris and then to Amsterdam, where he made the short film L'uomo della mob, loosely based on the eponymous story by Edgar Allan Poe. In 1989 he wrote, produced and directed with Italo Spinelli, Roma Paris Barcelona. Among his documentaries, The Mystery of the Blonde Assassin (1995), on the dirty war against ETA and, in 2000, An Italian in Kabul and The Decalogue of the Taliban, with Benjamin Christmas. After the disarmers, on the men of the IOM - World Organization for Migrations -, he shoots Under The Taliban and Pakistan: women and fundamentalism (2001), both with Beniamino Natali, and Il piccolo gioco (2002), forty minutes dedicated to the Afghan artists who resisted the Taliban regime. Furthermore, his two documentaries on the World Social Forum - in Bombay (2004), published in Italy with the Manifesto, Liberazione e Carta, and in Belem (2007). It is 2005 of Amazzonia Drums, with Federico Mariani. In recent years he has made documentaries on the difficult integration of Roma, including Roma among us - Damn exclusions (2005) and Zingare reckless (2015).
    Stefano Moser, director, screenwriter, is director of photography of the film Narcos (1992) by Giuseppe Ferrara, Altrove (1995) by Enzo Balestrieri, Maybe God is sick (2007) by Franco Brogi Taviani, Giravolte (2001) by Carola Spadoni and collective film, conceived and coordinated by Citto Maselli, Another world is possible (2001). In 2002 he wrote and directed, Clown in Kabul with Enzo Balestrieri.

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