Metalheads have been under attack for generations now. Whatever. I've been a die-hard Metalhead for over 44 years now. I watched Tipper Gore try to cancel us before cancel culture was in style. You can't cancel the cancelled. We are underground for a reason, and I for one like it down here.
It really is for the better for heavy metal to usually stay out of the public eye because it's going to have a bunch of nutcases trying to ruin the culture of it.
Remember when Bob Dole tried to cancel Cannibal Corpse in the 90's which only brought more attention to the band? That sure worked out as they became the most well known death metal band.
People have been trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse for their entire 36 years of existence. Some morons tried to stop them from coming to Australia back in 2006 but luckily they still came and put on an awesome show!
I think certain people like being offended. Just to have something to complain about. And have a focal point for their negativity. It’s been going on for ever. Can’t people just ignore what they don’t and be happy.
I'm a Cannibal Corpse fan. My favorite album is Tomb of the Mutilated. People have been trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse, and they have failed. This situation is getting ridiculous.
Like I've always said if you don't like something don't listen to it, don't watch it, don't read it, etc etc. In the words of Nuclear Assault, "It's fucking art, man!"
People have been trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse since the early 1990s and it still hasn't worked. Nice Amon Amarth shirt by the way and it's great to see those awesome black metal poster flags behind you.
I was born in 2011 and I love Cannibal Corpse, in fact i'm going to see them next month, and in my eyes this is all bullshit, like if i went on the internet and say that addicted to vaginal skin is my favourite Cannibal Corpse song, gen z people will say that I shouldnt listen to them and I should go to church
Okay make me feel old now knowing I am 35 with a son the same age born the year as you and hope you enjoy the show along with welcome to the metal scene ya baby metal head and I mean that in the kindest way because we all started off somewhere which good for you supporting a great og band.
I definitely agree. It's weak minded people who get it twisted. the whole thing with "baby, it's cold outside" Was ridiculous at the least. That song is referencing a time period where it was inappropriate for women to stay at a man's place if they weren't married and it was talking about the temptations of staying the night with the guy because she really enjoyed his company but then she's realizing, "oh, but this is not appropriate to society. It's not politically correct so I have to leave but man, I really don't want to", and the guy's just basically going along with saying "then don't." The only thing that ever bothered me about the song is that the music video involves 2 children. so the context of the song and children is a weird Mix. Now anybody who was offended by that song definitely shouldn't listen to cannibal corps because o Lord. They're gonna find a whole lot more to be offended by. However, I don't think Cannibal Corpse should be canceled. Yes, it's controversial. We all know that, but that's why we enjoy it. Especially with George going around and helping children who need help, and doing some of the most wholesome things while also going up on stage and performing what he does. 😂 I love it. Come on, people, if we're gonna cancel anything, let's cancel problems that actually exist in the world and not go after all of these famous artists for doing what they do because that's ruining someone's livelihood and not to mention all of their fans... Like, really? There's better things to go after.
The tiktok crowd did, they tried to cancel peater steele and anyone who listened to type o or carnoivore because of the lyrics to a few carnivore and type O songs, people like that wont last in metal for long.
@@ninetysixbitterbeing If it makes you feel better its the same outrage it always caused just by people who are trying to be metal but cant handle metal music, like I said I don't think they will be into metal for more than a few years.
Its not even gen z doing this shit im born in 2003 and love the Chris Barnes era of cannibal corpse its people like Ben Shapiro that are trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse they never will cancel the corpse
Doubt Shapiro gives a shit about corpse.Im a Christian(I know metal heads hate me whatever ) no one in my church knows or cares about corpse or any other metal band.Christians aren’t hunting metal heads down to shame you,they don’t care.Metal fans aren’t victims
i took a gen z friend to amon amarth with cannibal corpse earlier this year. we had a blast! what an amazing show! also, corpsegrinder is one of the most wholesome people alive today
As a firm representative of gen Z, I absolutely love cannibal corpse, and more extreme genres like goregrind, and slam. This situation is so fucking stupid, and it shouldn’t have ever happened.
Seems like it was only yesterday when a friend and I made a video (that's sadly privatized now) reacting to an article calling metal AS A WHOLE sexist and spent a lot of time complaining about Cannibal Corpse's lyrics. To quote Devin Townsend, "It's just entertainment, folks!"
Taco bell is highly problematic. The capitalistic cultural appropriation of our beloved poor innocent brown Mexicans must stop. Consider Taco Bell...CANCELED!
Dude, I've been a Metalhead for 16 years, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, Archspire, Cattle Decapitation are the most mainstream friendly bands ever. Why are CC getting canceled? Cannibal Corpse lyrics only speak of love and turning away from violence and believing in yourself and respecting society.. so why would they be getting's beyond me. 😕😕😕 🤷♂️
Listening to Cannibal Corpse is like watching a horror movie it's fantasy and we can appreciate the artistry but no one takes it seriously because we can distinguish between fantasy and reality
These people are the same ones who wanted to get Eminem canceled. Also as a gen z, I think Cannibal Corpse is awesome. Not all of us are this mentally weak lmao
Though those people are more conservative. Blackmetal Werewolf was talking about Tippy Gore, which I never heard of. But I'm fairly liberal and I don't get offended too easily .
What will they do without all that cash from radio airplay, use of their music in advertisements and soundtracks, and music video airtime on tv? No more Cannibal Corpse being played over the speakers in local Walmarts, Costcos and coffee shops? They're done for.
I’m gen Z and I can’t stand my generation. I play in 2 metal bands (blackened thrash project and blackened death) and I have to be all mindful about what I say on stage and what I stand for because of how touchy the scene has become in my area due to my generation. This generation is so soft and ridiculous. It’s obviously not all of us but holy shit it’s a lot of them.
another example is the Marx Brothers (comedians from the early 1900s if you're not familiar with them). One guy was like "hey their movies are too offensive. Here is a code they have to follow if they want to make more movies"
Black metal Werewolf :The Film Industry had The Hayes Office which had the silliest rules ... 1) When a actress and actor played a married couple..they had to sleep in seperate bedrooms 2) You couldn't show women undressing 3) no alcohol & drugs So you can ser how far back this shit goes
Great video. I'm the biggest conan the barbarian fan (self proclaimed) and the original series with barry windsor smith drawing back in the marvel days is super toned down because of that damn code... At least they published savage sword of conan black and white in magazine format to avoid that code and thus one of the best comics of all time was born 🔥🔥🔥 Fuck cancel culture.. Stay metal dudes! 🤘🏻🤘🏻
There would be no way in hell Slagel would drop Cannibal. If he was like that then he would have dropped them back in the 90s. Also if they have a problem with necropedophile then they should talk to Barnes since he wrote the lyrics.
*Sigh* I think this whole thing is a tad bit blown out of proportion. To my knowledge - and I could be wrong here so please feel free to correct me - no one has called for a boycott of CC music or shows, or threatened to ostracize or otherwise socially shun people who support the band. This was people expressing an opinion, NOT attempting to "cancel" the band; there is a difference. Do I agree with these people's opinions? Fuck no. Do I think their argument is small minded and misguided? Of course! But do they have the right to express that opinion just like we do? Yes, they do. If they were calling for a boycott of the band, then there would be a problem, but I don't actually see that happening. I think metal fans tend to be a bit too reactionary to stuff like this, and for good reason. But do we need to start crying "cancel culture" just because someone thinks death metal lyrics are icky? I don't think so.
Metal has never been dead, heavy metal will never die! Try try as ye weak minded masses might, you will never succeed in your pursuit of censorship, it will always backfire on you. I've been a metalhead for 34+ years, I will die a metalhead.
Oh I know not all gen z is terrible after all my youngest sister is a elder gen z(soon to be 25), my other sister is a elder mill. who fingers being a almost gen z given she she was born the year prior to those born to become gen z and their is my son a baby gen z born 2011 and these people in my life thankfully are not like these morons who are self righteous over zealous.. I think to myself never let these boo boo faces discover c0rn😉grind, nsbm and even the band gwar which I am shocked they haven't discovered yet oh lord never let them discover gg alin man I can't take these folks seriously.
I feel this is really just tabloid media minds. Most people you meet in real life don’t care. Why listen to the genre of metal in general if you are going to be offended?
They don't actually listen to Metal. They have TikTok brain. They have the attention span of a goldfish and their only hobbies are swiping and bitching about things.
I fully agree with you on this 100% I believe all form of art should not be canceled! plus what is canceling something going to really do it doesn’t erase history it doesn’t make the art disappear if you don’t like something don’t listen to it it’s simple as that weak minded people don’t understand that tho sadly.. you can’t polish a turd
dude im gen z and i can confirm gen z’s not the problem, most of us really don’t care lol. sensitive people are always gonna exist somewhere, its the vocal minority that’s trying to fuck us over. cannibal corpse fucking kicks ass
You gotta be kidding me they tried to cancel Metallica now they're after Cannibal Corpse now wtf ? This shit pisses me off ! #KeepDeathMetalAlive #KeepThrashMetalAlive #MarilynMansonIsInnocent
The only thing Cannibal corpse should be accountable for is writing great music great lyrics and great musicianship Death Metal Lives Matters and Black Metal Lives Matter Heavy Metal Lives Matter we are the only people who have to deal with more racism than any other groups we are the true minorities from day one Metal has taken more racist hatred than anyone else as a rocker I've dealt with more racism and discrimination I've been bullied shot stabbed robbed at gun and knife point cause I'm a rocker and happened to be a white Male
In the year 2024 I thought we were past all this bullshit. I grew up in the 80s and 90s during the whole satanic panic thing. History repeats itself in some way I guess. Let it go ahead, metal will still be here .always has always will
Bro why is everyone so offended by everything I’m gen z and I said I like cannibal and they looked at me like I’m f’n nuts it’s not just gen z it’s older too
In a true functioning democracy there are a couple of simple precepts that are all the protection an artist needs They are as follows. If you are offended by something you see, don't look at it. If you are offended by something you hear don't listen to it. To do anything else is tantamount to attempting to outlaw pizza because you don't like anchovies. Just order the fucking pizza without anchovies. I was around and a metalhead when the Satanic Panic hit it's peak. As a teenager I wondered how in the hell grown people could believe the fantastical bullshit that the religious right was spouting to the mainstream media about Metal and satanic ritual abuse. The McMartin Preschool trial ruined a business, friendships, and lives. Ray Buckey spent five years in jail. The children told stories of babies being flushed down toilets, and sexual rendezvous with Chuck Norris. They claimed he picked the up in a helicopter, but not one adult ever saw one land. A few others made similar accusations against other celebrities, except they claimed they were picked up by hot air ballons. As an adult I understand that no reasonable person could ever buy the allegations, they stayed in line like good little sheep because they were too cowardly to step out of line and speak truth to power. I realized early on that being "woke" had potential to cause a similar problem if it ever got out of hand. To anyone reading this that doesn't see a resemblance between what happened in the McMartin case and what Elon Musk calls the "woke mind virus." Pleae read this carefully. The way that the status quo railroaded the McMartin Preschool employees brcause of absolute insane accusations with no basis of reality is very similar to, and no less insane than the woke assertion that there is no biological difference between a man and a female, even though women have the a uterus, a vagina, and a different type of chromosomes. They are weaponizing the legal system to publicly humiliate, imprison leave a political opponent in financial ruin. The owners of in the McMartin Preschool were humiliated and financially ruined, and imprisoned. Sane people know that the woke and identity politics are all bullshit, but just like the descendants of good little sheep we stay in line with the flock. Don't think for a minute if they eat the big fish that they won't come after the guppies. That's what they always do. Homosexuals and Trans people will be among the first. Communism cannot allow non conformity to exist. Those two groups are also the ones screaming loudest when they believe they have witnessed injustice. Try that in a communist or socialist country and let me know how that works out for you. They are attacking the first ammendment because they know that controling speak also means controling thought, and that is the precious gem that they desire most. If they do they can torture you to death and you will die thanking them for showing you the error of your ways. This has all happened before and it can damn well happen again.
Heavy metal counter culture was an underground movement against 80's Christian Fundamentalist Conservative Cold War capitalism ultra conformity. Taking advice seriously from a drunken Team America puppet is a bad idea. Today's generation wouldn't know a power chord if it slapped them in the face.
I think it can be okay sometimes to call people on their bullshit but, this ain't it. It's not like CC has been naming their songs like that for literal decades now and its not like Corpsegrinder is even remotely a bad person. It would take 2 seconds to see that with some effort but nope, off to twitter to rant. *sigh*
What an awful headline, saying an entire generation is trying to cancel CC is idiotic. I hate the forced conflicts between generations and people generalizing them, people are individuals not defined by when they were born.
POV when a taylor swift or as i call her tayolr shit fan sees a album cover that doesn't say "tayolr swft is the best" . Well thats how i see this whole thing
Being “cancelled” is a participation sport.If you ignore it nothing happens
Metalheads have been under attack for generations now. Whatever. I've been a die-hard Metalhead for over 44 years now. I watched Tipper Gore try to cancel us before cancel culture was in style. You can't cancel the cancelled. We are underground for a reason, and I for one like it down here.
@@barrywalker673 yep.
Hell yeah man you took the words right out of my mouth
Nicely put.
I'm a Democrat and a metalhead and as long no one is actively harming one another it's fine.
It really is for the better for heavy metal to usually stay out of the public eye because it's going to have a bunch of nutcases trying to ruin the culture of it.
Gen Z is trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse ❌
One person got mad about the lyrics on Twitter ✅️
This just means metal is alive once more. The more controversial metal is, the better it is doing
Exactly right.
As a gen z, I love Cannibal Corpse, I also love even more extreme genres like gore grind, I find this whole situation beyond ridiculous
Same, they love sexxy red and cardi b talking about their 🐈🐈
I feel like its more than a gen z you have to be one of the idiots who use tiktok. I always have been anti tiktok, they cant handle shit.
@skator8423 it's why I stopped using it. They get mad over dumb shit
@@Lunar_bloodreviewsI deleted it because of the 14 year olds doing dances with shitty corpsepaint.
“Gen Z is trying to cancel cannibal corpse!” So did every other generation ever since their existence
Exactly right!
Remember when Bob Dole tried to cancel Cannibal Corpse in the 90's which only brought more attention to the band? That sure worked out as they became the most well known death metal band.
Yes I do. I was in my senior year in high school 1996-97.
And to date, are still the most well known death metal band
@@raulramirez9657Other than Death that is.
@@Limonelguey and also the movie 🎥 "ace ventura". 😎👍
This remindes me of the satanic panic but instead of the parents and old people it's young ones
Which is beyond pathetic.
People have been trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse for their entire 36 years of existence. Some morons tried to stop them from coming to Australia back in 2006 but luckily they still came and put on an awesome show!
I think certain people like being offended. Just to have something to complain about. And have a focal point for their negativity. It’s been going on for ever. Can’t people just ignore what they don’t and be happy.
Can't wait for gen z to discover goregrind hehe.
Even so I don't think any other song could ever spark the same reaction that "Necropedophile" did for me, and that is a compliment to Barnes writing.
Wait till they find p0rn0 grind lol
Or Implaed Nazarene
"A Chainsaw in the Cvnt bj Fvneral Rape"
GG Allin
My favourite Cannibal Corpse albums:
1. Butchered at Birth (1991);
2. Tomb of the Mutilated (1992);
3. The Bleeding (1994).
Early 90s Metal was the best.
1. Torture
2. Bloodthirster
3. Violence Unimagined
4. Butchered At Birth
Butchered at Birth, hell yeah! Vomit the Soul is one of the best tracks ever.
My 3 favorite too.
I totally agree! 🤘😁🤙
I covered this a week ago. They're getting out of control, all because they have nothing better to do.
You have 69 subs haha funny number
@@Sinfuldeathband I had a lot more on my old channel but I put that one to rest
@@Lunar_bloodreviews 👍
I watched this video.
Seriously like what do you get out of "cancelling" something you have no interest in
Haha I have tried now TWICE to quote Paul Baloff's Poser speech in here but it was deleted twice! Thanks, TH-cam!
What do we teach posers?
Not TH-cam, but me deleting your comments. 😈
These newer generations are just not gonna make it in this world. (Wait until things inevitably get worse.)
I dont see Metal Blade Records dropping CC any time soon.
I'm a Cannibal Corpse fan. My favorite album is Tomb of the Mutilated. People have been trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse, and they have failed. This situation is getting ridiculous.
If they dont like the band, dont listen to the music. No one's holding a gun to your head and saying you HAVE to listen to Cannibal Corpse. Let it go.
Like I've always said if you don't like something don't listen to it, don't watch it, don't read it, etc etc.
In the words of Nuclear Assault, "It's fucking art, man!"
This just goes to show that metal is alive once again! More controversy means more exposure
People have been trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse since the early 1990s and it still hasn't worked. Nice Amon Amarth shirt by the way and it's great to see those awesome black metal poster flags behind you.
But today it has a communist twist.... Brainwashed snowflake's becoming neo marxist
I had no idea we were doing this ngl, i dont really listen to death metal, but i can appreciate good old cannibal corpse
I was born in 2011 and I love Cannibal Corpse, in fact i'm going to see them next month, and in my eyes this is all bullshit, like if i went on the internet and say that addicted to vaginal skin is my favourite Cannibal Corpse song, gen z people will say that I shouldnt listen to them and I should go to church
Okay make me feel old now knowing I am 35 with a son the same age born the year as you and hope you enjoy the show along with welcome to the metal scene ya baby metal head and I mean that in the kindest way because we all started off somewhere which good for you supporting a great og band.
@@mercedesvelasquez8781 thanks man🤘🏻😎🤘🏻
Damn I feel old as fuck, Hell yeah enjoy that show.
@@skator8423 thanks man🤘🏻😎🤘🏻
@@vincentmomont7538 srew people
I definitely agree. It's weak minded people who get it twisted. the whole thing with "baby, it's cold outside" Was ridiculous at the least. That song is referencing a time period where it was inappropriate for women to stay at a man's place if they weren't married and it was talking about the temptations of staying the night with the guy because she really enjoyed his company but then she's realizing, "oh, but this is not appropriate to society. It's not politically correct so I have to leave but man, I really don't want to", and the guy's just basically going along with saying "then don't." The only thing that ever bothered me about the song is that the music video involves 2 children. so the context of the song and children is a weird Mix. Now anybody who was offended by that song definitely shouldn't listen to cannibal corps because o Lord. They're gonna find a whole lot more to be offended by. However, I don't think Cannibal Corpse should be canceled. Yes, it's controversial. We all know that, but that's why we enjoy it. Especially with George going around and helping children who need help, and doing some of the most wholesome things while also going up on stage and performing what he does. 😂 I love it.
Come on, people, if we're gonna cancel anything, let's cancel problems that actually exist in the world and not go after all of these famous artists for doing what they do because that's ruining someone's livelihood and not to mention all of their fans... Like, really? There's better things to go after.
Cannibal Corpse! 🤘I went to their concert last year (2023) in Dallas, tx
Dallas has an awesome Metal scene.
Oh man, wait until gen z discovers Carnivore.
The tiktok crowd did, they tried to cancel peater steele and anyone who listened to type o or carnoivore because of the lyrics to a few carnivore and type O songs, people like that wont last in metal for long.
@@skator8423 lol, that is pathetic.
@@skator8423I really didn't need to know about that...
@@ninetysixbitterbeing If it makes you feel better its the same outrage it always caused just by people who are trying to be metal but cant handle metal music, like I said I don't think they will be into metal for more than a few years.
I 100% agree Metal and horror rules !!! fuck cancel culture !!!🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Can't cancel living legends. They couldn't even cancel their dental appointments,without mommy and daddy.
Its not even gen z doing this shit im born in 2003 and love the Chris Barnes era of cannibal corpse its people like Ben Shapiro that are trying to cancel Cannibal Corpse they never will cancel the corpse
Doubt Shapiro gives a shit about corpse.Im a Christian(I know metal heads hate me whatever ) no one in my church knows or cares about corpse or any other metal band.Christians aren’t hunting metal heads down to shame you,they don’t care.Metal fans aren’t victims
i took a gen z friend to amon amarth with cannibal corpse earlier this year. we had a blast! what an amazing show! also, corpsegrinder is one of the most wholesome people alive today
Keep in mind, Autopsy gave birth to cannibal corpse.
As a firm representative of gen Z, I absolutely love cannibal corpse, and more extreme genres like goregrind, and slam. This situation is so fucking stupid, and it shouldn’t have ever happened.
1st concert I took my 16 year old daughter was the Metal Crushes all tour! Amon Amarth and Cannibal Corpse!
Seems like it was only yesterday when a friend and I made a video (that's sadly privatized now) reacting to an article calling metal AS A WHOLE sexist and spent a lot of time complaining about Cannibal Corpse's lyrics. To quote Devin Townsend, "It's just entertainment, folks!"
"The Compleat Witch or What to do When Virtve Fails"
Love your intro man
Every time since 1988 when somebody tried to Cancel Cannibal Corpse, they just end up sellling more t shirts and albums😂❤
Gen z don't even know what a woman is, or which bathroom to use. They couldn't cancel a taco bell order.
You're a legend 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Or a order at McDonald's
Taco bell is highly problematic. The capitalistic cultural appropriation of our beloved poor innocent brown Mexicans must stop. Consider Taco Bell...CANCELED!
Lol Gen Z is cringe,woke losers who get offended by everything.
Dude, I've been a Metalhead for 16 years, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, Archspire, Cattle Decapitation are the most mainstream friendly bands ever. Why are CC getting canceled? Cannibal Corpse lyrics only speak of love and turning away from violence and believing in yourself and respecting society.. so why would they be getting's beyond me. 😕😕😕 🤷♂️
They have been dealing with this since they started. Every decade someone tries to cancel them.
I've tried a few times now. But can't find you on Twitch. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
They only h@te Cannibal Corpse because it's the only extreme band they know about
Millennial here I love Cannibal Corpse, I am waiting for Gen Z to go after Black Metal now.
then the ghosts of dead and euronymous will haunt them
@@enigmaticbeing7703finnish trash
Listening to Cannibal Corpse is like watching a horror movie it's fantasy and we can appreciate the artistry but no one takes it seriously because we can distinguish between fantasy and reality
Times are changing and people love to conform with ridiculous ideologies. The detrimental effects still suck.
These people are the same ones who wanted to get Eminem canceled. Also as a gen z, I think Cannibal Corpse is awesome. Not all of us are this mentally weak lmao
Execpt we never did any of those things. One or two people is not a whole generation 😂
@@SuperMario-eq8ik the majority of you can't even go a few hours without staring at your phones. You have no life.
They're the same people that listen to people like Sexy Redd
@@HexagonDonDada tbh I don’t even know who Sexy Redd is
This is the same stuff the televangelists were pissing and moaning about back in the 1980s.
Though those people are more conservative. Blackmetal Werewolf was talking about Tippy Gore, which I never heard of. But I'm fairly liberal and I don't get offended too easily .
Why is this generation so weak and embarrassing?
Because of their parents and being raised by £xtreme political beliefs
@@Anonymous-wb3nz the world is embarrisng
@@billconway4860 I agree.
💯 @@billconway4860
The fucking Team America clip at the end 😂
What will they do without all that cash from radio airplay, use of their music in advertisements and soundtracks, and music video airtime on tv? No more Cannibal Corpse being played over the speakers in local Walmarts, Costcos and coffee shops? They're done for.
My gen z ass bought an OG CD press of The Bleeding a while ago. My fav songs are Fucked With A Knife and Stripped, Weinsteind and Strangled.
Love Canniibal Corpse ! there is a lot of death metal bands out there ! Why Cannibal Corpse ? Apparently these people needs their heads checked
Wait till they hear Infant Annihilator
metal culture will never die🤘🏽
Cannibal corpse isn't gonna get "cancelled" lol. And even if they did it wouldn't mean anything.
Thrash Metal: Fuck Society!
Death Metal: Fuck Censorship!
Black Metal: Fuck Religion!
nazi metal
Gen Z, who talk about boomers, act just like boomers
Who knew
Imagine the idiocy involved in expecting CANNIBAL CORPSE, of all bands, to suddenly embrace political correctness.
I don't think one tweet means that the whole generation is trying to cancel them. It seems mostly everyone reacting to that tweet
a few people is apparently the whole of gen z
"And jett thie o-zein still isszn't bach."
The majority of Gen Z are boring, have zero creativity, spend all their time glued to their phones, and have no life whatsoever. Pathetic.
I’m gen Z and I can’t stand my generation. I play in 2 metal bands (blackened thrash project and blackened death) and I have to be all mindful about what I say on stage and what I stand for because of how touchy the scene has become in my area due to my generation. This generation is so soft and ridiculous. It’s obviously not all of us but holy shit it’s a lot of them.
''The lips of fools bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating.'' - The Bible/Book of Proverbs 18:6.
This definitely needs to happen.
@@thiscorrosion3843 I agree.
so you're a christian?
My question is. Can anyone understand the lyrics anyway?
another example is the Marx Brothers (comedians from the early 1900s if you're not familiar with them). One guy was like "hey their movies are too offensive. Here is a code they have to follow if they want to make more movies"
A couple people arguing on Twitter doesn't constitute a "cancellation".
Black metal Werewolf :The
Film Industry had The Hayes Office which had the silliest rules ... 1) When a actress and actor played a married couple..they had to sleep in seperate bedrooms
2) You couldn't show women undressing
3) no alcohol & drugs
So you can ser how far back this shit goes
11:39 "Va, nats tov thiss. II'l jast goo gett Heimr Simpson."
10:36 "Slipprj sleip...mj faewritt Asian parnographj frantscheisz."
Great video. I'm the biggest conan the barbarian fan (self proclaimed) and the original series with barry windsor smith drawing back in the marvel days is super toned down because of that damn code... At least they published savage sword of conan black and white in magazine format to avoid that code and thus one of the best comics of all time was born 🔥🔥🔥 Fuck cancel culture.. Stay metal dudes! 🤘🏻🤘🏻
Well maybe i should hurry up and upload my live cannibal tapes.
There would be no way in hell Slagel would drop Cannibal. If he was like that then he would have dropped them back in the 90s. Also if they have a problem with necropedophile then they should talk to Barnes since he wrote the lyrics.
*Sigh* I think this whole thing is a tad bit blown out of proportion. To my knowledge - and I could be wrong here so please feel free to correct me - no one has called for a boycott of CC music or shows, or threatened to ostracize or otherwise socially shun people who support the band. This was people expressing an opinion, NOT attempting to "cancel" the band; there is a difference. Do I agree with these people's opinions? Fuck no. Do I think their argument is small minded and misguided? Of course! But do they have the right to express that opinion just like we do? Yes, they do. If they were calling for a boycott of the band, then there would be a problem, but I don't actually see that happening. I think metal fans tend to be a bit too reactionary to stuff like this, and for good reason. But do we need to start crying "cancel culture" just because someone thinks death metal lyrics are icky? I don't think so.
"Ap tov at least 1:30, vhat's that tvvn asz tha mjvvsziqq bedd?"
I 'm wondering how Gen Z would feel if the" music" that they listen to was canceled by someone who is older than they are !
Metal has never been dead, heavy metal will never die! Try try as ye weak minded masses might, you will never succeed in your pursuit of censorship, it will always backfire on you.
I've been a metalhead for 34+ years, I will die a metalhead.
I'm Gen z but dude I love extreme metal
Oh I know not all gen z is terrible after all my youngest sister is a elder gen z(soon to be 25), my other sister is a elder mill. who fingers being a almost gen z given she she was born the year prior to those born to become gen z and their is my son a baby gen z born 2011 and these people in my life thankfully are not like these morons who are self righteous over zealous..
I think to myself never let these boo boo faces discover c0rn😉grind, nsbm and even the band gwar which I am shocked they haven't discovered yet oh lord never let them discover gg alin man I can't take these folks seriously.
Hell yeah
Stay cool.
I would love to see them try to cancel GWAR
I feel this is really just tabloid media minds. Most people you meet in real life don’t care.
Why listen to the genre of metal in general if you are going to be offended?
They don't actually listen to Metal. They have TikTok brain. They have the attention span of a goldfish and their only hobbies are swiping and bitching about things.
Cannibal corpse should deliberately provoke these individuals in order to gain publicity
Take advantage of the Barbara Streisand effect
I fully agree with you on this 100% I believe all form of art should not be canceled!
plus what is canceling something going to really do it doesn’t erase history it doesn’t make the art disappear
if you don’t like something don’t listen to it it’s simple as that weak minded people don’t understand that tho sadly.. you can’t polish a turd
dude im gen z and i can confirm gen z’s not the problem, most of us really don’t care lol. sensitive people are always gonna exist somewhere, its the vocal minority that’s trying to fuck us over. cannibal corpse fucking kicks ass
I don't think that old gen z is the same way as younger gen z.
You gotta be kidding me they tried to cancel Metallica now they're after Cannibal Corpse now wtf ? This shit pisses me off ! #KeepDeathMetalAlive #KeepThrashMetalAlive #MarilynMansonIsInnocent
Gen Zers ought to listen to their pop of their pop songs is getting the first date confused with à one nighter....
Cannibal Corpse will never be cancelled. LOL! LONG LIVE GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Respect the Neck.
Manufactured generational infighting.
(Great thrash album name)
The only thing Cannibal corpse should be accountable for is writing great music great lyrics and great musicianship Death Metal Lives Matters and Black Metal Lives Matter Heavy Metal Lives Matter we are the only people who have to deal with more racism than any other groups we are the true minorities from day one Metal has taken more racist hatred than anyone else as a rocker I've dealt with more racism and discrimination I've been bullied shot stabbed robbed at gun and knife point cause I'm a rocker and happened to be a white Male
Well said man!
In the year 2024 I thought we were past all this bullshit. I grew up in the 80s and 90s during the whole satanic panic thing. History repeats itself in some way I guess. Let it go ahead, metal will still be here .always has always will
The world needs more METAL...
Bro why is everyone so offended by everything I’m gen z and I said I like cannibal and they looked at me like I’m f’n nuts it’s not just gen z it’s older too
make metal offensive again💯
hell yes.
There you go!
They don't talk about celebrating Halloween and watching horror flicks that play Freddy Krueger Jason Michael Myers they love that crap
You can't cancel the CORPSE, The Corpse will cancel you!
In a true functioning democracy there are a couple of simple precepts that are all the protection an artist needs They are as follows.
If you are offended by something you see, don't look at it.
If you are offended by something you hear don't listen to it.
To do anything else is tantamount to attempting to outlaw pizza because you don't like anchovies. Just order the fucking pizza without anchovies. I was around and a metalhead when the Satanic Panic hit it's peak. As a teenager I wondered how in the hell grown people could believe the fantastical bullshit that the religious right was spouting to the mainstream media about Metal and satanic ritual abuse. The McMartin Preschool trial ruined a business, friendships, and lives. Ray Buckey spent five years in jail. The children told stories of babies being flushed down toilets, and sexual rendezvous with Chuck Norris. They claimed he picked the up in a helicopter, but not one adult ever saw one land. A few others made similar accusations against other celebrities, except they claimed they were picked up by hot air ballons.
As an adult I understand that no reasonable person could ever buy the allegations, they stayed in line like good little sheep because they were too cowardly to step out of line and speak truth to power.
I realized early on that being "woke" had potential to cause a similar problem if it ever got out of hand. To anyone reading this that doesn't see a resemblance between what happened in the McMartin case and what Elon Musk calls the "woke mind virus." Pleae read this carefully. The way that the status quo railroaded the McMartin Preschool employees brcause of absolute insane accusations with no basis of reality is very similar to, and no less insane than the woke assertion that there is no biological difference between a man and a female, even though women have the a uterus, a vagina, and a different type of chromosomes. They are weaponizing the legal system to publicly humiliate, imprison leave a political opponent in financial ruin. The owners of in the McMartin Preschool were humiliated and financially ruined, and imprisoned. Sane people know that the woke and identity politics are all bullshit, but just like the descendants of good little sheep we stay in line with the flock. Don't think for a minute if they eat the big fish that they won't come after the guppies. That's what they always do. Homosexuals and Trans people will be among the first. Communism cannot allow non conformity to exist. Those two groups are also the ones screaming loudest when they believe they have witnessed injustice. Try that in a communist or socialist country and let me know how that works out for you. They are attacking the first ammendment because they know that controling speak also means controling thought, and that is the precious gem that they desire most. If they do they can torture you to death and you will die thanking them for showing you the error of your ways. This has all happened before and it can damn well happen again.
Heavy metal counter culture was an underground movement against 80's Christian Fundamentalist Conservative Cold War capitalism ultra conformity.
Taking advice seriously from a drunken Team America puppet is a bad idea.
Today's generation wouldn't know a power chord if it slapped them in the face.
I think it can be okay sometimes to call people on their bullshit but, this ain't it. It's not like CC has been naming their songs like that for literal decades now and its not like Corpsegrinder is even remotely a bad person. It would take 2 seconds to see that with some effort but nope, off to twitter to rant. *sigh*
No, they were never cancelled , just people bored on Twatter
Agree , bro! The generations fight is so stupid
What an awful headline, saying an entire generation is trying to cancel CC is idiotic. I hate the forced conflicts between generations and people generalizing them, people are individuals not defined by when they were born.
POV when a taylor swift or as i call her tayolr shit fan sees a album cover that doesn't say "tayolr swft is the best" . Well thats how i see this whole thing
Trying to cancel anyone has become clout chasing for likes and views which verifies your weak mind theory. It’s too easy to do anymore.