12 June 2020

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 มิ.ย. 2020
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  • @stephenduffy6869
    @stephenduffy6869 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The irony of all the stuff that isnt being said by people who proclaim to be "in the place of god", "doing the work of Jesus Christ" as the "levitical priesthood". How come they never tell you about Jesus' view on taxation? They never read that part of the gospel from the pulpits. My spiritual progress starts out as baby, totally aware of everything but no idea how to do anything. I became a devout catholic and even wanted to be a priest as a child. I managed to progress to becoming a lapsed catholic who studied the things said by the people who wrote the bible. Then (ahem) "god" revealed "itself" to me. By god, I mean "the thing that hears my prayers". I would like to distinguish this from Chaos (that is to say the creator of all that is seen and unseen which was not called the father by the pagans but was acknowledged to be above all gods). For the reader already taking a defensive stance now looking to find hateful things to hate me for. Funny how I know the recesses of your heart and you still worship your television when you aren't pretending piety at church when your beloved governments allow it. Try playing that song Patience by FKN Guns n FKN Roses and get over the wrath within your mind because what I have to say is profound. I am sure the psychological people would be saying "just look at how egotistical this commenter is" and my words will be like a nail file rasping against a steel pot. Can you handle it? Does it offend you that there are Muslims, Hindus and Protestants and even pigeons who are more spiritually developed than yourself? If its any consolation, I am mentally ill. I believe that my thoughts are not electrochemical signals bouncing round inside my skull. How crazy is that? So its just the words of a madman who thinks he has something profound to say. Just ignore it and move on to reading about your glorious warmongers in the BBC News headlines or satisfy yourself with WAR (light) by looking at the sports headlines. Are you bored with their world yet? If so, read on. If you aren't sick of all their shit, then just ignore this because you will hate me for all eternity because that is how you are primed at the current time and despite your alleged adherence to christian doctrine, you were too busy condemning me for saying "FKN" to even notice the point I made about patience and wrath. Do you love me? I'm just some bloke on the internet. Why should you? Well, erm, because depite my mental illness, I know where my prayers go and I know the wisdom of loving you, even if you are just a vile little peasant blissfully unaware of a god you think of as only a maybe. No one can tell you what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself. That's a quote from a movie on the televisions you worship but I chose to use that quote. You don't believe you worship television and google and government and all the things you place in highest authority in the world, but then you believe in a god that's a maybe and from my perspective you doing worship the god which is. I don't have the space to relate it to you but I will say one thing and I hope you doubt what it is I will say but will investigate it so as to be sure that your doubt is well founded. When you put my words to the test, I will have delivered an apocalypse on everything you believed reality was and you will think I have performed some magical trick but the trick was played upon you the moment your were born. If you test out my delusional conspiracy theory, the magical illusion you've been living in your whole life will go away and the real world will hove into view. It will be like the hell that Jesus went to for three days and if you cant live according to the law that the politicians think they can just write into oblivion, you will not be getting out of that hell. Three days is a sprint. Practice justice and reject injustice (if you even know what these things are in a world that sees taxation and extortion to be two completely different things), and you will get out of hell when you are good and ready. You really want to hear something profound if your whole life is built on injustices prescribed as lawful by the crooks of roman imperialism? I'm telepathic. I hear your thoughts. I feel your feelings. What are you praying to? In time you will become as I am. What are you praying to? Who takes the credit for seeing your soul travel safely through the veil? Who deserves it? You will see that I deserve a little credit for provoking you to test my words but for the most part you will see in time that most credit belongs to you. As for your priests and politicians and all those who seek to have the best seats at the banquets ... may they feast upon your naive soul no more. Some people like me are total monsters. Some people like me are total angels. To not know that people like me exist is to be amongst the fallen. I raise you from the earth this day and yet I do not remove you from it. Did the sloth even bother to read it? Be careful of sin now, even in the recesses of your heart. It not just some belief in "maybe", its a simple fact of life you have been bereft of. Try not to hate me for destroying your world, it was only an illusion. Keep playing with your private parts for kinky pleasures as is your own will. It's all confidential and none of our business. There is no 11th commandment saying you ought to be embarrassed, but you will be, aren't we all. I used to be a catholic until I knew what I was praying to and FFS, the leven of the pharisees is about how the whole "normal world with spirit included" is made to look like something big and amazing and wonderful and its just boring old life. Its a shocker but you get over it and dont let the monsters grind you down. Now in regards to the catholic hieratchy worshipping manmade governments .... lets hear the archbishop give his apologia for all the things not told that you would expect a heirophant would be doing as their top priority before charity and lovely sounding words. Ecclesiam catholicam accuso, ne verum dei regnum doceat