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@@myanis007 It is all about love. If the country loves you then reciprocate. If the country loves you less then you love the country less. It the country treat you badly then you treat the country badly. If the country call you a "pendatang" then you call the country a "hotel". Humans are not trees and humans can move in mass. It is all about LOVE between you and your country.
@@kristianham in life you can have all good things. Malaysia can’t remove the NEP. If they do so the non bumis will eat the bumis for breakfast. It is a paradox NEP brings good things as well as bad.
Malaysia has a lot of problems. Corruption, Cronyism, Racism, High Crime Rate, Incompetent Governance, weak ringgit, the list goes on. Mahathir is to blamed for most for the things I just mentioned that is happening in Malaysia currently. Most people know that Mahahir hates Singapore, he is always finding ways and means to provoke/antagonize Singapore.
Malaysia has had one the fastest economic growth during first Tun Mahathir's era. Many of the infrastructures you see today in Malaysia were remnants of his modernization policies. Sure, he is no angel but compared to other developing economies at that time, Malayia did very well. Meanwhile, Singapore' development since colonial days always had a head start compared to Malaysia. Singapore's port was the 7th largest port in the world during the 1950s even before LKY took over. Top Banks, Factories, International companies, Universities etc. were already in Singapore during colonial heydays. Yes, Singapore's achievements are remarkable, but it was no miracle. Singaporeans like to peddle this idea that they were a fishing village before the great LKY took over and turned Singapore into developed nation. Nothing can be further from the truth. It was the British that build Singapore from scratch i.e. the fishing village during early 19th century and turned it into one of Asia's most important entrepôt trading center. LKY and his ilk just took over an already semi developed place to a Singapore that we know now. Btw, you are comparing a city state to a nation state. A bit unfair don't you think?
its quite simple . Malaysia government " Bet " on their malays . While they can only draw on 1 race ...singapore is betting on everybody , dont care u malay or Chin-Dian , Baba ...etc ....all for singapore we use up .
Malaysia government is tied to Muslim countries concepts. Everything must be Islam concept, They do not care others races and religious. Talented human kind with professional practitioners they do not accept you, if you is no Muslims.
Betting on one race and lost even their underwear but still in denial, exposed to the whole world like the emperor, walking around proudly. I support this. One day, they will realise and it will be too late.
Can understand in the past previous UMNO government to let racism happened. New government should dare to take action. After action taken once, the rest of the racaism people will be stopped. Should be like Singapore iron heart to check this for harmony.
I had a Malay friend in high school. His father is a Kebangsaan school teacher. In SPM he scored only 5As and he got JPA scholarship to study engineering in Japan. Less than 2 years he came back to Malaysia because he failed the subjects. We Chinese scored 8As, 9As, 10As but got nothing. Opportunity should be given to the deserved ones. What is this Malaysia???
Have to wait till the next PM to be Chinese or minority if possible.Status of bumiputra has to go no good n advancement of all people of Malaysia,somehow bumiputra depends on government assistance n hand out others minorities have to wait for opportunity or luck to come by,if bumiputra status remove most of them will sink to the ground cause they can’t stand on their feet by themselves
Bruh, go talk to those retired NON Malay teachers in their 60s-70s and they'll tell you how Malaysia graded their exams. The Malays are graded among themselves and NOT together with other minorities Chinese, Indians etc. That's why their A1 and A2 students are actually inferior to other minorities. If graded together with others they might even get C5 and C6 or even a 7 and 8 or worse a F9. Please share this FACT!
Malaysia is not loosing all its talented youth to all over the world, not just Singapore. If the Morden Malaysia want to have a brighter future it had to treat all its races & religions fairly & equally as simple as that no other such simple formula or equation.
@@IthinkIburntThewater... Don't blame him ... most probably his Malay teacher was one of those who failed in English Language yet somehow gets to be an English language teacher.
Malaysia population is 34mil, only 1mil is in sg, it's less than 3%. Furthermore, they are also mostly from the southern state. So, please stop talking nonsense.
@@leealex24 ... Dol, Malaysia's population is 34 million now. Malaysian Chinese is 20% so its 6,800 000. As you say only 1,000,000 work in Singapore out of 6,800 000 is 14.7%. ( note: majority of Malaysians working as professionals in Singapore are Chinese Malaysians.). This is not yet calculating that almost 25% of present day Singaporeans are ex Chinese Malaysians. That's a lot of TALENTED PEOPLE that Malaysia has lost because of the RACISM practices in Malaysia. Don't forget those that has migrated to Australia ( Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong comes to mind) New Zealand, UK, USA! So it's WIN, WIN for the Malays and Chinese ... Happy or Not?
And the funny thing is, malaysia were importing blue collar workers from the least fortunate next door neighbours, hoping that it would able to serve as stopgap to minimize the brain drain effect. Oh boy, imagine replacing the leaving brightest minds with the least brightest minds from abroad.
They're famous for their hospitality and friendliness not for making smart decisions. I mean these guys when given the opportunity to go to space, decided to open ketupat in zero G as an experiment 😂 Understandable
spore is doing that too. telling the whole world its for the economy! that sporeans are lazy, dont want to work. what lies! the ugly truth is that its to make as much money as possible and pay these 3rd world workers so little thus making a big profit. people think everybody in spore is rich. the world says spore is one of the richest countries. the govt is rich, those in business are, our ministers are! the rest still struggle with our jobs, salary , buying homes ! dont believe everything we read online
In Southeast Asia nothing beats the efficiency and organisation of Singapore. Yes, it's a majority Chinese population so hard work is a normal way of life!!
You should have mentioned that a Malaysian Chinese got 9As for SPM, excelled in extracurriculars & still couldn’t get a scholarship from JPA,despite her Malay schoolmates scoring less As and obtaining scholarships.
There are about 40 public and private universities to choose from. Going for govt scholarships mean you are bonded to serve the govt after competing study. Forget about govt scholarship, my children chose study loan instead. Had duly settled them over the years after working.
@@jennylee1802 He is an Indian Muslim, but pretends like he is Malay. His father came from Kerala, India. In fact google up chief minister of Kerala and see resemblance to Mahathir.
I've studied and worked in Singapore. Singapore is an open and meritocratic society. They don't care about your origin and the colour of your skin. They welcome talents from all over the world. Professionals from various countries feel comfortable working and living in Singapore. Singapore is safe, efficient and exciting.
We welcome Malaysian Chinese. They have been coming to Singapore before the 1950s. More Malaysians came in during the 1960s to 1980s to work and live here. We never have problems but l would advise the younger generations of Malaysian Chinese not to play POLITICS in the office or meddle with our country's politics. Remember that True Singaporeans have never discriminated Malaysians.
@@jennylee1802 Can you provide examples of Malaysian Chinese meddling in Singaporean politics? There is often a perception of separation between local-born Singaporeans and foreign immigrants.
@@bernkoh343 I'd disagree. Not many non bumis want to enter the civil service. One recent example is our first new Chinese green beret graduate in several decades. No one is stopping anyone from joining.
Malaysia ejected Singapore. Singapore never wanted to leave Malaysia. Singapore is the only nation against her own will has been booted out by a country in history. It is a blessing in disguise for Singapore.
Had Singapore remained and subjected themselves to the outdated backward policies of the Malay dominated govt, we would have remained a 3rd world nation. We would not have been what we are today.
@@yau6629nah. Malays are doing well. And the strategic importance of the malacca straits would made us rich regardless. We would just lose out in laundering money for rich Chinaman.
Singapore was caught marginalising malays and outnumbering the malay population which is true hence afterwards Malaysia fed up and separate maybe which should not have happened instead should work towards reunification. But I do think that Singapore applied for separation because the Chinese gain supremacy in Singapore.
@@zulamy3472 its clear for everyone why you have to emphasize this because its shameful case indeed for Malaysia to see this small red dot which was rejected by then PM is now a 1st world country. A slap in the face indeed.
The Anwar govt has difficult problem. After 50 - 60 years of "Malay Malaysia" and Bumiputera policy and "New Economic Plan", it will be hard to wean Malaysia/Malaysian/Malays off the preferential treatment. Singapore/Lee Kuan Yew/PAP disagreed with the "Malay Malaysia" policy and for that Singapore was evicted from the Federation in 1965. Singapore has had 60 years of "meritocracy" as the basis of work, employment, and education. Malaysia has had 60 years of "Bumiputera" policy. Anwar will not be able to reverse that in 6 mths or even 6 years. It might even take 60 years! So I really empathise with Anwar's efforts and I do not envy him the task, and I understand that it will take him some time. And I wish him all the best in his efforts.
IMHO, Anwar's less of a Bumi than Mahathir although he's more fundamentally Moslem than Mahathir. Somewhere between these lies Malaysia's political quagmire.
@@zulamy3472 Never heard of a racist ever admitting they are racist, so yeah they will label it as "social justice". You cant go around claiming social justice for over half a century, particularly when the other races didnt even harm them. Social justice for what---whats the objective and goal and does it have an expiry date? The Indians and borneo tribal, orang asli, and poor Chinese are the true victims of discrimination.
Malaysia is a racist country. The Government discriminates predominantly Chinese population. It implements quotas in favor of the Malay population across employment, education admission and social benefits. In contrast, Singapore welcomes Malaysians of Chinese origin to work and reside in Singapore treating all immigrants as equal. I migrated to Singapore a long time ago and never felt regretted in one second. Thanks to the Government of Singapore for treating everyone fairly. Majulah Singapura.
The brightest and most brilliant students of minority races who aced their exams were denied uni places, and had to go overseas to further their studies. While bumis with poor results were granted admission, many with poor command of English, as seen through their communication with foreign counterparts.
That’s why it is a joke when their government accuses the west of hypocrisy towards Muslims. They discriminate anyone that is not of them there. I feel sad for the Chinese Malays.
@@yau6629 spoken like someone who's either intentionally lying or honestly doesn't know any better. FYI even high achieving bumis aren't guaranteed local uni placements.
U see how Spore government even help the malays to progress n today many are well educated n well to do. I remembered as a chinese, we used to pay about $2 school fees every month while the malay only paid 50 cents. This is to encourage them to study. While it took many years for them to make good progress, it was a great way to see them making great progress. Like the saying goes, give the man a fishing rod n he will learn how to fish instead of simply giving him fish which is what Malaysia is doing u see the results of what Malaysia is today...they can try to build the same port or even airport as Singapore but it will not make progress bcos the people are the one that makes the difference. Today the exchange rate is S$1 is equal to $3.50 Malaysian dollars when it used to be $1 to $1 in the 1970s.
Indonesia once had an unspoken Affirmative action policy when it came to higher education admissions, particularly through the direct non-test invitation pathway SNMPTN. My family is of Chinese background, and my eldest brother tried his fortunes with SNMPTN in the early 2010s to get to ITB. Unsurprisingly he failed despite his impressive academic record and had to register for the national university entrance exam SBMPTN, which he passed. When he was admitted, the number of Chinese and other minorities was extremely low. In 2016, I was accepted to ITB via SNMPTN with a few others - mostly Chinese - from my high school. By then, the number of Chinese students had increased significantly, making the higher ed admissions landscape even more competitive. I believe most publicly funded unis had decided to ditch such affirmative action directives and opt for a merit-based system because it is beneficial to them in the long-run. Moral of the story: The Bumiputera policy is not going to help Malays succeed. Everyone has to compete to succeed.
Malaysia Can Changed If They Changed Their Education So That The Younger Malaysians Can Learn English To Be Opened To The World And Malay Their National Language.
Indonesia is rising. Soon Malaysia will be the poorest in ASAEN, except for Myanmar. China also bet on everybody.. USA also draws from worldwide nations.. For technology age era... ..With resource based economy, it is about taking control of natural resources so you get tribal type countries. They will gets poorer in comparison, as time goes by.
LKY was the right man to lead S'pore. He & S'pore was booted out for his wanting to make a "Malaysian Malaysia" which didn't sit well with the leaders there at that time (and even now for that matter). LKY wanted equality for all races - which should have been the case rightfully. Today the success of S'pore shows that LKY was right all along. The path to success is not built on narrow-minded racist policies and denying others equality. It is built on the same principles everywhere - hard-work and vision regardless of race, religion or gender. S'pore has proven this. Well done S'pore. Salute to LKY.
@@saufi2514Is this what your school thought you? Or did your research bring to light something that no one knew? Please do share your findings with facts.
@@KG-rd5rh Singapore is a Malay Muslim island. In 1819 80% are Malay muslims. Facts. In 1974, LKY evited Malays from their home Nd grab their land. To build apartment for china 4million comunists settlers. Similar to Arabs Palestine right? Today 6 millions crammed onto island. Fact. 90% on death rows Malay Muslims and Tamils. A Malay on death row sued the chinese gov and judges for persecution. Facts. Today Malays reduced to 13%. Beijing controlled singapore. Communist army held training in singapore.
Mahathir is creating a new Malay race where one become Malay by following the race of the mother. Bangladeshis, Paklistanis , Indonesians etc etc are making up the bulk of the new Malays who will one day make the original Premerdeka Malays a minority in the country.
Malaysia is one of the 18 countries in the world that have not ratified ICERD, the UN's International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Malaysia is then saying minorities should be 'assimilated' first. However, it is not openly saying being 'Malay' mandatorily means being Muslim too. Unlike Thailand, the Philippines or even Indonesia. The majority of Malays, wealthy or poor, continue to enjoy the discriminatory Affirmative Policy enacted since 1971 visavis the minorities. Since then, numerous Muslims from the Indian sub-continent, Middle- East, Indonesia, etc., have opted to become 'Malay'. As their numbers grow exponentially, the tax burden must fall on the dwindling minorities, already bereft of state benefits across.
Only 4 percent of total Malaysia's population pay taxes. Individual income taxes formed only 16 percent out of total revenue in 2022. Up till 2015 or so, Petronas alone contributed more than 40 percent of total revenue. This has yet to take into consideration other GLCs that probably contributed the rest. So don't give the tinja lembu sayings that certain races pay more taxes.
No single person can reverse all the bad policies and governance that past to current govt have done over more than 40 years to put Malaysia in deepshit
Oooo what singapore do to malay people in singapore if my people go to china can we malay have like what malay people give to your people like we see now answer me know
@@sharulshah1979Open your eyes and do your research. See how much the Malays have benefited in getting good education, jobs and respect. The govt has through the years pushed forward with policies that benefited the minorities. M'sia is the exact opposite!
@@sharulshah1979 You did not give anything to non-bumis and they dont owe you anything, in fact Malays have snatched their opportunities and full potential. Malays wont survive in China because they are not willing to work hard on a level field just like the rest, everyone want free. Ofcourselah other country wont give you prividedge, just get treated equal only.
Mahatir was the problem and this continues with the poor education and policies that come out of it. Unfortunately, Malaysia is doomed. and it will take decades to undo Mahatirs blunder. Mahatir could do well by making openly admiting that he made a mistake in his policies.
@@eugenearokiasamy5662you are brainwashed to believe that SG wanted to part ways with MY. For a small country like SG with no natural resources except for it's people. Why do we want to part ways with a country far much bigger than SG?
@@zulamy3472 Chinese ethnostate??????? Isn’t SG all races have equal rights and opportunities from education to government based on meritocracy unlike MY still practicing quota system and special privileges.
Hi there, thanks for the comment. Yes, Singapore is definitely not the only destination. But based on Malaysia’s statistics reported in the news, it appears that Singapore is where most of the brain drain is happening at. Cheers!
Yes. Most Chinese diaspora here considers malaysia to only be a stepping stone, a place where resources from natives are taken so that they can move to the west as their forefathers did.
China also bet on everybody.. USA also draws from worldwide nations.. For technology age era... ..With resource based economy, it is about taking control of natural resources so you get tribal type countries. They will gets poorer in comparison, as time goes by.
I left Malaysia for the West, carrying only a Karrimor haversack with $50 in my pocket and never looked back. Best thing I ever did, and I encourage the best and brightest in Malaysia to follow in my footsteps. Don’t waste your life in Malaysia. NB: Today, according to my accountant, I’m worth more than Old Mamak and his entire family put together.
@@kennyyap9745 Keep on believing in fairy tales and maybe you’ll have a happy ending. But then again, maybe not. Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Lebanese, Syrians, all thought the same.
Singapore has joined the First World countries but Malaysia government insists on remaining in the Third World. It’s inevitable that the brightest and most talented Malaysians will leave for Singapore and many other countries !
Bumiputra policy has created a superior race, no doubt. The policy has created thousands of malay PhDs, many thousands of graduates, and even specialists in medical fields. This superior race is easily noticed when u enter or exit the country. Immigration officers are unsmiling, uninterested in such mundance jobs like stamping passports. And never ever cause them anger as u can end up like being detained for 7 days. Superior race has superior power.
Those PhD, graduates and specialists are unemployable because the government was so eager to dish out the degrees the quality went straight into the longkang. Therefore most of them are umeployable. Nothing "superior" there.
Indonesia is rising. Soon Malaysia will be the poorest in ASAEN, except for Myanmar. China also bet on everybody.. USA also draws from worldwide nations.. For technology age era... ..With resource based economy, it is about taking control of natural resources so you get tribal type countries. They will gets poorer in comparison, as time goes by.
@@tonykiang9052 haha... it is not free money. The people of Malaysia has to pay. China just a contractor. People dont understand this.😂😂 It is a way of selling . Buy now pay later by many generations.
My cousin brother left Malaysia after he completed 12 yrs military service and went to U.S.A. in Seattle and became a U.S.citizen and never return to Malaysia
Nobody dares to do the right thing. Middle & upper non- Malays found their way out via education , while the illiterate poor unfortunately struggled endlessly
We have got here not by suppressing or pretending that race differences, language differences, culture differences do not exist, but that they can coexist without the majority obliterating oppressing the minority.......but by accepting the fact there are fundamental primeval differences and telling each other that we have to live, put up with each other, accommadate, comprOmise '' (MR LEE KUAN YEW SAID THIS )
Many rich malays setup business with government grant and subsidy, are not required to pay back or contribute taxes. No action was taken even if many of them fail to pay taxes.
@@sharifahmalek1934 who do you think is paying most of the taxes? Its mainly chinese. Malay dont pay taxes , some will pay zakat which is like negligeable amount.
@@kemejaput-lm4qp No idea what you're talking about. Malay has no impact outside of ASEAN. Majority of Malay language is spoken is in Indonesia, it has nothing to do with Malay influence.
What failed? Ya, in terms of currency and economy, singapore is much stronger. Not deny that. But not that people in malaysia living on the tree or have to begging on the street.. in malaysia, most of the people especially malays still can afford to live in a landed property compare to majority of singaporean who need to live in a tiny hbd apartment
According to this video it should be 40% of Malaysians working in SG are Malaysian Malays cos it said 60% are Chinese/Indians/Others.. And I think 40% is quite a lot actually…
The Malay University gradute went to Singapore to become blue collar workers as everyone know malay graduate from their own universities are not fit for white collars job even the foregein companies in Malaysia would not hired the malay graduate.
@@Cruiser-j9d yah i guess so too.. they are first class citizens back in Malaysia so there’s no need to take up SG citizenship.. just earn SGD and go back Malaysia live a good life..
To be honest, I am really happy for those skilled/semi skilled working in Spore. Good decisions n a brighter n better future for you in Singapore at least you are recognised and respected your brilliant talents that have contributed to spore economy. Well done n keep it up.
Not only non Malay open minded Malay also seek jobs in other countries due to cronies favoritism attitude . Elite Malay got more opportunity than ordinary malay .
You are wrong. It's NOT money but discrimination and an unfair system of denying non Muslims in nation building, the civil service, the non recognition of the UEC. In short, non Malays are second class citizens.
The brain drain that occurred in Malaysia is self inflicted and not due to external forces as many, including this channel, thought it to be. It’s simply the affirmative action policy in Malaysia that is consistently being driving non-Malays Malaysians from seeking education and jobs overseas. The setting up of Talent Scout is just a gimmick when non-Malays Malaysians are being driven overseas every year. Sad to say, the govt knew the brain drain issue is there but since it’s mainly non-Malay Malaysians that are leaving it met the goals of reducing the population of these non-Malay Malaysians in the country. When Malaysia got its independence in 1957, the Federal Constitution included a clause to help the Malays who were known to be behind the non-Malays. The clause is supposed o last until the 1990s but it was extended by the govt ( with majority control by Malay leaders ) until deemed necessary. Question is although the original intention was achieved earlier the govt had resorted to this policy to gain the Malays support which formed the majority of the population. Thus the benefit given in the Federal Constitution is now deemed to be a RIGHT by Malays and cannot be questioned. That is the real reason for the brain drain!
Malaysia encourages FDI capitals but accidentally drain its human capitals. 👀NEP's Rights® in the room. 😁Enjoy seeing Quota® fire work displays on the streets in Bangladesh recently. Sheik Hasina on the run to India.🤣😁
Nope. It's because of standard of living and currency. Racists countries like Singapore, south Korea, Hong Kong and China have a lot of Chinese immigrants implying racism is not so much of a factor when it's profitable for them to move.
@@Cruiser-j9d I asked non bumi and they say it's the currency. Others countries are the same if not more racist like the fascist state of India or fascist China.
@@zulamy3472 Never came across a non-bumi either migrated or not migrated who didnt see anything to do with discrimination. If if was about economics only, then why are most Malaysians migrating and many relinguishing citizenships non-Bumi, only a small minority migrating is Malay? Surprising since most Malaysians are Malays but they arent migrating, arent they?
The bumiputra policy is a double edged sword. On one hand its forcing its brightest non bumi out of the country and on the other hand no government of the day has the will to turn it around as the political cost is high. All they can do is to come up with half baked policies and continue to watch as their brightest move next door to help its neighbour grow. Its not that the government does not know the serious implication, they can't do much to change it or they risk losing the next election. Thank you Malaysia.
Racial policy, financial incongruity, corruption, and theft go hand in hand. You cannot have an Abang Adek economy without the ill effects of unexplained open and hidden corruption in financial meritocracy. Organized theft by government officials is a natural extension. Plus masok pocket taxes exist everywhere. In fact, your social status in this establishment is determined by who you know, not what you know. Eventually, this practice becomes the "Law of the Land" in determining whether you survive in this dirty environment or, live in poverty. The financial health of the nation becomes secondary.
It is pretty obvious that Malaysia's situation is a catch-22, and shocking that many people glossed over and oversimplified the situation. The Malaysian government needs to eradicate the Bumiputera policy for the long-term benefit for all of Malaysia including the minorities, and yet, because removing it directly upsets the Malaysian majority, the Malaysian government WILL have trouble getting re-elected. It is not simply "Let's be drop the Bumiputera policy and be inclusive." and it will be "happily ever after".
People forget that prior to singapore being kicked out of Malaysia in 1964, malays barely had a majority in malaysia. Since Singapore left and the bumiputra policy drove away mainly chinese and indian, today Malaysia has a significant majority of Malays in its population. So why would the Malays change a policy that allowed them to ensure perpetual political domination over other races?
Hi there....everyone... I have worked in United States for 2 years and know I have been doing business in Malaysia with own practice for the last 20 years. Lots of Malaysian overseas in Singapore is still holding malaysia citizen but a Singapore PR holder.
Most of their progeny become non Malaysians and that is what the S'poreans are counting on. Many are also residents of Australia, US etc and the children get integrated into the new adopted country.
This "World Know More" is very informative and honest. Some frogs still covered by coconut shells should take note as it could improve Malaysia faster.
We the people of Singapore pledge ourselves as ONE UNITED PEOPLE, regardless of race, language, or religion, to build a democratic society based on JUSTICE and EQUALITY so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and PROGRESS for our nation. GOD bless Singapore 🇸🇬 and her citizens. The Best is yet to be.
Msia’s deterioration due to the following fundamental problems: (1) Blatant widespread corruption (2) politicians only wanna hold onto power for personal power & not interested in helping its people & the country. (3) Unfair treatment to minority races. Priority & special rights accorded to Malays / Bumiputras. Minority are treated as second class citizens. (4) Politicians also cause divide of its people by playing the Muslim religious card so as to retain power in election. (5) Unstable political situations for decades due to selfish power grabbing. (6) Poor education & infrastructure systems
when you ignore the little precious that you have and sidelined them, and favouring the abundant waste and garbage - you eventually will be left with a wasteland
An Ex Malaysian told me he had one Malay classmate who always did poorly in English language yet ended up becoming an English language teacher whilst he and his other Indian, Chinese and Eurasian classmates who scored A1 and A2 couldn't even get an interview. They applied for teaching posts and 3-4 years later got replies by mail saying "Dengan dukacita nya" ... "With regret you were not successful "! Imagine they were NOT even called up for an interview! SMH ....
Malaysia gov always focus on race and religion and not merit for political reason. Always will be. But good news for Singaporean, our short holiday getaway
Because Singapore worked hard under the able late LKY. Malaysia after separation wants to keep the Bumiputra, making the Malay lazy and complacent. Subsequent PM and their team get into the culture of corruptions until it gets too brazen. To add to the problem, they choose Bahasa as a medium of instruction in admin and education. Now very hard to catch up.
Meritocracy is the key. When a person is promoted in his/her career because of qualification and competence, the whole country is moving upward. When job opportunities and promotions are race based, the country will slide downward. But Malaysia is not concerned about its future, the majority race is everything it cares about. Fairness to minority races is just a lip service of the government. If it is serious about stopping brain drain, it should scrap race based policies.
@@sharifahmalek1934 They bought three properties in ten years, two in Johore and one in Singapore valued more than a million ringgit. How was that possible if they were to work in Malaysia?
@@brianliew5901 As the Quran states in Surah al Hadid 57:20 "Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children. This is like rain that causes plants to grow, to the delight of the planters. But later the plants dry up and you see them wither, then they are reduced to chaff. And in the Hereafter, there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness and pleasure of Allah, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment."
Peninsular malayans seek better opportunities in Singapore even before independence. Malays to work on boards maritime vessels. Some eventually ended up living in liverpool never to return home. Or in movie industries. But three singaporeans went the other way. Founder of maybank, public bank and one more cannot recall. Only thing is Singapore makes it easy for Malayan to sesk employmrnt there, but we made it tough for singaporeans to come in. Hence the wide imbalance.
Why Malaysian are leaving, theres only one reason, salary! Fyi I just graduated with a degree in business. Guess how much is my salary? Rm2200 !! Bruh.
@@yau6629 it's pathetic here, imma just treat this period as gaining experience, then I'll leave, working holiday in new zealand maybe. If it's good I'll just stay there.
@@AcAlvin Set your goals, and all the best to you. A colleague's doctor son still under bond, also planned to join the health sector here after his contract is over. Cited discrimination and unfair policies.
On a Worldwide basis Talents Always Move to Areas of Professional Growth, Opportunities for Employment and a Meritrocratic Society. Its the Politics of Race and Religion that Drive Away Talent.
It is the total mismanaged, disgraceful, serious corruption, discrimination, and total failure policies of the previous ruling government especially, Mahatir and Najip Prime Ministership, before the current, Prime Minister, Anwar. May the mighty God bless Malaysia
Luckily l migrate to the US from Malaysia 40 yrs ago & all my sons graduated as computer engineers,data scientists making 6 figures annually although l invested early paying tuitions for math & science after school every weekend .
If Grabcar headquater remained in Malaysia, their business will be forcfully sell to malay corrupt politicians with very low price, it already happneed to sugar, bread and other busineses owned by chinese and Indian.
Malaysia government prefers to keep those substandard students for all their top universities just because of its stupid quota system. So all the top students that feel they are not appreciated by their own government continue their studies in overseas specially in Singapore as they based on meritocracy not on skin color. After so many decades, this is the consequences. Blame on those leaders that play with races and religion card.
@@sharifahmalek1934 there is a difference between tradition and primitive. Tradition is old but cultured ways, primitive is low intelligence hahaha. No wonder you can't appreciate the issue at hand.
Singapore Singapore practices metocriacy and best man for the job whereas Malaysia employs mostly from one ethnic group that's why Malaysia is very slow in progress.
Malaysia's Preferential "Malay and Bumiputra Malaysia" to further adopting "Son of the Soil" very unfair, unjust one-sided policy failing desperately and tremendously; as the brain drains to Singapore, Australia, etc. were extensively high severely damaging Malaysia. Unless the trend reverses, Malaysia dream to become semiconductor, rare earth and other AI technologies hard to materialize; in opinion. Malaysia's corruption and Professional competency difficult to achieving due to lacking the Chinese, Indian and Eurasian Malaysian's contributions and competitions
The problem with Malaysia government and politicians is they always claim they will trump Singapore. But their corruption and lack of national infrastructure investment is rife, how do you move on from that? I know of non-Malay beneficaries of the BumiPutra policy.
300,000 unemployed graduates show the low quality of local education. Many can't communicate in English. Discrimination breeds low quality. There is no meritocracy in M'sia., although there is lip service - entry is strictly controlled to exclude
Special privilege for a main group and treating others like 2nd class citizens have made the country weak. Haven't even spoke about the vast amount of corruption, cronyism and total lack of accountability & responsibility of government funds. Thank you to Mahathir for such a lousy foundation.
I think the video got an important aspect wrong at the start. Malaysia decided to dump Singapore and not Singapore deciding to go on it's own, as described in the video! But for that, it's a well done video calling out Malaysia's poorly justified quota system, which is putting a drag on it's economy!
What is the problem with Malaysia? Corruption, racial policies and lack of political will to improve things. Talented individuals are not given opportunities . Poor dumb politicians are not helping. Racial and religious issues further complicate matters.
There's no such thing as "Bumiputra" mentioned in the Malaysian constitution, only the Original people, Sons of Soil and Malay. One must read the Malaysian to know who are defined as Malays. The borrowed word "Bumiputra" was introduced to by pass and "Hoodwink" the other races, in East and West Malaysia, for introduce the "Ctutch Mentality". Only those in denial will disagree. Singapore made the Best Decision to leave the Federation of Malaya. Those who laugh last, have the best laugh, in this Singapore.
The NEP only enriched the cronies n children of these Malay leaders, such as giving them mega projects n bailouts while the rural Malays remain the same. As long as the priorities n privileges to the bumiputras, as enshrined in the Constitution r not abolished, the brain drain will definitely continue n whoever becomes PM n try to overturn this may be pushed down immediately.
Fact check: When the constitution of Fiji was being written, some of the discrimnatory policies were borrowed from the Malaysian constitution. Both were former british colonies and Fiji's independence came after the bumiputera policy. After the military coup since the discrimininatin and racism was ruining the country, the Fijian constitution was changed in 2013 to make it equal for all. Its now going through another change. Irrespective Fiji's future looks very uncertain if it reintroduces racist policies.
Malaysia's loss is Singapore's gain. As simple as that. If Malaysia manages to reverse the brain drain, Singapore will have to look elsewhere for talents.
The trend will continue..will not reverse whoever governs..the current Sg PM's parents came from Msia..with China's universities offer more scholarships, it diversifies target destinations
It is the same reason why SG is forced independent because Malay(sia) from the Tunku Adul Raman to Mahathir Bumiputra Policy is only for the indigenous Malay only. That's why Malaysia will still be backwards 50 years down the road.
Don't forget to mention that there were and still are RACES and UNEQUALITY treatment among its citizens. The Malays are given special treament. They can get all sort of grants from the government and given priority to higher education, while the non-Malays are allocated quotes for goverment jobs, higher education, commercial business licence and etc. I was a Malsyian, went to further my education in a university and never wanted to go back to Malaysia because there is no future for me and my children.
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Chinese refugees ara China brain drain. Sorry.
no lies careful with what you say..
@@myanis007 It is all about love. If the country loves you then reciprocate. If the country loves you less then you love the country less. It the country treat you badly then you treat the country badly. If the country call you a "pendatang" then you call the country a "hotel". Humans are not trees and humans can move in mass. It is all about LOVE between you and your country.
Self-inflicted loss via affirmative actions via the NEP.
@@kristianham in life you can have all good things. Malaysia can’t remove the NEP. If they do so the non bumis will eat the bumis for breakfast. It is a paradox NEP brings good things as well as bad.
Malaysia has a lot of problems. Corruption, Cronyism, Racism, High Crime Rate, Incompetent Governance, weak ringgit, the list goes on. Mahathir is to blamed for most for the things I just mentioned that is happening in Malaysia currently. Most people know that Mahahir hates Singapore, he is always finding ways and means to provoke/antagonize Singapore.
Little man has big jealousy!
Malaysia has had one the fastest economic growth during first Tun Mahathir's era. Many of the infrastructures you see today in Malaysia were remnants of his modernization policies. Sure, he is no angel but compared to other developing economies at that time, Malayia did very well. Meanwhile, Singapore' development since colonial days always had a head start compared to Malaysia. Singapore's port was the 7th largest port in the world during the 1950s even before LKY took over. Top Banks, Factories, International companies, Universities etc. were already in Singapore during colonial heydays. Yes, Singapore's achievements are remarkable, but it was no miracle. Singaporeans like to peddle this idea that they were a fishing village before the great LKY took over and turned Singapore into developed nation. Nothing can be further from the truth. It was the British that build Singapore from scratch i.e. the fishing village during early 19th century and turned it into one of Asia's most important entrepôt trading center. LKY and his ilk just took over an already semi developed place to a Singapore that we know now. Btw, you are comparing a city state to a nation state. A bit unfair don't you think?
India also has the same problem as Malaysia
@@spt9699TQ for highlighting tis issue.👍🏼👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Too bad, u will nt live to see SG - nxt yr, yr after nxt - u may nt be ard anymore😂😂😂
its quite simple . Malaysia government " Bet " on their malays . While they can only draw on 1 race ...singapore is betting on everybody , dont care u malay or Chin-Dian , Baba ...etc ....all for singapore we use up .
NEP's Right® policy is the answer.
China also bet on everybody
Malaysia government is tied to Muslim countries concepts.
Everything must be Islam concept, They do not care others races and religious. Talented human kind with professional practitioners they do not accept you, if you is no Muslims.
Betting on one race and lost even their underwear but still in denial, exposed to the whole world like the emperor, walking around proudly. I support this. One day, they will realise and it will be too late.
RACISM is the most important element in Malaysia
@@rajakumaranrajappan5227 exactly
Mike Tyson's quote, "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."
Can understand in the past previous UMNO government to let racism happened. New government should dare to take action. After action taken once, the rest of the racaism people will be stopped. Should be like Singapore iron heart to check this for harmony.
Political system shaped by official racism, religion, corruption, cronyism, policy flipflops, etc. Hard to move ahead.
Even their constitution is racist
I had a Malay friend in high school. His father is a Kebangsaan school teacher. In SPM he scored only 5As and he got JPA scholarship to study engineering in Japan. Less than 2 years he came back to Malaysia because he failed the subjects. We Chinese scored 8As, 9As, 10As but got nothing. Opportunity should be given to the deserved ones. What is this Malaysia???
It's called MALAYsia for a reason alr hahaha
Have to wait till the next PM to be Chinese or minority if possible.Status of bumiputra has to go no good n advancement of all people of Malaysia,somehow bumiputra depends on government assistance n hand out others minorities have to wait for opportunity or luck to come by,if bumiputra status remove most of them will sink to the ground cause they can’t stand on their feet by themselves
Bruh, go talk to those retired NON Malay teachers in their 60s-70s and they'll tell you how Malaysia graded their exams. The Malays are graded among themselves and NOT together with other minorities Chinese, Indians etc. That's why their A1 and A2 students are actually inferior to other minorities. If graded together with others they might even get C5 and C6 or even a 7 and 8 or worse a F9. Please share this FACT!
You guys talk as if there are no Malays who score 10As or more.
@@aliferooz Ofcourse there are, but you know any Malay who got 5 As for STPM?
Malaysia is not loosing all its talented youth to all over the world, not just Singapore. If the Morden Malaysia want to have a brighter future it had to treat all its races & religions fairly & equally as simple as that no other such simple formula or equation.
A bit of wrong grammar and spelling but i could still understand
@@IthinkIburntThewater... Don't blame him ... most probably his Malay teacher was one of those who failed in English Language yet somehow gets to be an English language teacher.
@@genbond7459 Chuanlee ran away from Xi communists teachers. Only mandarin in china.
Malaysia population is 34mil, only 1mil is in sg, it's less than 3%. Furthermore, they are also mostly from the southern state. So, please stop talking nonsense.
@@leealex24 ... Dol, Malaysia's population is 34 million now. Malaysian Chinese is 20% so its 6,800 000. As you say only 1,000,000 work in Singapore out of 6,800 000 is 14.7%. ( note: majority of Malaysians working as professionals in Singapore are Chinese Malaysians.). This is not yet calculating that almost 25% of present day Singaporeans are ex Chinese Malaysians. That's a lot of TALENTED PEOPLE that Malaysia has lost because of the RACISM practices in Malaysia. Don't forget those that has migrated to Australia ( Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong comes to mind) New Zealand, UK, USA! So it's WIN, WIN for the Malays and Chinese ... Happy or Not?
And the funny thing is, malaysia were importing blue collar workers from the least fortunate next door neighbours, hoping that it would able to serve as stopgap to minimize the brain drain effect. Oh boy, imagine replacing the leaving brightest minds with the least brightest minds from abroad.
I don't think it was to mitigate the brain drain .... Malaysians are also relatively picky about some blue collar jobs and won't do them anymore , no?
It's a bluuudy dumb move alright!
They're famous for their hospitality and friendliness not for making smart decisions. I mean these guys when given the opportunity to go to space, decided to open ketupat in zero G as an experiment 😂 Understandable
spore is doing that too. telling the whole world its for the economy! that sporeans are lazy, dont want to work. what lies! the ugly truth is that its to make as much money as possible and pay these 3rd world workers so little thus making a big profit. people think everybody in spore is rich. the world says spore is one of the richest countries. the govt is rich, those in business are, our ministers are! the rest still struggle with our jobs, salary , buying homes ! dont believe everything we read online
This just mean the least brightest minds from abroad are still more capable than those useless bumiputras left behind.
In Southeast Asia nothing beats the efficiency and organisation of Singapore.
Yes, it's a majority Chinese population so hard work is a normal way of life!!
You should have mentioned that a Malaysian Chinese got 9As for SPM, excelled in extracurriculars & still couldn’t get a scholarship from JPA,despite her Malay schoolmates scoring less As and obtaining scholarships.
It's not only involves Chinese, it affects all minorities
@@lingammunuswamy7778 that's true.
@@lingammunuswamy7778... Correct bruh!
There are about 40 public and private universities to choose from. Going for govt scholarships mean you are bonded to serve the govt after competing study. Forget about govt scholarship, my children chose study loan instead. Had duly settled them over the years after working.
11A Malay scorers also gets pushed out, as more Malays in population fight for limited seats in public U... Most Non Malays didn't know this fact.
If you are not Bumi , you are out , this is the facr created by a Madman
Mahathir is the root cause
@ChuanTeh l was told by a Malaysian that Mahathir is an Indian Muslim.
@@jennylee1802 He is an Indian Muslim, but pretends like he is Malay. His father came from Kerala, India. In fact google up chief minister of Kerala and see resemblance to Mahathir.
Mahathir did the NEP for his own political gain,getting votes from bumiputera majority for PM position!!
By MahaTahi for his narrow minded approach
I've studied and worked in Singapore. Singapore is an open and meritocratic society. They don't care about your origin and the colour of your skin. They welcome talents from all over the world. Professionals from various countries feel comfortable working and living in Singapore. Singapore is safe, efficient and exciting.
They only take in 4 million china communists. Yellow how much you paid?
Do you know that Singapore only recognized two universities in United Countries of Malaysia,University of Malaya and UKM.
In Malaysia..all high post go to the chinese talents go to Singapore.
We welcome Malaysian Chinese.
They have been coming to Singapore before the 1950s. More Malaysians came in during the 1960s to 1980s to work and live here. We never have problems but l would advise the younger generations of Malaysian Chinese not to play POLITICS in the office or meddle with our country's politics. Remember that True Singaporeans have never discriminated Malaysians.
@@jennylee1802 Can you provide examples of Malaysian Chinese meddling in Singaporean politics? There is often a perception of separation between local-born Singaporeans and foreign immigrants.
Not just Chinese, I also saw malays also go to Singapore and work when given the chance
@@bernkoh343 I'd disagree. Not many non bumis want to enter the civil service. One recent example is our first new Chinese green beret graduate in several decades. No one is stopping anyone from joining.
True, the last time I worked in MNC many managers are once Malaysian.
Malaysia ejected Singapore. Singapore never wanted to leave Malaysia. Singapore is the only nation against her own will has been booted out by a country in history. It is a blessing in disguise for Singapore.
Had Singapore remained and subjected themselves to the outdated backward policies of the Malay dominated govt, we would have remained a 3rd world nation. We would not have been what we are today.
Nope. Singapore applied for seperation herself.
@@yau6629nah. Malays are doing well. And the strategic importance of the malacca straits would made us rich regardless. We would just lose out in laundering money for rich Chinaman.
Singapore was caught marginalising malays and outnumbering the malay population which is true hence afterwards Malaysia fed up and separate maybe which should not have happened instead should work towards reunification. But I do think that Singapore applied for separation because the Chinese gain supremacy in Singapore.
@@zulamy3472 its clear for everyone why you have to emphasize this because its shameful case indeed for Malaysia to see this small red dot which was rejected by then PM is now a 1st world country. A slap in the face indeed.
The Anwar govt has difficult problem. After 50 - 60 years of "Malay Malaysia" and Bumiputera policy and "New Economic Plan", it will be hard to wean Malaysia/Malaysian/Malays off the preferential treatment. Singapore/Lee Kuan Yew/PAP disagreed with the "Malay Malaysia" policy and for that Singapore was evicted from the Federation in 1965. Singapore has had 60 years of "meritocracy" as the basis of work, employment, and education. Malaysia has had 60 years of "Bumiputera" policy. Anwar will not be able to reverse that in 6 mths or even 6 years. It might even take 60 years!
So I really empathise with Anwar's efforts and I do not envy him the task, and I understand that it will take him some time. And I wish him all the best in his efforts.
IMHO, Anwar's less of a Bumi than Mahathir although he's more fundamentally Moslem than Mahathir. Somewhere between these lies Malaysia's political quagmire.
@angeluscorpius The government knows the root of the problem and knows the solution but unable to use these solutions due to political reasons.
@HeHoHa-z7w The reason or excuse is, of course, due to conforming to Malaysia's political expediency.
lol, if you found a leech living under your belly for past decade, do you need a decade to remove it? Soar High
A great lost to Malaysia for rejecting it's own Citizens.
Didn't know allowing for social justice means rejecting it's citizen
@@zulamy3472 Social justice means privileges for MINORITY races. Privileges for MAJORITY race are a robbery from the minority.
@@zulamy3472 Its not social justice, its racism.
@@Cruiser-j9d well social justice is racist to a racist
@@zulamy3472 Never heard of a racist ever admitting they are racist, so yeah they will label it as "social justice". You cant go around claiming social justice for over half a century, particularly when the other races didnt even harm them. Social justice for what---whats the objective and goal and does it have an expiry date? The Indians and borneo tribal, orang asli, and poor Chinese are the true victims of discrimination.
When u spoon feed and pamper a single group to the point of severe entitlement and this is what happen after
Malaysia is a racist country. The Government discriminates predominantly Chinese population. It implements quotas in favor of the Malay population across employment, education admission and social benefits. In contrast, Singapore welcomes Malaysians of Chinese origin to work and reside in Singapore treating all immigrants as equal. I migrated to Singapore a long time ago and never felt regretted in one second. Thanks to the Government of Singapore for treating everyone fairly. Majulah Singapura.
The brightest and most brilliant students of minority races who aced their exams were denied uni places, and had to go overseas to further their studies. While bumis with poor results were granted admission, many with poor command of English, as seen through their communication with foreign counterparts.
no longer predominant, only a minority now.
That’s why it is a joke when their government accuses the west of hypocrisy towards Muslims. They discriminate anyone that is not of them there. I feel sad for the Chinese Malays.
I am happy for you. Msia govt is definitely racist and that's why the country can't move ahead like spore does.
@@yau6629 spoken like someone who's either intentionally lying or honestly doesn't know any better.
FYI even high achieving bumis aren't guaranteed local uni placements.
Malaysia is the present day South Africa- practising apartheid
@@ocswoodlands Apartheid system was abolished in 1994 by Nelson Mandela who deserves to be called Negarawan.
@@chuageokseng2168 precisely.
MY is the present day version of SA apartheid....... or are you gonna say that ketuanan melayu is not?
@@ocswoodlands ... You're correct 100%.
Well said!
It's called Ketuanan
U see how Spore government even help the malays to progress n today many are well educated n well to do. I remembered as a chinese, we used to pay about $2 school fees every month while the malay only paid 50 cents. This is to encourage them to study. While it took many years for them to make good progress, it was a great way to see them making great progress. Like the saying goes, give the man a fishing rod n he will learn how to fish instead of simply giving him fish which is what Malaysia is doing u see the results of what Malaysia is today...they can try to build the same port or even airport as Singapore but it will not make progress bcos the people are the one that makes the difference. Today the exchange rate is S$1 is equal to $3.50 Malaysian dollars when it used to be $1 to $1 in the 1970s.
Malaysia was ruined by that Indiiaan camouflage as Malay called MahaTahi
Indonesia once had an unspoken Affirmative action policy when it came to higher education admissions, particularly through the direct non-test invitation pathway SNMPTN. My family is of Chinese background, and my eldest brother tried his fortunes with SNMPTN in the early 2010s to get to ITB. Unsurprisingly he failed despite his impressive academic record and had to register for the national university entrance exam SBMPTN, which he passed.
When he was admitted, the number of Chinese and other minorities was extremely low. In 2016, I was accepted to ITB via SNMPTN with a few others - mostly Chinese - from my high school. By then, the number of Chinese students had increased significantly, making the higher ed admissions landscape even more competitive. I believe most publicly funded unis had decided to ditch such affirmative action directives and opt for a merit-based system because it is beneficial to them in the long-run.
Moral of the story: The Bumiputera policy is not going to help Malays succeed. Everyone has to compete to succeed.
Malaysia Can Changed If They Changed Their Education So That The Younger Malaysians Can Learn English To Be Opened To The World And Malay Their National Language.
Same here. They preferences to the majority and minority mainly left to their own despair.
No different to any Chinese majority countries
Indonesia is rising. Soon Malaysia will be the poorest in ASAEN, except for Myanmar.
China also bet on everybody.. USA also draws from worldwide nations.. For technology age era... ..With resource based economy, it is about taking control of natural resources so you get tribal type countries. They will gets poorer in comparison, as time goes by.
@@delmaregals dont play victims. You are still india citizen.
LKY was the right man to lead S'pore. He & S'pore was booted out for his wanting to make a "Malaysian Malaysia" which didn't sit well with the leaders there at that time (and even now for that matter). LKY wanted equality for all races - which should have been the case rightfully. Today the success of S'pore shows that LKY was right all along. The path to success is not built on narrow-minded racist policies and denying others equality. It is built on the same principles everywhere - hard-work and vision regardless of race, religion or gender. S'pore has proven this. Well done S'pore. Salute to LKY.
Lky commited genocide on native Malays. He is living in hell today.
@@saufi2514Is this what your school thought you?
Or did your research bring to light something that no one knew?
Please do share your findings with facts.
@@KG-rd5rh Singapore is a Malay Muslim island. In 1819 80% are Malay muslims. Facts. In 1974, LKY evited Malays from their home Nd grab their land. To build apartment for china 4million comunists settlers. Similar to Arabs Palestine right? Today 6 millions crammed onto island. Fact. 90% on death rows Malay Muslims and Tamils. A Malay on death row sued the chinese gov and judges for persecution. Facts. Today Malays reduced to 13%. Beijing controlled singapore. Communist army held training in singapore.
When one can't compete fairly on merit, one has to come up with policies and excuses to dumb down or get a leg up on the competitors!
@@ritaclyong3837 said a poor river bank refugee china man😁😁😁
The malay dominated government of malaysia never regretted of so called brain drain matter and on the contrary please with it.
Mahathir is creating a new Malay race where one become Malay by following the race of the mother. Bangladeshis, Paklistanis , Indonesians etc etc are making up the bulk of the new Malays who will one day make the original Premerdeka Malays a minority in the country.
Malaysia is one of the 18 countries in the world that have not ratified ICERD, the UN's International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
Malaysia is then saying minorities should be 'assimilated' first. However, it is not openly saying being 'Malay' mandatorily means being Muslim too. Unlike Thailand, the Philippines or even Indonesia.
The majority of Malays, wealthy or poor, continue to enjoy the discriminatory Affirmative Policy enacted since 1971 visavis the minorities. Since then, numerous Muslims from the Indian sub-continent, Middle- East, Indonesia, etc., have opted to become 'Malay'.
As their numbers grow exponentially, the tax burden must fall on the dwindling minorities, already bereft of state benefits across.
It's a painful truth that must be done to retaliate against Chinese racism.
Only 4 percent of total Malaysia's population pay taxes. Individual income taxes formed only 16 percent out of total revenue in 2022. Up till 2015 or so, Petronas alone contributed more than 40 percent of total revenue. This has yet to take into consideration other GLCs that probably contributed the rest. So don't give the tinja lembu sayings that certain races pay more taxes.
I remember ICERD was denounced in 2018 by claiming that the EU "values animals more than humans". Hmm
Anwar will never reverses Malaysia future because he cares only about Islam and the Malay language!
Some bad decisions made have far reaching consequences. Malaysia is now reaping what it sowed.
No single person can reverse all the bad policies and governance that past to current govt have done over more than 40 years to put Malaysia in deepshit
Even LKY did not claim credits alone but to the capable team during his time. Anwar alone cannot change Msia. He needed a credible team.
Anwar's administration has only deepened the old policies. FT Mufti Bill, akan datang is RUU355, Jakim allocation increased. More to come.
M'sia is killing itself with their silly Bumiputera policy.
Religion & Race Base Government. Religion (Race Base) is 100% Bumiputras (vs) 0% Multi-Racial Ruling is how serious the problems in Malaysia.
Oooo what singapore do to malay people in singapore if my people go to china can we malay have like what malay people give to your people like we see now answer me know
@@sharulshah1979 What do you talking about lah??
@@sharulshah1979Open your eyes and do your research. See how much the Malays have benefited in getting good education, jobs and respect. The govt has through the years pushed forward with policies that benefited the minorities. M'sia is the exact opposite!
@@sharulshah1979 You did not give anything to non-bumis and they dont owe you anything, in fact Malays have snatched their opportunities and full potential. Malays wont survive in China because they are not willing to work hard on a level field just like the rest, everyone want free. Ofcourselah other country wont give you prividedge, just get treated equal only.
@@yau6629 can you name one cina that gave back everything they stole and the colonial wealth they took from the natives?
Mahatir was the problem and this continues with the poor education and policies that come out of it. Unfortunately, Malaysia is doomed. and it will take decades to undo Mahatirs blunder. Mahatir could do well by making openly admiting that he made a mistake in his policies.
Singapore never split from Malaysia but Malaysia decided that Singapore cannot be a part of Malaysia and decided that they are both to part ways.
Sorry but you are ignorant of the politics at that time. This is why you have made such a silly statement.
@@eugenearokiasamy5662you are brainwashed to believe that SG wanted to part ways with MY. For a small country like SG with no natural resources except for it's people. Why do we want to part ways with a country far much bigger than SG?
@@eugenearokiasamy5662 LKY wanted an equal opportunity for all races but was rejected by type-M who’s wanted the privilege and kicked out SG from MY.
@@leehw9394no LKY wanted a Chinese ethnostate for that he needed to take a successful malay port for his kind.
@@zulamy3472 Chinese ethnostate??????? Isn’t SG all races have equal rights and opportunities from education to government based on meritocracy unlike MY still practicing quota system and special privileges.
Non Malays talents have gone to many other countries too like UK, USA, Australia, China and Taiwan
Hi there, thanks for the comment. Yes, Singapore is definitely not the only destination. But based on Malaysia’s statistics reported in the news, it appears that Singapore is where most of the brain drain is happening at. Cheers!
Forever so.
Yes. Most Chinese diaspora here considers malaysia to only be a stepping stone, a place where resources from natives are taken so that they can move to the west as their forefathers did.
China also bet on everybody.. USA also draws from worldwide nations.. For technology age era... ..With resource based economy, it is about taking control of natural resources so you get tribal type countries. They will gets poorer in comparison, as time goes by.
Indonesia is rising. Soon Malaysia will be the poorest in ASAEN, except for Myanmar.
majority of them don't care 2 hoots about this and probably ask you go away sooner, the more the better if you know what I mean
I left Malaysia for the West, carrying only a Karrimor haversack with $50 in my pocket and never looked back. Best thing I ever did, and I encourage the best and brightest in Malaysia to follow in my footsteps. Don’t waste your life in Malaysia.
NB: Today, according to my accountant, I’m worth more than Old Mamak and his entire family put together.
@@kennyyap9745 Keep on believing in fairy tales and maybe you’ll have a happy ending. But then again, maybe not. Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Lebanese, Syrians, all thought the same.
Singapore has joined the First World countries but Malaysia government insists on remaining in the Third World.
It’s inevitable that the brightest and most talented Malaysians will leave for Singapore and many other countries !
Bumiputra policy has created a superior race, no doubt. The policy has created thousands of malay PhDs, many thousands of graduates, and even specialists in medical fields.
This superior race is easily noticed when u enter or exit the country. Immigration officers are unsmiling, uninterested in such mundance jobs like stamping passports. And never ever cause them anger as u can end up like being detained for 7 days. Superior race has superior power.
Those PhD, graduates and specialists are unemployable because the government was so eager to dish out the degrees the quality went straight into the longkang. Therefore most of them are umeployable. Nothing "superior" there.
The "Bumiputra" policy putting Malays first, by Tun Mahatir too..
Indonesia is rising. Soon Malaysia will be the poorest in ASAEN, except for Myanmar.
China also bet on everybody.. USA also draws from worldwide nations.. For technology age era... ..With resource based economy, it is about taking control of natural resources so you get tribal type countries. They will gets poorer in comparison, as time goes by.
Mathatir is employing a caste system from india. So Malaysia will end up like india.. Very tribal..
@@biggpicture2930 Tanah Melayu hak Melayu since the beginning of time. No such thing as bumiputera policy. China has no claim on Malay Federation.
@@saufi2514 ya kah? But billions from China going in lah.
Look at the infrastructure being built, by Chena lah
@@tonykiang9052 haha... it is not free money. The people of Malaysia has to pay. China just a contractor. People dont understand this.😂😂 It is a way of selling . Buy now pay later by many generations.
Onwards Singapore 🇸🇬!!!
Huat ah😂😂😂😂. All come here make money. We local eat banana
The best option is for all ethnic chinese and indians to migrate to Singapore and make Singapore great again !! 🇸🇬 🇸🇬 🇸🇬 🇸🇬
Drop the Bumiputra policies and watch how fast Malaysia grows
Thats never going to happen, ever. Apartheid
There will be riots before the policies are dropped.
grow like singapore or hongkong or china.? then complain about houses price, education too expensive, kiasu.. low birth rate.. then retire oversea..
Drop JKR-mentality among bumiputra 70% majorities.
My cousin brother left Malaysia after he completed 12 yrs military service and went to U.S.A. in Seattle and became a U.S.citizen and never return to Malaysia
The Malaysia government knows the root of the problem and knows the solution but unable to use these solutions due to political reasons.
and religious! once you play the religious and race card YOUVE GOT EXTENSIVE, NEVERENDING PROBLEMS!
Nobody dares to do the right thing. Middle & upper non- Malays found their way out via education , while the illiterate poor unfortunately struggled endlessly
We have got here not by suppressing or pretending that race differences, language differences, culture differences do not exist, but that they can coexist without the majority obliterating oppressing the minority.......but by accepting the fact there are fundamental primeval differences and telling each other that we have to live, put up with each other, accommadate, comprOmise ''
Many rich malays setup business with government grant and subsidy, are not required to pay back or contribute taxes. No action was taken even if many of them fail to pay taxes.
Got proof meh??
@@sharifahmalek1934 who do you think is paying most of the taxes? Its mainly chinese. Malay dont pay taxes , some will pay zakat which is like negligeable amount.
@@Cruiser-j9d The audicity to say that MALAY dont pay taxes likes all Malay are like! how amazing...
@@pyanzy Only 12% Malaysia pay taxes, most of these are Chinese. Almost 70% of the population is Malay, what are they doing? You tell me.
Ask the KuttyMathir. He spoiled it all.Why? B'cos he is MahathirKutty😄
@@kemejaput-lm4qp No idea what you're talking about. Malay has no impact outside of ASEAN. Majority of Malay language is spoken is in Indonesia, it has nothing to do with Malay influence.
What failed? Ya, in terms of currency and economy, singapore is much stronger. Not deny that. But not that people in malaysia living on the tree or have to begging on the street.. in malaysia, most of the people especially malays still can afford to live in a landed property compare to majority of singaporean who need to live in a tiny hbd apartment
@@ardentblue7493 The fact a bumi can buy a house cheaper than non-bumi is dicriminatory and a racist policy.
Even a large number of Malays went to Singapore to work despite the Affirmative Action favoring them in Malaysia.
According to this video it should be 40% of Malaysians working in SG are Malaysian Malays cos it said 60% are Chinese/Indians/Others..
And I think 40% is quite a lot actually…
The Malay University gradute went to Singapore to become blue collar workers as everyone know malay graduate from their own universities are not fit for white collars job even the foregein companies in Malaysia would not hired the malay graduate.
And then they enjoy the best of both world lol
@@sunnyang6464 Malays crossing border to work in singapore but not taking PR there, most PR or sitisenzhip to singapore are non-Malays
@@Cruiser-j9d yah i guess so too.. they are first class citizens back in Malaysia so there’s no need to take up SG citizenship.. just earn SGD and go back Malaysia live a good life..
To be honest, I am really happy for those skilled/semi skilled working in Spore. Good decisions n a brighter n better future for you in Singapore at least you are recognised and respected your brilliant talents that have contributed to spore economy. Well done n keep it up.
Not only non Malay open minded Malay also seek jobs in other countries due to cronies favoritism attitude . Elite Malay got more opportunity than ordinary malay .
Poverty is a fate enjoyed by everybody except Alibaba.
You are wrong. It's NOT money but discrimination and an unfair system of denying non Muslims in nation building, the civil service, the non recognition of the UEC. In short, non Malays are second class citizens.
Singapura Boleh!
The best option is for all ethnic chinese and indians to migrate to Singapore and make Singapore great again !! 🇸🇬 🇸🇬 🇸🇬 🇸🇬
@@ezekielhall7907 Agreed!👍👍👍
The brain drain that occurred in Malaysia is self inflicted and not due to external forces as many, including this channel, thought it to be.
It’s simply the affirmative action policy in Malaysia that is consistently being driving non-Malays Malaysians from seeking education and jobs overseas. The setting up of Talent Scout is just a gimmick when non-Malays Malaysians are being driven overseas every year.
Sad to say, the govt knew the brain drain issue is there but since it’s mainly non-Malay Malaysians that are leaving it met the goals of reducing the population of these non-Malay Malaysians in the country.
When Malaysia got its independence in 1957, the Federal Constitution included a clause to help the Malays who were known to be behind the non-Malays. The clause is supposed o last until the 1990s but it was extended by the govt ( with majority control by Malay leaders ) until deemed necessary. Question is although the original intention was achieved earlier the govt had resorted to this policy to gain the Malays support which formed the majority of the population. Thus the benefit given in the Federal Constitution is now deemed to be a RIGHT by Malays and cannot be questioned.
That is the real reason for the brain drain!
Malaysia encourages FDI capitals but accidentally drain its human capitals.
👀NEP's Rights® in the room.
😁Enjoy seeing Quota® fire work displays on the streets in Bangladesh recently. Sheik Hasina on the run to India.🤣😁
Nope. It's because of standard of living and currency.
Racists countries like Singapore, south Korea, Hong Kong and China have a lot of Chinese immigrants implying racism is not so much of a factor when it's profitable for them to move.
@@zulamy3472 For Malaysia its racism- ask any non-bumi. For other countries there maybe other factors in play.
@@Cruiser-j9d I asked non bumi and they say it's the currency. Others countries are the same if not more racist like the fascist state of India or fascist China.
@@zulamy3472 Never came across a non-bumi either migrated or not migrated who didnt see anything to do with discrimination. If if was about economics only, then why are most Malaysians migrating and many relinguishing citizenships non-Bumi, only a small minority migrating is Malay? Surprising since most Malaysians are Malays but they arent migrating, arent they?
The bumiputra policy is a double edged sword. On one hand its forcing its brightest non bumi out of the country and on the other hand no government of the day has the will to turn it around as the political cost is high. All they can do is to come up with half baked policies and continue to watch as their brightest move next door to help its neighbour grow.
Its not that the government does not know the serious implication, they can't do much to change it or they risk losing the next election.
Thank you Malaysia.
Racial policy, financial incongruity, corruption, and theft go hand in hand. You cannot have an Abang Adek economy without the ill effects of unexplained open and hidden corruption in financial meritocracy. Organized theft by government officials is a natural extension. Plus masok pocket taxes exist everywhere.
In fact, your social status in this establishment is determined by who you know, not what you know.
Eventually, this practice becomes the "Law of the Land" in determining whether you survive in this dirty environment or, live in poverty.
The financial health of the nation becomes secondary.
Cronyism.. is the law in Malaysia… where ownself help ownkind
Don't care them lah ,, melayu
Explain why the Singapore Stock exchange is Larger than KLSE in terms of US$ value.
It is pretty obvious that Malaysia's situation is a catch-22, and shocking that many people glossed over and oversimplified the situation. The Malaysian government needs to eradicate the Bumiputera policy for the long-term benefit for all of Malaysia including the minorities, and yet, because removing it directly upsets the Malaysian majority, the Malaysian government WILL have trouble getting re-elected.
It is not simply "Let's be drop the Bumiputera policy and be inclusive." and it will be "happily ever after".
People forget that prior to singapore being kicked out of Malaysia in 1964, malays barely had a majority in malaysia. Since Singapore left and the bumiputra policy drove away mainly chinese and indian, today Malaysia has a significant majority of Malays in its population. So why would the Malays change a policy that allowed them to ensure perpetual political domination over other races?
Hi there....everyone... I have worked in United States for 2 years and know I have been doing business in Malaysia with own practice for the last 20 years. Lots of Malaysian overseas in Singapore is still holding malaysia citizen but a Singapore PR holder.
Most of their progeny become non Malaysians and that is what the S'poreans are counting on. Many are also residents of Australia, US etc and the children get integrated into the new adopted country.
It is not so much the wages, it is Malaysian Racism!! If you are not a Muslim or Malay by race. Forget it!
I was told 60% of the medical specialists in Singapore are Malaysians.
I think almost 1 out 3 Singaporeans used to be Malaysians
My MY friend is a male nurse working in Jurong 🤣
More people seriously ill there 😂😂
@@aciteh5427 ... A Nurse salary in Singapore is more than a Doctor's salary in Malaysia.
In Malaysia, we kept the so so student and give our best student to Singapore... 😅
This "World Know More" is very informative and honest. Some frogs still covered by coconut shells should take note as it could improve Malaysia faster.
We the people of Singapore
pledge ourselves as ONE UNITED PEOPLE, regardless of race, language, or religion, to build a democratic society based on JUSTICE and EQUALITY so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and PROGRESS for our nation.
GOD bless Singapore 🇸🇬 and her citizens.
The Best is yet to be.
Msia’s deterioration due to the following fundamental problems: (1) Blatant widespread corruption (2) politicians only wanna hold onto power for personal power & not interested in helping its people & the country. (3) Unfair treatment to minority races. Priority & special rights accorded to Malays / Bumiputras. Minority are treated as second class citizens. (4) Politicians also cause divide of its people by playing the Muslim religious card so as to retain power in election. (5) Unstable political situations for decades due to selfish power grabbing. (6) Poor education & infrastructure systems
when you ignore the little precious that you have and sidelined them, and favouring the abundant waste and garbage - you eventually will be left with a wasteland
@@sharifahmalek1934 yes, precisely this attitude that you are in "wherever" haha
An Ex Malaysian told me he had one Malay classmate who always did poorly in English language yet ended up becoming an English language teacher whilst he and his other Indian, Chinese and Eurasian classmates who scored A1 and A2 couldn't even get an interview. They applied for teaching posts and 3-4 years later got replies by mail saying "Dengan dukacita nya" ... "With regret you were not successful "! Imagine they were NOT even called up for an interview! SMH ....
Malaysia gov always focus on race and religion and not merit for political reason. Always will be. But good news for Singaporean, our short holiday getaway
Race and religion are the big challenges for Malaysia. But never mind, because they keep chanting Malaysia Boleh 😂
because of one 'skin color' policy
Because Singapore worked hard under the able late LKY. Malaysia after separation wants to keep the Bumiputra, making the Malay lazy and complacent. Subsequent PM and their team get into the culture of corruptions until it gets too brazen. To add to the problem, they choose Bahasa as a medium of instruction in admin and education. Now very hard to catch up.
Meritocracy is the key. When a person is promoted in his/her career because of qualification and competence, the whole country is moving upward. When job opportunities and promotions are race based, the country will slide downward. But Malaysia is not concerned about its future, the majority race is everything it cares about. Fairness to minority races is just a lip service of the government. If it is serious about stopping brain drain, it should scrap race based policies.
There are many factors why Malaysia despite having all the advantages still lost out to Singapore. But if you were to name one , it is : racism.
😂My kids have already acquired PR in Singapore after working there for ten years.
@@sharifahmalek1934 👍👍👍👍
@@sharifahmalek1934 They bought three properties in ten years, two in Johore and one in Singapore valued more than a million ringgit. How was that possible if they were to work in Malaysia?
@@brianliew5901 As the Quran states in Surah al Hadid 57:20 "Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children. This is like rain that causes plants to grow, to the delight of the planters. But later the plants dry up and you see them wither, then they are reduced to chaff. And in the Hereafter, there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness and pleasure of Allah, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment."
Malaysia will never change its seem only bumiputra need to survive only with the help of government yet they are always going backward
Peninsular malayans seek better opportunities in Singapore even before independence. Malays to work on boards maritime vessels. Some eventually ended up living in liverpool never to return home. Or in movie industries.
But three singaporeans went the other way. Founder of maybank, public bank and one more cannot recall.
Only thing is Singapore makes it easy for Malayan to sesk employmrnt there, but we made it tough for singaporeans to come in. Hence the wide imbalance.
😂😂😂is that what your people tell yourselves?
Why Malaysian are leaving, theres only one reason, salary! Fyi I just graduated with a degree in business. Guess how much is my salary? Rm2200 !! Bruh.
Good enough for Melayu.
@@richardgoh8725 true, they even can have 5 kids with low salary, I can't even afford a cat.
Even a Malaysian working as a security officer in S'pore can get around triple your salary.
@@yau6629 it's pathetic here, imma just treat this period as gaining experience, then I'll leave, working holiday in new zealand maybe. If it's good I'll just stay there.
@@AcAlvin Set your goals, and all the best to you. A colleague's doctor son still under bond, also planned to join the health sector here after his contract is over. Cited discrimination and unfair policies.
On a Worldwide basis Talents Always Move to Areas of Professional Growth, Opportunities for Employment and a Meritrocratic Society. Its the Politics of Race and Religion that Drive Away Talent.
It is the total mismanaged, disgraceful, serious corruption, discrimination, and total failure policies of the previous ruling government especially, Mahatir and Najip Prime Ministership, before the current, Prime Minister, Anwar. May the mighty God bless Malaysia
Luckily l migrate to the US from Malaysia 40 yrs ago & all my sons graduated as computer engineers,data scientists making 6 figures annually although l invested early paying tuitions for math & science after school every weekend .
Grabcar frm malaysian but today singapore owns it
If Grabcar headquater remained in Malaysia, their business will be forcfully sell to malay corrupt politicians with very low price, it already happneed to sugar, bread and other busineses owned by chinese and Indian.
Malaysia government prefers to keep those substandard students for all their top universities just because of its stupid quota system. So all the top students that feel they are not appreciated by their own government continue their studies in overseas specially in Singapore as they based on meritocracy not on skin color. After so many decades, this is the consequences. Blame on those leaders that play with races and religion card.
when one hold high regard to primitive ways, the advanced has no place but to leave
lion dance not primitive meh?
@@sharifahmalek1934 there is a difference between tradition and primitive. Tradition is old but cultured ways, primitive is low intelligence hahaha. No wonder you can't appreciate the issue at hand.
Correction! Singapore did not join Malaysia but together with Malaya, Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak formed Malaysia.
Singapore Singapore practices metocriacy and best man for the job whereas Malaysia employs mostly from one ethnic group that's why Malaysia is very slow in progress.
Malaysia's Preferential "Malay and Bumiputra Malaysia" to further adopting "Son of the Soil" very unfair, unjust one-sided policy failing desperately and tremendously; as the brain drains to Singapore, Australia, etc. were extensively high severely damaging Malaysia. Unless the trend reverses, Malaysia dream to become semiconductor, rare earth and other AI technologies hard to materialize; in opinion. Malaysia's corruption and Professional competency difficult to achieving due to lacking the Chinese, Indian and Eurasian Malaysian's contributions and competitions
The problem with Malaysia government and politicians is they always claim they will trump Singapore. But their corruption and lack of national infrastructure investment is rife, how do you move on from that?
I know of non-Malay beneficaries of the BumiPutra policy.
300,000 unemployed graduates show the low quality of local education. Many can't communicate in English. Discrimination breeds low quality. There is no meritocracy in M'sia., although there is lip service - entry is strictly controlled to exclude
@@Aeolian_0607 Corruption® is their cup of tea.
Plus theft
Shame pf malaysian government as compared to singapore who does not have natural resources. Yet, singapore is doing so much better.
Quota system also
Special privilege for a main group and treating others like 2nd class citizens have made the country weak. Haven't even spoke about the vast amount of corruption, cronyism and total lack of accountability & responsibility of government funds. Thank you to Mahathir for such a lousy foundation.
I think the video got an important aspect wrong at the start. Malaysia decided to dump Singapore and not Singapore deciding to go on it's own, as described in the video! But for that, it's a well done video calling out Malaysia's poorly justified quota system, which is putting a drag on it's economy!
1 SGD vs 3.2 MYR says it all. Period.
What is the problem with Malaysia? Corruption, racial policies and lack of political will to improve things. Talented individuals are not given opportunities . Poor dumb politicians are not helping. Racial and religious issues further complicate matters.
Malaysian political and religious policies are to blame. Not forgetting the quota system and bumiputra first domination.
There's no such thing as "Bumiputra" mentioned in the Malaysian constitution, only the Original people, Sons of Soil and Malay.
One must read the Malaysian to know who are defined as Malays.
The borrowed word "Bumiputra" was introduced to by pass and "Hoodwink" the other races, in East and West Malaysia, for introduce the "Ctutch Mentality".
Only those in denial will disagree.
Singapore made the Best Decision to leave the Federation of Malaya.
Those who laugh last, have the best laugh, in this Singapore.
The NEP only enriched the cronies n children of these Malay leaders, such as giving them mega projects n bailouts while the rural Malays remain the same. As long as the priorities n privileges to the bumiputras, as enshrined in the Constitution r not abolished, the brain drain will definitely continue n whoever becomes PM n try to overturn this may be pushed down immediately.
Not just one race ; but hock by islam and they can't even exit islam .. see that weakness
Malaysia and Fiji are two countries with discrimination in institutional law. Horrendous.
Fact check: When the constitution of Fiji was being written, some of the discrimnatory policies were borrowed from the Malaysian constitution. Both were former british colonies and Fiji's independence came after the bumiputera policy.
After the military coup since the discrimininatin and racism was ruining the country, the Fijian constitution was changed in 2013 to make it equal for all. Its now going through another change. Irrespective Fiji's future looks very uncertain if it reintroduces racist policies.
@@Cruiser-j9d Thanks. I am a bit behind in my knowledge.
Also not the mention Malaysia’s extremely homophobic laws. Malaysia seems to just be a country of discrimination.
Dear Malaysia friends. Come to Singapore ! We welcome you !
Thank you very² much for the employment opportunities and chance for a better life🙏🏻
@@raid1010 Malaysia talents that came to Singapore also helped to make Singapore a better place. It is mutual benefits !
Malaysia's loss is Singapore's gain. As simple as that. If Malaysia manages to reverse the brain drain, Singapore will have to look elsewhere for talents.
The trend will continue..will not reverse whoever governs..the current Sg PM's parents came from Msia..with China's universities offer more scholarships, it diversifies target destinations
It is the same reason why SG is forced independent because Malay(sia) from the Tunku Adul Raman to Mahathir Bumiputra Policy is only for the indigenous Malay only. That's why Malaysia will still be backwards 50 years down the road.
Don't forget to mention that there were and still are RACES and UNEQUALITY treatment among its citizens. The Malays are given special treament. They can get all sort of grants from the government and given priority to higher education, while the non-Malays are allocated quotes for goverment jobs, higher education, commercial business licence and etc. I was a Malsyian, went to further my education in a university and never wanted to go back to Malaysia because there is no future for me and my children.
Singapore didn't just split from Malaysia. It was kicked out.
It's not all about money. It's because of Malaysia's racist policies.
Malaysian politicians led by Razak, intensified by mahathir to brought us to this failed situation. There is no reverse soon.