Just because we can study the universe and understand how planets move so now we don't need god is a very weak argument. First of all the bible says that god created the planets and stars and everything else and determines there paths. Just because we understand things that exist does not explain how they came to exist. Or the fact that there is an order to how they move its not just random. That's like saying we understand how an engine works so that means there was no one who created and designed it. Science has not disproven god. By the way up until the 50s pr 60s scientific consensus was that the universe was static and always existed. Until they discovered radiation after glow which led to the big bang. Scientists now all know universe had a beginning just like the bible has said for hundreds of year's.
This is just a lazy rehash of the tired "watchmaker" argument, which assumes that order requires a designer. But nature doesn’t work like a human-made engine. Natural processes can produce complex systems without the need for a conscious planner-evolution, gravity, and countless other mechanisms demonstrate this. No one argues that understanding how planets move *disproves* god; the point is that invoking god is unnecessary. Science explains natural phenomena without resorting to supernatural guesswork. And your historical claim is wrong. The idea of a static universe was debated long before the 1950s. Einstein initially proposed a "cosmological constant" to maintain a steady-state universe, but Edwin Hubble’s discoveries in the 1920s already pointed to an expanding universe. The Big Bang wasn’t some desperate concession to the Bible-it was developed through evidence, not scripture. Meanwhile, Genesis describes a flat, immovable Earth created in six days, with the sun appearing *after* plants. That’s not science; that’s ancient ignorance.
Why do you believe (or feel) like you have to defend your faith? That is evidence that you have no faith. I don't have anything to prove to anyone. I AM that I AM.
I thank God for John Lennox. He's got the sharpest mind, but comes across like your favourite grandfather - "Let your gentleness be evident to all" Phil 4:5.
he's an idiot. so many thing he say is just taken out of thin air. you could insert an 3 legged giraffe every time he say god. maybe then you could see how crazy it is.
@History DiveTV, I totally agree with you, John Lennox is the best ambassador I've listened to.... to date about the authenticity of the Bible, his talent for getting to the heart of the matter is second to none in this century, including CS Lewis.
The biggest learning that I've come to in the last 12 months since giving up athiesm and doing a deep dive in apologetics is the realisation that there are multiple ways TO LOGICALLY arrive at not only God's existence but to the triune God that Jesus preached about. Athiesm is one of the most self refuting and illogical worldviews out there.
Have you come to the Realization that Christ is the Life of Your Being, and not something in a man 2,000 years ago?? Through the false sense of the belief we are human mortal being, the purpose is to lie about the immortal omnipresence of God.... This false belief in a human mortal existence separate and apart from the Infinite Spirit of God Conscioisness that you truly are is what is meant to be OVERCOME..... We must Remove the False Mortal Image of a mortal ME separate and apart from God.... Every communication Unfolding from God within is to encourage the Spirit/Soul die to the False Sense of Mortal Self, as the Purpose of the Soul is to take Dominion over our only Adversary, the World Mind and it's thoughts tempting us to believe mortality/form/decay is reality.... Where everything mortal appears to be, Only the Infinite, Omnipresent Spirit of God is... I and the Father are One!! Once able to accept this mortal Experience is for the Immortal Soul and not the mortal sense of self, one ultimately comes to the Virginal Realization that the Spirit of God is the Only Life, and that I am the Infinte Spirit of God, as Jesus, John, Paul, Moses, Elijah, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Shankara, Meister Eckhart, Madam Guyon, Fenelon, and many more have done....
I've noticed that too. He knows it. He believes it in the core of his being. Yes he has learning and training to be able to deliver this that the average person doesn't have, but he doesn't really have to think about it seems to me.
I've been a biochemist for over 20 years, and it never ceases to amaze me that so many humans think that what we see, study, understand and test is the penultimate to all things in the universe. Consider for a moment that our minds are miniscule in the grand concept of life and the universe and there are so many things that are way above our ability to understand. The more I learn and study science the more I realize how damn much we're still struggling to understand
I will help you simply. There are 2 realities. The natural, which we see and touch, etc. But there is the super natural…which is usually invisible, unless they , the “beings become visible.” I myself am able to see the supernatural world, as they manifest themselves to me for 45 years…and there are millions of proof, they have and do appear over all of history to millions of people! So my point is…since 2 realities do in fact exist…then this proves that God exists! It’s not rocket science. I and the others who know, see, are touched by ‘them” prove God is the Truth…these other beings are either good or bad angels. If you want more proof…explain how your lips, tongue, and voice box make “sound.” Sound exists, yet it is not visible…but it’s there! Now take that to the next level…God’s invisible qualities prove He is real…how do you argue with all this proof I gave you!
And the argument that we now know is hilarious. Science helps us understand the systems god created. But seriously we cant fully explain light or gravity yet. The closest theory of Einstein's relativity falls apart in the macro, and quantum. Because space in the nacro is expanding faster than light because of gravity which is limited to the speed of light. But even if we completely figure something out just shows gods creation, not takes over from it.
When we are born in to incomprehensible complexity, we have no relative perception from which to judge from. Urgency, survival, and the flesh further confound our odds of clarity.
'IN the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. 3-All things were made through Him, & without Him nothing was made that was made 4-In Him was life & the life was the light of man. 5-and the life shineth in the darkness and the darkness compromised it not....9-That was the true light that gives light to every man that comes into the world. 10-He was in the world & the world was made through Him and the world did not know Him 11-He came to His own and His own did not receive Him 12-but as many that received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those that believe in His name 13-who were born not of blood, nor of the will of flesh or of the will of man, but of God 14-And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us'! NOW look at Collossians 1:12-18 & Genesis 1 & 2. NOW:2 Peter 1: 1-'Simon Peter a bond servant & Apostle of Jesus Christ...2-Grace and peace be multiplied to you in a knowledge of Gid and Savior Jesus Christ 3-AS HIS DIVINE POWER HAS GIVEN UNTO US all things that pertain to life and Godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.4-by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature...' to vs21 Then read Job..especially 38 on..there is much we can know of God that He wants us to know..the trouble is: man wants to be as God & go beyond realms to be as Him. He can be found & known in the simple..that reveals the same as of the depths of our searchings.
Prof Lennox, cordial thanks to the way in which you share your brilliant mind. Here in Austria, as all over Europe and America, we are flooded with materialism, wokism, political Islam, relativism, so-called academic rationalism, atheism, eco-socialism, pharmaceutical rule, war spirit etc. I'm a Christian and an academic. We are fighting the same spiritual fight. For our children and grand-children. God bless you!
You do realise hes pushing a false interpretation of where the scientific community stands, he's making false claims as true and ignoring the fact that in science we do not deny god, we just don't bring a god into the equation because there is absolutely no evidence to suggest one and no reason to otherwise, unfortunately the followers of these videos often are brainwashed by religion to think complexity, design etc all need a creator when that is simply not true.
@@genome616Any design has a designer, any composition a composer, any work of art an artist, any dance a choreographer, any building an architect, any piece of literature an author, any film a script-writer, director, producer, any scientific finding a thinker or researcher, any creation a creator. Proof enough!
@@christinagrabner4451 Evolution is its own design tool allowing natural selection through survival of the fittest, no physical designer needed only a given set of rules, I can create a computer program to follow similar rules and give complex outcomes and yes I did create the program but that is not my point, nature too can create it own rules and end with complex systems given enough time. This closed minded idea that everything you experience has to have some intelligent creator is the result of your indoctrination when I can personally demonstrate how simple rules of nature can lead to very complex observations and outcomes without a designer, the laws of physics and universal constants set their own conditions for natural complexity, just because we do not know why these laws exist as they do does not mean we shout God, science does not need, use or consider a god as nothing observational or evident to imply there is one.
Also coming back to God after not realizing I had wandered away and thinkers like this have really helped me to affirm my faith that God is and Jesus defeated sin and death for us. Praying for faith with deep roots in good ground but everyone has different rates of spiritual growth. God bless!
@@aaronbenavides1169 You believe in magic. You have been brainwashed a million times without realizing it. Do you know what the true purpose of the church is? It's not to save your soul. Souls don't exist. They are magical body parts that don't correspond to reality. Many people in the world are under the delusion that souls exist, without ever investigating it to see if they're being misled or not. The purpose of the church is to scam people out of their wealth. They demand 10% of your income as a tithe, and more if they really don't care about hurting people. Kenneth Copeland was a charlatan long before he became a scam pastor. He's worth $800 million, owns several private jets, lives in a mansion, and doesn't pay a penny in taxes, because it's a church write-off. He makes money by lying to your grandmother and convincing her to fork over her limited income, such as a social security check. Every pastor or priest or imam or rabbi is some version of that. If they lie for money, they are frauds. If they do it under the false authority of cultural myths, the government gives them the right to swindle anyone they want for any amount, and never have to pay a tax on it. The founders' lack of foresight has ruined this country.
If I had been in that hall, I would have stood up in the end with the greatest enthusiasm, gratitude and joy that this splendid man, sir John Lennox, is among us. A true aristocrat of the spirit, of highest order, and the most vividly brilliant mind. And, above all, a Light-full one.
From Canada having lived 70 years, I thank you for this program & the people who give us Dr. Lennox. I have believed since a little tot. I thank God for my Christian family & friends!🙏🐑
You and I are close in age. I am a man of great faith--- faith in myself and my creator. What name we place on our belief/ faith system may differ. In the past 23 years I have researched into the supernatural. My discoveries and empirical evidence is extremely examined using Technological tools of our age. My faith has been consistent. "God of the Bible" is faith-based. Synchronistic Mathematics is experiential.
I would like to say a Big Thank you to mainstream tv entertainment which drove me to DISPARE to look for something worth my time....... and so I found John Lennox and Pratical Wisdom. Many thanks, long may you continue in health and Spirit. Greetings from 🇮🇪
The fact that an 80-year-old man can reason and argue so coherently about the Christian Faith gives me hope that at 74, there may still be hope for me to not succumb to the dementia that ended my mother's life. I hope in Christ/Messiah for the future, Amen. Professor Lennox has had a huge impact on my life and faith.
Practical Wisdom has become my favorite resource on TH-cam, not only because of the guests but the questions asked by Dr Marusca and the trouble he goes to summarize and organize his comments. The time stamps re marvelous as I can go back and listen to the area I need, as with a guest like John Lennox that says such deep and penetrating statements that challenge my thinking. Dr Marusca is helpful when he makes follow-up comments and questions that clarify and prompt the guests to clarify. This channel is a treasure and a blessing.
Why is one letting speak so long this copiumed delusional hallucinous gullible human being, John Lennox, who is just preaching such cheating lying sickening obnoxious religious fabrications, fairy-tales and myths? The moderator is like John Lennox too, well just another copiumed delusional hallucinous gullible human being! Educate yourself! Go watch at least MythVision!
"And thus Professor Blanchard traces the main steps of modern philosophy's descent into a nightmare blend of neo-mysticism and unutterable triviality." -Nathaniel Branden-
"A relationship with the one who created the universe is the biggest thing". I agree completely. John Lennox is the highly intelligent, inspirational and kind-hearted man with a genuine Christian faith, I always wanted as a Granddad in my childhood. One that I could learn valuable things from.
Dear John Lennox your account of things is so enlightening and encouraging that I have sent this video via WhatsApp to all my mobile contacts asking them to give it a listen. I pray their eyes and ears, minds are opened for surely their hearts will be overjoyed with what the whole world needs to understand and believe 🙏🙏🙏🙏 God bless
@@sally9352 Oh, where to start! He is not even aware of the first-rate atheistic philosophy and atheistic arguments. He is mostly focused on attacking the sort of Richard Dawkins and Hitchens (aka new atheism). After all, he belongs to the same category as them. His understanding of philosophy of religion or philosophy in general is very poor and he mostly regurgitates CS Lewis. Not to mention his reduction of Christianity to the level of Grimm fairytales.
I thank God I stumbled upon John Lennox. I really enjoyed the wisdom shared. Thank you for making our walks as Christians easier, clearer and giving us the language we need to share our gift.
Professor John Lennox is just ONE OF A KIND. EXTRAORDINARY. OUTSTANDING. EXCELLENT......Thank you so much. It's absolutely pleasure and intellectual banquet listening to Him.
Ena, from South Africa. Dr Lennox is a precious gift from God. His brilliant analyses of scientific and spiritual/biblical concepts so fequently misunderstood is unmatched. Much appreciated learning - thank you ❤❤
@@ashwayncapital G indicated the Creator aka the one and only true God, whose name is seen in the tetragrammaton YHVH or YHWH. Little g indicates idols aka fake version of God like baal for example
That is very observant of mr Lennox! I am certain now that most evolutionists will say something similar, tongue in cheek, hopeing no one would call their bluff like mr Lennox has! It is interesting that there is millions being spent right now trying to find life somewhere in space, surely it's out there somewhere, anywhere!!! Lol. Of course it's no laughing matter, in layman's terms the alien being is already here, and has made himself known with his creation, unfortunately too many people, dispite the wonders of life stubbornly refuse to believe unless they find a barcode stamped on every plant and animal!
John Lennox, thank you sir. It has been a great pleasure to listen to a Man of God, and science . He has opened so much for me. I am only just getting to know his work. Brilliant man! I am new in my relationship with Christ. I have been a Christian since i was incredibly young when introduced to Christianity. but took steps two years ago to really know, who Christ is, what exactly is Christianity outside of Religion. Amazing adventure so far. Two people Lennox and Hovind have made me realize just how God and science go hand and hand. I don't have to choose between the two...
@@nathancook2852oh Nathan grow up, go listen to hugh ross he's a astrophysicist and a Christian who brings in science so stay in your lane and sit your low iq ass down, John lennox explains why science doesn't explain what you think it does as said in the title maybe you need to go back to school and learn how to read, John gave perfect examples of that
It was a beautiful conference and well appreciated guest.Thank you for the initiative and we are looking forward for more projects in the future .Well done Dr.Samuel Marusca
Always a pleasure to listen to John Lennox. Throughout the history, Christians have been considered to be "stupid" and "naive". These days there are more and more intellectuals that take God seriously.
Exactly, the conversation is shifting I think, as Justin Brierley points out in his book (mentioned at the conference) and secular thinkers are taking these conversations more seriously.
It's quite possible that people are having some very real experiences with psychedelics that 'changes' them and are comingto Christianity because. There are many testimonys I've heard that sound so very life changing for people who are using it as therapy for addiction and mental health care. LIFE CHANGING!! and many of the testimonys include the fact that JESUS is there when we leave this life Just sayin🎉😇
"Today's culture is dominated by the philosophy of mysticism ( irrationalism )--altruism--collectivism, the base from which only statism can be derived". -Ayn Rand-
"Faith is a malignancy that no system can tolerate with impunity ; and the man who succumbs to it , will call on it in precisely those issues where he needs his reason the most." -Nathaniel Branden-
Watching from India found the entire programme very edifying lifting me to higher paralence of faith in Christ.Thank you Prof.Lennox and all the team.God bless.
Thank you so so much Justin for your continued hard work to bring people of all beliefs to debate with Christians. You were not afraid to go there, and Unbelievable was a smash hit because it included everyone. Thank you too for this fantastic discussion with the amazing John Lennox. He is such a gift, as are you yourself. I look forward to hearing more of these wonderful Christians including Keith Ward and Richard Bauckham to name just two. We so need people like this at the moment, the way the world is.
Greetings to you John Lennox, it has been quite some time since I seen you, good to see you, this was a long discussion, you definitely are chatty and still sharp of mind, I will be checking out your other recent discussions such as 'Can Science explain everything'
I love it. It is also good for him and us that he is able to still remain mentally sharp at his age, remembering every question asked of him and answering them with precise specifics.
I had been following Dr Lennox for decade , a humble inspirational thinkers, along with Dr Ross Hugh and Dr Scott Hahn, they are one of a kind in our era. Great conference though, Thanks for sharing😍🙏🏻. Greetings from 🇮🇩
21:44 in and im jazzed to keep going. the packaging of your arguments is a thing of beauty to behold, just getting started. thank you Professor, doing God's work my friend, God Bless
What a brave and smart man Lennox is. His analogy of miracles not going against the laws of nature the same way someone catching a glass on the air is not going against the law of gravitation is brilliant.
This man is brilliant! Agree or disagree these arguments are well thought out. He also LISTENS. How many obvious geniuses listen then answer the actual question. Impressive
@@ohdehhan are you listening to his entire answer? He definitely digresses but tends to get there. The questions are complicated and require in depth answers. I’m not saying he always hits it but certainly does not “often” miss the question. 9 out of 10 is better than Dawkins or the average professor
Prof. Lennox serves as my lifetime inspiration, He has helped me reconcile my intellect to the Power of Christ and am now persuaded that Christianity is even a not only complementary to Science but a rather superior realm that supercedes the limits of Science
Amen brother in Christ!! I teach Science at a Christian high school and I supplement MITOSIS with some of the new biological mechanisms known today. Sure cells undergo MITOSIS but the enzymes that control MITOSIS open up your DNA and your two DNA stands ROTATE around each other faster than a JET engine!! Additionally there are motor proteins that walk up and down your copied DNA strands performing ERROR CORRECTION!! To GOD be the GLORY!!
@praticalwisdom, Sir, Praise the Lord for bringing Dr. JL into bigger audience…I have been watching your interviews with Dr. JL just recently and now I have subscribed in your YT. Grateful to God for all the crucial informations about Science and our Faith in Jesus Christ. I am missionary here in 🇰🇭 for 16 years now , I don’t teach religion, I am teaching “Relationship with Christ,”and Dr. JL is God’s huge instrument to me personally. God is real and He loves us. Glory is all His. 🙏❤️
The agent vs the function explanation is simply brilliant. My car functions by internal combustion, but my car equally operates because (agency) I need to go to the store. So there is a how and a why which are equally important.
Thank you God for speaking through John Lennox. Thank for your clarity and understanding and insights. You have drawn me closer to Truth, Joy and the Light. God bless you John.
I very much appreciated this discussion. Giving Mr Lenox more time than I've seen in debates. Good questions and fairly well honed and entertaining responses. Good stories (parables?). When he wandered into the cultish hate mongering I was disappointed. Atheists are belligerent and, as in China, vicious? Giveth me a break, if you will. Love is better, in my view.
I love John's talks because they make me think! They take me on thought journeys that I have never traveled before. We are so blessed to have such a Christ filled man teaching us new and revealing insights on topics that we never thought existed or if they do he explains them in a simple concise way that we can understand. Thank you John, keep up the good work!
Share Share Share Share.... This kind of videos need to be shared more. The world is broken, lost its mind, misled and hungry for brainless input from social media. The new generation is really screwed. Videos like this help to bring back the hope for salvation of many lost ones.
John's response to the guy asking about suffering and dying and how God allows (1:19:46) it is so inspiring. He builds into it for a while and then gives the message of hope (1:25:29) about the woman with cancer and the woman who lost her husband. Truly amazing that response is.
If God powerful,Merciful,and Love us, why the holocaust 6 million Jews the chosen people killed,the hurricane, wars ,diseases, why he allows all this suffering, its seems that he has no power at all. Matter has sconsciousness, cannot be created nor destroyed. The Universe according to NASA is 13+ billions years old,the Mahabaratha of India 330 Trillion years old better than NASA, I say the Universe has no begining and has no end,its forever. Matter change form thru time. The Genesis say 6000 year old which is rediculous, better study some more Dr. Lennox!
Terimasih Tuhan. Akhirnya aku lega mendengarkan tentang kebaikan Tuhan dari bapak John Lennox. Seorang ahli matematika yang rendah hati. Tuhan Yesus memberkati. Salam hangat dari Indonesia.
"We cannot fight against anything unless we fight for something ---and what we must fight for is the supremacy of reason, and a view of man as a rational being." -Ayn Rand-
"Doctrines which deny mind, independence and individuality are magnetically attractive to Statist " intellectuals " in all societies." -Barbara Branden-
Love Lennox. It us fun to watch English men talking about important things. It's a masterclass on how to say the most important things in existence while looking like they aren't listening.
Thank you very much for supporting this ministry! Your generosity helps us promote these conversations in the public arena. I am filming another interview with John in September. Is there anything in particular you want us to discuss?
Samuel, thank you very much to you and Prof. Lennox. I think that the quality and quantity of objections and questions demonstrate the beauty, the truth and the goodness of this dialogue. I'd like to quote a Saint ( because sanctity or flourishing of life is the end of life, and science and even of technology!) "What kind of happiness does man seek? He desires a happiness that is limitless in everything. Such happiness is only found in God. " (Maximilian Kolbe)
His position that belief in an evidence based system (science ) and belief in a non-evidence based system (religion) amounts to the same thing is intellectually dishonest.
Just because we can study the universe and understand how planets move so now we don't need god is a very weak argument. First of all the bible says that god created the planets and stars and everything else and determines there paths. Just because we understand things that exist does not explain how they came to exist. Or the fact that there is an order to how they move its not just random. That's like saying we understand how an engine works so that means there was no one who created and designed it. Science has not disproven god. By the way up until the 50s pr 60s scientific consensus was that the universe was static and always existed. Until they discovered radiation after glow which led to the big bang. Scientists now all know universe had a beginning just like the bible has said for hundreds of year's.
This is just a lazy rehash of the tired "watchmaker" argument, which assumes that order requires a designer. But nature doesn’t work like a human-made engine. Natural processes can produce complex systems without the need for a conscious planner-evolution, gravity, and countless other mechanisms demonstrate this. No one argues that understanding how planets move *disproves* god; the point is that invoking god is unnecessary. Science explains natural phenomena without resorting to supernatural guesswork.
And your historical claim is wrong. The idea of a static universe was debated long before the 1950s. Einstein initially proposed a "cosmological constant" to maintain a steady-state universe, but Edwin Hubble’s discoveries in the 1920s already pointed to an expanding universe. The Big Bang wasn’t some desperate concession to the Bible-it was developed through evidence, not scripture. Meanwhile, Genesis describes a flat, immovable Earth created in six days, with the sun appearing *after* plants. That’s not science; that’s ancient ignorance.
Lazy butt read the Scrolls study the Shroud of Turin Watch Judgement Day you are Here
I would love to be able to defend my Christian faith as articulately as John does. What a clever, yet humble and gentle-man. Thank God for him.
Me toooooooo!!!
What do you need to defend it for? How about planting a seed and walking away?
@@TW-pk7luGood point, good idea, but "be Able" is what was specified
Why do you believe (or feel) like you have to defend your faith? That is evidence that you have no faith. I don't have anything to prove to anyone. I AM that I AM.
Soli Deo Gloria
I thank God for John Lennox. He's got the sharpest mind, but comes across like your favourite grandfather - "Let your gentleness be evident to all" Phil 4:5.
Lennox has never given us any good testible verifiable evidence for God. He just bloviates.
Perfect description of this gentleman, Dr.Lennox is the definition of a word “Gentle” and yet he can decimate his opponents with it.
he's an idiot. so many thing he say is just taken out of thin air. you could insert an 3 legged giraffe every time he say god. maybe then you could see how crazy it is.
He still choose to worship a vengeful fairytale figure.... maybe he's not that bright after all..... cheers
Your ignorance of Scripture and general logical arguments are evident.He has 10x the intelligence than you too. @@maxodgaard1335
As a 25 year old American, I have been brought to god with the help of John Lennox more than anyone else. Thank you. ✝️🙏🏼❤️
That's really interesting. What is it about Lennox and his ideas that makes him more appealing than others?
Pastor / Dr John MacArthur of Grace Community Church, is highly recommended also. 😊
@@MsBeachBabee Nope. He and Lennox are not on the same page. Lennox is not a Calvinist. Thank you Jesus.
@History DiveTV, I totally agree with you, John Lennox is the best ambassador I've listened to.... to date about the authenticity of the Bible, his talent for getting to the heart of the matter is second to none in this century, including CS Lewis.
It's the Holy Spirit that does the work in you.
I’m an old Christian and this is the first time I’ve heard Dr. Lennox speak. Thank you Dr.
Lennox for reviving my journey. I’m truly not alone.
Wonderful…me too and I’m privileged to be the same age as Prof Lennox.
@@jenniferbate9682 Serious question. Ho is that a privilege? We are all the same age as many other people.
Thank you for your words, sir. Indeed, you are not alone.
The biggest learning that I've come to in the last 12 months since giving up athiesm and doing a deep dive in apologetics is the realisation that there are multiple ways TO LOGICALLY arrive at not only God's existence but to the triune God that Jesus preached about.
Athiesm is one of the most self refuting and illogical worldviews out there.
Have you come to the Realization that Christ is the Life of Your Being, and not something in a man 2,000 years ago??
Through the false sense of the belief we are human mortal being, the purpose is to lie about the immortal omnipresence of God....
This false belief in a human mortal existence separate and apart from the Infinite Spirit of God Conscioisness that you truly are is what is meant to be OVERCOME.....
We must Remove the False Mortal Image of a mortal ME separate and apart from God....
Every communication Unfolding from God within is to encourage the Spirit/Soul die to the False Sense of Mortal Self, as the Purpose of the Soul is to take Dominion over our only Adversary, the World Mind and it's thoughts tempting us to believe mortality/form/decay is reality....
Where everything mortal appears to be, Only the Infinite, Omnipresent Spirit of God is...
I and the Father are One!!
Once able to accept this mortal Experience is for the Immortal Soul and not the mortal sense of self, one ultimately comes to the Virginal Realization that the Spirit of God is the Only Life, and that I am the Infinte Spirit of God, as Jesus, John, Paul, Moses, Elijah, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Shankara, Meister Eckhart, Madam Guyon, Fenelon, and many more have done....
Consider the reality that John never stammers or pauses for an "uh" in his speech. --A sign of focused thought and understanding.
Haha.... or a hardcore delusion... he is just used to teaching
@maxodgaard1335 "hardcore delusion"..... meaning what? He has the absolutely, unquestionably clear, unadulterated thoughts of a cynical atheist?
I've noticed that too. He knows it. He believes it in the core of his being. Yes he has learning and training to be able to deliver this that the average person doesn't have, but he doesn't really have to think about it seems to me.
@@davspa6 what does he have, besides a delusion in his mind created when he's mind was fragile (as a child)
@@maxodgaard1335 What delusion? ..that he doesn't conform to your own bias?
I've been a biochemist for over 20 years, and it never ceases to amaze me that so many humans think that what we see, study, understand and test is the penultimate to all things in the universe. Consider for a moment that our minds are miniscule in the grand concept of life and the universe and there are so many things that are way above our ability to understand.
The more I learn and study science the more I realize how damn much we're still struggling to understand
I will help you simply. There are 2 realities. The natural, which we see and touch, etc. But there is the super natural…which is usually invisible, unless they , the “beings become visible.” I myself am able to see the supernatural world, as they manifest themselves to me for 45 years…and there are millions of proof, they have and do appear over all of history to millions of people! So my point is…since 2 realities do in fact exist…then this proves that God exists! It’s not rocket science. I and the others who know, see, are touched by ‘them” prove God is the Truth…these other beings are either good or bad angels. If you want more proof…explain how your lips, tongue, and voice box make “sound.” Sound exists, yet it is not visible…but it’s there! Now take that to the next level…God’s invisible qualities prove He is real…how do you argue with all this proof I gave you!
And the argument that we now know is hilarious. Science helps us understand the systems god created. But seriously we cant fully explain light or gravity yet. The closest theory of Einstein's relativity falls apart in the macro, and quantum. Because space in the nacro is expanding faster than light because of gravity which is limited to the speed of light.
But even if we completely figure something out just shows gods creation, not takes over from it.
"Neither mysticism nor the creed of self-sacrifice is compatible with mental health or self-esteem."
-Nathaniel Branden-
When we are born in to incomprehensible complexity, we have no relative perception from which to judge from. Urgency, survival, and the flesh further confound our odds of clarity.
'IN the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. 3-All things were made through Him, & without Him nothing was made that was made 4-In Him was life & the life was the light of man. 5-and the life shineth in the darkness and the darkness compromised it not....9-That was the true light that gives light to every man that comes into the world. 10-He was in the world & the world was made through Him and the world did not know Him 11-He came to His own and His own did not receive Him 12-but as many that received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those that believe in His name 13-who were born not of blood, nor of the will of flesh or of the will of man, but of God 14-And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us'!
NOW look at Collossians 1:12-18 & Genesis 1 & 2.
NOW:2 Peter 1:
1-'Simon Peter a bond servant & Apostle of Jesus Christ...2-Grace and peace be multiplied to you in a knowledge of Gid and Savior Jesus Christ 3-AS HIS DIVINE POWER HAS GIVEN UNTO US all things that pertain to life and Godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.4-by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature...' to vs21
Then read Job..especially 38 on..there is much we can know of God that He wants us to know..the trouble is: man wants to be as God & go beyond realms to be as Him.
He can be found & known in the simple..that reveals the same as of the depths of our searchings.
Prof Lennox, cordial thanks to the way in which you share your brilliant mind. Here in Austria, as all over Europe and America, we are flooded with materialism, wokism, political Islam, relativism, so-called academic rationalism, atheism, eco-socialism, pharmaceutical rule, war spirit etc. I'm a Christian and an academic. We are fighting the same spiritual fight. For our children and grand-children. God bless you!
Thank you for your kind words. We are all fighting the same spiritual fight. It's great to know there are fellow academics watching this conversation.
You do realise hes pushing a false interpretation of where the scientific community stands, he's making false claims as true and ignoring the fact that in science we do not deny god, we just don't bring a god into the equation because there is absolutely no evidence to suggest one and no reason to otherwise, unfortunately the followers of these videos often are brainwashed by religion to think complexity, design etc all need a creator when that is simply not true.
@@genome616Any design has a designer, any composition a composer, any work of art an artist, any dance a choreographer, any building an architect, any piece of literature an author, any film a script-writer, director, producer, any scientific finding a thinker or researcher, any creation a creator. Proof enough!
@@christinagrabner4451 Evolution is its own design tool allowing natural selection through survival of the fittest, no physical designer needed only a given set of rules, I can create a computer program to follow similar rules and give complex outcomes and yes I did create the program but that is not my point, nature too can create it own rules and end with complex systems given enough time.
This closed minded idea that everything you experience has to have some intelligent creator is the result of your indoctrination when I can personally demonstrate how simple rules of nature can lead to very complex observations and outcomes without a designer, the laws of physics and universal constants set their own conditions for natural complexity, just because we do not know why these laws exist as they do does not mean we shout God, science does not need, use or consider a god as nothing observational or evident to imply there is one.
@@christinagrabner4451Proof lololol 😅 Humans and animals design and create things= legions of invisible supernatural beings watching over us.
i,ve been watching and listening to dr. Lennox for almost four years now... it's helping me greatly in my newly reinvigorated Christian faith
Hello 👋 sorry do you know how I can be able to access his books? Perhaps like a free website or sth
congratz to lower yourself to the dark ages.....
Also coming back to God after not realizing I had wandered away and thinkers like this have really helped me to affirm my faith that God is and Jesus defeated sin and death for us. Praying for faith with deep roots in good ground but everyone has different rates of spiritual growth. God bless!
Me too, best thing that's ever happened to me, and there's no going back . In God I Trust.
@@aaronbenavides1169 You believe in magic. You have been brainwashed a million times without realizing it. Do you know what the true purpose of the church is? It's not to save your soul. Souls don't exist. They are magical body parts that don't correspond to reality. Many people in the world are under the delusion that souls exist, without ever investigating it to see if they're being misled or not.
The purpose of the church is to scam people out of their wealth. They demand 10% of your income as a tithe, and more if they really don't care about hurting people. Kenneth Copeland was a charlatan long before he became a scam pastor. He's worth $800 million, owns several private jets, lives in a mansion, and doesn't pay a penny in taxes, because it's a church write-off. He makes money by lying to your grandmother and convincing her to fork over her limited income, such as a social security check.
Every pastor or priest or imam or rabbi is some version of that. If they lie for money, they are frauds. If they do it under the false authority of cultural myths, the government gives them the right to swindle anyone they want for any amount, and never have to pay a tax on it. The founders' lack of foresight has ruined this country.
If I had been in that hall, I would have stood up in the end with the greatest enthusiasm, gratitude and joy that this splendid man, sir John Lennox, is among us. A true aristocrat of the spirit, of highest order, and the most vividly brilliant mind. And, above all, a Light-full one.
@@myopenmind527 When you meet God, you can refute him to his face.
As a Catholic, i love John… his life has been a testimony to his faith in jesus Christ..I love listening to him .. God bless him x
Me too
Why did your God create the pathogen?
I think that was actually created by men!!
@@bobthebaptist4541 Why did you God create any pathogen?
We live in a very broken world. Everything was created good but because people reject God many things are no longer good.
From Canada having lived 70 years, I thank you for this program & the people who give us Dr. Lennox. I have believed since a little tot. I thank God for my Christian family & friends!🙏🐑
You and I are close in age. I am a man of great faith--- faith in myself and my creator. What name we place on our belief/ faith system may differ. In the past 23 years I have researched into the supernatural. My discoveries and empirical evidence is extremely examined using Technological tools of our age. My faith has been consistent.
"God of the Bible" is faith-based. Synchronistic Mathematics is experiential.
"Both reason as a source of knowledge and rationality as a practical ideal are today under attack ."
-Brand Blanchard- [ from Reason and Analysis ]
Professor Lennox, I so appreciate your calm well-reasoned comments. It is always a great pleasure to listen to you!!! Thank you, Sir.
Thank you for your kind words!
Dr. Lennox is a wonderful trophy of grace. I hope that God continues to bless us through this man’s life for many more years to come.
I would like to say a Big Thank you to mainstream tv entertainment which drove me to DISPARE to look for something worth my time....... and so I found John Lennox and Pratical Wisdom.
Many thanks, long may you continue in health and Spirit. Greetings from 🇮🇪
The fact that an 80-year-old man can reason and argue so coherently about the Christian Faith gives me hope that at 74, there may still be hope for me to not succumb to the dementia that ended my mother's life. I hope in Christ/Messiah for the future, Amen. Professor Lennox has had a huge impact on my life and faith.
Practical Wisdom has become my favorite resource on TH-cam, not only because of the guests but the questions asked by Dr Marusca and the trouble he goes to summarize and organize his comments. The time stamps re marvelous as I can go back and listen to the area I need, as with a guest like John Lennox that says such deep and penetrating statements that challenge my thinking. Dr Marusca is helpful when he makes follow-up comments and questions that clarify and prompt the guests to clarify. This channel is a treasure and a blessing.
Why is one letting speak so long this copiumed delusional hallucinous gullible human being, John Lennox, who is just preaching such cheating lying sickening obnoxious religious fabrications, fairy-tales and myths? The moderator is like John Lennox too, well just another copiumed delusional hallucinous gullible human being! Educate yourself! Go watch at least MythVision!
"And thus Professor Blanchard traces the main steps of modern philosophy's descent into a nightmare blend of neo-mysticism and unutterable triviality."
-Nathaniel Branden-
We need to petition to keep john lennox alive another 20 years. I know its selfish but its christmas soon.
Don't worry, I'm sure he'll never die, anyway.
more like Winnie the poo
Stop it! I can't with you!
Science is observation of The Reality
"A relationship with the one who created the universe is the biggest thing". I agree completely. John Lennox is the highly intelligent, inspirational and kind-hearted man with a genuine Christian faith, I always wanted as a Granddad in my childhood. One that I could learn valuable things from.
Dear John Lennox your account of things is so enlightening and encouraging that I have sent this video via WhatsApp to all my mobile contacts asking them to give it a listen. I pray their eyes and ears, minds are opened for surely their hearts will be overjoyed with what the whole world needs to understand and believe 🙏🙏🙏🙏
God bless
Congratulations! It's a joy to watch you, see an intelligent dialogue and listen to John Lennox's words full of wisdom. Merry Christmas!
Thank you for your interest. Merry Christmas to you too!
Well done to this great interviewer
Bless this man and his family. I am so proud to be a part of his Christian family. ❤
"The distinguishing characteristic of twentieth-century philosophy is a resurgence of irrationalism---a revolt against reason ."
-Ayn Rand- 1962
John is a brilliant mind. I'm always fascinated by how he defends the Word.
Totally agree, John is such a humble yet very articulate Christian!
Lennox is philosophically weak. Try Richard Swinburne and Alvin Plantinga. Thank me later.
@@anteodedi8937Can you explain how he's weak?
@@anteodedi8937 I agree, Lennox isn't very good at defending his beliefs. Moreover, most Christians aren't very good at defending their beliefs.
@@sally9352 Oh, where to start! He is not even aware of the first-rate atheistic philosophy and atheistic arguments. He is mostly focused on attacking the sort of Richard Dawkins and Hitchens (aka new atheism). After all, he belongs to the same category as them.
His understanding of philosophy of religion or philosophy in general is very poor and he mostly regurgitates CS Lewis.
Not to mention his reduction of Christianity to the level of Grimm fairytales.
I thank God I stumbled upon John Lennox. I really enjoyed the wisdom shared. Thank you for making our walks as Christians easier, clearer and giving us the language we need to share our gift.
Professor John Lennox is just ONE OF A KIND. EXTRAORDINARY. OUTSTANDING. EXCELLENT......Thank you so much. It's absolutely pleasure and intellectual banquet listening to Him.
Thank you very much for your interest!
Ena, from South Africa. Dr Lennox is a precious gift from God. His brilliant analyses of scientific and spiritual/biblical concepts so fequently misunderstood is unmatched. Much appreciated learning - thank you ❤❤
god who first you must know the names of this god god is not a name
@@ashwayncapital G indicated the Creator aka the one and only true God, whose name is seen in the tetragrammaton YHVH or YHWH. Little g indicates idols aka fake version of God like baal for example
Thank you Mr Lennox. A blessing to our age.
Thank you for your interest!
That is very observant of mr Lennox! I am certain now that most evolutionists will say something similar, tongue in cheek, hopeing no one would call their bluff like mr Lennox has! It is interesting that there is millions being spent right now trying to find life somewhere in space, surely it's out there somewhere, anywhere!!! Lol. Of course it's no laughing matter, in layman's terms the alien being is already here, and has made himself known with his creation, unfortunately too many people, dispite the wonders of life stubbornly refuse to believe unless they find a barcode stamped on every plant and animal!
"Self-esteem is the consequence, expression and reward of a mind fully committed to reason ."
-Nathaniel Branden-
@@BeefT-Sq Nathaniel Branden is dead.
John Lennox, thank you sir. It has been a great pleasure to listen to a Man of God, and science . He has opened so much for me. I am only just getting to know his work. Brilliant man! I am new in my relationship with Christ. I have been a Christian since i was incredibly young when introduced to Christianity. but took steps two years ago to really know, who Christ is, what exactly is Christianity outside of Religion. Amazing adventure so far. Two people Lennox and Hovind have made me realize just how God and science go hand and hand. I don't have to choose between the two...
John does not present any science. Please, go back to school.
@@nathancook2852 lol oh Nathan did this put your knickers in a bunch. Find some manners
@@nathancook2852oh Nathan grow up, go listen to hugh ross he's a astrophysicist and a Christian who brings in science so stay in your lane and sit your low iq ass down, John lennox explains why science doesn't explain what you think it does as said in the title maybe you need to go back to school and learn how to read, John gave perfect examples of that
@@nathancook2852 And what is the scientific justification for such things as logic, uniformity principle that science relies on?
"Intellectual pride is not--- as the mystics preposterously imply it to be --- a pretense at omniscience or infallibility."
-Nathaniel Branden-
It was a beautiful conference and well appreciated guest.Thank you for the initiative and we are looking forward for more projects in the future .Well done Dr.Samuel Marusca
Always a pleasure to listen to John Lennox. Throughout the history, Christians have been considered to be "stupid" and "naive". These days there are more and more intellectuals that take God seriously.
Exactly, the conversation is shifting I think, as Justin Brierley points out in his book (mentioned at the conference) and secular thinkers are taking these conversations more seriously.
These days perhaps too few people hear of St. Thomas Aquinas
It's quite possible that people are having some very real experiences with psychedelics that 'changes' them and are comingto Christianity because. There are many testimonys I've heard that sound so very life changing for people who are using it as therapy for addiction and mental health care.
LIFE CHANGING!! and many of the testimonys include the fact that JESUS is there when we leave this life
Just sayin🎉😇
It reminds me of the showdown between pharohs magicians and Aaron
Should I also take Muslims beliefs seriously?
I LOVE THIS MAN!!!! GOD BLESS HIS LIFE! John C. Lennox, what a brilliant mind!
"Today's culture is dominated by the philosophy of mysticism ( irrationalism )--altruism--collectivism, the base from which only statism can be derived".
-Ayn Rand-
A brilliant mind - may God bless you Dr. Lennox, you have always inspired me.
@edwinblack-rw5xkso you've not even watched the video. Typical hater, happy in their own ignorance.
@@WiseAsSerpentsHarmlessAsDoves You don't need to. Lennox hasn't changed his incorrect position in years.
@edwinblackrw5xk please specifically debunk what he said; otherwise your comment offers nothing of substance, just thoughtless animus.
@edwinblack-rw5xkum, no. You're wrong.
Thank you for the very much for you lecture! Blessings for you Prof.John Lennox and best wishes for your life!
Thanks for your kind words, best wishes from London.
So happy we have a Dr John Lennox in our world to speak like this.
So much to learn from Mr. Lennox, sharp and full of faith with tremendous kindness.
"Faith is a malignancy that no system can tolerate with impunity ; and the man who succumbs to it , will call on it in precisely those issues where he needs his reason the most."
-Nathaniel Branden-
@@BeefT-Sq Nathaniel sounds like an atheist , without faith there's no hope in redemption. Foolish words from the dead.
Thank you Dr Lennox❤ Always great to hear your voice ❤️❤️❤️
Watching from India found the entire programme very edifying lifting me to higher paralence of faith in Christ.Thank you Prof.Lennox and all the team.God bless.
Wow, excellent lecture and Q&A session! I enjoyed this immensely. Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you for your kind words!
Such a wonderful brother we have in John Lennox. ✝️🛐💗
What as blessing to hear this man speak. Thank you for sharing this amazing conversation. God bless you all!!
Thank you so so much Justin for your continued hard work to bring people of all beliefs to debate with Christians. You were not afraid to go there, and Unbelievable was a smash hit because it included everyone. Thank you too for this fantastic discussion with the amazing John Lennox. He is such a gift, as are you yourself. I look forward to hearing more of these wonderful Christians including Keith Ward and Richard Bauckham to name just two. We so need people like this at the moment, the way the world is.
This was such a an incredible lecture. John Lennox is one of the greatest thinkers of our time.
"A man of reason does not accept ideas on faith. "
-Nathaniel Branden-
Refreshing John ❤️Always a gentle soul expressing bright light which is not blinding but peaceful 😇
Thank you God for the gift of John Lennox. ❤🎉
"A mystic is a man who treats his feelings as tools of cognition."
-Nathaniel Branden-
Greetings to you John Lennox, it has been quite some time since I seen you, good to see you, this was a long discussion, you definitely are chatty and still sharp of mind, I will be checking out your other recent discussions such as 'Can Science explain everything'
Dr Lennox is very experienced, and it shows in the masterful way he chooses what to address directly and what to subsume with a larger point.
I have enjoyed listening to John Lennox every much great questions and his gentleness with easy to follow answers great forum thank you 🌿
Great to see you Justin. Thank you again for a great conversation.
Amazing intellect, great faith in God, example of humility. Thank you, Dr. Lennox.
Excellent discussion, thank you Samuel and Mr Lennox
Thank you for your interest!
I love it. It is also good for him and us that he is able to still remain mentally sharp at his age, remembering every question asked of him and answering them with precise specifics.
I had been following Dr Lennox for decade , a humble inspirational thinkers, along with Dr Ross Hugh and Dr Scott Hahn, they are one of a kind in our era. Great conference though, Thanks for sharing😍🙏🏻. Greetings from 🇮🇩
21:44 in and im jazzed to keep going. the packaging of your arguments is a thing of beauty to behold, just getting started.
thank you Professor, doing God's work my friend, God Bless
What a brave and smart man Lennox is. His analogy of miracles not going against the laws of nature the same way someone catching a glass on the air is not going against the law of gravitation is brilliant.
"There is only one reality---the reality knowable to reason."
-Nathaniel Branden-
This man is brilliant! Agree or disagree these arguments are well thought out. He also LISTENS. How many obvious geniuses listen then answer the actual question. Impressive
He often (intentional or not) answers a different question than the one being asked.
@@ohdehhan are you listening to his entire answer? He definitely digresses but tends to get there. The questions are complicated and require in depth answers. I’m not saying he always hits it but certainly does not “often” miss the question. 9 out of 10 is better than Dawkins or the average professor
I love this guy , hes a very wise man .
There's so much wisdom in his words! Thank you for your interest.
😂 no, he really isnt... he should stick to mathematics...
Lennox is a wicked lying bastard.
..how can one recognise wisdom without wisdom? How can one recognise light without eyes?
@@iaindcosta How can one recognize bullshit without bullshit? It is easy, you just need a nose.
Great discussion! Thanks so much! I wish to be there!
What a pleasure to hear the mind of John Lennox! Sparks such intrigue inside me every time
Totally respectable gentleman! Fabulous points made and open 👐 minded.
Prof. Lennox serves as my lifetime inspiration, He has helped me reconcile my intellect to the Power of Christ and am now persuaded that Christianity is even a not only complementary to Science but a rather superior realm that supercedes the limits of Science
Amen brother in Christ!!
I teach Science at a Christian high school and I supplement MITOSIS with some of the new biological mechanisms known today. Sure cells undergo MITOSIS but the enzymes that control MITOSIS open up your DNA and your two DNA stands ROTATE around each other faster than a JET engine!! Additionally there are motor proteins that walk up and down your copied DNA strands performing ERROR CORRECTION!!
To GOD be the GLORY!!
@praticalwisdom, Sir, Praise the Lord for bringing Dr. JL into bigger audience…I have been watching your interviews with Dr. JL just recently and now I have subscribed in your YT. Grateful to God for all the crucial informations about Science and our Faith in Jesus Christ. I am missionary here in 🇰🇭 for 16 years now , I don’t teach religion, I am teaching “Relationship with Christ,”and Dr. JL is God’s huge instrument to me personally. God is real and He loves us. Glory is all His. 🙏❤️
Amazing, especially the ending! Thank you!
The agent vs the function explanation is simply brilliant. My car functions by internal combustion, but my car equally operates because (agency) I need to go to the store. So there is a how and a why which are equally important.
Absolutely agree! And science can only answer the "why" to a certain point. Ask science "why" long enough and it will run out of answers
Thank you God for speaking through John Lennox. Thank for your clarity and understanding and insights. You have drawn me closer to Truth, Joy and the Light. God bless you John.
Which god? We invented so many of them. ;-)
I very much appreciated this discussion. Giving Mr Lenox more time than I've seen in debates.
Good questions and fairly well honed and entertaining responses. Good stories (parables?).
When he wandered into the cultish hate mongering I was disappointed. Atheists are belligerent and, as in China, vicious?
Giveth me a break, if you will.
Love is better, in my view.
I love John's talks because they make me think! They take me on thought journeys that I have never traveled before. We are so blessed to have such a Christ filled man teaching us new and revealing insights on topics that we never thought existed or if they do he explains them in a simple concise way that we can understand. Thank you John, keep up the good work!
Share Share Share Share....
This kind of videos need to be shared more. The world is broken, lost its mind, misled and hungry for brainless input from social media. The new generation is really screwed. Videos like this help to bring back the hope for salvation of many lost ones.
John's response to the guy asking about suffering and dying and how God allows (1:19:46) it is so inspiring. He builds into it for a while and then gives the message of hope (1:25:29) about the woman with cancer and the woman who lost her husband. Truly amazing that response is.
Thank you. I was searching for that part. So important.
"Rational demonstration, an appeal to facts, is necessary to support even the claim that a thing is possible . "
-Nathaniel Branden-
John Lennox - Simply thank you for what you do
If God powerful,Merciful,and Love us, why the holocaust 6 million Jews the chosen people killed,the hurricane, wars ,diseases, why he allows all this suffering, its seems that he has no power at all. Matter has sconsciousness, cannot be created nor destroyed. The Universe according to NASA is 13+ billions years old,the Mahabaratha of India 330 Trillion years old better than NASA, I say the Universe has no begining and has no end,its forever. Matter change form thru time. The Genesis say 6000 year old which is rediculous, better study some more Dr. Lennox!
Thank you all for such a tremendous testimony through genius discussion, practical wisdom and humble love. Thank you
I could listen to this man talk for hours. Love this man's ministry.
Terimasih Tuhan. Akhirnya aku lega mendengarkan tentang kebaikan Tuhan dari bapak John Lennox.
Seorang ahli matematika yang rendah hati. Tuhan Yesus memberkati. Salam hangat dari Indonesia.
We are blessed to have so gifted a man in the person of Professor Lennox. Amen.
Brilliant mind, thanks John Lennox
Excellent !!!! Thank you gentlemen.
John, you're a brilliant and humble man. Thank you for your words and insight.
Always a pleasure!! Thank you.🙃🙏🎶🎶
Thanks for your interest!
"We cannot fight against anything unless we fight for something ---and what we must fight for is the supremacy of reason, and a view of man as a rational being."
-Ayn Rand-
This man may be Christianity’s best avatar. Thanks for bringing him to our awareness.
Love and respect John Lennox He actually can explain hard things so we can understand. Thank you.
Fantastic argumentation! Thank you, Prof.
God bless you all ❤
Thank you for your interest!
" We cannot fight against altruism unless we fight against its epistemological base : irrationalism. "
-Ayn Rand-
It's great to see so many teachers being re questioned unlike never before...
Lennox is brillant, many thanks
Lennox has never given us any good testible verifiable evidence for God. He just bloviates.
For a "brilliant" man he is pretty stupid!
"Doctrines which deny mind, independence and individuality are magnetically attractive to Statist " intellectuals " in all societies."
-Barbara Branden-
This man is smart as he is wise and humble I wish he were my grandpa
"Faith is the acceptance of ideas without without sensory evidence or rational proof ".
-Nathaniel Branden-
@@BeefT-Sq faith is what you have in people you love since, you cannot see their thoughts directly.
Just enjoyed this interview so much! How truthful, clever, deep and insightful. An INSPIRATION!
Thank you for your kind words!
In christainity, the acceptance isnt at the end but at the beginning from the cross. Wow!! Thanks John
"Even a hypothesis has to have some factual basis , some factual evidence indicating that it might be true. "
-Nathaniel Branden-
The explanation with his wife is brilliant!!
Love Lennox. It us fun to watch English men talking about important things. It's a masterclass on how to say the most important things in existence while looking like they aren't listening.
"There is only one fundamental issue in philosophy : the cognitive efficacy of man's mind. "
-Ayn Rand-
Westminster Chapel! Two great preacher from there: G. Campbell Morgan and Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones. I have some of their books and get much out of them.
Thank you very much for supporting this ministry! Your generosity helps us promote these conversations in the public arena. I am filming another interview with John in September. Is there anything in particular you want us to discuss?
He is incredible.
Samuel, thank you very much to you and Prof. Lennox. I think that the quality and quantity of objections and questions demonstrate the beauty, the truth and the goodness of this dialogue. I'd like to quote a Saint ( because sanctity or flourishing of life is the end of life, and science and even of technology!) "What kind of happiness does man seek? He desires a happiness that is limitless in everything. Such happiness is only found in God. " (Maximilian Kolbe)
This is such a beautiful quote, thank you!
How could anyone not love John Lennox?? What a brilliant and honest man.
His position that belief in an evidence based system (science ) and belief in a non-evidence based system (religion) amounts to the same thing is intellectually dishonest.
Meaning and purpose, God is great. 💯
What an amazing auditorium! The architect must have been inspired to build it so perfectly for its purpose!
Grateful to hear from John great interview on Christian faith amongst atheistic worldviews.Thx
"The conflict of Aristotle versus Plato is the conflict of reason versus mysticism. "
-Ayn Rand-
Bless you brother.
Thanks for your interest!
John Lennox - the Grand old Man.
Wow! What a wonderful conference & discussion with enlightening responses!