Even it seems like a propaganda tv program, i quite stunned by the results. Here in Indonesia, we change the policies every 5 years. New president, new programs. New minister, new policies. For example, on previous cabinet of president Jokowi, minister of maritime affair Susi Pujuiastuti banned lobster seed export, on next cabinet, the minister of maritime affair Edy Prabowo allow the export. And now he is charged for corruption. The replacement minister, now banned the export
Vertical lift in mountains are a huge risk. Ring vortex state is a risk factor. Also the thinner the air, the less the blade are pushing down on. So at high altitudes, the life tonnage are reduced by up to 75%.
Mr. XI and Communist party deserve the credit and humanity reward. However, the new building look like cookie cutter, it all the same, and that make it awkward to the beautiful environment. The people can design and plan it look natural with different design and planning. It would attract tourist as the Chinese culture land the old towns.
Fact is that criticize come from those citizens whose country cannot do anything.
Just wonderful.
( your country is beautiful )
A country that takes care of its citizens, it is a forced to be reckoning with and it’s rise is unstoppabled
The CCP should be awarded a hundred Nobel prizes for such mammoth task. However why should China's achievement be measured by some western applause.
Chinese should be proud of these
Even it seems like a propaganda tv program, i quite stunned by the results. Here in Indonesia, we change the policies every 5 years. New president, new programs. New minister, new policies. For example, on previous cabinet of president Jokowi, minister of maritime affair Susi Pujuiastuti banned lobster seed export, on next cabinet, the minister of maritime affair Edy Prabowo allow the export. And now he is charged for corruption. The replacement minister, now banned the export
A young country like China can be proud of 85th on the UN Human Development Index. Jiayou!
A young country like China? .... Do you know how long China has been established....? Definitely, longer than your country!
Bravo, bravo, bravo, je vous admire pour tout le travail que vous faites pour améliorer le sort de votre peuple
This white tea saplings, we need in Bangladesh 🇧🇩 please supply us if it is possible. Jahangirnagar University will tissue culture them.
Bravo à la chine pour son extraordinaire développement malgré la désinforrmation que nous subissons régulièrement
La chine travaille por son peuple, les usa travaillent pour les plus riches au détriment des plus pauvres
they should use helicopters to lift the base stations pylon to the top of mountain.
Vertical lift in mountains are a huge risk. Ring vortex state is a risk factor.
Also the thinner the air, the less the blade are pushing down on. So at high altitudes, the life tonnage are reduced by up to 75%.
Mr. XI and Communist party deserve the credit and humanity reward. However, the new building look like cookie cutter, it all the same, and that make it awkward to the beautiful environment. The people can design and plan it look natural with different design and planning. It would attract tourist as the Chinese culture land the old towns.