This video is a reminder that it's better to be silent than to speak in ignorance. A few FUN FACTS: > Yeshua, aka Jesus, according to New Testament writings, was born King of the Jews and searched out as such by the astronomers from the East. He was crucified with a sign saying "King of the Jews" in three languages under order of the Roman governor. He will return as King and still a Jew accompanied by armies of supernatural beings many call angels. > His apostles and early disciples were predominantly Jews who didn't stop being Jews just as Jesus never stopped being Jewish. > While the circumstances of Jesus' birth are recorded, the date is not and there's no record of the date ever being celebrated by the apostles and disciples who knew him in the first century. > The Christ Mass is a product of Rome and coincides with pagan celebrations like Saturnalia. > Magen David (star of David) ornaments on trees is offensive to most observant Jews. They're more aware of the pagan implications than most Christians. > Growing numbers of Gentile and Jewish followers of Jesus are studying the whole Bible together as we await His return. We fervently pray for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem even as we know dark times are ahead. > To claim to be a Christian and say what you said about Israel and Jews indicates you know very little about Jesus, Jews and Israel. I pray that you'll set about seeking to learn. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem." ~ Psalm 122:6 Shalom
No, there is history you can learn outside of "your perspective" on why things are the way they are in reality. If you have a problem you can push to change it instead of blaming everything on the jews. No Jew I know has a problem with christmas, and many Jews say merry christmas. You are a short sighted.
This video is a reminder that it's better to be silent than to speak in ignorance.
> Yeshua, aka Jesus, according to New Testament writings, was born King of the Jews and searched out as such by the astronomers from the East. He was crucified with a sign saying "King of the Jews" in three languages under order of the Roman governor. He will return as King and still a Jew accompanied by armies of supernatural beings many call angels.
> His apostles and early disciples were predominantly Jews who didn't stop being Jews just as Jesus never stopped being Jewish.
> While the circumstances of Jesus' birth are recorded, the date is not and there's no record of the date ever being celebrated by the apostles and disciples who knew him in the first century.
> The Christ Mass is a product of Rome and coincides with pagan celebrations like Saturnalia.
> Magen David (star of David) ornaments on trees is offensive to most observant Jews. They're more aware of the pagan implications than most Christians.
> Growing numbers of Gentile and Jewish followers of Jesus are studying the whole Bible together as we await His return. We fervently pray for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem even as we know dark times are ahead.
> To claim to be a Christian and say what you said about Israel and Jews indicates you know very little about Jesus, Jews and Israel. I pray that you'll set about seeking to learn.
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem."
~ Psalm 122:6
No, there is history you can learn outside of "your perspective" on why things are the way they are in reality. If you have a problem you can push to change it instead of blaming everything on the jews. No Jew I know has a problem with christmas, and many Jews say merry christmas. You are a short sighted.