What's rather ironic is that as generations pass, more humans will pass and die out, but the Stampede will keep aging centuries down, remaining truly immortal. Here's to the Centennial, and centuries to come for this festival.
I know no one who actually watches it, the audience is probably mostly filled with older people. The youth pretty much only cares about the carnival aspect and the weird American food that is sold there (deep fried Oreo's anyone?!). But I feel indifferent about the rodeo aspect, I don't find it entertaining to watch. But don't worry, one day soon it will be robots all doing the work. It'd be cheaper anyways instead of buying more animals all the time.
What's rather ironic is that as generations pass, more humans will pass and die out, but the Stampede will keep aging centuries down, remaining truly immortal. Here's to the Centennial, and centuries to come for this festival.
Do we go to the event formally known as K Days or Calgary stampede...no contest! Stampede!
I know no one who actually watches it, the audience is probably mostly filled with older people. The youth pretty much only cares about the carnival aspect and the weird American food that is sold there (deep fried Oreo's anyone?!). But I feel indifferent about the rodeo aspect, I don't find it entertaining to watch. But don't worry, one day soon it will be robots all doing the work. It'd be cheaper anyways instead of buying more animals all the time.
Everyone goes. For the women man!