Dude i wanna skate with vanessa so badly she's been one of my favorite skaters since like 03 when she came out in aka girl skater . im a nigga by the way but still! i talked to her once and i blew it i asked the dumbest questions anyone could ask. but im waiting for that chance to redeem myself i person lol EVILSYNDICATE COM check us out
i love how in so many videos where both of them are in it vanessa and amy like follow each other its great
morgen bs fakie nosegrind ... the best one! §=)
You girls rip!!! :) I skate with Taylor!!!
morningstar1981 YELLE - Ce Jeu
Vanessa is so fast.
@ConWalsh Vanessa Torres is mine lol
what's the name of this song? it's so cool! all that i know is that it's french, lol.
Dude i wanna skate with vanessa so badly she's been one of my favorite skaters since like 03 when she came out in aka girl skater . im a nigga by the way but still! i talked to her once and i blew it i asked the dumbest questions anyone could ask. but im waiting for that chance to redeem myself i person lol EVILSYNDICATE COM check us out