Dear Bob, I have heard that full-tank Veigar is S tier in Korean meta at the moment (Trust me), and also very fun (can confirm). Grasp + Heartsteel + Overgrowth = Infinite HP. Passive + Riftmaker = Infinite damage. You live longer in fights = more passive stacks. It's basically cheating. Free wins.
@@Zerinho01 Bob demands perfect grammar, as anything else would be useless. Due to the possibility of misinterpreting the sentences, he might play with the wrong build, which could result in him losing, as his champion would not be functioning at its maximum potential. That would be bad for Bob.
Dear Bob, for your next couple of games, I would like to recommend top lane tank Anivia, not only are you ranged, meaning you will have an advantage over most toplaners, after reaching a certain level your revive passive will actually grant you armor in the egg form, making you even harder to kill, I also recommend picking up rod of ages before the rest of the tank items to help with the damage early on, and as always, best regards to you Bob.
Dear Bob, you should play full testosterone pantheon. Where you play pantheon shirtless (with cam) does 20 pushups after each kill, and carry every game! I heard it’s good
Dear Bob, I must congratulate you on your well-deserved promotion to Platinum. Winning the game in which you purchased Plated Steelcaps against TF, Lissandra, and Elise was indeed a sight to behold. To demonstrate more of your immense skill, I'd recommend you play "Kill Secure" Caitlyn. Use Dark Harvest, Collector, Rapidfire Cannon, and Yun Tal Wildarrows to ensure that every kill is yours and yours alone.
I especially loved the "Wow, I just can't move" while continuing to not build Merc Treads against a nearly full AP, full CC team. Truly a Bob moment in history.
Dear Bob, I have developed a rather brilliant strategy. It consists of going mid lane with Ezreal, building Stormsurge as your first item and building full ability power from that point on. Crucial to bring Dark Harvest too, for massive burst damage.
Why not just suggest AP Ezreal mid? Leaves him way more room to try and make it an actual strategy and something that he may actually be able to get wins on
Dear Bob, for the next video I would recommend the YMCA-strategy. This strategy consist of playing Yorick (Y) in the midlane (M) building cooldown reduction (C) and armor penetration (A) while listening to the song YMCA.
Dear Bob, you should try the BOMBER GHOULS where you play LETHALITY BOT LANE YORICK with a SUPPORT FULL AP ZILEAN (preferably a duo). The strategy is you will summon your ghouls and you will use your 3rd ability while Zilean uses his 1st ability on the ghouls. This will allow you to create bomber ghouls with an interesting damage. That is all.
don't forget with ksante guys, you can force cancel the all out ultimate stance to regain your tankiness if you're worried about dying to burn damage or ignite or something. the all out form W and E are both BETTER for getting away, but if you're already out and they're on CD then you can switch back to normal form to potentially live an ignite you wouldn't in all out form :)
Dear Bob, I heard that Fizz Top Tank is good, you should take Grasp and Rush Heartsteel and then go Riftmaker, Liandry and Titanic Hydra, Thanks love you Bob (7)
Dear Bob, I saw Pianta's full crit Darius. I heard full bleed Darius is way better. Build Yun Tal with other crit items to proc more bleed. PS. I want to suggest full burn build but it's too OP (Liandry, Blackfire Torch, Ignite).
Dear bob, you should play aftershock speedy tanky lux mid. This strategy consist on playing lux as a front line tank who permaroams all game. The runes are: Aftershock, font of life, conditioning and unflinching. For the secondary runes you can go sorcery or inspiration (you choose) The build is going first with a tear, then start building Rod of ages, then boots of swiftness to start roaming. Then you go warmog's second item so you have infinite sustain for the rest of the game and you never stop roaming and helping your jungler. After that you build your seraph's embrace. You can pick the rest of the build depending on your games, but you have to follow the permaroaming playstyle. This strategy is absolutely unstoppable because you are an unkillable ranged tank with CC. I have heard this strategy is an S tier free win in korean challenger server (trust me) Good luck Bob.
Dear Bob, I once witnessed an Attack Damage on-hit Braum decimate our entire team. By combining the items Kraken Slayer and Blade of the Ruined King, and using the rune Press the Attack, you can inflict significant damage. And this will be even more significant if you get attack speed as you are able to permanently stun the enemy because of your passive. Sincerely, kidi
Dear Bob did u know that Jhin has amazing ap scalings on is E, I believe that you could do the magnificent job of recreating the oppenhaimer explosion on the rift with this amazing Jhin ap build
Dear Bob, I have heard that playing as jungler and take only buffs and objects is a really good strat, helping your team clear wave included, I really think it's worth your time)
Dear Bob, you should play Unkillable Mundo. This is my affectionate term for a build that Alois has helped bring awareness to. You rush warmogs for sustain, then build heartsteel, unending despair, spirit visage, and whatever other items (thornmail, jak sho, etc) will help you live longer. All you have to do is survive lane, try to stay sort of even in cs, and participate in teamfights. It's grand fun and one of the few tank setups that feels like it actually works quite reliably in the current meta.
Dear Bob, I have got a fun early to mid climb strategy for you to try out in mind 8D Step 1: Pick the Resolve tree for runes and definetly pick Font of Life and Revitalize. Step 2: Pick any AP scaling Support champ like Galio, Morgana, Brand, Soraka with a slow or an immobilisation. Step 3: Build RoA into Warmogs and just spamm some support items, that you deem fit. Step 4: GL HF ; * -
Dear Bob, you should play the legendary six burn Morgana build. I am told that it is the "New OP Tech" by the reliable source of Piantwo. As a reliable source of information, I know that Piantwo would never steer you wrong!
Dear Bob, you should play Hellfire Mordekaiser. The dream is some speed and burn damage. You take Morde to the jungle, preferably, the summs are Ghost and Smite. Runes: Phaserush - Nimbus Cloack - Transendence - Gathering Storm. Magical Footwear - Approach Velocity. Attack Speed - Move Speed - Tenacity. Must Buy Items: Rylai's, Liandry's, Swifties or merc boots. Then build any of the following best suit to the situation: Blackfire torch, Sunfire Aegis/Hollow Radiance, Thornmail/Morellonomicon, Unending Despair, Zeke's Convergence, Abyssal Mask
Dear Bob, you should play Ornn jungle and never go back to base, I heard he doesnt need to since he can buys items anywhere. This strategy will for sure get you to masters
Dear Bob, I heard that an OP strategy for Twitch is to play him as a roaming support. The build focuses on full AD items, but what you need to do is start roaming around the map looking for kills as soon as you reach level 3, instead of staying in the bot lane.
Dear Bob, you should play Full crit Lux. No one has ever seen her crit auto animation, so they get confused and you win. The strategy is fun and you will have a nice day ! ^^
Dear bob, you should try out Illaoi support! Her Test of Spirit is basically blitzcrank’s Q, so she’s perfect as a support. Additionally her flash+ult combo is especially powerful in a duo lane. Please give it consideration!
dear bob, you should play pacifist shaco where you splitpush only top. the strat consists in buy tiamat first item to proxy well without dieing nor doing kills/assist. after tiamat go for shoes into famelic hydra into whatever damage, lifesteal
Dear Bob, I heard about a very annoying (for the opponent) yet fun experience (for you). We call it "Cockroach Udyr"! You see, udyr Awakened W does a ton of lifesteal when paired with Ravenous Hydra's empoered auto. You can go from almost 0 HP to Max just by autoing the minion wave with the active + W. Core Item Path: Ravenous Hydra, Bloodthirster (For Extra Shield) Situational: Spirit Visage (vs Heavy AP Comp), Death Dance (vs Heavy AD Comp), Maw (vs Burst AP) Main Runes: Conqueror, Absorb Life, Legend: Bloodline, Last Stand | 2ndary Runes: Bone Plating, Revitalize | Stats: Attack Speed, Adaptive, Scaling Health Strategy: Viable in toplane (havent tried other roles),you mostly play it like you would play AD Udyr but you have to fight around minion waves for the massive lifesteal. I hope you have fun climbing while using this strategy.
Dear Bob, I have heard that Sion jungle with hull breaker and demolish is OP. Play completely normally except you rush rift herald asap, place it down in lane, and you ult alongside it’s charge to one shot a tower.
Dear Bob, you should play AP Amumu jungle- Start with blue jungle pet, and the first item is Rylai's Crystal Scepter every game. Boots can be either Sorc Shoes (my preference) or a defensive boot. Second item is Riftmaker, and third will be one of Sunfire Aegis, Abyssal Mask, Unending Despair, or alternatively skip the tank item and build more AP- Rocketbelt can be a good option. Zhonya's is a must buy for item 3 or 4, and then the final item can be whatever you like depending on the game, you can go for more tank stats, more AP or some movespeed to get around faster. I have had success with Banshee's Veil, Stormsurge, Luden's- it's up to you. Build like a Mordekaiser or Singed would. This is genuinely my main strategy since finding the new build this season. You are still fairly unkillable thanks to the E passive and healing from Riftmaker, as well as any tank stats you get, you still have a huge teamfight impact, but you can also 1v1 many champs in the game and bait out with your Zhonya's stasis. Nobody can run away from you thanks to having not only 2 dashes and 3 stuns, but also your W perma slows enemies thanks to the Rylai's so it's very hard for them to escape your combos. You can also solo baron if fed enough. Apologies for this being long, it will happen again. Sincerely hope you try and enjoy.
Dear Bob, you should try cleptomancy Sylas, where you take first strike for gold and you start building the same Items as your lane opponent. So you steal their gold, their items and their ultimate!
Dear Bob As a proud salesman, and enjoyer of the champion Udyr, it is of my best interest to recommend to you the "Mask Salesman Udyr" build. Said build involves building all the items that have "Haunting Guise" as a component, plus one Haunting Guise until your inventory is full. Every Haunting Guise item stacks with each other, and so your damage increases around 40% Sincerely, and hoping you try it, Quitter (Day 6 I AM ALMOST FINISHED JUST ONE MORE EXAM)
Dear Bob, if you did not know, Pyke can't stack any health because of his passive and transforms it into pure Damage. This means "Heartsteel" is the perfect item for him. :D
Dear Bob, I have heard that Crit Zed is really powerful right now with the new crit items paired with his passive. This is especially potent if you build Voltaic Cyclosword first item for the early lethality.
Dear Bob, you should play my favorite build that I do in ranked games, HP Brand Supp. Rod of Ages -> Liandry's -> Warmogs -> Rylai's. Ur pretty tanky and brand deals so much % health magic damage that u can just keep dishing it out. Just be sure to roam alot.
The strategy is: "Mechanic Master" You must open a statics page every time you are on champion select and choose whenever the page says it's the worst match up based on your enemy laner (you need to be the last to pick). For example, you are playing as mid laner and your enemy picked Ahri you MUST play Aurelion Sol
Bob, you should play full movespeed blue kayn. You go dark harvest, sudden impact, eyeball collection, relentless hunter, celerity, nimbus cloak. Ghost smite. Youmuus, opportunity, axiom arc, whatever you want. You go the empowered recall boots. Run around at the speed of sound and kill the squishies all the time. I heard its a very good strategy.
Dear Bob, I have heard that early game fight sett is very good. You start w ,pick ignite or teleport, go conquerer. The first item has to be blade of the ruined king aka bork
Dear Bob, I am told that double-jungle support (Sion is a good pick here) is an effective strategy that allows your ADC to get more XP from solo laning, while you effectively stop the enemy jungler from playing the game.
Dear Bob, you should play AD Twisted Fate. He has strong dueling with his gold card and hybrid damage. Max E for attack speed and prioritize items like Guinsoo's Rageblade. Focus on early and mid-game to snowball and carry. It's challenging but rewarding. Give it a try!
Greetings, Sir Robert. It was recently brought to my attention that this fine fellow, known by the community as "Piantwo" has posted a remarkably detailed walkthrough on how to achieve victory using "Garen Crit". It would be most kind of you to consider collaborating with him in your quest to attain Mastery of the League of Legends. With kind regards Ninth Settler
Dear Bob, you should play inclusive yuumi and every 5 minutes you switch lanes and buddies because we don’t want anyone feeling left out! I heard it’s pretty good.
Dear Bob, You Should Try Homewrecker Zilean with Warmog's. Roam for frequent Demolish procs and snowball their inner turrets. I've heard it's good. Zilean waits between the end of time and the edge of the void. You can hide, but he's inevitable. Better to get it done now in low ELO.
Dear Bob, I have heard that Full crit gwen with first item nash's tooth is great. Big auto dmg+high auto speed from E and nash's tooth, and some ap for Q,W armor, and Ult for slow
Dear Bob, I would love to see you play K'sante Tank, not as a bruiser but build around Aftershock. Runes of resolve (Aftershock, Font of life, Conditioning, Unflinching) and Sorcery (Manaflow Band, Transcendence) +10-180 Bonus Health x2 + 8 ability haste. The goal is to be an complete annoyance during the team fights, displacing as many times as posible. R should be a last resort trick (as well as a 1 way ticket to your turret). Jak'sho + Fimbulwinter as the core items.
Dear Bob, this is day 6 of asking for jungle samira, it's a very popular strategy in the circassian community. You start the game with the scorchclaw pup and a potion, after that you start building into ravenous hydra, then the collecter; the rest of the build is up to you.
Dear Bob, I've got a devilish idea of playing Kindred mid. You would have the shortest distance to reach the marked camps at any time, and you could mark the jungler so they would be terrified of ganking you in fear of giving you a free stack.
Dear Bob, You should play crying amumu. This is a strategy where you build AP on amumu and just cry on your enemies till they die. You can use your other abilities for CC but you CANNOT kill them with other abilities (auto attacks are ok). If you kill someone with another ability you must repent by standing still and crying in the enemy jungle for 1 minute (you cannot move no matter what).
Dear Bob, you should play double jungle Sion (in the support role) like Tilterella does, warn your adc you're going to "roam", and switch to Smite last second to avoid dodges, I've heard it's really good.
Dear Bob, you should play Warmogs rush teemo. You go grasp etc, then rush warmogs and after that go for whatever you want, i like liandries and malignance. The beauty of warmogs is, that you can bully ur opponent out of lane and can just chill invisble and heal
Dear Bob, I've heard that playing aram before every game increases your win rate so the strategy is to play one aram before every game so you can warm up and practice mechanics. But you have to use the same champion that you played on aram on ranks
Dear Bob, you should play Tank Veigar on toplane, build heartsteel, rift maker and rabbadon's for infinite hp and ap, you can win lane as you outrange almost every toplaner and deny them until you can just one shot them
Dead Bob, you should play as Hwei monochromatic, choosing only one color combination per match, of course, you could still use your ultimate. I've heard this is a very artistic strategy
bro how could you do this... *2:27* the 'call an ambulance call an ambulance', and I was sitting there waiting for the 'but not for me' and the doom music but it never came
Dear Bob, you should try exclusive attack speed Teemo, I heard that it’s good. Every item has to have an attack speed component, and your runes need to be maximized for attack speed. My inside man at Riot HQ said it’s broken. “ It’s super broken.” Said some Riot employee.
Dear Bob, i have recently met a tf support with warmog, bloodsong, rapid firecannon build, who runned around and hit some insane gold cards, it seems like fun strat coz now you can outrange enemy adc with point and click stun
Dear Bob, you should play Lillia top with aery, manaflow and speed, secondairy being presicion (mana and coupe the grace) Items of your choice, i heard is good
Dear Bob You should play Yorik Jungle, It is Incredibly strong with the early clear being around 3:15 if ur minions are used correctly on top of that you are a 1v1 MACHINE you and the homies just pull up to the crib and SMACK DOWN ANYONE you want, Once You Hit Level 6 You just Perma Invade because you can win any 1v2 with Tri Force and Maiden then once you get black cleaver you can SOLO BARRON @ 20 min (YES YOU CAN SOLO BARRON) then in late game YOU JUST SPLIT PUSH OR TEAM FIGHT and YOU CAN SEND MAIDEN down opposite side of map and take obj and trade free TOWERS FREE WINS BUSTED JG CHAMP
Dear Bob, I heard from a very "Darkk" source that AP Trundle is the way to go! Build Blackfire Torch and Liandry's Torment for the double burn, and a Malignance for more ultimate casts!
Ey, Bob, you should try out full AP Renata with a support that applies a DoT effect. When built AP she lands somewhere between 40-50% max health DMG per auto attack, and the DoT from support triggers your passive instantly.
Dear Bob, you should try Tank Fiddlesticks top. It's a sure-fire way to beat most melee top laners. Aftershock + Frozen heart + Spirit Visage + Riftmaker. It has infinite sustain, and you max W which gives you infinite damage.
Dear Bob, find Amumu some friends. Type ‘who wants to be friends?’ in team chat and only gank the lanes that want to be friends with you. I’ve heard the power of friendship is good.
dear bob, you should play crit viego or crit sett (rushing inifity edge and then lord dominik > immortal sheildbow > collector/mortal reminder/navori flickerblade with hob as main runes and whatever fits the best at the end runs)
Dear Bob, I have heard that full-tank Veigar is S tier in Korean meta at the moment (Trust me), and also very fun (can confirm). Grasp + Heartsteel + Overgrowth = Infinite HP. Passive + Riftmaker = Infinite damage. You live longer in fights = more passive stacks. It's basically cheating. Free wins.
JOIN me on spirit bombing this comment to the top. Grammar leaders, Off Meta Enjoyers, the neutral, we need you!(welcome back returnees too)
@@Aaron-nv3ei the prophet is here to get this to top comment over all the cringe picks. Join him, help our cause
I hope he plays this because it's really not that bad
I want I want I want
everytime he says ksente a part of me dies
Or "Me-Jai's"
"i can't focus Braum"
continues to hit almost exclusively Braum
Bob dashed through Braum, next to zeri... then dashed back through braum instead of hitting zeri...
right in front of Zeri as well... got me heated
Not the first time bob was trolling for content i assume
@@Tegemor To be fair, he wasn't ever catching or killing Zeri there.
Dear Bob, you should play brand mid but NEVER go into the river since water puts fire out. You have bonus damage on land though so don't worry.
"tho" is not proper grammar, friend
@@alexgelado oh right, thanks
@@alexgelado bob wont mind
ADD THE FULL STop at the end
@@Zerinho01 Bob demands perfect grammar, as anything else would be useless. Due to the possibility of misinterpreting the sentences, he might play with the wrong build, which could result in him losing, as his champion would not be functioning at its maximum potential. That would be bad for Bob.
Dear Bob, you should play ap nunu mid.
*Ghost+Cleanse nunu mid
@@theplant4046 Disco NUNU
While following darkmane's glorious guide about ap nunu
What plant said, ghost cleanse mandatory
Dear Bob, you should play full AP malphite, I heard ADCs has been living good a for a bit too long, we should fix that.
Sorry, imgeno, but it seems that your comment does not have perfect grammar, as requested by Bob.
Dear Bob, for your next couple of games, I would like to recommend top lane tank Anivia, not only are you ranged, meaning you will have an advantage over most toplaners, after reaching a certain level your revive passive will actually grant you armor in the egg form, making you even harder to kill, I also recommend picking up rod of ages before the rest of the tank items to help with the damage early on, and as always, best regards to you Bob.
Finally an actually strategy
This ain't just a ranged toplaner, but champ with 3rd biggest aa range. (not counting Senna souls, Kog W, Jinx rocket launcher)
Didn’t mention the happychimenoises grasp Strat :(
Bit of a run-on sentence, not technically bad grammar, but it is highly discouraged.
@@bast4rdlyreaper So the way most of us talk.
Dear Bob, you should play neeko jungle and perma gank your laners dressed up as gromp, scuttle or any of their friends. I hear it is a great strategy!
Dear Bob, you should play full testosterone pantheon. Where you play pantheon shirtless (with cam) does 20 pushups after each kill, and carry every game! I heard it’s good
Ah you lost your chance to be chosen. Delar bob
Thank you for k3epinf the legacy going
"does" is wrong, "do" instead. also, you forgot the punctuation after the last word.
So you want him to autolose 5 games and have a video where basically nothing happens
@@scifimisc9191 we will see his abs tho
Dear Bob, I must congratulate you on your well-deserved promotion to Platinum. Winning the game in which you purchased Plated Steelcaps against TF, Lissandra, and Elise was indeed a sight to behold.
To demonstrate more of your immense skill, I'd recommend you play "Kill Secure" Caitlyn. Use Dark Harvest, Collector, Rapidfire Cannon, and Yun Tal Wildarrows to ensure that every kill is yours and yours alone.
I especially loved the "Wow, I just can't move" while continuing to not build Merc Treads against a nearly full AP, full CC team. Truly a Bob moment in history.
Dear Bob, I have developed a rather brilliant strategy. It consists of going mid lane with Ezreal, building Stormsurge as your first item and building full ability power from that point on. Crucial to bring Dark Harvest too, for massive burst damage.
Why not just suggest AP Ezreal mid? Leaves him way more room to try and make it an actual strategy and something that he may actually be able to get wins on
32:20 "you don't want me to use my brain" -brain
Dear Bob, for the next video I would recommend the YMCA-strategy. This strategy consist of playing Yorick (Y) in the midlane (M) building cooldown reduction (C) and armor penetration (A) while listening to the song YMCA.
Dear Bob, you should try the BOMBER GHOULS where you play LETHALITY BOT LANE YORICK with a SUPPORT FULL AP ZILEAN (preferably a duo). The strategy is you will summon your ghouls and you will use your 3rd ability while Zilean uses his 1st ability on the ghouls. This will allow you to create bomber ghouls with an interesting damage. That is all.
don't forget with ksante guys, you can force cancel the all out ultimate stance to regain your tankiness if you're worried about dying to burn damage or ignite or something. the all out form W and E are both BETTER for getting away, but if you're already out and they're on CD then you can switch back to normal form to potentially live an ignite you wouldn't in all out form :)
ignite is true damage so it wouldnt matter if hes in all out or not
Dear Bob, I heard that Fizz Top Tank is good, you should take Grasp and Rush Heartsteel and then go Riftmaker, Liandry and Titanic Hydra, Thanks love you Bob (7)
Dear Bob,
I saw Pianta's full crit Darius. I heard full bleed Darius is way better. Build Yun Tal with other crit items to proc more bleed.
PS. I want to suggest full burn build but it's too OP (Liandry, Blackfire Torch, Ignite).
Dear bob, you should play aftershock speedy tanky lux mid. This strategy consist on playing lux as a front line tank who permaroams all game. The runes are: Aftershock, font of life, conditioning and unflinching. For the secondary runes you can go sorcery or inspiration (you choose)
The build is going first with a tear, then start building Rod of ages, then boots of swiftness to start roaming. Then you go warmog's second item so you have infinite sustain for the rest of the game and you never stop roaming and helping your jungler. After that you build your seraph's embrace. You can pick the rest of the build depending on your games, but you have to follow the permaroaming playstyle. This strategy is absolutely unstoppable because you are an unkillable ranged tank with CC. I have heard this strategy is an S tier free win in korean challenger server (trust me)
Good luck Bob.
thats for support tho not top lane
Dear Bob, I once witnessed an Attack Damage on-hit Braum decimate our entire team. By combining the items Kraken Slayer and Blade of the Ruined King, and using the rune Press the Attack, you can inflict significant damage. And this will be even more significant if you get attack speed as you are able to permanently stun the enemy because of your passive. Sincerely, kidi
8:36 ''🥷 12 lp :(''
Dear Bob, AD Malzahar is a classic. The fade away voidling deaths are mint.
Dear Bob did u know that Jhin has amazing ap scalings on is E, I believe that you could do the magnificent job of recreating the oppenhaimer explosion on the rift with this amazing Jhin ap build
Dear Bob, I have heard that playing as jungler and take only buffs and objects is a really good strat, helping your team clear wave included, I really think it's worth your time)
Dear Bob, you should play Unkillable Mundo. This is my affectionate term for a build that Alois has helped bring awareness to. You rush warmogs for sustain, then build heartsteel, unending despair, spirit visage, and whatever other items (thornmail, jak sho, etc) will help you live longer. All you have to do is survive lane, try to stay sort of even in cs, and participate in teamfights. It's grand fun and one of the few tank setups that feels like it actually works quite reliably in the current meta.
Bob has 40% winrate as 45% winrate k'sante strat. What a world we live in.
I dont think he knows that his E can be used to shield allies, based on his gameplay
Dear Bob, I have got a fun early to mid climb strategy for you to try out in mind 8D
Step 1: Pick the Resolve tree for runes and definetly pick Font of Life and Revitalize.
Step 2: Pick any AP scaling Support champ like Galio, Morgana, Brand, Soraka with a slow or an immobilisation.
Step 3: Build RoA into Warmogs and just spamm some support items, that you deem fit.
Step 4: GL HF ; * -
Nautilus, Sona, Zyra, Veigar, Amumu, Cho'Gath, Lissandra, Gragas, Karma, Nami, Fiddlesticks, Lillia, Leona, Cassiopeia, Maokai, Diana, Ekko, Nunu, Karthus, Neeko, Rakan, TF, Viktor, WW, Ziggs, Vel'Koz, Swain, Vex, Syndra, Lulu, Zac, Zilean and even Teemo ... could be fun too :D
Dear Bob, you should play the legendary six burn Morgana build. I am told that it is the "New OP Tech" by the reliable source of Piantwo. As a reliable source of information, I know that Piantwo would never steer you wrong!
Dear Bob, play tilterella's second jungle strat as a sion support with smite and ghost, use glacial in runes
A long time ago, the TH-cam algorithm gifted me a video:
Is your game winnable?
I’ve been hooked ever since.
GG’s Pianta
Dear Bob, you should copy the build of whoever did the best in your last game because you would already know that it’s a good champion/build.
Dear Bob, you should play Hellfire Mordekaiser. The dream is some speed and burn damage.
You take Morde to the jungle, preferably, the summs are Ghost and Smite.
Runes: Phaserush - Nimbus Cloack - Transendence - Gathering Storm. Magical Footwear - Approach Velocity. Attack Speed - Move Speed - Tenacity.
Must Buy Items: Rylai's, Liandry's, Swifties or merc boots.
Then build any of the following best suit to the situation:
Blackfire torch, Sunfire Aegis/Hollow Radiance, Thornmail/Morellonomicon, Unending Despair, Zeke's Convergence, Abyssal Mask
Dear Bob, i have heard that roaming Janna on any lane is secretly OP, gank as often as you can, even if you got autofilled into the jungle. Have fun
Dear Bob, you should play Ornn jungle and never go back to base, I heard he doesnt need to since he can buys items anywhere. This strategy will for sure get you to masters
Dear Bob,
I heard that an OP strategy for Twitch is to play him as a roaming support. The build focuses on full AD items, but what you need to do is start roaming around the map looking for kills as soon as you reach level 3, instead of staying in the bot lane.
Dear Bob, you should play Full crit Lux. No one has ever seen her crit auto animation, so they get confused and you win. The strategy is fun and you will have a nice day ! ^^
Dear bob, you should try out Illaoi support! Her Test of Spirit is basically blitzcrank’s Q, so she’s perfect as a support. Additionally her flash+ult combo is especially powerful in a duo lane. Please give it consideration!
dear bob, you should play pacifist shaco where you splitpush only top. the strat consists in buy tiamat first item to proxy well without dieing nor doing kills/assist. after tiamat go for shoes into famelic hydra into whatever damage, lifesteal
Dear Bob, I've seen that full AP Rengar is super good! Get those heals and 1 shots! You got this Bob!
Dear Bob, I heard about a very annoying (for the opponent) yet fun experience (for you). We call it "Cockroach Udyr"!
You see, udyr Awakened W does a ton of lifesteal when paired with Ravenous Hydra's empoered auto. You can go from almost 0 HP to Max just by autoing the minion wave with the active + W.
Core Item Path: Ravenous Hydra, Bloodthirster (For Extra Shield)
Situational: Spirit Visage (vs Heavy AP Comp), Death Dance (vs Heavy AD Comp), Maw (vs Burst AP)
Main Runes: Conqueror, Absorb Life, Legend: Bloodline, Last Stand | 2ndary Runes: Bone Plating, Revitalize | Stats: Attack Speed, Adaptive, Scaling Health
Strategy: Viable in toplane (havent tried other roles),you mostly play it like you would play AD Udyr but you have to fight around minion waves for the massive lifesteal.
I hope you have fun climbing while using this strategy.
Dear Bob, I have heard that Sion jungle with hull breaker and demolish is OP. Play completely normally except you rush rift herald asap, place it down in lane, and you ult alongside it’s charge to one shot a tower.
Dear Bob
I really appreciated all the cat-gifs in this video
Dear Bob, you should play AP Amumu jungle- Start with blue jungle pet, and the first item is Rylai's Crystal Scepter every game. Boots can be either Sorc Shoes (my preference) or a defensive boot. Second item is Riftmaker, and third will be one of Sunfire Aegis, Abyssal Mask, Unending Despair, or alternatively skip the tank item and build more AP- Rocketbelt can be a good option. Zhonya's is a must buy for item 3 or 4, and then the final item can be whatever you like depending on the game, you can go for more tank stats, more AP or some movespeed to get around faster. I have had success with Banshee's Veil, Stormsurge, Luden's- it's up to you. Build like a Mordekaiser or Singed would.
This is genuinely my main strategy since finding the new build this season. You are still fairly unkillable thanks to the E passive and healing from Riftmaker, as well as any tank stats you get, you still have a huge teamfight impact, but you can also 1v1 many champs in the game and bait out with your Zhonya's stasis. Nobody can run away from you thanks to having not only 2 dashes and 3 stuns, but also your W perma slows enemies thanks to the Rylai's so it's very hard for them to escape your combos. You can also solo baron if fed enough.
Apologies for this being long, it will happen again. Sincerely hope you try and enjoy.
Dear Bob, I've heard from some sources overseas say that Tank Vex Top is dominating the Korean Solo Queue! I would definitely give it a shot!
Dear Bob, you should try cleptomancy Sylas, where you take first strike for gold and you start building the same Items as your lane opponent. So you steal their gold, their items and their ultimate!
Dear Bob
As a proud salesman, and enjoyer of the champion Udyr, it is of my best interest to recommend to you the "Mask Salesman Udyr" build. Said build involves building all the items that have "Haunting Guise" as a component, plus one Haunting Guise until your inventory is full. Every Haunting Guise item stacks with each other, and so your damage increases around 40%
Sincerely, and hoping you try it, Quitter (Day 6 I AM ALMOST FINISHED JUST ONE MORE EXAM)
Dear Bob, if you did not know, Pyke can't stack any health because of his passive and transforms it into pure Damage. This means "Heartsteel" is the perfect item for him. :D
Dear Bob, I hear that duoing with derrick is a great strategy. Playing with friends is always better in league.
Dear Bob, I have heard that Crit Zed is really powerful right now with the new crit items paired with his passive. This is especially potent if you build Voltaic Cyclosword first item for the early lethality.
19:22 whole fight started bc Leo stunned a shack cloned got feared 😂
Dear Bob, you should play my favorite build that I do in ranked games, HP Brand Supp. Rod of Ages -> Liandry's -> Warmogs -> Rylai's. Ur pretty tanky and brand deals so much % health magic damage that u can just keep dishing it out. Just be sure to roam alot.
The strategy is: "Mechanic Master"
You must open a statics page every time you are on champion select and choose whenever the page says it's the worst match up based on your enemy laner (you need to be the last to pick). For example, you are playing as mid laner and your enemy picked Ahri you MUST play Aurelion Sol
Bob, you should play full movespeed blue kayn. You go dark harvest, sudden impact, eyeball collection, relentless hunter, celerity, nimbus cloak. Ghost smite. Youmuus, opportunity, axiom arc, whatever you want. You go the empowered recall boots. Run around at the speed of sound and kill the squishies all the time. I heard its a very good strategy.
Dear Bob, I have heard that early game fight sett is very good.
You start w ,pick ignite or teleport, go conquerer. The first item has to be blade of the ruined king aka bork
Dear Bob, you should play navori quickblades crit Leona. You can stun lock people with q and e by resetting their cooldowns with autos.
Dear Bob, you should try full tank darius. Its very fun to take no damage and heal it all off with q
26:40 denial
29:53 acceptance
Dear Bob, I am told that double-jungle support (Sion is a good pick here) is an effective strategy that allows your ADC to get more XP from solo laning, while you effectively stop the enemy jungler from playing the game.
Tilterella is that u?
Dear Bob, you should play AD Twisted Fate. He has strong dueling with his gold card and hybrid damage. Max E for attack speed and prioritize items like Guinsoo's Rageblade. Focus on early and mid-game to snowball and carry. It's challenging but rewarding. Give it a try!
Greetings, Sir Robert. It was recently brought to my attention that this fine fellow, known by the community as "Piantwo" has posted a remarkably detailed walkthrough on how to achieve victory using "Garen Crit". It would be most kind of you to consider collaborating with him in your quest to attain Mastery of the League of Legends.
With kind regards
Ninth Settler
Dear Bob, you should play inclusive yuumi and every 5 minutes you switch lanes and buddies because we don’t want anyone feeling left out! I heard it’s pretty good.
Dear Bob, I have learned from experience that AP Nunu and Willump is very fun, please consider playing this and giving it a try.
Dear Bob, You Should Try Homewrecker Zilean with Warmog's. Roam for frequent Demolish procs and snowball their inner turrets. I've heard it's good.
Zilean waits between the end of time and the edge of the void. You can hide, but he's inevitable. Better to get it done now in low ELO.
Dear Bob, I have heard that Full crit gwen with first item nash's tooth is great. Big auto dmg+high auto speed from E and nash's tooth, and some ap for Q,W armor, and Ult for slow
Dear bob, i heard that Crit fiora is secretly becoming op in turkey. It is based on the second part of her E with the boosted damage of infinity edge
Dear Bob, you should play Nunu mid with waterwalking and hard push into roam all the time, I heard it's good.
Dear Bob, I would love to see you play K'sante Tank, not as a bruiser but build around Aftershock. Runes of resolve (Aftershock, Font of life, Conditioning, Unflinching) and Sorcery (Manaflow Band, Transcendence) +10-180 Bonus Health x2 + 8 ability haste. The goal is to be an complete annoyance during the team fights, displacing as many times as posible. R should be a last resort trick (as well as a 1 way ticket to your turret). Jak'sho + Fimbulwinter as the core items.
The "WHAT ARE YOU AIMING AT" sound effect made me laugh so hard I had to rewind and watch it again
Dear Bob, this is day 6 of asking for jungle samira, it's a very popular strategy in the circassian community.
You start the game with the scorchclaw pup and a potion, after that you start building into ravenous hydra, then the collecter; the rest of the build is up to you.
Dear Bob, I've got a devilish idea of playing Kindred mid. You would have the shortest distance to reach the marked camps at any time, and you could mark the jungler so they would be terrified of ganking you in fear of giving you a free stack.
Bob seems to have inherited Brain's normal game mentality and experience
Dear Bob,
You should play crying amumu. This is a strategy where you build AP on amumu and just cry on your enemies till they die. You can use your other abilities for CC but you CANNOT kill them with other abilities (auto attacks are ok). If you kill someone with another ability you must repent by standing still and crying in the enemy jungle for 1 minute (you cannot move no matter what).
Dear Bob, you should play double jungle Sion (in the support role) like Tilterella does, warn your adc you're going to "roam", and switch to Smite last second to avoid dodges, I've heard it's really good.
Dear Bob, you should invite your good friend Tenmo Player on your channel to make sure that everyone still dreads the Tenmo
Atempt 3 : Dear Bob, you should play Senna tank top (grasp, Heartsteel, titanic hydra, bloodmail, warmog), I heard it's good !
Dear Bob, you should play Mid Ahri with the Faker skin. I heard that Faker will come to your house and will play on your computer.
Dear Bob, you should play Warmogs rush teemo. You go grasp etc, then rush warmogs and after that go for whatever you want, i like liandries and malignance. The beauty of warmogs is, that you can bully ur opponent out of lane and can just chill invisble and heal
Dear Bob, I've heard that playing aram before every game increases your win rate so the strategy is to play one aram before every game so you can warm up and practice mechanics. But you have to use the same champion that you played on aram on ranks
Dear Bob, you should play Varus top, I heard it's good, you go Terminus > Zhonyas > Banshees > Riftmaker > Frozen heart/Randuins/Kaenic Rookern.
Dear Bob, you should play speedster build Pyke mid!
It's a great roaming pick you should definitely try it!
Dear Bob, you should play Tank Veigar on toplane, build heartsteel, rift maker and rabbadon's for infinite hp and ap, you can win lane as you outrange almost every toplaner and deny them until you can just one shot them
This is actually Pianta’s training arc to become the next no 1 player ever
Dead Bob, you should play as Hwei monochromatic, choosing only one color combination per match, of course, you could still use your ultimate.
I've heard this is a very artistic strategy
bro how could you do this... *2:27* the 'call an ambulance call an ambulance', and I was sitting there waiting for the 'but not for me' and the doom music but it never came
Dear Bob, I've heard that Master Yi support is good with Hale of Blades and crit build, you should try it out.
Dear Bob, you should play Sett ADC. You have to take flash, ghost and run down the enemy bot lane
Dear Bob, you should try exclusive attack speed Teemo, I heard that it’s good. Every item has to have an attack speed component, and your runes need to be maximized for attack speed. My inside man at Riot HQ
said it’s broken. “ It’s super broken.” Said some Riot employee.
Yo myself I think this strat is a really good idea.
Dear Bob, i have recently met a tf support with warmog, bloodsong, rapid firecannon build, who runned around and hit some insane gold cards, it seems like fun strat coz now you can outrange enemy adc with point and click stun
Dear Bob, you should play Lillia top with aery, manaflow and speed, secondairy being presicion (mana and coupe the grace)
Items of your choice, i heard is good
Play Rengar ADC with an Ivern or a Briar as your duo! PLEASE PIANTA I NEED THIS.
Dear Bob You should play Yorik Jungle, It is Incredibly strong with the early clear being around 3:15 if ur minions are used correctly on top of that you are a 1v1 MACHINE you and the homies just pull up to the crib and SMACK DOWN ANYONE you want, Once You Hit Level 6 You just Perma Invade because you can win any 1v2 with Tri Force and Maiden then once you get black cleaver you can SOLO BARRON @ 20 min (YES YOU CAN SOLO BARRON) then in late game YOU JUST SPLIT PUSH OR TEAM FIGHT and YOU CAN SEND MAIDEN down opposite side of map and take obj and trade free TOWERS FREE WINS BUSTED JG CHAMP
Dear Bob, I heard from a very "Darkk" source that AP Trundle is the way to go! Build Blackfire Torch and Liandry's Torment for the double burn, and a Malignance for more ultimate casts!
Ey, Bob, you should try out full AP Renata with a support that applies a DoT effect. When built AP she lands somewhere between 40-50% max health DMG per auto attack, and the DoT from support triggers your passive instantly.
Dear Bob, you should try unkillable Warwick, where you build the all the life steal items, works on top and jg too, i heard it's good.
Dear Bob, i think you can be one scary rank 6 Q Udyr jg with approach velocity plus maybe LETHALITY build!
That's hype!
Dear Bob, you should try Tank Fiddlesticks top. It's a sure-fire way to beat most melee top laners. Aftershock + Frozen heart + Spirit Visage + Riftmaker. It has infinite sustain, and you max W which gives you infinite damage.
Dear Bob, find Amumu some friends. Type ‘who wants to be friends?’ in team chat and only gank the lanes that want to be friends with you. I’ve heard the power of friendship is good.
dear bob, you should play crit viego or crit sett (rushing inifity edge and then lord dominik > immortal sheildbow > collector/mortal reminder/navori flickerblade with hob as main runes and whatever fits the best at the end runs)
Dear Bob, I have been practicing Yorick in the support role, It is a great time. I would like to see you try
Dear Bob, to remember the good old days you should follow Instalok’s song “Ad Carry Maokai” as a guide.