Worst Nanowrimo ever for me was 2020 because three days in I got hit by a car and spent the next six months in hospital. So I now consider anything better than that to be a successful month.
I have a friend who is around 60 years old, and his son, who is about 20 years old, recently wrote a book. My friend had a negative opinion of his son's work, stating, "My son's book is terrible." In response, I said, "No, it's not. If, at the age of 20, he already has the discipline to sit down and write hundreds of thousands of words, he has already overcome a significant part of the challenge of writing. He's only going to improve from here." Any writer can understand the difficulty I'm referring to.
Thank you so much for the encouragement, Abbie! I really, really appreciate it! This month, I'm working on my first novel, a high fantasy about four unlikely heroes tasked with saving their world: the son of a prophet, a girl who lives at the end of the world, a talking wolf, and the king of an underground city. Best of luck to all my fellow writers this NaNoWriMo!!! You all are amazing and talented, and we can do this.
@@lilymcculloch9581 It sounds like a book I would absolutely love to read! I hope you follow these tips so you can share it with people like me one day!
This will be my first NaNoWriMo, and I'm motivated to complete it, even if it will be crazy busy this month cause I have been on a 3 week program abroad and I have to do all the tests my classmates had those 3 weeks. I'll make sure to put aside the responsabilities not imminent to crave time to write at night
Well, I finished NaNoWriMo! I also learned a valuable lesson, I do not do well with daily writing routines. I can make a word count deadline by a specific dates, I just find it very hard to set aside a specific time each day to write for a specific length of time. Thanks Abbie!
I am doing NaNoWriMo this year and I am working on a novel that's been in my head for a few years now. Preptober was pretty turbulent for me, but I'm feeling so encouraged by your videos, Kate's virtual meditations retreat, and the K&A Show podcasts! Thank you for everything! Let's make this NaNo the best one yet! See you on Writer's Life Wednesday! 💖
Nanowrimo is "national novel writing month" which is when you write a book in November, and preptober is when you like, get ready with notes and everything in October so you can start writing your book in November (prep-october)
Sadly it took me awhile to comprehend some of this.😅 I’m slow sometimes. . .it was confusing me how all of this is basically reverse psychology. Thank you so much for your helpful tips!🥰
This is going to be my second year completing NaNoWriMo, although I'm not doing the normal way. I've decided that for the sake of my health and my other commitments during November that I will give myself a little bit of grace and just try to write as much as I can on one of my ideas from years ago. I'm really excited about this idea - it's a dystopian set in Scotland - and to me NaNoWriMo is just a reminder to write everyday and do my best to bring my work to completion. It was your channel that first introduced me to NaNoWriMo last year, so thank you Abbie! I'm forever grateful that you brought this wonderful opportunity to my attention! Good luck to everyone else writing during November this year!
I’m writing my first novel! You inspired me to finally make my dream come true! I’m so excited. Before I could never write more then 30 pages in a story then I would hit a wall. And lose interest. But I’ve learned so much from your videos that I had already started my novel. Last month I did 12 chapters. So I’m hoping to maybe finish this month but at least do a big chunk. Love your videos!
I have started writing my novel (at least the first draft). I hope to complete it in 6 months from now (its 60,000 words in total). It will be my first novel and I regret not starting doing it sooner Abbie has taught me so much about writing craft over the last four years Edit: I hope to have it published in 2024 via traditional publishing.
thank you so much for this channel. I have been dealing this year with a friend who does not believe that I could ever have the discipline to become a writer. I have been working on a story for the past six to seven years. A story who's main character helped me find my own truth. This channel being here has given me the drive that I needed to be able to get out from under his words and work to finally finish what I started years ago, and has given me the courage to prove to the world that I have what it takes. Thank you for all the immersive writing sessions, I had always struggled with finding a way into that zone when I wasn't feeling it and these sessions do just that. So, thank you Abbie, and let your sister know that I also thank her for her work on the podcast as that too has given me the push I needed
Re the criticism point: I had the hardest moment for me when i was at 20books Vegas and sat down with the romance writers and i'm sci-fi and they were like "what's your book about" and i'm going on and on about this space empire, etc, and they're just sitting there like i'm speaking a different language and i'm thinking "oh no" in my head.
Embrace the sarcasm!!!😂 This has been one of the best video I think you’ve ever produced. I really truly enjoyed the demonstrative skits, informative and humorous.
I have followed your channel for a couple of years as part of my research/procrastination time and this year I am going to use NaNoWriMo as a motivation to finally write a first draft of the movie script that has been slowly forming in my head over the past 12 years.
Research/procrastination time? That is definitely a thing! Honestly though, the scope of craft is so immense. At some point you hav to just jump in and learn by doing. I’m looking at ME while I’m saying this. 😂😂. I really am going to cross a threshold by the end of the month and start drafting. That’s the plan. Good luck with NaNo this year!
Hi Abbie! I don't think I ever commented before but I decided to write a novel around August and came to TH-cam for guidance and found your videos. They reminded me of the existence of NaNoWriMo so thanks to you and your teaching I've been preparing my novel for this month. My preptober was like 3 months long but it was worth it. I never wrote anything as long as a novel but I'm excited for this month, we'll see what I come up with at the end. If I ever do publish a novel you will be in my Acknowledgements section! And if I never do publish, thanks anyway! I love your videos. ❤
I'm working on a fantasy nove about Twin witches. It's Charmed Meets Hocus Pocus😄. This will be my 2nd Nano. I did April and July Camp with two other novels (also fantasy). I started the one I'm working on in 2021 when I first found Abbie's videos. In fact, I used the video on out to come up with ideas to brainstorm this novel. Working on draft two with some new ideas. Thank you Abbie for all the videos and trainings. I would not be writing this novel if it wasn't for you. You're such an inspirations and I'm so thankful I found your channel.
@@Victoria-_ I used the character personalities of the twins on Twitches, Liv and Maddie, twins from Double Team and three of MK and Ashley Olsen's movies for my twin's personalities. 😆 thank you
Thanks for this video! It was such a stress relief and reminder that my characters matter. It brought me back to why I'm choosing to write a novel. I started my novel about magic talking mice in Summer 2021 and it has been a slow process but I'm still learning my creative process and have to continually be patient with myself as I discover how to stay motivated, work towards goals and keep going.. Everyone doing NanoWriMo is amazing. You are writing for a reason and always remember what you write is important. You got this~ Keep up the good work fellow writers.
Girl you literally helped me so much, and i wrote my nanowrimo book in less then a week because of you. you helped me prepare so much, and now im trying to edit it and make changes so it does not come off as cheesy. but thank you so much! you helped me so much!
I don't think I've ever commented on a YT channel but I wanted you to know how much you've inspired me. I found your videos about 2.5 months ago. I was living in depression after an accident that left me unable to work when I found you. I felt compelled to dig up a novel I started 6 years ago and revisit the idea of finishing it. Since then I've sold everything I own, rented out my houses in Canada and moved to a seaside home in Ecuador to participate in my first NaNowrimo, which I'd never even heard of before. Thank you for everything you do! I can really relate to your personality and your teaching methods. So watch out for "Daughters of the Wildlands" A novel that follows three women who immigrated to 17th century New France as part of a colonization program sponsored by King Louis X1V These women roll the dice on a life of known hardship and accept the Kings proposal to tame the harsh Canadian wilderness in 1670. Will it be hopeful new beginnings for the whore's child, the orphaned novice and the spoiled daughter of a dead lord, or will the trials they face prove to be harder than the life they fled?
I’m learning so much from your videos, thank you! I’m writing my first novel, a murder / mystery / love story. I plotted out the story, figured out my characters, and I’ve started writing. It’s so much fun! I guess I’m a pantser, which really surprises me because I use a daily planner, ha!
You might be a planter 😂😂. I think that’s what you call a hybrid plotter/pantser. You said you plotted out your story but probably just enough to give yourself a general idea of the story while leaving room for changing direction or introducing new elements as you discover them (pantsing). Sounds like you are quickly getting your writing process established and it’s working well for you. That’s great because I think process is so important that it can actually make the difference between a writer finishing a draft or walking away from the project altogether.
So glad this popped up for me. I'll admit I haven't watched your videos in a bit, but I have watched a bunch of them over the years, especially through nano, and I rather spontaneously decided yesterday that I was going to give it a go again this month. I am woefully unprepared
Thank you for such a fun video to watch. I think this is my favourite so far. On your question - This month I am working on the first three Daring Tales for the firstTales from Trinity City campaign, Welcome to Trinity City. A daring tale is like a D & D module, but it’s for my game, and I call them Daring Tales because the game is a dark sci-fi Superhero role playing game. Right now, I’m working on the maps for all three areas. I’ll have all the maps done by Tuesday. The rest of the month, I’ll take my rough draft and turn them into a full story for the players to play. I’m so super excited to get to this - I’m just a stone throw away from creating something amazing!
This is my fourth NaNoWriMo, and I'll be working on a couple projects - one for the official challenge and one for the 'I really seriously need to finish something original that I can publish' challenge. Thanks for the fantastic advice! . . . or non-advice, I suppose. . . ? :) Looking forward to those write-ins!
Hello!! I love watching your videos, they get me in the right head space to start writing. I learn so much from what you share. Thank you!!!! Keep at it!!
This was really interesting to watch! I love how your videos convey so much useful tips in a way that is fun and informative. I'm doing Nanowrimo for the very first time. It's been only a day but so far I'm really excited about it! I'm working on a sci-fi thriller with a theme of redemption. It's all about self discovery and friendship on a deep space mystery setting that I hope will entice reader's minds. Your videos inspire me a lot on this journey.
Hello Abbie. This NaNoWriMo I will be focusing on primarily my latest inspiration 'The Final Boss and I share a Mom'. It is about an adoptive son, along with his adoptive father, who enter the dungeon to find the mother. However, the son faces off against the Final Boss only to get defeated. When the father and son duo go to face the Final Boss a second time, they are hit with a massive surprise. This story also has an alternative verison titled: My Mom is the REAL Final Boss.
00:05 word; I typed so much once that my thumb needed to recover so it can be mental, creative and /or physical burnout; great advice from you and your sister’s channels always; thanks… :)
Thank you, I needed this 😅 Day 3 into my first NaNo, and I already feel like a disheveled gremlin, and have already written to exhaustion trying to hit those dang word counts 😢 I'm going to take this advice to heart and really try to center myself where the joy is.
This is literally my FAVORITE video of Abbie's thus far! XD The spin on it was so funny I had tears of laughter rolling down my face! Amazing work as usual, Abbie! I'd love more of your humor in future videos! 💖
The 2nd tip is so important to me. I can´t focus on the destination, I need to focus on the path. Otherwise, I just can´t enjoy the path. Thank you so much, Abbie ❤️
I am rewriting my novel for the 10th time. =_= I keep changing the plot...but this time is the first time I'm actually excited about the rewrite, so maybe I'll enjoy the process and finish the novel.
I am doing NaNoWriMo for the third time this year(I do both camps in April and July)to write another thriller book. I love how it makes me accountable and puts a boot in my ass to get those 50k words!
I'd like to thank you for always inspiring me to write and want to find joy in writing. I used to think that writing could (and maybe even should!!) be a stiff, regrated process where finding fun was nearly impossible, and now I'm learning better. Thank you very much for your help in that process. :)
These videos have even been helpful for making my own youtube vids. I find that using story and blending it with your TH-cam videos can really get people emerged and interested in your content.
Whew I needed to see this badly. Two & Three are the main reasons why I took a break from writing for months because I always compared myself to others. I realized that I just need to run my own race and do me.
You know when you’re a beginner at Yoga and you’re not flexible enough yet to do the poses - so you have to modify them?? I’m applying that to NaNo this year 😂😂😂 I really wanted to participate and make this my first year; but I’m just not far enough along yet in my journey to make a strong, worthwhile effort to draft my novel. Bummed. So I think I’ll “modify” by taking November to create my writing process, develop my characters , outline and break my story. There are still some specific aspects of craft I want to drill down on before I attempt a proper first draft; but my goal is to start writing scenes by December 1 - yes of 2023. 😏😂😂. I’m going to stay positive. I’m not going to beat myself up that I’m not ready to start drafting for NaNo. I’m still going to try to benefit from the tidal wave of creative energy everyone will put out in the cosmos this month and I will do what I can in the midst of life “happening at me”. I’m looking forward to Abbie’s ‘Write With Me’ sessions too! Thank you for creating this community Abbie! BTW, I’m loving the hooded, sunglasses wearing, cynical chick in this video. “Yeah, but did you hit your word count?” 😂😂😂 What’s her name? Crabbie? 😂😂😂 Shout out to Kate on the assist with the comedic skits. I enjoyed those! 😂😂😂. Good luck to everyone ! 😀
I'm a NaNo rebel this year because I want to balance my life with my new baby (he's 3 months!) and still work toward my goals. Super hard but I'm diligently trying! This was a refreshing video on all things to not do. 😂 thank you.
I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the first time in like a decade now. I have planned to do it, but just not had the time for it or the right tools to make it happen. After a few years of investing in tools (you know... knowledge) I'm now writing a horror murder-mystery because I've realized that every single nanowrimo challenge I've completed has involved a murder or a myserious disappearance. So I'm taking my recipie for previous successes and working towards my strengths: mystery, working by revealing the ending first but then giving it nuance through the story and how it came to be aaand.... angst. I've also found myself gravitating towards stories with soft atmospheric horror with undercurrents of female rage, which has really compelled me to write something like it myself. The things I've written the past couple of years have been uncomfortable stories that border the line between psychological thrillers and horror, but again... more atmospheric and anchored in reality. Basically: someone is dead, MC believes she did it but she's also likely haunted by the ghosts tied to her family line through an ancient curse and she has to end the curse before the spirits take over and she loses herself
want to add: I often start with a strong idea of where i want it to go, but to not write myself in a corner i change things up and go with what gets me to continue writing. while I'm trying to be more structured in my writing I'm right now focusing on getting words on the page. If it is something I can work with later that's great! Otherwise it's a creative process to get into writing again
I'm not doing nano this year cuz I'm 50 days into a book that's now 105,000 words but tonight I wrote 2k and felt like I should keep writing and going cuz its taking me 50 days which is longer than I wanted (ridiculous I know) but I wasn't feeling good and this video encouraged me to take a break and stop writing and not write myself to the point of exhaustion (especially after editing for my client tonight as well since I'm a professional editor). So thank you Abbie. I needed to hear this. I also loved the Otherworld! ❤
Thanks for the Tips Abbie...Brilliant and direct. I did reflect while you shared and realized my worst mistake. Writing myself to exhaustion point. It takes me a long to recover and there is much downtime between sprints. You are a hero and a champ...thanks again for doing what you do.🙏🌹🌹
I'm coming back to writing after a years-long hiatus so I'll be writing fanfiction for nano this year! The world building and characters are pretty much taken care of for me, so I can just focus on writing the story arc and internal conflict to get me back in the saddle. I've been binging all your videos the last few days and they've been a huge help with my prep work! ❤
I’m working on my first project which will be a fan fic as well. However, I am creating four new characters, making one of them the protagonist (a little more so than the Fandom character). I’m giving the Fandom character a flatter arc because that character will inspire and influence my original main character to change. I’m inspired by the Fandom of course, but by creating my four original characters, I’m still practicing the craft of character development and of writing character driven Story. I’m not baking the entire cake from scratch, but I’m still far from just buying a store bought cake from the bakery! I do have two wholly original story ideas to develop as well; but I think writing FanFiction will be good practice for me as a beginner. My knowledge of the world and the existing Fandom characters will give me the confidence to go big with my first project. I’m going to write a romantic thriller but I’m not ready in time for NaNo this year. I’m shooting to start drafting next month and taking this month to continue to learn and prep. Good luck with yours. I would ask who your FanFiction is about but then you might ask me the same question - and I’m not ready to talk about mine yet so …😂😂 Take care and congratulations for getting back in the groove of writing after your hiatus 😀
@@nikkinewbie6014 That sounds awesome! I love that you're taking on the challenge of new character development within fanfiction. I'm writing a romance case fic in the harry potter fandom, but I won't say any more than that lol. Good luck on your story!!
@@jennevieve_ Thanks! Go forth and “Win NaNoWriMo”! So Harry Potter…okay….I’ll share since you did: The Dark Knight - but with a significant “what if?” scenario embedded in the premise of my story. If you tell me when / if you post it somewhere, I’ll read it and after I write mine, I’ll do the same….but I anticipate it will take a while for me to write it and build up the courage to put it out there. It doesn’t sound like this will be your first work though, so I’m sure you will finish before I do. I love Abbie! She’s had the most influence on me to start this journey. She made me feel like this was a learnable skill / art / craft and that it was a feasible goal. It’s been a long neglected dream of mine. She rocks! Take care and again - good luck and happy writing!
This is my second attempt at NaNoWriMo and I feel better prepared this year. I have an outline. I'm taking breaks between sprints. I have snacks prepared. And I'm not pressuring myself to complete a certain word count each day. I was tired and unmotivated after work today, so I took a nap before my sprints. I managed to write 907 words in 2 hours. I have a feeling the snacks will be my main motivation to write when I feel this way 😂.
I’m not officially doing Nanowrimo, but using it as motivation to get my first novel moving forward. My novel is about spiritual warfare based on an incident I experienced in the past. Thank you for your guidance through out the writing process…😊
Love this!! Good advice for this month. I wish I can attend the live training but I can’t not only I’ll be busy that day but also because I don’t have Patreon. I’m planning on doing NANoWrimo this month and I’m currently brainstorming a story right now in my head while studying stories by either reading or watching a tv show or a movie. 😊❤️❤️📕✍️😢
I plan on finishing my big project this month. I'm currently on the final battle. The a-ha moment has been discovered for my main protagonist and I already know how I want it to go, just writing it down is going to be the challenging part.
Your videos always give me the strength I need to keep writing. I'm tired because of my inktober, I'm a self-taught artist too. So I'm a little bit tired, mentally, but I'll try at least. Using the writing sections as timing. Today, I used my time to read, I abandoned a book months ago, and now I'm in a good funny part of it. Lady Smoke( second book of Ash Princess trilogy). It's a good book. It makes me laugh a lot today. I have to finish this one plus two other books until november 15th. Hope I'll fulfill this goal. Maybe I'll try to write along the days, but I'm not promising to do it every day... Thank you once again!!! 😁😃
Thank you, Abbie! I've been watching your videos more and you do such a good job giving tips to writers! And hopefully this NaNo I'll finally write those 50,000 words
This video sounds like me LOL. I'm trying to be kinder to myself and get back to the fun of it all. I'm working on a found-family, magic fantasy for my first Nanowrimo!
I’m doing NaNoWriMo for the first time in my life. Had a long time coming. I’m working on a dark cottage core fantasy novel with dark forest, dark magic and everything dark 😂 Wish me luck! ✌️
It's my second NaNoWriMo this year, and this year, I'm doing a Gothic romance set in the Roaring Twenties. I posted the first chapter today, and I'm confident I'll win again.
I saw your video by the way great job. As far as what I am working on I can say I got a laptop for my birthday and have been using your writing tips but also others as well. I am working on my first manga script.
Doing my first nanowrimo this year! Using it to get back into writing, as I haven't finished a piece in like... 7 years 😬 and so far so good! If you have any tips to avoid burnout, I'd love to hear them! Your videos have been so helpful to me for preping for this month. Fingers crossed I can do it, and thank you again for all you do for us writers here on TH-cam 💖😊
I wish you luck on your writing, and don't worry if you can't finish things, just try to get a little further along each time and you'll be able to finish. Take your time, it's been a while, so don't stress if it doesn't go perfectly.
I only found NaNoWriMo just now with this vidio and decided to actualy start the novel I want write so thankyou! I havent named it yet but its a modern fantasy with witches and mystical creatures. The plot for the first of hopefuly many books is- Mariel is sat with the radio on drinking hot chocolate in her kitchen when there is an anouncement for 4 missing children. She, after slandering her government for not doing anything other then saying "please report if you have information" decides to go look into it herself as this has become a regular thing. She goes to her local market to buy some supplies where she meets Veiran (trans F-M) who decides he is going with her to investigate as it peiqued his interest too. They get to know each other on the way. They get there and there is a flesh eating monster that has been eating the children. They fight the creature and win then they return to the village to inform the towns folk. Mariel invites Veiran back to her cabin but when they get there Astir is waiting for them (main villain of the whole plot) and then that will lead to book 2 which will be Mariel and Astir's relationship/Mariel's backstory. If anyone has an idea for a name gor the series or how to imrove it in any way then it would be greatly appreciated!
@@philliplavallee8141 When I was watching this, I kept thinking of my daughter, who is very talented at drawing. I definitely thought this would be great advice for her.
I have not done NaNoWriMo and don't currently plan to do it in the future. It just doesn't fit with either my writing style or my life schedule (teachers have enough "must completes" in their lives). I do applaud anyone who takes NNWM as an opportunity to get their ideas down in a from that they can then develop and improve. Personally, I will be working on revisions of The Cult of Tuphrak, the follow up to my first novel The Sword of Digez and the second book of my series The Golden Zilant. This series is a portal fantasy-adventure that follows two ordinary (?) men from our world as they are pulled into a Medieval-style world with monsters, meddling gods, and a megalomaniac emperor bent on bringing back the Dark God from his banishment to the Plain of Temug. Planned publication of The Cult of Tuphrak is January 2024.
Muder Myster/Urban Fantasy, I have these three characters I came up with over the years and I think I'm ready to tell their story. I failed to utilize preptober effectively, so I know it's going to be a rocky first draft to say the least. But I'm going in. I have not expectations regarding word count, I'm just going to accomplish something. Start to finish. To all other NaNoWriMo writers, best of luck.
I'm going into NaNo with something... barely a nugget of an idea. Even though I've realized I'm better off if I at least do a summary outline of a story, I'm basically pantsing this time (tbf tho, I do have some idea of what i want to happen and where I want to go with it and end up). I had the idea a few days ago. I've been slacking on writing since the summer and though I was fully in the zone for the 2nd draft of something and really SHOULD pick that back up, the genre just isn't what I want to bury myself in right now. Like I've been reading a lot of dark romance (my absolute favorite) recently and that's what i REALLY want to write so I decided to just go for it. So this year I am writing a queer *dark* college romance that will include some... steamy scenes as well as attempted murder. So I think that'll be fun.
I really hope to finally write something this month, but I'm going to do this completely differently than the normal way. Instead of hitting a word count everyday, I will write something for one of my multiple stories everyday. I have a Magical Girl comic with daily-life problems intertwining with a magical battle, a co-write RPG with my brother about twins with a family theme, and a fantasy novel based on some of my favorite franchises and their characters. I also have a few translation projects and a random story with no real plan other than to write it that I will use as practice for writing dialogue!
I am working on a sky-pirate fantasy adventure retelling of Neverland staring Captain Hook's daughter. I will be the first in a series of retelling mashups.
My NaNoWriMo project this year is starting something different. Usually, I'm working on the story of a trio of Dragon Cousins; what happened to them while their parents were fighting a War against Demons? I can't wait!
I might argue that (for some folks) the word count IS the important part, especially if it's your first. I did NaNo last year for the first time, made my goal, and wrote a really crappy book. Since then, I've written 5 more books, each consistently better. Sometimes its the kick in the pants that people need to get over that fear of doing it right and just put something on the page. Granted, for more experienced writers, you want more than that. But from the perspective of someone who has never written a book or written that consistently, the numbers are important.
my novel (Crystals of the Soul) is about a teenage village girl named Raven whose best friend (Chrissy)'s soul gets stolen by an underground cult of other soulless humans, prompting Raven on a quest to retrieve Chrissy's soul before it can be sent to the Afterlife
Ack! I missed it today and didn't realize it was live chat as well. Drats. i will def be ready for next Wed. Awesome video with great advice Abbie! Ok these pitfalls are all me. I need to work on it. I signed up too for the Sunday live training. I cannot wait. I am going to work on the new WIP that hit me broadside. Taking a break from my other WIP, as I was feeling burned out with it. See you on Sunday!
Worst Nanowrimo ever for me was 2020 because three days in I got hit by a car and spent the next six months in hospital.
So I now consider anything better than that to be a successful month.
I have a friend who is around 60 years old, and his son, who is about 20 years old, recently wrote a book. My friend had a negative opinion of his son's work, stating, "My son's book is terrible." In response, I said, "No, it's not. If, at the age of 20, he already has the discipline to sit down and write hundreds of thousands of words, he has already overcome a significant part of the challenge of writing. He's only going to improve from here." Any writer can understand the difficulty I'm referring to.
I love how great the novel at 4:58 was! The characters! The plot development! They are truly 17 life-altering words! XD
Thank you so much for the encouragement, Abbie! I really, really appreciate it!
This month, I'm working on my first novel, a high fantasy about four unlikely heroes tasked with saving their world: the son of a prophet, a girl who lives at the end of the world, a talking wolf, and the king of an underground city.
Best of luck to all my fellow writers this NaNoWriMo!!! You all are amazing and talented, and we can do this.
Good luck!
Oh that's such an interesting batch of characters! Do you already have a title?
Good luck with your story 😊
@@VibingMeike Thank you! Yup, my working title is King of the Wolves, based on the main villain
@@lilymcculloch9581 It sounds like a book I would absolutely love to read! I hope you follow these tips so you can share it with people like me one day!
This will be my first NaNoWriMo, and I'm motivated to complete it, even if it will be crazy busy this month cause I have been on a 3 week program abroad and I have to do all the tests my classmates had those 3 weeks. I'll make sure to put aside the responsabilities not imminent to crave time to write at night
Well, I finished NaNoWriMo! I also learned a valuable lesson, I do not do well with daily writing routines. I can make a word count deadline by a specific dates, I just find it very hard to set aside a specific time each day to write for a specific length of time. Thanks Abbie!
I am doing NaNoWriMo this year and I am working on a novel that's been in my head for a few years now. Preptober was pretty turbulent for me, but I'm feeling so encouraged by your videos, Kate's virtual meditations retreat, and the K&A Show podcasts! Thank you for everything! Let's make this NaNo the best one yet! See you on Writer's Life Wednesday! 💖
what is nanowrimo and preptober, ive searched google and youtube but i am not getting a clear answer
Nanowrimo is "national novel writing month" which is when you write a book in November, and preptober is when you like, get ready with notes and everything in October so you can start writing your book in November (prep-october)
Sadly it took me awhile to comprehend some of this.😅 I’m slow sometimes. . .it was confusing me how all of this is basically reverse psychology. Thank you so much for your helpful tips!🥰
This is going to be my second year completing NaNoWriMo, although I'm not doing the normal way. I've decided that for the sake of my health and my other commitments during November that I will give myself a little bit of grace and just try to write as much as I can on one of my ideas from years ago. I'm really excited about this idea - it's a dystopian set in Scotland - and to me NaNoWriMo is just a reminder to write everyday and do my best to bring my work to completion. It was your channel that first introduced me to NaNoWriMo last year, so thank you Abbie! I'm forever grateful that you brought this wonderful opportunity to my attention! Good luck to everyone else writing during November this year!
I’m writing my first novel! You inspired me to finally make my dream come true! I’m so excited. Before I could never write more then 30 pages in a story then I would hit a wall. And lose interest. But I’ve learned so much from your videos that I had already started my novel. Last month I did 12 chapters. So I’m hoping to maybe finish this month but at least do a big chunk. Love your videos!
I have started writing my novel (at least the first draft). I hope to complete it in 6 months from now (its 60,000 words in total). It will be my first novel and I regret not starting doing it sooner
Abbie has taught me so much about writing craft over the last four years
Edit: I hope to have it published in 2024 via traditional publishing.
thank you so much for this channel. I have been dealing this year with a friend who does not believe that I could ever have the discipline to become a writer. I have been working on a story for the past six to seven years. A story who's main character helped me find my own truth. This channel being here has given me the drive that I needed to be able to get out from under his words and work to finally finish what I started years ago, and has given me the courage to prove to the world that I have what it takes. Thank you for all the immersive writing sessions, I had always struggled with finding a way into that zone when I wasn't feeling it and these sessions do just that. So, thank you Abbie, and let your sister know that I also thank her for her work on the podcast as that too has given me the push I needed
I’m still writing my 2nd novel, but NaNoWriMo has always been a good reminder to stay on course. Good luck everyone, you can do it.
Re the criticism point: I had the hardest moment for me when i was at 20books Vegas and sat down with the romance writers and i'm sci-fi and they were like "what's your book about" and i'm going on and on about this space empire, etc, and they're just sitting there like i'm speaking a different language and i'm thinking "oh no" in my head.
Embrace the sarcasm!!!😂
This has been one of the best video I think you’ve ever produced. I really truly enjoyed the demonstrative skits, informative and humorous.
As a writer who always beats herself over in my first draft ... THANK YOU Abbie ❤️
I have followed your channel for a couple of years as part of my research/procrastination time and this year I am going to use NaNoWriMo as a motivation to finally write a first draft of the movie script that has been slowly forming in my head over the past 12 years.
Research/procrastination time? That is definitely a thing! Honestly though, the scope of craft is so immense. At some point you hav to just jump in and learn by doing. I’m looking at ME while I’m saying this. 😂😂. I really am going to cross a threshold by the end of the month and start drafting. That’s the plan.
Good luck with NaNo this year!
Hi Abbie! I don't think I ever commented before but I decided to write a novel around August and came to TH-cam for guidance and found your videos. They reminded me of the existence of NaNoWriMo so thanks to you and your teaching I've been preparing my novel for this month. My preptober was like 3 months long but it was worth it. I never wrote anything as long as a novel but I'm excited for this month, we'll see what I come up with at the end. If I ever do publish a novel you will be in my Acknowledgements section!
And if I never do publish, thanks anyway! I love your videos. ❤
I'm fascinated by the idea that other people feel creative and energetic in the morning 😅
god this channel is just uncredible. It motivates me so much like holy moly! Thank you for getting me ready for NaNoWriMo!
I'm working on a fantasy nove about Twin witches. It's Charmed Meets Hocus Pocus😄.
This will be my 2nd Nano. I did April and July Camp with two other novels (also fantasy).
I started the one I'm working on in 2021 when I first found Abbie's videos. In fact, I used the video on out to come up with ideas to brainstorm this novel.
Working on draft two with some new ideas.
Thank you Abbie for all the videos and trainings. I would not be writing this novel if it wasn't for you. You're such an inspirations and I'm so thankful I found your channel.
Ooh that sounds like Twitches! It’s my favorite Halloween Disney movie lol. Good luck with your project!!
@@Victoria-_ I used the character personalities of the twins on Twitches, Liv and Maddie, twins from Double Team and three of MK and Ashley Olsen's movies for my twin's personalities. 😆 thank you
I loved the video with your brilliant point of humor. thank you for this pleasant moment.
Thanks for this video! It was such a stress relief and reminder that my characters matter. It brought me back to why I'm choosing to write a novel. I started my novel about magic talking mice in Summer 2021 and it has been a slow process but I'm still learning my creative process and have to continually be patient with myself as I discover how to stay motivated, work towards goals and keep going..
Everyone doing NanoWriMo is amazing. You are writing for a reason and always remember what you write is important. You got this~ Keep up the good work fellow writers.
This is my second NaNoWriMo I'll be attempting (sadly last year i got Covid a week in) but this advice is fantastic!
Girl you literally helped me so much, and i wrote my nanowrimo book in less then a week because of you. you helped me prepare so much, and now im trying to edit it and make changes so it does not come off as cheesy. but thank you so much! you helped me so much!
I don't think I've ever commented on a YT channel but I wanted you to know how much you've inspired me. I found your videos about 2.5 months ago. I was living in depression after an accident that left me unable to work when I found you. I felt compelled to dig up a novel I started 6 years ago and revisit the idea of finishing it. Since then I've sold everything I own, rented out my houses in Canada and moved to a seaside home in Ecuador to participate in my first NaNowrimo, which I'd never even heard of before. Thank you for everything you do! I can really relate to your personality and your teaching methods. So watch out for "Daughters of the Wildlands" A novel that follows three women who immigrated to 17th century New France as part of a colonization program sponsored by King Louis X1V These women roll the dice on a life of known hardship and accept the Kings proposal to tame the harsh Canadian wilderness in 1670. Will it be hopeful new beginnings for the whore's child, the orphaned novice and the spoiled daughter of a dead lord, or will the trials they face prove to be harder than the life they fled?
I’m learning so much from your videos, thank you!
I’m writing my first novel, a murder / mystery / love story. I plotted out the story, figured out my characters, and I’ve started writing. It’s so much fun! I guess I’m a pantser, which really surprises me because I use a daily planner, ha!
You might be a planter 😂😂. I think that’s what you call a hybrid plotter/pantser. You said you plotted out your story but probably just enough to give yourself a general idea of the story while leaving room for changing direction or introducing new elements as you discover them (pantsing).
Sounds like you are quickly getting your writing process established and it’s working well for you. That’s great because I think process is so important that it can actually make the difference between a writer finishing a draft or walking away from the project altogether.
So glad this popped up for me. I'll admit I haven't watched your videos in a bit, but I have watched a bunch of them over the years, especially through nano, and I rather spontaneously decided yesterday that I was going to give it a go again this month. I am woefully unprepared
Thank you for such a fun video to watch. I think this is my favourite so far.
On your question -
This month I am working on the first three Daring Tales for the firstTales from Trinity City campaign, Welcome to Trinity City. A daring tale is like a D & D module, but it’s for my game, and I call them Daring Tales because the game is a dark sci-fi Superhero role playing game.
Right now, I’m working on the maps for all three areas. I’ll have all the maps done by Tuesday.
The rest of the month, I’ll take my rough draft and turn them into a full story for the players to play.
I’m so super excited to get to this - I’m just a stone throw away from creating something amazing!
This is such great advice, I’ve been following NaNoWriMo writers for years & I’m finally starting my first book this month! 😊
This is my fourth NaNoWriMo, and I'll be working on a couple projects - one for the official challenge and one for the 'I really seriously need to finish something original that I can publish' challenge. Thanks for the fantastic advice! . . . or non-advice, I suppose. . . ? :) Looking forward to those write-ins!
Hello!! I love watching your videos, they get me in the right head space to start writing. I learn so much from what you share. Thank you!!!! Keep at it!!
Thanks Abbie. I can’t wait to start Nanowrimo. I had an idea to try and fuse two opposing themes into one coherent story! 🤞📒
This was really interesting to watch! I love how your videos convey so much useful tips in a way that is fun and informative. I'm doing Nanowrimo for the very first time. It's been only a day but so far I'm really excited about it! I'm working on a sci-fi thriller with a theme of redemption. It's all about self discovery and friendship on a deep space mystery setting that I hope will entice reader's minds. Your videos inspire me a lot on this journey.
This is my first time doing nanowrimo! Thanks to your channel I feel like I might actually be able to write something good! Thanks! ❤
Hello Abbie. This NaNoWriMo I will be focusing on primarily my latest inspiration 'The Final Boss and I share a Mom'.
It is about an adoptive son, along with his adoptive father, who enter the dungeon to find the mother. However, the son faces off against the Final Boss only to get defeated. When the father and son duo go to face the Final Boss a second time, they are hit with a massive surprise.
This story also has an alternative verison titled: My Mom is the REAL Final Boss.
First NaNoWriMo! So excited! And excited for this Sunday 🎉
00:05 word; I typed so much once that my thumb needed to recover so it can be mental, creative and /or physical burnout; great advice from you and your sister’s channels always; thanks… :)
Thank you, I needed this 😅 Day 3 into my first NaNo, and I already feel like a disheveled gremlin, and have already written to exhaustion trying to hit those dang word counts 😢 I'm going to take this advice to heart and really try to center myself where the joy is.
This is literally my FAVORITE video of Abbie's thus far! XD The spin on it was so funny I had tears of laughter rolling down my face! Amazing work as usual, Abbie! I'd love more of your humor in future videos! 💖
The 2nd tip is so important to me. I can´t focus on the destination, I need to focus on the path. Otherwise, I just can´t enjoy the path. Thank you so much, Abbie ❤️
I am rewriting my novel for the 10th time. =_= I keep changing the plot...but this time is the first time I'm actually excited about the rewrite, so maybe I'll enjoy the process and finish the novel.
I am doing NaNoWriMo for the third time this year(I do both camps in April and July)to write another thriller book. I love how it makes me accountable and puts a boot in my ass to get those 50k words!
Thank you so much, Abbie! You have helped everyone so much. I'm glad to have you here, and I wanted to give you feedback.
I'd like to thank you for always inspiring me to write and want to find joy in writing. I used to think that writing could (and maybe even should!!) be a stiff, regrated process where finding fun was nearly impossible, and now I'm learning better. Thank you very much for your help in that process. :)
These videos have even been helpful for making my own youtube vids. I find that using story and blending it with your TH-cam videos can really get people emerged and interested in your content.
I'm writing a middle grade novel for NaNoWriMo this year! Thanks as always Abbie!
Whew I needed to see this badly. Two & Three are the main reasons why I took a break from writing for months because I always compared myself to others. I realized that I just need to run my own race and do me.
You know when you’re a beginner at Yoga and you’re not flexible enough yet to do the poses - so you have to modify them?? I’m applying that to NaNo this year 😂😂😂
I really wanted to participate and make this my first year; but I’m just not far enough along yet in my journey to make a strong, worthwhile effort to draft my novel. Bummed.
So I think I’ll “modify” by taking November to create my writing process, develop my characters , outline and break my story.
There are still some specific aspects of craft I want to drill down on before I attempt a proper first draft; but my goal is to start writing scenes by December 1 - yes of 2023. 😏😂😂.
I’m going to stay positive. I’m not going to beat myself up that I’m not ready to start drafting for NaNo. I’m still going to try to benefit from the tidal wave of creative energy everyone will put out in the cosmos this month and I will do what I can in the midst of life “happening at me”.
I’m looking forward to Abbie’s ‘Write With Me’ sessions too!
Thank you for creating this community Abbie! BTW, I’m loving the hooded, sunglasses wearing, cynical chick in this video. “Yeah, but did you hit your word count?” 😂😂😂
What’s her name? Crabbie? 😂😂😂
Shout out to Kate on the assist with the comedic skits. I enjoyed those! 😂😂😂.
Good luck to everyone ! 😀
Thanks for this! I'm not doing NaNoWriMo this year, but I might do it next year!
I'm a NaNo rebel this year because I want to balance my life with my new baby (he's 3 months!) and still work toward my goals. Super hard but I'm diligently trying!
This was a refreshing video on all things to not do. 😂 thank you.
As someone who doesn't understand sarcasm, I intend to do all five of these things relentlessly. ✌️😎
I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the first time in like a decade now. I have planned to do it, but just not had the time for it or the right tools to make it happen. After a few years of investing in tools (you know... knowledge) I'm now writing a horror murder-mystery because I've realized that every single nanowrimo challenge I've completed has involved a murder or a myserious disappearance. So I'm taking my recipie for previous successes and working towards my strengths: mystery, working by revealing the ending first but then giving it nuance through the story and how it came to be aaand.... angst. I've also found myself gravitating towards stories with soft atmospheric horror with undercurrents of female rage, which has really compelled me to write something like it myself. The things I've written the past couple of years have been uncomfortable stories that border the line between psychological thrillers and horror, but again... more atmospheric and anchored in reality. Basically: someone is dead, MC believes she did it but she's also likely haunted by the ghosts tied to her family line through an ancient curse and she has to end the curse before the spirits take over and she loses herself
want to add: I often start with a strong idea of where i want it to go, but to not write myself in a corner i change things up and go with what gets me to continue writing. while I'm trying to be more structured in my writing I'm right now focusing on getting words on the page. If it is something I can work with later that's great! Otherwise it's a creative process to get into writing again
I'm not doing nano this year cuz I'm 50 days into a book that's now 105,000 words but tonight I wrote 2k and felt like I should keep writing and going cuz its taking me 50 days which is longer than I wanted (ridiculous I know) but I wasn't feeling good and this video encouraged me to take a break and stop writing and not write myself to the point of exhaustion (especially after editing for my client tonight as well since I'm a professional editor). So thank you Abbie. I needed to hear this. I also loved the Otherworld! ❤
Thanks for the Tips Abbie...Brilliant and direct. I did reflect while you shared and realized my worst mistake. Writing myself to exhaustion point. It takes me a long to recover and there is much downtime between sprints. You are a hero and a champ...thanks again for doing what you do.🙏🌹🌹
I'm coming back to writing after a years-long hiatus so I'll be writing fanfiction for nano this year! The world building and characters are pretty much taken care of for me, so I can just focus on writing the story arc and internal conflict to get me back in the saddle. I've been binging all your videos the last few days and they've been a huge help with my prep work! ❤
I’m working on my first project which will be a fan fic as well. However, I am creating four new characters, making one of them the protagonist (a little more so than the Fandom character).
I’m giving the Fandom character a flatter arc because that character will inspire and influence my original main character to change.
I’m inspired by the Fandom of course, but by creating my four original characters, I’m still practicing the craft of character development and of writing character driven Story.
I’m not baking the entire cake from scratch, but I’m still far from just buying a store bought cake from the bakery!
I do have two wholly original story ideas to develop as well; but I think writing FanFiction will be good practice for me as a beginner.
My knowledge of the world and the existing Fandom characters will give me the confidence to go big with my first project. I’m going to write a romantic thriller but I’m not ready in time for NaNo this year. I’m shooting to start drafting next month and taking this month to continue to learn and prep.
Good luck with yours. I would ask who your FanFiction is about but then you might ask me the same question - and I’m not ready to talk about mine yet so …😂😂
Take care and congratulations for getting back in the groove of writing after your hiatus 😀
@@nikkinewbie6014 That sounds awesome! I love that you're taking on the challenge of new character development within fanfiction.
I'm writing a romance case fic in the harry potter fandom, but I won't say any more than that lol.
Good luck on your story!!
@@jennevieve_ Thanks! Go forth and “Win NaNoWriMo”!
So Harry Potter…okay….I’ll share since you did: The Dark Knight - but with a significant “what if?” scenario embedded in the premise of my story.
If you tell me when / if you post it somewhere, I’ll read it and after I write mine, I’ll do the same….but I anticipate it will take a while for me to write it and build up the courage to put it out there.
It doesn’t sound like this will be your first work though, so I’m sure you will finish before I do.
I love Abbie! She’s had the most influence on me to start this journey. She made me feel like this was a learnable skill / art / craft and that it was a feasible goal. It’s been a long neglected dream of mine. She rocks!
Take care and again - good luck and happy writing!
Abbie you inspired me to do my first nano this year
This is my second attempt at NaNoWriMo and I feel better prepared this year. I have an outline. I'm taking breaks between sprints. I have snacks prepared. And I'm not pressuring myself to complete a certain word count each day. I was tired and unmotivated after work today, so I took a nap before my sprints. I managed to write 907 words in 2 hours. I have a feeling the snacks will be my main motivation to write when I feel this way 😂.
I'm so excited for your live training! Thank you so much!
I’m not officially doing Nanowrimo, but using it as motivation to get my first novel moving forward. My novel is about spiritual warfare based on an incident I experienced in the past.
Thank you for your guidance through out the writing process…😊
Love this!! Good advice for this month. I wish I can attend the live training but I can’t not only I’ll be busy that day but also because I don’t have Patreon. I’m planning on doing NANoWrimo this month and I’m currently brainstorming a story right now in my head while studying stories by either reading or watching a tv show or a movie. 😊❤️❤️📕✍️😢
Oh this video was definitely what I needed to hear. I am going to attempt NaNoWriMo again this year.
Having the worst NanoWriMo ever, thank you so much Abbie, I am truly inspired 😁
I plan on finishing my big project this month. I'm currently on the final battle. The a-ha moment has been discovered for my main protagonist and I already know how I want it to go, just writing it down is going to be the challenging part.
Your videos always give me the strength I need to keep writing. I'm tired because of my inktober, I'm a self-taught artist too. So I'm a little bit tired, mentally, but I'll try at least. Using the writing sections as timing. Today, I used my time to read, I abandoned a book months ago, and now I'm in a good funny part of it. Lady Smoke( second book of Ash Princess trilogy). It's a good book. It makes me laugh a lot today. I have to finish this one plus two other books until november 15th. Hope I'll fulfill this goal. Maybe I'll try to write along the days, but I'm not promising to do it every day...
Thank you once again!!! 😁😃
Such solid advice, Abbie and loved the skits in this video!😂
Thank you, Abbie! I've been watching your videos more and you do such a good job giving tips to writers!
And hopefully this NaNo I'll finally write those 50,000 words
This video sounds like me LOL. I'm trying to be kinder to myself and get back to the fun of it all. I'm working on a found-family, magic fantasy for my first Nanowrimo!
I’m doing NaNoWriMo for the first time in my life. Had a long time coming. I’m working on a dark cottage core fantasy novel with dark forest, dark magic and everything dark 😂
Wish me luck! ✌️
good luck!
@@IrisdeJong Thank you! 🫶
It's my second NaNoWriMo this year, and this year, I'm doing a Gothic romance set in the Roaring Twenties. I posted the first chapter today, and I'm confident I'll win again.
I’m using Nanowrimo this year to continue my romance story! I’m excited and prepared, I just need to get in a solid rhythm with my writing.
I saw your video by the way great job. As far as what I am working on I can say I got a laptop for my birthday and have been using your writing tips but also others as well. I am working on my first manga script.
These skits are GOLDEN
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Thank you🥰
I really needed to hear this!
Doing my first nanowrimo this year! Using it to get back into writing, as I haven't finished a piece in like... 7 years 😬 and so far so good! If you have any tips to avoid burnout, I'd love to hear them! Your videos have been so helpful to me for preping for this month. Fingers crossed I can do it, and thank you again for all you do for us writers here on TH-cam 💖😊
I wish you luck on your writing, and don't worry if you can't finish things, just try to get a little further along each time and you'll be able to finish. Take your time, it's been a while, so don't stress if it doesn't go perfectly.
I only found NaNoWriMo just now with this vidio and decided to actualy start the novel I want write so thankyou! I havent named it yet but its a modern fantasy with witches and mystical creatures. The plot for the first of hopefuly many books is-
Mariel is sat with the radio on drinking hot chocolate in her kitchen when there is an anouncement for 4 missing children. She, after slandering her government for not doing anything other then saying "please report if you have information" decides to go look into it herself as this has become a regular thing. She goes to her local market to buy some supplies where she meets Veiran (trans F-M) who decides he is going with her to investigate as it peiqued his interest too. They get to know each other on the way. They get there and there is a flesh eating monster that has been eating the children. They fight the creature and win then they return to the village to inform the towns folk. Mariel invites Veiran back to her cabin but when they get there Astir is waiting for them (main villain of the whole plot) and then that will lead to book 2 which will be Mariel and Astir's relationship/Mariel's backstory.
If anyone has an idea for a name gor the series or how to imrove it in any way then it would be greatly appreciated!
Great advice for any creative endeavor, not just writing! :)
I'm not an author, but a songwriter, and this is in fact incredibly relevant advice.
@@philliplavallee8141 When I was watching this, I kept thinking of my daughter, who is very talented at drawing. I definitely thought this would be great advice for her.
Gonna have a go at it this year, new story and following this year’s theme
I have not done NaNoWriMo and don't currently plan to do it in the future. It just doesn't fit with either my writing style or my life schedule (teachers have enough "must completes" in their lives). I do applaud anyone who takes NNWM as an opportunity to get their ideas down in a from that they can then develop and improve.
Personally, I will be working on revisions of The Cult of Tuphrak, the follow up to my first novel The Sword of Digez and the second book of my series The Golden Zilant. This series is a portal fantasy-adventure that follows two ordinary (?) men from our world as they are pulled into a Medieval-style world with monsters, meddling gods, and a megalomaniac emperor bent on bringing back the Dark God from his banishment to the Plain of Temug. Planned publication of The Cult of Tuphrak is January 2024.
Wholesome advice-giving Abbie is okay, I guess. But evil hoodie Abbie is BAE 😍
wish id seen this last year. Good video, thx.
Muder Myster/Urban Fantasy, I have these three characters I came up with over the years and I think I'm ready to tell their story. I failed to utilize preptober effectively, so I know it's going to be a rocky first draft to say the least. But I'm going in. I have not expectations regarding word count, I'm just going to accomplish something. Start to finish. To all other NaNoWriMo writers, best of luck.
I'm going into NaNo with something... barely a nugget of an idea. Even though I've realized I'm better off if I at least do a summary outline of a story, I'm basically pantsing this time (tbf tho, I do have some idea of what i want to happen and where I want to go with it and end up). I had the idea a few days ago. I've been slacking on writing since the summer and though I was fully in the zone for the 2nd draft of something and really SHOULD pick that back up, the genre just isn't what I want to bury myself in right now. Like I've been reading a lot of dark romance (my absolute favorite) recently and that's what i REALLY want to write so I decided to just go for it.
So this year I am writing a queer *dark* college romance that will include some... steamy scenes as well as attempted murder. So I think that'll be fun.
Abbie, I am using this national novel writing month to complete what has been working on since 2020.
Great advice! I will still be clipping bad advice #5 and using it as non-sarcastic motivation 😎
I really hope to finally write something this month, but I'm going to do this completely differently than the normal way. Instead of hitting a word count everyday, I will write something for one of my multiple stories everyday. I have a Magical Girl comic with daily-life problems intertwining with a magical battle, a co-write RPG with my brother about twins with a family theme, and a fantasy novel based on some of my favorite franchises and their characters. I also have a few translation projects and a random story with no real plan other than to write it that I will use as practice for writing dialogue!
I am working on a sky-pirate fantasy adventure retelling of Neverland staring Captain Hook's daughter. I will be the first in a series of retelling mashups.
Omg I would so want to read that 🙌🏻
My NaNoWriMo project this year is starting something different. Usually, I'm working on the story of a trio of Dragon Cousins; what happened to them while their parents were fighting a War against Demons? I can't wait!
I love this video❤❤❤❤ thank u it helps so much!
I Loved this video! Its so funny and theres so much in this video that i learned! Thanks Abbie
I might argue that (for some folks) the word count IS the important part, especially if it's your first. I did NaNo last year for the first time, made my goal, and wrote a really crappy book. Since then, I've written 5 more books, each consistently better. Sometimes its the kick in the pants that people need to get over that fear of doing it right and just put something on the page. Granted, for more experienced writers, you want more than that. But from the perspective of someone who has never written a book or written that consistently, the numbers are important.
That was funny. Loved your sarcasm!
my novel (Crystals of the Soul) is about a teenage village girl named Raven whose best friend (Chrissy)'s soul gets stolen by an underground cult of other soulless humans, prompting Raven on a quest to retrieve Chrissy's soul before it can be sent to the Afterlife
Joining your Live training session. When is the Wed writing session happening?
❤😂 The satirist in me is loving this juicy sarcasm.
I have felt like your perfectionistic author character.
Ack! I missed it today and didn't realize it was live chat as well. Drats. i will def be ready for next Wed. Awesome video with great advice Abbie! Ok these pitfalls are all me. I need to work on it. I signed up too for the Sunday live training. I cannot wait. I am going to work on the new WIP that hit me broadside. Taking a break from my other WIP, as I was feeling burned out with it. See you on Sunday!
this was so helpful :)
Hi abbey! Thanks so much for the video. I am a 14 year old author and your videos have been so helpfull for me! Thank you!