I got my,znes 9x emulator perfect to sega to point because,some games needed a yellow composite cable for back ground effects, like in sonic that emulator can not do.but still looks almost perfect. The refresh is perfect syn on crt,so its soap,bopper effect smooth lol.with perfect scanlines and depth filter wring out all jags,with smooth,shiny ,round surface.
Tim Duncan's alma mater VS Shaquille O'Neal's alma mater
Great Classic Game 😎😎🙌🏀🏀🏀 I love Sega Genesis
Welcome to College Slam! The college version of NBA JAM and Hangtime!
I got my,znes 9x emulator perfect to sega to point because,some games needed a yellow composite cable for back ground effects, like in sonic that emulator can not do.but still looks almost perfect. The refresh is perfect syn on crt,so its soap,bopper effect smooth lol.with perfect scanlines and depth filter wring out all jags,with smooth,shiny ,round surface.
Hardware is always best but you can get dam close or smoother with amu if you have right set up ,so on.
What just happened at 2:39?
Uh...school spirits?
Georgia Bulldogs kept beating me and my cousin. We had Georgetown And tied Umass too. No lick
Sounds and plays better on the SNES