It would be quite interesting. I'll have to dig around. I know there are maritime museums on the Great Lakes, but do they have museum ships? Stay well, Sir!
@BuffaloNavalPark Thanks my friend, I fractured T10 and L4, I am coming along slowly, but I will have a few permanent limitations. Anyway Merry Christmas and a Happy Blessed and Prosperous New Year
Another great story. Very interesting stuff. I enjoy these videos. Thank You so much for sharing.
You're welcome larryjohnson7591. Glad you get some info and some entertainment from them! Thanks for your support!
Thanks for telling us about this freighter Shane, i'm looking forward to the next one!
Thumbs up, Jeff!
A great story about her. To bad she broke up. It would be neat to see some of them in museums.
It would be quite interesting. I'll have to dig around. I know there are maritime museums on the Great Lakes, but do they have museum ships? Stay well, Sir!
@BuffaloNavalPark Thanks my friend, I fractured T10 and L4, I am coming along slowly, but I will have a few permanent limitations. Anyway Merry Christmas and a Happy Blessed and Prosperous New Year
130 bushels of grain seems a bit light for a ship that size?
Oh my! Good catch! It was 130,000 bushels of grain! I misspoke!
You had me at PowerPoint
Ha! Gotta use the PowerPoint to make a point!