Man, I'm pretty sure Christie knows that he himself will never serve as president, but I have serious respect for him for spearheading the effort to call out Trump on his BS. And doesn't Trump fancy himself the king of the deals? He'd rather go to trial than just parlay? Pure hubris.
Never in my life did I think I would say these words... please go donate to Christie to keep him on the debate stage so that he can keep speaking the truth about Trump.
It is nice to see a republican being truthful on at least one subject, pathetic how long Chris Christie was a cheerleader for Trump for years before running against him & finally being honest about him!
@hermie8735 I am sure some is scripted. No one goes on TV otherwise....well....most don't. However, after listening to Trump go so far off script as to be on the other side of the galaxy, yeah, it's damn refreshing.
@@georgehakimian5949 I'm sorry....were we talking about Biden or the democratic party? Christie is running against Trump currently, yes? So, my comparison is that. Christie was talking about Donald Trump and about policy. That is what I'm talking about. (Edit: spelling only)
I can't abide Christie's politics or his recent history, but jeez is he ever DIRECT. He listens to the interviewer and answers immediately -- even when it's a yes/no question that 98% of other politicians would dance around before answering (or never get around to answering). In a way, his low numbers are part of what _enables_ him to be so refreshingly blunt.
Christie can't even take care of himself. 😂 Corrupt and self centered for attention. That's why he's on CNN. He would be a good democrat tho 👍 take him please.
Not really. Take a random Democrat who isn't popular to begin with. Have him work on Fox for years as a paid contributor. Listen to him slam Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer, and then see how he polls with the DNC to be a presidential nominee. That would be literally the DNC version of Chris Christie.
Trump used to say that treating classified information (which is less important than national security secrets) inappropriately would be cause for prison time. Except if it's him....
My little President play set? That sounds cool like you could have all the presidents of the us as dolls or action figures and the White House as the play house
Agreed. I hope you don't apply this unilaterally, though. Always remember that both sides of the political aisle can do all of those things. Edit was to fix grammar.
Judge Cannon lacks both the gravitas and the personal reputation for jurors to take anything she says seriously. What juror could ever look at her and think she has a clue about what it means to set political beliefs aside? It would be like expecting Thomas and Alito to demonstrate any sense of ethics whatsoever.
The idea that anyone would even consider voting for a man with 31 federal indictments (and counting!) is absurd. We've all heard the audio leaks of him literally admitting to the crime and saying that he knew it was wrong and that he did it anyways.
To think that Trump is the prospective nominee of the Republican party is beyond belief! It's time for the Republican party to go the way of the Whigs!
Food for thought: Biden has a 34% approval rating, a 54% disapproval rating and 70% of Americans don't want to see him run in 2024. If Trump gets out of the race, Biden loses his 81 million anti-Trump votes and a wet fat would beat him.
A serious question forget about trump wouldnt a vote for a republican cementing the notion that abortion should remain illegal? I have never been a one issue voter before but right now i am never voting a a republican until the party change its extreme abortion stance.
@@fifermcgee5971 He is not telling the truth. He is telling BS. I am not saying that what he is saying is wrong, I say that he does not care whether it is true or false.
What about bridgegate? What about when he closed all of Jerseys beaches and than took his family to them while other people couldn't utilize them? Talk about someone who will actually abuse power, he is an elitist, he only cares for himself.
If Christie lost 200 lbs his jowls would fall to his belly button...or worse. You gotta remember Christie was a DIE HARD Trumper for 7 years. And now because Christie is running for president He bashes Trump. Christie is not worth anyone's effort.
there are plenty of honorable and qualified candidates in the Republican party. Unfortnately they will get primeried out, because the republican base really does want the a personality cult around Trump.
Maybe not sell, but leverage in some way... like, "hey I want to build a Trump tower in Shanghai, guess what could grease the wheels with the Chinese authorities" sort of thing.
Agreed. I have serious doubts these documents were some sort of childish security blanket or teddy bear. Trump is using them to further his own schemes. He is corrupt to the core and mentally ill.
If Mr. Christie isn't successful for the presidential nominee this time, watch him for the future. The man is a powerhouse just waiting for his turn. His truth telling messages are resounding.
Even after four years of trashing norms and urinating on civility, 70m people still voted for the guy. I find it hard to believe that they will be able to put together a Florida jury that will convict the pos.
I don’t think Christie has a chance to get the nomination but running is “win/win” for him. He gets great exposure, will land a big $$ talking head spot on cable news and may win a job in DC if he can take out Trump
He certainly can't take out Trump. Neither the DNC or GOP would vote for him. I think that is what he is after. He has worked for Politico, MSNBC, and CNN in the recent years, so yes you are spot on with what he is actually trying to do.
Christie doesn't have a chance. All he does is go on every liberal program and trashes Trump, and it won't work. YOu have to have more than just making his entire campaign trashing another candidate.
I am not a fan of Christie, but I donated $1 to his campaign so he can reach the 40,000 donations he needs to reach the campaign stage. Keep on countering the MAGA narrative and preparing Republicans for peaceful response when Trump is convicted!
That’s exactly why he’s running , he knows he won’t win but he’s trying to get others in the Republican Party to follow his lead and break away from Trump ..
Thank you that will be very funny. The new Rand Paul from the 2016 election. Rand had like 1% support, and spent 100% of his time on stage attacking Trump.
I was born and raised in New Jersey! I watched my parents talk bad of Christie however as of today , we from New Jersey agree with everything chris is saying! Trump is just counting down the days before he is handcuffs
Trump insulting Smith is kind of like the guy who mouths off at the cops when he's caught in the middle of a crime: it ain't gonna stop him from being arrested, it'll just pi** the cops off to no end and encourage them to find other things to charge him with.
Socially liberal and fiscally conservative is what the mainstream American is. When is one of the major parties going to realize how much untapped vote potential there is down the middle and stop pandering to the ideological fringes?
If you want to understand why Trump kept the documents then watch the old clip where his mother Mary is being interviewed and tells the tale where he stole his brothers toy building blocks and glued them to his own- the way she recounts the story as if its the most normal thing for a child to do is as chilling as it is revealing about that twisted family's values.
As a lifelong Democrat I truly wish Chris Christie well in the GQP debates. Between the DOJ (Jack Smith) and former FED Prosecutor Christie between the efforts might actually PURGE the MAGA out of the Republican Party. Best wishes to Jack and Chris.
Do what I'm doing. Change your registration so you can vote in the Republican primary for Chris Christie. You can still vote for whoever you want for president.
@kissmyaxe531 he is climbing as DeSantis falls. DeSantis is hanging around to be the next guy in line once trump gets a jail sentence. Bidens numbers are rising in his party also as the far left settles on Biden.
While it's more important to know why he kept these documents, I've always wanted to know how he "acquired" them over the 4 years of his presidency. Who was responsible for giving them to him, and who was responsible for retrieving them back for safekeeping to complete the chain of custody? The military and nuclear documents are especially nefarious. I believe others are involved with the theft, but don't know if the DOJ is particularly interested.
Seems like there might have been an honor system for presidents, and for the most part, that has worked fairly well over the decades. Then, along comes an aberration like Trump.
For him to retain and abscond the records, something is wrong with the records system and the chain of custody of said records. We need to take a long look at this process and resolve these problems, before it happens again.
Chris knows he himself is guilty AND a liar concerning his "bridge-gate" scandal. He's also ignorant of the fact that appetite is an emotion. Who wants to listen to an emotionally unstable obese liar, much LESS vote for him for ANY TAXPAYER paid position? EH? C'mon let's STOP lowering the bar and START raising it in the right direction. Just as a lot of parents should be raising their charges. Do it NOW, please? This from a 70 year old veteran, college grad on the G.I. Bill who's only relative with ANY $$ was our Uncle Sam. You can do it IF you try. Thanx for readin'.
Not all of the Republican politicians are insane - but they are making a huge error of judgement in continuing to back Trump - they are all going down.
A unicorn who supported trump in 2016 and 2020, who organised the White House transition in 2016, who hoped for a White House job and who defended trump all through trumps presidency. He’s also too fat to be president
Same. It's refreshing to hear a Republican with some common sense. As a Democrat I want a Dem to win, but if a Republican ends up winning I'd rather it was Christie than any of the other atrocities campaigning right now.
What you want is the best for the country, not your party of choice. That would be ideal politics. I'd vote Republican if the candidate was seriously better than the Democrat candidate - because the country comes first
Yes. Trump is a loser of long standing and has changed his party registration 5 times in 15 years. His ego is very weak and he is determined to pretend that he is strong to avoid facing the fact that he is a loser. Had he a strong ego, he'd accept his defeats and rise again to new challenges chastened and better educated. Neither party has a front runner at this point who should be in the White House. In the past, even when one party's candidate was not the one preferred by voters, the other party had a contender we could recognize as worthy of the office. Many of those who lost elections (I'd say almost all - we missed out on Aaron Burr, thank God) were better than the choice we are being fed by the poll driven media.
What i find most interesting is that Christie is doing exactly what the Republican party actually wants behind closed doors. The only reason they are not backing him, because he seems like their best chance in actually being a real contender if the RNC would back him, is because they're still worried about the outcome of the documents case. If they back someone else, and Trump gets an away with it, they know they are going to be in an even deeper shit show.
Make no mistake. All of those bags are just as intelligent. They just know by attacking trump, will lose potential voters. They know everything. Their lack of courage, is strategic. If Trump falls legally, they wanna pick up the pieces as votes. This is all a game. And their supporters are a piece. Just for the vote, after they allegedly get the vote, they don't give a damn about you.
Christie has always been intelligent and perceptive. Whether he is a good candidate is another question. We've seen worse. Two time loser Biden who finally found the guy he could beat and his losing opponent the populist demagogue who brings memories of such "enlightened" Democrats as George Wallace and Huey Long. The party activists need to grow up. Character matters.
Agree with his positions or not, he always did sound sane, and intelligent. What's missing this time is a lot of the Jersey "attitude" that puts off much of the rest of the country.
Why are there no sanctions for threatening/insulting prosecutors, judges and their families? Could any defendant in the United States do this without legal repercussions for them?
Christie deserves better coverage. He's is very intelligent, very focused, and he knows his stuff. He may be underrated, but so was Obama when he started campaigning for president years ago. Christie clearly is becoming more interesting as I see and hear from him more and more.
Governor Christie deserves serious consideration for President. He is sincere, accomplished, experienced, balanced, and truly hopes the United States can survive the challenges coming its way. One issue the country faces is the crumbling healthcare system leading to escalating levels of chronic diseases ... all of which are driven by obesity and metabolic dysfunction. Both of these medical conditions may seem impossible to address. Even Governor Christie admits he has struggled himself. The sad truth is that reversing chronic diseases and controlling one's weight are possible - fairly easily - with correct knowledge of how the human body functions. Unfortunately, the medical establishment and the educational system are failing to teach the key concept needed for success - to follow an insulin-friendly lifestyle (IFL). If anyone reads this and can get to Governor Christie, ask him to learn what an IFL is and urge him to try it ... and help lead the nation into a new era of health and prosperity.
DJT likely had no idea what he wanted to do with those documents. But he knew the information contained in those documents are really, really valuable. He knew that he could use them in a multitude of ways to benefit himself. That’s all he needed to know. That’s why he kept them.
Wasn’t it on the CNN “town hall” where he responded to a question with “they paid Nixon 18million for his documents.” Wasn’t that his motive/failed game plan right there? What am I missing.
Next to his direct attacks on Trump, Christie should involve the Trumpvoter by asking how they would feel and react if one of their friends or een family would act like Trump. Interviewers could do that too. Go to that base and make what Trump says and does personal and way more confrontational. Maybe that is a way to finally turn them
I left the Republican parry after years of active, and I do mean active involvement, because of the Trump cult and its cancelling of conservative views - fiscal integrity, among other things. I have dealt with these folks. They know the facts but prefer to support Trump's continuing paranoia because they see strong efforts from the ideological Left to destroy our society by re-creating (falsely) reality. Their paranoia enhanced by conspiracy theories too often given traction in the "news." It is much like the phenomenon that causes hard core Leftists to assign the views of Trump and his Trumpkins to conservatives. Trump is not, and never has been, a conservative. He isn't a liberal either. He has no sense of policy nor propriety. Many on the left are truly liberal, freedom loving and open minded. Many on the right are truly conservative wanting to live in a free society which has the institutions that help keep us free. We don't talk to each other anymore. We are inundated by screaming extremists who get entirely more airtime than they deserve.
I don't see a dictator in the Democratic party but I see hundreds on the right. That party is now filled with pathological liars, obstructionist, haters, people inciting violence and worse. I am not a party person, well, I wasn't until 2016. I will never trust the republican party again.
I am sure he still has documents!!! I don't think the government truly knows how many documents he actually took. I bet they didn't find all the locations he hid the documents.
@seanmccartney5177 The difference is he returned it...they didn't have to take him to court to get it back, and still he is refused to give back what isn't his!!! But I suppose that's his behavior his whole life take what's doesn't belong to him without consequences...Make people work and dont pay them, grab women by the pussy. The first time is his life that he is being held accountable for his actions. Grab him by the pussy Jack!!!
I was on a jury where one juror argued the police and prosecutor were lying about finding drugs on the accused. She claimed the accused was being victimized by the police and prosecutors office because he was black. There was a video of everything that happened. The video showed the police stop him, showed him consent to being searched and admit the drugs were his after the police pulled a plastic bag of white powder out of his pocket. She argued the video was faked, that the police planted the drugs on him using slight of hand, even that he did not admit the drugs were his as we watched and heard him speak the words on the video. There was no argument that would cause her to change her stand. She eventually accused us, the other 11 jurors, of being racists for believing the testimony and evidence. We told the judge and he did nothing.
@@mahbubmo no I didn’t miss that. But in any event all I was trying to say is that he hasn’t said anything legally impermissible. You can’t be charged for jury tampering for the type of statements he’s making. Particularly before a jury is selected.
How hard is it to understand he is trying to sell off secrets? If you listen to that recording he says at the end something along the lines of "can we find someone for this ?" aka potential buyers and the woman says "yeah".
Not "someone", but "some way" for this [to happen]. He wanted them to be able to see the docs and show them what a BMOC he is, and maybe there was some way that could occur. IMO.
I heard that too and it was odd,,,, it is as if he mostly wanted the word out that milley was lying and there is proof. I only think that because he kept saying they brought them to him, they wanted to invade iran. And yes if trump had ordered them to draw some plans, then I am sure they would have. We all know that trump needed to be pacified nonstop. he was trying to con the reporters into doing something to benefit himself. He thought he had convinced them that it was all milley that wanted to invade iran.
I think I recall Trump once mentioning that Nixon got paid a lot for returning documents. If Donald believed he could make a few million by negotiating with The Archive, well that would be good reason to hold onto to documents in his way of thinking.
As a citizen of a long time American ally, we live in a waking nightmare over the possibility of Trump returning to the White House. It's only a slightly less disturbing worry over a DeSantis winning it. Christie, we can survive.
Trump triggered by a career public servant beholden to the Law not a political Party. Now's Trumps chance to put up or Shut Up in a Court of Law. Let's go SC Jack Smith 😎
Sounds like Christie is the best of the GOP lot so far. I hope he can do it - he's intelligent, and not afraid to speak his mind. Not to mention - he's got experience, lots of it, and actually knows the law.
When is Christie going to tell us what ideas he is running on for president aside from trashing trump. What do you plan to do for America? Your entire platform is trashing trump so you can get on every liberal media outlet. It won't work.
I lived in South Florida and I can tell you this, look at Raul Martinez who used to be the Mayor in Hialeah, Florida. The FBI tried this man and they failed. Why? Because even though he was alledgedly crooked...the people liked him. He did a lot for the elderly. So what happened? They could not convict him no matter what. South Florida jury. If they like you, you might walk away.
So we should allow trump to go scot free by pretending his criminal acts didn’t happen. Trump was all over the place chanting for Hillary to go to jail. Some people should be given some special treatment because they’ve done a lot for society. Then we must as well close our correctional facilities.
As a former prosecutor, my experience is as Christie described. A well run voir dire will identify those who will allow personal or political ideas influence the outcome. Many people try to avoid jury service which is a shame. It is one place in which citizens can influence the functioning of the courts. Jurors in my experience take that responsibility seriously . Of course, there have been exceptions.
Man, I'm pretty sure Christie knows that he himself will never serve as president, but I have serious respect for him for spearheading the effort to call out Trump on his BS.
And doesn't Trump fancy himself the king of the deals? He'd rather go to trial than just parlay? Pure hubris.
Well, it took him 6 years to turn.
By going to trial it will take a lot longer. His calculation is by then, he'll be President again, and will pardon himself.
I feel exactly the same way.
You didn’t want to go to trial they rolled you in
@@jennetteseymour4985 can you explain in another way what you are trying to say?
Never in my life did I think I would say these words... please go donate to Christie to keep him on the debate stage so that he can keep speaking the truth about Trump.
Not after all his power abuse in jersey and his elitist attitude. He only enriches himself no matter what garbage he will spew in debates.🤡
It is nice to see a republican being truthful on at least one subject, pathetic how long Chris Christie was a cheerleader for Trump for years before running against him & finally being honest about him!
agree 100%, excellent idea, Trump is a crackhead without smoking crack
I love how Biden shut Crooked Conald out of any briefings afforded to ALL former presidents.
Lol, no
He isn’t even running on any policy. It’s madness. He’s running for revenge
and the MAGA cult cheers
sad people looking to avenge a conman and criminal
So true! Republicans only policy is that Donald Trump won 2020 and people who look different than them don't deserve rights. It's disgraceful!
Of course, he's a want to be dictator period.
Who is he? Trump or Christie? Or both?
@@debraderoos5225 trump
I dont care for Christie, but damn aint it refreshing to hear someone speak competently.
Chris is OK All Day ! !
I just told my girl friend the exact same thing! Makes me want to move back to the east coast.
@hermie8735 I am sure some is scripted. No one goes on TV otherwise....well....most don't. However, after listening to Trump go so far off script as to be on the other side of the galaxy, yeah, it's damn refreshing.
Does Biden speak competently?
@@georgehakimian5949 I'm sorry....were we talking about Biden or the democratic party? Christie is running against Trump currently, yes? So, my comparison is that. Christie was talking about Donald Trump and about policy. That is what I'm talking about. (Edit: spelling only)
I can't abide Christie's politics or his recent history, but jeez is he ever DIRECT. He listens to the interviewer and answers immediately -- even when it's a yes/no question that 98% of other politicians would dance around before answering (or never get around to answering). In a way, his low numbers are part of what _enables_ him to be so refreshingly blunt.
I agree. Not a fan of him policy wise but in situations like this, he's spot on. I wish more Republicans would walk away from Trump.
He's always been blunt. That was a big part of his appeal as governor in NJ.
He's honest where it counts. Doesn't want to see the country destroyed. That's a leader.
@@johnjr757Minus the whole bridge fiasco lol
@@susantunbridge4612Honest where it counts? Lol please explain, because that's a statement that could apply to anyone's favored politician.
The fact that Christie is polling below 5% shows how sick Republicans are today
True. Reagan would never recognize this version of the GOP.
huh? dopey christie is a failed politician and only trying to stay relevant to make $$
How so? BTW do you know who the President is right now?
Christie can't even take care of himself. 😂 Corrupt and self centered for attention. That's why he's on CNN. He would be a good democrat tho 👍 take him please.
Not really. Take a random Democrat who isn't popular to begin with. Have him work on Fox for years as a paid contributor. Listen to him slam Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer, and then see how he polls with the DNC to be a presidential nominee. That would be literally the DNC version of Chris Christie.
Can we please try electing someone who doesn't treat highly sensitive documents as part of his My Little President playset?
Trump used to say that treating classified information (which is less important than national security secrets) inappropriately would be cause for prison time. Except if it's him....
My little President play set? That sounds cool like you could have all the presidents of the us as dolls or action figures and the White House as the play house
@@mrbill21Biden to deez nuts
A narcissist won't stop unless he is stopped.
He will lie, cheat, threaten.
Agreed. I hope you don't apply this unilaterally, though. Always remember that both sides of the political aisle can do all of those things.
Edit was to fix grammar.
hahahahahahahaha its the user clown
And murder
Down With MAGA ! ! ( Forever )
That is all Trump has ever done.
Good for Chris Christie!! Finally someone who is not afraid to speak the truth.
Judge Cannon lacks both the gravitas and the personal reputation for jurors to take anything she says seriously. What juror could ever look at her and think she has a clue about what it means to set political beliefs aside? It would be like expecting Thomas and Alito to demonstrate any sense of ethics whatsoever.
Insane times 😢
Just imagine this judge who will be in charge of a federal espionage trial, never tried a case when she was a lawyer.
I believe you she try her best to help the sycophant but always God take care of everything
Christie should get the nomination. Not a fan of his political views but it’s so nice just listening to someone speaking coherently and logically.
I've found him to be one of the most _listenable_ politicos, on either side. But I'm prepared for the day when or if he flips back to Trump.
He's a crook too.
Soo you're saying you know bidens not all there??
Remember he shutdown a beach to vacation for him and his family...
>>Christie should get the nomination. Not a fan of his political views but it’s so nice just listening to someone speaking coherently and logically.
The idea that anyone would even consider voting for a man with 31 federal indictments (and counting!) is absurd. We've all heard the audio leaks of him literally admitting to the crime and saying that he knew it was wrong and that he did it anyways.
It's almost as if his voters are deplorable...or something.
37, i think
And Biden is lily white.
No more absurd than considering Herchel Walker running for US senate who's real ambition was to be a werewolf.
@@mikem4883/ Not quite. He’s got some skeletons in his closet. Personal business dealings with China and Ukraine.
To think that Trump is the prospective nominee of the Republican party is beyond belief! It's time for the Republican party to go the way of the Whigs!
Food for thought: Biden has a 34% approval rating, a 54% disapproval rating and 70% of Americans don't want to see him run in 2024.
If Trump gets out of the race, Biden loses his 81 million anti-Trump votes and a wet fat would beat him.
Hello there
Seeing the word whigs reminds me of how back in the 1700s one of the fashion designs was wearing some sort of powdered wig
Time for a new Lincoln party.
A serious question forget about trump wouldnt a vote for a republican cementing the notion that abortion should remain illegal? I have never been a one issue voter before but right now i am never voting a a republican until the party change its extreme abortion stance.
God damn it why does Chris Christie keep making me agree with him by just being honest?
goddamn the fact you could be so gullible!
Because you are a lost wandering soul that thinks dementia is another word for being creative?
Because we've been lied to by politicians for so long to hear one actually tell the truth is rather refreshing.
Too little, too late.
@@fifermcgee5971 He is not telling the truth. He is telling BS. I am not saying that what he is saying is wrong, I say that he does not care whether it is true or false.
Chris Christie is a confident speaker. I hope that someone like Christie overtakes the orange one in the race
Well, that rules out DeSantis...
We just need Christie to go head to head with Trump and take him down because no one else has the guts.
What about bridgegate? What about when he closed all of Jerseys beaches and than took his family to them while other people couldn't utilize them? Talk about someone who will actually abuse power, he is an elitist, he only cares for himself.
If Christie lost 200 lbs his jowls would fall to his belly button...or worse.
You gotta remember Christie was a DIE HARD Trumper for 7 years. And now because Christie is running for president He bashes Trump. Christie is not worth anyone's effort.
there are plenty of honorable and qualified candidates in the Republican party. Unfortnately they will get primeried out, because the republican base really does want the a personality cult around Trump.
You’ll never convince me after 30 years of doing anything for money he hasn’t or didn’t plan to sell sell those documents.
Maybe not sell, but leverage in some way... like, "hey I want to build a Trump tower in Shanghai, guess what could grease the wheels with the Chinese authorities" sort of thing.
Must have been for some sort of leverage, he isn’t keeping them to pump his ego like this guy thinks.
More like 75 years of doing anything for money.
Agreed. I have serious doubts these documents were some sort of childish security blanket or teddy bear. Trump is using them to further his own schemes. He is corrupt to the core and mentally ill.
Exactly, that fool planned to make money of those docs!
Anybody with half a brain. Knows how much that stuff is worth.
Time to lock him up and shut him up NOW !!!
Christie has always stood up and spoke the truth regardless of impact on him. That was something I really admired that in him.
Mainstream Americans are fed up with Republic shenanigans regardless of the candidate
Mainstream Americans are fed up with political shenanigans regardless of the candidate
Trump isn’t running for President, he’s running to stay out of jail.
That is the one and only reason!!!
Worked for Brazil's Lula. Which all the Liberal Western leaders celebrated.
And the fact that he is receiving millions since his indictments, speaks volumes about the mindset of today’s Republican Party.🤪
@@6969-c6m you forgot the two most important words in your post:
Trump *in prison* 2024
You know he is ahead in the polls disproving your statement.
Having IQ45 in charge again would be madness with today's challenges !
If Mr. Christie isn't successful for the presidential nominee this time, watch him for the future. The man is a powerhouse just waiting for his turn. His truth telling messages are resounding.
Even after four years of trashing norms and urinating on civility, 70m people still voted for the guy. I find it hard to believe that they will be able to put together a Florida jury that will convict the pos.
Lawyer Michael Cohen is correct, maybe Ex President Trump will use this documents to blackmail other countries and get financial gains.
Sound like the Biden family to me. Please, can you share some crack?
Maybe you are going to beat your best friend or significant other. Better lock you up before you actually so it.
Tramp is a career criminal
Trump passing on selling secrets , are you kidding me .
I don’t think Christie has a chance to get the nomination but running is “win/win” for him. He gets great exposure, will land a big $$ talking head spot on cable news and may win a job in DC if he can take out Trump
He certainly can't take out Trump. Neither the DNC or GOP would vote for him. I think that is what he is after. He has worked for Politico, MSNBC, and CNN in the recent years, so yes you are spot on with what he is actually trying to do.
It's been a steady revenue stream for the last 20 years. He's not trying to win anything but a new publisher or TV deal.
Of all the things that you listed, taking out Trump is the one that I most want to see.
Christie doesn't have a chance. All he does is go on every liberal program and trashes Trump, and it won't work. YOu have to have more than just making his entire campaign trashing another candidate.
Trump thinks that if he calls Jack Smith names is going to make Jack upset, it wont!
Recycling golibukzzz are chirping on cue 😂
Boshirovzzzz Bibikovzzzzz pederazzzzzz for borscht are chirping 😂🤪😂
How are you doing today hope you had a wonderful day
Awe dimitri smirnovzzzz
Keep dreaming of making it to America komrade 😂🤪😂
Jack Smith is brilliant!
him and allan bragg just ruined their careers. Get ready for more upset. wE gOt hIM nOw
IF THE GOP HAD ANY SPINE LEFT THEY WOULD BACK MR Christie PERIOD he LITERALLY is the only one that's not a cowing fool at this point.
Keep it up Governor Christie !
Christie is one of the few republicans that are credible and talk some sense…
Yeah hes only done one super illegal thing that we know of not 32 lol republicans are all criminals
Yes, he's one of the few sane Republicans like my former governor Larry Hogan == no chance in the republican primary.
So will you vote for him if he runs for jersey governor again or for president in the general election ?
Even though I probably don't like his political ideas, I have much respect for him as a decent human being.
@@Anilgowda1985Christie is a fool
I am not a fan of Christie, but I donated $1 to his campaign so he can reach the 40,000 donations he needs to reach the campaign stage. Keep on countering the MAGA narrative and preparing Republicans for peaceful response when Trump is convicted!
That’s exactly why he’s running , he knows he won’t win but he’s trying to get others in the Republican Party to follow his lead and break away from Trump ..
Good idea. I did the same.
Thank you that will be very funny. The new Rand Paul from the 2016 election. Rand had like 1% support, and spent 100% of his time on stage attacking Trump.
Good luck little girl
@@seanmccartney5177 that will be Trump’s nickname in jail
I was born and raised in New Jersey! I watched my parents talk bad of Christie however as of today , we from New Jersey agree with everything chris is saying! Trump is just counting down the days before he is handcuffs
Do these people ever stop fighting. Nothing about addressing the needs of people.
Trump can insult Smith all he wants but it won't deter him from indicting him for his crimes.
6 minutes ago
Trump can insult Smith all he wants but it won't determine him from indicting him for his crimes.
Not a good strategy.
Trump insulting Smith is kind of like the guy who mouths off at the cops when he's caught in the middle of a crime: it ain't gonna stop him from being arrested, it'll just pi** the cops off to no end and encourage them to find other things to charge him with.
@@bobheck8326 Nobody (besides himself) ever accused him of being smart.
What about the Biden crimes???? In my opinion Bidens are bigger criminalists.
I'm a neoliberal fiscally conservative independent and I think Chris Christie deserves a shot at the title.
Socially liberal and fiscally conservative is what the mainstream American is. When is one of the major parties going to realize how much untapped vote potential there is down the middle and stop pandering to the ideological fringes?
Oh so that is what you are - and who gives a F>????
How can I mash a bunch of labels together to seem politically relevant?
I think he just missed a shot at the title. The hot dog eating championship was last weekend.
@@nickg.3741 I am who I am. Hope it tickled you a bit.
If you want to understand why Trump kept the documents then watch the old clip where his mother Mary is being interviewed and tells the tale where he stole his brothers toy building blocks and glued them to his own- the way she recounts the story as if its the most normal thing for a child to do is as chilling as it is revealing about that twisted family's values.
How about stomping on Freddie 's trucks.
That's a crock story. Everyone named Mary aint Mary.
As a lifelong Democrat I truly wish Chris Christie well in the GQP debates. Between the DOJ (Jack Smith) and former FED Prosecutor Christie between the efforts might actually PURGE the MAGA out of the Republican Party. Best wishes to Jack and Chris.
Do what I'm doing. Change your registration so you can vote in the Republican primary for Chris Christie. You can still vote for whoever you want for president.
Christie nailed it: he wanted to pretend he's still president by showing people the docs.
The docs were never there.
He’s a literal child
@@gojobuddyoh? You should tell Trump - since he thinks he had them…
But you know better 😅
Pretty shallow person.
That is pretty naive , for a money grabber like Trump .
Witnessing Trump descending into madness is both enjoyable and terrifying at the same time.
It's like watching the Hitler rant videos. Except it's not a joke.
Descending?He's been there for years.
@kissmyaxe531 amongst MAGA, yeah.
Fortunately, many of his supporters are finding themselves in prison...
@kissmyaxe531 he is climbing as DeSantis falls. DeSantis is hanging around to be the next guy in line once trump gets a jail sentence. Bidens numbers are rising in his party also as the far left settles on Biden.
Eh. He’s harmless. For now.
Most countries, even democracies, would have eliminated the likes of Trump. This situation is out of hand. USA is losing respect
Spoiler: The USA NEVER had respect.
I believe in 2nd chances because people do change and right now, Christie has my attention.
Instead of thinking he can run for President again, Trump should run away, the further, the better. Would any country accept him?
This is the only man willing to stand up to the challenge so far
he stood up at the buffet.
Little Tim Scott sure won't.
💯 New Yorkers know Trump better than anyone….
While it's more important to know why he kept these documents, I've always wanted to know how he "acquired" them over the 4 years of his presidency. Who was responsible for giving them to him, and who was responsible for retrieving them back for safekeeping to complete the chain of custody? The military and nuclear documents are especially nefarious. I believe others are involved with the theft, but don't know if the DOJ is particularly interested.
I honestly believe there were copies made, that's why it took so long to get them back.
Seems like there might have been an honor system for presidents, and for the most part, that has worked fairly well over the decades. Then, along comes an aberration like Trump.
For him to retain and abscond the records, something is wrong with the records system and the chain of custody of said records. We need to take a long look at this process and resolve these problems, before it happens again.
I like Chris Christie, hope I can see him debate
Trump is way too chicken to debate.
Chris knows he himself is guilty AND a liar concerning his "bridge-gate" scandal. He's also ignorant of the fact that appetite is an emotion. Who wants to listen to an emotionally unstable obese liar, much LESS vote for him for ANY TAXPAYER paid position? EH? C'mon let's STOP lowering the bar and START raising it in the right direction. Just as a lot of parents should be raising their charges. Do it NOW, please? This from a 70 year old veteran, college grad on the G.I. Bill who's only relative with ANY $$ was our Uncle Sam. You can do it IF you try. Thanx for readin'.
Hello Alisa
He's a big guy, it will be hard to miss him.
@@mypillowguy445 Its why he is a good match for trump would be a awesome sumo match.
Christie won't make it to the presidency but I'll stick with him all the same as no one else deserves my support
Just because Chris is saying the right things now does not admonish him from his past views!
Chris Christie is a sane republican. It's like finding a unicorn.
He is basically a Communist/Democrat at this point.
Total LOSER!
Not all of the Republican politicians are insane - but they are making a huge error of judgement in continuing to back Trump - they are all going down.
Yes but even sane people lie
@@richarddudley9920 Whats your point? Every human being lies, some more than others.
A unicorn who supported trump in 2016 and 2020, who organised the White House transition in 2016, who hoped for a White House job and who defended trump all through trumps presidency. He’s also too fat to be president
Chris is on point 💯
like N korea is on point, right?
I would never vote for him (because I’m a Democrat), but I like him, and enjoy listening to him talk in such an intelligent and matter-of-fact way.
Hello Tamara
Same. It's refreshing to hear a Republican with some common sense. As a Democrat I want a Dem to win, but if a Republican ends up winning I'd rather it was Christie than any of the other atrocities campaigning right now.
What you want is the best for the country, not your party of choice. That would be ideal politics. I'd vote Republican if the candidate was seriously better than the Democrat candidate - because the country comes first
@@makingachanneltopostp😅😊😊provides pppp8p9⁹😊😊f😅😢
"Whenever you ask a question that starts with 'why', nine times out of ten the answer is money."-Spider Robinson
Give Chris Christie a medal for saying the right things 👏👏
The "right thing" or the truth?
@@JustBob5150 same
@@JustBob5150 A word Trump never learned and never uses, Truth.
No medal!
Give the fat pig more food !
Eventually he will explode!
Too little too late. A "reformed" lying man-shaped lump of cholesterol is still a lying man-shaped lump of cholesterol at the end of the day.
"It's all part of the kabuki..." That is a damned brilliant metaphor.
I'll be using that.
Yes because you are so brilliant.
@@dougj7295 Opacity is not a virtue. No se.
I'm guessing that Christie would be the only sane Republican candidate for Pres and he might win, if the Republican machine gets behind him.
He wont even get 2% of the vote - stop embarassing yourself.
& Gets of this M A G A kick ! ! !
What Christie is explaining is not ego, that's delusion.
Yes. Trump is a loser of long standing and has changed his party registration 5 times in 15 years. His ego is very weak and he is determined to pretend that he is strong to avoid facing the fact that he is a loser. Had he a strong ego, he'd accept his defeats and rise again to new challenges chastened and better educated.
Neither party has a front runner at this point who should be in the White House. In the past, even when one party's candidate was not the one preferred by voters, the other party had a contender we could recognize as worthy of the office. Many of those who lost elections (I'd say almost all - we missed out on Aaron Burr, thank God) were better than the choice we are being fed by the poll driven media.
What i find most interesting is that Christie is doing exactly what the Republican party actually wants behind closed doors. The only reason they are not backing him, because he seems like their best chance in actually being a real contender if the RNC would back him, is because they're still worried about the outcome of the documents case. If they back someone else, and Trump gets an away with it, they know they are going to be in an even deeper shit show.
Trump keeps the doc's with him so if he has to run, and he will run he has them with him to bargin with or sell!!
Really like this guy.
I cannot believe that Christie is SOMEHOW the intelligent measured adult in the republican field.. WTF!?
What’s surprising about that? He was an attorney general. Who else is going to be intelligent or measured?
Make no mistake. All of those bags are just as intelligent. They just know by attacking trump, will lose potential voters. They know everything. Their lack of courage, is strategic. If Trump falls legally, they wanna pick up the pieces as votes.
This is all a game. And their supporters are a piece. Just for the vote, after they allegedly get the vote, they don't give a damn about you.
You gotta be pretty STUPID to go after the district attorney who is trying to lock you away. Jack WILL have the last laugh. 😂
Ego with Narcopathetic intent!
How does trump get away with threatening people.
What world are we living in where Chris Christy sounds sane and like an actually viable candidate. The patients are running the asylum...
😂🤣Got that right!!
Dreaming again
Christie has always been intelligent and perceptive. Whether he is a good candidate is another question.
We've seen worse. Two time loser Biden who finally found the guy he could beat and his losing opponent the populist demagogue who brings memories of such "enlightened" Democrats as George Wallace and Huey Long.
The party activists need to grow up. Character matters.
Obviously he is sane, and intelligent. Ignore the man behind the mirror.
Agree with his positions or not, he always did sound sane, and intelligent. What's missing this time is a lot of the Jersey "attitude" that puts off much of the rest of the country.
So happy that Jack Smith isn't biting back at this monster keep going Jack you are wearing him done bit by bit silence is golden.
Why are there no sanctions for threatening/insulting prosecutors, judges and their families? Could any defendant in the United States do this without legal repercussions for them?
It’s all about that Presidential “Get out of jail Free Card” plain and Simple.
He doesn’t care how he gets there.
This is awful talking about jack smith what is wrong with this crazy man . If you are voting for trump you better think about it.
Trump said himself they were worth money. He said Nixon was paid millions. Absolute grift.
It’s not a big risk when the Judge has already proven to be astoundingly biased toward you and there’s no mandatory jail time.
Jack Smith's response: more charges 😂😂😂
Christie deserves better coverage. He's is very intelligent, very focused, and he knows his stuff. He may be underrated, but so was Obama when he started campaigning for president years ago. Christie clearly is becoming more interesting as I see and hear from him more and more.
Right now the only thing the Ex Prez mental case is running is his mouth,but that will soon be silenced by the court and Jack Smith....hah hah
Chris chrusty. A true washington insider, and out. 🤖
Governor Christie deserves serious consideration for President. He is sincere, accomplished, experienced, balanced, and truly hopes the United States can survive the challenges coming its way. One issue the country faces is the crumbling healthcare system leading to escalating levels of chronic diseases ... all of which are driven by obesity and metabolic dysfunction. Both of these medical conditions may seem impossible to address. Even Governor Christie admits he has struggled himself. The sad truth is that reversing chronic diseases and controlling one's weight are possible - fairly easily - with correct knowledge of how the human body functions. Unfortunately, the medical establishment and the educational system are failing to teach the key concept needed for success - to follow an insulin-friendly lifestyle (IFL). If anyone reads this and can get to Governor Christie, ask him to learn what an IFL is and urge him to try it ... and help lead the nation into a new era of health and prosperity.
DJT likely had no idea what he wanted to do with those documents. But he knew the information contained in those documents are really, really valuable. He knew that he could use them in a multitude of ways to benefit himself. That’s all he needed to know. That’s why he kept them.
He probably has sold some of them to Putin 🤯
Christie trying to be the most truthful sounding liar out of all of them, ... it would be cute, if it weren't so TIRED.
well said Chris
Trump just needs to feel important all the time
Wasn’t it on the CNN “town hall” where he responded to a question with “they paid Nixon 18million for his documents.”
Wasn’t that his motive/failed game plan right there?
What am I missing.
Probably that trump cares more about saying they are all his and showing it off to everyone that shouldn't have access.
Next to his direct attacks on Trump, Christie should involve the Trumpvoter by asking how they would feel and react if one of their friends or een family would act like Trump. Interviewers could do that too. Go to that base and make what Trump says and does personal and way more confrontational. Maybe that is a way to finally turn them
I support trump 100%
Yeah ok
@@ChrisMusumeci-fu8ig Why?
I left the Republican parry after years of active, and I do mean active involvement, because of the Trump cult and its cancelling of conservative views - fiscal integrity, among other things. I have dealt with these folks.
They know the facts but prefer to support Trump's continuing paranoia because they see strong efforts from the ideological Left to destroy our society by re-creating (falsely) reality. Their paranoia enhanced by conspiracy theories too often given traction in the "news."
It is much like the phenomenon that causes hard core Leftists to assign the views of Trump and his Trumpkins to conservatives. Trump is not, and never has been, a conservative. He isn't a liberal either. He has no sense of policy nor propriety.
Many on the left are truly liberal, freedom loving and open minded. Many on the right are truly conservative wanting to live in a free society which has the institutions that help keep us free. We don't talk to each other anymore.
We are inundated by screaming extremists who get entirely more airtime than they deserve.
Christie has a pretty smart read on the broad implications of Ukraine.
A crook is a crook. They come in the form of Democrats and Republicans.
It’s just that the Party of Law and Order believe in punishment, but not when it comes to them.
I don't see a dictator in the Democratic party but I see hundreds on the right.
That party is now filled with pathological liars, obstructionist, haters, people inciting violence and worse.
I am not a party person, well, I wasn't until 2016.
I will never trust the republican party again.
So simple and yet so sensibe.
True, but not in the same numbers.
I am sure he still has documents!!! I don't think the government truly knows how many documents he actually took. I bet they didn't find all the locations he hid the documents.
Many are in the sewer systems.
Check the Garage by the Corvette.............doors unlocked
@seanmccartney5177 The difference is he returned it...they didn't have to take him to court to get it back, and still he is refused to give back what isn't his!!! But I suppose that's his behavior his whole life take what's doesn't belong to him without consequences...Make people work and dont pay them, grab women by the pussy. The first time is his life that he is being held accountable for his actions. Grab him by the pussy Jack!!!
I was on a jury where one juror argued the police and prosecutor were lying about finding drugs on the accused. She claimed the accused was being victimized by the police and prosecutors office because he was black. There was a video of everything that happened. The video showed the police stop him, showed him consent to being searched and admit the drugs were his after the police pulled a plastic bag of white powder out of his pocket. She argued the video was faked, that the police planted the drugs on him using slight of hand, even that he did not admit the drugs were his as we watched and heard him speak the words on the video. There was no argument that would cause her to change her stand. She eventually accused us, the other 11 jurors, of being racists for believing the testimony and evidence. We told the judge and he did nothing.
Don Jr. Gets high as hell and Trump know it
America is not well
So he is already recruiting the jury to be on his side? Ain't that tampering.
Not what he’s doing. There is no jury yet anyway.
@@singed8853 did you miss the part where i said recruiting?
@@mahbubmo no I didn’t miss that. But in any event all I was trying to say is that he hasn’t said anything legally impermissible. You can’t be charged for jury tampering for the type of statements he’s making. Particularly before a jury is selected.
How hard is it to understand he is trying to sell off secrets? If you listen to that recording he says at the end something along the lines of "can we find someone for this ?" aka potential buyers and the woman says "yeah".
Not "someone", but "some way" for this [to happen]. He wanted them to be able to see the docs and show them what a BMOC he is, and maybe there was some way that could occur. IMO.
I heard that too and it was odd,,,, it is as if he mostly wanted the word out that milley was lying and there is proof. I only think that because he kept saying they brought them to him, they wanted to invade iran. And yes if trump had ordered them to draw some plans, then I am sure they would have. We all know that trump needed to be pacified nonstop. he was trying to con the reporters into doing something to benefit himself. He thought he had convinced them that it was all milley that wanted to invade iran.
I think I recall Trump once mentioning that Nixon got paid a lot for returning documents. If Donald believed he could make a few million by negotiating with The Archive, well that would be good reason to hold onto to documents in his way of thinking.
As a citizen of a long time American ally, we live in a waking nightmare over the possibility of Trump returning to the White House. It's only a slightly less disturbing worry over a DeSantis winning it. Christie, we can survive.
I find Christie comes across as a straight taking rational human being.
Trump triggered by a career public servant beholden to the Law not a political Party. Now's Trumps chance to put up or Shut Up in a Court of Law. Let's go SC Jack Smith 😎
I broke a law once by walking on the grass when the sign said not to will I got to jail? I don’t want to go to jail
🇺🇲 out of all the Republican Presidential Candidates I would choose Christie who's honest and not afraid of Trump.🇺🇲🤫
Sounds like Christie is the best of the GOP lot so far. I hope he can do it - he's intelligent, and not afraid to speak his mind. Not to mention - he's got experience, lots of it, and actually knows the law.
When is Christie going to tell us what ideas he is running on for president aside from trashing trump. What do you plan to do for America? Your entire platform is trashing trump so you can get on every liberal media outlet. It won't work.
Chris does not have a chance . Good on him for taking on the narcissist
I’m an ex drug dealer, my main product was crack. I can say with a certainty that the one politician who resembles a crackhead most is Donald Trump.
Excuse me?!!! That's SO rude
@@enayoon2965 Rude? Why? Trump does look drugged ALL THE TIME.
Waiting for him to drop dead of od.
Oh gawd, Trump does not have a "beautiful mind."
I lived in South Florida and I can tell you this, look at Raul Martinez who used to be the Mayor in Hialeah, Florida. The FBI tried this man and they failed. Why? Because even though he was alledgedly crooked...the people liked him. He did a lot for the elderly. So what happened? They could not convict him no matter what. South Florida jury. If they like you, you might walk away.
So we should allow trump to go scot free by pretending his criminal acts didn’t happen. Trump was all over the place chanting for Hillary to go to jail. Some people should be given some special treatment because they’ve done a lot for society. Then we must as well close our correctional facilities.
As a former prosecutor, my experience is as Christie described. A well run voir dire will identify those who will allow personal or political ideas influence the outcome.
Many people try to avoid jury service which is a shame. It is one place in which citizens can influence the functioning of the courts. Jurors in my experience take that responsibility seriously . Of course, there have been exceptions.