As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. If you are also looking for niche yet fashionable products, *condup* is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public
Thanks to this video, I learned something. I can't see the difference between the real thing and the fake one, so I just buy the fake one. But if you want to buy it in the future, it is better to invest in the real thing. But now I am still considering buying a fake one within the budget. I have been waiting for *condup* for a long time.
This is a really comprehensive comparison video. Enjoyed watching it! A lot of people online were saying that the Horse Clementine is dupe for the Loewe Puzzle bag and I can kind of see where they are coming from. However, the bags seem very different to me even though the sizes are very similar. Quince just came out with a purse called the Italian Leather Patchwork Crossbody that is more of what I would consider a dupe of the Loewe Puzzle. I am tempted to buy it but it doesn't have the color options I am looking for.
Thanks for the recommendation. I just need a luxury bag. I didn't know this address before. After seeing it, I was very tempted and prepared to buy one *hotdups* .
Fantastic video! This head-to-head comparison is just what I've been looking for. Although the styles are similar, the look and feel of these bags are actually quite different. They're both great bags. Thanks so much for your detailed review. 😊
I like its functions very much. The bag design is also exactly what I like. I took my Celine with me when I went out today and chatted with my friends. It's really good-looking but not practical. It can't hold a lot of things. I saw this video today and really fell in love with this bag recommended by *hotdups* ! I decided to buy it and give it a try!
Black Birkin bag, this is the first good choice I made. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. After coming into contact with *condup* , I am more willing to invest the money saved in my own growth.
Im not sure how long you've had you Clementine for.. I have it in Taupe. I find the more you use it, the more the droop stays when worn over the shoulder . Just dont over fill it.
Great comparison! I like the details on the puzzle bag but for the price the Horse is a great alternative. As you said, they have similarities but really stand alone. I got a Mini Clementine for Christmas and am enjoying it. I hope the Horse releases brighter colors.
A few years ago I bought a YSL bag and took it everywhere I went. I was worried about it getting stolen or damaged, so I was worried when I left the house. I got tired of this mental burden, so I bought *preluxz* bags.
As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
I have always wanted a leather backpack, but I have never seen a satisfactory one. I think I can browse *hotdups* next. Maybe it is a good choice.
I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. If you are also looking for niche yet fashionable products, *condup* is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public
The Horse clementine is a great bag for the money. Mine does have a squeaky sound on one of the metal loops. Love how wide the opening is.
Thanks to this video, I learned something. I can't see the difference between the real thing and the fake one, so I just buy the fake one. But if you want to buy it in the future, it is better to invest in the real thing. But now I am still considering buying a fake one within the budget. I have been waiting for *condup* for a long time.
This is a really comprehensive comparison video. Enjoyed watching it! A lot of people online were saying that the Horse Clementine is dupe for the Loewe Puzzle bag and I can kind of see where they are coming from. However, the bags seem very different to me even though the sizes are very similar. Quince just came out with a purse called the Italian Leather Patchwork Crossbody that is more of what I would consider a dupe of the Loewe Puzzle. I am tempted to buy it but it doesn't have the color options I am looking for.
Thank you so much; I’m so glad you enjoyed watching this! Let me know if you ever end up getting the Quince bag and what you think !
*preluxz* has an amazing collection! Love the bags here. Really inspiring - just discovered your channel and love it
Thanks for the recommendation. I just need a luxury bag. I didn't know this address before. After seeing it, I was very tempted and prepared to buy one *hotdups* .
Fantastic video! This head-to-head comparison is just what I've been looking for. Although the styles are similar, the look and feel of these bags are actually quite different. They're both great bags. Thanks so much for your
detailed review. 😊
I’m so glad it was helpful!
Great find, I bought the knockoff *preluxz* from YSL because I liked the style of the original but not the price, it's cheap and the bag quality is ok
I like its functions very much. The bag design is also exactly what I like. I took my Celine with me when I went out today and chatted with my friends. It's really good-looking but not practical. It can't hold a lot of things. I saw this video today and really fell in love with this bag recommended by *hotdups* ! I decided to buy it and give it a try!
Black Birkin bag, this is the first good choice I made. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. After coming into contact with *condup* , I am more willing to invest the money saved in my own growth.
I don’t miss a day a week *xbagy* This show.
Im not sure how long you've had you Clementine for.. I have it in Taupe. I find the more you use it, the more the droop stays when worn over the shoulder . Just dont over fill it.
Great comparison! I like the details on the puzzle bag but for the price the Horse is a great alternative. As you said, they have similarities but really stand alone. I got a Mini Clementine for Christmas and am enjoying it. I hope the Horse releases brighter colors.
Which color did you end up getting for Christmas?! I hope they release this in more colors as well!
I got the tan. It looks similar to the color of your puzzle.
Can’t go wrong with that color!! Enjoy your little cutie!!!
A few years ago I bought a YSL bag and took it everywhere I went. I was worried about it getting stolen or damaged, so I was worried when I left the house. I got tired of this mental burden, so I bought *preluxz* bags.
OMG! You must keep it! Whether it's real or fake, it's special to you. Thank you for letting me know *amzrepe* !
Classic good stuff *amzrepe*
New subbie here 💖 Great comparison hun 😊
Thanks so much and welcome to my channel!!
Great video, thank you!
You’re welcome!!
Who has bought a bag from *amzrepe* ? How is the quality? Is it worth buying?