Hello, thanks for the amazing work. But unfortunately I'm asked to bring a prototype similar to the one you are showing, but only with a horizontal small box inside the big box!. Can you guys help me? Cause I'm kinda lost my talent in working with solidworks. Thanks again hope you respond to me.
We offer support to our customers who are active on subscription, and we offer professional services where our experts can provide their services for an hourly or daily rate. Reach out at mlc-cad.com for more information. For community support I recommend checking out the 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Forums or www.reddit.com/r/SolidWorks/ and asking the community for assistance with your specific project.
Hello, thanks for the amazing work.
But unfortunately I'm asked to bring a prototype similar to the one you are showing, but only with a horizontal small box inside the big box!. Can you guys help me? Cause I'm kinda lost my talent in working with solidworks. Thanks again hope you respond to me.
We offer support to our customers who are active on subscription, and we offer professional services where our experts can provide their services for an hourly or daily rate. Reach out at mlc-cad.com for more information.
For community support I recommend checking out the 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Forums or www.reddit.com/r/SolidWorks/ and asking the community for assistance with your specific project.