Christ & Buddha: Love or Detachment?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @thedivinemindcoach3730
    @thedivinemindcoach3730 ปีที่แล้ว +790

    The word “detachment” is so often misunderstood in this context. Truthfully, when we detach from our own ego / selfish / prideful nature, our love becomes much more deep and profound. 🙏🏻💕 Detachment is not about not caring, or being distant. It’s about caring enough to detach from that which does not serve us nor others.

  • @kastenolsen9577
    @kastenolsen9577 ปีที่แล้ว +236

    You can have detachment and still love. Love without becoming attached.

    • @lukemckean6155
      @lukemckean6155 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Yes! In Tibetan Buddhism they talk about two types of love ie wishing love - the wish that all beings are happy regardless of their behavior etc and attachment love - the idea that we will love someone only while they behave in a way we see fit.
      I think you can guess which we are encouraged to abandon and which we are encouraged to grow 😃🙏❤️

    • @BrendanTietz
      @BrendanTietz ปีที่แล้ว +4

      He’s not pointing towards the contrast between them but rather both paths lead to the same realization.

    • @silnetofsn
      @silnetofsn ปีที่แล้ว

      In inferior level, I'd say, an image that comes to my mind is what Kant says about judging objects of art. It's an ideal way of judging works of art, in which the judge/appreciator should be disinterested, but that isn't the same as being indifferent to it, because the the attention is on the artwork itself for its own sake. Is it possible to love someone with “disinterested interest.” ? This idea is already quite paradoxical , and love without becoming attached seems kind of similar.

    • @imaginaryuniverse632
      @imaginaryuniverse632 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I would put forth the idea that our being is exactly the same in every one. Attachments form like molecules among corresponding ideas. A person is an idea that is ever changing in the mind of God, the all, the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead who is like Pinocchio an idea which appears to believe it can choose another idea but only the witness can choose because it is the actual life of the body that appears to be but is just a passing image. Jacob saw the face of God in the land of Pineal and confessed "I am" Jacob. 🙏

    • @youarewhatyourelookingfor4496
      @youarewhatyourelookingfor4496 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      We are love. Only the mind says different.
      Greed, hatred and delusion require mind such as justifications and rationalizations, Mental effort, whereas love just IS.
      No justification, no need to rationalize and perfectly effortless isn’t it?
      You see some living being suffering and unless you’re a psychopath which is rare, the first place I feel desire to help and or the pain of the being I see is my heart.
      Idk. That’s my experience anyway

  • @jamisedenari2449
    @jamisedenari2449 ปีที่แล้ว +220

    Loving someone without attachment is true love. Don't cling to anyone. Let it express as is. Don't be attached to the idea of them or what they do for you. This goes back to the teachings on emptiness.

    • @jamisedenari2449
      @jamisedenari2449 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices I did with comment above. If you don't get it contemplate more

    • @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices
      @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@jamisedenari2449, so love is equivocal to detachment? 🤔

    • @theflowoflife4252
      @theflowoflife4252 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Love is to be understood and practiced with awareness and understanding. Most of the time, there's a very thin line between love and clinging or attachment. Love should be practiced with wisdom and awareness. Otherwise today's love become reason for tomorrow's hatred.
      Similarly pitying is not a complete kind of virtue in itself, unless it is combined with compassion. Empathy is good but useless unless altruism is associated with it. These are considerations in Buddhism. Buddhism is very deep in its concept and practices, not shallow as christianity, where you are to lock your rational thinking attributes first, believe in whatever is written in the primitive book and believe. There's no comparison between the two.

    • @hadisoewoyo8739
      @hadisoewoyo8739 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Better use Metta in Buddism not love.

    • @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices
      @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@theflowoflife4252, I am not really concerned about what any particular person BELIEVES. You may believe that there is an old man with a white beard perched in the clouds, that the Ultimate Reality is a young blackish-blue Indian guy, that the universe is eternal, that Mother Mary was a certifiable virgin or that gross physical matter is the foundation of existence.
      The ONLY thing that really matters is your meta-ethics, not your meta-physics.
      Do you consider any form of non-monarchical government (such as democracy or socialism) to be beneficial?
      Do you unnecessarily destroy the lives of poor, innocent animals and gorge on their bloody carcasses?
      Do you believe homosexuality and transvestism is moral?
      Do you consider feminist ideology to be righteous?
      If so, then you are objectively immoral and your so-called "enlightened/awakened" state is immaterial, since it does not benefit society in any way.

  • @GodlessCommie
    @GodlessCommie ปีที่แล้ว +172

    I’ve always hyper focused on the worst aspects of christianity, but today you’ve opened my eyes. thank you for this.

    • @sarahhunter1114
      @sarahhunter1114 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      A lot of modern versions of Christianity have very little to do with what Yeshua ben Joseph actually taught. It's a shame.

    • @danielm978
      @danielm978 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Try listen to the Gospel of Thomas, a gnostic christian text not included in the bible

    • @wpridgen4853
      @wpridgen4853 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That is a powerful realization, has it unfolded into other areas of your life?

    • @GodlessCommie
      @GodlessCommie ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@wpridgen4853 I definitely want to be kinder to christians in discussion and be more charitable. This won’t convince me it’s true of course.

    • @wpridgen4853
      @wpridgen4853 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@GodlessCommie I've found in this life literally everything is both true and untrue simultaneously. We are after all phasing in and out of existence on the constant, that's the nature of vibration.
      It's "good" to be kind to those we disagree with because we are all in our own specific point of human development.
      It is not necessary to believe anything, only to accept possibilities. This tension between "believers" and "nonbelievers" is due to the writing down of traditions that were meant to be spoken word only. By writing them down we have essentially robbed them of all of their power to free humanity from fear and turned them into shackles of the mind while robbing them of their ability to evolve. ... I'm inclined to believe that this was intentional.
      I guess my question was this, after realizing that you only focused on the negative of "Christianity" did you also find some deeper reality of self, leading to some kind of paradigm shift?

  • @aleonyohan6745
    @aleonyohan6745 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    To me, love is the combination of Fascination and compassion. I am completely fascinated and thankful for my existence, therefore I show compassion, tolerance, and understanding to everything else that exists. From a flea, to my fellow humans. From a grain of sand, to a majestic Mountain. We are all a collection of molecules and everything is a piece of a grand puzzle. This puzzle is not static, but very dynamic. Be a good puzzle piece and help others to find their place in this fabulous universe. To me that is love. Doing my part to alleviate suffering, that is love.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว +9

      'Be a good puzzle piece and help others to find their place in this fabulous universe.' Beautifully said...

    • @MarkMcCoy-y5x
      @MarkMcCoy-y5x 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I think you speaking about respecting all your soul obligates you to be considerate and try to understand you are home wherever you are . Welcome. share more of what makes you , you

  • @martina2276
    @martina2276 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    Since my mother passed away, I have her in me. She is me and I am her. I know that because I do spontaneously what she would have done.and I feel whole the first time in my life. From your video I have learnt that my experience correponds to the concept of true love. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your videos!

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Thank you for this touching comment my friend… I have also seen how my loved ones who have passed remain alive within me. You are right, loss somehow expands our understanding of ourselves, because we realize nothing really ever gets lost.

    • @imaginaryuniverse632
      @imaginaryuniverse632 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I'm a guy and I find myself acting like my grandma more and more. I do mean finding myself acting like her. I'll be coaxing the cat to get on the bed and then I'll say, Oh my goodness! I'm acting just like my grandma!!! Which is also exactly as my grandma.

    • @dabeezkneez8716
      @dabeezkneez8716 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is a beautiful, poignant realization that I have myself also had. I don't have a link, but Zen Master Thich Nhyat Hanh, speaks very inspiringly on the subject of ancestors and how we are their continuation. It resonates for me and now I know that nothing (and certainly no one) ever dies. 🙏🏾

  • @elenashtereva4795
    @elenashtereva4795 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    I cannot be more grateful to have the chance to grow with you and to share our life journey - both inward and outward. Thank you for being, and for letting me be.
    Always by your side ❤

  • @lectrix8
    @lectrix8 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    As a person that has in his youth searched through New age mysticism, then eastern religions, Buddhism, and finally after going through many science, philosophy, psychology classes as an adult finally settled on Christianity (as embodied by Jesus) as my most satisfactory unifying world view, I find this video to be incredibly thought provoking. A tremendous unification of these ideas. Very beautifully articulated. I often struggle to articulate how all my previous experiences into spiritually harmonically resonate into one another like a fractal, or like music, or a spectrum of light. Your treatise on this topic is one of the closest I have come to the view I have come to hold as a synthesis of my life experiences and exposure to these different paths of inquiry.

    • @michaelbriggs9925
      @michaelbriggs9925 ปีที่แล้ว

      Meher Baba wrote God Speaks. Free online.

    • @lunarember5592
      @lunarember5592 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I may am going to walk the same path as you, I had studied eastern religions and some new age mysticism, and am currently looking at christianity, but, the reason why I am doing that, is because of something that is disturbing me, and is the doctrine of eternal hell, which really scares me. So I would like to ask you what are your toughts about it, since you' re a christian.

    • @JaakkoJohannes
      @JaakkoJohannes 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Hello. There are 2 main issues in this matter. 1. People take certain verses too literally and 2. There are mistranslations in bible translations.
      The word often translated as hell in the bible is ”sheol” in hebrew and in greek ”hades”. This simply means the beyond where everyone went prior to Jesus. The Jewish people translate this word literally as ”the neither world”. You can think of it as the astral plane. Even king David said ”You will not leave my soul in sheol” and Jacob said that he will go to sheol when he heard Joseph died. In the new testament Jesus tells a parable of the rich man and lazarus. Both of them go to hades (greek translation of sheol) where lazarus who was righteous is at peace with Abraham, but the rich man who lived in the flesh is in torment. The state of their being determined how they perceived the beyond.
      The closest thing in the bible to a hell is the lake of fire in the book of revelation. But you need to understand that the book of revelation is a symbolic apocalyptic text and isn’t meant to be understood completely literally.
      In the book of revelation it also says that Jesus has the keys of death and hades (sheol). It also says that the lake of fire is the second death. This is beyond the scope of this comment and a very deep mystery, but it ties in with the secret of reincarnation, which is still taught in Judaism to this day. I hope this will help get you started if you choose to research these matters. Many blessings 🙏

    • @patricia753
      @patricia753 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How beautiful you express yourself!

    • @kanhakanpur2360
      @kanhakanpur2360 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You do not! Because Christianity is not about if Jesus taught - Love Thy God with all Thy heart.... It is about Jesus loved you so much that He died for you on the cross! It is immaterial whether you have to love God or Satan. But Christianity teaches that you simply believe that Jesus has died for you on the cross and keep proclaiming it. Then "Salvation" is yours!

  • @eastwood-gr1ze
    @eastwood-gr1ze 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I do not know your name Seeker, but I wanted to say that your channel and your videos have been such an incredible Boon and blessing to my life.
    “I” can’t thank you enough! For me it all started to come together with the first video you released. The information in that video kept worming its way through my head slowly over the months and coalesced for me finally during this video (and other real life experiences). It all snapped together like a water bottle that flash freezes, like a bullet train that pushes you into the back of your seat from acceleration, and you keep thinking to yourself “there’s no way it can get faster than this!” But that’s exactly what it keeps doing, it never stops accelerating.
    “My” mind is spinning and reeling and I have you to thank for getting me started on this journey.
    God bless you sir, may you achieve never ending happiness and enlightenment!

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      God bless you too, my friend! And thank you for writing - it renews my sense of purpose to come across feedback like this.

  • @Walkerbtween
    @Walkerbtween ปีที่แล้ว +29

    There was a book out about 30 or so years ago titled "A Drop of Water," I believe, or something along those lines. It was a collaborative work done by a priest who quit the Catholic church to become a Buddhist monk and a female Buddhist monk who left her order and became a Catholic nun. It's content remains with me after all these years, and well worth the time to try and find and read.

    • @SageGarlandSingerSongwriter
      @SageGarlandSingerSongwriter 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I've searched that title and can't seem to find that book. If you have time, may you please share more information about it so I have a better chance of finding it? Thank you!

    • @huberthorsky611
      @huberthorsky611 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I would read it too :)

    • @Neb-zb2sw
      @Neb-zb2sw 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@SageGarlandSingerSongwriter It might be "a taste of water" but of what i know the authors are both christians
      (i have not read it)
      hope this helps !

    • @SageGarlandSingerSongwriter
      @SageGarlandSingerSongwriter 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Neb-zb2sw Thank you!

    • @MillicentKnoggerg
      @MillicentKnoggerg 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      It’s called A Taste of Water: Christianity Through Taoist-Buddhist Eyes by Chwen A. Lee and Thomas G. Hand.
      I’m going to read it.

  • @vaccasindharmacari344
    @vaccasindharmacari344 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Thanks for all your inspiring investigative videos, much appreciated.
    I think the Buddha taught non-attachment rather than detachment, the cultivation of inter being rather than alienation

  • @collinsharrelson6887
    @collinsharrelson6887 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I love this thread! You guys are the best people! I know that not only because of what you’ve written but just the fact that you’re interested in this subject tells so much about you. I don’t like to associate with people who are confused but wish I could meet each and every one of you! This reminds me of a quote “He who walks in the company of fools suffers much. Company with fools, as with an enemy, is always painful. Company with the wise is pleasure, like meeting with kinfolk.”
    Gautama Buddha

    • @Al_kebulanOlutosin-fi8pm
      @Al_kebulanOlutosin-fi8pm 10 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @WanderingWonders77
    @WanderingWonders77 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Thank you for making this video. ♥
    I have lately been fascinated at the overlap and universality found amongst various faiths once a practitioner reaches the more "mystical" levels of practice. The themes of minimizing the ego and realizing that one is really a part of an interconnected whole is a thread that ties a lot of faiths together in a beautiful way. I have been exploring Buddhism lately and your videos on those topics have been very useful, but videos like this remind me that my Christian roots still have depth and value in some of the teachings.

    • @imaginaryuniverse632
      @imaginaryuniverse632 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I've found from others that the belief we all share the same being is found in all the major religions and science. From this shared belief found by experience comes the 10s of thousands of opinions about how we should act in consideration of this revelation of self. It seems most followers of religion have no idea that the most fundamental belief of their religion is shared in the scriptures of all other major religions but many are finding this truth in the information age. 🙏

  • @QuantumlyILL
    @QuantumlyILL ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Love & Detachment has been the main topic amongst my friends and I recently. This was a fresh take on the entire thing and I can't wait to incorporate this perspective. Secondly, I have been trying to show everyone who comes to me with suffering about just how interesting light is. I point them to the simple fact that our eyes don't perceive light as it travels. Darkness is an illusion created by our vision. In reality light is flooding every part of this universe. I love how you then tie that into our egos being the prism that separates the white light into color. Profound. Thank you.

    • @frederickanderson1860
      @frederickanderson1860 ปีที่แล้ว

      Get a life man we all have our own perceptions about our own .Iives, individually we are not same, don't follow a guy who just sat under a tree and was a prisoner of his own subjectively.

    • @QuantumlyILL
      @QuantumlyILL ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@frederickanderson1860 enlightenment be upon you, friend. You know, I've spent over 12 years on this path now. It personally took me nearly 10 of those 12 to begin to understand the truth in the teachings of Siddhartha. The moment it happened I was sitting in traffic actually. But either way, it was so beautiful. It still is, even if the novelty has worn off just a bit. Who are you? This is such a profound question when a type of perspective is found to ponder it. This individuality we cling to is an illusion, and he was correct that to attach yourself to something (without a greater understanding) you also are setting up the dominos for pain/suffering in the future, regardless of how small or great the thing you have attached to is, from a petty item to a person. Because time is not going anywhere, and it's purpose is two fold, to give to you and to take away from you. Most are ready to have life hand them things, most are not ready when life asks for these things back. I feel I can keep talking, but will stop here. I hope you find your perspective towards this ancient wisdom that I certainly didn't figure out on my own.

    • @frederickanderson1860
      @frederickanderson1860 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@QuantumlyILL again Buddha perspective is his own subjective mind set. Isolation in many religions can produce weird mind states. Visions and out of body in some cases. People who believe they been abducted by aliens have a condition that can't distinguish their sleep state and waking state. The mind is influenced by many things and who knows were it's thoughts come from. Is it your own thoughts or something beyond our control. Isolated people are subjective to thoughts that they can't control. Hypnotism is one good example of mind control that influence people's behavior, yet not all are influenced by Hypnotism. The mind body in placebo tests proves that . Nobody knows the mind , as the Greeks saying at Delphi know thyself. Not many can answer that to escape the death less region of hades

    • @QuantumlyILL
      @QuantumlyILL ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@frederickanderson1860 I say all of this with compassion. I see what you are asking, and though my answer my seem irrelevant, it is answering the aspect of how we carry and dwell on the things you mention. So I continue, that you are not the voice in your head carrying around these experiences, instead you are the one who can hear this voice. Life wants to live through us, but often we want it the other way around. Further, what are words? Where did they come from? If we are to believe science, then there was a time when we didn't have these words. Being cavemen and such. To further the point, the words you and I are using now were certainly not used back then. They are an invention. A hack into our own biological systems in order to achieve a sort-of "true telepathy". So this voice we both have in our heads, the one that seems to be "who we are", that voice that allows for the states of mind you have mentioned is rooted in something we can trace back at least in writing. Yet what were we before we allowed this entity into our minds? Regardless of the content, you and I are what hears these thoughts, not the thoughts or the emotional baggage they bring with them. Not the story of 'romanticizing/pain' of the past, nor the 'worry/fantasy' of the future. We simply are. This may seem like isolation, but remember as this video points out, Siddhartha spent his time teaching others, not hidden away. I like to use the words Rock and Tree as examples of the falsehood of words. What would your mind conjure up when I hand you a random rock and say the word rock to you? Probably nothin special. However, if you took the time to wonder in awe upon the journey of every atom of that rock in your hand... it's so unfathomably deep. Through the cosmos the atoms have gone from creation to formation, how long have they traveled... Churned through the earth and countless times. Now, it sits in your hand. The same could be said for any plant or tree and the evolutionary journey its been on to sit before you. If Rock and Tree can hypnotize you into such a dull reaction, what chance do you have at understanding the depth of life or a human or how we got here? Words are not truth, they are simply sign posts to an unfathomably deep reality. And the voice in our heads holds us back from true wonder, true love. man... don't get me started on light...

    • @frederickanderson1860
      @frederickanderson1860 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@QuantumlyILL again isolation creates a subjective state of mind. No outside influences are allowed. Imagine a hermit sitting in a isolated cave in a isolated mountain range, and compare that kind of person who has been in that isolated state for a long time. Now Consider the person who lives in a chaotic big metropolitan city, constant noise and chaos, plus he has to work to feed his family. In my own opinion the hermit has a free uncomplicated and no responsibility in his world. Therfore a isolated individual will ponder on what no responsibility no family no connection with the different cultures in this world, he will think like you mentioned on what l wonder, himself , again he goes in himself a subjective state of mind. A rock has no bearing on my own existence, only if it has a practical purpose.

  • @jicajacobsonkimbreaux
    @jicajacobsonkimbreaux ปีที่แล้ว +16

    This is an absolutely beautiful piece of philosophical artwork, thank you. 👏🏼🙏🏼❤️

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you, my friend, I am glad you enjoyed it :)

  • @DuaneZingale
    @DuaneZingale ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I've spent the last several years describing my spiritual seeking as the Buddha in me seeking Christ Conciousness... I've struggled to explain this phrase that embodied me... and now i can better elaborate to those who are curious about my journey and expression of faith.
    I will be watching this multiple times... THANKS

    • @kanhakanpur2360
      @kanhakanpur2360 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What is Christ Consciousness - that that Jesus died for your sins on the cross, because He loves you so much!? Is that Christ Consciousness!

    • @barnowl.
      @barnowl. 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Ageless Wisdom Teachings theosophy state that Christ and Buddha are Heads of the second radiation energy of the Trinity, that of Love - Wisdom. Christ embodies the Love aspect and His 'elder brother', Buddha, the Wisdom aspect.

  • @Tyrell_Corp2019
    @Tyrell_Corp2019 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I’m only a few seconds into this video, so forgive me for my comment because I have to come back. But as an ex-Christian, who turned to Buddhism, I will simply say that the Buddha emphasizes compassion. It’s a different way of “loving“. Detachment isn’t really the name of the game. Detachment simply means understanding how your ego is causing all of your suffering.

    • @TopgunB
      @TopgunB 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well detachment means surrender to what is, love what is. In Christian language Your will ( God’s)not mine. The whole of Buddhist teachings lead to peace and joy which requires loving kindness to be exposed. Both Christianity and Buddhism preach the same thing = Universal Truth

  • @R.Pfalzgraff1989
    @R.Pfalzgraff1989 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    We cannot truly love until we become detached. Otherwise, our love will be negatively affected by obscurations & attachment.

  • @angelsegg777
    @angelsegg777 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Working on realizing my buddha nature one day at a time 🪷
    Thank you for these videos 🙏🏻

  • @christophernash8166
    @christophernash8166 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    As a former Christian pastor who is now an athiest, but still loves true spirituality, this is a great video. I love philosophy and taking certain healthy philosophies from religion without buying into all the details.

    • @JohnGreen-uh1iy
      @JohnGreen-uh1iy ปีที่แล้ว +1

      All roots of religion derive from Hinduism. I used to be Christian till I realized the many holes in it. Studied all religions and cultures Hinduism is by far the oldest and much older than 5,000 years they found a 28,000 year old gold cast Lord Shiva statue and also other proofs that point to evidence for millions of years old and beyond. Only form of spirituality that has tangible evidence to prove it is real. Today Hinduism is extremely understood. They doo believe in One God but from this God are many manifestations of other forms of itself as well as all souls like us and the rest of reality. I've also had direct spiritual experiences where I've encountered Lord Shiva Lord Buddha and seen the outline presence of Yeshua/Christ and Lord Krishna while meditating. I suggest you read and look into it. It's the only one that has proof and science to back it up. Yoga and meditation are keys to enlightenment and Krishna consciousness
      All Love
      Hail Lord Krishna ❤

    • @paddygreen3266
      @paddygreen3266 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What caused you to leave Christianity? I’m genuinely interested

    • @JohnGreen-uh1iy
      @JohnGreen-uh1iy ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@paddygreen3266 the million holes lies within it. Read Deuteronomy 20 10-14. Literally says you can rape pillage kill and enslave anyone of a different religion. Not words of God clearly corrupt men. Many hypocritical verses about God and the concept of eternal hell is absurd that God would be that evil. Hinduism Sanatan Dharma is the only one that makes sense literally spiritually and metaphysically. There are higher and lower lokas(realms/dimensions) that we ascend or descend to because of karma. But even if we fall to lower lokas that are like hell we can still rise back up to the heavenly abodes. Hinduism believes in One God even though God has many manifestations of itself and more ways to understand and praise God. Christianity ripped most of its stories from the vedas changed names and barely changed them. Flood story is directly taken from one of the first events of Earth but not Noah it's Manu who loaded up an arc along with people and animals and plants along with many miracles Jesus performed are copied miracles that Lord Krishna achieved at larger scales. Also Yeshua/Christ was a Hindu who achieved Krishna consciousness it's why 20 years are missing from his life and he went to Egypt Tibet and India became Hindu and strove for enlightenment and achieved it. Became Krishna conscious and went back home to teach what he learned. The church removed that fact he was a Hindu meditated did yoga and mantra chanting to keep Christians unbalanced emotionally clinging subconsciously to the false idea sins are pre forgiven whats the point of the 10 commandments if sins are forgiven, it puts a unsafe message in the subconscious and people tend to sin more especially when they dont think they're accountable for their sins. Karma holds us all accountable just like the law but this is the highest law, Gods law. So many stories clearly copied and many Christians that don't even a little bit act like Christ or even want to be like him so what's the point to call yourself Christian go to church or wear a cross more so a fashion statement and just going along with all the other drone worker sheep bees that don't think for themselves and can't read or critically think. Sanatan Dharma Hinduism is the only one with tangible proof scattered all over the world and much in India. All modern religions cultures and languages come from Sanatan Dharma Hinduism, Sanskrit is the base of all languages not Latin. Also through meditation I've directly had spiritual experiences and encountered Lord Shiva Lord Buddha Lord Krishna and Yeshua / Christ. Many people who do Kriya yoga encounter Christ specifically so if your fascinated with him maybe he can tell you the truth first hand himself. He is a devotee of Lord Krishna and is his son as we're all children of Lord Krishna

    • @JohnGreen-uh1iy
      @JohnGreen-uh1iy ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@paddygreen3266 Christianity and Islam are the new kids on the block with no tangible evidence and with the least amount of people I see that are truly happy or actually connected with God and accepting of all others regardless of race religions etc. Both also have hypocritical verses that conflict with it's own teachings straight up nonsensical and foolish to believe something like that. They also depict God as an evil narcissist, God is infinitely full of love and compassion God woupdnt create eternal hell because we don't praise or worship them that's stupid and kindergarten logic. God would only give into positive emotions for most important matters and a fair system as described in Hinduism with karma and the lokas(higher and lower dimensions) actually make sense. Hindus and Buddhists I encounter are always full of love and peace. I wonder why the two modern crap religions don't have yoga and meditation and have the most aggressive communities within them no correlation 🤣. Yoga and meditation are necessary for balancing you emotionally and the mind, prayer is nothing without you putting in effort as well towards prayers/goals. If you actually bother to read the whole book and utilize your brain you'll realize its full of mistakes and straight idiotic shit. Go read the Bhagavad Gita and you'll understand the difference when God speaks and when men speak like in the bible and quaran. Both bible and quaran oppress women they encourage rape killing pillaging and enslaving anyone of different religions you'd have to be a sloth or donkey to believe that horse shit or think God would approve of something so vile. Lord Krishna is all loving and will be back soon enough as Kalki to expunge the evil and multitudes of sinners and the corrupt government who helps destroy the intellect by skewing information one reason why you may be completely unaware of other religions and cultures. Lol it's so funny even revelations stole the description of Kalki right from the Kalki puran which says he'll come back on a white horse and carrying a divine sword, that copy and pasted the same description to Jesus. You gotta ask yourself who came first your father or you. If you're smart enough to understand that you can understand the same for religions and the many copy paste stories from Hindu texts to bible and quaran or Torah. Sanatan Dharma means the eternal way so you'll eventually come back as you more than likely used to be a believer in a past life. Also reincarnation is a fact go look up the reincarnation watch mojo video and the #1 was a boy who solved his past life murder someone killed him he was a middle aged man reborn and when he was a toddler and could start talking he described his past life and knew he was killed he remembered who did it so he sought the police described the situation. They found the murder weapon and the man who committed the murder confessed. The boys went to his past life family and they all believed it was the older man he knew all their names memories personal details etc. Karma and reincarnation are facts of life. Start to read more and don't let just the limited education and mindset of the West degrade you mentally. There is so much to learn in life if you truly want to come closer to understanding God learning more is one way. Gods intellect is unlimited so the more you know the more you can understand things from Gods pov/mind. I used to pray fervently as a Christian but never felt anything remotely spiritual or uplifting about it. As soon as I started doing yoga and meditating it changed my life completely. Way happier more peaceful easier to control my emotions and I've had multiple direct spiritual experiences with God it makes me feel blessed. The church has also admitted to editing the bible over 14,000 times, removing 25 books and heavily editing the story of Christ. Even the earliest version n of the bible the Sinai bible never mentions Christ death in fact it says he got married and had kids. So when it comes to believing the words of the biggest group of pedophiles on the planet I don't. And even if your aren't Catholic the bible all versions are from the Catholic bible that's been edited. But don't worry Lord Krishna is not jealous and is happy as long as you pray to God and follow Karma being kind loving and selfless fairly easy to do. The truth is out there for those who are genuinely interested

    • @christophernash8166
      @christophernash8166 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@paddygreen3266 Due to moral contradictions. Like with Deuteronomy 20-24, Numbers 31:17-18, and the genocide stuff. There's more, but I don't like tearing down people's beliefs.

  • @mudan7106
    @mudan7106 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    thank you for your beautiful video. My understanding is love and attachment are not the same thing. If you love someone, set them free. Smothering doesn't mean love. co-dependancy doesn't equal love. love is letting people follow their own path

  • @branimirsalevic5092
    @branimirsalevic5092 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Not "detachment", but renouncing attachment to things we delusionally feel and believe to be "me" or "mine".
    None of the things, mental or material, which we feel and believe to be "me, mine" were "me" nor "mine" when we first opened our eyes in this world, and death will strip all of them from us when we take our last breath. In between these two points in time, what is "me, mine" changes incessantly - we change our opinions, knowledge, beliefs, preferences, possessions, loves & hates all the time; what we love in the morning we'll hate in the evening...
    Release from the bonds of these attachments, that's freedom.
    As for the unselfish love / loving kindness - that is an ideal shared by all religions.

  • @sharontalley2155
    @sharontalley2155 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thank you for this video. It came at a time when I needed to hear and see this in my life. I have been through difficult times but this video has changed my perpeception of what I've been going through and what I need to do to survive.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Wow, thank you for letting me know - I’m glad the video was helpful to you! Difficult times are when we learn the most and may it be the learning that stays with you.

  • @robby_b
    @robby_b ปีที่แล้ว +3

    One of the best anlys' I have seen on Love. You don't mention them by name, but are other belief systems congruent with the content. The spectrum of light from red/orange to indigo ray is congruent with Chakra. Much of it is congruent with the Law Of One and what is said about the nature of god, love and the difference between unconditional love vs. love with Wisdom (detachment).
    Thank you. Wishing you love & light

  • @Astraeus73
    @Astraeus73 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    What a beautiful piece of analysis. Such a perfect conclusion and so well put together. Thank you so much for this mini masterpiece. ❤ I love your content. Thanks so much for putting your time into such beautiful subject matter. I feel blessed to have seen this video.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you, I’m touched by your words!

    • @carolannerobinson8351
      @carolannerobinson8351 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      All I can say is “wow”. I am intrigued and I will listen again and again. “ May we keep learning…that God is love and he who abides in love abides in God and he in him”

  • @andysux1
    @andysux1 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    These vids always nake me cry. I used to fo alot psychedelics and I learned too much too fast i didnt know how to take such information. My perceptions have been refreshed giving me new eyes. I havnt done any for years because im trying to intergrate what i saw and felt. And these videos make the ideas click. It's giving me peace and clarity. i find truth in jesus and Buddha. This stuff makes my heart weep sorrowful and joyfuk tears. Love this channel.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      What a touching comment… thank you, my friend!

  • @leskarner7004
    @leskarner7004 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’ve been looking forward to your next video! Started rewatching the old ones

  • @annrhee9422
    @annrhee9422 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I just wanted to add something. In Buddhism there is the theory of Karma. Energy fallows thought & intention. It could be like throwing a stone into a pond and having the ripples of water coming back to you, although Karma usually takes a long time to ripen. And there is no person or creature that is in charge of karma. Karma is like a natural law. It's like the nature of this world. The way one treats others, it comes back to you in the next life or sooner. So it's very important for one to try and build positive karma by helping others. 💖

  • @ryokusanagi974
    @ryokusanagi974 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Can't wait to listen on the topic that will be discussed in this video. Keep up the great work Seekers 💪

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you, can't wait to hear your thoughts! :)

  • @reybarcelo2441
    @reybarcelo2441 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you, Simeon. I come away from each of your videos not just inspired, but in awe of your thoughtfulness, insight, aesthetic sense... Keep up the good work :)

  • @chrisjarmain
    @chrisjarmain ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I've been re visiting the concepts of Christianity, as this was my foundation. But decided work was more important, lol.
    These videos are amazing! Can't wait. ❤❤

    • @imaginaryuniverse632
      @imaginaryuniverse632 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would suggest checking out Neville Goddard or a little channel called Oheneba Official for an understanding that the Bible is an allegory. Or you could Google, What is the original Biblical meaning of a word like Noah and find it means peace and then read, God saw that all he created was evil and so he came to peace and then he let go of the world like Buddha under the Bhoddi tree. Goddard teaches that purity in, In order to enter the Kingdom of God a man must first have a purity of heart, means swept clean as a field from a flood. 🙏

    • @misfitkid3926
      @misfitkid3926 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It’s def not more important.

    • @chrisjarmain
      @chrisjarmain 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Exactly, and this is why I have been revisiting these concepts. Logically, people who have a relationship to a religion in some form are generally happier.
      But I don't particularly favour the Christian idea of the universe, life, and my place within it.
      I'm far more sympathetic towards Dàoism that sees life, the universe, and self as an organism. A more organic world view. Rather than the mechanical worldview that Christianity seems to uphold.

    • @chrisjarmain
      @chrisjarmain 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I do suggest watching my recent videos that observe Christianity and daoism.
      I'm currently making a video exploring death through a Dàoist lens, and what death means if all is a balance of Yin and Yang.

  • @SieuPhamTruTinh88
    @SieuPhamTruTinh88 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "Beautiful lesson.
    It doesnt matter If this story ist true or not, listen to your Intuition and you will realize that basic needs wont make you feel complete and its just an Illusion from the Matrix, that sells you Material goods.
    The happiness comes from the immaterial. How you speak to yourself and to others. "

  • @seeker2seeker
    @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Many thanks to the S2S patrons on Patreon: Tsvetina Ivanova, Arian Rasuli, RMSounds, Violeta Nedialkova, Shankar Arul,, Isaac Ng, Jonathan Allen, Mark Schwartzberg, Christopher Mailander, Albert cipriani, Pachier Virasami, Brian G, Richard Metafora, Charly H, Lydia Richards, Yipeng, Colin K, Douglas Hills, J. R. Bob Dobbs, Grey, Ivo Mihov, Hans Krueger, Vladimír Šindler, Neil Toyota, Paweł Rozumek, Scott Myers, jimsturling, Nate Reeve, Yvone Beisert, Ben Petty, The Analytical Btch, Mary J Riddle-Bevan, Jamie Bell, Leo Sebastian, Sol Diaz, Isabel, Aayush Khanna, Christopher Devlin, Krozal, Thomas Pettitt, asdas, Roxar96, Hans Krueger, Patrick White, Joshua Plummer, max, Umesh, Joel & Beth, Christopher Kempton, marie möller, Gerardo Lopez, Joanne Yoon, Erik Drewniak, Thomas Crisp, William Ward, Konstantin Petkov (Kosio), Luna, and M Skellyman! Your generous support really makes a difference!
    ⭐ Support this channel:
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    I owe this video, like everything else I do, to the gentle and constant support of my partner. Thank you, Elly!

    • @rawan3435
      @rawan3435 ปีที่แล้ว

      Buddha was just someone who suffered from mental trauma by death and sufferings. If Jesus waa there, he would have told Buddha not to fear death.
      You can't compare Buddha to Jesus, Jesus welcomes death with peace, the only isaue that caused him to fear ia the pain for he has to go through a terrible death. Many people who had a near dead experiences say they no longer fear death. Whereas Buddha feared death to the point of death. This proves that he is not divine but a common man like us fear death. I believe if Jesus had been there he would have told Buddha to be bold because there's nothing to fear death. Buddha also felt the pain seeing sufferings.. but couldn't do anything to heal them, this also proves that he is just like us. If Jesus had been there he would have taught buddha to perform miracles and help them instead of just pondering alone. The enlightenment that buddha had is nothing divine but just a self awakening to the reality.

  • @conrad707
    @conrad707 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fantastic video and illustration of the spectrum of love and non-attachment … and the similarities of both Faiths. I was born and raised Christian but have come to really admire and appreciate Buddhism and its noble truths and the path (as tough as they are to follow, especially renunciation).
    Your videos are masterful at breaking down complex topics and explaining piece by piece in simple terms and vivid metaphors. You are a teacher in the true sense of the word, and you speak to us with compassion and as a person who has True Love for everyone. Thank you

  • @peacelovejoy8786
    @peacelovejoy8786 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Teach only Love for that is what you are.
    We are not separate from Love. Love is all there is❤

  • @aaronallenlmt
    @aaronallenlmt ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is a very high quality talk and video. Thank you for all of the work behind this. Many blessings are yours.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you! Many blessings to you too!

  • @lauramuralist
    @lauramuralist 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is the best mist profound video i have watched comparing Christianity and Buddhism. The truth is that we only see our existence through our limited senses, we cant see reality, that we are one and we are true love, true love is God, so we are part of God. Not the God we imagine with our very tiny minds. The love and light that NDE s have experience is more like what is true reality.
    Awesome work, you are a young Buddha of our time!❤👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @thecrimsondragon9744
    @thecrimsondragon9744 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    'Attachment is the very opposite of love.
    Love says, 'I want you to be happy'.
    Attachment says, ' I want you to make me happy'.
    Tenzin Palmo

  • @blu3clown471
    @blu3clown471 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The most profound video that I had ever watched! It needs to have a lot more views... Im sure you made it with love

  • @lahiruamarasekara8720
    @lahiruamarasekara8720 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    content is beautifully put with great presentation. Thank you for the video. I think detachment can lead to true love. As in the video it happens due to transformation of ones identity. When someone detaches from what they own and what they are they realise that the identity is nothing or zero. Then they start to identify themselves as nothing and everything at the same time as zero is same as infinity. They start to identify everything as part of themselves in the process and start to care deeply for all parts of the universe. Thus detachment leads to true love.

  • @AlexandarShmex
    @AlexandarShmex ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Didn't watch the video yet, but as a Buddhist and Christian, I don't think Buddha negated God, just the image of God that most people have. He showed the path for everyone to experience God/Reality themselves, since that's the only genuine way.

    • @collinsharrelson6887
      @collinsharrelson6887 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Honestly there were several questions that were posed to him that he intentionally didn’t answer and I believe there was at least one that revolved around the potentiality of the existence of a god and he just didn’t answer. In my opinion that’s because he believed it was a type of speculation that was taking your attention away from focusing on yourself and your growth in the teachings. I can think of a saying the Buddha said that goes something like this, “he who has done good works in this world receives rest in this world and in the next.” Meaning if you focus on your own growth and do good works you’ll have nothing to worry about in this world and in whatever world there is to come.

    • @AlexandarShmex
      @AlexandarShmex ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@collinsharrelson6887 I agree. He didn't want to waste time debating the unthinkable and 'unproveable'. He laid out the practice, it's on you do carry it to the end.

  • @sonalib1224
    @sonalib1224 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When the family and society you had to learn to love is discovered to be unjust, then both what buddha and jesus taught is what i have found to give me peace. Im just grateful that there is no imposition when it comes to freedom of speech and religion in the US and the time we have nowadays with the so much wisdom online that's shared so more people can find peace of mind and happiness this lifetime😇

  • @True_Warrior_Code
    @True_Warrior_Code 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The best explanation of love i have ever seen in my life. Thank you for your effort in this video.

  • @kamilszlufik8007
    @kamilszlufik8007 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for making these videos. I have finished watching your 4 noble truths, emptiness and other older videos and just yesterday was thinking how much I look forward to your next work. Its fantastic how you made a video unifying the Christian doctorine and the buddhist path. I was also thinking how often it is a case of arguments about my religion vs your religion, of my God vs your God, when the reality is that there is but one Love and various descriptions of the way to it. It is like that old buddhist story of 5 blind men tasked with describing what elephant is like by feeling different parts if it. All of them were right on some level but all took it to be ultimate or only.
    Thank you for what you do, the effect you cause is greater than you imagine.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you for the warm and kind words, my friend! And I love that story too :)

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Salam, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace.
      Noah Family:
      There Is Only One God,
      There Is Only One Source,
      There Is Only One Supply.
      Avesta Zoroastrian:
      There Is Only One Wise God,
      Whom Is Uncreated.
      Buddhist Cannon:
      There Is Only One God,
      Whom Created Good & Evil.
      Abraham Family:
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      The LORD is our God, the LORD is one.
      Gospel [New Testament]:
      I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me.
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      Say He Is God, The One, The Absolute,
      He Begets Not, Nor Is He Begotten,
      There Is None Comparable Unto God.

  • @jonathantan3690
    @jonathantan3690 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Both are about love. Buddhism is about great compassion love to all beings instead of personal love. Detach to personal love because it doesn't last. Hope I make sense. Namo Buddhaya.

  • @dinocardamone-sg1ph
    @dinocardamone-sg1ph ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yes....really meaningful and well thought out video. You are one of my all time favorite TH-camr producers. Lots of integrity and substance. Thank you Thank you Thank you !!

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว

      I appreciate this, thank you for the kind words!

  • @juliesheard2122
    @juliesheard2122 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thankyou for this video. Perhaps I can share an experience I had some years ago in the hope that it will help others. After 20 years of Buddhist practice, I woke one morning and my eyes turned into microscopes. There were the molecules of the different substances of the room, there within the molecules were the atoms, including those of my own body. Then the atoms expanded and those things within them appeared and in their turn revealed their constituent parts. Eventually they too were revealed and so on until it seemed that everything melted into one "substance". Here an utterley pure, unconditional and unconditioned Love simply offered Itself. Not to me, for there was no place, including this, where It was not. How could "I" give Love when it is already everywhere in Its entirity? Here, there is no point in an "I" at all.
    Offered for the good of all beings. 🙏💞

  • @AhnandaRiveros
    @AhnandaRiveros 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When egoless, Love and detachment are the same thing. Different terminology to describe them. When living in an ego driven state, love and detachment are different "concepts." Something to reach with "effort." Thank you for your video. Great food for "thought"!

  • @AbhiShek-sr5nm
    @AbhiShek-sr5nm ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been struggling for a long time to understand love and detachment. Thank you ❤

  • @shirleysmith9421
    @shirleysmith9421 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Treat others as you want to be treated. ❤others as you Love Yourself! We will grow and grow This earth is only one classroom in our Growth to become more ❤ and understanding what will bring all of us more Happiness and Joy ❤😂😊❤

  • @aexurml4314
    @aexurml4314 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Amazing breakdown of two polarities. The only way forward is reconcile all religions and teachings and let go all separation and alienation of TRUE WISDOM. It is exciting to see that more people are awakening and studying all teachings with an open mind and aware of the ego/demon that has caused the world to be at where it is today. Please keep doing what you do. Love is not quantifiable, it is as simple as that in terms of english. More people need to be aware of this. I love an ant as I do any human and of all living things. The answer was always there, it is only thru pride, ego and ignorance do we continue to dig deeper. 1+1=2 if we think that there is more in the 2, we will divide it into infinite decimals which is pure ignorance, the bane of human existence.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for the encouragement and the thoughtful words, my friend!

  • @garradmill5946
    @garradmill5946 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This video has been a huge help sir. Thanks you very much. This seemed to be the divergent point of the two faiths so thanks again for squaring the circle

  • @terrynguyen7423
    @terrynguyen7423 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very thorough n well explained..record breaking for most word of Love ..I love Love ..all kind of Love as along as it Love..the all the World needs..Buddha bless

  • @thetakeover11
    @thetakeover11 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You make some incredible content, keep up the positivity light worker you are appreciated

  • @eurolaura
    @eurolaura ปีที่แล้ว

    For me nobody really dies and all the suffering is just a form of learning. Life is just a long lasting theatrical play and when our bodies die, our minds live on and understand what it was all about. Then minds enter another bodies and have another experiences. So, God or Buddha knowing this how they can act to stop it? Letting us evolve by living our meaningful lives God and Buddha and all Buddhas including Christ are loving us enormously. Parents, are they suffering when their children go to school to learn? Of course this is a very simple way to explain it but for me it is so clear that I wanted to share. This video helped me to understand a lot of things more deeply and I really feel the need to say a huge "thank you" to the extraordinary mind behind this and all the other videos. This guy is one of our contemporary prodigious minds. And they are really a few of them these days.

  • @hihieksdi6147
    @hihieksdi6147 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is one of most fenomenal analysis on this matter i have stumbled upon. You really seem to outdo Yourself with each new material You put up here. Thank you, for all the time and effort.
    It is very uplifting to see someone that "gets it".

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for the kind and encouraging words, friend!

    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@seeker2seeker Salam, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace.
      Noah Family:
      There Is Only One God,
      There Is Only One Source,
      There Is Only One Supply.
      Avesta Zoroastrian:
      There Is Only One Wise God,
      Whom Is Uncreated.
      Buddhist Cannon:
      There Is Only One God,
      Whom Created Good & Evil.
      Abraham Family:
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      The LORD is our God, the LORD is one.
      Gospel [New Testament]:
      I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me.
      Quran [Last Testament]:
      Say He Is God, The One, The Absolute,
      He Begets Not, Nor Is He Begotten,
      There Is None Comparable Unto God.

  • @adityatyagi7296
    @adityatyagi7296 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is.... too beautiful..... I have never watched any media more beautiful than this. This video made me feel an emotion which I have never felt before, an emotion which is beyond words.
    Thank you so much for making this video.
    This was sooo beautiful that I it made me give money to a TH-camr for the first time.
    I would have loved to give you more money but I can't as I am a minor and living off my dad's income. But I hope this money will help you.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You have my deepest gratitude for your kind words and donation, my friend, especially since it is your first one! Please do let me know if there is a topic you would like me to cover in the future :) And know that your comment has encouraged me in a significant way to keep doing the work.

    • @adityatyagi7296
      @adityatyagi7296 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​​​@@seeker2seeker I feel so great knowing that my words and donation were actually able to make a difference. Thank you so much as well for your hardwork and top-quality work.
      As for a future video idea, I suggest you make a long video (like this one) explaining the concept of Atman (Self) in thorough detail; not just from the standpoint of all the Āstika philosophies but also from the perspective of Jainism and Sikhism. I say this as you have already made a video on Anattā/Anātman (No-self teaching of Buddhism), so yk, it will be nice to have a video on Atman as well so the viewers will get to know both of these concepts and can decide which one to believe in. Granted some may be neutral on this concept of Self and No-self but hey, extra knowledge and wisdom never hurted anyone.
      Take as much time as you would need to make the video, quality over quantity. I will definitely watch it too 😊.
      A couple more suggestions would be to cover East Asian spiritual/religious concepts like the Dao and all; or to make videos on concepts from the Abrahamic faiths. For example, concepts like that of the Trinity, Virtue and Sin, Sufism, Ein Sof (speaking of Ein Sof, you should definitely check-out the Kabbalah literature if you haven't already; highly recommended) etc. And you can make videos explaining concepts like Brahman, Purusha, Prakriti, Ṛta, Purushartha etc in detail as well. Though I still recommend the video on Atman more due to reasons explained earlier.
      You can also consider making videos on philosophies like Epicureanism (and/or how it compares to Stoicism), or explain the concept of Logos in detail (I refer to both the Christian logos and Stoic Logos; make separate videos for both these concepts), or just about any school of Greecian philosophy (almost all of them look dope to me 😅), John Locke (especially his work on human understanding), anything from Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, or a longer video on Arthur Schopenhauer, or a video on Ethics & Morality (I recommend this highest in all these philosophical suggestions).
      It's ok if you don't wanna make these tho. No pressure; your channel and your content, so your choice as well. I know despite whatever topic you may choose, the quality will most definitely be top-quality, and therefore I will surely watch your next video either way.
      Lastly, I would like to thank you for somehow finding time out of your busy schedule to read and respond to these comments.
      Also here is a list of all the topics I mentioned ranked in terms of which one I want to see covered first:
      1. Atman (not just from a Āstika perspective but also from that of Jainism and Sikhism)
      2. Ein Sof
      3. Dao
      4. Brahman
      5. Ethics & Morality
      6. Sufism
      7. Ṛta
      8. Christian Trinity
      8. Rest of the philosophical topics I mentioned.
      9. Rest of the spiritual/religious topics I mentioned
      That's it. Sorry it got longer than I expected, didn't mean to waste your time; sorry 😅.
      May God Bless you. Amen.

  • @kayladawn
    @kayladawn ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I usually find the videos on TH-cam about esoteric or religious information to fall flat. Always missing something, this is what they are missing ❤ I learn differently, I appreciate the opportunity 🙏

  • @paulking952
    @paulking952 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    An incredible video. You have a great talent. I felt quite emotional listening to this. Thank you ❤

  • @msnow2337
    @msnow2337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    IMO true love is acceptance, letting things be and express whatever it wants/needs to, and this can be expressed through detachment. When you detach, you’ll be radiant with love because you’ll be in touch with your being/soul which is made from love. So detachment -> love

  • @radchulo5349
    @radchulo5349 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Finally I’ve been trying to both explain and comprehend this,what u share is the truth love is transcendent.God bless you all and your Families!❤️🤝

  • @Thejamesyang888
    @Thejamesyang888 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great use of the last movement of Mahler's Third Symphony!

  • @akimbalati2605
    @akimbalati2605 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    sending love to all...when buddha taught about detachment, he was teaching us the thin line between loving and owning someone, something or whatever if i truly love then i should be able to love with whatever flaws come with it, but yet i love all that i own and can change all flaws that come with my belongings and...with any being in our atmosphere from air molecules to the blue whale if i truly love em then i just let them be because whatever flaws i actually part of the others journey and if i interfere then not only am i causing tension but bringing grief to myself aswell so yeah detache from your loved ones but dont stop loving them...onelove🌻 and stay blessed

  • @diogo.tupinamba
    @diogo.tupinamba 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks 🙏🏼.
    I never watched such a wise content in the whole youtube. The “detach love” idea is fascinanting. The nagarjuna philosophy comes to a point that it cannot trespass explanations, because emptiness (which probably is an understanding inseparable from the detach love) it’s from outside the dualistic dimensions in which we live.
    The conclusion is amazing, i loved it. As we use words, concepts, colors and our skandhas to understand things, we surely would never understand what is in that spectrum of detached love.
    Probably, the only way to know what’s beyond what you described as “true love” it’s experiencing. You cannot explain, you cannot taste, you cannot understand. In other words… Find the bull elephant. Thanks, Simeon, you are unbelievable.
    I recommend an Italian professor called Giuseppe Ferraro. You probably already know him, but if it’s not the case, He’s a philosopher and teacher that dedicated his life to Nagarjuna’s philosophy.

  • @cooperconway6788
    @cooperconway6788 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think that the word “hate” in the scripture quote might be better said as “renounce”. Perhaps if we renounce those things that are important and desired… opens us for new deeper relationship. If I ever manage to do this, I will share with the world if it is true.

  • @albertcipriani8926
    @albertcipriani8926 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    your videos.
    They perfectly
    reflect what I’m
    thinking lately.

  • @sammymetwally6914
    @sammymetwally6914 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    brought me to tears, thank you

  • @kellycard
    @kellycard 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very interesting. I am a devoted Christian, though I find it difficult to explain myself, particularly to other Christians and I've married a Buddhist wife. Somehow I felt we both balance, as well as confirm one another though we speak different religious language. This video helps me to better understand my wife, but also my own pan-sacralist orientation. You have done in this video what I wish I could have done myself. So well articulated, captivating and admirable. I am sure I will watch this again, and I wish to see what more you have to say elsewhere.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you, my friend, your comment touches me! This video is the outcome of my own struggles as a Christian to explore the harmonies and disharmonies between what I find to be two equally profound and beautiful ways of experiencing the world.

    • @kellycard
      @kellycard 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @thetaeater
    @thetaeater ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thinking about it as a spectrum was pretty brilliant since it incapacitated the poles vs the standared, eros, philia, and agape concepts. Reading through some of the comments i noticed people using the words "my soul". It is helpful to recall the words of Vivikanada when he mentions if the 1st word in a sentence is my you are causing separation. There is only soul only God (wait thats 2 things , damn it!) Or is it 1 thing thinging as another.
    Who says suffering is a bad thing? This should be the theme of your next video, unless you already covered it.

  • @prajnasword
    @prajnasword 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    For those of us that practice Mahayana Buddhism, we vow to liberate all beings from suffering before entering nirvana for ourselves. This requires great compassion and loving kindness for all beings big and small, close and distant. We have practices to help cultivate greater compassion. Compassion in action is a part of it. It's not just an intellectual endeavor. Dharma without compassion is not true dharma.
    As you mention, love could be considered the insight that there is no separation between self and others. However, in the third turning, skillfully means enable one to experience mind as space with light, which is the experience of great compassion and lovingkindness, or unbiased great love beyond concept. This is our natural state. We just don't see. It is obscured by the ego, like the clouds hide the clear blue sky.
    As the ego dissolves, there is no pettiness of the grasping mind. One could consider this non-detachment. However, in the nondual state there is neither detachment nor non-detachment. When one rests in the natural state of nondual awareness, a state of luminosity, light, and love emerges. The ultimate state of mind rests in a luminous space of naked awareness and boundless compassion.
    This is what sounds most like "God is Love." It reminds me of the Adi-Buddha, Vajradara, who personifies the mind of unified space, awareness, and compassion that remains pure and untouched by samsara.
    Acheiving this state is not just a realization on the meditation cushion. It should have an impact off the cushion as well. Although we live in Samsara, every moment is an opportunity to allow that light to shine from our hearts and to exchange love for love in our interactions and our inter-being with other people, animals cousins, and the earth herself. It's the journey to nirvana that makes all the difference.

  • @ezequielmayorga5770
    @ezequielmayorga5770 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love is an internal experience that as far as I can see can only be experienced in a body. When we say we love someone what we mean is certain sensations and feelings happen within us when we are interacting with that someone. God is omnipresent. In hate in love in you in me.

  • @МихајлоМорача
    @МихајлоМорача 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Very well presented. I thoroughly enjoyed your video. The only remark I can make is concerned with the question of theodicy posed toward the end of the presentation. In my opinion, it takes a step back toward conceptualization, which is overcome in Buddhism but not in Christianity. For Christian truth must always remain conceptualized, e.g., that God is Father, Son, and Spirit. Otherwise, it ceases to be Christianity, as we can clearly see in Meister Eckhart’s case.
    Regarding the question of the human condition afflicted by pain and suffering and the apparent lack of God’s active love, I think it is only seen as such once you take a conceptual view of the world. In our experience, it is perfectly natural to experience pain and suffering. But when you put God the Creator in the center of the universe, you tend to reject pain and terror and expect some kind of divine intervention, which is unnecessary since everything is Buddha-nature, even pain and suffering. The moon-faced Buddha and the sun-faced Buddha are both always present, whether at the bombing of Hiroshima or in saving a child’s life. So, the bottom line is that I do agree that the question of theodicy is unanswerable because it’s posed as a question. Everything that is intelligible, i.e., that which is rational-relational, doesn’t suffice and falls into contradiction. Get rid of the creator God, of God seen as love, and the intellectual strife, which afflicts our whole being, is gone.
    On the other hand, Buddhism, especially Hinayana, comes across as bland and tasteless, and that really bothers me. Not even a single sutta can stir my spirit. So for me, it is Zen that brings some liveliness into the whole endeavor. I’d be glad to hear something in the Zen direction of the same quality as this video.
    All the best from Serbia!

  • @supalive3335
    @supalive3335 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Buddha make me realize is that, im sad or happy im just thinking. Once when i stop thinking i stop hate or like, and that is why when i sleep is like i die, but its not the end cuz when i wake up it is start again. And when i die its keep reborn

  • @cbsl8424
    @cbsl8424 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks for the explanation. Your video reconciles a core debate between Mahayana and Theravada schools of Buddhism. To my understanding, Mahayana focuses more on love for everyone and selflessly helping all creatures in the universe (including human, animals, demons and devils) achieve enlightenment, whereas Theravada focuses more on self meditation of emptiness and detachment. The debate of who is right has lasted for centuries within Buddhism and is a highly controversial subject, and such debate has confused lots of beginning practitioners of Buddhism. Your video does an excellent job of reconciling these differences in the two main schools of Buddhism. Indeed, in Chinese history, the most well known monks all agree that the pure land Buddhism, which focuses on true love from Amitabhda, is fully consistent with Zen Buddhism, which focuses on meditation, emptiness and detachment. Indeed, several sutras in Mahayana, such as Surangama sutra, has directly pointed out the unity of these two seemingly contradictory concepts, and emphasized the necessity of loving others and doing good deeds selflessly for achieving enlightenment, because loving others (doing good deeds) is a process of letting go of one's fake ego.

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for this comment, my friend, and for the donation! I had not thought of the Mahayana/Theravada debate while working on this video, but I see how related the issue is. Perhaps this is something I can discuss in the future :) My gratitude and best wishes!

  • @williamalexander414
    @williamalexander414 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God is Love
    God is Life
    Love All Life
    ... this is unconditional love ❤️

  • @michaeldillon3113
    @michaeldillon3113 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If anyone is interested as to how love and non attachment can coexist in one person then they might wish to look at the life and teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi - who was ( is ) that rare thing - a genuinely Enlightened ' person ' , a Buddha , a jnani ..🙏✝️🕉️
    Thank you for a great video ✌️. I loved the drawing of Christ and Buddha together .

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you, my friend! I myself have yet to learn more about Sri Ramana Maharshi...

    • @michaeldillon3113
      @michaeldillon3113 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@seeker2seeker Well in my humble opinion He sets the gold standard for ' gurus ' - not least because He never called Himself a guru . Importantly He never accepted money in return for spiritual knowledge.
      Michael James has a great channel on TH-cam and probably knows more about Sri Ramana's teachings than anyone else .
      As followers of Advaita Vedanta we don't really see any difference between the core teachings of Buddhism, Christianity , Sufism and many other mystical paths.
      I really enjoyed your video . Having just found your channel I look forward to going through the talks you have already posted 🙏🕊️

  • @dazliv5700
    @dazliv5700 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi, followed that ... eloquent and clear...thank you on behalf of myself and others (tongue in cheek there)
    Grace (room) for ourselves and everyone 🙏

  • @yungoutsider
    @yungoutsider ปีที่แล้ว +1

    your channel is the best man, deep, well written/scripted videos with lots of insight and information, keep up the good work!! happy birthdays 🎂

  • @tomkitbumrung3972
    @tomkitbumrung3972 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for your bravery in trying to approach such delicate and complex topic. I will rewatch to absorb everything 😊

  • @richardl.6143
    @richardl.6143 ปีที่แล้ว

    I appreciate that you state that you are not completely knowledgeable about the concept of detachment and love. That's an honest statement. It gives you credibility. To say anything else would leave me questioning.

  • @lucyflanagan3628
    @lucyflanagan3628 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    😊 reminded of the wizard from Wizard if Oz when he says to Dorothy, “ It’s not how much you love but how much you are loved”. This is referring to a distinction between ego love vs. detached love, i.e. love without feeling ownership. Being in love with love is fake love where you are secretly patting yourself on the back for loving, selfish love. Real love requires nothing in return. Who are you loving? Do you invent your love object or are you really recognizing/understanding who/what you are loving? This is why mindfulness is so central to Buddhist way.

  • @Liza-ur4ep
    @Liza-ur4ep 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Detachment is absence of clinging or attachment, or possessiveness what actually unconditional love is.

  • @ShadowJinxXOX
    @ShadowJinxXOX ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I would love a similar topic of this attachment vs. love with the inclusion of Attachment Theory within therapy, since I often struggle with this perception of detachment under that notion

  • @jomtonjung
    @jomtonjung ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Having been in the spiritual path for many years, I conclude to myself that each of the spiritual goals that we call in many names like Truth, True Love, Nirvana, Liberation, Brahman, and so on, is not a quality that one should strive to acquire. In fact the more one strives to acquire it, the more bogus it can become. As Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu would as well say that a truly good person is not at all conscious of his goodness and a person who truly love another is not really conscious of his love. Hence his goodness and his love is genuine and unconditional.
    That's why the Eastern Spiritualism (especially Buddhism) does not at all emphasize love or True Love as an ideal to strive for, because striving for True Love has all the dangers of becoming a "loving" hypocrite. The same is true for Nirvana. How can one achieve Nirvana by a thirst for the blissful state of Nirvana in which all the thirsts are no more?
    That's why the Heart Sutra is really superb in putting seekers out of dangers by implying that Nirvana (or True Love or Brahman or Liberation) comes on its own accord in the end without any effort to acquire it from our part, when all "obstructions" disappear. In fact, any effort to acquire it on our part is one of those terrible obstructions.
    [Heart Sutra]
    "There is no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance, and so forth, until we come to : There is no decay and death, no extinction of decay and death. There is no suffering, no origination, no stopping, no path.
    There is no cognition, no attainment and no non-attainment.
    Therefore, O Sariputra,
    it is because of his non-attainmentness that a Bodhisattva, through having relied on the Perfection of Wisdom, dwells without thought-coverings. In the absence of thought-coverings he has not been made to tremble,
    he has overcome what can upset, and in the end he attains to Nirvana."

  • @micheleshave323
    @micheleshave323 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Your videos get better every time I watch them! Are you familiar withDzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche ? Outstanding Buddhist master!

    • @seeker2seeker
      @seeker2seeker  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you! I am not familiar with him actually... will have a look!

  • @kenmorales9855
    @kenmorales9855 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is the most profound video I've ever seen. Thank you and bless you for your wisdom.

    • @barnowl.
      @barnowl. 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      For more profound found videos you may like to check out the ones by The Lucis Trust, Monadic Media and Theosophy.

  • @diegogmejuto
    @diegogmejuto ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is at the same time so beautiful and insightful. Thank you so much for your content.

  • @ronishchaudhary
    @ronishchaudhary ปีที่แล้ว +2

    God is telling a story and we’re just characters in it. Just as you play a character when dreaming while being separated from the Sleeper.

  • @danielwright4964
    @danielwright4964 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Synopsis of the video: Love without attachment. Love people and things whilst knowing that they’re not going to be here forever. When you are in the space of living in the present and realizing nothing and nobody is going to be here forever, and all things end, you will attain peace. When things are gone, they’re gone. They served their purpose. When people are gone, leave them be, let God deal with them after that.

  • @Autolysis57
    @Autolysis57 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    @ 00:46 I'm going to comment before finishing... I'm willing to bet this is about balance. Love is Light, Detachment is Dark... going too far into either at your own peril. You must be willing to love knowing that it cannot last.

  • @bg-se7rq
    @bg-se7rq 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It seems we must detach in order to truly love. Understanding No-self… Practicing acceptance/letting go & mindfulness may be useful. I dig this video. Thank you!

  • @mikelind2762
    @mikelind2762 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    True love, as taught by Buddha, is an expansive, selfless, and unconditional form of love that seeks the happiness and well-being of all beings. By cultivating loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity, individuals can develop a profound and enduring love that transcends personal desires and fosters a more compassionate and harmonious world. The detachment is needed so that the expression of true love is not dependent on the self. In other words, you would like all humanity to experience peace, joy, and compassion regardless of your personal attachment to them.

  • @anipapikyan
    @anipapikyan ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is just wonderful. You’ve done a great job. A really marvelous combination of knowledge and spirituality and also deep feeling. Thank you!

    • @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices
      @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices ปีที่แล้ว

      Great and lowly are RELATIVE. 😉
      Incidentally, are you VEGAN? 🌱

    • @anipapikyan
      @anipapikyan ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices yes, I am

    • @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices
      @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@anipapikyan, in your own words, define “VEGANISM”. ☝️🤔☝️

    • @anipapikyan
      @anipapikyan ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices why should I?

    • @todorova9920
      @todorova9920 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Радвате ме и съм горда, че имате невероятни познания, оценявани от хиляди по света!
      Не случайно е казано, че българите сме навсякъде, за просвещение 😊
      Поздравления, но и ние живеещи в България сме на тази вълна..., аз не разбирам английски, а добре би било да надграждам знания 🎉🎉🎉

  • @Deciphering_Life
    @Deciphering_Life ปีที่แล้ว

    The reason God allows suffering and injustice in the world.
    1) God is love
    Imagine being a parent and your son is addicted to drugs and is throwing his life away, it is likely you could intervene through force and make him go to treatment. However, the genuine love you have for a child would more likely express as waiting for him to turn from his ways and come back home to you who can help him should he decide to let you help him.
    Unconditional genuine Love never forces an outcome even if it would be for the better. It may be a bad metaphor but the parent in it is relative to God, the son is relative to us, and the drug is to relative suffering.
    Great video! it explains alot and it very well put together.

  • @shanikmakalande2731
    @shanikmakalande2731 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Please keep doing what you’re doing

  • @terrywaltman2520
    @terrywaltman2520 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Iove is nothing without kindness

  • @CouchDoritos
    @CouchDoritos 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love is acceptance that change is the only constant. It is gratitude for what has been, what is, and what will be. It is not attachment for attachment inevitably leads to stagnation and disappointment. Love is understanding that all that exists was necessary for you to reach the current point. Love is the answer because it makes a meaningless existence meaningful and is the one aspect of creation not balanced by karma.

    • @Hello-bi1pm
      @Hello-bi1pm 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What if the current point sucks? This sounds too ephemeral

  • @sonjamurphy
    @sonjamurphy ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ❤such a well spoken and insightful message from a true heart. Thank you for your videos, your thoughts are always clearly explaining the somewhat unexplainable teachings and understanding.❤

  • @RickTellezL
    @RickTellezL ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So impressive analysis of love. Thank you

  • @AndrewUKLondon
    @AndrewUKLondon 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Buddhism isn't about detachment, that's seen as an "enemy" of equinimity (which means not being blown around by reactive responses). There are "the 4 immeasurables" in Buddhism, that increase with effective practices, understanding etc. These are:
    1) loving kindness (metta), 2) equinimity
    3) where loving kindness meets suffering is compassion (which is active, not simply empathy), 4) where loving kindness meets the joy of others is "sympathic joy" - happiness in the joy of others.
    Each of these 4 immeasurables (or bramha viharas) has a near enemy and a far enemy that people can slip into, such as detachment (which isn't the same as equinimity and is seen as a negative).
    A great phrase often mentiones by one of the foremost Zen teachers, Thich Nhat Hanhn, is that "from the mud of suffering can grow the most beautiful flower". And also his focus on "Interbeing" the connection between all things.
    Wisdom and compassion are two key aspects of Buddhism (the chant "Om Mani Padme Hum" reflects those) and they are helped by not grasping/craving, not pushing away/aversion, acting with kindness and increasing awareness.