一起記住我們走過的時代 | 6號 @RubberBand | TEDxHSUHK
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Rubberband主音6號透過分享自己的音樂旅程,抒發對這個時代的看法。 6, vocalist and lyricist of RubberBand, has been creating music with his band since 2004. Recent works including “Ciao” and “Stay Well” (好好地過) are referred as “Songs of Our Times” by the public. Apart from his work with RubberBand, 6 also composes lyrics for other singers, documenting our city and delivering humanistic cares through words.
With his enthusiasm for movies and expertise in creating dialogues via images and music, not only does he direct all of RubberBand’s music videos, but also for fellow singers as well. Apart from music videos, his cinematic passion is also embodied in directing microfilms. In 2021, his directorial work “Traces of You” (你明日回來) won the Best Microfilm Production Award - Bronze Award in the Microfilm Production Support Scheme (Music) .
6 is passionate about traveling and hopes to not only nurture more artistic ideas by visiting different places in the world, but to also develop endless possibilities in his creative journey. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx
《時代革命》導演周冠威昨日(31日)於社交媒體發文,指由於「個人原因」,故未能出席6月2日由恒大及TED合辦的「Our times」分享會。對於事情原委,周導演接受編委訪問時表示,主辦方曾要求將他的講座轉為錄播,並須事先審批他的講稿,他拒絕後才會被除名。 但他覺得這個結局更能彰顯出講座主題「Our Times」,因為這個時代就是充滿限制,但他亦想藉此勉勵大家要抵擋白色恐怖和自我審查:「時代限制你,但我們要突破這個時代,我們先不要限制自己。我們每一個人充滿可能性,時代才會充滿可能性。