my favourite is ''If I had a quarter for every person I couldn’t hang out with because they hated Schmidt, I’d be rich. Like, fill-my-gas-tank-all-the-way-up rich.''
Refusing to pull a door because you don’t want to be told what to do is definitely the crippling level of stubbornness I’m trying to work out if my personality.
my favourite is ''If I had a quarter for every person I couldn’t hang out with because they hated Schmidt, I’d be rich. Like, fill-my-gas-tank-all-the-way-up rich.''
"I feel like I'm finally aging into my personality"
The only dialogue that's missing is "Nick miller, turning lemonades into lemons since 1981" lmaooo
I think the “stop being mean to me or I swear to god I’m going to fall in love with you” line is hilarious, definitely one of my favorites 😅😂
The burpees and bones cracking was the most relatable
“They breath water, that’s crazy” he has a point
When you stop and think about it, it does kind of make you suspicious of them...
Refusing to pull a door because you don’t want to be told what to do is definitely the crippling level of stubbornness I’m trying to work out if my personality.
Everyone else is doing it, I'll offer up mine:
"I'm not convinced I know how to read; I've just memorized a lot of words."
"I am not a successful adult"
Jake Johnson is so fun to watch.