This is such a rough game to watch! It starts so strong with that first play and then goes totally off the rails...Rough to watch a team that was such an inspiration to me lose so decisively to another team that gave similar inspiration...Just hate to see anybody get clobbered like that!
This is filmed so well; nowadays it's nothing like this...
This is such a rough game to watch! It starts so strong with that first play and then goes totally off the rails...Rough to watch a team that was such an inspiration to me lose so decisively to another team that gave similar inspiration...Just hate to see anybody get clobbered like that!
@broth6 it is kiraly/steffes. keep watching.
fix the info bar, says its kiraly/steffes and it's frohoff/whitmarsh
I was at this one...pretty disappointing to see my favorites of all time smashed like that.
Good match
i feel so horrible for sinjin smith
oh i just watched the first like minute and a half haha sorry