But which chess playing app do you use sir in every video ? I always watch your videos but can't identify the app. Please tell me the app/software sir....
A beautiful and great game by the legendary Frank Marshall!! I watched it months ago at Chess with Suren who also explained it properly!! I like the thing that you, ChessTalk has started making videos on legendary games of all time!! Great work..
@@@bharattrilok He knows it well. Once he conducted a poll to start a new channel in Hindi. Although the votes were less for making a new channel, but yeah he was supposed to start the same. Hey, Jeetendra sir, when are you going to start ChessTalkHindi channel??
First visit to your site. I saw this epic finish nearly 60 years ago and it has been a treat to see it again. The three black pieces lined up against white's pawn rampart in one variation was just stunning. Thank you.
This move was made in the non computer-chess era. No stock fish, alphazero, fritz etc. No database for previous games. It's truly thoughtful move. GREAT!!!
Once I Defeated my father using two Knights ,i can't remember my moves well but it was when I was in 3rd grade then I didn't play chess for long time and last week I started playing Chess again
I had not realised that sacrificing the Queen gave that KNIGHT so much power! WOW! Power to y'all ladies out there! Much appreciation to you Chess Talk #MuchLoveFromZimbabwe
Because of this channel my all crumbling concepts got improved like the language , tips for opening and tactics of chess I was looking for this kind of channel in my chess journey👍👍🙂🙂
For the puzzle: 1. White Queen to h5+, Black Rook captures White Queen 2. White Recaptures B.Rook h5+, B.King moves to g8 3. W. Rook to a8+, Black either blocks it with his Rook on b7 or his Queen. Anyway this leads to the mate.
I love that you don't rush through the game moves and explain everything. There's a lot of Chess channels that rush through everything so fast I don't have time to figure out what's happening. I definitely subscribed to your channel, I'm so glad I found you!
1 queen to h5. Check he tackes with his rook. 2 we take his rook and it's check. King to g8. 3 we take our rook to a8 and is a check. He blocks with his rook We simply take and he again bloks with his queen and we simply take. And it is a beautiful check mate💪💪💪💪💪💪
Chess Puzzle: First the white queen moves to h5 giving a check, if the rook takes the queen Rxh5+ the king moves to g8 and rook to a8 will result in a mate in two. If the king moves to g8 without capturing the white queen we can give a check on a8 by which we will win the black queen
I love this when you show 2 masters are playing chess. It really motivates me and I follow their ideas. Well, Answer of the puzzle is: 1. Qh5+ Black has 2 options Rxh5 and Kg8. If, Rook takes, 2. Rxh5+ (X-ray defending) Kg8 3. Ra8+ (After both Rook and Queen blocks, Rxd8#) If, Kg8, then, 2. Ra8+ Rb8 3. Rxb8+ Qd8 4. Rxd8+ Rxd8 (We have an extra queen)
If, Kg8 it can also.. 2. Ra8+ Qd8 3. Rxd8+ Rxd8... Black can actually save both of his rook instead of one. (White will still have the plus point though...🙂)
Great video. I love seeing amazing plays like that. Thanks for running through all the possibilities visually, that really helped me understand the gravity of the situation. Also, if i am not mistaken, the correct move for the puzzle would be queen to h5. Black would be in check and would have to respond with rook capture h5. White continues the attack with rook capture h5. The pressure from whites rook at a6 means that the king cant attack at g6 and is forced to retreat to g8. All that remains is rook to a8, mate in 2 because the black rook and queen can only delay the inevitable. If i missed something, please let me know. I would love to hear it.
My first video of what I’m feeling may be many many more watching- I always loved chess but none of my friends played so I never played anyone but the computer… but you explanations and analysis is super informative and helpful. Thanks for the great content!
1. Qh5+, in reply to white black Rook takes white Queen Rxh5 then 2. White Rook takes black Rook on h5 Rxh5+ forced black king to move to g8 ie Kg8 Then 3. Ra8+ is unavoidable checkmate. As if black plays Rb8 to stop mate 4. white takes the rook on b8 (Rxb8+) and check. Then if black Queen moves to d8 (or e8), then 5. White Rook takes black queen on d8 (Rxd8#) and checkmate.
Someone told me there's a calm before the storm. I can relate it with Jeetendra sir's tricks and traps. Everytime we stay calm to make our opponent face the storm.😉
Hello Chess Talk. The solution of this puzzle is Qh5, it's a check. If black captures the queen with his rook on h5. So, after Rook captures on h5, then we play Rxh5, it's a check again. Then is forced to play Kg8. Then we have,Ra8 check, and black is completely helpless, he has to block the check with his rook or queen. So whatever move he plays, we can simply capture that piece with our rook to checkmate the black king. Thank you for the puzzle,Chess Talk.
Puzzle: 1. Qh5 Rxh5 2. Rxh5 Kg8 3.Ra8+ Rb8 4. Rxb8 Qd8 5. Rxd8 Rxd8 6.Ra8# In case black doesnt take the queen and instead moves his king, it will be same process with (Black :Rxh5 White: Rxh5) knocked off.
The winning move for white is Qh5+. Black king has to reply with Kh7 then white does Ra1 which wins as black has to lose a lot of pieces (queen or rook)
6:40 The queen moves to h5, which can lead to two situations. Either the king moves to g8, but then the 6a rook moves to 8a and there's a checkmate. The other situation is that the 5d black rook takes the queen, then the 5a rook takes the black rook, which results in check. The king has no choice, but to move to 8g, then the 6a rook moves to 8a, resulting in a checkmate.
I think Qg4 is the best, black queen takes and pawn takes queen. Now rook d5 is only protected by a pawn. If he takes rook a5 he loses his rook and the king is now exposed for a check
Qh5 check Is king goes h8 then, Ra8 Rb8 Rxb8 Qd8 Rxd8 Black rook takes on d8 There is a huge piece advantage so white can easily win in this if queen moves first instead of rook then also there is a huge material advantage If rxqh5 White Rxh5 King must go to g8 Ra8 Rb8 Rxb8 Qd8 Rxd8#
QH5, exchange Q for R on same square, KG8 sets up rook mate on last rank after two helpless interpositions by rook and queen PS: Thanks for showing this game. Marevellous. I dragged my teen-age son to sit still and watch it.
@@captainzork6109 If Kg8, Black plays Ra8 pinning the Queen to the king, after which Black's best move is to block with the queen on d8. White then plays Qxd5 winning the Black Rook since the pin on the Black Queen prevents it from taking the White queen. Black's best move is then to pull the other rook back to b8, after which White takes the Rook on b8, and when Black recaptures on b8 with the Queen White plays the other rook to a8 pinning the Queen to the King AGAIN. Black is completely lost but could capture the rook on a8 with the Queen after which White recaptures on a8 with the Queen and White is a full Queen up in the endgame.
Solution: First of all queen to h5, after black rook takes queen, white rook captures black rook on h5 with a check. Now, black king can only go to g8. After King goes to g8, rook on a6 to a8 with check. The black queen will cover at d8. After capturing the queen at d8, it is checkmate.
Beautiful puzzle. Like the game, we have to sac the queen. 1.Qh5+ Rxh5 2.Rxh5 Kg8 3.Ra8 After the following forced sequence of moves, black will sac back some pieces and end up getting a back rank mate. Thank you🙏💕
Here's my take on this position, for what it's worth. Forgive me for not knowing proper chess abbreviation. Qh5 should be white's move. We all see that if black takes the queen, it ends in mate pretty quickly, but black can retreat his king with Kg8. I think the next move should be Rxd5, not Ra8. Ra8 forces the Qd8. From here, Rxd8 invites Rxd8, and black has escaped at the cost of trading a queen for a rook. If, instead of Rxd8, white moves Rxd5, black just goes Qxa8. If, instead of either of those two moves, white goes Qxd5, black can bolster his back line with Rb8, escaping the trap. White can trade queens and be up a rook, but he can’t trap black’s king anymore. So that can’t be the solution either. So Ra8 must be the wrong move here. So, lets assume that after Kg8, white moves Rxd5. What does black do in response? If black does Qxd5, then Ra8 wins. Moving either of the pawns by the king is useless too, as Ra8 will either force mate after some sacrifices, or else if Kg7 was black’s freed move, then after Ra8 then Qh8 is mate. Moving any piece other than black’s queen will result in Rxd7, which will lead to mate either through Ra8 or Qxf7 line. So black MUST move his queen to block the back row. So black has either Qc8 or Qe8 to maintain defense. Either way, the idea is to slow black down from lining up his rooks. The a6 rook should be used to threaten the queen by either moving to c6 or e6. Taking the threating rook will allow Rd8, which will yield mate, so black can’t take it. And while you might think e6 invites Pxe6, that move would actually invite Qxe8 check, with Rh8 checkmate coming. Black can try interposing by Rc7 or Re7. Either way, doubling up in the d file is the answer, as after that, the attack on d8 is coming, and now black has no time to bring his queen and rook into line. Rd7 just results in Rxd7, and after Qxd7 and Rxd7, black has no way out. If Black catches on and moves Rb8, giving up his queen, then take it. Once black takes white’s rook, the remaining rook should move to d7. This forces black to move Rf8 to protect his king, but now white moves Qxh4, and Rd8 is coming and will force the exchange of rooks, leaving white with a queen up, all rooks dead, and certain victory.
Solution of puzzle: Qh5+, Rxh5, Rxh5+, Kg8 (forced), Ra8+ and after bringing the queen and the rook for blocking the check one by one it will result in beautiful checkmate.
4:45 Already looks so unreal because it looks as if both the rook and queen are hanging. But 5:56 What a visual this is looks as if the knight, queen and rook are hanging that looks so incredible man WOW!!! I was shocked
Answer to the puzzle: first the queen to h5 check there is only option to black to take the queen with rook then rook to h5 check king goes to g8 and then rook to a8 check and even black tries to stop with rook and queen it is a stunning checkmate Hope this help to players that couldn't solve this:)
from the thumbnail it was already known that the queen will move to g3. and if one thinks carefully he would know it was just impossible to escape the checkmate. But can tell i would never been able to think of this move at the first place its totally mindblowing.😎😀
Qh5 cannot be a particularly best option/move, if you're playing against someone who had good hand in chess. Because, if we move Qh5: Case 1 : black rook takes queen, then, our white rook×rh5, then check and king to g8 then rook to a8 and check mate, not obviously untill black rook at b7 moves to b8 then cross b8 then, black queen to d8 and our rook takes it again, and then check mate happens... Case 2:. Our white queen to h5, then if black rook doesn't take the queen, forthwith goes for king to g8, then our white rook to a8, then black rook to b8, then cross b8 , then black queen to d8 then, cross d8 but now not this time checkmate, this time black rook at d5 takes our rook at d8 and game cpntinues, but we will be in lead as having our queen and one rook alive. Solution for case 2 could be after not crossing black queen at b8 but playing our white rook at a5 to a8 , then if black queen kills our rook at b8, we can kill queen at b8 again with our rook which was placed at a8 and check mate. Also, if black queen not kills our rook but black rook kills, our white queen at h5 , then it will be problematic... For us means now the game will be more longer Hope u will like all my views of this puzzle. And sir jeetendra, it's my first puzzle and hope u will like it...
Thank you sir. Maybe my chess game will someday exceed knowing how the pieces move and shoe horning miliary tactics into those limitations. Lmao it does work better than shoe horning military tactics into playing tennis did. My tennis coach still takes a pot shot at me now and then if she sees me across no man's land and I'm pretty sure her husband is mining under my perimeter as i write this.
Puzzle solution...🙂 Queen Hai5 check, now black can either take the queen with rook or move his king to G8 but then rook a8 is mate.. If black takes queen with rook to h5 then white takes rook with rook and again rook a8 is mate🙂🙂
your tricks are awesome sir.#chesstalk#videosuggestion please show the game kasprov vs anand 1995 in new york. love from nagpur sir and one game please.
6:24 There's actually a faster way to win...Now we will take the rook with knight,then he takes our rook and then we save our knight and we are still up a piece but one pair of rook is traded off
my answer to the chess puzzle: White Q to h5 check which can result in black R taking the Q, which white then takes with the R on a5. The king can only move to g8, which is a checkmate in two moves after R to a8. if black instead moves his king to g8 without taking the Q, then Rook to a8 forces black to lose both the rook and the queen, with the rook on d5 taking the white rook after queen capture on d8. This leaves black with 1 rook and white with a rook and a queen. There's a way to take both black rooks and queen with only a white queen left over if black king to g8, but I don't really remember chess notation and this comment already seems convoluted. Pls let me know if I'm wrong with my working out.
Here, queen to h5 check If black capture queen on h5 Then Rook capture Rook on h5 and also check to the king The king move king to g8 White moves his Rook to a1 checkmate _____________________________ Sir Thanks for giving puzzles And also making video on chess _____________________________
Answer of riddle:- ★ 1.Qxg4 Qe7 2.Rd4 Qc8 3.Qxh5 check Kg8 4.Ra8. Here is an exception. If Qa8, then Ra8 is a beautiful checkmate. ★ 1.Qxg4 Qd6 2.Rd6 Rd6 3.Rh8 check Kg8 4.Ra8 checkmate.
6:45, Qh5, after black captures the queen capture with the other rook, forcing the black king into the 8 file, then check with the other rook and checkmate, in case if black didnt capture with the rook but instead ran away to g7, checkmate with the rooks.
For the puzzle, Qh5+ forces response of Rxh5. Then Rh5+ forces Kg8, which leads to Ra8++. Addendum: ...oh, somebody brought up in the comments that Qh5+ DOESN'T force the response because Ra8 afterwards ISN'T Checkmate, because the Rook can still be blocked. Good point, actually. Though (B)Qd8 still leads to material advantage by (W)Rxd8+ leading into (B)Rxd8.
I admit my comment is off, but as soon as I heard Mr. Advani speak I thought for a second that his next words would be, “Hello, this is the IRS. A warrant has been issued for your arrest…”. Great video, by the way.
Hit the Thumbs Up if YOU Enjoyed This Game!
Here's Another Fascinating Game by Mikhail Tal: th-cam.com/video/vBhnjG-sIRU/w-d-xo.html
But which chess playing app do you use sir in every video ? I always watch your videos but can't identify the app. Please tell me the app/software sir....
A beautiful and great game by the legendary Frank Marshall!! I watched it months ago at Chess with Suren who also explained it properly!!
I like the thing that you, ChessTalk has started making videos on legendary games of all time!! Great work..
Hey Jeetendra , do you know the language “ Hindi “ ???
He knows it well. Once he conducted a poll to start a new channel in Hindi. Although the votes were less for making a new channel, but yeah he was supposed to start the same. Hey, Jeetendra sir, when are you going to start ChessTalkHindi channel??
I really enjoyed the last move Qg3 ....just imagine to find such complex move with so many variation branches under time pressure.
That queen sacrifice was very creative and out-of-the-box.
Smidget pancake waffle maker beds that genius comment
He was already one Knight up, no point you mention Queen sacrifice?
We know bro
That is the most beautiful game i have ever seen
I suggest you to watch alphazero vs stockfish games
Just wait till you watch how morphy plays
Yeah in your 10 day chess career😂
@@noone.4981 so what bro. Once magnus was also a rookie
Me too
People brought gold coins to a chess game.
Those were the days :)
True,nowadays no one would play that
@@shellybawa2316 nowadays people only coughs in the game🤡
Now people bring mustard to football games.
First visit to your site. I saw this epic finish nearly 60 years ago and it has been a treat to see it again. The three black pieces lined up against white's pawn rampart in one variation was just stunning. Thank you.
This move was made in the non computer-chess era. No stock fish, alphazero, fritz etc. No database for previous games. It's truly thoughtful move. GREAT!!!
6:43 according to me, best move for white is = Qh5 check,black rook takes Queen,White rook h5 check, kg8,ra8 check, qd8,rd8 mate
What if black doesn't take queen instead of he plays kg8
Then we'll play ra8
Ra8,check he blocks with rook, we takes rooks, then he blocks with queen we takes Queen, the match is easy
@@ayushguupta2502 and simply white plays rook to a8 and check mate
If Rxh5
Then Rxh5+
Kg8 and Ra8 leades to a mate
Or after Qh5+
if Kg8
Then Ra8+
Qd8 forced
Rxd8 and white is winning
Wow thanks for solving the puzzle (I was thinking about Qh5 but I thought it lead to black wins😂😂 thanks man or woman)
@@jenilshah6568 what do you mean. How can the queen capture on a8?
@@jenilshah6568 ????
@@chanchaljha8127 my bad I read Rxd5
Qh5+ Kg8 Ra8+ Qd8 Rxd8 Rxd8.. black escapes the chekmate
I have finally defeated my father(because he made a blunder) and it's all thanks to you.....
Appreciate it sir....
I hope i can do the same thing, my father's too damn strong for me lol
Update: I've defeated my father lol, I don't know if he blunder his rook by accident or he did it on purpose, but yeah i won :)
Once I Defeated my father using two Knights ,i can't remember my moves well but it was when I was in 3rd grade then I didn't play chess for long time and last week I started playing Chess again
Ah that's a big moment in every boy's life, defeating his father for the first time at anything. Even if he's 65 and Dad's 90.
@@drumraine6910 yah
Queen to h5 sacrificing the queen ,rook takes queen ,rook takes rook on h5 check king moves to only square G8 ,Rook to A8 mate
this puzzle actually can't be made to mate, you will just end up with having rook advantage, and then it's mate in like 20 moves :D
like what if black doesn't take the queen on h5, and just moves their king to g8
@@breather1986 rook a8
Black rook b8, rook takes rook eventually rook takes queen then mate
He is making our lockdown funny and he is making us intelligent by these tricks
hi a chess game on chess.com?
Definitely Geeta Sharma he is a great chess TH-camr! I love his videos 😁
@@chesscubekanth Can I play with you??
My ID-rockinginsaan
Yes he is just in-beleivleable
srikanthn8 is my id
Marshall:*makes his last move of the game*
Spectators: Gold coins go brrrrr
I am still wondering do they always carry gold coins in pocket to shower whenever see an epic chess game
@@secretunknown2782 good question
More like : cough go brrrr
Stupidest comment I’ve ever seen. I’m amazed 288 people were entertained by your childish comment 😂
This is the best channel. Marshell played so well that I am also willing to offer him gold coins
Get one first
@@bhabanishankarrath3973 😆😆😆😆😆
@@bhabanishankarrath3973 ma ch.. diye ho bhiyaji aap to , mtlb ab kya hi to bole bechari
I really like the way you show the possible outcomes very simply, the best I’ve seen!
I had not realised that sacrificing the Queen gave that KNIGHT so much power! WOW! Power to y'all ladies out there! Much appreciation to you Chess Talk #MuchLoveFromZimbabwe
Because of this channel my all crumbling concepts got improved like the language , tips for opening and tactics of chess I was looking for this kind of channel in my chess journey👍👍🙂🙂
watch hindi chess videos
Agadmators chess
Same with me here😊😄
Oh yeah
Thanks for 50 likes 😃😃
Difference between : Playing Chess and Playing Chess with *Style*
Wow, ❤️
Thank you for making our lockdown fun with chess tricks
For the puzzle:
1. White Queen to h5+, Black Rook captures White Queen
2. White Recaptures B.Rook h5+, B.King moves to g8
3. W. Rook to a8+, Black either blocks it with his Rook on b7 or his Queen. Anyway this leads to the mate.
U are manus
king g6 is possible brooo
@@YashRaj-te3fy there is a Rook on a6.
Does Kg8 work?
@@harigovindt_ that makes the checkmate even quicker.
B Kg8, W Ra8, Black either saves with Rook or Queen, either way this is a checkmate.
I love that you don't rush through the game moves and explain everything. There's a lot of Chess channels that rush through everything so fast I don't have time to figure out what's happening. I definitely subscribed to your channel, I'm so glad I found you!
1 queen to h5. Check he tackes with his rook.
2 we take his rook and it's check. King to g8.
3 we take our rook to a8 and is a check. He blocks with his rook
We simply take and he again bloks with his queen and we simply take. And it is a beautiful check mate💪💪💪💪💪💪
A8? Why a8???????
@@renceilaya3562 the reason is above😁
Best game i have ever seen thank you chess talk for showing me such a good game in your video
Chess Puzzle: First the white queen moves to h5 giving a check, if the rook takes the queen Rxh5+ the king moves to g8 and rook to a8 will result in a mate in two. If the king moves to g8 without capturing the white queen we can give a check on a8 by which we will win the black queen
If the first move is white queen to h5. It's already a checkmate after black queen to h2 bro
Ur correct bro!
@@renceilaya3562 I had to rewind and watch the video and decided there's no way for "Black Queen" to get to H2. I'm guessing you meant black "king"?
I love this when you show 2 masters are playing chess. It really motivates me and I follow their ideas. Well, Answer of the puzzle is:
1. Qh5+ Black has 2 options Rxh5 and Kg8. If, Rook takes,
2. Rxh5+ (X-ray defending) Kg8
3. Ra8+ (After both Rook and Queen blocks, Rxd8#)
If, Kg8, then,
2. Ra8+ Rb8
3. Rxb8+ Qd8
4. Rxd8+ Rxd8 (We have an extra queen)
If, Kg8 it can also..
2. Ra8+ Qd8
3. Rxd8+ Rxd8...
Black can actually save both of his rook instead of one. (White will still have the plus point though...🙂)
Great video. I love seeing amazing plays like that. Thanks for running through all the possibilities visually, that really helped me understand the gravity of the situation. Also, if i am not mistaken, the correct move for the puzzle would be queen to h5. Black would be in check and would have to respond with rook capture h5. White continues the attack with rook capture h5. The pressure from whites rook at a6 means that the king cant attack at g6 and is forced to retreat to g8. All that remains is rook to a8, mate in 2 because the black rook and queen can only delay the inevitable. If i missed something, please let me know. I would love to hear it.
We found a new compliment: 4:19, " is a family fork"
You are right✔
@@Agamya-rh4gd 😂😂
Thanks for like me! 😁
😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣
What a game it was
how could he calculate those many steps to place queen there in very less time
I am very very impressed
Excellent sir
back then there were no timers
Oh my gosh. What a movement. Thank you posting this video. Your explanation is also so nice.
My first video of what I’m feeling may be many many more watching- I always loved chess but none of my friends played so I never played anyone but the computer… but you explanations and analysis is super informative and helpful. Thanks for the great content!
This is the most beautiful queen sacrifice i ever seen! i almost cried here because its just amazing!
This is one of the most entertaining chess channel there is
1. Qh5+, in reply to white black Rook takes white Queen Rxh5 then
2. White Rook takes black Rook on h5 Rxh5+ forced black king to move to g8 ie Kg8
Then 3. Ra8+ is unavoidable checkmate.
As if black plays Rb8 to stop mate 4. white takes the rook on b8 (Rxb8+) and check. Then if black Queen moves to d8 (or e8), then 5. White Rook takes black queen on d8 (Rxd8#) and checkmate.
If Qd8 then Rd8, Rd8 then it's not a mate
@@krishnajiraodasari1918 no, Qd8 Rxd8# because there is no more rook at d5, it took the queen remember? (Rxh5 Rxh5+)
No black won’t take queen rather move king to g8 but still we can take black queen and win from there in few moves.
4:07 fasten your seatbelts everyone!
I love playing chess like this....
What a game man🤩🤩🥰🥰Enjoyed so much....
this is the best channel i have seen and also much informative
1- QH5
2-black took takes queen, then took takes took on H5
3-Black king goes to G8
4-rook from A6 to A8 then it's check mate
Someone told me there's a calm before the storm. I can relate it with Jeetendra sir's tricks and traps. Everytime we stay calm to make our opponent face the storm.😉
I just love this channel.
He always replies to my comments.
I just wonder from where he brings this content.
Sorry bro this time you got only a like, anyways here's a cookie for you 🍪
Best channel
@@vijithvisweswaran5262 😂
6:38 solution
1: Qh5+!!, Rxh5
2: Rxh5+, Kg8
3: Ra8+, Rb8
4: Rxb8+, Qd8
5: Rxd8#
Puzzle answer: Qh5+
Queen sac
black responds by taking with d5 Rook
white takes rook back
forced back rank mate
King can escape with g8 instead of taking the queen first, but it also results in backrank mate so ye
Hello Chess Talk. The solution of this puzzle is Qh5, it's a check. If black captures the queen with his rook on h5. So, after Rook captures on h5, then we play Rxh5, it's a check again. Then is forced to play Kg8. Then we have,Ra8 check, and black is completely helpless, he has to block the check with his rook or queen. So whatever move he plays, we can simply capture that piece with our rook to checkmate the black king.
Thank you for the puzzle,Chess Talk.
Yes you are saying absolutely right 😍
Correct i nailed the coffin with rook too.
Kf3 is a family fork😂 love you sir😂❤
How kf2 k stand for king bro N stand for knight k is already use at king..lol
Puzzle solution :
Qh5+, black takes with Rh5
Then white plays Rh5+
Then black forced to g8, then white plays Ra8+
checkmate 💕
black didn't take queen go to go then
@@sumeshmn9882 if black didnt take queen then only possible move is to king to g8 then ra8 then black can play Qd8 then we can be queen up
Awesome... Loved it❤️
The way you express the moves gives me goosebumps... Keep it up👍
1. Qh5 Rxh5 2. Rxh5 Kg8 3.Ra8+ Rb8 4. Rxb8 Qd8 5. Rxd8 Rxd8 6.Ra8#
In case black doesnt take the queen and instead moves his king, it will be same process with
(Black :Rxh5 White: Rxh5) knocked off.
The winning move for white is Qh5+. Black king has to reply with Kh7 then white does Ra1 which wins as black has to lose a lot of pieces (queen or rook)
Good move but first you have to do pawn to C3, then that traps and will eventually get rid of the rook that will take the queen if you move it to H5
If you do that, you will end up with a checkmate
It was a beautiful game and the way you explained was also fantastic, sir. Keep it up
6:40 The queen moves to h5, which can lead to two situations. Either the king moves to g8, but then the 6a rook moves to 8a and there's a checkmate. The other situation is that the 5d black rook takes the queen, then the 5a rook takes the black rook, which results in check. The king has no choice, but to move to 8g, then the 6a rook moves to 8a, resulting in a checkmate.
I think Qg4 is the best, black queen takes and pawn takes queen. Now rook d5 is only protected by a pawn. If he takes rook a5 he loses his rook and the king is now exposed for a check
Qd8 does not stop mate, u forgot that the d5 rook is gone
When there’s a good move u gotta look for a better move. Here, there’s a forced checkmate, better than an advantageous position.
@@LayTheNess no it isnt gone if he plays k to g8...obviously if he blocks with the queen after r to a8 then he trades queen for rook
Qh5 check
Is king goes h8 then,
Black rook takes on d8
There is a huge piece advantage so white can easily win in this if queen moves first instead of rook then also there is a huge material advantage
If rxqh5
White Rxh5
King must go to g8
QH5, exchange Q for R on same square, KG8 sets up rook mate on last rank after two helpless interpositions by rook and queen
PS: Thanks for showing this game. Marevellous. I dragged my teen-age son to sit still and watch it.
What if the king moves to G8 after QH5? I think black will come out just a bit better than getting immediately mated then
@@captainzork6109 If Kg8, Black plays Ra8 pinning the Queen to the king, after which Black's best move is to block with the queen on d8. White then plays Qxd5 winning the Black Rook since the pin on the Black Queen prevents it from taking the White queen. Black's best move is then to pull the other rook back to b8, after which White takes the Rook on b8, and when Black recaptures on b8 with the Queen White plays the other rook to a8 pinning the Queen to the King AGAIN. Black is completely lost but could capture the rook on a8 with the Queen after which White recaptures on a8 with the Queen and White is a full Queen up in the endgame.
@@ighsight Yes. That's what I thought as well. At lower levels there's still a chance to draw or win then :D Or perhaps in time trouble
Before watching I can tell it would be an amazing video
4.18 - Knight f3 is family fork 😂
Great Commentary 👌
First of all queen to h5, after black rook takes queen, white rook captures black rook on h5 with a check. Now, black king can only go to g8. After King goes to g8, rook on a6 to a8 with check. The black queen will cover at d8. After capturing the queen at d8, it is checkmate.
I gave the same soln.
C4 will also lead to same back rank checkmate
kumar anurag no it does not
@ token Sharma black won’t take queen instead will play king to g8 but still we can win black queen and gain advantage.
@kumar anurag....C4 is most foolish play ...black will win if played C4
White - Q - h5
Black - R×Q h5
White - R×R Check
Black - K - g8
White - R - a8 Checkmate
Beautiful puzzle. Like the game, we have to sac the queen.
1.Qh5+ Rxh5
2.Rxh5 Kg8
After the following forced sequence of moves, black will sac back some pieces and end up getting a back rank mate.
Thank you🙏💕
Your videos are really mind blowing and makes our lockdown more interesting i wanted more videos from chess talk I'm a very big fan of it
Chess puzzle: queen to h5,rook to h5 and lastly rook to a8 resulting a checkmate.
no....there can be a block by Qd8
@@shefalikuntal1941 that will not matter anyways, black would lose the queen and eventually it will be checkmate
Its not stupis
That move was really crazy and smart... I wonder how much time it took him to play that move...
The amount of thought out into this game is insane, people don’t even realize it.
What a beautiful game I have ever seen and beautifully explained
Here's my take on this position, for what it's worth. Forgive me for not knowing proper chess abbreviation.
Qh5 should be white's move.
We all see that if black takes the queen, it ends in mate pretty quickly, but black can retreat his king with Kg8.
I think the next move should be Rxd5, not Ra8.
Ra8 forces the Qd8. From here, Rxd8 invites Rxd8, and black has escaped at the cost of trading a queen for a rook.
If, instead of Rxd8, white moves Rxd5, black just goes Qxa8.
If, instead of either of those two moves, white goes Qxd5, black can bolster his back line with Rb8, escaping the trap. White can trade queens and be up a rook, but he can’t trap black’s king anymore. So that can’t be the solution either. So Ra8 must be the wrong move here.
So, lets assume that after Kg8, white moves Rxd5. What does black do in response?
If black does Qxd5, then Ra8 wins. Moving either of the pawns by the king is useless too, as Ra8 will either force mate after some sacrifices, or else if Kg7 was black’s freed move, then after Ra8 then Qh8 is mate. Moving any piece other than black’s queen will result in Rxd7, which will lead to mate either through Ra8 or Qxf7 line. So black MUST move his queen to block the back row.
So black has either Qc8 or Qe8 to maintain defense. Either way, the idea is to slow black down from lining up his rooks.
The a6 rook should be used to threaten the queen by either moving to c6 or e6. Taking the threating rook will allow Rd8, which will yield mate, so black can’t take it. And while you might think e6 invites Pxe6, that move would actually invite Qxe8 check, with Rh8 checkmate coming.
Black can try interposing by Rc7 or Re7. Either way, doubling up in the d file is the answer, as after that, the attack on d8 is coming, and now black has no time to bring his queen and rook into line. Rd7 just results in Rxd7, and after Qxd7 and Rxd7, black has no way out.
If Black catches on and moves Rb8, giving up his queen, then take it. Once black takes white’s rook, the remaining rook should move to d7. This forces black to move Rf8 to protect his king, but now white moves Qxh4, and Rd8 is coming and will force the exchange of rooks, leaving white with a queen up, all rooks dead, and certain victory.
I really really enjoyed the game and I really appreciate this work...I learnt alot of new things
Thanks 😊😇
Solution of puzzle: Qh5+, Rxh5, Rxh5+, Kg8 (forced), Ra8+ and after bringing the queen and the rook for blocking the check one by one it will result in beautiful checkmate.
Rxh5 is not forced, Qh5 Kg8 Ra8 Qd8 Rxd8 Rxd8.
@@Zero-ef4sc Kg8 is blunder as it will lead to a checkmate in fewer moves.
@@clanergaming7454 you're getting checkmated either way. Rxh5 is not forced. Forced is when there is no other legal move.
@@clanergaming7454 and no, there is no checkmate after Kg8.
@@Zero-ef4sc Pleaser read my reply properly, I
have written in "FEWER" moves not immediately.
I think that the good sequence for the last game is: Qh5-Rxh5-Rxh5-Kg8-Ra8.
And also thanks for the video, it was wholesome.
Enjoyed the perfect game i have ever seen in my life
Modern equivalent: everybody spontaneously gives big to the livestream.
I knew it that this was only the video, see my comment before the video on community 💯
Yes, I saw that!
I too
Mind blowing game...
4:45 Already looks so unreal because it looks as if both the rook and queen are hanging.
But 5:56 What a visual this is looks as if the knight, queen and rook are hanging that looks so incredible man WOW!!! I was shocked
Answer to the puzzle: first the queen to h5 check there is only option to black to take the queen with rook then rook to h5 check king goes to g8 and then rook to a8 check and even black tries to stop with rook and queen it is a stunning checkmate
Hope this help to players that couldn't solve this:)
Qh5+ check
Rxh5+ check
Ra8+ check
Rxb8+ check
1 month ago I would just be looking at others comments for the solution but now,
Qh5(best move)
Yes but after rook takes queen then white rook takes rook kg8 and ra8.
from the thumbnail it was already known that the queen will move to g3. and if one thinks carefully he would know it was just impossible to escape the checkmate.
But can tell i would never been able to think of this move at the first place
its totally mindblowing.😎😀
The queen can't move to g3?
@@vike2168 no bro it can
and it was the best move
Qh5 cannot be a particularly best option/move, if you're playing against someone who had good hand in chess.
Because, if we move Qh5:
Case 1 : black rook takes queen, then, our white rook×rh5, then check and king to g8 then rook to a8 and check mate, not obviously untill black rook at b7 moves to b8 then cross b8 then, black queen to d8 and our rook takes it again, and then check mate happens...
Case 2:. Our white queen to h5, then if black rook doesn't take the queen, forthwith goes for king to g8, then our white rook to a8, then black rook to b8, then cross b8 , then black queen to d8 then, cross d8 but now not this time checkmate, this time black rook at d5 takes our rook at d8 and game cpntinues, but we will be in lead as having our queen and one rook alive.
Solution for case 2 could be after not crossing black queen at b8 but playing our white rook at a5 to a8 , then if black queen kills our rook at b8, we can kill queen at b8 again with our rook which was placed at a8 and check mate.
Also, if black queen not kills our rook but black rook kills, our white queen at h5 , then it will be problematic... For us means now the game will be more longer
Hope u will like all my views of this puzzle.
And sir jeetendra, it's my first puzzle and hope u will like it...
The most beautiful game I've seen ever
The fact that you play out all the variations and transpositions is fantastic!
Queen h5+, rook takes h5, rook takes h5+, king g8 and finally rook a8 eventually leads to checkmate.
you missed kg8 at the start
@@samlei9859 if kg8, then you simply take the rook with yours and in the worst case scenario, you're an entire rook up.
I really want to have a one on one chess match with you.
Thank you sir. Maybe my chess game will someday exceed knowing how the pieces move and shoe horning miliary tactics into those limitations. Lmao it does work better than shoe horning military tactics into playing tennis did. My tennis coach still takes a pot shot at me now and then if she sees me across no man's land and I'm pretty sure her husband is mining under my perimeter as i write this.
Thankyou for your clear comments on the advantages of certain moves.
Puzzle solution...🙂
Queen Hai5 check, now black can either take the queen with rook or move his king to G8 but then rook a8 is mate..
If black takes queen with rook to h5 then white takes rook with rook and again rook a8 is mate🙂🙂
your tricks are awesome sir.#chesstalk#videosuggestion please show the game kasprov vs anand 1995 in new york. love from nagpur sir and one game please.
Thanks, will make a video on that soon. Stay tuned :)
@@ChessTalk yes sir
Pls make a videos on that.
Yes make a video on that
5:55 me playing chess😂
There's actually a faster way to win...Now we will take the rook with knight,then he takes our rook and then we save our knight and we are still up a piece but one pair of rook is traded off
If you take rook with Knight, he Doesn't need to take that knight. He could just take black rook-h3 with pawn-g2 and proceed with rook-c5
Queen h5 (Check),
Rook captures Queen,
Rook captures Rook(Check),
King g8,
Rook a8 (Checkmate)
Puzzle :
White Black
Qh5 Rxh5
Rxh5+ Kg8
Ra8+ Rb8
Rxb8+ Qd8
If black rook doesn’t take the Queen, even then Ra8+ would lead to checkmate
Hello! I hope that whoever is watching this video becomes a great chess player!
ha, that's actually pretty neat.
my answer to the chess puzzle:
White Q to h5 check which can result in black R taking the Q, which white then takes with the R on a5.
The king can only move to g8, which is a checkmate in two moves after R to a8.
if black instead moves his king to g8 without taking the Q, then Rook to a8 forces black to lose both the rook and the queen, with the rook on d5 taking the white rook after queen capture on d8. This leaves black with 1 rook and white with a rook and a queen.
There's a way to take both black rooks and queen with only a white queen left over if black king to g8, but I don't really remember chess notation and this comment already seems convoluted. Pls let me know if I'm wrong with my working out.
Here, queen to h5 check
If black capture queen on h5
Then Rook capture Rook on h5 and also check to the king
The king move king to g8
White moves his Rook to a1 checkmate
Sir Thanks for giving puzzles
And also making video on chess
Puzzle answer , firstly take queen to h5 . Blacks king check and if he moves backward then rook to A1. A beautiful checkmate
Answer of riddle:-
★ 1.Qxg4 Qe7 2.Rd4 Qc8 3.Qxh5 check Kg8 4.Ra8. Here is an exception. If Qa8, then Ra8 is a beautiful checkmate.
★ 1.Qxg4 Qd6 2.Rd6 Rd6 3.Rh8 check Kg8 4.Ra8 checkmate.
Frank Marshall must have been rich after the spectators were said to show ogld coins on the board after that queen to g3.
6:45, Qh5, after black captures the queen capture with the other rook, forcing the black king into the 8 file, then check with the other rook and checkmate, in case if black didnt capture with the rook but instead ran away to g7, checkmate with the rooks.
For the puzzle, Qh5+ forces response of Rxh5. Then Rh5+ forces Kg8, which leads to Ra8++.
Addendum: ...oh, somebody brought up in the comments that Qh5+ DOESN'T force the response because Ra8 afterwards ISN'T Checkmate, because the Rook can still be blocked. Good point, actually. Though (B)Qd8 still leads to material advantage by (W)Rxd8+ leading into (B)Rxd8.
I admit my comment is off, but as soon as I heard Mr. Advani speak I thought for a second that his next words would be, “Hello, this is the IRS. A warrant has been issued for your arrest…”.
Great video, by the way.
If i saw this game in a bar i would buy it a drink and tell it how beautiful it is
The entire game is a true beauty
queen h5 check(white)
rook takes queen(black)
rook takes rook check(white)
king to g8(black)
rook to a8 check mate(white)
i saw this on Facebook and it's beautiful.
Qh5 check Rh5 Rh5 check Kg8 Ra8 checkmate