I read the five volumes of Poem of the ManGod in the 1990s and they changed my life. These volumes are visions Maria Valtorta experienced of the life of Mary and Jesus. Trust this: they transplant you into their lives.
It's sure is a most beautiful read. It's changed my life as well. I was filled with grace while reading and so grateful for The Poem of the Man God. God bless you and keep you.
Very good. And I feel all these Congressional talks about UFOs and extraterrestrials , along with the current state of the world, most of us alive right now , are going to witness , the time has come. and it is time to pray for strength. Thank You for posting this.
I don’t think the dangers of sinning … the consequences of sinning, are taught enough, especially to young people. But I would emphasize that God’s commandments are for your protection, and so that you can live a life of light to others and service to your fellow men and to God. How beautiful, how rewarding, how freeing! Sin though destroys the light you have, it imprisons and destroys. But the scary thing … at first it seems harmless fun, freeing. When you have been ensnared, then you see from hindsight what could have been, but it is too late. That is what the devil has planned. I just wish young people were better taught regarding sin, that God’s rules are love and life, to the fullest. And to pray to God … to find out what He wants you to do. God gave you gifts, and with His help, you find your true passion and purpose. Pray for our young! 🙏
It’s something I’ve emphasised to all the parents of my friends raised catholic but now turning. Emphasise St Theresa of Avila’s ecstasy and the glory your missing not the dreadful consequence of sin. People need positive attraction. Not just negative warnings
Has anyone seen that there is an empty seat in the EU parliament, number 666? EU parliament leads to power in the G7, like 7 heads. Power in the G7 leads to power in the D10, like 10 horns. Japan is in the G7. It was fatally wounded by atomic bombs. But it healed. Just some interesting correlations Ive found.
Thank you, Robert, for at last releasing the great prophecies given to Maria Valtorta about this world and the dire conditions it is in. I have always been thrilled by the theology contained in Maria's NOTEBOOKS. Severe, for sure! But the world needs to know how sick it is, before asking to be healed by the Doctor.
Thanks Robert for introducing us all to this great mystic. The account of the Anti-Christ here is masterly, I can well believe that these are the words of Our Lord Jesus.
It's so much easier to follow along and remember the messages if you keep the text you read up on the screen for the viewer to follow along with. Please consider this for the future.
Here's an interesting observation... Mind you, this would be my locale and may not be typically. My parish is full of elderly people who regularly attend. I'd say a good >90% don't even know about the Synod. On the other hand, they seem to me well aware of their mortality as they would be quite constantly well reminded of this by the number of Requiems we have per week. I guess, as far as eschatology goes, these people may have it right. They may not try and look nor predict nor do they seem perturb. They do not seem to occupy themselves with speculation on prophesy. But they know. That they will die. Live as if we could die tomorrow? Maybe we should accept things are just going to play out how they're going to play out, the Church may have to wither and shrink to a shell of what it was, but some of us will carry on. We maybe shouldn't get to solicitous about this. After all didn't Christ get complete embarrassed and mocked and still did he rise again on the third day? Maybe this is what the church is destined for and there may be nothing we can do to change it but what could matter is how we bear it out? Maybe less speculation, more action? There's always been bad people, bad clergy, and there probably always will be. And we will all die regardless of any eschatological speculations one may have.
Thank you Robert for this lecture. On the same topic I am reading “ L'ultima ora. L'apostasia, l'Anticristo e la fine del mondo negli scritti di Maria Valtorta” wrote by Liberato de Caro. Very intresting to explore the study of Prof. De Caro on the “ final hour”. The Gospel as it was revealed to me its an everyday reading and meditation but the notebooks, the book of Azaria are also very intresting. A summa of treasures for our time! Hope many will start to read them and get all the spiritual gift they bear.
@@thecatholicman Yes he did wrote a book on the Antichrist, here is the title in italian, I don’t know if they have an english version. “L'ultima ora. L'apostasia, l'Anticristo e la fine del mondo negli scritti di Maria Valtorta “ - 2 settembre 2022 di Liberato De Caro
Thank You Robert, My Thoughts Are What Is God Waiting For ?. Hundreds Of Millions Of Babies Slaughtered, And Their Mothers Violated, And Every Conceivable Form Of Filth Legalised And Promoted In Some Schools. And Endless Wars And Exploitation Of The Poorest Of The Poor, I’m Just Surprised At Gods Patience And Mercy. Thanks Again Robert…. 30.09.2024. Dublin / Longford.
Ladies,, I was in mass this morning in Limerick the redemptorist church mount st alphonsus down from Mary I ,, and during the sermon the priest mentioned Latin mass you can go on line and watch the recording of 10 o’clock mass today 30/9 ,,, they have 3 masses a day 8-10 and 7-15 in the evening Monday to Friday,, and sat/ Sunday, the have a monstary shop as well , worth a visit ,, anyway as I said the priest mentioned Latin mass and never mentioned that literally down the rd O’Connell ave we ( lmk) have the sacred heart church that does Latin mass daily beautiful church holy water left out donations mass booklet from Latin to English and if I’m not mistaken the redemptorists church supported the scared heart church in its earlier yrs,, anyway that’s my rant over 😂😂😂
I've been reading the abridged version of Poem of the Man God. Is it an accurate history revealed by Christ? I don't know. It does show you what it means to love God, and it shows how heroic virtue is to be lived out. I know it faithfully shows the heart of God and how to cherish his love.
Guys I just read on EWTN that Poem of the Man-God was actually rejected and condemned by the Church several times, it was purportedly put on the Church's Index of Forbidden Books; the Divine Mercy devotion was put on the Prohibited Index (as are many works due to translation errors), but for a work to be put on the index of Forbidden Books it must seriously contradict the Faith, any ideas?
A lot happened since that decades old article. Read about the incredible work www.valtorta.org.au/Defence/Maria%20Valtorta%20Summa%20&%20Encyclopedia.pdf And the Valtorta Enigma. www.valtorta.org.au/The-Valtorta-Enigma.pdf
When Satan knows a book or devotion will be mighty and powerful to save souls, he tries to come against it. But God will bring them to light in His perfect time!
Where can one find a condensed copy on a budget? Seems like the 5 volume set is more than half a thousand bucks, but thank you for that link, it's really good. I attend a TLM and one my friends always talks enthusiastically about Valtorta and the Poem of the Man God, seemed too good to be true but you are right God knows.
eBay actually has the best prices for the 5 volume set of the Poem of the Man God books; keep an eye on the prices there, as they go up and down. I absolutely love these books. Fr James Blount gave a shout-out to these books at a retreat I was at with him last year. That’s when I decided to buy a set! God bless, everyone! ❤
I'm surprised that there was such an extended vocabulary that many years ago?? Or is it an over emphasised translation? Some of the words seem modern (as it were) I'm just interested. So many people including, myself ,do not have that vast a vocabulary? I also would have thought,the apostles were very simple fishermen? I know Jesus would have had a wide vocabulary,but would he have communicated to people like this? In the bible it is all very basic?
What is the best way to predict the future? Write it down and give it to someone to take care of it. If you know "King Ahab" you know they need to drop (-Daniel-) and (-Revalations-). And what are you talking about mystics for. More "Jesus" and "Old Testiment" and drop the other stuff.
For anyone with eyes to see the spirit of the ac is rampant in the world today. Pray Fast make reparation. Make acts of love and mercy. Manifest the Holy Spirit in your sphere of influence. That is all that is required. that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. Matthew 11: 25 -
I would encourage you to read the following article...I don't think that this utube creator is always up to date on whether something is approved .. “A monument to pseudo-religiosity”: A case against The Poem of the Man-God Article by Catholic World Report From article: "At the time of her death in 1961, she had reached what Fr. Benedict Groeschel C.F.R. has described as “as state similar to catatonic schizophrenia.” Illness would suffice to explain her decline without looking for diabolic causes, as some critics have tried. She died on October 12, 1961."
The False Prophet will make the way straight for the coming of Antichrist. The False Prophet proclaims the inversion and perversion of the full and authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Baptist called souls to repent of sin and belief in Jesus Christ to save their souls from hell. The False Prophet tells souls that "repentence is not needed for absolution" and "athiests go to heaven because nobody can be punished forever in hell". Father John Matthew Duffy Toronto, Canada
Not at all. It was put on the index of forbidden books. Pope Benedicts comment as Cardinal Ratzinger on this set of books was: "These writings cannot be recognized as being of supernatural origin." Ratzinger through the apostolic nuncio in Canada 1994 1993, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith directed the Italian Bishops’ Conference to order this disclaimer placed in future re-issues of the Poem: “…the ‘visions’ and ‘dictations’ referred to in it are simply literary forms used by the author to narrate in her own way the life of Jesus. They cannot be considered supernatural in origin.”
I bought Vol 1 of Maria Valtorta because you bought the set. There are questions in my mind about different things that is in Vol 1 . Am wondering Robert ,can i get in touch with you for your take on these particular things ??
Maria Valtorta's multi-volume life of Jesus flirts with heresy and exhibits bad taste. Its claim to authenticity have been rejected by Rome. by Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J. EWTN
@@thecatholicman I will stick to what is approved. And even less to things that were on the index and were never removed (for good reason) I did the same mistake in the past with other private revalations. I just gotta say I don't believe in Maria Valtortas Jesus, who speaks of many more inhabited planets. Ergo extra terrestrials. I also don't believe Jesus jokingly threatening Peter, that he defiled his mother to make him feel scared. I know those are low hanging fruits, but the best I can say about the poem itself is that it is a artistically written text to evoke emotions, however a very human work. Also stating that he never did any study on all of her writings, is kind of strange. Does it have to be all to find error in it?
there is and can be only one [anti christ ] transliterated correctly is instead of christ and that is the son of perdition he who has already been sentenced to perish and that is satan himself 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4 21st Century King James Version 2 that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as if from us that the Day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day shall not come, unless there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sitteth as God in the temple of God, showing himself to be God read it it is written
"Poem of The Man-God" by the Italian visionary Maria Valtorta was placed on the Vatican's index of "forbidden books" in December 1959. So a no go for Catholics.
St Faustina and Divine Mercy was also on that list. That's where they put all literature until they get to reading or approving them and it no longer exists. Maria Valtorta is endorsed by Popes and great saints. There is no error and you would be missing the best treasure of knowing our Lord intimately
@@DrTina-th5so No, the Index librorum prohibitorum(=forbidden books) was a register of the Roman Inquisition, which listed for every Catholic the books whose reading was considered a grave sin; for some of these books, excommunication was the ecclesiastical punishment. Of course after V2 everything goes...
I read the five volumes of Poem of the ManGod in the 1990s and they changed my life. These volumes are visions Maria Valtorta experienced of the life of Mary and Jesus. Trust this: they transplant you into their lives.
It's sure is a most beautiful read. It's changed my life as well. I was filled with grace while reading and so grateful for The Poem of the Man God. God bless you and keep you.
It's an amazing private revelation ❤ I love the writings of Maria Valtorta
I love Maria Voltorta's "Poem Of The Man God." I wasn't aware of the publication of the notebooks. I look forward to reading them. Thank you Robert!
Very good. And I feel all these Congressional talks about UFOs and extraterrestrials , along with the current state of the world, most of us alive right now , are going to witness , the time has come. and it is time to pray for strength. Thank You for posting this.
I don’t think the dangers of sinning … the consequences of sinning, are taught enough, especially to young people. But I would emphasize that God’s commandments are for your protection,
and so that you can live a life of light to others and service to your fellow men and to God. How beautiful, how rewarding, how freeing! Sin though destroys the light you have, it imprisons and destroys. But the scary thing … at first it seems harmless fun, freeing. When you have been ensnared, then you see from hindsight what could have been, but it is too late. That is what the devil has planned. I just wish young people were better taught regarding sin, that God’s rules are love and life, to the fullest. And to pray to God … to find out what He wants you to do. God gave you gifts, and with His help, you find your true passion and purpose. Pray for our young! 🙏
It’s something I’ve emphasised to all the parents of my friends raised catholic but now turning. Emphasise St Theresa of Avila’s ecstasy and the glory your missing not the dreadful consequence of sin. People need positive attraction. Not just negative warnings
Has anyone seen that there is an empty seat in the EU parliament, number 666?
EU parliament leads to power in the G7, like 7 heads.
Power in the G7 leads to power in the D10, like 10 horns.
Japan is in the G7. It was fatally wounded by atomic bombs. But it healed.
Just some interesting correlations Ive found.
Thank you, Robert, for at last releasing the great prophecies given to Maria Valtorta about this world and the dire conditions it is in. I have always been thrilled by the theology contained in Maria's NOTEBOOKS. Severe, for sure! But the world needs to know how sick it is, before asking to be healed by the Doctor.
Thanks Robert for introducing us all to this great mystic. The account of the Anti-Christ here is masterly, I can well believe that these are the words of Our Lord Jesus.
It's so much easier to follow along and remember the messages if you keep the text you read up on the screen for the viewer to follow along with. Please consider this for the future.
Especially when Robert's reading is so terrible 😂
Here's an interesting observation...
Mind you, this would be my locale and may not be typically.
My parish is full of elderly people who regularly attend. I'd say a good >90% don't even know about the Synod.
On the other hand, they seem to me well aware of their mortality as they would be quite constantly well reminded of this by the number of Requiems we have per week.
I guess, as far as eschatology goes, these people may have it right. They may not try and look nor predict nor do they seem perturb. They do not seem to occupy themselves with speculation on prophesy.
But they know. That they will die.
Live as if we could die tomorrow?
Maybe we should accept things are just going to play out how they're going to play out, the Church may have to wither and shrink to a shell of what it was, but some of us will carry on.
We maybe shouldn't get to solicitous about this.
After all didn't Christ get complete embarrassed and mocked and still did he rise again on the third day? Maybe this is what the church is destined for and there may be nothing we can do to change it but what could matter is how we bear it out?
Maybe less speculation, more action? There's always been bad people, bad clergy, and there probably always will be. And we will all die regardless of any eschatological speculations one may have.
The book is audio on YT.
Thank you Robert for this lecture. On the same topic I am reading “ L'ultima ora. L'apostasia, l'Anticristo e la fine del mondo negli scritti di Maria Valtorta” wrote by Liberato de Caro. Very intresting to explore the study of Prof. De Caro on the “ final hour”.
The Gospel as it was revealed to me its an everyday reading and meditation but the notebooks, the book of Azaria are also very intresting. A summa of treasures for our time! Hope many will start to read them and get all the spiritual gift they bear.
Is there a book published about this ?
can you give a link.
@@thecatholicman Yes he did wrote a book on the Antichrist, here is the title in italian, I don’t know if they have an english version. “L'ultima ora. L'apostasia, l'Anticristo e la fine del mondo negli scritti di Maria Valtorta “ - 2 settembre 2022 di Liberato De Caro
Thank you, I wept........but thank you. Deus Sanctus, Deus Fortis, Deus immortalis. Miserere Nobis.😇🙏❄️🏴💖💝
Must read for everyone
Thank You Robert, My Thoughts Are What Is God Waiting For ?. Hundreds Of Millions Of Babies Slaughtered, And Their Mothers Violated, And Every Conceivable Form Of Filth Legalised And Promoted In Some Schools. And Endless Wars And Exploitation Of The Poorest Of The Poor, I’m Just Surprised At Gods Patience And Mercy. Thanks Again Robert…. 30.09.2024. Dublin / Longford.
It’s horrific
This is excellent!!!❤❤❤❤
Ladies,, I was in mass this morning in Limerick the redemptorist church mount st alphonsus down from Mary I ,, and during the sermon the priest mentioned Latin mass you can go on line and watch the recording of 10 o’clock mass today 30/9 ,,, they have 3 masses a day 8-10 and 7-15 in the evening Monday to Friday,, and sat/ Sunday, the have a monstary shop as well , worth a visit ,, anyway as I said the priest mentioned Latin mass and never mentioned that literally down the rd O’Connell ave we ( lmk) have the sacred heart church that does Latin mass daily beautiful church holy water left out donations mass booklet from Latin to English and if I’m not mistaken the redemptorists church supported the scared heart church in its earlier yrs,, anyway that’s my rant over 😂😂😂
@@PatrickMoloney-zk9ed would you have a link to the masses?
I've been reading the abridged version of Poem of the Man God. Is it an accurate history revealed by Christ? I don't know. It does show you what it means to love God, and it shows how heroic virtue is to be lived out.
I know it faithfully shows the heart of God and how to cherish his love.
Fr.James Blount knows who he is he saw him Jesus bi located him to see who he is but wasn’t allowed to reveal it he said he is a world leader
And Fr James Blount gave a positive shout-out to the Poem of the Man God books at a retreat I was out last year, so I bought a set!
Need to read more about her, thank you!
Guys I just read on EWTN that Poem of the Man-God was actually rejected and condemned by the Church several times, it was purportedly put on the Church's Index of Forbidden Books; the Divine Mercy devotion was put on the Prohibited Index (as are many works due to translation errors), but for a work to be put on the index of Forbidden Books it must seriously contradict the Faith, any ideas?
A lot happened since that decades old article. Read about the incredible work
And the Valtorta Enigma.
When Satan knows a book or devotion will be mighty and powerful to save souls, he tries to come against it. But God will bring them to light in His perfect time!
One need only to read this to know it is from Our Lord.
Where can one find a condensed copy on a budget? Seems like the 5 volume set is more than half a thousand bucks, but thank you for that link, it's really good. I attend a TLM and one my friends always talks enthusiastically about Valtorta and the Poem of the Man God, seemed too good to be true but you are right God knows.
eBay actually has the best prices for the 5 volume set of the Poem of the Man God books; keep an eye on the prices there, as they go up and down. I absolutely love these books. Fr James Blount gave a shout-out to these books at a retreat I was at with him last year. That’s when I decided to buy a set! God bless, everyone! ❤
Read also Marie Julie Jehenney.
I'm surprised that there was such an extended vocabulary that many years ago?? Or is it an over emphasised translation? Some of the words seem modern (as it were) I'm just interested. So many people including, myself ,do not have that vast a vocabulary? I also would have thought,the apostles were very simple fishermen? I know Jesus would have had a wide vocabulary,but would he have communicated to people like this? In the bible it is all very basic?
Antichrist... God is in control
What is the best way to predict the future? Write it down and give it to someone to take care of it. If you know "King Ahab" you know they need to drop (-Daniel-) and (-Revalations-). And what are you talking about mystics for. More "Jesus" and "Old Testiment" and drop the other stuff.
For anyone with eyes to see the spirit of the ac is rampant in the world today. Pray Fast make reparation. Make acts of love and mercy. Manifest the Holy Spirit in your sphere of influence. That is all that is required.
that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. Matthew 11: 25 -
I cant find the books anywhere
I never read Maria Voltorta, must check it out. !
I would encourage you to read the following article...I don't think that this utube creator is always up to date on whether something is approved ..
“A monument to pseudo-religiosity”: A case against The Poem of the Man-God
Article by Catholic World Report
From article:
"At the time of her death in 1961, she had reached what Fr. Benedict Groeschel C.F.R. has described as “as state similar to catatonic schizophrenia.” Illness would suffice to explain her decline without looking for diabolic causes, as some critics have tried. She died on October 12, 1961."
I’ve read the five volumes in the 1990s. Incredible! They changed my life.
Please do. You will forever be grateful to God for the privilege.
The False Prophet will make the way straight for the coming of Antichrist.
The False Prophet proclaims the inversion and perversion of the full and authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Baptist called souls to repent of sin and belief in Jesus Christ to save their souls from hell.
The False Prophet tells souls that "repentence is not needed for absolution" and "athiests go to heaven because nobody can be punished forever in hell".
Father John Matthew Duffy
Toronto, Canada
There is no requirement except to accept what was defined ex cathedra during the first 5 centuries AD.
Is Valtorta approved by the Church?
Not at all. It was put on the index of forbidden books. Pope Benedicts comment as Cardinal Ratzinger on this set of books was: "These writings cannot be recognized as being of supernatural origin." Ratzinger through the apostolic nuncio in Canada 1994
1993, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith directed the Italian Bishops’ Conference to order this disclaimer placed in future re-issues of the Poem: “…the ‘visions’ and ‘dictations’ referred to in it are simply literary forms used by the author to narrate in her own way the life of Jesus. They cannot be considered supernatural in origin.”
I bought Vol 1 of Maria Valtorta because you bought the set.
There are questions in my mind about different things that is in Vol 1 . Am wondering Robert ,can i get in touch with you for your take on these particular things ??
Private Revelation was assigned
Maria Valtorta's multi-volume life of Jesus flirts with heresy and exhibits bad taste. Its claim to authenticity have been rejected by Rome. by Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J. EWTN
He never did any study of all her writings
@@thecatholicman I will stick to what is approved. And even less to things that were on the index and were never removed (for good reason)
I did the same mistake in the past with other private revalations.
I just gotta say I don't believe in Maria Valtortas Jesus, who speaks of many more inhabited planets. Ergo extra terrestrials. I also don't believe Jesus jokingly threatening Peter, that he defiled his mother to make him feel scared. I know those are low hanging fruits, but the best I can say about the poem itself is that it is a artistically written text to evoke emotions, however a very human work.
Also stating that he never did any study on all of her writings, is kind of strange. Does it have to be all to find error in it?
You can go to countdown to the kingdom to read recent prophecies.
Bottom line is no pain no gain
I didnt really understand the message as it wasn't particularly well read, sorry.
Does anyone think they will be around for the time of the antichrist?
Has anyone heard of The Three Days Darkness?
The antichrist is already among us...
he has not yet made himself known to the public, as of today.
Speak up. Very hard to hear what you are saying
I'm somewhat confused. What conclusions are you trying to infer or make from this?
My conclusion, probably not said in the video as I just read Maria Valtorta. Remain faithful
To prepare the eight billion immortal souls now on earth for the Grand Conclusion coming in the immediate future!
@@patrickowens7221immediate? The antichrist will be from the tribe of Dan. We don't even know if he has been BORN yet.
there is and can be only one [anti christ ] transliterated correctly is instead of christ and that is the son of perdition he who has already been sentenced to perish and that is satan himself 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4
21st Century King James Version
2 that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as if from us that the Day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day shall not come, unless there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,
4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sitteth as God in the temple of God, showing himself to be God read it it is written
"Poem of The Man-God" by the Italian visionary Maria Valtorta was placed on the Vatican's index of "forbidden books" in December 1959. So a no go for Catholics.
St Faustina and Divine Mercy was also on that list. That's where they put all literature until they get to reading or approving them and it no longer exists. Maria Valtorta is endorsed by Popes and great saints. There is no error and you would be missing the best treasure of knowing our Lord intimately
@@DrTina-th5so No, the Index librorum prohibitorum(=forbidden books) was a register of the Roman Inquisition, which listed for every Catholic the books whose reading was considered a grave sin; for some of these books, excommunication was the ecclesiastical punishment.
Of course after V2 everything goes...
It was recently approved by Vatican