As a Pentecostal I’ll just say that I WISH our pastors and evangelists handled the subject of the Holy Spirit’s power with Paul Washer’s conviction on the matter.
Lord, i pray for everyone who hears this sermon to be moved and filled with the holy spirit and be delivered from the bondage and stronghold of this world. In Jesus name.amen❤
I know he is a true man of God. I was listening to one of his sermons right before I went to sleep I felt so convicted I could not sleep I literally felt sick inside of how little faith I have.
When you know, you know. When the Holy Spirit opens your understanding because you’ve been searching and seeking (like the Bible says to do) you’ll get it.
To all Lord’s true sheep, who truly love our beloved brother Paul and who have benefitted much from his life and his Calling from Lord : please pray for our beloved brother Paul, Lord’s faithful and bold saint, who is going through a heart operation right now as I am writing. The operation time is 6am EST, this means it has been coming to 3 hours. Thank you very much for your prayers.
I prayed so much ! I thank our Lord that Paul made it through and is doing well ,last I heard. Thank you for spreading the word. Continue praying for his quick recovery and rest for his family and comfort for them all.
@@RepentfollowJesus yes he is. Lord loves our beloved brother Paul so much and He still is loving him. Hallelujah. Yes continue to pray for Lord to completely restore and strengthen brother Paul and his heart and his health! Lord has spared brother Paul’s life again ! Praise God! This is the second time Lord has allowed brother Paul’s heart to be operated on and He would never agree to it if He Himself is not gonna make a brand new one for our beloved brother Paul! Hallelujah! Soli Deo Gloria! 🎊🎉🪅
Thank you Paul for your passion and your conviction in following in following the Holy Spirit as our Helper and Guide in following Jesus Christ. He is our Lord and comforter as we walk with Him daily. He refreshes us daily as we continually get filled with Him daily. ‘My cup over Flowith’!
Me too. I love this man and I learned the true gospel from him and I will be forever grateful to this man. More importantly I'm so grateful to the Lord God Jesus for teaching this man the true biblical through his holy spirit. All glory goes to the Lord God! 🙌🙌🙌
And me also. I'm in Canada and I really think it's harder here to find this kind of preaching. I'd have no problem finding a Word Faith Church, but I'm having a great deal of trouble finding another like Paul Washer or John MacArthur! And I live in a City in Ontario. Have found a Bible study though and that's going to have to do for now I guess. 😢
@@dianaavellanet8794 I've been to NY, but not the City. I have seen a lot of the State, across from Niagara Falls. There is the nicest place called Moscow about an hour drive from the Canadian Border. It's full of Churches & that's what amazed me when I found this gem of City or Town (not sure) Why don't you get on a Bus one day, to go see it? I'm Canadian, but have always said after discovering Moscow back in 1994, that if I could afford to move there, that's where I'd go. It's just like something out of a storybook. I kid you not. Then I found out that a friend of mine on Facebook, grew up there and she said it was a wonderful place to grow up and told me many encouraging stories about it. Anyway, when I read that you referred to NYC as Sodom, my heart was heavy for you. So just felt I could give you some hope.
When I became endued with power. I couldn't stop. In the streets of los angelespreading the gospel and doing every type of work for the Lord. That I thought was unimaginable if I was not endued with his power of the holy Spirit ,,in 2001 I still have not stopped living in my Spiritual walk in christ ❤. I LOVE THIS POWERFUL WORD ❤
Yeees! Yes! And YES!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I’m definitely experiencing Him now more than ever in my 20+ years of walking with Jesus. My DESIRE for the word has skyrocketed and it can only be because of the power of the Holy Spirits working..BUT not to the point of exhaustion..yet. But He has given me the ability to disciple ppl… past my bed time. And so happy to do so and am not tired. Early bed time is important to me😂🫣 but I’m still rising early and refreshed and eager to spend time with my Lord. God is lovely and gives us all things according to life and godliness. I love you brother Paul! May we continue to grow in grace and power in the power of the Holy Spirit🙏🏾🙏🏾
There is no evidence that the power of the Holy Spirit wears a person out…please show me the scripture. Acts 28:8-9. Are you also going to ignore 1 Corinthians 12? Why would this not apply to us today? 1 Corinthians 14:1 “pursue love & earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, ESPECIALLY that you may PROPHESY.” 1 Corinthians 14:39 “earnestly desire to prophesy & DO NOT FORBID speaking in TONGUES. Not sure why they don’t want the gifts of the Spirit. It makes no sense.
We believe in God, in Jesus gospel, our salvation only because His Holy Spirit is in us, guiding to His Word and all truth of Jesus and His Father. Th mor e believe , the more His Holy Spirit will be working in us for God’s glory! 📖🙏✝️❤️
JUST REMEMBER BROTHER when the enemy comes to attack and he will take it as a badge of honor and don't take it as GOD punishment toward you, cause the enemy will attack the more you plant seeds, every true christian will if you don't get demonic attacks toward you that's cause your not so be GODS WORK
If you don't have the Holy Spirit you are not a son of and study Romans 8:5-17... Martin Lloyd Jones wrote a book on this set of verses. Called "Romans An exposition of Chapter 8:5-17 The sons of God." It's excellent. He tells who is and who isn't a true Christian according to the Scripture. Except we are Born Again and indwelt by the Holy Spirit we are not saved. Every true Christian has the powerful leading of the Holy Spirit...📖🌷
@@RobTheTruth What Paul is saying there is that we are all partakers of the communion of the Spirit. But Baptism is seperate. Jesus told the disciples they would get baptized into the Holy Spirit, even after they had already received the Holy spirit.
@@RobTheTruth Mark 1:8, Acts 1:5, Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16, Acts 10:45, Acts 11:15, Acts Chapters 8, 18 and 19. Study and you'll see it is all over the New Testament- especially in the book of Acts.
yes, my foster Dad swore without thinking until he ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, then he didn't swear, and didn't think about it. he was set free of many things, a gift from God.
God bless America. We have three branches of government on the state and federal levels for all citizens to get involved. Our president has a two term limit. USA is battling corruption but we still have the covenant with God through Jesus Christ. Genesis 12
After only being free from Word Faith after almost 37 years, things from the old teachings can get so confusing at times. I'm so grateful for knowing the truth now and Paul Washer, John MacArthur are now my 2 biggest go to, for teachings on what it is to be a victorious woman of God through Jesus Christ. But I'm still confused on how to deal with the enemy. Sometimes it's so complicated?
@@neun2609 The Lord started showing me things that I had started to question. Then I was just listening to Videos on TH-cam when I saw Justin Peters calling some Christian Word Faith Teachers, who I was watching on TV fraudulent Teachers of God's Word. So after watching a lot of Videos, he recommended John MacArthur as a true teacher of God's Word, so I started listening to him. Now I have his Study Bible and other books. I'm reading the Word in a whole new way, & God through Jesus Christ has been teaching me many scriptures I didn't understand before or didn't see before. It's been an amazing journey, but still have a long way to go. I'm so relieved God opened my eyes. Thank you for asking. Bless you.
I pray, everyone listening to this, know how important this message is, and heed this young Pastor’s advice. I actually experienced this outpouring and the difference was miraculous!
This, dear seeker, is one of the meatiest sermons I've heard in some time!!! A MUCH NEEDED WORD. Thank you brother Paul for the giving of this message. May Yahweh bless you and multiply back to you strength and fillings. Praise Yahweh!!
*The Law and Prophets Are The Oil (Holy Spirit) Needed In Your Lamps: They are the Light of Jesus Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great-grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh: grafted into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit), the Lights OF perfection! These two righteous witnesses and lots that are cast continuously upon me and all Jesus' Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth. Christians are the church: temples and dedicated temple keepers of heavenly Father's Word and Holy Spirit. They are witnesses of heavenly Father's only begotten here on earth! Jesus is that free gift of grace received through faith in Messiah our Deliverer and confirmation of Father, God, our Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8, Gal 4:6) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) (Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14), and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water (of repentance), blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit (of sanctification and renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "hatred, Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Holy Spirit, we deny this flesh by keeping His Commands as we live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection to life everlasting. This is our daily priestly offering, in worship and fear, reverence, through an offering of fire to God the Father and it is the first fruits: our living sacrifice of service. (Lev 3:3) This is our "worship in the beauty of holiness" in all: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance Towards God and fellow man! "Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but the indwelling hope and patience of the Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Word of God: Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross (this sinful flesh), and follow me" by Crucifying the works of this flesh: keeping the Commandments of God is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service (worship), in Spirit and Truth to a loving and faithful Creator/Savior, in whom we all were created for His pleasure! (Jhn 4:23-24, Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) from the sacrificial death of His Testator, Jesus, two witnesses of Father's fulfillment of that covenant to daddy Abraham. (Gen 15, Heb 9:16-17, 11:8-10, For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85:10)within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters in Christ! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit/Prophets), if they speak not according to this WORD (COVENANT, JESUS), it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear readers, do you have a form of godliness but are walking in this flesh and denying the power thereof? (2 Ti 3:5) Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) "The mystery (power) of faith is held in a pure conscience" (1Ti 3:9): a heart that can approach the Holy of Holies (Throne of God) without shame having been found free of evil (wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man), by the Holy Spirit (2 Ch 29:31). Now dear brothers and sisters, Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy and patience of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak truth with our new cloven tongues of fire (Law and Testimony)! (Acts 2:3) "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) This is the oil Jesus spoke of in the "Parable of the Ten Virgins." (Mat 25:1-13) Study to show thyself approved, Pray without ceasing (2 Ti 2:15, 1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling and placing into our realm of influence: those with ears ready to hear this Gospel message of faith (hearing/ believing is accounted unto them for righteousness), conversion by Father God and new birth in the Holy Spirit! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, in Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated, once and for all, death and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born into this earth and its circumstance only to continue this pagan cycle of procreation towards our children destined to go round and round that growing mountain of unforgiven sin, in this wilderness of life wewithout true Manna from heaven, Jesus Messiah. We are given choice! Choose life through faith in His grace (Loving, blood sacrifice) and follow Jesus in the first resurrection to life instead of death in the second resurrection! "The mystery of faith (power of faith) s held in a pure conscience" (1 Ti 3:9), a heart and conscience found free, by the Holy Spirit, of wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Rededicate your temple! Repent in the name of Jesus for the pardon of sin so that you may worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth! Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
I praise God that the power of the Holy Spirit is being so clearly taught. I only wish that brother Paul would not limit the power of the Holy Spirit’s sovereign power - which enables Him to give whatever gifts He desires to the body of Christ, at any time within history. 1 Cor 12-14 was not written with an expiration date on one gift vs another. I trust no man on this matter, but Jesus Christ and His apostles, who teach us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts. May we come into unity in this as believers.
I’m 36 minutes in and love Paul Washer. The only thing I’d add is the Power that’s given IS A Love For GOD and A Trust in Him. This is the Power of God at Work in us. This is the Spirit of God at Work in us giving Life to New Desires, New Obedience, New Joy, New Life. Let me try to explain. We were at enmity with God. But through Christ, who is The One Who Baptizes us in The Spirit of God, The Holy Spirit is Revealed to us, Given to us, Poured out for us, And we are Clothed in The Spirit of The Father and Son. This is The Power of God! LOVE!!!! The Father Knows and Loves the Son. If you Love the Son Like the Father Loves the Son, The Spirit of The Father is in you and WILL Transform you. The Son Knows and Loves the Father. If you Love the Father Like the Son Loves the Father, The Spirit of The Son is in you and WILL Transform you. The Father Reveals the Son to you so that Faith in and Love for The Son will come alive in you and change your heart. The Son came to Reveal the Father to you so that Faith in and Love for The Father will come alive in you and change your heart. The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Adoption when we through Christ receive The Heart of Children. When we receive The Spirit of God, Yes the Spirit of the Father and Son. Also notice as you read the Word the MAIN Purpose of The Holy Spirit was that we would Lift Up The Father and Son with our Mouths. When we Love them, we will obey them so that we may Lift them up above all things.
I absolutely love this what u wrote and it touched my heart so much I cried, man God is so good I am hungry for more of Jesus and God the Father never get enough amen and amen
God bless America. We have three branches of government on the state and federal levels for all citizens to get involved. Our president has a two term limit. USA is battling corruption but we still have the covenant with God through Jesus Christ.
I speak in tongues every day, and I used to be word of faith. I believe in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and I like this sermon. When I was Word of Faith, I would have disregarede Paul Washer as "just another baptist" but I have learned a bunch of stuff from him, especially a reverence for God.
@@HappyPenguin75034 If you listen to the sermon in the video above, he is talking about this very subject. The gifts still exist, but the extremes are what we need to look out for.
@@Real_Michael_Jordan”tongues” doesn’t mean speak in gibberish. In Acts they were given an actual language, when Pentecost came, they were baptized with fire and being able to speak in other languages that were not their own.
It is a progressive revelation that He gives. We grow in this. God takes the initiative when He sees that our pursuit of Him is genuine. Not sinless perfection, but seeking Him, worshiping Him, loving Him.
Just wow! I was up cheering in my spirit to this sermon by the end! I so know what he was saying! I’m feeling it moving in it and hungry for it more than anything, I do nothing outside of sermons, Bible, prayer and fasting! I only long to spend time with my father! I can’t watch movie/music other than praise, actually like he said you don’t have the ability to do what others can but that’s ok as the desire is also gone! Love Paul washer and loved this message ❤
Dear Paul, I have been an evangelist since the day I was saved and three weeks later baptised by immersion and filled with joy that blessed those around me. It also created enemies. Even those who were my family. It has been a wonderful life. Living by faith depending on my Lord to give wisdom for many different problems and situations.😊
I am Sean Paxton Brogan also known as Tarzan, in truth, by my family, and I pray that Gods will be done through me. A vessel chosen and anointed in the Holy Spirit born on earth. you all understand.
If these people weren’t crying out for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, they miss the invitation Jesus was so eagerly giving. Paul Washer is a true prophet of God. God bless him and his family ❤️🙏🏽 I grew up in a pentecostal church, so messages were sometimes drowned by this emotion, exciting man provoking a reaction from the people. But after discovering the teachings of true prophets like David Wilkerson, Paul Washer, Voodie Buchanan. Their message confronts your spirit and opens the heart that allows the Spirit of God to move in you. Praying for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to live this Christian walk to God’s fullest potential! His will be done! That are that are lost may come to the knowing salvation of Christ Jesus our Savior! 🙌🏽🙏🏽Amen
💥👊😇Ty, Holy Spirit, for St.Paul, in working through him , for us. ( pls bless his family). Fill us , please w Your dynamite power. Godbless Your hands and feet, fitted in Courageous Truth, and Peace, proclaiming The Gospel, for our benefit , for Your Glory, in growing Your Kingdom. HALLELUJAH KING YESHUA! We honor You, so Faithful and so True.
I felt a big change in me about God when my wife for 62 yrs went to Heaven 8 months ago . I have seen people do good things that I had given up on it getting done ! Yes, Paul it's the Holy Spirit and I pray and talk to Him as well as the Father and Jesus ! It started after I grieved , lost 30 lbs and cried every day even to now !
“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”” Mark 16:15-18 NKJV
Paul Washer, I thank you for staying true to our Lord!! I wish more pastors had your conviction! We all NEED to hear what your's a matter of where we will spend our eternity! Thank you for truly doing God will for his church!❤
Our brother Paul you still do one step forward 3 steps backwards christianity, you'll be mad at me for now but later you will declare what have I been preaching all this time may be very soon than later, TK U ABBA FATHER for your son Paul and BE SET FREE IN YOUR WILL TO DO YOUR WILL,in Christ Jesus mighty name Amen
I am so happy I was raised pentecostal and then learned how to think later, rather than being raised reformed and needing to be convinced I should experience the Holy Spirit later. In the words of Paul Washer, "Its a lot easier to teach doctrine to someone on fire than to get someone who only has doctrine on fire." Its absolutely absurd that the topic of the Spirit's power needs to be preached with a dozen justifications for doing so in reformed circles. He is God. I refuse to shy away from from this sphere of truth just because a bunch of reformed people squirm at the thought of God actually doing something. When the Assembly of God asks me if I speak in tongues, I say "Yes, I do." When Presbyterians ask me if I speak in tongues, I say "Yes, I do." I don't need to explain to either why I am obeying an exhortation of the New Testament. It comes out as boldly and naturally to both groups, as easily as "Of course I preach the gospel." Truth is truth. We shouldnt bend our delivery of it to people who can't embrace it. We should boldly proclaim the whole counsel of God to every man and trust the Spirit to impart that truth to their heart. OK, my two cents are over.
man Paul Washer is that dude. what a great sermon. this popped up on my likes list without me doing so as im about to start the book of acts, what a coincidence haha
“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? But earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.” 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 ESV
This describes my church. But we seek more and more. The Bible says as often as we ask for The Holy Spirit the Lord will give it. So we ask it all the time. But....I need to pray more, seek more, do more with every opportunity the Lord provides. Though I'm not feeling good most of the time but I can walk. I can talk. I have precious time. The time is short. I need to go out to the Fields Of Harvest because they are white. Even if I die its not so bad. Ive died before and it was awesome! I was more alive then than I feel now! HalleluYah! I love you beautiful family. Shalom Aleichem Mishpocahs. 💕🥰😘😍
God bless America. We have three branches of government on the state and federal levels for all citizens to get involved. Our president has a two term limit. USA is battling corruption but we still have the covenant with God through Jesus Christ.
Yall pray tomorrow is good for me! Both my husband and I are productive, Its no one fault if we arent Tuesdays and always hard. Monday you have that burst of energy. Tuesday and Wednesday are a hill, and once you see thursday in sight you get another boost of enerrgy. I cant just take off. My husband and I arent retired. I also run an online buiness wit my husband.
I have learned so much from Pastor Paul. He and Justin Peter's have shown me so much more about what the bible means and what these prosperity preachers are all about, and how wrong the gospel is from them, and I left that way of preaching, because of pastor Paul. Thank you so much
Acts.2;38 is the key. As long as we love our Lord Jesus Christ gives us the gift of the Holy Ghost to lead us and teach us in the spiritual truth of the word. The talking Bible
Yes, Amen 🙏🔥❤️ The Powerful of the Holy Spirit is uncontrollable. Pastor Paul when I read the prophet Joel 2:2-20 all my body is hot like electricity like burning and when i read that my voice is so bold voice its a like fire. I believe because its the Power of the Holy Spirit, its manifested in my spirit. Esp. When are in Sodom and Gomorah, Isaiah 1:9-20
Very good exposition of the word of God Great incouragement. We need to ask God for the strength & Power of the Holy Spirit to be able to stand strong & firm in him in these last days to glorify the Father. Praise God for his infallible words of truth. Godbless you brother ❤
As a Pentecostal I’ll just say that I WISH our pastors and evangelists handled the subject of the Holy Spirit’s power with Paul Washer’s conviction on the matter.
Penticostals has no Holy spirit but disturbance spirit
Leave your church and go to a Bible church
Thank you Lord Holy Spirit,that you help me know MIGHTY YAHWEH,I further seek too much of being filled with the power as LORD PROMISED.
He is great preacher for sure!
I found this pastor and I can't stop listening to his sermons emotionally at times God bless this warrior and keeps him safe
200,000 raped altar boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was the Holy Spirit sleeping? Drunk?
I too listen to him so much. Also does an amazing job in Spanish which allows me to share with family.
May God bless you!
@@arelysdelgado8159Where can I find his sermons in Spanish? I have a granddaughter in law interested
I greatly admire servants of God who are humble enough to accept and apply the truths of the bible.
Lord, i pray for everyone who hears this sermon to be moved and filled with the holy spirit and be delivered from the bondage and stronghold of this world. In Jesus name.amen❤
I feel like I've seen you somewhere before..major deja vu 😮
Thank you, and may the Lord always bless you and keep you.
Thank you for your prayers.
"Their ability to know Him would only be limited by their desire to seek Him"
I always get nervous before he starts, convicted while he preaches and changed when he's finished. ✝️
I know he is a true man of God. I was listening to one of his sermons right before I went to sleep I felt so convicted I could not sleep I literally felt sick inside of how little faith I have.
When you know, you know. When the Holy Spirit opens your understanding because you’ve been searching and seeking (like the Bible says to do) you’ll get it.
I welcome all preachers like Paul Washer. But my brethren and sisters, we really need to be careful about the false teachers. Many are there!
To all Lord’s true sheep, who truly love our beloved brother Paul and who have benefitted much from his life and his Calling from Lord :
please pray for our beloved brother Paul, Lord’s faithful and bold saint, who is going through a heart operation right now as I am writing. The operation time is 6am EST, this means it has been coming to 3 hours. Thank you very much for your prayers.
I prayed so much ! I thank our Lord that Paul made it through and is doing well ,last I heard. Thank you for spreading the word. Continue praying for his quick recovery and rest for his family and comfort for them all.
@@RepentfollowJesus yes he is. Lord loves our beloved brother Paul so much and He still is loving him. Hallelujah. Yes continue to pray for Lord to completely restore and strengthen brother Paul and his heart and his health! Lord has spared brother Paul’s life again ! Praise God! This is the second time Lord has allowed brother Paul’s heart to be operated on and He would never agree to it if He Himself is not gonna make a brand new one for our beloved brother Paul! Hallelujah! Soli Deo Gloria! 🎊🎉🪅
Thank you Paul Washer. I'm 85 and was a little confused about the Holy Spirit. Thank you for clearing that up
God Bless You Sir 85 is a milestone!! ... Paul da Siva 😀🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏
God Bless You Ma'am 85 is a milestone!! ... Paul da Siva 😀🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Paul for your passion and your conviction in following in following the Holy Spirit as our Helper and Guide in following Jesus Christ. He is our Lord and comforter as we walk with Him daily.
He refreshes us daily as we continually get filled with Him daily. ‘My cup over Flowith’!
Does not the WORD say to seek for the gifts?
I love Paul Washer. I wish there was pastors where i live that are on fire for the gospel like Paul is.
Me too. I love this man and I learned the true gospel from him and I will be forever grateful to this man. More importantly I'm so grateful to the Lord God Jesus for teaching this man the true biblical through his holy spirit. All glory goes to the Lord God! 🙌🙌🙌
And me also. I'm in Canada and I really think it's harder here to find this kind of preaching. I'd have no problem finding a Word Faith Church, but I'm having a great deal of trouble finding another like Paul Washer or John MacArthur! And I live in a City in Ontario. Have found a Bible study though and that's going to have to do for now I guess. 😢
Yes, I too wish that. I currently live in NYC. I have to leave Sodom!!!
@@dianaavellanet8794 I've been to NY, but not the City. I have seen a lot of the State, across from Niagara Falls. There is the nicest place called Moscow about an hour drive from the Canadian Border. It's full of Churches & that's what amazed me when I found this gem of City or Town (not sure) Why don't you get on a Bus one day, to go see it? I'm Canadian, but have always said after discovering Moscow back in 1994, that if I could afford to move there, that's where I'd go. It's just like something out of a storybook. I kid you not. Then I found out that a friend of mine on Facebook, grew up there and she said it was a wonderful place to grow up and told me many encouraging stories about it. Anyway, when I read that you referred to NYC as Sodom, my heart was heavy for you. So just felt I could give you some hope.
@@lorimacduff1180keep watching Paul
When I became endued with power. I couldn't stop.
In the streets of los angelespreading the gospel and doing every type of work for the Lord. That I thought was unimaginable if I was not endued with his power of the holy Spirit ,,in 2001 I still have not stopped living in my Spiritual walk in christ ❤. I LOVE THIS POWERFUL WORD ❤
Yeees! Yes! And YES!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I’m definitely experiencing Him now more than ever in my 20+ years of walking with Jesus. My DESIRE for the word has skyrocketed and it can only be because of the power of the Holy Spirits working..BUT not to the point of exhaustion..yet. But He has given me the ability to disciple ppl… past my bed time. And so happy to do so and am not tired. Early bed time is important to me😂🫣 but I’m still rising early and refreshed and eager to spend time with my Lord. God is lovely and gives us all things according to life and godliness. I love you brother Paul! May we continue to grow in grace and power in the power of the Holy Spirit🙏🏾🙏🏾
There is no evidence that the power of the Holy Spirit wears a person out…please show me the scripture. Acts 28:8-9.
Are you also going to ignore 1 Corinthians 12? Why would this not apply to us today?
1 Corinthians 14:1 “pursue love & earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, ESPECIALLY that you may PROPHESY.”
1 Corinthians 14:39 “earnestly desire to prophesy & DO NOT FORBID speaking in TONGUES.
Not sure why they don’t want the gifts of the Spirit. It makes no sense.
@@BingoNamo-gb8pz great scriptures. has to still be possible in this day.
We believe in God, in Jesus gospel, our salvation only because His Holy Spirit is in us, guiding to His Word and all truth of Jesus and His Father. Th mor e believe , the more His Holy Spirit will be working in us for God’s glory! 📖🙏✝️❤️
JUST REMEMBER BROTHER when the enemy comes to attack and he will take it as a badge of honor and don't take it as GOD punishment toward you, cause the enemy will attack the more you plant seeds, every true christian will if you don't get demonic attacks toward you that's cause your not so be GODS WORK
Hi my name is Clarke. Do you have a daily routine with the Lord? What does that look like?
All believers in Christ Jesus have access to the power of the Holy Spirit, Amen!
If you don't have the Holy Spirit you are not a son of and study Romans 8:5-17... Martin Lloyd Jones wrote a book on this set of verses. Called "Romans An exposition of Chapter 8:5-17 The sons of God." It's excellent. He tells who is and who isn't a true Christian according to the Scripture. Except we are Born Again and indwelt by the Holy Spirit we are not saved. Every true Christian has the powerful leading of the Holy Spirit...📖🌷
@@airikkalerofficial what???😂
Why don't I feel empowered or bold at all though? I struggle with sharing my faith let alone being social in general
Paul washer is a blessing from God 😌
The real power the Holy Spirit gives us is the true knowledge of God.
As a homeschooling mom, I praise God for this message!
Filled with his Spirit
Washed in his blood!
Glory to God for this wonderful reverence.We thank God for you brother Paul.
Listen to this message and you'll understand why the Church failed to move beyond the Book of Acts. Thank you pastor Washer.
This man speaks with conviction..
Baptism with the Holy Spirit still needed today then keep on being filled
Can you show baptism of the spirit in scripture. ? Paul says we are all baptized into one spirit . All.
@@RobTheTruth What Paul is saying there is that we are all partakers of the communion of the Spirit.
But Baptism is seperate. Jesus told the disciples they would get baptized into the Holy Spirit, even after they had already received the Holy spirit.
@@RobTheTruth Mark 1:8, Acts 1:5, Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16, Acts 10:45, Acts 11:15, Acts Chapters 8, 18 and 19. Study and you'll see it is all over the New Testament- especially in the book of Acts.
Thank you and God bless Paul Washer 🙏
yes, my foster Dad swore without thinking until he ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, then he didn't swear, and didn't think about it. he was set free of many things, a gift from God.
This is the most balanced teaching I’ve ever heard
God bless America. We have three branches of government on the state and federal levels for all citizens to get involved. Our president has a two term limit. USA is battling corruption but we still have the covenant with God through Jesus Christ. Genesis 12
I really know that God is my everything in my life 🙏🙏🙏
I always need to remember this, I'm so disloyal
It literally says in the word that we should desire the gifts of the spirit
Can you give me a verse so I can look it up?
@@sabrinagarcia3296 1 Corinthians 12:30-31
@@sabrinagarcia3296 1 Corinthians 14 1-2
The Holy Spirit is an offense to Paul Washer
Thankful to God for this message.
May God produce much fruit in His people.
After only being free from Word Faith after almost 37 years, things from the old teachings can get so confusing at times. I'm so grateful for knowing the truth now and Paul Washer, John MacArthur are now my 2 biggest go to, for teachings on what it is to be a victorious woman of God through Jesus Christ. But I'm still confused on how to deal with the enemy. Sometimes it's so complicated?
I too follow these truly Godly men!!!
The Lord will lead you step by step! ❤
What led you out of Word of Faith?
@@neun2609 The Lord started showing me things that I had started to question. Then I was just listening to Videos on TH-cam when I saw Justin Peters calling some Christian Word Faith Teachers, who I was watching on TV fraudulent Teachers of God's Word. So after watching a lot of Videos, he recommended John MacArthur as a true teacher of God's Word, so I started listening to him. Now I have his Study Bible and other books. I'm reading the Word in a whole new way, & God through Jesus Christ has been teaching me many scriptures I didn't understand before or didn't see before. It's been an amazing journey, but still have a long way to go. I'm so relieved God opened my eyes. Thank you for asking. Bless you.
You should check out Voddie Baucham. He's very good at teaching as well
Another faithful preacher of the Word is Bro. Michael Durham. His ministry is called: Real Truth Matters.
I pray, everyone listening to this, know how important this message is, and heed this young Pastor’s advice. I actually experienced this outpouring and the difference was miraculous!
Another great sermon from Paul Washer!!
One of the real ones. Thank you, for doing our Fathers business. May God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry.
Lord give all ears to hear. Old wine skins can become new by the power of God, the Holy One of Israel.
This, dear seeker, is one of the meatiest sermons I've heard in some time!!! A MUCH NEEDED WORD. Thank you brother Paul for the giving of this message. May Yahweh bless you and multiply back to you strength and fillings. Praise Yahweh!!
Here, here!!!
Oh, if you like this sermon you should listen to Justice, Mercy, and Vindication by him.
*The Law and Prophets Are The Oil (Holy Spirit) Needed In Your Lamps: They are the Light of Jesus
Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great-grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh: grafted into the
natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit), the Lights OF perfection! These two righteous witnesses and lots that are cast continuously upon me and all Jesus' Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth. Christians are the church: temples and dedicated temple keepers of heavenly Father's Word and Holy Spirit. They are witnesses of heavenly Father's only begotten here on earth! Jesus is that free gift of grace received through faith in Messiah our Deliverer and confirmation of Father, God, our Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8, Gal 4:6) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) (Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14), and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water (of repentance), blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit (of sanctification and renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "hatred, Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Holy Spirit, we deny this flesh by keeping His Commands as we live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection to life everlasting. This is our daily priestly offering, in worship and fear, reverence, through an offering of fire to God the Father and it is the first fruits: our living sacrifice of service. (Lev 3:3) This is our "worship in the beauty of holiness" in all:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Longsuffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance
Towards God and fellow man!
"Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but the indwelling hope and patience of the Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Word of God: Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross (this sinful flesh), and follow me" by Crucifying the works of this flesh: keeping the Commandments of God is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service (worship), in Spirit and Truth to a loving and faithful Creator/Savior, in whom we all were created for His pleasure! (Jhn 4:23-24, Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) from the sacrificial death of His Testator, Jesus, two witnesses of Father's fulfillment of that covenant to daddy Abraham. (Gen 15, Heb 9:16-17, 11:8-10, For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85:10)within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters in Christ! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit/Prophets), if they speak not according to this WORD (COVENANT, JESUS), it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear readers, do you have a form of godliness but are walking in this flesh and denying the power thereof? (2 Ti 3:5) Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) "The mystery (power) of faith is held in a pure conscience" (1Ti 3:9): a heart that can approach the Holy of Holies (Throne of God) without shame having been found free of evil (wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man), by the Holy Spirit (2 Ch 29:31). Now dear brothers and sisters, Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy and patience of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak truth with our new cloven tongues of fire (Law and Testimony)! (Acts 2:3) "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) This is the oil Jesus spoke of in the "Parable of the Ten Virgins." (Mat 25:1-13) Study to show thyself approved, Pray without ceasing (2 Ti 2:15, 1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling and placing into our realm of influence: those with ears ready to hear this Gospel message of faith (hearing/ believing is accounted unto them for righteousness), conversion by Father God and new birth in the Holy Spirit! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, in Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated, once and for all, death and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born into this earth and its circumstance only to continue this pagan cycle of procreation towards our children destined to go round and round that growing mountain of unforgiven sin, in this wilderness of life wewithout true Manna from heaven, Jesus Messiah. We are given choice! Choose life through faith in His grace (Loving, blood sacrifice) and follow Jesus in the first resurrection to life instead of death in the second resurrection! "The mystery of faith (power of faith) s held in a pure conscience" (1 Ti 3:9), a heart and conscience found free, by the Holy Spirit, of wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Rededicate your temple! Repent in the name of Jesus for the pardon of sin so that you may worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth! Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
I praise God that the power of the Holy Spirit is being so clearly taught. I only wish that brother Paul would not limit the power of the Holy Spirit’s sovereign power - which enables Him to give whatever gifts He desires to the body of Christ, at any time within history. 1 Cor 12-14 was not written with an expiration date on one gift vs another. I trust no man on this matter, but Jesus Christ and His apostles, who teach us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts. May we come into unity in this as believers.
I’m 36 minutes in and love Paul Washer. The only thing I’d add is the Power that’s given IS A Love For GOD and A Trust in Him. This is the Power of God at Work in us. This is the Spirit of God at Work in us giving Life to New Desires, New Obedience, New Joy, New Life.
Let me try to explain. We were at enmity with God. But through Christ, who is The One Who Baptizes us in The Spirit of God, The Holy Spirit is Revealed to us, Given to us, Poured out for us, And we are Clothed in The Spirit of The Father and Son.
This is The Power of God! LOVE!!!!
The Father Knows and Loves the Son. If you Love the Son Like the Father Loves the Son, The Spirit of The Father is in you and WILL Transform you.
The Son Knows and Loves the Father. If you Love the Father Like the Son Loves the Father, The Spirit of The Son is in you and WILL Transform you.
The Father Reveals the Son to you so that Faith in and Love for The Son will come alive in you and change your heart.
The Son came to Reveal the Father to you so that Faith in and Love for The Father will come alive in you and change your heart.
The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Adoption when we through Christ receive The Heart of Children. When we receive The Spirit of God, Yes the Spirit of the Father and Son.
Also notice as you read the Word the MAIN Purpose of The Holy Spirit was that we would Lift Up The Father and Son with our Mouths.
When we Love them, we will obey them so that we may Lift them up above all things.
I absolutely love this what u wrote and it touched my heart so much I cried, man God is so good I am hungry for more of Jesus and God the Father never get enough amen and amen
Realization that Christ loved you first.
Praise the Lord for this fantastic sermon you are Blessed by the Holy Spirit may the Holy Spirit continue Blessing you & your family Thank-you sir
God bless America. We have three branches of government on the state and federal levels for all citizens to get involved. Our president has a two term limit. USA is battling corruption but we still have the covenant with God through Jesus Christ.
I speak in tongues every day, and I used to be word of faith. I believe in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and I like this sermon. When I was Word of Faith, I would have disregarede Paul Washer as "just another baptist" but I have learned a bunch of stuff from him, especially a reverence for God.
You still have learning if still doing false acts.
@@HappyPenguin75034 If you listen to the sermon in the video above, he is talking about this very subject. The gifts still exist, but the extremes are what we need to look out for.
@@HappyPenguin75034 Are you forbidding speaking in tongues?
Who's deceived?
@@Real_Michael_Jordanclearly you don’t know what it means.
@@Real_Michael_Jordan”tongues” doesn’t mean speak in gibberish. In Acts they were given an actual language, when Pentecost came, they were baptized with fire and being able to speak in other languages that were not their own.
Fill me daily with the daily bread of the one you left.
It is a progressive revelation that He gives. We grow in this. God takes the initiative when He sees that our pursuit of Him is genuine. Not sinless perfection, but seeking Him, worshiping Him, loving Him.
Thank You Br.Paul for explaining the Prof.of Joel.❤
Just wow!
I was up cheering in my spirit to this sermon by the end! I so know what he was saying! I’m feeling it moving in it and hungry for it more than anything, I do nothing outside of sermons, Bible, prayer and fasting! I only long to spend time with my father! I can’t watch movie/music other than praise, actually like he said you don’t have the ability to do what others can but that’s ok as the desire is also gone! Love Paul washer and loved this message ❤
praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST forever
Unbelievably helpful.
Love from Germany 🇩🇪❤
“Don’t let heretics steal our inheritance.”
Dear Paul, I have been an evangelist since the day I was saved and three weeks later baptised by immersion and filled with joy that blessed those around me. It also created enemies. Even those who were my family. It has been a wonderful life. Living by faith depending on my Lord to give wisdom for many different problems and situations.😊
This Man Preacher, is speaking to everyone’s understanding. God Bless Him and those that listen and obey to the Truth from the Bible! ❤
Wow thank you Pastor Paul well explained 🙌 I couldn’t stop listening your preaching. God bless your ministry.
I am Sean Paxton Brogan also known as Tarzan, in truth, by my family, and I pray that Gods will be done through me. A vessel chosen and anointed in the Holy Spirit born on earth. you all understand.
Holy Spirit: the unlimited power source
If these people weren’t crying out for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, they miss the invitation Jesus was so eagerly giving. Paul Washer is a true prophet of God. God bless him and his family ❤️🙏🏽
I grew up in a pentecostal church, so messages were sometimes drowned by this emotion, exciting man provoking a reaction from the people. But after discovering the teachings of true prophets like David Wilkerson, Paul Washer, Voodie Buchanan. Their message confronts your spirit and opens the heart that allows the Spirit of God to move in you.
Praying for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to live this Christian walk to God’s fullest potential! His will be done! That are that are lost may come to the knowing salvation of Christ Jesus our Savior! 🙌🏽🙏🏽Amen
David Wilkerson came costal background
💥👊😇Ty, Holy Spirit, for St.Paul, in working through him , for us. ( pls bless his family). Fill us , please w Your dynamite power. Godbless Your hands and feet, fitted in Courageous Truth, and Peace, proclaiming The Gospel, for our benefit , for Your Glory, in growing Your Kingdom. HALLELUJAH KING YESHUA! We honor You, so Faithful and so True.
I felt a big change in me about God when my wife for 62 yrs went to Heaven 8 months ago . I have seen people do good things that I had given up on it getting done ! Yes, Paul it's the Holy Spirit and I pray and talk to Him as well as the Father and Jesus ! It started after I grieved , lost 30 lbs and cried every day even to now !
God bless you and console you🙏🏾
Thank you Paul your sermons are awesome praise the Lord
“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.””
Mark 16:15-18 NKJV
Ok but you didn’t explain it.
@@HappyPenguin75034 the Holy Spirit is an offense to you
I understand now. Thank you ✝️💜🙏
Paul Washer, I thank you for staying true to our Lord!! I wish more pastors had your conviction! We all NEED to hear what your's a matter of where we will spend our eternity! Thank you for truly doing God will for his church!❤
Gracias Hermano. Bendiga Dios a tu familia y a tu vida.
Our brother Paul you still do one step forward 3 steps backwards christianity, you'll be mad at me for now but later you will declare what have I been preaching all this time may be very soon than later, TK U ABBA FATHER for your son Paul and BE SET FREE IN YOUR WILL TO DO YOUR WILL,in Christ Jesus mighty name Amen
I am so happy I was raised pentecostal and then learned how to think later, rather than being raised reformed and needing to be convinced I should experience the Holy Spirit later. In the words of Paul Washer, "Its a lot easier to teach doctrine to someone on fire than to get someone who only has doctrine on fire." Its absolutely absurd that the topic of the Spirit's power needs to be preached with a dozen justifications for doing so in reformed circles. He is God. I refuse to shy away from from this sphere of truth just because a bunch of reformed people squirm at the thought of God actually doing something. When the Assembly of God asks me if I speak in tongues, I say "Yes, I do." When Presbyterians ask me if I speak in tongues, I say "Yes, I do." I don't need to explain to either why I am obeying an exhortation of the New Testament. It comes out as boldly and naturally to both groups, as easily as "Of course I preach the gospel." Truth is truth. We shouldnt bend our delivery of it to people who can't embrace it. We should boldly proclaim the whole counsel of God to every man and trust the Spirit to impart that truth to their heart. OK, my two cents are over.
That was amazing and powerful! That definitely needs to be reheard and get it sunk into my soul. Thank you, Pastor Washer
man Paul Washer is that dude. what a great sermon. this popped up on my likes list without me doing so as im about to start the book of acts, what a coincidence haha
Jesus is Lord of All!
“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? But earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.”
1 Corinthians 12:27-31 ESV
This describes my church. But we seek more and more. The Bible says as often as we ask for The Holy Spirit the Lord will give it. So we ask it all the time. But....I need to pray more, seek more, do more with every opportunity the Lord provides. Though I'm not feeling good most of the time but I can walk. I can talk. I have precious time. The time is short. I need to go out to the Fields Of Harvest because they are white. Even if I die its not so bad. Ive died before and it was awesome! I was more alive then than I feel now! HalleluYah! I love you beautiful family. Shalom Aleichem Mishpocahs. 💕🥰😘😍
Shalom Sarah !❤🍃
To God be the Glory for the message of Ptr Washer,bless him more and more Dear God
All glory to God
Awesome is our God!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💕
Thank you very much
May God bless you with strength, health, and serenity in every moment. 🙏
Praise God 🙌 preach it sir👏👏👏 hallelujah AMEN🙏
Wow! Amen!! Knowing Jesus!!! That's the goal!! Amen!!!
Thankyou for the power of the holy spirit.
I’m a pentecostal but I really have a lot of respect for Paul washer one of my favorite preacher
Hallelujah, thanks be to God
Very brave and needed work
Thank you Lord for this teaching
God bless America. We have three branches of government on the state and federal levels for all citizens to get involved. Our president has a two term limit. USA is battling corruption but we still have the covenant with God through Jesus Christ.
Thank you sir
Desire empowerment of the Holy Spirit!! In your whole being!!
Paul Washer is truly a godly man of God;hear ye him!
Romans 10:9,10
solid as is scripture! let it break our hearts and stubborn spirits
Thank you so much for this brother Paul. God bless you and your family
Amen Amen hallelujah .Thank You Jesus.
Amen may God open our hearts eyes and make us to hear him clearly ❤❤❤
Yall pray tomorrow is good for me! Both my husband and I are productive, Its no one fault if we arent Tuesdays and always hard. Monday you have that burst of energy. Tuesday and Wednesday are a hill, and once you see thursday in sight you get another boost of enerrgy. I cant just take off. My husband and I arent retired. I also run an online buiness wit my husband.
I have learned so much from Pastor Paul. He and Justin Peter's have shown me so much more about what the bible means and what these prosperity preachers are all about, and how wrong the gospel is from them, and I left that way of preaching, because of pastor Paul. Thank you so much
WOW!!! That was SO POWERFUL and BRILLIANT!!!! Thank you TH-cam. 🙏
This was a awesome sermon
Amen Brother. I'm living it4sure
This is a very helpful message!
So good 👍
Acts.2;38 is the key. As long as we love our Lord Jesus Christ gives us the gift of the Holy Ghost to lead us and teach us in the spiritual truth of the word. The talking Bible
We need more pastors like Paul washer , he even offends the believer and unbeliever the word of the Lord is In him powerful
Yes, Amen 🙏🔥❤️ The Powerful of the Holy Spirit is uncontrollable. Pastor Paul when I read the prophet Joel 2:2-20 all my body is hot like electricity like burning and when i read that my voice is so bold voice its a like fire. I believe because its the Power of the Holy Spirit, its manifested in my spirit. Esp. When are in Sodom and Gomorah, Isaiah 1:9-20
Such a great sermon!
First time listening to Pastor Paul Washer 🙏
Very good exposition of the word of God Great incouragement. We need to ask God for the strength & Power of the Holy Spirit to be able to stand strong & firm in him in these last days to glorify the Father. Praise God for his infallible words of truth. Godbless you brother ❤
Preciosas y agradables cosas que DIOS participa con nosotros.